Many people limit themselves to doing only what they think they can do. When considering limits I envision boundaries that get in the way and keep you from moving forward. These obstacles show up in many ways and it helps to know what they are so that you can plan to get past them. They show up everywhere in business and may be in the form of barriers to entry, fear of public speaking, or a declining economy. Whatever distracts you from going as far as you can go is a limit. But the truth of the matter is that no limit can really stop you. In fact, I prefer to call them temporary roadblocks. Why? Because they are only in the way until you find the path that moves you past them. Yes, they can slow you down from time to time but the goal is to keep your destination in mind and use alternatives that will put you back on track.
Being in business requires you to always have a backup plan. It is like the GPS system in you car that alerts you ahead of time to take a different route when roadblocks are coming. Knowing in advance where the roadblocks are helps you maneuver successfully along the road but success depends upon your perspective.
There is a song whose lyrics I love called, �The Sky is the Limit.� It reminds me that as far as the sky is from the earth if you set goals on reaching that level, you will never be satisfied with limiting what you can accomplish. In my own experience, I have learned that each success is just a precursor to the many others that are up the road. When you remember that there is always more that you can do to create change, more people you can serve, more solutions you can provide, then you will stop limiting your potential. You must never stop at where you are today. If you keep reaching for higher peaks then, sure enough, one day you are bound to reach them.
You can either accept limits as permanent or resolve to find solutions to the challenges that get in your way. Think about what you have allowed to limit your success. How would the situation look if you changed your thoughts toward limits? What new ideas come to mind? What resources do you have to work with? What things will you need? See it. Write it. Be confident and do it.