1-800-652-7157 In this video Houston with th GCU Group, Inc. explain why many people should fix their credit instead of getting a CPN or SCN.
1st you no longer have to find a co-signer to help you get an apartment, car, or student loan. I understand this is embarrassing for many adults with bad credit.
2nd If you have good credit you could add a child or family on you credit cards as authorize users and they could inherit your credit. This is one of the best gifts you can give someone if you're not rich or wealthy. Your 18 year old could inherit your credit and you will not have to co-sign for them an apartment, car loan, or student loan.
3rd You could buy real estate in which you could not do with a CPN or SCN. Many people want to get into real estate investing but they must understand that having good credit will make it easier to purchase that property.
4th When you fix your credit you don't have to show as much paperwork to get funding. With a CPN or SCN creditors want to see the id or drivers license to go along with the file. Creditors are asking for social security cards for that SCN or CPN, they are also asking for employment verification. This is alot of personal information they are requiring now for an SCN or CPN.
5TH It's much more easier to get funding when you have good credit to do you investments, succh as buying a car from the auction instead of having to finance it from a car dealer.
This is Houston with Good Credit Union. You can call me at !-800-652-7157 or email me or Alex
GOOD (17) 1-800-652-7157 In this video, I show a new CPN file. This client has a 2 Au's and 1 Primary which had give him high 700's across the board. Once he had access to his file he went and opened up a checking accont with WellsFargo and Navy Federal. He had success in that, however he applied for a loan and was turned down. The reason he was turned down is because he did not hhave enough primaries on the credit file,
We instruct all clients not to apply for any loans especially government loans because the file is not strong enough. We you jump the gun like this guy you could cause problems for yourself.
You can have a lot of success with a cpn if you have the right people around you. We encourages you to clean up your personal credit first before you get a CPN.
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157 1-800-652-7157 Stop buying net30's and business credit services if you have bad credit. hen you try to build up your business credit by purchasing net30's, trade lines, having corporate financials and taxes prepared as well as add ucc's to the company, you still are not guaranteed to get the funing you need to help your business.
Most banks and other lending instituions are insisting you do a personal guarantee or have enough assets to cover the loan. Many of us, unfortunately don't have assets to cover the loan, however we can fix our personal credit to sign off for the loan.
Good credit Union helps people all the time to fix their personal credit and help them obtain loans upto $50k in cash funding under their personal credit. Business Credit America builds the client a 3 to 5 year old shelf corp and pair it up with their personal credit to get them up to $100k in cash funding.
I understand many of us have been taught it's not necessary to use your personal credit to get funding under the business, however due to new rules and regulations with the financial institutions things have changed. I try to encourage people to fix their personal credit first because they will be able to have access to many other opportunities. They can buy a car with no money down, pay lower interest rates on loans for mortgages, and personal loans.
This Tax season fix your personal credit first and you'll have access to money all year long.
Check out our other great services
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157 1-800-652-7157 This is a clients file that allowed us to use it as a testimonial video. This is not a cpn file. This individual only had a childsupport case showing on his credit. We added 5 Authorize User to his account to get him in the 700's due to the fact we had applied for several credit cards and a loan. This individual was approved for a Amex card, a $5k discover card and a $4100.00 citi card.
Check our our other great services.
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157 Houston over at had Good Credit Union to remove a Bankruptcy from Experian in less than 10 days. They also removed 2 inquiries off of Experian. Houston's fico score jump from 714 to 738 experian, 701 to 713 equifax, and transunion score increased from 743 to 765.
Check out get your credit cleaned in less than 30 days.
100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEED Good Credit Union removed my bankruptcy in 10 Business Days. I had been trying for the last 8 years to get this bankruptcy off my credit. I had success with Equifax and Transunion but Experian would not work with me. I merged my company Business credit America with Good credit Union and they proved to me how valuable they could be to me and my company. I sent them my credit report on 11-28-2012. They mailed out the letters to Experian credit bureau round the 9th or 10 of December. I pulled my credit report 12-17-2012 and the bankruptcy was removed. Thanks Good Credit Union.
Protect your Identity and Social Security number with a CPN (Credit Profile Number). Learn the secret that celebrities, government officials,and pro athletes use to protect their identity and get all the credit they want with out using their social security number. Learn More @
4 Starter Companies to Help Get Bad-Credit-Business-Loans Business loans are very difficult to obtain in today’s challenging economy especially if you have bad credit. Many people are closing their small-businesses because they have bad credit. Lenders such as banks and credit unions have even made if hard on people with good credit scores.
Now, that does now mean it’s impossible to get business funding with bad credit, it just means you have to be a little more creative. The creative process starts by finding trade vendors that will give you credit regardless of your personal-credit. I done a little research and found 4 trade vendors or net 30 companies that would be more than willing to help you startup you business-credit file. If you order from these companies first, they will automatically create you a Dun and Bradstreet report that way you don’t have to purchase their product just to get a Dun’s number.
The four companies that will give you credit regardless of your personal-credit are Grainger, Nebs, Uline and Rapid Forms. You do not have to pay up front they will automatically give you trade vendor credit to help you establish yourself for a business loans and create a paydex score with Dun and Bradstreet.
This is just an alternative to helping you get funding with bad-credit. If you would like to get you’re personal-credit repaired in less than 30 business days then I recommend you check out Good Credit Union (, there fast reliable and comes with a 100% money back guarantee.
Dear Black Business Space CommUNITY,
Centuries ago, Aesop (the famous Black greek philosopher), provided us with a compelling parable that instructs as well as warns us about how to do business.
Its message could not be more timely: The fable recalls the story of a poor farmer who discovers in the nest of his goose a shining golden egg. He is suspicious, and starts to discard the egg, but then decides to have it appraised to determine its worth. He discovers the egg is pure gold!
The farmer is overwhelmed with his good fortune. He becomes even more excited when he finds that each day, as he visits the nest, there is a new egg.
Imagine his excitement as day after day he awakens to the thrill of finding a new egg! It all seems too good to be true. However, the farmer becomes wealthy beyond belief.
Then, with his newfound wealth, comes greed and impatience. Instead of waiting for each day to pass, he decides to get all of the eggs at once. He greedily opens the goose, only to find that it is empty. Not only are there no eggs, but now there will never be anymore. He has killed "the goose that laid the golden eggs."
For us, "Black business networking" is that goose. As Black entrepreneurs we have an enormous capacity to help Black people universally achieve economic health and financial freedom. However, with that incredible opportunity comes significant responsibility.
We have to do business THE RIGHT WAY! If we do, we ensure continued freedom and prosperity for everyone.
For that reason, the National Black Business Trade Association, established "Codes of Good Business Practice". These Codes have been adopted in order to define the duties, responsibilities and rights of members among themselves, the Black community, and the public in general as well as with the National Black Business Trade Association, Inc. (NBBTA) office and staff.
The purpose is to develop relationships which are more conducive to successful business practices, financial and community development, as well as the advancement of African peoples worldwide. While at the same time maintaining the right of each member to engage in a free and independent business enterprise.
CODE 1: Treat your customers, suppliers, employees, contractors, prospects and public as you would want to be treated. We are dedicated to the principle that if “you help enough people get what they want out of life, you will automatically get all you want out of life”. Service to others will always return great dividends. Its called, “synergy”. People working together in harmony and cooperation will accomplish much more than the same number of people working separately.
CODE 2: Each of us is an attitude away from greatness. Each of us is unique and special, with our own set of beliefs, talents, strengths, abilities, perceptions and values. Each of us is a product of our lifetime experiences. We base our decisions and actions upon these experiences. Each person has a unique contribution in life - each of us has innate worth and value. An attitude of total unconditional acceptance of others will cause each of us to allow for differences and help eliminate prejudice and judgmental thinking. By allowing another his own opinions and actions, individuals actually enhance their own self-esteem. We seek first to understand and then be understood.
CODE 3: The power to change your life is within your reach. We believe that each individual has the God-given right and responsibility to live freely. Each, as a mature, adult business person, must be given the right to operate independently and be allowed the freedom to succeed or fail based upon individual efforts and abilities. We are each responsible for our own well-being and growth - personally and financially. We seek to be compensated in the marketplace in direct portion to the value we bring to the marketplace.
CODE 4: What we do, we do for our children (future generations). The proper raising and education of our children is our collective responsibility. In addition to all else, we must teach them the importance of ownership, equity participation, international economic reciprocity and entrepreneurship as alternatives to laboring in the job market. We must lead by example, encouraging the creative process in all, bringing others along as we grow.
CODE 5: We each have the responsibility to deal with openness, honesty, and kindness in business and in life - to cause the best results possible. Once a difficulty or problem exists, the most effective manner to correct it is to go back to the root cause of the problem and treat that - not just superficially treating the effect. Following the ancient principle of “whatsoever you sow, so shall you reap!”, we acknowledge that each of us will reap exactly what we give out. Each of us will reap a life harvest - the size will depend upon our generosity at planting time, the quality will depend upon our diligence to tend the crop and the kind will depend upon the kind of seed we’ve sown. Eventually all our thoughts, words, actions and attitudes will come back to us. The principles exist that those dealing honestly, fairly and with integrity will find success, friendships and ultimately - happiness and peace.
CODE 6: One who masters the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him, he is always doing both.
These Codes reflect the positive nature of our mission and our desire to be of service to Black people throughout the world. If you look closely, you will notice that the first code really is a summation of all that follows.
Treat your customers, suppliers, employees, contractors, prospects and public as you would want to be treated. We are dedicated to the principle that if “you help enough people get what they want out of life, you will automatically get all you want out of life”.
Together, I believe we can fight the universal tendencies toward greed, negativity and impatience. I believe we can do business the old-fashioned way, with integrity and honesty. If we conduct our business THE RIGHT WAY, the goose will be healthy and our mutual abundance will be unmeasured. In the end, the only way to do good is to be good.
Peace and Blessings,
Lee Green, Chairman, National Black Business Trade Association (NBBTA)
and Founder,
Networking Increases NetWorth
Okay so let us break this down so we can understand where we are and where we need to be in our businesses and our lives!
Titus 3
Doing What is Good
1Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, 2to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.
OK, this really means that you need to listen to your supervisors, abide by the law and respect each other. Stop acting like you don't know what to do in certain situations. Showing humilty means to be respectful of others regardless of how they treat you.
3At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. 4But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, 5he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. 8This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.
There was a time when we didn't know any better. When we decided to get our lives right and come in right standing with God, He forgave us of all of our sins, washing us clean. So, with the Holy Spirit within us we have to walk the walk and talk the talk. What does that mean for business and life? It means that won't be lying or cheating customers. We will always have great customer service (no longer is GOOD an option) and we will continuously put God first so that HE gets the glory. (stop worrying about what you can get from God, you're already blessed so walk in that FIRST!) We also can't hate on another that may be in the same industry as ourselves. We must be fair cordial and not backbiting.
9But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. 10Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. 11You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.
No need to keep sharing the same helpful information with a person. If they dont understand where they are NOT and you have tried over and over (twice), then leave it be. They will see, one day, that you were trying to steer them in the right direction. One thing we know, as business women, is, starting a business is not easy, marketing is not easy and getting funding sure is not easy!
Final Remarks
12As soon as I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis, because I have decided to winter there. 13Do everything you can to help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way and see that they have everything they need. 14Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives.
15Everyone with me sends you greetings. Greet those who love us in the faith.
Grace be with you all.
Verse 14 is very essential here. It is the best bet of what is to come for your life. If you do what is good, not cheating the system or others around you, you will live a productive life. PRODUCTIVE LIFE. With a productive life comes a prosperous life. Everything has to be in the will of God...did you know that putting HIM directly in your life and your business gives you a running start over the women of the world?
Bless you business women...let's get it!!
Yes - it's true - I am in love! I've meet this wonderful person. This person is kind, loving, knows me inside and out - my good points - and my not so good points - my past, my present - and knows where I want to be in my future.
This person just loves all of my diva self!
And this person's name is 'Ophelia'!
Yes, I'm in love with me! It is not a prima donna type of love - a love that is selfish or unkind - but a love of who I am - a love of who I was - a love for where I've come from - and a love of where I'm going.
My mother always use to say 'you can't love anyone else - unless you FIRST love yourself'.
I've always, had a good sense of self-esteem - not to much to annoy people (at least I hope not) - but enough to NOT feel like I was less than - because of my size, the colour of my skin - or whatever negative views people had of me - I've always felt that I was a Divine child and a beautiful person.
I was getting rid of some last bits and pieces from my marriage - and as I shredded some documents and photos - I realized that when I got married and during the marriage - I had lost a bit of myself - and had not allowed my light to shine to it's full brilliance with in the marriage.
Part of the reason, the marriage ended - was due to the fact - that I wanted to shine my light - and be my true authentic self - and felt the support was not there for me to do so....In shredding the stuff, I realized there was no hate - or love for my X - just indifference - a warm sense of peace - a feeling of joy for where I now am - an acceptance for that part of my life and the contribution it made to where I am today - and I realized - I was back!
Ophelia is back! I am in love with me! So never - ever - never let anyone - even yourslf - make you feel less than! Look out world here I come!
