I am fascinated by attorneys like me who pursue non-traditional career paths. One such person is Tax Girl. Her blog is funny and interesting. Subscribe to it so you can learn stuff you need to know about taxes. Tax Girl has a category at her blog called Getting To Know You. Since I can't think of a better title for this category at my blog, I'm borrowing Tax Girl's.

In my Getting To Know You column, I'm going to share with you ten interesting things about someone I know personally and professionally. Let's begin. My first Getting To Know You column features Jamila White. That's me and Jamila in a photo taken by fellow Indie and IBN member Anne-Marie Faiola while we were on Capitol Hill earlier this month with Lela Barker and Kayla Fioravanti.
10 Interesting Things About Jamila White
1. Jamila and I Once Lived in the Same Town. Jamila and I lived in the same town (Bowie, Maryland) for years before we met through the Indie Beauty Network in December 2005. At the time, I was head of the Bowie (Maryland) Chamber of Commerce's small business committee, responsible for finding speakers to deliver luncheon presentations on topics of interest to small businesses. We met in person when Jamila accepted my invitation to speak on the topic of e-commerce.
2. Jamila Makes a Good TV Show Guest. After that, Jamila accepted an invitation to be a guest on my local cable television show, the Lifestyle CEO Show. Then, I found out we were sorors, members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. By now, Jamila is getting really cool.
3. Jamila Likes Pizza. When I moved from Bowie to Charlotte in August 2006, Jamila came to my farewell pizza party. My house was empty except for a few tables and chairs. We ate pizza and chatted about what a shame it was that we lived so close for so long and were only just then sharing a pizza.
4. Jamila and I Launched a Blog Together. After talking it over with my brother (who is normally really smart but thought it was a lousy idea), I called Jamila in November 2007 and invited her to join me in launching a blog called Bootstrap Babes. Jamila was skeptical at first, but eventually, decided she was as crazy as I was to take on a new project. Within 3 months, were were interviewed for a feature in Entrepreneur Magazine, which came out this month. Read all about it at Bootstrap Babes.
5. Jamila's Sister is in the Media. Not that Jamila needs any help, but hey, it's nice to know someone with a blood relative who produces television shows. I'm always available, just in case you're wondering.
6. Jamila's Mother Lives in Vermont. I spoke on a panel and produced a promotional video at the Handcrafted Soap Maker's Guild conference in Vermont this past April. It was tons of fun. There is a law in Vermont that makes it a crime to disrobe in public. That's no surprise.
But did you know that, in Vermont, it's not illegal to walk around town naked so long as you leave your house that way? I think Jamila's mom must be at least as interesting as her daughter to live in a state with a law like that.
7. Jamila Has 3,497 and 1/2 Businesses. Well, not really, but you know. She's the E-Commerce Diva, a Bootstrap Babe and the brains behind j.blossom. She's got other stuff going on too, but a blog post can only be so long. Besides, she's hosting a free blogging seminar tonight and you need to go sign up.
(Yes, Jamila is also one of my Media Partners (see all Media Partners listed at left). Yes, this is a shameless plug for her blogging seminar. Yes, it's a good blogging seminar even though this is a shameless plug. Yes, you should attend.)
8. Jamila Has Cool Hair. Natural and un-chemical. Just the way I like it.
9. Jamila Stormed Capitol Hill With Me Earlier This Month. Jamila likes to talk. This was a good thing since we were dealing with politicians while we were there. I think a future career for Jamila includes public service. Isn't it fun to tell your friends what you think they should do?
10. When Jamila Opened Her Store, She Forgot Her Camera. Jamila always forgets her camera, so when she had a grand opening for her j.blossom store in 2006, she didn't have a camera. So if you're going someplace you know Jamila will be, please take your camera, snap a picture of the two of you together and send it to Jamila. You'll have a fun memory, and help a fellow Indie. And Jamila will use the photo to plug your business. Yes, she's that cool.
So, that's 10 interesting things about Jamila.
What about you?
Do you know Jamila? Do you agree that she is as interesting as I think she is? Please tell us something interesting about Jamila in the comments section below.
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