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Best M.O.M. (Memory Of Mom) Contest!

Do you have a special childhood memory with momma or grandma that you would like to share?

Just tell us in 300 words or less your favorite "Memory Of Mom" during your childhood. The story must be about your mother, grandmother, or any other woman in your life you call mom. We know you have very special memories tucked away and we can't wait to read them. Your memory story can be something sweet, funny, or heroic-- You choose.

The winner will receive a $100 shopping spree at Inspirational Expressions.

Click here to enter contest.

Mother's Day is May 9th

Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may be well with you in the land which the LORD your God is giving you. Deuteronomy 5:16



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Administrative Professionals Week is always celebrated the last week in the month of April. The history of this occassion dates back to 1952 when it was recognized as Secretary's Day. In 2010,

Administration Appreciation Week is April 18-24 (mark your calendar), with Administrative Professional Day on Wednesday, April 21. Hold fast the cliche "behind every great boss is a great secretary". Your right-hand man/woman, that's right!!
This is the person(s) who plans your meetings, and conferences. This is the fantastic person that books your flights, and reminds you of your itinerary and orders office supplies. Some still have the coffee ready for you each day. These are just a few of the responsibilities that your assistive administrator performs on a daily basis. Withouth this person(s) your office or day would not be as efficient.
So make a point to recognize and show your appreciation for the multitasking and great work your Administrative Assistance does on your company's behalf
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Hello everyone, It has been proven time and time again, that the right words can engage the brain and bring an idea to life. Quotes can be a very powerful addition to your day. When reading them many people claim to have "aha" moments, where they have read a quote and thought; "Wow, that's exactly how I feel!"

We all need "shots of inspiration" to reinforce, to encourage, and to motivate. Just remember...people are like sticks of dynamite; the power's on the inside but nothing happens until the fuse gets lit.

Zig Ziglar said it best. He said, "People often say, Zig, motivation doesn't last. And I say to them, Bathing doesn't either. That's why I recommend it daily."
Stay "plugged-in" to this section for regular updates and to get your "Daily Shot of Inspiration!" Remember "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he ". ENJOY... and I will see You OVER The Top!

Your Words to Wealth-Inspirational Quote for today:
"Your Daily DecisionDetermines
Your Ultimate Destination... Go For It!"

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Everyone Can't Be In Your Front Row

Life is a theater so invite your audiences carefully.
Not everyone is holy enough and
healthy enough to have a FRONT ROW seat in our lives.
There are some people in your life that need to be loved
from a distance.  
It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go, 
or at least minimize your time with draining, negative,
incompatible, not-going-anywhere relationships,
friendships, fellowships and family!
Everyone can't be in Your FRONT ROW.
Observe the relationships around you.  Pay attention to:
Which ones lift & which ones lean?
Which ones encourage & which ones discourage?
Which ones are on a path of growth uphill & 
which ones are just going downhill?
When you leave certain people, do you feel better or feel worse?
Which ones always have drama or don't really understand,
know & appreciate you & the gift that lies within you?
Everyone can't be in Your FRONT ROW.
The more you seek God & the things of God, the more you seek quality,
the more you seek not just the hand of God but the face of God,
the more you seek things honorable, the more you seek growth,
peace of mind, love & truth around you, the easier it will become
for you to decide who gets to sit in the FRONT ROW
& who should be moved to the balcony of your life.
Everyone Can't be in Your FRONT ROW.
You cannot change the people around you...
but you can change the people you are around!
Ask God for wisdom & discernment
& choose wisely the people who sit in the FRONT ROW of your life.
Remember that FRONT ROW seats are for special & deserving people
& those who sit in your FRONT ROW should be chosen carefully.
Everyone Can't be in Your FRONT ROW.
"Spiritual growth occurs when faith is cultivated."
Keep the faith!

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The Beauty of Black Women

The Beauty of Black Women
By Christopher D. Sims

I can onlyadore and cherish
the beauty of Black Women.
With skin of ceramicdelicacy,
I am forced to fit my eyes upon them
and admire theirartistic accuracy
that tackles the man in me
so that I become a
slaveto their seduction.
Crafted cheekbones ride high
to the fancy ofovaled chins
Equaling fluid architecture
that has no end
Invitingbrown eyes
complete this package
of pleasurable profoundness
in the beauty of Black women.

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Grand Opening!!!!

Hi Everyone:

Just recently, I started my own gift basket and flower business.

I'm enclosing my website so that you could see the baskets and flowers that I carry. I'm so excited about my new business because Iactually help people save money on their gifting needs and I receive anopportunity work at home and own my own business.

As my friend, I'm asking for your help. Can you take a look at my website and see how we can help you with your gifting needs.

Would you please do two things for me.

1.) Just take a moment to consider the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries or other special occasions when you could use my gifts .Then, just send me the approximate dates. I'll put them in my birthdayalarm and send you a reminder a few weeks before just so you can lookthrough my online catalog to see if something fits the occasion. As myfriend, you know there is no obligation to buy anything---I just want toremind you to look.

2.) Refer me to someone else. It would mean a lot to me if youwould refer me to a few of your other friends in case they need what Imarket. Since they are referred by you, I'll make sure they are 100% satisfied! Please copy me on the email so I can follow uplater with them directly since I know you're very busy.

You know I wouldn't be asking you but I'm so excited about my business and I'm excited to get if off the ground very quickly! Pleasetake just one minute to respond to my email with your potential giftgiving occasions and send also send this on to a few friends.

Thanks very much. If there's anything I can do now for you, just let me know.

Your friend,

For great gift baskets and flowers visit my website at:

Tamesha Salim

Basket Consultant


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Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, feel like you have the gift of gab or just don’t know how to make small talk, networking know-how is very important for your business success. There is a notion in business that I believe most of us subscribe to that says “all things being equal, people will do business with and refer business to those they know, like and trust.” And the key to this is obviously being able to develop relationships.Think of networking as the cultivation of mutually beneficial, win-win relationships. In order to be win-win, there must be GIVE and take (notice the emphasis on give). Networking shouldn’t be viewed as “events” where you go to sell your business. When effective networking is taking place, the parties involved actively share ideas, information, resources, etc.Ok, so you know that you should be networking because it is one of the most cost-effective lead generation activities when used wisely, appropriately and professionally. But, maybe that seems easier said than done. Here’s a seven step plan to really get going with networking for your business.1. Check out several groups to find the best chemistry and perceived value. Most groups will allow you to come and visit at least a couple of times before you have to join. Go and ask around to find out why others have joined and what value they get out of belonging.Resist the urge to just go join the Chamber of Commerce simply because everyone tells you that’s what you need to do. If that’s not where your target group can be found, then you might just be wasting a considerable amount of time (and money).I’m not telling you not to join the Chamber. Just be clear about what you’d like to get out of this or any other group. If it’s to find prospective clients or referral sources, then you need to be networking where those resources can be found.2. When you find a group or two, join and go to all the meetings you can. Don’t go just once or twice expecting things to happen and then if they don’t quit. Building mutually beneficial, win-win relationships will take some time.The contacts you make need to constantly see your face and hear your message. Continual contact with others over time will open up opportunities for you to go deeper and learn more about each others thoughts, ideas and capabilities in regards to your respective businesses.Know, like, and trust generally only happens over time. Being regular and persistent will pay off.3. Get involved - be visible. Do as much as you can to make yourself more visible within the organization. Volunteer to help with meetings, be on committees, or become a leader or board member.Being involved does a couple of things for you and your business. First, you’ll get more opportunities to establish connections and get to know some of the contacts you’ve made even better. Secondly, the higher the visibility you have in the group, the less you’ll have to work to make new connections. Instead, as new people come into the group, they will likely seek you out because they view you as a leader within the organization.4. Keep your circles of contacts informed. Don’t just assume that running in to someone once a month (or even once a week) will cause them to start doing business with you or sending it your way. You need to let them know what’s going on when you’re not at that particular group in order to inform and educate them.Send them invitations to your events or open houses. Send them email or letters to share big news or success stories, especially anything of relevance to them or those in their networks of contacts. If you believe that you have valuable ideas, information and resources to share with others, then doesn’t this just make sense?5. Work at GIVING referrals and sharing valuable information. That’s right, you need to be willing to GIVE before you get. That means you need to get to know other members and what makes a good prospect for them. What kinds of information might you have access to that could be useful to them?You may initially think you don’t have much of value to share with others (besides your business and what you provide). Part of the key to getting good at giving is to not make assumptions. For example, don’t assume that some basic resource (e.g., a web site) that you’re aware of is familiar to someone you might be talking to just because they are the “expert” in that field. Be willing to ask if they know about the resource and ready to share if they don’t.Want to get better at actually giving referrals? Here’s a simple question to ask someone you’re connecting with. “How am I going to know when I meet a really good prospect for you?”Just the fact that you are willing to explore giving will elevate your know, like and trust factor.6. Focus on Quality, not Quantity, Quantity, Quantity. It’s not necessarily about the number of connections you make, but about the quality of the ones you do make. Are they mutually beneficial, win-win relationships?Quality connections will be identifiable because all involved parties will be actively sharing ideas, information, and resources. Yes, it is true that you need to spend some time and effort getting to know the other person(s) and what’s important to them. But, you also need to be clear and actively thinking about what information or resources you want and need.Staying in touch with and following up with a smaller number of quality relationships will generally be much more productive than trying to follow up with a larger number of superficial contacts.7. Be persistent, but be patient. The goal of a networking event shouldn’t necessarily be to come away with prospects every time you go out, but to come away with great connections. Networking usually takes time to get the relationships developed and nurtured.Don’t approach networking as a scary proposition or a necessary evil for being in business. Take the pressure off yourself and really focus on how you might be able to connect with someone you meet. Focus on them first and look for ways to be useful to them. As you become known as a connector you’ll eventually be ready to reap what you sow.
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Are you using your personal credit to fund your church or ministry?

Are you an established or start up ministry without business credit?

Are you tired of having to use your personal credit and finances to fund your vision?

Do you have CHALLENGED personal credit and think that you can't establish YOUR MINISTRY business credit?

Greetings Fellow Kingdom Builders,

My name is Pastor April Mason and I want to tell you about this power packed webinar that will most likely change the way you operate in ministry. If you're an Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist, Teacher, Artist, Author, Musician, Praise Dancer or anyone that has been given a vision and need the PROVISION.

If you answered YES to any of the questions above, then you're ready to take the next step in securing the ong-term success of your ministry by building business ministry credit.

  • Get the computers you need for your staff and/or afterschool program
  • How to set up you ministry credit profile
  • How to apply for credit under the church or ministry name
  • How to get the video equipment you need
  • How to get credit cards (ie, Mastercard, Nordstorms, Airline Accounts, Home Depot etc...)
  • How to get vehicle leases

and much more...


•Rod Warren’s The Ultimate Credit Repair Guide eBook: 10 Steps to a Better Credit Score FREE ($34.99 value)

•ALlison Cross- Over 400+ page ebook of EVERY GRANT RESOURCE for Non-Profit’s FREE ($79.99 value)

•Allison Cross- How to Successfully Write a Grant Proposal ebook FREE ($39.99 value)


Learn how to secure hotel space for your conferences WITHOUT having to pay up front!


When: May 20, 2010

Time: 7PM PST

Investment: $147 early bird (includes material)

BEST VALUE: $247 early bird (includes material and 1hr of coaching with April Mason to get you on a running start)

For more information about bringing this workshop to your ministry or organization email us at

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Hi, everyone!

Can you believe how fast spring has sprung?! Time is moving and so am I. I am promoting my latest release, Love Found Me. An inspirational suspense! If you have not acquired your copy, please do so. My publishing house (GSH Publishing) is offering a spring special -this is limited time only so take advantage of this opportunity!

Thanks in advance for your support!

Order here:

Poet and Author Acholam Birago

April National Poetry Month! This is a time to celebrate poets and their poetry. Through out the month of April, numerous events are held. It is wonderful way to involve youths in a poetic activities.
Inaugurated by the Academy of American Poets in 1996, National Poetry Month is now held every April, when publishers, booksellers, literary organizations, libraries, schools and poets around the country band together to celebrate poetry and its vital place in American culture. Thousands of businesses and non-profit organizations participate through readings, festivals, book displays, workshops, and other events.

Join me on my online Radio Blog Talk Show! Yes, The Certain Ones now has a home on the air waves! Our forthcoming segment is: Poetic Justice.

We will be celebrating National Poetry Month in the Month of April- with the fiercest inspirational and motivational poet and author Acholam Birago. Stage name: Poetic.Soul.Provider. You do not want to miss this enchanting evening of soul stirring and thought provoking conversation!


Listen to The Certain Ones on Blog Talk Radio

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Check outour latest dance studio contest special feature video, and learn allabout Dance Manhattan Studios in NYC, the premiere location for SocialBallroom, Latin, and Swing Dance Classes!

Enter the America's Best Dance Studio Contest here, The winner of the contest will be announced during National Dance Week!

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A couple of years ago, I went through a very stressful time in my life, and became very careless with my diet and exercise regimen, and ended up gaining about 25-30 lbs. Now as a professional dancer, that
might as well have been 50 or 60 lbs.! During that time, I of course was
not happy with the condition that my body was in, however, it took a
while for me to get to the point where, it was time to wake up and make a
change. Mastering the power of focus is part of what got me out of the
rut that I was in.

This article is Part 2 in the, "Mastering the Power of Focus" Series, and I'd like to share with you how focusing can help you overcome challenges you may face with your health and wellness.

When it comes to your body, we all know that we need to "eat healthy and exercise regularly". But what happens when life takes over? Maybe you're stressed because of financial problems, or trouble in your
relationship or marriage. What if you, your child, or a loved one, is
sick, and the emotional stress is taking its toll on you? You see where
I'm going with this. Eating healthy and exercising regularly isn't
necessarily as easy as it sounds under these types of circumstances. We
must, however, put things in perspective.

I would say that, to master the power of focus, you need to realize/do three things:

1) Understand that the power of focus lies in your hands. You choose what you focus on. You can focus on your circumstances, or focus on God. Focus on the positive or focus on the negative. Therefore, it
can work for you, or against you. Focusing is an action word, a verb, a
decision, and it is crucial in your daily life. If you'd like to lose
weight, you must focus on that vision of your physical self, and your
life, once you are in a healthy place again, and nothing else. This will
allow you to overcome the junk food temptations that you are confronted
with everyday, because your focus is on your goal. The list goes on...

2) Set goals, focus on them, and begin crawling towards them. I use the word "crawl" because it's usually the little steps that we take each day that make the most difference. It's unbelievable to me how
much we can accomplish, or change in our lives by doing, or not doing
something, once or twice a day. Take time to meditate or go for a walk
for just 5 or 10 minutes, in the middle of the day, and see how
differently you feel. Choose to stop working from home at 8 pm every
night, and watch how much more relaxed, happy, and productive you will
be throughout the day. The same goes for going to sleep 30 min. or 1
hour earlier than normal. Figure out what will work for you, and do it

3) Your thoughts become actions, and your focus begins in your own mind. Are you a negative thinker? Do you always see the glass as half-empty? Well, if you focus on the negative, then that's what you'll
always get. Choose to be positive and see the positive in people and
situations. That way, negative people or occurrences (although they will
come) won't sway your new-found mastery of focusing on the positive and
what you want.

And by the way, no one ever said that this would be easy. But, it's crucial to be actively controlling and streamlining what you focus on from day to day. Otherwise, your mind will be controlled by your
circumstances, and by what others say, do, or think, and believe me, you
don't want that! :)

To Read more from my blog, go to,

Stay tuned for Part 3......

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Statistics show that African Americans are experiencing double the employment rate than the dominant culture. We represent 700 billion dollars in consumer buying power. Home based business owners can earn from $63,000 to 1million per year! That should be you!

If you are someone who wants to start a home based business and want to sell your own products then contact the African American Connection. My store is being built as we speak. I believe in this business model so much that I also invested in the company and became a Corporate Training Affiliate and project to earn 15k per month by December.

If you are someone who owns a business and needs a website with a free shopping cart then AAC is the right choice.

The average cost of website design with a shopping cart is $5,000 then the companies take a percentage of your sales. With AAC it's $29.95 a catch, that's it!

Be a part of this revolutionary business model and stop selling other companies make up and the like and go into business for yourself. There are free webinars every Tuesday at 8pm EST but you can log onto my personal corporate portal and view the demo.

There is something for everyone here. There is also a general market store where you can receive up to 40% cash back in the form of a check when shopping with Macy's and Walmart online!

There is also a store just for youth business owners! Teach your children now to go into business for themselves!

Sign up for the next webinar by clicking on the tab in the right hand corner:

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Methods To Make Money Online For Zero Cost

By: Marilena Frasineanu

A large number of people need to work for more money online by affiliate marketing programs and also internet marketing services. Usually factor all the people need to make money online free is always the fact that these are experiencing struggles and even don't currently have any capital to be able to get started with and as a result simply cannot find the money for to pay out any! If this is the actual situation which usually you locate your self in utilizing small amount of assets but a lot of commitment in that case here is simply a tactic that you can easily make money online by using tiny or simply absolutely no outgoings.

1st of all most people discover an affiliate program for example like ClickBank and set up a account to deliver their particular programs. By using promoting digital services you are really not even engaged with the sale as well as and so you do not need to mail things, deal with business partners and / or get involved after all. Once the sale is done, you just obtain usually commission rate and get started which will make money online.

Once you have opted what service or product or perhaps products and services you wish for to advertise - possibly you really want to target along just one selected niche - it follows that you may easily start off promoting these.

Therefore any no-cost techniques about undertaking this might be by way of choosing many of the free web sites (social sites) who are accessible online. Regarding starters, you could create a blog or a web site utilizing a quantity of blog hosts, but I have observed that blogger drives me lots of perfect efficient traffic (i.e. I arise in search results without need of having to pay off). In the event that you always maintain upgrading your webpage having correct website content and also utilize useful keywords and phrases in your articles next you are probably to gain traffic going to your blog / website. Create a couple of blogs / websites in varied niches whenever you would like to own even more over only one; that may will certainly allow you to positively get more rapidly to make money online.

With regard to combination with your blog / websites add in several article marketing. Generate valuable plus instructive articles relating to your niche together with a link to your blog / website. Be sure that you improve all the products and services effectively present in your blog / website and furthermore you can certainly begin making money online quickly.

Add into this a few free web pages. A great case is to create web pages or 'lenses' in Squidoo. You can essentially build as many pages as you like on many ideas. At the same time make those attractive, cooperate with the target audience, attach image samples and a excellent page will create you targeted traffic. You may make use of these kinds of webpages to be able to backlink to all your articles as well as your blog / website and in addition precisely promote your services.

So there really are a a couple of tactics of making money online for free. It does indeed require a lot of difficult efforts to stand up along with running and continue offering real useful resources however , with the help of really hard work you really are always going to have great results!

Author Resource:-> Find here Practical Ideas On How To Make Money Online for 100 % Free that will help you in your internet marketing efforts. Our home business ideas will help you start your own home business.

Article From Article Directory
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Necessary Steps in PPC SEO Management

By: Mohammad Aftab

Promotion through PPC has become really popular because it is one of the accepted and quickest ways to support website online. By using PPC search engine management correctly, you can support your website with minimum expenditures and maximum gains. PPC search engine management involves you paying another host website to place an ad on the website and charge you for every visitor that clicks on your advertisement. So PPC play and key role to attract the targeted visitors to make a profit. There are few steps for right PPC search engine management.

The really key thing that you must need to think when doing PPC search engine management deals with the actual website that is going to host your advertisement. The excellent kind of the website will host your ad and will be closely related to market targets. Making sure the host website is relevant to yours with ensure that involved and motivated prospects has entered into your website.

The extremely key thing is to opt keywords in PPC search engine management. The keyword collection is really key because they define the kind of customers that you will funnel into your website. You cant attract the traffic and cant earn the revenue if your keywords are not relevant to the theme of your website. The text ad in the PPC campaign must be strong, but not long. The text must be minimum if you want to make it successful.

You must place the advertisement at the apex. You can apply the Google Analytics to know about the sales funnel and will help you to know the place where the clients are merely dropping off. You must place your ad between positions 3 to 5 if you are selecting PPC promotion off of the Google search engine. This manner, you won't waste your income rapidly by going after the number 1 position and you'll still be able to get a bunch of targeted receptive traffic. Furthermore you will be able to analyze where you are missing on the sales.

The extremely key step for PPC search engine management is the constant updating and keeping of the ad. It is highly recommend that you must continuously split test new ads in order to improve on the original one. Every ad you create must be really catchy, creating curiosity in the readers.

Author Resource:-> For more services ppc company and seo agency please visit at

Article From Article Directory
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by Jocelyn M. Goode
It has been about three months since the world was rocked by the news of the disastrous earthquake in Haiti, that toppled the country's infrastructure and left thousands dead. People around the world responded with a downpour of donations to organizations like Wyclef's Yele, the American Red Cross and the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. National governments also pledged money to help Haiti stabilize, with the United States offering the largest amount. Grassroot fundraisers hosted by individuals garnered a sizable collection of resources as well. So how is all this money being spent? Let's look at some figures.
as of January 24th, 2010. Courtesy of
According to an article by the Associated Press on January 27th, for every dollar of the $379 million that President Obama has allocated for Haiti earthquake release, "42 cents for disaster assistance, 33 cents for U.S. military aid, nine cents for food, nine cents to transport the food, five cents for paying Haitian survivors for recovery efforts, just under one cent to the Haitian government, and about half a cent to the Dominican Republic."Essentially, $125 million of the money the U.S. is giving to Haiti is going back to the U.S. for their military. Questionable yet not surprising considering that American government often confuses help to mean military control of a country. Seriously, does relief really require that one third of the money go to maintaining an army or could that figure be reduced to increase the wages to Haitian workers actually rebuilding the country?On March 29th, the American Red Cross released its plan to spend the $400 million in donations the organization received to aid recovery efforts in Haiti. Their plan is a long-term one to span over the next three to five years. In a recent press release, the American Red Cross published the following figures on their latest spending in Haiti: "In just 11 weeks, the American Red Cross has already spent or allocated a record $106.4 million, with approximately 52 percent of the funds being used for food, water and relief supplies; 36 percent for shelter; 8 percent have been dedicated for health and family services; and 4 percent for livelihoods through cash grants and loans." The organization expects to divide the $400 million, with half to be spent this year and the rest over the following years. Also a problematic plan considering that they've already spent 50% of this year's funds in 11 weeks!Musician Wyclef Jean, founder of Yele Haiti, a popular non-profit organization to which many people of the Hip-Hop generation contributed money, is the center of a rumor scandal that alleges he paid $105,000 to his lover and personal assistant, Zakiya Khatou-Chevassus. While Yele's grassroots efforts produced $9,139,324 in donations, detractors claim that Wyclef has not been legit with managing the money. A Huffington Post article stated, "Back in late January, shortly after the 7.0 earthquake hit, Yéle Haiti was criticized for spending money on production crews in previous years, and Jean himself was accused of using money from the organization for his personal use. Jean admitted mistakes in the past, but denied wrongdoing and said he'd never take money from the organization..."Wyclef's uncle, Haitian Ambassador Raymond Alcide Joseph had these comment on the matter, "I'm not a financial accountant, I haven't seen everything, but I think they had people go through the books and they did find some irregularities that were repaired, but as far as wholesale corruption--I say 'no'...It's not because Wyclef Jean is my nephew and I'm defending him but I know his heart is good and he's been doing good work in Haiti long, long before these people who have appeared on the scene.”
as of January 24th, 2010. Courtesy of
Another popular yet scandalous organization is the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. Created by the former American presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, the organization has raised $37 million including a $1 million donation from actor Leonardo DiCaprio and a $200,000 gift from President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize money. Even in the face of the ongoing joke that "Bush doesn't like Black people", the Young Professionals United for Change, a primarily African-American group hosted a fundraiser for Haiti in Harlem, NYC, turning over a portion of their donations to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. Yet, according to a report on March 22nd, the presidential charity has only put about $4 million to use, approximately 10% of the total donations, giving to organizations such as "Habitat for Humanity, the University of Miami/Project Medishare mobile hospital in Port-au-Prince and the U.S. branch of the Irish charity Concern Worldwide. The rest has yet to be allocated." What are they waiting for? 90% of the people's money is just waiting to be spent while the situation in Haiti demands immediate action. So much for their presidential sense of impetus! Well one thing is clear, George W. Bush just may not be a true hands-on person. This YouTube video has been circulating through the web showing Bush wiping his hands on Bill Clinton's shirt after shaking hands with a Haitian man.
Clearly, it is important to track the millions that has been raised against the progress actually taking place in Haiti because the tendency towards fraud is apparent. ABC News reported that Operation USA, American Refugee Committee, Merlin and Doctors Without Borders--four major organizations working on Haiti relief, could not provide specifics about their spending and were unable to assign dollar figures to their efforts. Here is an ABC News graph which shows that 69%, $325 million has not been spent on anything yet. If what the United Nations and the World Bank have found in a recent preliminary assessment is true, then it will take about $11.5 billion in the next three years to rebuild Haiti. There is no room for cheating, stealing, misallocating and stalling resources that individuals have already donated to aid Haiti's relief efforts. Accountability is a must!
as of January 24th, 2010. Courtesy of
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Social Bookmarking: Ideal Guide for Beginner’s

By: Debdulal D Dey

Social bookmarking has become one of the most happening trends in present times. It has drastically changed the facet of modern day business. More and more people are using this process as an effective tool for website promotion and online marketing.

Webmasters use this method to enhance the inflow of website traffic. Although, it is used extensively yet there are many people who hardly know to use this technique more resourcefully. Well, this guide to social bookmarking will effectively help the beginners to understand and make right use of this process.

Social Bookmarking

In simple terms, the process of bookmarking involves the deed of saving the address of a website which can be used after wards by an individual. Social Booking is an advanced method than the simple process of bookmarking.

Social Bookmarking is an online technique that allows an individual to save and group a special collection of bookmarks and share them with online public. The users can obtain bookmarks saved by other individuals and include them in their personal collection. They can also subscribe to the lists of other public.

Know and Use Social Bookmarking Process

Now, you must have got an idea what is social bookmarking all about. It is time to know how to use this method practically.

  1. Collect information of websites that offer the facility of social bookmarking to its members. Generally, social bookmarking sites are available free on the Internet while others offer special facility to the members.
  2. Register to any of the websites, according to choice.
  3. You have to organize the bookmarks with the interface of the website
  4. Add tags and labels over the bookmarks. This process of tagging and labeling will enable the other users to check out and share the bookmarks effectively.
  5. You may restrict others to share the bookmark, if need
  6. Use tags that powerfully speaks about the subject of the websites content
  7. Try to add more tags and labels to links.

Social Bookmarking Improves Website Traffic

The process of social bookmarking will only enhance the inflow of traffic to a website. However, this alone must not be held as the only determinant to improve the ranking of the website. You need to give equal importance to design, layout, and content to make the website rank well in the SERPs.

It is important to note that you judiciously bookmark websites that are aligned to the overall subject of your website. This process will increase your website traffic as the other public's in the same trade will return to the site and bookmark it. If a website is bookmarked by many users then it gets higher ranking among others in the search engines.

Author Resource:-> This informative article is written by Debdulal Dey. He regularly writes for Quality Web Solutions that offers quality content writing services to its global clients.

Article From Article Directory


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Build Your Online Reputation

Write Your Book in Two Days is a new ebook is for writers of, and those who want to write,
articles, blogs, student essays and nonfiction books and ebooks.

Whywrite a book?

Blogs and online articles help you to build your reputation online. This book contains tips to help you develop your articles and blogs.

A book is the best way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. This can help you to attract opportunities as a speaker, and grow your business as a consultant or coach, or just attract more customers to your business.

Think about all the experts you have heard of them. Most of them are published authors.

If you have a blog or have published a series of articles, you are well on the way to writing your book.

Yes, you really can write your book in two days. This book is based on my direct personal experience. Whether you are just getting started or are an experienced writer who is feeling stuck, this book can be of benefit to you. Includes sections on

- writer's block
- coming up with ideas
- overcoming procrastination
- and much more.

Write Your Book in Two Days

Here's to your success!
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With temperatures ramping up and hot weather on the way, it's time to embrace hair and makeup looks that work with and enhance your radiant glow. From tousled hair how-tos to bronzy makeup products and application techniques, this celebrity look and expert beauty tips will have your hotness meter rising while also helping you stay cool in the heat.

Jennifer Lopez

J.Lo shows how to rock a faux glow -- with an edgy smoky eye and a classic nude lip. Copy the look by tracing your inner and outer rims with black eyeliner, then smudging brown shadow around the outer corners up to just below your brow bones. Shade lids and inner corners with a silver shimmery shadow, then pile on the mascara. Finish with a nude gloss that has a slight pink tint to it .

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Your Personal Beauty Advisor


Before you walk down the aisle or go to your prom or wedding, get a glamourous makeover Corinne’s style…Ask Me How!

How to Makeup Tutorial / Virtual Makeover / Beauty Tips

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