Hello,Let me open by saying that I'm ELATED to be amongst such a wonderfully talented group of women. I have browsed many of your pages, and I'm looking forward to networking with you all (wishfully thinking). I'm the founder of "We Are Family" magazine, a new publication celebrating EVERYONE who are affiliated with the children's depend. system (ie. foster parents, former foster children, caregivers, mentors, etc). Please, please reach out. I would love to hear your stories, promote your products and meet you.I can't wait to hear from you. Happy Holidays!
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The elevator door opens as everyone heads in their direction. The office fills with people working for their checks, to pay those bills, and for survival. Even though the divorce settlement was well worth the marriage, the city called her to work and she came to answer due to boredom and depression about her failed marriage. Stacie heads to her desk which was nicely tucked in thecorner of the office. Her plain paper stacked desk awaits her as she approaches. She didn’t have the desire to decorate it with any pictures or art because she wasn’t making the job her life or part of it. It was just something to do until the next idea comes along.“You didn’t call me back last night.” Raymond startles her as she turns to face him.“Hey Raymond.” She held her chest taking in a deep breath. “Why are you walking up on me like that?”“Oh I scared you? Why? What were you thinking about? Sure isn’t me. Why didn’t you call me back last night?”“I fell asleep.”His face shows disbelief. “Your company must have been very interesting.” He sat on the edge of her desk.“What, are you feeling rejected?” Stacie stood with files in her arms.“Yes. I thought we could start doing more things together.”“Raymond, please. Did Gibbs kick you to the curb again?” She turns to walk towards her boss’s desk.Diane Gibbs is Raymond’s main female; his bread and butter, Raymond’s personal banker. Something Stacie would never be. For she could see agreeing to a fifty-fifty arrangement but in their case its ninety-ten with Raymond giving only ten percent to pacify her or for shutting her up and once he’s done, he loses interest, leaving her to pursue his own interest again. Stacie had him coined but it still didn’t turn her off from him. He has a certain flair about him that still pushed her buttons especially since she is always on the receiving end.
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Posted by Dominique on December 23, 2008 at 11:42pm
From A Writers POV Online Magazine is looking for poem writers.Post your poem on our website for one week with reviews and comments. Get free exposure to your poetry!Check us out today! http://fromawriterspov.webs.com/advertisemywritings.htmGod Bless, Dominique
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Posted by Linda Berk on December 23, 2008 at 9:08am
For those of you who may have missed my earlier message, I am happy to share with you a system that will increase your sales leads and give your business the boost you'll love starting the year off right! Go here for more informationhttp://www.the7figurenetworker.com/cp/1250
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Last week Richelle Shaw and I hosted 3 hrs of FREE Webinars. The topics were on 'Why Black Businesses are Struggling' and 'How to Boost Your Holiday Sales.' If you missed either of these events you now have the chance to watch them for the first time or again. URL: http://smallbiztosmartbiz.com/
Be sure to check out the FREE OFFERS page on the website, Small Business to Smart Business.
We will be offering new FREE Webinars all the time. Signup for BBWO Alerts, so that you can be the first to take advantage of these freebies.
URL: http://sistapreneurs.ning.com/page/bbwo-alerts
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Do you love Mary Kay products?Would you like to get your products at a discount for life?Become my preferred customer and see all the exclusive member benefits available to you!~ Monthly drawings and giveaways~ Online specials~ Great discounts and more…CLICK HERE to find out more!
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Hi, Ladies!Many of us spend hours at the computer on Twitter (mmm, at least some of us do :).So, the thought entered my mind, why not create a special Tweet Spa for an hour. It is subtitled "A Preview of the New You for the New Year."Details are still being worked out but it will be a great way for you to promote your product or service -- and it's all free.Please comment if you would like to participate.Get ready to shine in '09!Blessings!
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I'm of the opinion that every day that we live, move and breathe is a day worthy and an opportunity afforded us to Glorify God and edify man.I believe the spirit of Christmas lives EVERYDAY; but, as my Pastor (Dr. John E. Montgomery, II) said today; Christmas represents the beginning of our blessings, for our SAVIOR'S arrival brought us redemption and reconciliation with God. I've shared that to say this: As we celebrate the Christmas Holiday and this Glorious New Year filled, might I add, with NEW POSSIBILITIES, let us remember the true reason for the season. JESUS, the Christ, was born. We have been redeemed and set free, so let us walk in our liberty this season and every.I love you and pray for you to experience ~ love, joy, peace, laughter and today I'll add another - TRUTH. I pray you TRUTH in all things, Christ is the way, the TRUTH and the life; so, I pray you Christ in all things.Be who you were created, designed and purposed to be - Whole! Be what He came that you may be - Free! Live as He says you might - Abundantly! (remember: the choice is yours)Wishing you the most Glorious Holiday Season, from my heart to yours.Love and Blessings Multiplied,Debra P. DeclouetWomen of Destiny, LLCPurpose-Minded to Promise. TMhttp://www.p-mtp.com
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I am so glad that I started this blog. I have met so many people that are exactly like me when I was younger. I laugh about it now, but I always had a plan a, b, and c. This was reflected in my finances and work habits as well. I had an account to pay my bills, one to cover that account just in case my first account fell short, and money stashed away for a rainy day, just in case both accounts fell into the red. I had three jobs. My main job was as a state worker. My second job was working for my father as a independent contractor. My father always made sure that my brother and I had 3-4 clients each month. My third job was working for myself as a landlord, property owner, and eventually a insurance saleswoman. Recently, I had a little extra time. so I calculated all of the money in expenses for my past three accounts. It was close to $100,000 over a period of 4 years. I also separated the necessities from the others and realized that 75% could have been reinvested in appreciating assets. For example, the money that I was putting away for rainy days, could have bought enough antique pieces to furnish 2 period rooms with some left over to get a couple of raincoats and umbrellas. Its water under the bridge. I always told myself, that if I could help one person to not make the same mistakes I did, and to do better than me, then that is my blessing. It is important to remember that our creator has plans for us greater than we can imagine. We must keep are faith strong and move on.The following person that I am going to speak about is a composition of several people that we are close to, have worked with, or have attempted to help For the sake of this senario we will call him Joseph. Joseph was having trouble with finances. He was young with one little girl and another on the way. He and his wife were both employed. He was working a lot of overtime and spending little time with his family. We mapped out exactly what he needed to do to ensure a bright and secured future for his family. To begin, he needed to stop working overtime. The only one that benefits to overtime is the government. While your paycheck increases your tax refund decreases significantly. We gave Joseph a sterling picture worth $500, 2 paintings valued at $2500 and a coin silver tablespoon worth $20. Joseph also purchased a sterling silver Tiffany fork from us for $75, with a value of $275. Our instructions to him were to sell the items that we gave him, but DO NOT BUY FOOD WITH THE MONEY. Instead, we asked him to reinvest the money in more antiques to sell. We also suggested that he find an abandoned house to fix up, to either sell or live in. He already had the skill set from roofing to plumbing. Since he was only 18 we offered to help him as much as we could in getting the house. After losing contact with, and then reconnecting again with Joseph the next month, he told us that he did not have any money and that he and his wife had to move back home with his parents because he could not keep up with rental payments. Naturally our question was, what did you do with the items we gave you to sell. He said that he sold them to buy FOOD. Although he still had the fork, since he wanted to start collecting Tiffany, he no longer had the source of income since he quit his job. While Joseph received a small initial blessing, he missed the big one since he did not listen and take any of our suggestions. Even if he only did one thing that we suggested he would either have extra money or a house. His excuse was that he used the money for food, but if he did not have the items that we gave him, he would have still found a way to eat. He took the lazy way out. The money from the sold items was convenient and easily accessible. Now that is gone, and his situation is worse than it initially was, when he asked us to help him and his family.Your challenge for the week is to watch out for your blessing and act on it. For example if someone gives you $100, buy a piece of sterling silver, buy books on fine art and antiques, go to an antique auction or store. Just whatever you do, please do not buy food or any other depreciating item. Don't think about spending the funds. Only invest them. Thank-you for your continued support in reading this blog. Have a blessed and prosperous week.Shalom, Tamar
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When I was younger , my father who was in the military, was stationed in Turkey. So my family and I lived there for a while. While we were there my parents use to take my brother and I along to buy rugs and carpets. Again, as children my brother and I did not understand why were being dragged to different rug and carpet places. I did not think anything of it until a couple of years ago, when we started seriously investing in antique rugs and carpets. Turkey has several of the most expensive types of rugs in the world. A genuine antique Agra rug, is only affordable to the most wealthy and museums. In some cases even some of the modern rugs and carpets from the late 1900’s are just as expensive as those from the earlier periods. My point is that while my dad found something wise to invest in, I thought that the time we were spending to buy the items was a waste. It turns out that it was time well invested. My point is that we all might have some type of valuable asset. or hidden treasure in our possession. The hard part is researching, and educating ourselves on the antiques and fine art that are out there.I mentioned in an earlier topic that there is always someone throwing away some type of valuable antique, not realizing the treasure they have. It is good to have garage and yard sales, but you always want to make sure that you are actually getting rid of junk, and not valuable appreciating assets. For example; if you had to choose between keeping a modern day, aesthetically appealing easy chair, or a wing chair from the 1800’s, you need to do your research to make a wise choice. Some helpful hints that you might have a period piece is the following:1. The piece might be passed down in family for generations.2. The item is very old and worn out.3. It does not have any springs, only webbing.4. Where the joints are loose, there is a mortise and tenon joiners, instead of the more modern dowels.5. The bottom of all the legs (but especially the front ones) are worn and scuffed up, from years of being dragged along the floor, kicked, and stepped on.This weeks challenge is to go on a treasure hunt, by cleaning your house. This would be especially fun and exciting for small children. If you do the research on the item, and are still unsure about the value, send me clear pictures and we will be happy to help you . You can also use this opportunity to get rid of your items with little or no value, and replace them with valuables. Everything takes time for most people, so you can start out with one item that has little or no value, and replace it with an appreciating asset. Have a blessed and prosperous week.Shalom,Tamar
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Stopping by to share some awesome information. Here's what to have in your first makeup kit! Ideal for students and for those who is just starting out with makeup. Feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think. PART ONEMAC Eye KohlPART TWOMAC Lipstick Lustre
Hello All~I would like to offer my online offer....discount code " year end " will get you 40% off your total order....order by today, your order will ship tomorrow just in time for Christmas delivery.....we can ship to wherever you want...www.24-7diva.com - we have products for the mild to the wild....This is a great time to get that "special" someone something extra special... great stocking stuffers...Any questions on any of our products, please feel free to email me from the site...Happy Holidays...Be happy, be safe and be BLESSED!!!Traciwww.24-7diva.com
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At a point and time so many people are hurting for so many reasons. Now more than ever everything looks absolutely dismal. However, I’m here to tell you “Its Your Time”.It is not the time to fold up the tent. It is not the time to give up! Stand in the “power” of your being!It feels good to always know someone genuinely cares. In spite of your disappointments be happy you are on the brink of abundant success. Why, the timing is impeccable!By now you’ve heard about the famous Book, and DVD called “The SecretRegardless if you think it’s a “law” or a facade, The Secret will make you consider what’s truly possible for your life and business. Maybe, just maybe, you haven’t been expanding your thinking.In business, when you have an idea that really excites you, you'll begin to get more ideas. Then the only problem will be choosing which one. Don't over analyze it though, because you'll procrastinate and do nothing.When it comes to following your passions, is it true if you do what you love the money will come? This is usually true, but when it's not true it's usually because people bring their reluctance when approaching their business or new relationships - even if they are doing something they love. Stop procrastinating “Its Your Time”Getting where you want to go is letting go and taking decisive action without second guessing yourself. You definitely have to take action; you can't just set your “eventually” and wait for it to happen. Take action now while you are motivated and start making things happen!When a team of friends wrote the testimonies in the book “Who Said it is as Easy to be rich as it is to be poor” Its Your time, wrote it to share it is not easy when you have so much against you, before you even began to dream. However, perseverance, determination and timing will bring us and others to success. IT IS OUR TIME, www.itsyourx.ning.comwww.itsyourx.comNote:The Universal Law of Attraction is the underlying principal that governs what becomes your reality. It states that what you focus on you receive more of. It makes no difference to the law of attraction weather you are focusing on the outcome that you do not want or focusing on the outcome you want - whatever you focus on, especially if it's over an extended time becomes your reality.http://www.squidoo.com/the-universal-laws-of-attraction
We are seeking energetic professionals that know how to Influence others with a professional demeanor.Brand Ambassador positions available IMMEDIATELY!!We are looking for people who are available to work promotions throughout 2009.We Are Seeking Candidates Who:*Are goal oriented!*Have Experience in Guerrilla Marketing, Face-to-Face and/or Promotional Events*Have the ability to engage an audience interactively and create thedesire to recommend, sell, and support our clients products.*Maintain a positive attitude and friendly smile*Desire to stay up to date in latest industry trendsWhat We Will Offer You:Competitive payFun Training, Support and continued staffing opportunities in 2009 and beyondInterested applicants should upload their profile on: PROMOSTAFF and send their professional and/or promotional resume, a short and Informal cover letter, and a photo of themselves (*required since face to face interviews may not be possible) to: great.promo.com@gmail.com..
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Posted by Tamora Walls on December 20, 2008 at 5:46am
Attention Chicago Area Charitable Organizations...DCEO Grant - Eliminating the Digital Divide Grant ApplicationDeadline: January 16, 2009Award Ceiling: $75,000Need Help Applying for this Application?SIGN UP TODAY FOR 1 DAY GRANT BOOTCAMPDecember 27, 2008 orJanuary 3, 20099:00 am - 1:00 pmRegistration Fee: $ 50.00 per organizationDeadline for Registration: Dec. 23rdFor more information: http://www.geocities.com/tazmoraRead more…
india ariedandelion name frame.jpgI have finally gotten what my business can actually offer....I feel so motivated and focus...to know how to describe my art, so I can believe in my art so i can sell my art! I will post my new creations here...my main focus will be to create room decor for children, teens, and the young at heart...This is Ebony Anderson of Ebony Child, looking forward to serving you in the near future.This is a new name frame for a child's room, can be personalized to match your rooms decor and to have your child's name and a small poem as well...starting at $35, you can't go wrong.Interested? Contact me at ebonychildinc@yahoo.com.
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Posted by Tamora Walls on December 20, 2008 at 5:33am
Reflections of the Heart is the first mini novel of two more to come. In the end, these novels that will create one great story! But, what makes this so unique?....The Cliffhanger Chapters. I'm looking for gifted and unpublished writers to complete the Cliffhanger Chapter which will launch us into the next story line.More Info: Reflections of the Heart webpageRead more…