And (186)

ATLANTA, GA — Katrina M. Harrell and Akilah S. Richards have a collective abundance of life and business anecdotes from their personal and professional experiences.  One common thread among their stories is the lack of harmony between sound business strategies and real emotional wellness.  

Frustrated with the trial-and-error approach to success among their own, Harrell and Richards now lead the movement that challenges black women business owners to face the harsh truths about promoting their brands versus building their businesses.  Their solution is 5-step “escape plan” from what they've dubbed "The inner B.I.T.C.H.".

On Thursday, November 9 at 9PM (EST) the two will host a free, live dialogue on Google+ Hangouts based around the focal points of their debut joint venture, How She Got Free: A Spiritual Business Manual for Women Who Lead Through Entrepreneurship.

The dialogue, which will also be live-streamed on YouTube, offers women a platform to discuss their biggest hurdles in business and life planning and income generating models.  Using the 5-Step Escape Plan, black women entrepreneurs can recognize their ineffective patterns, and align themselves with higher standards, sound structures, and effective systems in their professional and personal lives.

During the November 9th dialogue, the duo will tackle frequently dodged topics such as:

  • Offering “bargain bin” pricing instead of charging what we’re worth

  • How black women look to their white counterparts for marketing models that do not work with own potential markets

  • The lack of application of basic business principles and the consequences therein

About the authors

Harrell and Richards are uniquely qualified Business and Life Strategies whose unique approaches to business building and lifestyle design have garnered them the unique approach to lifestyle management has garnered the attention of Black Enterprise Magazine, Essence Magazine, Real Simple Magazine, MSNBC’s Today Moms blog,  and various local and web-based publications.

Register for the live dialogue at

For more information about How She Got Free, visit



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10744086053?profile=originalNet 30 accounts that you should apply for if you are just starting out. None of these require a DUNS number although some may ask you to pre-pay.  Uline(net 30), Grainger(net 30), Nebs(net 30), Rapid Forms(net 30), AT&T land line, Sprint Wireless(2 lines but approved for 10), Quill(net 30), Reliable(net 30) and Seton(net 30).

Once you acquire some of these accounts, order something on net 30 terms and repay it on time. Once you pay them they will take a few weeks to report to DnB. If they report and you do not already have a DUNS number, a DUNS number will automatically be created. Once the number is created you can easily get it online. So let me get into finding out when the number is generated.
Once you have followed the first instructions in getting an account and ordering and paying it off, you need to now go to the DnB home page. There is a little box in the center on the right of the home page where you can search for a business. You go to that box and fill out your company name, state and country and hit search. If one of the accounts reported and the number was generated, your company will now show up in the search results. Once it does show up in the search results, you can simple click “request DUNS number” and your number will be sent to you via email immediately. Once you have got the accounts and paid them off, I will check DnB at the end of every week for 4 – 5 weeks and it will be there. The more accounts you get the faster your company should show up in DnB as each company reports at different times.

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Blog #6

Hey Gang, Charlie Here!


So here we are, it’s the dog days of summer and we on our sixth blog. What a crazy quick season. In honor of the passing of the days and any excuse to slow down and forestall sweating for the next couple of months, I am going to take a step back and introduce you to the Noir A-Go Gofamily. I will of course start with myself, who better! And then I will show off my sisters in love, adventure, shopping & crime. So sit back, let a stiletto dangle from a toe, sip your sweet tea and enjoy the sepia ladies of summer.

Be The Magic!

Be Positively Pinup!


Charlie. Numero Uno.


Well kiddies, as you may know, I am one of the original dames. A lady’s lady and a man’s gal. Me and the likes of Betty (Grable that is)10744084501?profile=original go way back. Hailing from Brooklyn and parts unknown, (a lady likes a little mystery and so do the gents) I’m no glass-jawed baby and like to say that only the strong need apply. And apply they do. Whether I am doing the rumba down in Miami or shakin’ a tail feather up in Harlem, the gentleman callers call and call and call. 10744084686?profile=original I have what they used to call moxie, sex appeal. And I’m not afraid to use it. Are you? I sure hope not! Because I don’t suffer fools gladly and like my besties tough like me. If you’re one of those sappy chicks who need to be told what to do, where to go, and how to keep the seams of your stockings straight you can tell your story walking.10744085482?profile=original  But I don’t believe that for a minute. I know you and you know me. We are strong sisters-in-arms who know how to charm and run the world because as sure as diamonds are a girl’s best friend, we know how to take care of ourselves and anyone else who needs it!



Next up…Belle or as we like to call her Belle of the ball! See ya next month!



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Blog #4

Hey Gang Charlie Here!


So it’s time for…drum roll please…PINUPS COMPARE WITH A FLARE! The contest where we ask: Who’s Your Favorite Pinup Girl?

Your Contestants:

In this boudoir we have Dorothy Dandridge 10744084871?profile=original


      Color-line Breaker (1st African American to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress~~~Carmen Jones Ya’ll!)


      A woman who puts the vavavaVOOM in any and everything she touched!



 In this boudoir we have Lena Horne



      Civil Rights Activist (after being blacklisted she left Hollywood with her head held high)


      A woman who Gives Great Nose!

Now, keep in mind both these dames worked at the world renowned Cotton Club and both are WINNERS but let us know which one you prefer and why and be entered to win your very own “Charlie Tote” with little old me on the front!

Between July 8-15th  join our mailing list at and then shoot us an email at and let us know who you want to swap stilettos with and why. We will post your answers and the gal with the best/coolest reason wins! Stay Cool.

Be The Magic!

Love Charlie


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The DOs and DON'Ts of Blogging

Alright, well SOME Dos and Don'ts for blogging. Of course there are A LOT of things you should and shouldn't do when it comes to blogging. At this point you should already have an idea of what you are going to blog about. I am going to point out a few of the important Dos and Don’ts. Let's start with the DON'Ts.


Spend ALL day online. First your eyes will start to hurt and then you will start to experience horrible headaches. LOL! This is what happens when you sit in front of a computer screen all day. Searching, writing, reading, watching. At some point during the day, you have to give it a rest. The great thing about the Internet is that what you are looking for will always be there. Go back to it later. If it is taking you more than an hour to write a blog posting (unless in depth research is involved), you need to change the subject.

Plagiarize. Duh. Just like in school, you cannot do this. You would be breaking the law if you did. AND for the record, there is a difference between copy writing and plagiarizing (you can research those). You can always get ideas from other bloggers, but never ever copy anything from their posts WITHOUT recognizing them.

Waste time in forums and communities. You are going to hear a lot of people suggest you do this. But my suggestion is to find 3 to 4 forums or small social networks you like. Share the same postings from your blog with these select forums, on a regular basis. You may not be recognized at first, but eventually they will notice you.

Spam. Not only is this annoying but it’s bad “etiquette”, if you will, for bloggers. One example of spamming is coldly commenting in a forum or on another bloggers site and including your website information:


NOT cool. Another form of spamming is sending your blogs to people that didn't ask to read them. Post them on your blog, forums and communities. If people are interested in reading them they will find you.

Post every day. Not only does that put a lot of pressure on you, but people don’t have time to read your posts daily. Think of all of the online publications, newsletters and bloggers you are subscribed to. If they send you information everyday, do you actually read it? The truth is, NO. So don’t put your readers through that. Give them something to look forward to every week. Now on to the DOs!


Get advise from an experienced blogger. If there are certain blogs you have found that you really like, take it upon yourself to email the blogger and see if they would mentor you. Find a good business coach that may be able to help you focus in on what your goals are.

Ask for feedback. NOT from people in the forums you choose, but from your family and friends. They are our toughest critics. So, if they have suggestions or opinions about your blog posting, take it in stride. Don't take EVERYTHING to heart and change everything they think you should, but you should definitely take their suggestions into consideration.

Be patient. I say this all the time: Just because you create a blog or website and throw it out on the WORLD WIDE WEB (notice the word, WORLD), doesn't mean people are going to flock to it. It will take a little time to build popularity but it is definitely possible. You just have to be patient and keep posting and keep directing people to your site.

Write UNIQUE and CREATIVE content. Even if you know what you are going to write about, you need to make sure it is DIFFERENT from everyone else's. Also, you do not have to write about the SAME subject in every posting if you do not want. Make it interesting for your readers so they will keep coming back for more.

Get paid for blogging. Well yeah! What other reason would you be blogging for? There are several ways you can get paid to blog. One way, is to get advertisers on your site, that will take some time to happen, but it is definitely possible. Another way to get paid for blogging is to find a blogging platform that will pay you to actually blog and show others how to do the same. I use a great system that does just that. You can sign in and find out more here => BeFamousOnline2

Blogging does not have to be difficult or tedious. It can actually be fun to share with others your life, opinion or information that could help them. You just need to keep in mind some DOs and DON'Ts so you can be a SUCCESSFUL blogger.

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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Sugar Scrub

Our Sugar Scrubs will make your skin feel so silky smooth just after the very first use.  It's one of our best sellers.  It's all natural and safe for the whole family.  When you want to exfoliate your skin and have it feeling silky smooth then our Sugar Scrub is a must have!  It's great for your feet and other rough spots.  After you rinse off from your shower or bath just massage the scrub all over your body, from your face down to your toes and then rinse off.  Ahhhh! now enjoy your new silky soft skin!   

The scrubs come in French Vanilla, Mango and Pink Sugar fragrances.

Go to to purchase yours, they sell pretty quickly..



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Baby Lotion

Another NEW addition to my product line is "Baby Lotion". Our Baby Lotion is scented with our famous baby lotion fragrance. Paraben and SLS FREE.  This MILD lotion is perfect for your baby and can also be used for the whole family.  The lotion is so gentle that it can be used on sensitive skin and great for the face and body!   A very relaxing fragrance that will soothe both baby and you. Go to  to get your bottle of Baby Lotion!


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How to get Business Credit Cards Without a Personal Guarantee? 1-888-821-6408x2
How to get a Business Credit Card with out a Personal Guarantee is a step by step process. First you have to see what business is more favorable to banks, which is called SIC CODE. Once you know and understand this step then you can continue on with the proper step to get business credit cards.

Here are the necessary steps to get a Business Credit Card with out a Personal Guarantee.

Know you Sic Code for what type of business your looking to Start.
Call and get your EIN#/TAX ID# over the phone not online and please make sure you use Incorporated at the end of your company name.
Incorporate your business to a C-Corporation Banks love this entity.
Get your Dun and Bradstreet Number from their website. You want the number thru the CCR Government program. This way you get the number for Free and within 48hrs instead of 30 days.
You need to have Projected Financials submitted to Dun and Bradstreet in order to a Clear complete file this is very important.
You need to file Ucc-1 lien against your business for the money and equipment, you invest in the business to get it started. This is very important to creditors.
Once these steps are completed then you need at least 6 to 9 Net30 Accounts such as,,,,,, Grainger, Uline, Seton, nebs, deluxe and so on. Remember Dun and Bradstreet does not report your credit limits, they report the amount you spend on purchase, so the more you spend on products the better the tradeline looks on your business credit file.

If you follow this step by step, you're guaranteed to get Business Credit cards with out a Personal Guarantee.

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Blog #7

Hey Gang, Charlie Here!

I promised you a bell and a dame of my word I here by present to you the best one of them all---Belle the belle of the ball!

Oh yeah, make sure to come back in two weeks to cop a gander of our gal Izzy.



Now Charlie is a tough act to follow but no one has ever accused me of an unholy amount of fear so here goes nothing!

As you may imagine I like my men shaken and stirred. Clothing is optional but not decency or common sense. My favorite body part on a woman? A great pair of gams. My favorite body part on a man? The brain and a well chiseled back, the better to grip him with, my dear!


All told, my life philosophy is simple: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Barring that, strike first!

Nice to meet you.

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Natural Baby Diaper Cream

No more owies!  This unscented and ultra diaper cream is a must have.  Paraben, SLS and Fragrance FREE!  The unscented diaper cream will help prevent irritation and chapping with natural Cocoa Butter and Aloe Vera Extract.  It soothes, protects and nourishes baby's delicate skin.  Very mild but yet effective and goes on silky smooth.  Go to for an immediate purchase so you will be prepared for these long and hot summer months.  It comes in a 2oz travel size container.



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Lip Gloss

One of our NEWEST products is Lip Gloss.  A great moisturizer and good for all skin types.  It has a little shimmer and a hint of color.  I offer Cherry Blast and Cotton Candy.  Both have great flavor.  Goes on smooth and is long lasting.  Can be carried in your purse for whenever you need a touch up.  Go to to get your Lip Gloss so that your lips will always be moisturized.  10744081059?profile=original

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My Amazon Shop

I am so happy that orders have been coming in on a steady basis for the items that I had decided to list on  I did it as a test a few months back and now the orders are coming in almost every day!  I will be posting more items over the weekend.  Nothing can kill this joy that I have and to think I was about to cancel the account.  I see that patience really does pay off :-)  

My shop is

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Hello friends in the business world..I am Annie...its been a long time since I've been on here ...I have 2 kids ages 5 and 7.  I am certified CNA(which is my full time) and Im certified EKG.  I work Part-time(for now) as an Independent Rep for Primerica. If I knew then what I knew now I should've been in this field a long time ago... I started as a Rep and now I am a senior next goal is to pass the state exam to become a licensed life insurance agent which would lead me to district...guys its an awesome opportunity...  A friend of mine died March 2nd, 2012.  We were suppose to meet to discuss about him getting a policy on him and his little daughter...I didnt get chance to talk to him..our schedules didnt match.Yall let me just say that when I found out that he passed(test driving a motorcycle) hurt me to my heart...My friend is gone too soon b/c I waited too long.. friend.  Now my mind is on helping people make the right choice b/c you never know when its your time...I am looking for 20 people to join me in becoming a light for those who need it....If you would like to work to help families as well as yourself please contact me.

I do travel to meet with groups of people to hold life insurance classes if you would like to book with me and hold group meetings, company meetings please let me know.... if you would like quotes on life insurance please let me know..always looking for bright people to join my team...get chance to meet like-minded individuals making a difference in this love ..thanks

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Charlie Here!

(Blog #2)

So, just what becomes a pinup girl most? Wait for it...wait for it...

Glam Tip #2

1. Mac's Russian Red lipstick


2. A flowy, flirty, a-line skirt in a soft come-hither shade



3. Over-sized glam sunglasses ala La Dandridge


Mix and match or do all 3 and you are good to go!

You Be The Magic! Love, Charlie


Shop Now!

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2012 Cookie Lee Jewelry Spring/Summer Launch is Today



Mark your calendar, Set your watch!!

Today is the day that the new "2012 Spring/Summer" catalog will launch! So be ready at 5:00 pst to be one of the first ones to see and purchase the new and beautiful jewelry. Check out page 14 for some "Eye Candy" or page 46 "Dress to Impress".

And as always, tell a friend.  Happy Shopping!


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Everybody Has a Secret! What's yours?

Secret Lover

            10744070469?profile=originalCarter Perry’s world had turned upside down when he found out that his wife of four years had being keeping a secret behind his back.

            Carter suspect Keisha had been sleeping around with his younger brother, Donte. In order to have the proof he needs to catch them in the act, he put a plan in motion. He tells his wife that he has to go out of town for a business meeting. What she doesn’t know is that Carter never left the city but stay around to spy on her. He finally catches them together, but to his surprise it wasn’t his brother! Follow Carter as his rage leaves him to commit double murder.

Read the rest of this short story on my blog and feel free to leave a comment and join.



Everybody has a secret! What’s yours?

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Well if so, I’m looking for you!!!, an online cosmetics, jewelry, and accessories boutique, is looking for talented women to showcase on our website.  I’m looking for ladies that make jewelry, cosmetics, bath and body products, or hair accessories and are looking for a new way to get the word out about their products. If this interests you please send me a message on MyBBWO or email glamifiedboutique [at] gmail [dot] com. 

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