Inspirational (31)

If you want to experience MASSIVE BUSINESS GROWTH in your Life Coaching or Speaking Business? You MUST attend this ACCELERATED 1 Day Training!You will learn:How to rapidly fill you coaching practiceHow to make over $100 an hourHow to attract PAYING clientsHow to overcome self-doubt and become a money making machineHow to position yourself as " The Expert"How to speak with confidence and boldnessHow to create a marketing plan for your business.My life coaching business has been booming, EVEN in this economy! People are looking for answers and YOU just may be able to help them to get there life of business in order.I PROMISE, even if you apply just a few of the tips I share to BOOST your coaching business, you will be out of that job you hate, out of debt, making money, helping others and having fun within weeks ( or days for you highly motivated and ambitious ones)Here's your chance to learn my SPECIFIC coaching, marketing and selling strategies to kick up your business to the 6 figure and beyond mark! But you MUST ACT FAST, because once this program is fills up, It's closed! I have a database of over 50k that will read act fast! Can't make it to ATL? That's ok register NOW for the 2 night teleconference! I'm ONLY accepting 30 people for the teleconference! Call in from ANY PHONE... ANYWHERE! Oh wait... did I mention that you will receive Samples of what you need to launch your career as a life coach and a speaker? Including: Sample contracts, questionnaires, sample exercises etc... Your are learning how to start TWO business! You won't find this info anywhere else... REGISTER TODAY http://becomealifecoach.eventbrite.comWAIT...IT GETS BETTER!Is cash tight this holiday season? Promote my upcoming event and earn $20 for EVERY person that registers! This INCLUDES the 2 night teleconference Dec 7th and 8th! As an EXTRA bonus, the person that has the MOST referrals will get to attend either the LIVE in person event or the LIVE 2 day Teleconference FREE.Market... to your FB, Twitter, Ning, Linkdin, Digg etc... network! You can even save the picture from the ad, attach your affiliate link and send the ad out in an eblast. This is EASY! Join and get on the road to making holiday cash today!
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Free Does Mean Free

There is something about speaking that caught your attention. Don't let your dream die.I am so confident that you will get more than your moneys' worth that on September 12, 2009, I am offering a free session of "Got Motivation??? Then Speak!!! That's right I said FREE...If you really want to find out what the speaking arena has to offer join me on September 12, 2009 in Dallas, TX. There's no gimmicks, no registering for other classes, just be there and I promise you that you will not regret it.Because seating is limited I will need you to go to my website: on the button that says free and your registered for class.SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER!
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According the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease (primarily heart disease and stroke), cancer, and diabetes are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems. They are considered preventable because they are tied to our lifestyle choices. Choices that we have the power to control.Each waking day our lives are filled with messages that cause us to think about and encourage us to live healthier. We see them on T.V., hear them on the radio, read them in the newspaper or our favorite magazines – they even pop up while we’re surfing the Internet. And there’s a reason why these messages are so prevalent. It’s because our neighborhoods, our communities, our cities, our states and our nation are saturated with disease and illness that have our healthcare system in a financial bind.The CDC states that the medical care costs of people with chronic diseases account for more than 75% of the nation’s $2 trillion medical care costs. The bottom is, we all have the power of choice and it’s our responsibility to implement it not only for ourselves, but for those in our lives, to include the neighborhoods, communities, states and nation that our unhealthy lifestyles will impact.So, how are you going to respond to these messages? You see them. You hear them. They’re everywhere. Hopefully, you’ll respond by implementing change in your life. For months during President Obama’s campaign trail, we heard a message that resonated throughout this country. ‘Yes we can!’ It was a statement of possibility, a statement of hope, a statement that caused us all to believe. Well, that statement doesn’t have to end with President Obama’s campaign trail. You can make it your own by saying ‘Yes I can!’ You can even add to it and say, ‘Yes, I can change and make better choices!’Our leaders are working on legislation to help families make ends meet, as well as to address not only our economy and other issues, but our healthcare crisis. With all of the changes that are underway, though, it’s critical that we do our part. And we can start with our health and fitness.Just think about the following comment I recently heard from a lady. ‘I never made the connection of my lifestyle habits and the healthcare crisis until recently. Now, I think about my father who recently had a massive heart attack that costs somebody – Medicare, insurance company, etc. – over $150,000. I think about the costs associated with my debilitating arthritis which primarily stems from my excess body weight. I think about my cousin’s stroke that caused paralysis on her left side. I think more and more about how our unhealthy lifestyle habits were contributing factors that led to our health predicaments.’Take the time to figure out how you’re going to respond to the messages you’re seeing and hearing. Yes, you can change!This health and fitness dialogue is provided for your consideration only. It is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about your specific health and fitness needs.Fitness coach Bridgette Collins is the author of Destined to Live Healthier and Imagine Living Healthier. For general health and fitness questions, please feel free to visit or email Coach Collins at
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At a time when the world is reeling from the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression, most people are experiencing an economic recession that will undoubtedly have an impact on their lives in 2009. Each day we hear about companies failing, industries needing government assistance, retailers struggling, increased joblessness, housing foreclosures, and more. Even more overwhelming and frustrating are our daily thoughts, feelings and activities that revolve around a busy schedule, a stalled business, a stressful job, a contract that ended unexpectedly or didn’t materialize, the rumors of job layoffs, an unfulfilled relationship, a pending divorce, the memories of an unresolved past, a medical condition, a mountain of bills, and so much more. All of which have the potential to stifle our desires and intentions to implement and/or sustain healthier lifestyle habits. So, how do you plan to address your desire to live healthier in the midst of a life full of hassles, demands, obligations, and uncertainty? Which lifestyle habits will you try to spend more time on? What will you decrease spending on to live healthier?As you began to sift through those thoughts and feelings about how your life has been and will be impacted by the state of the world and your personal circumstances, and those actions you intend to modify in 2009, don’t put off evaluating those related to healthier lifestyle habits. It’s no secret that when you have so many feelings, thoughts, interests, and activities vying your attention, the idea of exercising or eating healthier will inevitably and continuously be placed on the back burner. There is never time enough time in the day to exercise or prepare a home cooked meal, get a sufficient amount of sleep, drink the appropriate levels of water, or get that much needed annual physical examination. Are you one of those people?Now is the time for you to sit down at your kitchen table and focus on how you’re going to achieve the following three important tasks related to living healthier: (1) conduct a self-examination of those things that challenge you everyday, (2) develop a plan for how you’re going to align living healthier with your pursuits and challenges, and (3) implement your plan that will help to alleviate a continuum of poor lifestyle choices. The one thing you have to your advantage is the power of choice; taking responsibility for your actions and learning that your faith, determination, and perseverance are necessary for overcoming your challenges, rearranging your priorities, and embracing healthier lifestyle habits. One of the most important transactions you’ll make in 2009 will be to live healthier in the midst of it all.This health and fitness dialogue is provided for your consideration only. It is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about your specific health and fitness needs.Fitness coach Bridgette Collins is the author of Imagine Living Healthier and Destined to Live Healthier, two entertaining and inspiring books that uses fictional stories to illuminate familiar patterns and truths about common lifestyle habits. For more information about Bridgette L. Collins (Coach Collins) and her books, go to
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Your Inspriation :

For today's inspirtation, go with the flow today , do do no stressing today, If you see that you are forcing to do something and it's not going your way today , stop think ,and listen , when you feel up to doing something then go back and pick up the pace.
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How to live the incredible life

We all have our New Years Resolutions all together, but the question is do we always stick to them. If you are tired of not keeping your resolutions then why not check this out and learn how to be a better you. I watch this show all the time and it has really helped me this year. may God bless all of you this year and I pray that you make all the divine connections that this wonderful network provides.
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Beauty Tips

Beauty Tipswritten by Sam LevensonFor attractive lips, speak words of kindness.For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.For poise, walk with the knowledge you’ll never walk alone.People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anybody.Remember, If you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm.As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of a woman with passing years -only grows!From Lily: Our beauty shows deepest when we feel good inside and it exudes outwardly to others. Doesn’t it also feel good when we can get dressed in our best feeling good on the inside as well? Amen! But in today’s economic times, it’s really hard to be able to go out to different boutiques to buy expensive jewelry. We go out of our way to serve and treat others, all the while losing ourselves. How about treating yourself this upcoming holiday season with economical but beautiful inspirational jewelry that speaks volumes in style and grace, while proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. Everything That's Lily LLC showcases some of the finest costume jewelry at a fraction of the price! Do something special today!
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It's Not Always What It Seems

Isa 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.Things don't always turn out the way we expect them do they? At the beginning of the year we make our resolutions, set up our Franklin Planners, and revamp our lifestyles setting up for a fresh start. And with all the enthusiasm and energy we move forward in this thing called "life".Of course we never set out to fail; so we get every help book we can find, and make striding efforts to study God’s Word and even pray more knowing that these are the tools to support our road toward success.We make pretty good solid plans and things seem to be going as expected with maybe a few challenges here and there but then what you expected to happen doesn't. In fact, it kind of turns you for a loop and you ask yourself "what happened"? You ask yourself questions like, "I should be in a higher position on my job right, so...", "I thought I would be married by now, so...", "I just knew I would be married for the rest of my life, so...", "I never thought I would have to go through this, so..."...WHAT HAPPENED?"I believe the answer to these questions is..."we only see in part"! If we only look at our lives through our physical eyes then we will only see and know in part. It is only when you walk by the Spirit that you can receive a better perspective and understanding. We must look to our Father who has the WHOLE plan because our plans are limited. In our physical bodies the plans we make for ourselves keep us inside a box. A box of comfort, a box of security, a box of routine; it is a box with no possibilities except for those things inside of that box. This box never allows us to take chances and venture beyond our comfort zone or our fears. In fact, the plans we make have limited vision and will always interpret the world as being flat and it is only until we walk by faith and in the Spirit of God that we discover as we're walking that the world is round and is endless.Yes, we all have had stagnate days but what helps me along is when I think of some friends that made an aggressive move to relocate to another state for a great job opportunity which turned out not be a job of longevity but it did position them for other open door opportunities. And these opportunities have launched them into unbelievable careers. But what would have happened if they had stayed in the same place doing the same thing? Would these career opportunities have presented themselves in their old places? Or could it be that they positioned themselves by stepping out on the Spirit of God and using His vision and not their own. Could it be because of their obedience that they position themselves to experience the "under the window" overflow that God wants all of His children to encounter? And as a bonus those that are connected to them also share in the abundance of the overflow. What it really comes down to is us trusting in the one whom we confess to love and adore with our whole hearts. The blessings are ready to be released but are you ready to step out on faith and test the waters.Malachi 3:10b “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!
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What is your agenda?

Agendas; in today’s time it seems as though everyone has one. They can be positive or negative. What’s your agenda in life? To be popular, successful, rich, or even to help people are all examples of agendas that people have throughout their lives. Sometimes your agenda can change as you get older. Today your agenda could be the popular girl in school, later in life you will realize that is not so important. Then it can change to something with deeper meaning. Even Jesus had an agenda in his time here on Earth and that was to bring us into a relationship with God the Father. You must ask yourself what is your agenda?To continue reading this post please go to the following link:
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Sistas Inc is a professional lifestyle community for Women of color, who epitomize & strive for professional and personal success. We are an organization for women of color with diverse talents, a place for women to share their time,financial,and moral support for the betterment of our communities worldwide, while providing inspiration and opportunities for personal growth and leadership. As you know Communication isn't always easy, so we here at Sistas Inc, want you to kick off your shoes, grab a cup of your favorite beverage and feel free to share your opinions,inspirational and motivational advice as well as your professional knowledge with Women of Color all around the world.
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