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Style (22)
"SIMPLY UNIQUIC" is our FREE online magazine (click this link to subscribe) that promotes fashion, style, beauty and health.
product no. MGH01234
It's here finally...My Glory Hair Care!!!!
Some of you have been waiting for a long time for my featured products My Glory Hair Care Products. I will give a full description of each product below:
First down the run way is the Hair & Scalp Oil Moisturizer
This product is to be used first. You will part the hair and apply the oil to the scalp and massage through to the ends of the hair. Place a plastic cap over and let set for at least 24hrs only if time allows. But for better results to infuse hair 24hrs is the best or cover with plastic and set under the drier for 30 to 45 mins.
product no. MGH0001
This wonderful little oil is the hair maker. With its combination of olive oil, moisturizer, vitamins and natural fragrance, it literally breaths life back into the hair. This moisturizer should be used on a weekly basis just before hair wash time. If you wash on a more regular basis...set time accordingly.
Next down the runway is the My Glory Shampoo & My Glory Conditioner. These two together gives the hair the one, two punch of electricity that is need to revitalize the hair with out stripping your delicate hair of its needed oils. This is a combination of gentel cleaners, olive oil, vitamins, and moisturizer, makes your hair soft and easy to is low sudsing for a more gentel cleaning. After you have completed the washing process rinse and towel blot some of the water from your hair and apply the conditioner. This is a very gentel conditioners with a lite sent, it is ready to go the work on your hair by relaxing it just a little and putting more moisture into the hair shaft. The conditioner also has olive oil, vitamins, and moisturizer just what the hair needs to stay on track of being totally moisturized.
product no. MGH0012
Last but definately not least is the My Glory Hairdress. Remember what I told you about grease...well be not decieved for this is not grease, this is a lite and fluffy custard made for everyday use if you so desire. It also has olive oil, peanut oil, vitamins and natural fragrance. Apply this to your hair and stroke your hair daily for best results.
Now there you have it the best combination ever put together for your hair. And if used as instructed you will have hair worth a thousand words of praise.
product no. MGH0004
The process by which you will make a prchase is with E-mail With Invoice thru PayPal. To make a purchase send an email to with the requested items and quanity. Picture Perfect Health will then email you an invoice with the items and quanity you requested and you will make your payment, it is that hassels, no fuss, just what a person on the go needs
The Mind

-Brain drain: write down a list of everything you need to do on a notepad, from grocery store to going to the bank to chaperoning your kids next field trip.
-Stop being negative; I am sure you already know this, whatever you focus on expands, if you focus on negativity, what's
-Let your mind float freely. Imagine that you have no limitations. Imagine that you have all the time, money, resources, intelligence, education, experience and all the contacts in the world. Imagine that you could do, be or have anything in your life. What if you had no fear of failure at all?
-Your most important goals/intentions must be YOURS. Not your spouse's, your child's, your employer's, your mother's, your sister's....
-Write your intentions in positive terms, avoid saying "I will not be. Your subconscious mind is very specific and it doesn't judge, it will attract like a magnet whatever you focus on.
If you've never read 'The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind", pick up a copy, a great book....The Body
If you are not kind to it now, it will be hostile to you later.
-Don't diet, diets make you cranky, eat whole foods; diet=die, I want to live lol. I am sure you do too. God gave us whole foods for a reason, ditch those frozen meals, canned goods, fat free this and that. Eat grass fed beef, organic chicken, wild caught fishes; not farm-raised, organic fruits, and veggies. Use olive oil, and coconut oil. Do your research on canola oil, and soy (disturbing). Cut out sugar, drink more water. I can't get down with eggs beaters in a carton box, come on get the jist. Check out this book, "Healthy Urban Kitchen", the author, Antonio is on to something....
-Move it; you don't have to be a slave to the treadmill, hike, take a walk with your dog, take your kids or grandkids to the park and become one of them, salsa dance (my faaaavorite woo hoo).
Check out these two amazing salsa teachers; they offer classes that will have you sweating and cheering; Myriam Soavinzara and "Tony "El Pana". You will be sweating to a slimmer you while having fun...
-Treat yourself to a massage, mani-pedi, get a facial, plan a get away, put on lipgloss, reconnect with a long time friend over a great glass of wine, take on golf.... :-)
The Spirit
We are spiritual beings having a human experience, that's what I believe, we are more than this body. Believe in a Higher Power, whatever it may be for you, I am a God fanatic, and lover ♡
-Prayers work, enough said.
-Surrender, this is now a daily practice of mine, it has truly become a habit. To surrender means to yield, to relinquish control over. When we surrender to God, we are simply acknowledging that what we "own" actually belongs to Him. He is the giver of all good things. By surrendering to God, we admit that He is ultimately in control of everything, including our present circumstances. Let Go, let God.
-Forgive someone; Love someone; Compliment someone and mean it, say Thank You.
-Be grateful; there are thousands of things to be grateful for on a regular basis, no matter how difficult things may seem. "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change". Dr. Wayne Dyer
These are the few things I do to keep me sane, what about you? What do you do to keep your sanity? What do you do to keep a healthy mind,body, and spirit?
Disclaimer: These reviews are my opinions. The information contained on this site is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with professional advice.
PS: I love comments AND Followers )))) CLICK ON "FOLLOW" located to the right of the blog under "CLICK HERE TO BECOME A FOLLOWER", merci beaucoup, bisous!!!!!

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