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What's the key to becoming a likeable and buy-able brand?

I'd say it's to get good at content marketing. Content marketing is all about creating interesting, high value, share-worthy content that makes people crave you as a resource and a choice provider for solving their pain.

But, you are a solo entrepreneur with limited resources, trying to get your audience to notice you amid an ocean of information available to them online.

Not only do you have to compete with the blogs and social media musings of competitors, you have to conquer their ADD over their umbilical smart phones, and iPads.

And, although you are offering all kinds of FREE stuff, it seems as if you can't pay people to sign up for it, let alone pay for any product or service you have to offer.

What gives?

How can you grab your target customer's attention to even begin to build a relationship when they are so distracted and guarded?

There's no doubt marketing and promoting your business in the digital age has become more challenging. But, sometimes you have to revert to old tactics to make yourself stand out as the new and better choice.

Here are 3 simple, yet powerful ways to win the famous know, like and trust contest and become the provider of choice for your target audience:

  1. Be Creative & Innovative: Part of the reason people are hitting the ignore button, is that everyone is doing and saying the same things in the same way. Cookie cutter marketing has made us immune to hearing blatant and bland attempts to entice our business. Excite, shock or surprise your audience. Look for innovative and creative ways to get your message in front of your audience.
  2. Educate: Don't just tell your audience they need your products and services. Show them why they need it and how having it will make their life or business better. That means…you guessed it, taking time to craft valuable content that helps them understand how various aspects of your solutions work to make their lives better. Be careful to be helpful here and not all "salesy". Your #1 goal here is to be a helpful and trusted resource.
  3. Build Relationship: Most businesses large and small focus on getting customers to come to them. Make a commitment to find your prospects and get to know them. Create an incentive program to inspire conversation. Show them you are willing to invest in them in the same way you want them to invest in you.

Case Study: The Apple Store is a great example of a company that leverages all three of these elements successfully. Go to any Apple Store and you can not only buy a product, but an associate will take the time to teach you how to use it. This model is creative, educational and builds good customer relations while inspiring customer loyalty.

Take Away: Success begins with taking action. Create a 3 step strategy for incorporating the above 3 elements in your marketing. Take some time to examine what others are doing and find gaps you can fill to do it better.

Share Your Thoughts! What are your tips on how we can create a that provides a unique experience that builds a likeable and buy-able relationship with our target customers?

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Do you know how to create content to market and support your signature products and services?

You probably have some idea of what to do. Tweet it, pin it, post it…may be among some of your options. But, what kind of combination of content is best to promote your offerings?

If you’re still reading this. you probably know what you want to create. But, perhaps you’re not quite sure where to begin.

Educate to Sell Your Signature Products and Services

First let me make one thing clear. Educating to sell does not mean trying to win over people who are not aware or have a desire to solve their pain? I don’t care how much or even how good your content is, these people will never buy or engage. So it is a waste of your time and resources.

Instead, you want to educate people who have the desire and ability to purchase your solutions. Content Marketing is about soft selling by making your customers smarter than they were when they found you. So, your job is to create content that guides them from awareness to the sale, without being all “salesy”.

Once you create your product or launch your service, you want to be sure that you support it with client attracting content that reaches all over the web and sustain sales beyond the launch.

Here are 5 of my favorite ways to create marketing content to support your signature products and services:


#1) Create content that relates to each of your core offers

Content marketing is all about creating purposeful content. Creating content that educates your audience on topics related to your core offers will meet his requirement. Supporting content can include, articles,social media content, info-graphics, emails and more…

Supporting content can also include internal items like step by step training materials, course content, exercises, scripts, checklists, templates, and accompanying articles that highlight the training programs.

#2) Create several types of author resource boxes to get people to click-through your offers

If you want to create more opportunities for your audience to interact with you, create an author resource box. An “author resource box” also known as byline or mini bios are short summaries located at the bottom of blog posts or articles.

You can use your byline and embed links in articles your distribute around the web. This will help you to increase the flow of “qualified” traffic back to your site.

#3) Create social media postings that promote your articles

Most entrepreneurs make the mistake of not promoting their content. Great articles need help getting seen. I  like creating the posts as I create my blog articles. It’s just a part of the process, so it helps to ensure it gets done. Plugins like Tweet Old Posts are one way to automate this process and make life easier for you.

#4) Create sample promo content to make it easy for JV and affiliates to promote your offers to their networks

Pre-creating content such as ads, banners, emails, blog posts, social media content and more  helps make you more sharable. The easier you make referring and promoting your products and services, the more successful your affiliate marketing and joint venture programs will be.

#5) Create “Welcome Content” to support and guide your customer’s experience after the sale

We often hear about all the “external” content we need to create like blogs and social media content, etc. But, what we often overlook is creating content to WOW our customers after the sale. What type of content can you provide your customers to make your solutions easy to implement?

Exercises, handouts, scripts and templates are some common examples. Some other examples include, learning guides, mind maps, emails nurturing campaigns and newsletters. The more you can wow them, the more they’ll come back again and again and bring friends.

There of course are other powerful forms of content to promote your core training programs products and services. I will explore them in this article series so stay plugged in.

What types of content do you create and publish to support your signature products and services? Share your answers with me below…

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Have you ever thought about how much money you make for the company you work for? Have you ever considered how much less you are making than your boss who is no better qualified than you? Have you realized that you are working to make someone else wealthy? Every day you spend countless hours generating income for someone you probably don't know and for a business you definitely do not own. Unfortunately, in this economy no job is secure. So, where do you find the security? What does your future look like?

If you see more prosperity in your future, then you need to take control of your life now. And that means, working for yourself! You need to put yourself in a position to FIRE YOUR BOSS! Set your own hours and reap the benefits of your hard work.

My mom had an “Embrace the Entrepreneur Within” luncheon, to empower women in their lives and in business. We had 12 to 15 women there that all had positive comments about the illustrious speaker, Melissa Taft. She spoke about the steps needed to be taken to make a change in our lives for the better. She talked about asking yourself questions like: Are you going through life, KNOWING it's not how you envisioned it yet doing NOTHING about it? and Are you aware of your displeasure and doing all you can in your power to change your life??? She described how there are different stages to our development in life and wherever our competency level is, is how our life is developing now. So when are you going to take control of it? When are you going to get smarter about your situation and change it? When are you going to stop making excuses about your life and start making progress? 

So, today the question goes to you too! Are you living your life in complete denial, ignoring all the failures around you, saying, “Oh well, it’s life!”, OR are you stepping out on faith, and taking actions to change your life? The bible says " without deeds is dead" James 2:26. If you're wanting a change in your life, you should be praying for a change. You should be taking action and doing things like:

  • Giving up habits you know aren't good for you.
  • Following through with personal goals
  • Doing all you can to get a financial promotion
  • Or even better, creating an exit strategy and taking steps to FIRE YOUR BOSS!

Do something for yourself and your family. Make a move to impact your life. Embrace the entrepreneur within and see how your life will change. 


Make a disposable income, blogging and become famous online too! Find out how here => BeFamousOnlineToo!

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I know right? Only 90 days until 2013. And if you haven't thought about it yet, ask yourself... what have you done in 2012? If you own a business, have you met your financial goals for 2012 so far? Have you met your customer service goals for the year? Did you even start the business you wanted to or are you still thinking and talking about it? What about if you have started a movement, does the world know about your cause? Did you get the job or start the career you wanted?

Well, if you haven't met your goals, I'm here to tell you that you still (or ONLY) have 90 days to reach your goals for 2012. You should start a countdown now to push yourself to meet your most important goals. If you are looking to get started in 2013, this is a great time to begin your planning process. You should be planning how you are going to be successful in 2013. You should be writing your business plan, looking for investors, or figuring out how you are going to finance your business.

For some of you, the answer will be positive. For those of you that have met your goals so far, I applaud you for working so hard! For those of you that do not have a positive answer, this is not to make you feel like a failure but it is a friendly reminder to wake up and ask yourself, WHAT HAVE I DONE IN 2012??

Let's get to work and make the last 90 days prosperous!

We would love to hear from those that have had a good 2012, how did you do it? What advice do you have for those still trying to meet goals in the next 90 days?


If you are looking for a business model where you can gain FAME, FINANCIAL FREEDOM, and FUN, I have an option that can make you a famous blogger within the next 90 days! Just think of me as your agent :). Find out more information here => BeFamousOnline2 Info. OR you can join my Be Famous Online 2 Team and start working with me here => BeFamousOnline2 toward your journey to Be Famous Online Too!

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In this 20 minute interview, I'm speaking with Attorney Aurelia Mitchell-Durant of AMD Law Group ( about Pinterest and the key issues service providers need to be aware of when using this social tool. Aurelia is an expert in international branding for businesses, as well as brand protection. Some good stuff here.

Catch the interview audio here

Here's a few of the tips shared during the interview:

  1. Keep the images you use intact in their original format (i.e. don't make the mistake of claiming something is yours when it's not)
  2. Look for signs on the site where you're pulling images from that it's acceptable for you to post the image (i.e. is there a "pin it" button?)
  3. Remember you can always  ...

Check it out and let me know what you think. Anything else to add to the list?

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Business Credit America has done it again. This time, their taking on the credit industry to prove to Americans it is still possible to build business credit. Their offering a free business credit forum and BUSINESS training teaching entrepreneurs, small business owners, internet and online marketers how to properly structure themselves for the best asset protection.

As the banks and other financial institutions still refuse to help the American economy rebuild itself, Business Credit America has decided, they will not wait until after an election to help revive the economy. A spokesperson for the company, said “they feel the American Economy should not be struggling when you have so many multimillionaires that are able to help small business owners keep their business going and help start new businesses”.

Business Credit America is offering a Free Business Credit Forum and Business Training to the American public. Learn some of the Basic things most business owners miss in order to have a successful business

• Learn, How to properly structure your business for the strongest asset protection
• Learn how to properly order you EIN number
• Learn about current trade vendors that offer business credit on net terms, such as,,,,, these are just a few trade vendors.
• Learn the difference between a Paydex score and a Business Credit Score
• Learn how to properly file a Ucc-1 financial statement to help your business or personal credit
Business Credit America offer so much business information to help get the American Economy get back going. Check them out at and join their free business credit forum today, IT’S FREE

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10744086871?profile=originalThere is a BIG shift happening in America today. Attention is being paid to the true wealth of our inner cities.  Hospitals, universities, community colleges and other "anchor" institutions in our U.S. cities are looking to "local" markets for their services and supplies.

It's all part of that "go local" movement and it is also about building up our domestic economy.

Fresh Urban Marketing is a service organization specifically for small businesses in urban centers and regional towns.  We know that our cities are filled with big “potential” from major institutional community anchors like universities and hospitals, to revitalized manufacturing sectors and retail centers that all contribute to diverse and sustainable communities for YOUR business.

It’s important for small businesses to know what’s possible and changing in our cities today. That knowledge can translate into increased sales and sustainability.

We help small businesses by providing:

  1. Timely news and marketing information to keep small urban and suburban businesses informed and prepared.
  2. Expert media relations and promotional services to get your story and business in front of your target market.
  3. Copywriting and website creation services to help market small businesses to local and distant customers in the most cost effective and profitable way possible today.

Are you ready to make a positive change in your business? Contact me today at to learn more or visit our Services page to learn how we can get working for you today.

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Website Letters Under Construction

If you are a small business and have not yet established an online presence, then you are missing out on a great opportunity to generate more revenue and profit for your company. As of early 2012, reports have shown that there were 2.4 billion internet users worldwide. The internet has become a great tool for buying and selling products and services, sharing files, communicating with friends and family, entertainment, education and many other activities. Many small businesses that acknowledge this fact have taken steps to build an online presence. Let us look at five top reasons why a website is good for your business.

People Are Online

As a consultant assisting women in business in rural Southern Alabama, I regularly get asked, “Since my business is very small and I only sell my products or services locally, do I really need a website?” My answer is always the same… YES! If you are a business owner, you need to have an internet presence. Here’s why:

  • Statistics have shown that about 2.2 billion people used the internet in 2011 - nearly a third of the earth's population.
  • More than $256 billion were spent by internet shoppers in 2011.
  • Current buying trends show that people purchase everything from books, jewelry, vehicles to live stock and real estate.
  • The number of people that make use of the internet every day is on the increase. This means about 70% of the earth's population have access to it.
  • Online shopping has become a normal activity for many internet users. It has proved to be more convenient and cheaper for them.

As you can see, being a small company does not matter when it comes to potential benefits from having a web presence.

Enhance Your Credibility

Since majority of the earth's population make use of the internet, a website is the best way to tell the world about you and your company. This is also an opportunity to explain why you deserve their confidence and trust. In fact, internet users today expect serious business owners to have an online presence. They use the internet to research before buying products and services. Therefore, a website is a great tool to provide useful information about your business and convince your audience that you offer the best product or service. Here are 4 ways to increase credibility to your website:

  • Update your website with pertinent and relevant information on a regular basis
  • Offer visitors with quick and flexible answers to their needs
  • Post testimonials from satisfied customers
  • Provide visitors with a comment section and make sure you respond in a timely manner

A well designed, informative and updated website will add credibility to your business and strengthen your brand.

Search Engine Optimization

Are your competitors outranking you in search results? Imagine a potential customer searching “Animal Clinic San Diego” and the results place your top 5 competitors on the first page while your website is ‘MIA’ (missing in action). Search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Mozilla will return the results that are most relevant.

A website that is designed to be an effective Internet marketing tool will increase your website traffic. This internet marketing technique is referred to as Search Engine Optimization. By generating quality back links and creating optimized content, you become an authority before search engines and increase the number of visitors that come to your website.

Global Presence

Imagine serving customers around the world? Since information is always available, people from all over the world can visit your website anytime; and inquire about the products or services that you offer. A website gives you a global footprint exposing you to an international market.

24/7 Exposure

Wouldn’t you like to wake up each morning and ‘ch-ching’ money has magically appeared in your business account? No magic… just a reality for many entrepreneurs. Having a website allows customers to purchase from you 24/7. Your website is sales machine, always open and making sales on your behalf.

I get daily requests for access to my blog. Here are excerpts of two emails that I received this week for access:

“We would like to send you high quality articles that fit your audience… 1 link going to our client's site to each post… pay you $20 per post… send articles in bulk.”

“We will pay you $30 for each article you post… basically our article is related with education”

In conclusion, as you can see, having a professional and optimized website is an important tool in your marketing strategy and a great way to position your company for global exposure.


About Author: Sylvia Browder is a small business consultant, trainer and author. She is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. She has served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs, She can be contacted at

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Access women fitness and financial tools free

During our biggest decisions we are subject to on the job training  called  LIFE for example:

  • What  are your options for health insurance  and how to make the most of  all the changes.
  • How debt collection and bankruptcy works and how you need to be aware of your rights.
  • How to get a copy of your credit report and how to dispute incorrect information on it

Many times we need to make a decision quickly .

Now there’s a better way

You will find great guides and presentations that will open your eyes up to options on health  , finances, savings and insurance options  through educational resources so you can more informed decisions.

Get Instant Access

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Looking for more customers?

Wellness Authority is a unique online community that connects   holistic and financial professionals with consumers

Do you need ?

  • User friendly system
  • Increase online presence
  • Cost effective ways to reach consumers
  • Ability to leverage your resources

Wellness Authority help you accomplish all four which  means more customers with  less work!

Who Can Join?

  •  Financial Planners
  • Nutritionist
  • Realtors
  • Insurance Agents
  • Health Coaches
  • Personal  Trainers
  • Personal chefs
  • Chiropractors
  • there is just too many to list… but you get the idea

Find out why partnership means a better way to grow your business . Visit for more details.

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The DOs and DON'Ts of Blogging

Alright, well SOME Dos and Don'ts for blogging. Of course there are A LOT of things you should and shouldn't do when it comes to blogging. At this point you should already have an idea of what you are going to blog about. I am going to point out a few of the important Dos and Don’ts. Let's start with the DON'Ts.


Spend ALL day online. First your eyes will start to hurt and then you will start to experience horrible headaches. LOL! This is what happens when you sit in front of a computer screen all day. Searching, writing, reading, watching. At some point during the day, you have to give it a rest. The great thing about the Internet is that what you are looking for will always be there. Go back to it later. If it is taking you more than an hour to write a blog posting (unless in depth research is involved), you need to change the subject.

Plagiarize. Duh. Just like in school, you cannot do this. You would be breaking the law if you did. AND for the record, there is a difference between copy writing and plagiarizing (you can research those). You can always get ideas from other bloggers, but never ever copy anything from their posts WITHOUT recognizing them.

Waste time in forums and communities. You are going to hear a lot of people suggest you do this. But my suggestion is to find 3 to 4 forums or small social networks you like. Share the same postings from your blog with these select forums, on a regular basis. You may not be recognized at first, but eventually they will notice you.

Spam. Not only is this annoying but it’s bad “etiquette”, if you will, for bloggers. One example of spamming is coldly commenting in a forum or on another bloggers site and including your website information:


NOT cool. Another form of spamming is sending your blogs to people that didn't ask to read them. Post them on your blog, forums and communities. If people are interested in reading them they will find you.

Post every day. Not only does that put a lot of pressure on you, but people don’t have time to read your posts daily. Think of all of the online publications, newsletters and bloggers you are subscribed to. If they send you information everyday, do you actually read it? The truth is, NO. So don’t put your readers through that. Give them something to look forward to every week. Now on to the DOs!


Get advise from an experienced blogger. If there are certain blogs you have found that you really like, take it upon yourself to email the blogger and see if they would mentor you. Find a good business coach that may be able to help you focus in on what your goals are.

Ask for feedback. NOT from people in the forums you choose, but from your family and friends. They are our toughest critics. So, if they have suggestions or opinions about your blog posting, take it in stride. Don't take EVERYTHING to heart and change everything they think you should, but you should definitely take their suggestions into consideration.

Be patient. I say this all the time: Just because you create a blog or website and throw it out on the WORLD WIDE WEB (notice the word, WORLD), doesn't mean people are going to flock to it. It will take a little time to build popularity but it is definitely possible. You just have to be patient and keep posting and keep directing people to your site.

Write UNIQUE and CREATIVE content. Even if you know what you are going to write about, you need to make sure it is DIFFERENT from everyone else's. Also, you do not have to write about the SAME subject in every posting if you do not want. Make it interesting for your readers so they will keep coming back for more.

Get paid for blogging. Well yeah! What other reason would you be blogging for? There are several ways you can get paid to blog. One way, is to get advertisers on your site, that will take some time to happen, but it is definitely possible. Another way to get paid for blogging is to find a blogging platform that will pay you to actually blog and show others how to do the same. I use a great system that does just that. You can sign in and find out more here => BeFamousOnline2

Blogging does not have to be difficult or tedious. It can actually be fun to share with others your life, opinion or information that could help them. You just need to keep in mind some DOs and DON'Ts so you can be a SUCCESSFUL blogger.

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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bigstock-Podcast-D-Text-Design-25280777.jpg?width=305By now, you may have heard is leaving us. Sad day, I know. was one of the online resources I pointed people to all the time. Quick and easy to use, you could record audio lessons, roving thoughts, news bytes and more. And you could do this all by computer or your phone while you're out and about, sharing it on your social sites at the click of a button.

Alas, the service shut down on August 20, 2012. need options for accomplishing the same thing? Need a way to capture your audios that can be shared consistently across your online network? Being the "walking Google" that I am, I've got a few for you.

#1 - Spreaker is an online app for creating and sharing live audio content across the Internet. They target users who want to be seen as "Radio DJs" and I've seen them expand their features just within the last few months. Spreaker is a simple way to host personal radio shows that can be streamed live and heard through a widget that feeds to all the major social media and mobile platforms.

Great features? No need to install anything. You can broadcast live on Facebook. You can create your own playlist and schedule your show at the time you choose.

They have a free plan, which is great for starting out. If you need more time (since the free version limits you to 30 minute recordings), you'll want to upgrade. Starting at $39/year, plans are pretty affordable.

#2 - Audio Acrobat

I'm a fan of the founders of this platform. They started out years ago with the intention of creating a way for women to have their voices heard loud and clear using online media.

Catch my interview with the founder here

(Note: I used BlogTalkRadio to conduct the interview, which is another way to podcast. I won't highlight them here because so many people already use their service, but it's another one to check out. Just be ready to invest in the monthly service because it offers more flexibility with recordings than their free plan.)

Ok, back to ---

These guys give you lots and lots and lots of options so it's not just a podcasting service. You can record coaching sessions, audio interviews, audio "postcards", and more. Share your podcast easily with iTunes and other directories. Preschedule posts to go out when you want. You can even use your iPhone to create episodes that you upload right into your account.

I love their customer service and they also have a great affiliate program, one of the first I ever made commission from because people just loved using them once they drooled over all the features.

Basic plan is $19.95 monthly. All plans come with a free 30 day trial.

#3 - Evoca is another great tool for podcasting. They tend to market to people who want to do audio interviews because of a really great integration that some people don't realize can work very well - Skype. When you record an interview without the right tools over Skype, the sound is not always quality EXCEPT I have had no issues whatsoever when tying Evoca with it.

Using Skype with Evoca gives you crystal clear, no-cost phone connections, even if you're interviewing someone across the globe. Just join your interviewee on your Evoca-provided dedicated phone number.

Idea alert? You could use Evoca's embeddable widget on your website for testimonials. People share their comments using the widget like online recorder on your website and it's much like leaving someone a voice message.

Post interviews with Evoca quickly to your website or blog, Facebook fan page or profile page and Twitter. Plans start at $6.95/month and you can test them out with a free trial.

I'm sure there are other tools out there, but these three are my favorite and if you're looking for a way to replace's service, check them out and see what suits your fancy.

Shout out to the folks and all the best in your future endeavors. We're sad to see you go.


You may, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

About the Author: Tanya Smith is a creative business strategist and coach specializing in showing independent service providers how to simplify, save time & stand out with simple strategies that engage more quality leads and clients. Her company Be Promotable provides fresh actionable strategies and virtual resources to promote business owners as power players in their market. Get free tools to simplify and stand out online at:

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Alright. Maybe you're not famous yet. But if you are striving to be, these tips may help you move toward your goal.

Blogging Tip #1: Choose the best time to blog- As I have stated before, it is not necessary to blog everyday. As you may overwhelm your readers (unless you are a gossip blog). However you should come up with a day or two throughout the week that works best for you. Make sure you post EVERY week on those days, so your readers know when to expect something from you.

Blogging Tip #2: Work with someone who knows what they are doing- Just like famous people have managers and agents, you need a coach to help you build your blog, business, or brand the way you envision it. They may be able to expand your vision and take you to another level. Of course managers, agents and coaches do not always come for free, but there are affordable ones. You need to get out there, find someone you like, and see if they would like to coach you.

Blogging Tip #3: Posting pictures on your blog- One suggestion is to either Google "public domain pictures of ______" and insert whatever you are looking for in the blank. Another suggestion is if you find a picture on another site, make sure you reference the site and author in your blog and you should be covered. You can also become a member of picture sites like and These sites offer public domain pictures in any category you can think of. Some pictures need to be paid for but offers a lot of free pictures.

Blogging Tip #4: Which blogging platform would you get the most visibility with? Visibility meaning...FAMOUS! Which platform will get you noticed on a Google search, etc?  There are several options for you to create a free blog, but I know of an option that might as well be free, that offers visibility and puts you on track to become famous online! You can find out more information here => OR you can join me here (for close to free) and start working with me here => on your journey to Be Famous Online Too!

These tips are just a FEW of what you should know about blogging. There is so much information. What other questions do you have about blogging?

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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How Blogging Can Make You Famous

According to, "The face of fame is changing". You no longer have to necessarily be a singer, rapper, actor, entertainer or even politician to be famous. As I'm sure you have seen, you can now be famous from as much as a silly video on YouTube to starting a really great charitable cause.

One of the most popular, easiest ways to become famous online is to blog! Believe it or not, there are a few people who have become famous from blogging. And as a "potential blogger" or "rockstar blogger in the making", it is important to know a few of these famous bloggers. Why? Because as the famous saying goes, "don't reinvent the wheel". No reason to think TOO outside of the box when it comes to blogging as a lot of it has been done already. And if these people can do it, believe me, so can you. Here are few famous bloggers online you may not be familiar with...continue reading


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WOW! You have to see this. It's an experiment this guy Brett Cohen did essentially showing, if you believe can achieve it!

He gets some people to be his bodyguards, paparazzi, puts on some nice clothes and sunglasses, and walks the streets of New York. Immediately people begin to flock to him, thinking he is someone famous! His video team even interviews people and asks them if they know him and "fans" are talking about how much they love his work! It's amazing what people will believe!



This brings me to my point. Why not become famous yourself?? EXCEPT instead of experimenting, actually get paid what the famous folks do. If you know you are special and have something valuable, why not share it with the world? One of the best ways to accomplish this is to BLOG! Believe it or not, blogging is a great way to get exposure, share what you have to offer and to build a fan base! Blogging can be used for a range of things from sharing your personal story to sharing how your business can help someone. I offer the perfect blogging platform and system that will help you Be Famous Online TooAND get paid PLUS build a solid fan base! This system is great for supplementing and advertising your current business or may be a good start for someone interested in making a business income from home. Did I say it was BLOGGING?

SO, if this guy can put on some sunglasses, walk the streets of New York and become famous, it should be NO PROBLEM for you to click on this link ==>, watch the information and begin your journey to fame as a blogger! EXCEPT you would get paid for it :)


Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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bigstock-variety-of-detailed-horizon-25105949.jpg?width=360The right business branding strategies could spell real success for your business. What convinces people to invest in you or your products or services is how well they know, like, and trust you --- branding positions you for this.

What is a Branding Strategy?

Now hear me on this, a brand is not just about your logo or a name, it represents your complete business identity. It is an essential part of the startup process for any business. And if you're already established without an intentional strategy, it's time to get one in place.

Having branding strategies can provide the fundamental steps and it will help identify the most valuable tools to create a powerful business brand. In general terms, a strong brand is one that people recognize and believe to deliver quality. Have you ever found yourself at the store choosing one product over the other because it is the more recognized or trusted brand? I know I do. For example, there is a certain type of soap I always buy because I have come to expect it keeps my skin moisturized, smells great, and doesn't melt in the shower. I know when I see the box on the shelf that it's the brand I recognize and trust.

Recently, I did a survey and one of the comments was this:

"...what I see always is your name and that spells 'quality'"

That's the kind of response that shows your branding is on the right track.

It is a branding strategy's objective to identify what could turn your business into a trusted brand name. How do you influence people to trust your brand and its reputation? What should you do to communicate the objective and mission of your company? What is the message you are trying to send out to produce loyal, ideal customers? A sound business branding strategy will aim to find answers to these questions so you can establish a brand for your company that would excel in the market.

Creating Your Business Name, Logo, or Website

Coming up with a name for your business goes hand in hand with creating a logo that will identify your company. When it comes to logos, always opt for something that represents you in a unique way. Logos will be used over and over again in your advertising and marketing campaigns, so it must be easy to recognize.

For starters, think of a logo that will readily connect with consumers about the nature of your business. Choose images that are associated with your business and perhaps the products they represent.

TOOL ALERT: One of my favorite logo creators? Try Logonerds (this is my affiliate link, and I use them for almost everything).

Coming Up With Slogan or Tagline

Once you have the logo you want, think of a slogan that will reinforce the message you are trying to communicate to your market. As long as you keep this part brief and straightforward, then this can be an effective branding tool for your business. The tagline canserve as an additional touchpoint connecting to the main message you are trying to deliver. The more connected the message, the more likely you get the edge over your competitors. Use this to highlight the unique experience or service that customers will be able to have with you.

One advantage that you can have by including a tagline is that it is not permanent, unlike the logo. So if your company later decides to employ a new marketing strategy, you can readily adapt your tagline to highlight this new marketing plan.

Applying Colors and Images

As with logos, colors and images can be used to establish the identity of your business. Colors depict a corresponding set of emotions as well. So you need to carefully pick out exactly what type of color you are going to use in your logo so it is aligned with the image and personality of your business. Try to conduct a little bit of research about the different qualities of color types so you can determine exactly what best to use for your company.

Integrating Differentiators In Your Services

When communicating your company branding strategy into the market, highlight the services that only you can offer. If you can guarantee a service that none of your competition can, then you create a differentiator that draws more people into your business. An example of this would be a time guarantee on your delivery services, if you're in the graphic design business.

Learning how to effectively employ these key business branding strategies will help boost your company's marketing efforts and get you that much closer to the success you want.


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About the Author: Tanya Smith is a creative business strategist and coach specializing in showing service based solo entrepreneurs how to simplify, save time & stand out with simple strategies that engage more quality leads and clients. Her company Be Promotable provides fresh actionable strategies and virtual resources to promote business owners as power players in their market. For instant access to your free branding templaes, visit us at:

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Let Your Light Shine

With the advent of the London 2012 Olympics and the illuminating flame-lighting ceremony on Friday July 27,  2012, I thought this title would be fitting. Today one of my fellow industry divas,  Nicole S. Cooper Facebook-ed,"I believe that we all have greatness on the inside of us, but I don't believe in allowing excuses to be the deterrent for why we never allowed our lights to shine!"

She wrote this in response to a client who thanked her for pushing them to move forward in their business. Her response was so key. EVERYONE has the ability to accomplish their goals and essentially create a better quality of life for themselves. But lets face it, ultimately the only reason why you are not where you want to be is because of excuses (especially in business)... just isn't the right time, I don't have the time, not enough money to get started, don't know anything about the industry, I don't like or know how to sell, my teeth hurt today, blah blah blah. ALL excuses.

BUT just as Nicole said, stop allowing excuses to keep you from letting your light shine! Stop allowing excuses to keep you from fulfilling your dreams. Stop allowing excuses keep you from recognizing someone special in your life. Stop allowing excuses to rule your life! At some point you have to take control of your life and begin to fulfill the dreams and goals you have for yourself.

I lost a very dear friend last week, he was only 34 and it got me thinking. We NEVER know when our last day on earth will be. When the last time to speak to a loved one will be. When the last time to do something you've ALWAYS wanted to do will be. So you cannot continue to allow life to pass you by with all of these excuses. You have to find "your light" and start letting it shine. Start working towards the goals you have for yourself. Unfortunately, some of your goals may require more income. And there are so many opportunities available to give you the financial independence to achieve the things you want to. One of my favorite sayings is, "If you will DO for a season, what most won't, you'll be able to live the rest of your life the way most CAN'T. It's not a matter of whether you can or can't its a matter of whether you WILL or WONT." Find a business opportunity that  you are comfortable with, find someone you are comfortable working with and start accomplishing your goals. Start to Let your Light Shine!

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

P.S. If you are still looking for a way to Be Famous Online Too with blogging, get access to this video. You'll see actual stories of real people (previously struggling to be famous online) who are well.... let's just say.... famous now!  (before you click this link, make sure to grab a piece of paper to take notes after you have access)

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dreamstime_17786492-300x200.jpg?width=300If you do lots of work online, one of your biggest challenges is to create a virtual workspace that makes you run as efficient as possible. I mean, seriously - working online can be like being sucked into a galactic black hole if you don't know how to manage your time.

How your workspace is organized has a powerful effect on your mind and it seriously affects your productivity.

There's a common objection many people have to this whole organizing thing. It goes something like this: 'My workspace is cluttered and it might look disorganized to you but I like it that way. It works for me!' People who say this generally have never had a tidy online workspace for a length of time. When you eventually get organized on a consistent basis, you'll quickly see what a difference it makes. Don't be attached to online clutter!


One of the absolute biggest clutter areas of all is email. I used to feel like my inbox was a gigantic swamp with murky, green water where people would send emails and they'd never be seen again. I'll never forget one day when I sat down to look at my inbox and just froze. Yup, that's an image of it below. I had over 11,000 emails sitting there...unanswered, because I said to myself "I'll look at it later".

Know what that does to someone who is already busy? It just paralyzes you.

So...I went about cleaning up that big mess by setting some rules in place for myself and integrating tools to help me keepmy email organized. I took the following steps:

  1. Decided what order of priority I wanted to follow - i.e. which email addresses were tied to people and content I had to reply to immediately, which ones could go into some kind of "read later" folder, which ones were bulk messages that I didn't want to get anymore, and so on.
  2. I then sought out online tools that would help me set up rules in my inbox to automatically move my messages by priority. Two of my favorite right now are ActiveInboxHQ (works great with Gmail) and Sanebox.
  3. Next I scheduled time on my calendar to check the "read later" box and other non-essential folders.
  4. Finally, and most important, I committed to myself that I would not be a slave to my inbox! If it ever got to that point again, I would hire an assistant to review the non-essentials.

Now on #4, some time management gurus will tell you just go ahead & delegate the whole thing. If this works for you, absolutely take a look at this as an option. I personally have a bit of a control complex, so I knew that wouldn't work starting out (hey...the first step is admission, right?). I know this works very well for some so consider outsourcing your email as an option.


Another area where we tend to get tied up and completely frazzled is keeping up with contacts. Though I can't say I'm 100% where I want to be on this one, I can definitely say I'm a thousand percent better off than I was just a year ago. All because of my dream tool --- Contactually. This is so awesome and it works great with Gmail! When you link up the tool to your email, it will track and prioritize email addresses (contacts) based on frequency of contact with them. It even sends you follow up messages to let you know, "hey, it's time to connect with XXX".

The best thing about Contactually is how it lets you create buckets based on categories you choose. So in my recent program, Spice Up Your Brand Online, I shared with my students how to create a Circle of Success and within that circle they developed virtual "buckets" of contacts they can use and transfer over to Contactually to track.

Okay, what if you don't want to do all of that?

Here is the main tip for organizing contacts --- find a system that helps you categorize your relationships, set follow up dates, and take action. That way you don't miss out on opportunities for developing strong relationships with your ideal connections.

It may not be a piece of software. Maybe it's a list on a sheet of paper, a box of index cards, an app on your iPad tablet. Whatever you do, keep all your key contacts in one place and create your follow up plan. Oh...and don't forget to stick with it! When you get behind, it only gets harder to keep up.


The final clutter-attracting online workspace I'll cover is documents. Your workspace is going to likely hold documents - i.e. Word files, text files, videos, slides, etc. - maybe you're creating content or receiving documents that need tracking. Where do you put all of this stuff? The answer is easy - use a document management system.

Remember how we used to have to organize documents into folders just to be able to find them later? Now, you can search just about anything digitally and find a file simply based on a few keywords. This is what makes document management tools so popular. And unlike before, because of "cloud" software, these tools now offer a ridiculous amount of space for storage.

My favorite document management tools right now are DropBox and Evernote.

Here's the big difference in how I use them - DropBox is the tool I use for storing content like articles I write, client information, presentation slides I'll deliver. I use DropBox in this way because it's simple to share links, easy to organize folders, and easily integrates across different platforms.

Evernote is best for saving swipe files, URLs of sites I find, quick notes I record from my phone, and more. (If you want more tips on using Evernote, watch my free webinar).

Again, the key is deciding on a system or combination of tools that work for you.

  1. First, decide if there are common categories you want to set up (if you do want folders, or even if you use "tags" to mark your documents -- these are like virtual labels that help you connect similar items together).
  2. Next, every time you create or open a document you want to keep up with, file it either using a folder, a tag, or a combo of both.
  3. Final tip? Keep similar things in one place.

The more you commit to a consistent set of tools and methods for cleaning up your online workspace, the easier it will be to find what you need when you need it. You will feel better about turning on your computer and getting your work done, and your customers and colleagues will absolutely love you for keeping your promises!

Hopefully you were able to take away at least one tip for organizing your online work space. Share which one was your favorite tip in the comments, or let me know what else you do to stay digitally organized.


Side note: If you'd like to use my affiliate links for any of the tools I mentioned above, you can find them (if I have one) on this page. No pressure, just wanted you to know because it's one way for me to earn while you learn and I only refer tools I have a good experience with.

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Be Famous Online Too

Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Whether you want to admit it or not, we all have had thoughts about being famous or popular for something (whether business-wise or talent-wise. I will be focusing on business). Hence why you started a business or why you are thinking of starting a business. That does not make you narcissistic at all, it actually shows how selfless you are. Because businesses always provide a NEED for people and you are helping them in one way or the other. However, as we all start out in business the goal is for people to flock to our website and to become...FAMOUS! We want to become famous for our services or our products or our blogging content, our brand! Unfortunately, it does not always come as fast as it did for Justin Bieber via YouTube or Mark Zuckerberg via Facebook or even within 6 months of blogging like Perez Hilton. So sometimes we have to take matters into our own hands. Below are a few tips on how to become famous online too, like these people did.

Step 1: Figure out what you want to be famous for

Whether it is for your business services, products or content, make it a goal to be the best. Another way to put this, is to find your niche and create a brand. If you want to be famous for creating great websites, figure out who you are selling websites to? What age group? What type of businesses? Why should they work with you? You need to make sure that however you are presenting your website brand, it is more creative and better than anyone else that is selling websites. You should try your best to come up with ideas that APPEAL to the people you are trying to reach.

Also, define what being famous online means to you. Do you want to be famous online for having a great company? Do you want to be famous online for having the best coaching services and products? Do you want to be famous online for making money from being the best blogger on business matters or women's fashion? Do you want to be famous online for a great personality and creative website?  Do you want to be famous online for being the best video creator of advertisements? Do you want to be famous online for being the best short story writer? First you have to decide how you will be famous so you can stay focused on your online journey to fame.

Step 2: Get to know your computer

There are SO many programs, some FREE, that can help you accomplish ANYTHING you want online. Whether it is to create your own website, get a domain name, create a logo, create an ecommerce site, or blog (, you can do it all online. You can find customers or leads, do lots of social networking, learn how to create your own autoresponder and advertisements. There is a lot of information on the internet. Just go to GOOGLE.COM and find the answers to ANYTHING you are looking for.

Step 3: Do your research

You should be familiar with the saying, "You don't have to reinvent the wheel". In some form or other, what you are looking to do has been done. Research people that have done it, or close to doing what you are interested in doing to become famous online. Find people you like or you feel are competition and start your own imaginery competition against them. Always keep watch of what they are doing so you can avoid it and do something greater. Find out what didn't work for people. Read books about people who are doing what you are interested in doing and how they got famous. Email people you are interested in knowing more about and ask them questions about what they went through to get famous online. This all helps you from going into your project blindly and to be aware of all of the obstacles you have to face.

Step 4: Market yourself

Facebook. Twitter. Youtube. Just to name a few. All great starts to getting your brand out there and finding your road to becoming famous online too. Also look into paid advertisements like Google ads and Facebook ads.

Step 5: Spend the time

Let's get serious here. Although the people above appear to have come out of nowhere, they did A LOT to get to where they are now. And they have to continue to fight to stay relevant and fresh. Think about it, overnight, Justin Bieber's voice changed and all of a sudden he's crooning like Barry White and STILL famous. Mark Zuckerburg has had so many rumors spread about him and people disappointed in the Facebook changes etc., but you don't see too many people deleting their pages. And Perez Hilton has to make cameos here and there just so we'll remember he is still around. My Point? Is that you are going to have to spend a lot of time building your brand and keeping it a brand. Please do not be alarmed by any of the following conditions:

  • Sleepless nights because of all of the ideas swirling in  your head
  • Late nights UP on the computer, writing content or editing websites (what do you think I am doing right now), preparing for interviews, photo shoots, etc.
  • Taking your computer everywhere so you can work when you have a free second
  • Constantly researching for new ways to market yourself, trying them all and only finding a few that really work for you. (results will vary)
  • Sharing your ideas with people you think are as excited as you are, only to be disappointed by their response (WARNING: Do not pay attention to the reaction of those in family, spousal or amicable roles. They do not know your vision or have the same passion. And you cannot make them. Keep following your dreams and hit them up AFTER the first $million$ They'll really want to listen then!)

Make sure to be consistent. Give yourself a deadline for putting your ALL into your brand building towards being famous. 90 days is ideal. If you work really hard you may begin to see the BEGINNING fruits of your labor within 90 days. However, your hard work does not stop after the 90 days. You have to keep working towards your dream. Show off your writing skills, services or products. Be nice to everyone that communicates with you. Remember to be creative. Lastly, stay motivated and focused on your goal to be famous online too, today!

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

P.S. If you are still looking for a way to Be Famous Online Too with blogging, get access to this video. You'll see actual stories of real people (previously struggling to be famous online) who are well.... let's just say.... famous now!  (before you click this link, make sure to grab a piece of paper to take notes after you have access)

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