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“Your next level begins where your comfort level ends.”
Lisa Nicole Bell, Change Agent/The Inspiration Icon

Well that’s fantastic news, because not since months seven through nine of pregnancy have I been this uncomfortable!  Last week’s  Meet the Resource call was right on time for many of us, including yours truly. I’ve labeled the past two weeks of my life as Beautifully Intense because I now know (and the call served as yet another confirmation) why this particular transition is a necessary part of my life.  Today I am in full celebration mode—party hat, confetti, hot Goddess dress, the works—because I am shedding my old skin, and sauntering sexily in my six-inch heels on my hand-sewn, plush new red carpet.


The catalyst for this transition was far from sexy, though–deep and ugly like a freshly made wound from a long, long drop. It started one night lying in bed with Kris talking about where we were versus where we wanted to be.  We were back in a space we never thought we’d revisit, and just like all the other times, the familiarity of the space left me feeling bitter, doubtful, and defeated.

That Night (The Drop).

Coming down from the Super High of spending 32 days in Jamaica, followed by being flown to New York for a photo shoot with one of my favorite magazines, was far worse than I’d anticipated.


****I'm sharing this with you because I know many of us, particularly during this time of year, are in a state of self-assessment, which can lead to self-deprication. But sometimes, the "downturn" is a necessary element of growth, and I experienced that recently in a very powerful way.  I'm sharing because through my experience, perhaps you may see a bit of yourself and your situation...



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Kingdom Empowerment Broadcast

What an awesome time of encouragement this broadcast is. I invite you to listen and share with anyone who may be going through something this Holiday Season. You will be incredibly blessed! Our Topic was "Who told you you couldn't bring forth?" My guest were Pastor Seneca Atkinson and Apostle Denise Bundick-Keller. Take a listen a

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The Second Stage of Life is the stage of emotion, sensation and experience.


Chronologically, the second stage ranges  from 20 or 25 years to 40 or 50 years of age. This is the stage where you begin to experiment and find out things for yourself. It is in this second stage that you truly experience the living process. You generally strike out on your own  and face the challenges of an adult reality. Here you experience love, sex, alcohol, drugs, competition, insecurity, success and failure, frustration, and all the other sensations which make life exciting, intense, and challenging.

It is in this second stage that many people get stuck for a major portion of their lives. As the stark realities of life confront them at every turn, they can get hooked on a feeling, a sensation, a person, a drug, or other addiction. They use their addiction as a means to escape or cope with their life situation.

It is in the second stage when your habits tend to make you or break you. Here you must develop and master the art of self-discipline. You must learn to control your thoughts, emotions, and appetites. It is in this second stage that you are challenged by the realities of survival. What does it take to keep a roof over your head and food on the table for you and your family, and still have time, energy, and resources for continual personal growth and development?

Some people get stuck on the treadmill of day-to-day survival, where appetites and crises constantly confront them from the cradle to the grave. To properly move through this second stage, you must master the skill of survival.

Mastering the skill of survival requires that you develop and implement a financial program in which your income exceeds your expenses. All of your financial dealings should be in accord with a realistic pre-established budget. You must develop discipline in overcoming the urge for immediate consumption or gratification. Systematically, set aside a portion of your income for wealth building. Take advantage of the benefits of investing and compound interest to establish a body of wealth for your personal peace of mind and enjoyment. Use a portion of your wealth to help fund and provide capital for your children and their future. Invest in worthwhile projects.

Men have a tendency to get stuck on the feelings generated by sex, alcohol, power, and physical conquests.

Women get stuck in the search for love or attention. The essence of the second stage of life is the search for a particular feeling. The challenges of this stage are centered on self-discipline and personal mastery of your physical and emotional appetites. For more information, go to

Are your emotions, passions and habits undermining your success?



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5 Steps to Create Your Vision Board for 2011

Every year, my kids and I create a vision board to capture goal highlights for the year using posters, magazine clippings, crayons, glitter, glue sticks -- you name it, it's on the floor on 12/31. We have the music going, candles lit, and complete focus on what we're doing. Here is our process laid out in 5 steps for you. I hope you then enjoy the short video version of my board that was designed using Head over to Life Vision Boards and get another take on the "how to". They use Animoto as well and you certainly can too - it's a free tool for creating video using images and music. Use theirs or add your own.

5 Steps To Creating Your Vision Board

  1. Get yourself to a quiet place
  2. Imagine that it is now the end of 2011 and you are reflecting back on your accomplishments for the year
  3. Write down a list -- brainstorm freely at first
  4. Now highlight the top 3-5 things you really want to focus on for the year
  5. Cut, draw, and paste images that represent your goals onto a poster board (you can even make a miniature version on an index card to carry with you)

That's it! Now set a date to get the board finished. ;)

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Ten Ways to Monetize Article-Writing!

Article writing is such an incredible tool to grow your business and gain expert status. Although many businesses are using various article writing techniques. Some people still could use more tips to get the best results. See the ten ways you can use right now to monetize your writing efforts.1. Send your articles to ezines or websites so that they will get published. A good one is and they are constantly on the lookout for good, value-filled articles. You can add your resource box at the end of the article and, once published, you appear as an expert in your particular niche.2. Consider gathering up the articles you have written and combine them to make an ebook; make sure that they are related to each other! Offer it as a value-filled bonus for your customers and suggest that they can give it away to theirs – make sure that your website link is at the bottom of each page.3. Do some online research and make a list of all the places which accept articles – an article directory. There are many of them and if you turn your directory into an attractive-looking web page and add it to your own website, visitors will visit just to get the free information!4. Turn some of your previously-written articles into a report! Offer it as a free report along with your main product or service – people LOVE free bonuses and your sales will increase! Make certain that the combination of articles “fit” and that they are all in the same or related niche!5. Consider offering your articles to print publications – you’ll find them online! They pay for article submissions and free-lance writers can make extra income in this way. These publications are constantly on the look-out for good content and value-rich articles.6. An ebook consisting of all your articles would sell from your website. Ensure that the articles are directed at the same niche and complement each other, flowing from one to the next. Turn it into an attractive-looking ebook with a cover (put your website URL on it) and you have found a simple way to create another stream of income.7. This is a great idea! Tell your visitors that they can add your free article directory to their websites by linking up with yours! This will increase traffic to your site and more sales will follow.8. Search out online communities online. Post your articles on them as this will get free advertising on newsgroups, discussion groups and most important of all – forums. You can find forums online – just type in “forums” and find the ones most suited to your product or service!9. Suggest that your article appear in other marketers’ ebooks! You can find them in forums and discussion groups and they too, are always looking for good, fresh content. Your article could appear in dozens of ebooks and all for free. You don’t even have to promote your article, product or service – the ebooks will do it for you!10. Use your autoresponder! When emailing your list, add your article to it – you’ve done two jobs at the same time – promoted your product and provided a free article of value to every subscriber you have.
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Success is defined in the Webster’s Dictionary as the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. This is all well in good, but so many people get caught up in that one word WEALTH, so they believe in order for them to be successful they have to obtain wealt10744059262?profile=originalh.  I do not at all agree with this.  Wealth should not be the determining factor of success. I believe the determining factor of success should be hard work, consistency and determination.  These things help bring you wealth in so many ways outside of money. Please do not get me wrong, I think wealth is a good thing, it helps you to accomplish things in your life that you would otherwise not be able to obtain, but wealth should not be the determining factor on how successful you will become, this should come from you.  No  matter what stage of life you are in, you must realize that you are that determining factor on how successful you will become in this life, if you will succeed or fail at what you are pursuing, not by what someone else says.

So the next time someone tells you that the only real measure of success is by how much money is in your account, how many houses or cars you own; STOP, turn around look at them and say.“you really truly do not know the meaning of success.” I promise you this will stop them in their tracks! Do not let their determining words decide how success is truly gained, measure or determined.



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Health and Wellness, Fashion, Eco-Friendly and Beauty Brands are invited to be featured in

26th Annual Stellar Awards gifting experience


Jireh Communications Group (JCG) will produce the official 2011 Stellar Awards Celebrity Gift Suite and Beauty & Wellness Lounge on January 14 & 15 for the 26th Annual Stellar Awards (The Stellars), continuing the elaborate gifting experience introduced during the show's silver anniversary year.

Hosted by Donnie McClurkin, The Stellars will be recorded in Nashville, TN at the Grand Ole Opry House on January 15, 2011. JCG is currently accepting high quality products for the Stellar Awards Gifting Lounge (Qty: 38, full sized) for celebs and Stellar Awards gift bags (Qty: 500, full or sample size) for attendees.

"We desire to gift a range of the hottest new products from lush and healthy to practical and unique. These artists are some of the most compassionate and giving in entertainment. They deserve the royal treatment," says Mona Austin, owner of JCG. The company is seeking participation from health/wellness, beauty, fashion & accessories, travel and luxury, personal care, home living, technology and gadgets and eco-friendly brands. Integrations fees range from $250 up.

A very limited number of sponsored slots are available for on-site company representation to maximize the experience. This by-invitation-only gifting experience offers an opportunity to get brands noticed and directly into the hands of faith-based taste makers who influence style and lifestyle trends in urban communities. Past gift recipients included Mary Mary, Vanessa Bell Armstrong, Karen Clark Sheard, Dorinda Clark Cole, Vicki Winans, David and Tamela Mann, and Smokie Norful to name a few.

For consideration or additional details, all product placement inquiries should be directed to Jireh Communications Group at Celeb and media RSVPS may also be e-mailed to or by phone at 1-888-302-0637.



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Wanted: A Dream Job

Have you ever wondered what the perfect job would be?

Just letting your mind wander to the possibilities without restrictions, obligations, or geography?

Until few years ago, I still had dreams of being a Dallas Cowboy’s Cheerleader, unfortunately, being fully endowed was not a blessing bestowed upon me!

I would love to know what it feels like to be a successful business owner. Having Clients that pay you for your expertise, Bills paid on time! Great Staff! Featured on Oprah’s show, and being asked to comment in the various Business magazines.

Okay, Okay, back to reality.


With all of the politics in world of Corporate Security, and having to deal with the glass ceiling, how can women become successful business owner?  I have my days where I just want to throw in the towel and become a Wal-Mart door greater. Yeah, I said it, a Wal-Mart door greater.


Wait! Let me think about that one for a second, I am a Sam Walton Emerging Entrepreneurs Award Winner., and I can’t get a Sam Walton small business loan? What’s up with that? Can someone please call Superior Financing for me?


Okay, let me get back to my dream job!


Maybe, being a Wal-Mart door greeter just doesn’t sound that much fun anymore!

Did you know that I am a Count me In, Make Mine a Million 2008 Micro Winner? I must admit, that I become a little envious, when I receive emails that other women of the group have reached the million dollar mark. I sometimes cry, have my pity party, kick myself in the pants and say to myself, “My Day is coming! You Must Believe, You must believe!

Now Remember, I need a new dream job, with, no restrictions, obligations, or geographical practicalities. So with that said, I’ve decided I want to be the person who helps people to get a Secure High Paying JOB, with the Federal Government or Government contractors by having a Security Clearance.


Is that cool or what?


Did you know that the Federal Government will be looking to fill 270,000 jobs?

Did you know that Government Contractors, i.e. Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing have more jobs available, than they can fill? They are looking for people with Security Clearances!

Just think that getting folks back to work will stimulate the economy that would really be cool!


Did you know that buying or shopping at a small woman owed business, will help to stimulate the economy?


I get a warm fuzzy feeling just thinking that I was able to help someone else, by paying it forward.

Would you consider paying it forward and purchase the Step by Step E-book guide on getting a Secure High Paying Job with the federal Government or Government contracts by learning the insider’s secrets to having a Security Clearance, or at least buy it for someone that is unemployed!

Great Stocking Stuffer!


Can you do me one more favor? Pass this on, Tweet it, Digg it, Tech it, Face it, and leave me a comment, I live for them! I really do!

Source. Lanita Moss 12/10/10

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Why your life might be off-track

The Four Stages Of Life

Education, Sensation & Experience, Power, Immortality

The First Stage of Life is the stage of education.

This stage generally lasts from conception to 20 or 25 years of age. During this stage you learn the basic fundamental rules of the game of life. You formulate or accept a value system. You get your basic instruction in reading, writing, counting, logic, and decision making. Generally, in the education stage, you lay the foundation—thoughts, attitudes, emotions, and associations—on which the rest of your life is based.

It is in this first stage that you develop your basic attitude towards yourself—your self-image. You also develop your attitude toward other people and toward the world in general. It is here that you develop self- confidence or fear; faith or doubt; cowardice or courage. Your nature—positive or negative, thief or benefactor—is molded.

The challenge in this first stage is that most of your education comes from other people. You, as a child or young adult, had very little input in the matter. Thus, the thoughts, attitudes, emotions, and experiences, positive or negative, of your parents, teachers, ministers, or any other authority or admiration figure, tend to be perpetuated in the child and young adult.

If this foundation stage is not laid down solidly, then very often, at some point later in life, that crack in the foundation will manifest. It will show up like a thief in the night and snatch away your peace of mind, your good health, your glory, and your possessions.

When this foundation is built on truth, honesty, love, faith, discipline, confidence, compassion,  and all of the positive aspects and attributes, then nothing is impossible. The young adult who has properly completed this stage of education is now prepared for the next three stages, and the rest of their lives.


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Whatever you left behind in 2010, the New Year holds the promise of better times ahead. Every year millions of people make New Years resolutions, hoping for a change. A fresh start requires a solid foundation and a plan if you intend to reach your destination. Have you ever heard the saying "It's in the details?" Your plan for change this year does not have to be complicated; it really is simply going back to the basics. It is going back to the principles that our parents, their parents and our forefathers built and lived their lives by.  Read more.

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Property Insurance - What is it?

Property insurance insures your business against loss or damage to the location of the business and to its contents. It will also insure against loss or damage to contents under your control. Finally, if your business rents or leases a location or travels to other physical locations, then your business will be required by the property owner to carry property insurance by the terms of the lease or contract.

The more kinds of loss the policy covers, the higher the premium. Property insurance comes in two forms:

• Broad Form – This type of policy identifies a number of different types of disasters and covers against loss from all identified causes in the policy.

• Single or Specific Peril – This type of policy insures against loss only from the identified peril. This is typically a separate fire policy. However, other single perils can be insured against, for example, terrorism.

For most small businesses, a broad form property insurance policy is included in a packaged policy known as the “business owners’ policy” and will be the best coverage for the premium dollar. Some businesses, however, either because of specific risks or unusually high risk, may not be eligible for such a package. In that case, several specific peril policies may need to priced and examined.

Property insurance policies can be modified:
• Endorsements – Endorsements add increased coverage or identify other business locations that are covered. This can include a customer’s location, for example, if your business is working at their location. Endorsements are a big benefit for your business and can be added, typically by a phone call, to a policy relatively easily if you have a good insurance professional.

• Exclusions – Exclusions take away coverage. Your insurance professional or insurer will tell you that property policies are “always” written with the “such-and-such” exclusion. Exclusions are the business insurance purchaser’s worst enemy. The most recent example is after the hurricanes in 2004-2005. Many insurers claimed that the exclusion in their policies for “wind” damage excluded much of the damage from coverage. Regardless of what an insurer tells you: exclusions take away coverage.

• Schedules – Schedules are lists of covered locations and property. These must be updated regularly and at any time a location or major covered equipment changes or is purchased. Good insurance professionals will contact you on a regular basis to discuss updating scheduled locations and equipment. If a location or piece of equipment is not a “scheduled” location or content, there is a possibility that a claim could be denied on that basis.

Property insurance can pay damages or loss based on one of two ways:

• Actual Cash Value (or, ACV) – Actual cash value means that your loss or damage is valued at the value of the property loss. Sounds fair. But, if a $100,000 car lift in your garage has been depreciated over a five-year period it may be found to have an ACV of $20,000 at the time of loss. You can’t purchase a new lift for $20,000.

• Replacement Value – Replacement value means that you are reimbursed the actual amount necessary to replace the equipment when it is lost. In the example above, if the new lift costs $120,000 to replace, then you get a new lift for $120,000.

Replacement value coverage typically carries higher premiums.
All of the above elements must be considered when reviewing and comparing property insurance for your business. A comparison made only on the premiums ignores critical aspects of the policy.

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Everyone wants a successful business but we all know that building that business takes money, we also know that when you are first starting out money is not always available, so sometimes you have to improvise.  One area in particular is advertising, every good business owner knows that in order for their business to be successful they have to advertise, but advertising can sometimes be expensive when you are getting your business off the ground and the money for advertising is just not there.  But with the following suggestions and tips you can start your business off in the right direction.

1.Social Media Sites – Social Media Sites are a quick and free way to get you and your business known to others.  Like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc., these social media sites allow you to start up free accounts and are viewed by millions all over the world. There are a lot more social media sites out there that are free you just have to search for them, but they are there.

2.Free Classified Sites – We all know that placing ads can be very expensive, so why not start out with sites that allow you to place free ads, such sites as,,,, just to name a few.

3. Video Advertising – Social Media Sites allow you to upload videos to add to your account.  This is the thing of the future video advertising, it really helps to bring you and your business exposure.

4. Affiliate Programs – Another way for you to bring money into your business is through affiliate programs, by placing their banners on your blog, website, etc., advertisers will pay you a commission when someone purchases from their site.  Advertisers such as Amazon, and EBay are a few of those company’s. What a way to make free money!

So as you can see there are a number of ways for you to get you and your business exposure, when you are on a tight budget. So don’t throw in the towel, just be patient and take advance of those free avenues that are being offered.


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12-Hour Holiday Sale SoulSeed Tees

12-Hour Holiday Sale 
From 12pm to 12am December 16, 2010 ONLY 




Take $3 OFF of your first purchase. SoulSeed Tees authenticity makes them a unique gift for that special Goddess in your life. Shirt sizes range from Small to 2XL. Whether for yourself or a special woman of color SoulSeed Tees are gifts that will be remembered and will show that you picked a special unique gift for the Holidays because you took the time and not because you ran out of time.

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One thing I've learned about increasing my websites' chances of being found in major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN, is that it is important to submit my website link to as many directories and business listings as possible.  

Back links are links from other websites that link to the main page of your website. By placing your website link on other sites that are relevant to your business, you are creating valuable backlinks that increase the ranking of your business website in major search engines. That translates into more visitors, who in turn become more customers!


The only cost is the time it takes to complete the submission form, but in the end, it's well worth it.


Here's a website that has a directory of businesses, and the submission is free! Take the time to submit you business or products and consider it as an investment for your business.



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5 Important Do Not’s for Entrepreneurs 2011 Success.

By ShaChena Gibbs


Do not start a business for the wrong reason.

Most people start a business just because it sounds good or because the potential financial benefits look good. Start a business that you love. Something you are passionate about. Your business should be your baby, a talent or skill you already process.

Do not form a business without your Tribe.

Begin to let your friends and family know about your new business. Attend networking events and speak up. Give away your product for testimonies. You must build a following before you begin to profit.

Do not skip out on your legal provider.

Starting a business consist of a lot of paper work like forms and documents. The documents need to be reviewed by a lawyer. Even your products and services. Consumers can really be rude and sue you for various reasons. Having your legal team can help you to avoid these problems before they become reality.

Do not do it all by yourself.

At the beginning it can be a bit tough getting friends and family to understand what you are doing and have them believe in your passion. However, we suggest you find at least 2 friends to assist you, even if it’s just with making phone calls, running errands, checking emails, and/or packing and shipping. Entrepreneurs tend to get burnt out during the first 5 years of building on their dream.

Do not forget about ‘CUSTOMER SERVICE’

Your customers are the core of your business growth. Without them, you will not make no money. You might as well close your doors. Poor customer service can ruin you. Word of mouth marketing spreads faster than any email you can send out and it’s most effective. One poor comment about your company service can spread like cancer. Train your staff paid and /or volunteer to treat your customers like royalty. And remember to practice what you preach.

Keep Rising,

ShaChena Gibbs

Small Business Educator

Real Sisters Rising, LLC


ShaChena Gibbs


WANT TO RE-POST THIS ARTICLE ON YOUR BLOG OR USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE, E-NEWSLETTER OR WEB SITE? You may, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

For over 10 years, Real Sisters Rising, LLC founder and CEO ShaChena Gibbs has owned or managed small businesses. Expert in her field, Ms. Gibbs personally and professionally guide her clients/members to reach higher heights to achieve major success in their business endeavors. ShaChena Gibbs is passionate about helping women globally become outstanding role models now for our youth later. Ms. Gibbs is definitely “Helping Women find the Diamond in their Destiny". She has been featured in the Daily News and many other publications.

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(New scholarships posted everyday)

Students Seeking Education by Experiencing Academic America (S.E.A.) an Houston, Texas based mentoring program for high school students, students at risk, and college bound students who want to attend an Historically Black College / University. (HBCU).

S.E.A will post a scholarship for minority students each day. If you are a high school senior, junior, or a transferring college student, these scholarships are for you. FREE MONEY! We all know through life there is nothing Free; you have to apply to receive this money. Your cost is time. The time it takes to fill out the scholarship application. Look for the S.E.A. blog each day, highlighting a new scholarship listing 2010/2011



Broadcasting Co. National Minority Fellowship

Eligibility and
Application: Applicant must be a minority student,
demonstrate financial need, have an interest in broadcasting or related
industry, and have at least two years of full-time business experience after completion of
undergraduate degree.

Amount: $8,000

National Broadcasting Co. National Minority Fellowship

National Broadcasting Company, Inc.

NBC Fellowships, Employee Relations

30 Rockefeller Plaza, Room 1678

New York, NY 10112



p.s. If you need help in your scholarship search, please contact S.E.A. c/o NORRIS COLEMAN @

*As part of .E.A. Mentoring Program, we want to build our Mentees vocabulary. S.E.A. has chosen to italicize words and statements in blue for our Mentee to understand and use in their vocabulary

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