When you take the power of "what if..." seriously, you will embrace the power to construct your own blueprint. Small adjustments to our character and demeanor each day can create a major difference in our appreciation of life. On the outside, nothing changes. At the same time, absolutely everything does. Use your awareness or your imagination to bring happiness to this moment. Find something to appreciate. Continue this as often as you remember to do so, and you will alter your world.
Inspirational (31)
Earlier in January 2013 I became extremely depressed and had to disconnect and BE STILL for while to examine, re-discover, re-organize and re-energize my life. In the midst I was able to finally finish a book I've been writing for the past 6+ years. At times I didn't think I was worthy enough to even be writing on the subject matter but these past few months gave me new hope. When it finally appeared on amazon I could feel the noose of life around my neck literally loosen its grips. If you are interested it is now available at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BQ4M8S6. Download it, read it, then tell me what you think. Please leave a review on amazon and recommend to family, friends and anyone else if you believe it has helped you and can help others.
If you want forgiveness, you must first be forgiving. If you want understanding, you must first understand others. If you want to good people in your life, you must first be a sample of goodness. If you seek happiness, you must first find your peace. --JW
HARMONY: When I am in harmony, paired with peace and grace. I get a feeling of serene and effortless binding elements that brings forth happiness. How did you awake this morning?
--JW 3/29/13
I have the self-discipline to make better decisions. I refrain from negative distractions. I document strategically then pursue and reach my goals. I carefully nurture my character and reward myself often to stay motivated. When we practice temperance our vision becomes sharper and we become honest with ourselves, which allows us to become happier and live by our highest values.
2012 was an interesting year for me. I think I went up another size in my big-girl panties. LOL! I also picked up a few nuggets along the way and I wanted to share them with you.
1. Blessed are the Flexible Stuff happens. Life happens. Know that. Accept it. The sooner you do, the better off you will be. There's a saying, "Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out if shape." When things are not going the way you planned, you have to learn how to make lemonade out of your lemons.
2. Be Fearless I'm going to go out on a limb and say that fear is the #1 reason people stall out and don't move forward with their dreams. So, you try something and it doesn't work out. What's the worst thing that can happen? But what if you try and it DOES work out? What's the best thing that can happen? Ditch the fear and go!
3. Do Not Compromise If you have a vision of how things are supposed to come together, do not compromise it. It's fine to consult with others, but if that consultation turns into something that is contrary to your vision, don't do it. You have been gifted with a unique assignment. Your blessings are linked to that assignment. Do not allow anyone to talk you out of what has been divinely imparted unto you.
4. Make No Comparison Run your own race. Don't get distracted by what someone else is doing in your field. They have to walk out their calling in truth and integrity just like you. At the end of the day, it's about making an impact in this world. And how we do that, and to what extent, is different for everybody. So don't get distracted by others. Stay in your lane and run your own race.
5. Everything Ain't for You There are a lot of opportunities that may present themselves that may seem like good ideas. Other people seem to be successful doing it, so why not you? Well, some things may be a "good idea" but they may not be God's idea for you. Know the difference. Don't clutter your calendar with fruitless activities that will only distract you from your purpose. Everything ain't for you.
6. Stop Worrying About Supporters Too much of our energy can be focused on worrying about who is "supporting" us and who's not. We get so carried away with the naysayers that we overlook our cheerleaders. Just focus on your assignment. God did not give you that gift to fall on deaf ears. The people who need what you have to offer WILL support you. The others? Who cares? And here's a truth I learned long ago: Those who you think support you, may not. And those who you least expect are 100% for you!
7. Get Over Stuff...Quickly Offenses are a part of life. Your spouse, your boss, your child, your business partner will all offend you at some point on your journey. Get over it...quickly! Offense is one of the greatest ways to short-circuit your blessings. It allows you to hold too much junk in your heart and pushes out love and gratefulness. Make a decision to give people a "Grace Pass" upfront. That way, when they do something to hurt or disappoint you, you can extend them “grace by default.” That allows you continue to enjoy the liberty that has been set aside for you. Choose freedom: Love & Forgive easily.
There are a million more things I could probably say, but I just wanted to offer a few words to encourage you as you move forward in this year. Your journey may not be a Gravy Train rolling on Biscuit Wheels, but you can choose to learn the lessons and grow from them. As I mature, one of the greatest lessons I've learned is that life is not about the destination. It's all about the journey. And you'll be wise to grab a few nuggets along the way.
Happy New Year!
The year 2011 was a very interesting year for me on a lot of different levels. I began the year with the intent to be laser focused on the mission of Inspired Sistah and taking the organization to another level. I had a nice, neat plan of attack and was in forward motion to make it happen. Well, life happened and a lot of things occurred differently than how I imagined them, but the education I received from "Life University" is worth sharing:
1. They that be with you are more than they that be against you.
A huge lesson that I had to learn was that not everyone will embrace my message. And that's really actually okay because I'm not called to serve everyone. But as a person who is passionate about my message, it was a bitter pill to swallow. However, in conjunction with that, I've also come to understand that there are more that are for me than against me.
2. Let Folks Go.
This has been a very painful lesson for me because I have been forced to release people who I really like, but they are in a different space than I am and want different things. I've learned that if I'm their option, they can't be my priority...Simple.
3. Listen to your gut.
As women, we've been gifted with intuition. Call it your "gut," a "hunch," that "still, small Voice,” whatever. The fact of the matter is that oftentimes, God gives us a warning or admonition about a situation long before the bottom falls out. LISTEN!
4. Don't allow anyone to discount your greatness.
There may be people who have watched you grow and evolve who still want to remember "when..." They may try to hold you to that old standard and have a difficult time embracing the new standard. Well, that's their problem, not yours. Continue to grow, abound and soar and don't let anyone discount your greatness.
5. Don't allow your purpose to get muddled in the details.
More likely than not, your purpose is an ever-changing entity with a lot of moving parts. Because of that, it's easy to get lost in the minutia. If you're not careful, your vision can become clouded in the fine print. Don't allow that to happen. Staying focused on your "why" will help keep you grounded and encouraged.
6. Even when you count up the cost, you still may not fully understand the true price of greatness.
On the ladder of success, it is not uncommon to look at someone in awe whom you deem as being a few rings higher up on the ladder. But what I've come to understand is that positions of influence come at a great cost. And even if you think you understand that cost, you may not even have a clue!
7. Take no prisoners!
At certain seasons of your journey, there may be individuals that present themselves as helpers, supporters or benefactors. They may be a tremendous blessing to you for a season, but when their season is up, release them to continue on to their destiny. Do not hold them hostage to your dream. Because once they become prisoners, they will no longer be a blessing, but unwilling participants that weigh the vision down.
8. Everybody ain't ready.
You'll meet a lot of people who say that they want to go to the next level. Or give a false perception of themselves as though they operate at a certain level of excellence. But the truth of the matter is that they're really not ready to make the type of sacrifices or commitment it takes to ascend to and sustain greatness. Don’t judge them. Just keep it moving.
9. You’ve got to have a plan. Passion is not enough.
It's important that you write your vision and make it plain so that you can have a blueprint for your success. Having passion with no plan will only sustain you for a short amount of time. Properly preparing for your passion gives greater credence and sustainability to your purpose.
10. Consistency is the key. Slow and steady wins the race.
To create a lasting legacy, you must commit to consistent, diligent effort. You can't hit and miss and expect lasting results. Before large infrastructures can be built, a firm, sturdy foundation must be laid in order to support its weight. So it is when you're cultivating your purpose, you must be willing to stick with it even when you're tired, discouraged and disillusioned because the moment that you slack may be the moment right before your breakthrough.
I’m sure there are countless others that I have failed to list, but these were the top ten pressing on my heart. Like everyone else, I’m excited about what 2012 has to offer. That excitement is fueled by expectation and the wisdom I’ve gained from 2011. It’s been good, but I’m looking forward to even better!
New Year’s Blessings,
Please view my lastest Youtube video! Thanks! BE blessed!
3rd Annual Women Inspirational Poetry Contest.
Oneal Walters is accepting sponsors for hte 3rd Annual Women Inspirational Poetry Contest,
interested parties should contact Mr. Walters at oneal@theagebegins.com for full details.
Previous sponsors: Poetic Monthly, Chapter and Verse, World Poetry Cafe Radio Show 102.7
Oneal Walters on FB
Please support Mr. Walters in his effort to honor women of inspiration.
Thank you.
Cyber Monday One Hour Deals at Inspirational Expressions
ALSO - All other items are 25% off TODAY with FREE shipping on USPS Priority shipments!
I have recently been moved to create an inspirational line of jewelry!! I am SOexcited!!
Please join my group on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ChariTs.Inspirational.Creationsand visit my store www.chariT.etsy.comand purchase a pair of earrings for yourself or as a nice gift to inspiresomeone!
Thank you for your support!!
Be beautiful and blessed!
Chari Twitty
ChariT’s Inspirational Creations
CUSTOMER REQUEST: Can you put Dorothy Allen's artwork in one section of your website?
ANSWER: Done! And we thank you for your request. Gift items with Dorothy Allen's artwork can now be viewed in one section. And yes, items will still be available by theme.What an honor to enjoy or display the artwork of Dorothy Allen. As one of America's most adorned artist, Ms. Allen's work speaks volumes to many who have come to know and love her art. Her signature phrase Too Blessed to Be Stressed can be found on most gift items today from calendars and Bible covers to journals and even address books. Ms. Allen captures the African American culture in a very unique way. Her vibrant and full of life characters include preachers in the pulpit, and ushers prancing and praising. Inspirational Expressions will be adding to this collection soon.
Feel free to post on your twitter, facebook, myspace & share with all your friends and family!!! Thank you so much for your support
"Click here to vote for my video for the Your OWN Show contest on the Oprah Winfrey Network!" http://bit.ly/baYHC1
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Teachers/Mentors Edition of Up in the Attic Hip Hop Movie
The Hip Hop Movie of the Year 2010! | MySpace VideoTeachers, Parents and Mentors use the Up in the Attic teen movie to open up dialogue with our youth on subjects such as sex, drugs, peer pressure, abuse and more!For more information or to contact Director Kamal Imani for group discussions and lectures go to http://www.upintheatticmovie.comcipherkam@gmail.comCall Mr. Kevin Barksdale 201-923-9213