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For a very brief period of my life I use to surround myself with millionaires or people who thought they were millionaires. One thing I noticed in that journey was that they were not healthy at all. I remember being told that an associate could not meet with us because he was taken to the hospital after having a heart attack. Although this was a very wealthy man it did not stop him from getting sick. I don't understand why things like steak, lobster, etc are associated with having money. You eat enough of these foods and you might not live long enough to enjoy your riches. On the other hand you may live a long life coupled with sickness. We hear of these billionaires dying from very poor health. While their money is still here they are gone. There are so many wonderful foods full of nutrients that actually enhance our bodies rather than to harm them. The scriptures clearly tells us that we should treat our bodies like temples. We were provided with so many fruits and vegetables, legumes, and nuts that is not a necessity to eat meat. And if you still want to eat meat the scriptures points out that you should only eat meat that is clean. Being a vegan or vegetarian is a blessing and not a burden.Now the saying health is wealth goes both ways. There are people who are very healthy and not wealthy or comfortable. They eat and exercise properly and do whatever is necessary to keep their bodies at optimum level. For example, I had a roommate who was 70 years old but didn't look a day past 35. She was a natural doctor and fantastic vegan chef. These were only a couple of her long list of talents. She was also on public assistance and was content on being there for the rest of her life. She is always in my prayers and I pray that she successful today. Ironically I aspired to be a natural doctor and wanted to study under her but all of that changed after we started living together. While I wanted to budget and save on what we could, she wanted to spend money that was not there. While she was a brilliant woman in many areas she had not mastered the financial area.So I mentioned both points to say that there should be a balance between health and wealth. You can do both. Again we must remember our children. The woman I mentioned earlier has children who feel that they have to take care of her. That is not how it should be. It is our responsibility to be positive examples for our children. If a little girl or boy is use to seeing his or her parents buying or selling silver,gold, or property; growing their own crops;sharing with and helping others then they will do the same when they are adults. On the other hand if that same little girl or boy sees his or her parents buying and "renting" unnecessary items, unfortunately he or she will go down the same path of making conscious decisions that leads to generations of poverty. "The sins of the father" is literal not figurative.Here's another challenge. If you are wealthy or comfortable but still eat meat try omitting meat for the rest of the week or if that is too much to ask try 1 day. If you are healthy but not wealthy or comfortable try omitting one thing from your routine that will allow you extra money for a day or the rest of the week. For example you can buy food on sale; skip a weekly massage;walk or ride your bike instead of driving a car. If you do take challenge and find it rewarding please share with us in the comments section of this blog. Todah(Thank-you)for reading this blog. Have a very blessed healthy and wealthy rest of the week.Shalom,Tamar
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Today's big question is "Should Our Children be born with Silver spoons in there mouths?" The answer is "Absolutely". Gold or Platinum is even better. As mentioned in our first blog it is the obligation (as parents and guardians) we have in sustaining our cultural heritage, and investing all our talents wisely. Scriptures tells us throughout that we are to be prosperous an wealthy in silver, gold, and land. We must ask ourselves especially for our children's sake "will this appreciate in the future". The very first item that our son received after he was born was a sterling silver rattle and spoon. Today at age three his favorite word for when he sees at toy is "foolishness". On the other hand, if you give him a piece of silver or gold he will gladly take it and play with it. My point is this is what he knows and will continue to know. The seed has been planted. Meaning that when he is old enough to do so, he will share knowledge of wealth and prosperity through scriptures. Yes knowledge is very powerful. There are other items that have great value like old cars, trains, trucks, etc.It is tradition for people to give money only instead of toasters, blenders, silverware, etc at Jewish weddings. The idea is that Jewish young adults get an opportunity to start their lives without unnecessary financial burden as long as they take the money and invest it wisely in gold, silver, land, etc. It is also the norm to pass property and businesses to children when they become young adults.Shalom,Tamar
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Greetings Everyone!!!!New distributors may join for FREE and order Senegence products at a discount ranging from 20-50% off the suggested retail price. This is a great opportunity for everyone even salon and boutique owners. This is an amazing opportunity!Not only do you become a Senegence Independent Distributor at no cost, you can then buy wholesale, cutting edge, advanced anti-aging products and makeup that lasts!!You have 6 months to order and our ordering requirements are low, so there's really nothing to lose!!! Give it a try!Hurry offer ends July 31!!Contact me to learn more or go to my website www.senegence.com/lipsnmoreI look forward to meeting you!!Rochelle Simon-ShipmanIf you know anyone who may be interested, please feel free to let them know.Thanks!!
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A Fun Home Based Business Idea

Do you have a creative flair or a keen eye for great jewelry? Well then you should consider jewelry making as a home based business. It is fun to get involved in jewelry making and create beautiful fashion accessories. The most popular jewelry making involves using custom glass beads, which are the diamonds of handmade jewelry. Custom handmade glass beads increase the overall value and attractiveness of any jewelry piece.

Handmade glass bead jewelry making is a great way to express your creativity and make original works of arts to compliment your sense of style. You can use handmade glass beads to create necklaces, earrings, bracelets and charms that will help you gain the admiration of others.

Once you have created your unique handmade glass bead jewelry pieces you can keep a few for yourself to help accent your wardrobe or give them as gifts to your friends, family and/or co-workers. Many jewelry artists have started their business that way. When you feel comfortable, you can start selling your handmade glass bead jewelry pieces.

Offer your family, friends, and/or or co-workers a chance to buy a pair of glass bead earrings to match the glass bead bracelet or necklace you have already given them. When a friend, family member, and/or co-worker needs a special gift to give, make a suggestion about how one of your custom handmade glass bead jewelry sets will make the perfect gift for any occasion.

To start selling your glass bead jewelry online you may consider selling on etsy.com, an online marketplace that specializes in buying and selling all things handmade or on the infamous ebay.com. If you are not able to afford the costs associated with creating your own web site to display your beads, then use a blog. A great place to set up a blog is on blogger.com. With a blog you will be able to display your beads and allow potential buyers to leave comments, questions or suggestions.

For more on glass bead jewelry making or if you would like to receive one on one handmade jewelry making techniques visit DK Designs.biz now.

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Learning your Business and Industry – Guarantee SuccessBy Rickey Johnson – Owner Juniques Marketing*****Business option -(Get your Free Pre Enrollment Cellular Business Website, Earn money from Cell Phone Billing- www.juniques.net)*******Another benefit of starting a home based business is the knowledge you gain from building the business.A lot of emphasis is placed on making money from starting an online business.Well, for some, that is a result of building the business, for others, not so.Statistics show that for most, making money, especially a livable income, does not happen.Actually, most spend more money on their business endeavor then they earn from it.Here is what can happen for those who focus on learning how to build their business and learning about the industry they promote.You will gain valuable skills in the area of human resources, administrative processing, marketing and promotions, sales, group development, management and so much more.You can be very knowledgeable about your industry. Cosmetics, Electronics, Telecommunication, Nutrition, and the list continue.You may not become “money rich” with your on line business venture. A lot of factors affecting that outcome are out of your control. However, what is in your control is your learning attitude. You can become knowledgeable in business and industry principles and applications. That knowledge can be converted for use in the offline world (the one, which most people spend the majority of time in). You can enhance (and for some create) your professional and personal standing. Experience is Experience.Until our next communiqué. Have an Exceptionally Rewarding Networking Day.*****Business option -(Get your Free Pre Enrollment Cellular Business Website, Earn money from Cell Phone Billing- www.juniques.net)*******Networkingly yoursRickey
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If you're a creative woman entrepreneur then chances are good you've labeled yourself as someone who just can't seem to get, or stay, organized. Popping up with new ideas for your business or about how to help people? Easy! Figuring out a filing system or how to get those piles of paper up off your floor? Ugh...well, that's a different story now, isn't it?!What organized people don't understand about creative souls is that the thought of being organized seems to be in conflict with our creative spirit.Accurate or not, creative types feel that if everything is neat and tidy then their creativity will be contained as well.Well, I'm about to bust that myth because I am a both highly creative AND organized woman business owner. In fact, it's when my papers, email and office are the most organized that I am the most creative.So how do I keep both ideals—creativity and order—in harmony? The answers are easier than you might think.Clickk Here To Get Organization Tips
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GDI International

This is my "premier" site. You can't get any better than this. This is "GDI". This is how it works.You sign-up for $10.00 a month. That's right! Just "$10.00". For every person that you sign up, you get paid $1.00. This may not seem like much, but if you sign-up 5 people, that's $1.00 from each of them($5.00 a month-level 1). If this move is duplicated all the way down to level 5, from each of the original "5", then this is income of $3905 a month.If this same thing is done, signing up 10 people at level 1, with them signing up 5 each, all the way down to level 5, then it is a whopping $7810 a month. Of course, your income would vary according to how many you signed up, and how many each of them signed up.GDI offers other things along with this monthly income. I also am a great upline leader, and I promise to work with you, help you, counsel you, etc. It will be a "great" business arrangement. Please click on the link below to see what other fantastic things GDI offers, and to get further details on this great and fantastic company! See you there.Join me here:http://www.freedom.ws/coolbreezeclub
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As someone who is working my business primarily online, I am always looking for the newest strategies and internet marketing methods to stay on the cutting edge. If you are one who is looking for free home business advertising, free small business advertising (or very low cost), how to market your product online, etc. I'm hoping this blog post will be helpful.With the assistance of my internet marketing coach, (who is fantastic by the way-he's from Findland, but lives in Spain), I have found some really useful ways to market online. I thought I'd share some of the resources with you.Here you go:1. Nationwide Classifieds: http://www.nationwideclassifieds.comPick and choose from a huge database of over 2100 newspapers reaching 96 million homes in America. This can be done on and offline.2. Caroline MIddlebrook's site. My coach shared this with me during our last session. Caroline offers lots of useful advice regarding internet marketing, social media, and software development. http://www.caroline-middlebrook.com/blog/do-follow-social-bookmarking-sites/3. SEO Book: a free keyword tool to find those killer keywords you need when you promote online. I have added Google's keyword tool as well.http://tools.seobook.com/keyword-tools/seobook/#resultshttps://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal4. Pinging Service-Use ping-o-matic. If you have a blog, squidoo lens, youtube channel, etc., it's important to let the search engines know when you have new content. This is where pinging services come in. Ping anytime fresh content is added to your site. http://pingomatic.com/5. Barefoot Student-An online message board for college students. If you want to target the college crowd, become a member of this community. The advertising is very inexpensive. http://barefootstudent.com6. Online Video Marketing Course: I highly recommend this course if you want to take your business to the next level using video marketing. Lasse, my internet marketing coach, teaches this. His advice, directions, and marketing methods are so easy to follow that a 10 year-old can do it. And no, you don't need to be technical! Check out my story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUHVorD0VoY7. Social Media Marketing By Michelle McPhearson: Great tool strategies on how to use social marketing the right way: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MichelleMacphearson8. Joe, Mr. Fire, Vitale Visit this site for the latest hypnotic marketing secrets and copywriting tips. http://www.mrfire.com/Ok. That's it for now. I will add more information as I come across it.To Your Success,Monique540-858-2885Skype: Monique371mentormonique@gmail.comHope you find this useful!
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Join us on Wednesday, June 4, 2008 at 11 a.m. (EST) as 2 women business owners discuss the organizations they created to bring more awareness to their causes, breast cancer and our youth. You will find us on www.blogtalkradio.com/wbo-radio. Meet us in the chatroom on the host page and/or by phone, "dial-in", (347) 205-9229. Please find below a sneak peak at our radio guest below --Sharon Summerlin, owner of www.kidfriendlyonline.net, is a serial entrepreneur who has operated several very successful businesses in her career.In 2005, after completing a research project, it was discovered there was a demand for "all things kid friendly" -- KidFriendlyOnline.net was launched. She will talk about her nationwide search for participants in her "Kid Reporters" program which includes the involvement of the schools as well. It is hoped the kids can be matched with 'real' reporters to assist them in writing their stories. What a career starter!!!Also, kids will be offered opportunities and suggestions for giving back to local and national causes -- causes identified and ones they have a passion for. Come hear Ms. Summerlin outline the details of this exciting program!Debbie Mormino, a WBO member and owner of www.plexuspink.com. Ms. Mormino is a breast health consultant and spreads the word about early detection. She is on a mission to help eliminate breast cancer altogether. Debbie also has a health insurance license and works from home on a part-time basis.
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Good Morning!Please visit my page, www.ryze.com/talkradioproducer. We would love to have you join us on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 at 11 a.m. (EST) on www.blogtalkradio.com/wbo-radio. The dial in phone number is (347) 205-9229 or join us in the chatroom on the host page.You can find more information about Women Business Owners' radio talk show and our featured guests in our blog.Be sure to sign our guestbook, rate our show or add comments!.See you tomorrow!Althawww.ryze.com/go/talkradioproducerAdd yourself as a friend! Keep up to date on our show news!www.blogtalkradio.com/wbo-radioCome Listen May 21st! Rate our show!
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What’s with MLM home based business?

Considering an MLM home based business?If so, it could be a very lucrative home based business option for you. But you should also know exactly whether or not what you are getting into is truly an MLM home based business or something else. It may be a scam waiting to pounce on you.Plus, you need to weigh out the positives and negatives of an MLM home based business before you decide that if it is the right business for you.Making sure you are actually getting involved in a legitimate MLM home based business is important to save yourself some difficulties later on.An MLM home based business involves the direct selling of products or services through the recommendations or endorsements of independent representatives.If you are the representative, you receive a commission on any sales that came from your endorsements.Understand that most products sold through an MLM home-based business are not necessarily advertised through mainstream media or in stores.The confusing part of determining if your MLM home based business is genuine can be quite difficult because of there are a number of pyramid schemes out there that are dangerously similar to a legitimate MLM home based business concepts.Remember, a pyramid scheme is illegal, and getting involved in one can cause you more trouble than you can possibly imagine.You will need to do your research into the MLM home based business that you are considering so that you are sure that the kind of MLM home based business you are going to run is valid and legal.Usually if your investment is proportioned to the product or service you are selling, your MLM home based business is valid.There are a number of advantages to having an MLM home based business.First of all, you will be working from home where you can virtually set your own hours, which is probably why you are considering an MLM home based business in the first place.Also, you will not have to manufacture any products, because you are usually selling things that are already made. The MLM home based business will usually come with a pre-determined marketing plan.Many people suffer through the process of determining the most effective methods for marketing their products, but with an MLM home based business, you are relieved of that stress.The disadvantage of having your own MLM home based business, though, depends on your personality.If you have good leadership skills and is a self-starter, then an MLM home based business will pose a little hardship to you.However, if recruiting and selling gives you hives, then starting and maintaining an MLM home based business may be more of a challenge, since your success depends on your ability to create a downline of recruits.But then, having your own MLM home based business means that you can live out your dream of being your own boss and having flexibility in your work schedule.You do not need any prior experience, and you can rely on your personality to recruit and maintain your downline. You only have to hard working and consistent in getting downlines.Do your research to make sure your MLM home based business is a legal business. This way, you can truly enjoy the freedom and the profits that the MLM home based business offers.Lisa SimpkinsVeretekk Marketing System
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7 Ways to Drive Laser-Targeted Traffic

An affiliate marketer may have all the things needed for him to be able to succeed in a business such as affiliate marketing. He may have the necessary drive, diligence and perseverance to be able to understand how the system works. He may have all the tools necessary in maintaining the business, including a really unique and interesting website which could earn him a fortune if only the whole world could see it. However, all these would prove useless if he does not know how to drive traffic to his website. His business would sink into oblivion together with all the sales, fortune and dreams that he might have realized if he only knew how to do this particular task.Getting people who matter to see one’s website is a difficult undertaking if he tries to consider the fact that there are rivals everywhere waiting to pin him down. The immensity of the internet as well as the affiliate marketing world has given birth to the fierce competition between affiliate marketers, each of whom has his own great product to offer. With all the websites piling on top of each other, how would one be able to stand out? The seven best ways to drive laser-targeted traffic to one’s own website would help those who are bent on sticking it out with this business wherever it is bound to take them.The first step in driving traffic to one’s website is by relying on search engines and what they can do for the affiliate marketer concerned. Because they are popular for driving free targeted traffic, they should not be ignored by all means. Having top search engine rankings is vital in building popularity links, and the use of the right keywords is important in attaining this goal. Once a website is on top of the list, it is easily accessible to anyone who wants to see it for himself.The second way in driving traffic to one’s website is by contacting other webmasters for a possible link exchange partnership. Locating websites that are related to one’s own website is the primary task. Once there, he should be able to establish communication by personalizing everything as much as possible. It is then possible to make reciprocal link exchanges between webmasters whichever way the affiliate marketer prefers.The third way is through writing one’s own articles. This is an effective way in promoting a website, because good content that are appreciated by readers will lead them to visit the writer’s very own website out of sheer interest.The fourth way is through joint venture marketing. This is one of the most effective ways of promoting a product or a service. Having a partner through ad swap or link exchange is beneficial to both parties as it allows them to reach a wide customer base in a short amount of time.The fifth is through joining affiliate programs. Having affiliates to do the work means allowing them to bring tons of traffic to a website. Skyrocketing sales would be realized as a result, and both the affiliate and the website owner will benefit from the situation.The sixth is by having a list of subscribers that one can refer to every so often, because they are those which would prove to be valuable assets for the marketer concerned. The use of autoresponders and personalized newsletters is one way of keeping track of them all, and holding on to them by letting them know about new products and services is an essential task that should be done by the affiliate marketer concerned.The seventh is by knowing one’s market through and through. It is important for traffic to be targeted to those who might have a special interest in the theme or topic of one’s website. This way, a solid customer base is going to be created. Once a potential customer shows an interest in a particular website by paying it a visit, one must not waste time in trying to show him that his effort is worth it.Traffic generating strategies are important in trying to make one’s affiliate marketing career inch forward. It is always advantageous to plan one’s moves in any business that he might undertake. This is particularly so in affiliate marketing. If one knows how to get people to see what he has to offer, then he is on the right track.Lisa SimpkinsFreemanResearch Advertising Portal
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