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Come Join US Global Kick Off

Why clean and fresh is almost as important in today's world as food and water. Maintaining good health is even more important. Yet, for a majority of over half the world's population, one week out of four brings the unavoidable, and inevitably, a very real need to not allow it to disrupt daily routines or personal comfort.All this is why we want to share our products, even when they may not be a favorite topic of conversation. When something as significant as 25% of someone's life can be dramatically affected by whether or not they have the right protection, free from the worries of odor, discomfort, or bacteria, then there's something to talk about. When there's a way to offer technologically advanced personal products with the ability to improve anyone's life, all the time, simply by sharing, that's simply worth shouting.85 yr old company Kicks Off WE ARE LIVE!JOIN FOR FREE a chance to EARN 1 Million Dollars BonusGuaranteed in Complan

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Free Internet Marketing Training

With the internet growing by leaps and bounds and hundreds of new startup businesses popping up everyday, the old way of marketing your business, is gone. Join me for free training and learn how to attract your own leads. There are two items critical to the survival of your business: Money and Leads, without those two things...........................Attraction Marketing System
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How To Choose The Right Home Based Business

I recently responded to a question that a young lady had with regards to finding a "honest" home based business. With new businesses appearing every day, I thought that these points were very essential to finding the right business opportunity for you. See my response below:Hey,So glad to know that you are seeking independence in the form of working from home. My name is Nicole Cooper and I mentor and coach others on how to brand and market themselves online. Having a background in Home Based Businesses (HBB) and Network Marketing, I just wanted to shed a bit of insight into what you should look out for when seeking a HBB...1. Find something that you can believe in. It is so important to believe in your product. You do not want to do something "just for the money". It will never last, and starting an HBB can be pretty challenging at times in all honesty, so you want your passion to see you through the challenge of the development stage.2. Find a mentor that you can trust. Although you will be in business for yourself, you will not be working by yourself, but will be working with a team of people that 'MUST' have your best interest in mind. I've worked under good and poor leadership, and trust me, the poor leadership nearly killed my business. Find someone that will show you how to disover your passion and push you to maximize your potential. But also keep in mind that you must be self motivated as well.3. Make sure that the compensation plan is worth your time and is tangible. In every business meeting opportunity, you will have the "highly paid" testimonials of that someone in the company that is making all this money in a short period of time.....BIG DEAL!!! The reality is, how possible is it for you to really make that money yourself, based on your talent and your efforts? Find a company with a compensation plan that is worth your time.....if that money is just a few dollars here and there, you may get discouraged and quit, feeling like your spending more money than your earning. There are companies that aren't that expensive to get involved with, and will pay a reasonable amount of money. YOu have to be realistic with how much money you want to make in comparison to how much effort your willing to put into it.4. Be ready to work hard....Working from home can often be harder than working a job. The reason why is because your hours go way past the normal 40 hours a week and you arent' getting paid every two weeks. You must also be disciplined with a daily agenda of "money producing activities" that will promote you to where you want to be financially. The downfall with network marketing companies is that most people rely on their upline to get them to their desired level of success. The truth of the matter is that it is all up to you. They may support you, encourage you and guide you but YOU must do all the work! At the end of the day, you can not place your future in anyone elses hands so be willing to be in control of your future and your work ethic.This is my tidbit of wisdom that I felt is necessary to share as you seek a business. One last tip....5. MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE WORKING WITH A MENTOR THAT CAN SHOW YOU HOW TO BUILD YOUR BUSINESS ONLINE! - It's obvious that using the internet to build your business is the most effective use of your time.....their really isn't any other way to leverage yourself outside of it....need I say more.If you have any additional questions...feel free to contact me at and visit my sites:http://www.BuildMLMBizOnline.comhttp://www.ViralMarketingGeeks.comNicole S. Cooper
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How to Find The Right Home Based Business

I recently read a request from someone seeking a Home Based Business that she requested was "honest", to work with. Knowing that people are shopping their business all day long, I wanted to shed some light on the process of picking the right business and what you should be looking for when comparing businesses.Here is my response to her request:Hey,So glad to know that you are seeking independence in the form of working from home. My name is Nicole Cooper and I mentor and coach others on how to brand and market themselves online. Having a background in Home Based Businesses (HBB) and Network Marketing, I just wanted to shed a bit of insight into what you should look out for when seeking a HBB...1. Find something that you can believe in. It is so important to believe in your product. You do not want to do something "just for the money". It will never last, and starting an HBB can be pretty challenging at times in all honesty, so you want your passion to see you through the challenge of the development stage.2. Find a mentor that you can trust. Although you will be in business for yourself, you will not be working by yourself, but will be working with a team of people that 'MUST' have your best interest in mind. I've worked under good and poor leadership, and trust me, the poor leadership nearly killed my business. Find someone that will show you how to disover your passion and push you to maximize your potential. But also keep in mind that you must be self motivated as well.3. Make sure that the compensation plan is worth your time and is tangible. In every business meeting opportunity, you will have the "highly paid" testimonials of that someone in the company that is making all this money in a short period of time.....BIG DEAL!!! The reality is, how possible is it for you to really make that money yourself, based on your talent and your efforts? Find a company with a compensation plan that is worth your time.....if that money is just a few dollars here and there, you may get discouraged and quit, feeling like your spending more money than your earning. There are companies that aren't that expensive to get involved with, and will pay a reasonable amount of money. YOu have to be realistic with how much money you want to make in comparison to how much effort your willing to put into it.4. Be ready to work hard....Working from home can often be harder than working a job. The reason why is because your hours go way past the normal 40 hours a week and you arent' getting paid every two weeks. You must also be disciplined with a daily agenda of "money producing activities" that will promote you to where you want to be financially. The downfall with network marketing companies is that most people rely on their upline to get them to their desired level of success. The truth of the matter is that it is all up to you. They may support you, encourage you and guide you but YOU must do all the work! At the end of the day, you can not place your future in anyone elses hands so be willing to be in control of your future and your work ethic.This is my tidbit of wisdom that I felt is necessary to share as you seek a business. One last tip....5. MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE WORKING WITH A MENTOR THAT CAN SHOW YOU HOW TO BUILD YORU BUSINESS ONLINE! - It's obvious that using the internet to build your business is the most effective use of your time.....their really isn't any other way to leverage yourself outside of it....need I say more.If you have any additional questions...feel free to contact me at and visit my sites:http://www.BuildMLMBizOnline.comhttp://www.ViralMarketingGeeks.comNicole S. Cooper
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Here's just one reason, but a HUGE reason:JOHN C FROM PENNSYLVANIA HAS MADEOVER $3,000 IN JUST 3 WEEKS!JOHN T FROM COLORADO HAS EARNED OVER$10,000! Today is John's ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY!SHARON W FROM FLORIDA EARNED OVER$25,000 IN JUST 5 WEEKS!JIM C FROM NEVADA. HAS EARNED OVER40,000 IN JUST 8 WEEKS!These are just some of the people who have madea substanital income in a very short time!THIS IS AWESOME!! And, I've heard from dozens of otherswho have earned $500- $1,000 and more, in a very shorttime!**IT'S IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND THATin most businesses, it would take you years to get tothese income Levels. Imagine, coming in and earningOVER $10,000 - $20,000, EVEN $40,000 in a couple ofmonths!PEOPLE LOVE THIS BUSINESS!One thing ALL of these people have in common, they allwork their business CONSISTENTLY, EVERY DAY!TAKE THE TOUR AND WATCH THE PROGRAM VIDEO
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MLM As You Know It Is Dead, And The Internet Killed It!If you're looking to achieve financial freedom from home, specifically through a "MLM" or network marketing opportunity, you're in for a rude awakening my friend. If you're already in that trench, fighting for much less money than it's worth, it's not your fault...The times have changed!You see, the industry is changing rapidly and I want to make you aware of some very unsettling insights that you need to know if you plan to make more than $10,000/month from home. Right now, network marketing is in a struggle to find itself in a time where people leave as fast as they join, the cost to sign a new rep has sky-rocketed, and when “newer, bigger, and better” dominates the landscape which basically means…trying to build a downline is like trying to fill a leaking bucket! You can get ahead of the curve for a while if you have the time, money, and energy, but it’s only a matter of time before it will drain dry.In an industry where hype and the pre-launch have become the norm, a growing trend is quickly gaining popularity with professional Networkers who are sick of the 3-ring circus MLM has become. It’s a concept called G.P.T., and it’s going to play a major role in Networking from this point forward. It will allow you to put tens-of-thousands of dollars of cash into your pocket in weeks and months…not years. But the best part about G.P.T., is that you won’t even have to build a downline.So if this Get Paid Today model makes sense to you...and you are ready to make $10,000 + per monthwithin weeks or months instead of years, and without the risks or headaches of building a downline, then maybe it's time you considered participating in a "Top Tier Opportunity" like EZ Wealth Solution. I recommend you take a serious look at EZ Wealth Solution, an opportunity that many industry leaders are calling "The Most Powerful Cash Flow System Ever Developed!” A system that can have you generating $1,000 to $4,000 per week, starting this week!
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Entrepreneurs today are struggling. A few are earning but the greater majority of people are not able to earn enough to sustain themselves in businessYes the economy is damp but business stimulates the economy. So the need for entrepreneurs is greatToday I see an incredible interest in business and more are taking the plunge headlong into entrepreneurship. Commendable & I applaud youHowever, the statistics of entrepreneurs making money is not on the rise. In fact, the numbers are staggeringNow, being in business and staying in business does call for some overhead dollars. Even the basics – maintaining a website, small advertisements etc. The struggle is, entrepreneurs without a foundation in business or no hands on real marketing plan are destined to go around in circles for yearsSo many get ensnared in all the gimmicks online and set themselves back many yearsWinning in business hinges on solid business principles, a decision to win, robust skill set and a kick butt marketing, tactical plan of action – add daily support to reduce the window of errorsThere’s a huge difference between spoon feeding and giving people the right tools, skill set and game plan to go win in businessMost do not have a business background nor do they understand the changing face of marketing online and offlineBut as entrepreneurs today, if you don’t snap out of it, and begin separating fact from fiction on the internet and take responsibility for your future and business you are in for a bitter dose of reality – a lot of effort, no progress, no money and not too much further from where you startedThe dawn of a new era is here, listen to the call and move with a sense of urgency and get the answers – it’s your time!(This is for you if you are a small business owner, mlm marketer, internet marketer, entrepreneur, work from home, earn from home, direct marketing entrepreneur)Nadira180DaysToGreatness Creator & Coachwww.180DaysToGreatness.comFollow me on Twitter
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My friends. Today is an incredible day. A day filled with hope and promises of great things to come. You have a feeling deep inside that you are a winner, you have what it takes to win in business - but there is this nagging feeling of how, how do I do it? You feel somewhat handicapped, somewhat unsure of your direction...The binary jungle of the internet is swarming with lures and traps - waiting for the unsuspecting. With 1.6 billion people traversing the internet and many are marketers, mlm networkers, business people of all sorts looking to increase their profits - the lures and traps are guaranteed to work. The promise of fast cash falling from heaven, like this

is emotional electricity - and will have you reaching in your already emptied pockets! So many gurus have worked their magic yet the numbers remain staggeringly high of those who fail in our industry - a whopping 95% or more!What's wrong with our people? Are they dull, lazy, just don't care for their families? What's wrong here? It is the tough question that you are going to be hard pressed to find a truthful answer...What I can tell you is:(1) You are a champion. You have the capability to do incredible things in life and win for you and your family(2) Choose a solid, stable company with great things to come in the next 5 years - ride the wave(3) Establish an identity for yourself. In the world of business, nothing is totally guaranteed. Be ready!(4) Winning in business, is not difficult - but it is very elusive - because the truth about winning in business is clouded & guarded. But remove that cloud and the real core of winning in business comes down to mind set & skill set. But it is a skillful blend in the world's best kept secret recipe! And in our very confusing world, most miss the right mix of those 2 ingredientsShout if you need help! Only then can you be heard:)I believe our world's greatest asset is our people. I respect those who move with a sense of urgency and are not paralyzed by the uncertainty of tomorrow...Together We Are UNSTOPPABLE...Nadirawww.thecalltogreatness.comwww.180daystogreatness.comFollow me on Twitter
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Lose 2 dress sizes in 10 minutes!

Big Beautiful Women MySpace Comments and Graphics
Big Beautiful Women MySpace Layouts Photobucket Login - Upload Pics and Videos
Free Comments and Graphics
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Bring in the New Year right!

Big Beautiful Women MySpace Comments and Graphics
Big Beautiful Women MySpace Layouts Photobucket Login - Upload Pics and Videos
Free Comments and Graphics
bT*xJmx*PTEyMzAzMTUyNjEzOTYmcHQ9MTIzMDMxNTI2NTc2NCZwPTg3NTkxJmQ9Y29tbWVudHMlMkRjb2RlYm94Jmc9MSZ*PQ==.gifDo you have your New Year's Eve dress yet? Stand out in the crowd with one of Big Gyrl Clothing's exclusive party dresses on sale right now! Visit today and make a fashion statement! We now have flat rate shipping!
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When it comes to mlm education, my friend and mentor Michael Dlouhy, author of the ebook "Success in 10 Steps", is someone to pay attention to.He has a special invitation I wanted to share with you. If you accept it, you can change your life!I wish you success in all you do!Monique Hawkins540-858-2885 anytimementormonique@gmail.comSkype: Monique371http://www.mentormonique.comHello Professional Network Marketers,Michael Dlouhy here with Mentoring For Free.Your Success will happen when You accept thePersonal Responsibility for Your Success.Thequote below from Mac Andersen of The SimpleTruths Newsletter says it best.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Something magic happens when we accept personalresponsibility for our behavior and our results.But, it's not easy, because it's human nature to"pass the buck". I ( Mac ) know there have beentimes in my life when my business was strugg-ling where I found myself blaming others, blamingthe economy, blaming this, blaming that!But as I've gotten older(and a little wiser) whenthings go wrong in my business, or my life, I canalways find the the mirror.In every instance, it always comes back to choicesI've made in my life that put me exactly where I amtoday.... I have to say, that this one "tweak" inmy attitude may sound like a little thing, but ithas made a big difference in my life.What does all this have to do with change? Plenty!As a manager, one of the most important things youcan do in times of change is to get your people tounderstand how their taking personal responsibility,their recognizing problems as opportunities, willnot only help the company, but will help them asindividuals. In other words, sell the idea of...what's in it for them?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please take Personal Responsibility for Your Lifeby investing the "Next" 30 Days in Yourself. YouDeserve a Life that most people only dream of...You are Welcome to invite anyone that wants toOWN their life,to this FREE skills training call.We are starting on Chapter One of the 30 DayMental Cleanse call this Wednesday July 30th2008 at 3:00 and 8:00 PM EST.Just register at::>>-- --<<Your lack of Success is NOT Your fault and Iwill "Prove" it to You over the Next 30 days.Send Your Lessons learned from each chapter tome at this special E-Mail address and I willCoach and Mentor You personally for free.>>-- --<<The only way I will know about Your Personalcommitment to Yourself and me is by sendingYour Lessons learned directly to the SpecialE-Mail address above.....I will "NOT" share Your Lessons Learned withthe group if You don't want me to so You canDig as Deep as You Want or Need to for Youranswers to Your Success.We Believe In YouMichael & Linda Dlouhy352--799--8779 anytime~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Michael Dlouhy19108 Powell RoadBrooksville, Florida34604US
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When it comes to mlm online success, one of the first things you need to do before doing anything online is to do your keyword research. Actually, this applies to any online endeavor and not just mlm.In this video, my friend and coach, Lasse, shows how you can use Google's keyword tool, for free, to find the perfect keyword to use for whatever type of marketing campaign you have going online.Here is the video. I know you will find it helpful! Monique371Are you struggling in mlm and just can't seem to make it work? If so, grab this free ebook today and have your questions answered:
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What’s with MLM home based business?

Considering an MLM home based business?If so, it could be a very lucrative home based business option for you. But you should also know exactly whether or not what you are getting into is truly an MLM home based business or something else. It may be a scam waiting to pounce on you.Plus, you need to weigh out the positives and negatives of an MLM home based business before you decide that if it is the right business for you.Making sure you are actually getting involved in a legitimate MLM home based business is important to save yourself some difficulties later on.An MLM home based business involves the direct selling of products or services through the recommendations or endorsements of independent representatives.If you are the representative, you receive a commission on any sales that came from your endorsements.Understand that most products sold through an MLM home-based business are not necessarily advertised through mainstream media or in stores.The confusing part of determining if your MLM home based business is genuine can be quite difficult because of there are a number of pyramid schemes out there that are dangerously similar to a legitimate MLM home based business concepts.Remember, a pyramid scheme is illegal, and getting involved in one can cause you more trouble than you can possibly imagine.You will need to do your research into the MLM home based business that you are considering so that you are sure that the kind of MLM home based business you are going to run is valid and legal.Usually if your investment is proportioned to the product or service you are selling, your MLM home based business is valid.There are a number of advantages to having an MLM home based business.First of all, you will be working from home where you can virtually set your own hours, which is probably why you are considering an MLM home based business in the first place.Also, you will not have to manufacture any products, because you are usually selling things that are already made. The MLM home based business will usually come with a pre-determined marketing plan.Many people suffer through the process of determining the most effective methods for marketing their products, but with an MLM home based business, you are relieved of that stress.The disadvantage of having your own MLM home based business, though, depends on your personality.If you have good leadership skills and is a self-starter, then an MLM home based business will pose a little hardship to you.However, if recruiting and selling gives you hives, then starting and maintaining an MLM home based business may be more of a challenge, since your success depends on your ability to create a downline of recruits.But then, having your own MLM home based business means that you can live out your dream of being your own boss and having flexibility in your work schedule.You do not need any prior experience, and you can rely on your personality to recruit and maintain your downline. You only have to hard working and consistent in getting downlines.Do your research to make sure your MLM home based business is a legal business. This way, you can truly enjoy the freedom and the profits that the MLM home based business offers.Lisa SimpkinsVeretekk Marketing System
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