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What's the key to becoming a likeable and buy-able brand?

I'd say it's to get good at content marketing. Content marketing is all about creating interesting, high value, share-worthy content that makes people crave you as a resource and a choice provider for solving their pain.

But, you are a solo entrepreneur with limited resources, trying to get your audience to notice you amid an ocean of information available to them online.

Not only do you have to compete with the blogs and social media musings of competitors, you have to conquer their ADD over their umbilical smart phones, and iPads.

And, although you are offering all kinds of FREE stuff, it seems as if you can't pay people to sign up for it, let alone pay for any product or service you have to offer.

What gives?

How can you grab your target customer's attention to even begin to build a relationship when they are so distracted and guarded?

There's no doubt marketing and promoting your business in the digital age has become more challenging. But, sometimes you have to revert to old tactics to make yourself stand out as the new and better choice.

Here are 3 simple, yet powerful ways to win the famous know, like and trust contest and become the provider of choice for your target audience:

  1. Be Creative & Innovative: Part of the reason people are hitting the ignore button, is that everyone is doing and saying the same things in the same way. Cookie cutter marketing has made us immune to hearing blatant and bland attempts to entice our business. Excite, shock or surprise your audience. Look for innovative and creative ways to get your message in front of your audience.
  2. Educate: Don't just tell your audience they need your products and services. Show them why they need it and how having it will make their life or business better. That means…you guessed it, taking time to craft valuable content that helps them understand how various aspects of your solutions work to make their lives better. Be careful to be helpful here and not all "salesy". Your #1 goal here is to be a helpful and trusted resource.
  3. Build Relationship: Most businesses large and small focus on getting customers to come to them. Make a commitment to find your prospects and get to know them. Create an incentive program to inspire conversation. Show them you are willing to invest in them in the same way you want them to invest in you.

Case Study: The Apple Store is a great example of a company that leverages all three of these elements successfully. Go to any Apple Store and you can not only buy a product, but an associate will take the time to teach you how to use it. This model is creative, educational and builds good customer relations while inspiring customer loyalty.

Take Away: Success begins with taking action. Create a 3 step strategy for incorporating the above 3 elements in your marketing. Take some time to examine what others are doing and find gaps you can fill to do it better.

Share Your Thoughts! What are your tips on how we can create a that provides a unique experience that builds a likeable and buy-able relationship with our target customers?

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Do you know how to create content to market and support your signature products and services?

You probably have some idea of what to do. Tweet it, pin it, post it…may be among some of your options. But, what kind of combination of content is best to promote your offerings?

If you’re still reading this. you probably know what you want to create. But, perhaps you’re not quite sure where to begin.

Educate to Sell Your Signature Products and Services

First let me make one thing clear. Educating to sell does not mean trying to win over people who are not aware or have a desire to solve their pain? I don’t care how much or even how good your content is, these people will never buy or engage. So it is a waste of your time and resources.

Instead, you want to educate people who have the desire and ability to purchase your solutions. Content Marketing is about soft selling by making your customers smarter than they were when they found you. So, your job is to create content that guides them from awareness to the sale, without being all “salesy”.

Once you create your product or launch your service, you want to be sure that you support it with client attracting content that reaches all over the web and sustain sales beyond the launch.

Here are 5 of my favorite ways to create marketing content to support your signature products and services:


#1) Create content that relates to each of your core offers

Content marketing is all about creating purposeful content. Creating content that educates your audience on topics related to your core offers will meet his requirement. Supporting content can include, articles,social media content, info-graphics, emails and more…

Supporting content can also include internal items like step by step training materials, course content, exercises, scripts, checklists, templates, and accompanying articles that highlight the training programs.

#2) Create several types of author resource boxes to get people to click-through your offers

If you want to create more opportunities for your audience to interact with you, create an author resource box. An “author resource box” also known as byline or mini bios are short summaries located at the bottom of blog posts or articles.

You can use your byline and embed links in articles your distribute around the web. This will help you to increase the flow of “qualified” traffic back to your site.

#3) Create social media postings that promote your articles

Most entrepreneurs make the mistake of not promoting their content. Great articles need help getting seen. I  like creating the posts as I create my blog articles. It’s just a part of the process, so it helps to ensure it gets done. Plugins like Tweet Old Posts are one way to automate this process and make life easier for you.

#4) Create sample promo content to make it easy for JV and affiliates to promote your offers to their networks

Pre-creating content such as ads, banners, emails, blog posts, social media content and more  helps make you more sharable. The easier you make referring and promoting your products and services, the more successful your affiliate marketing and joint venture programs will be.

#5) Create “Welcome Content” to support and guide your customer’s experience after the sale

We often hear about all the “external” content we need to create like blogs and social media content, etc. But, what we often overlook is creating content to WOW our customers after the sale. What type of content can you provide your customers to make your solutions easy to implement?

Exercises, handouts, scripts and templates are some common examples. Some other examples include, learning guides, mind maps, emails nurturing campaigns and newsletters. The more you can wow them, the more they’ll come back again and again and bring friends.

There of course are other powerful forms of content to promote your core training programs products and services. I will explore them in this article series so stay plugged in.

What types of content do you create and publish to support your signature products and services? Share your answers with me below…

Read more… Business credit America will soon be offering shelf corporations with store front addresses and commercial phone numbers. This program is designed to help clients that want a shelf corp but do not have an commercial address to go along with the shelf. Also, it gives the client a way to generate an income to pay back the loans they take out under the business and their personal credit.

Once the client shelf corp is completed and then they will have the opportunity to partner with the GCU GROUP, INC. and they be able to generate a income from $300.00 up to $900.00 a month GUARANTEED. The client will also make money by referring customers to us as well. Our referral fee pay out is on the business credit and the personal credit, so that give the client 3 different ways to make money with GCU GROUP INC.

Check out our other great services
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review

We only ask that only motivated and serious clients inquire about this program. We do everything by contract. 1-800-652-7157

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 Stop buying net30's and business credit services if you have bad credit.  hen you try to build up your business credit by purchasing net30's, trade lines, having corporate financials and taxes prepared as well as add ucc's to the company, you still are not guaranteed to get the funing you need to help your business.

Most banks and other lending instituions are insisting you do a personal guarantee or have enough assets to cover the loan.  Many of us, unfortunately don't have assets to cover the loan, however we can fix our personal credit to sign off for the loan.  

Good credit Union helps people all the time to fix their personal credit and help them obtain loans upto $50k in cash funding under their personal credit.  Business Credit America builds the client a 3 to 5 year old shelf corp and pair it up with their personal credit to get them up to $100k in cash funding.

I understand many of us have been taught it's not necessary to use your personal credit to get funding under the business, however due to new rules and regulations with the financial institutions things have changed.  I try to encourage people to fix their personal credit first because they will be able to have access to many other opportunities.  They can buy a car with no money down, pay lower interest rates on loans for mortgages, and personal loans.

This Tax season fix your personal credit first and you'll have access to money all year long.

Check out our other great services
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 This is a clients file that allowed us to use it as a testimonial video.  This is not a cpn file.  This individual only had a childsupport case showing on his credit.  We added 5 Authorize User to his account to get him in the 700's due to the fact we had applied for several credit cards and a loan.  This individual was approved for a Amex card, a $5k discover card and a $4100.00 citi card.

Check our our other great services.
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

Read more… Good Credit Union has a new financing program to help you pay to get your personal credit repaired. You pay 1/3 down up front and we financed the rest.

Once your personal credit is repaired you pay the remaining balance. It usually takes 45 to 60 days to repair a tipical file. We remove bankruptcies, private student loans, car repossessions, judgements, liens (other than tax liens), short sales, late pays, inquiries, charege offs, and check systems.

There no reason you should be walking around with bad credit. With good credit you pay less money and lower interest rates on a car loan, mortgage, private loans.

If we're willing to invest in you, why not take advantage of a great opportunity to have perfect again.

As you are aware that Business Credit America no longer charges upfront fees to help you build your business. We only charge you when we get you the funding for your business.

Check out our other great services
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

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Picture Business Credit America specializes in  helping companies nationwide gain greater access to trade credit and investment capital. Our program, uses a step-by-step approach to help companies solidify their financial standing, so they can build a business credit history, obtain lines of credit and position themselves for loans from banks, angel investors and other outside funding sources.

We provide our clients with an over whelming amount of business and personal credit education as we walk them through the business credit building process that focuses on three main areas: establishing credibility with major credit agencies, creating a credit file and building a business credit history.


Business Credit America's credit-building system offers a variety of benefits, including:

  • multiple vendor lines of credit and business credit cards
  • credit-reporting files with Dun & Bradstreet, Experian and Equifax
  • filing Ucc-1 Financial Statements to boost your business credit
  • creative solutions for funding any kind of small business

Many business owners rely solely on their personal credit and funds to start and grow their business, However, by following this process a lot of business owners debt to income ratio is to high to be considered for a loan approval from traditional lenders.

We encourage business owners and entrepreneurs alike to consider joining the Free Business Credit Training Forum, so they can be aware of what the possibilities are when it comes to obtaining business credit.

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Top 4 Businesses to Start in 2013

2013 is just around the corner. And as we approach this time to declare a “New Year, New You”, this is a great time to do something new, do something different, and actually take the steps to start a business. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to have specific education or thousands of dollars to invest in a business that will thrive and last beyond the dreaded 3 year failure mark. The following 4 business types are all businesses that have been deemed the “top” businesses to start in 2013 as their industries are growing.

1. Organic Food- Perhaps with help from the FLOTUS Michelle Obama with her “Let’s Move” Campaign, organic food sales are rising. People are starting to care more about the quality of food they consume and prepare for their family. The organic food industry is a growing industry that will continue growing into 2013. If you are someone who loves organic food, good with creating recipes or interested in growing it, this would be a great industry in which to start a business. Get more information here about the certifications and accreditations needed to get started. ORGANIC FOOD CERTIFICATION

Average Start-Up Costs: $500-$1000

2. Cosmetics- Always a popular product, natural cosmetics are going to be big in 2013. Women... well, people are going away with Botox and chemical peels, etc. They are looking for more natural ways to maintain a youthful appearance. There are several ways you can start a cosmetics company:

A.You can join a company already established and be their walking advertisement by wearing and sharing their products. Companies like Mary Kay, Seacret, Xango and Rodan+Fields are reputable companies with proven natural products.

Average Start-Up Costs: $100 - $1000

B. You can create your own cosmetic products. Of course your investment will be much more, but at the end, the product will be your own brand. To start a cosmetic line of quality may average you $40,000 and more. Don’t get me wrong, there are places where you can start your own for much less but if you want to stay in business, the money is worth it or go with option number A. Start Your Own Cosmetic Line Option

Average Start-Up Costs: $40,000+

3. Ecommerce –,,, and are just a few great resources for selling products like clothing, jewelry, electronics, books, music, vintage stuff, etc. People sell all kinds of things through these resources. All you need is a camera, even cell phone, to take pictures of stuff you are selling and set it up.

Average Start-Up Costs: $0 - $100

4. Affiliate Marketing- According to CNBC is the “best online small business idea of 2013”. The affiliate, internet, network marketing business model will see an increase of business owners. Several reasons for this is because training is free and unlimited and there is a great potential to generate a substantial income with residual options (money that continues to generate even if you do not work that month). Best companies to start are companies just starting, that do not have a saturated field of marketers. You just need a computer and an out of the box product. New Millenium Business

Average Start-Up Costs: $25 - $200

Of course these are only a few options for businesses to start. There are plenty other and if you put forth hard work in anything it is bound to succeed. For help on deciding what type of business to start, more specific information about the industries above, or how to expand your current business, Sign Here to receive a free consultation. Trying something new can be scary but when you have a Success Teacher by your side, that makes it so much easier. Happy New Year and make 2013 a "Go Get It" year!

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

Garrison Prosperity Solutions

Read more… Why Banks Don't Lend to Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs?
In this video, I'm giving you a Brief illustration of Why Banks Don't Lend Money to Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs? As Small Business Owner make profits, they make the deposits in their personal checking account instead of their business checking account.

Banks want small business owners to open up business bank accounts to deposits their profits to show proof the business is profitable. Small business owners need to understand they need to have strong business credit file with up to date financials and ucc financial statements on the file.

In These Free Video's You Will Learn
• How to get a Visa Business Credit Card
• How to get a Master Card Business Credit Card
• How to get an American Express Business Credit Card
• How to get a CapitalOne Business Credit Card
• How to get a Secured Business Credit Card
• How to get a Visa Business Credit Card
• How to Read your Business Credit Report reviewed
• How to Find Out Who did a Business Credit Check on You
• How to file a Ucc Finance Statement
• What is a Ucc-1 Agreement
• How to setup a Dun and Bradstreet File
• How to get a Dun and Bradstreet Number for Free
• How to get a Completed Dun and Bradstreet File
• How to Add Trade references on Dun and Bradstreet
• How to dispute a Dun and Bradstreet File
• How to establish your Personal Credit
• How to Rebuild your Business Credit
• How to rebuild your Personal Credit
• How to get a Citi Bank Business credit Card
• How to get a Bank of America Business credit card
• How to get a Discover Credit Card
• How to get a Staples Business Credit Card
• How to get a Office Depot Business Credit Card
• How to Find New Net 30 Accounts
• How to get a Sears Business Credit Card
• How to build Business Credit in 7 Easy steps Call 1-888-821-6408x2

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Every adult in America understands, how important a good credit score could be to your financial life.  We know that good credit means you're getting the best rates on loans when it comes to mortgages, cars, credit cards and personal loans.

Now, your dating life could be impacted by your credit.  Could you even imagine going on a date and someone ask you, how's your credit?  Most of us think this may be a little to personal for a first date, but for some of us, this is a fair question.

Let's think about how the lenders take a look at you financially.  When lenders see you have strong credit, they see you as a responsible person, someone that won't run out on your obligations.  That's the way your date would like to see you as well.  You're date feels that if you have strong credit, your a responsible person that takes care of their obligation and is willing to do what's necessary to make sure things stay on the right track.

Besides, there are way to  many resources to help you repair damaged credit so you can have good credit.  Also, we know how hard things are when you don't have great credit.

So the next time you're out on a date that's going well and your date ask, how's your credit?  You can say excellent,  just like this date.

Check out our site if your looking for Excellent Credit. 1-800-652-7157

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 Good Credit Union shares a tax tip and secret of the rich on why you should not buy a car with your taxes.  Use your tax return to get your personal credit fixed within 45 days then go and buy that brand new car with no money out of your pocket plus you get the lowest interest rate.  Once you have your personal credit fix then you go apply for a mortgage so you can move out of that apartment that you're probably paying 1000.00 to 1200.00 and month.  With good credit you can get a low mortgage rate and you'll pay less for it then when you were renting maybe like 900.00 a month which could save you up to 300.00 a month.  Don't buy anymore used cars get the car you want with your strong personal credit.

Check out our other services we offer.
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

Read more… Good Credit Union offers Credit Repair Services to help you Get the best deal on a new mortgage, car loan, personal loan, or refinancing. GCU Group, Inc. also offers alternatives to Personal Credit.  You can have a CPN- if your worried about identity theft.  Many doctors, attorneys, dentist, celebrities, pro athletes use cpn's for identity theft and when they maximize their personal credit.
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal

Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 Business Credit America announces no upfront fees for Business Credit Services. We charge you 15% once the business if funded. In order for a client to get access to these privilages they have to have a 700 fico score with all three credit bureaus (Experian,Equifax,Transunion). If you do not have a strong personal credit score then you setup a consultation with Good credit union first and they build your personal credit, whether it be removal of foreclosures, bankruptcy's, chargeoff's, private student loans, car repossessions, judgements, or inquiries. They offer 100% money back guarantee.

Check out some of the other services they currently offer.
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

Read more…


Business Credit America has done it again. This time, their taking on the credit industry to prove to Americans it is still possible to build business credit. Their offering a free business credit forum and BUSINESS training teaching entrepreneurs, small business owners, internet and online marketers how to properly structure themselves for the best asset protection.

As the banks and other financial institutions still refuse to help the American economy rebuild itself, Business Credit America has decided, they will not wait until after an election to help revive the economy. A spokesperson for the company, said “they feel the American Economy should not be struggling when you have so many multimillionaires that are able to help small business owners keep their business going and help start new businesses”.

Business Credit America is offering a Free Business Credit Forum and Business Training to the American public. Learn some of the Basic things most business owners miss in order to have a successful business

• Learn, How to properly structure your business for the strongest asset protection
• Learn how to properly order you EIN number
• Learn about current trade vendors that offer business credit on net terms, such as,,,,, these are just a few trade vendors.
• Learn the difference between a Paydex score and a Business Credit Score
• Learn how to properly file a Ucc-1 financial statement to help your business or personal credit
Business Credit America offer so much business information to help get the American Economy get back going. Check them out at and join their free business credit forum today, IT’S FREE

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Protect your Identity and Social Security number with a CPN (Credit Profile Number).  Learn the secret that celebrities, government officials,and pro athletes use to protect their identity and get all the credit they want with out using their social security number.  Learn More @


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4 Starter Companies to Help Get Bad-Credit-Business-Loans Business loans are very difficult to obtain in today’s challenging economy especially if you have bad credit. Many people are closing their small-businesses because they have bad credit. Lenders such as banks and credit unions have even made if hard on people with good credit scores.

Now, that does now mean it’s impossible to get business funding with bad credit, it just means you have to be a little more creative. The creative process starts by finding trade vendors that will give you credit regardless of your personal-credit. I done a little research and found 4 trade vendors or net 30 companies that would be more than willing to help you startup you business-credit file. If you order from these companies first, they will automatically create you a Dun and Bradstreet report that way you don’t have to purchase their product just to get a Dun’s number.

The four companies that will give you credit regardless of your personal-credit are Grainger, Nebs, Uline and Rapid Forms. You do not have to pay up front they will automatically give you trade vendor credit to help you establish yourself for a business loans and create a paydex score with Dun and Bradstreet.

This is just an alternative to helping you get funding with bad-credit. If you would like to get you’re personal-credit repaired in less than 30 business days then I recommend you check out Good Credit Union (, there fast reliable and comes with a 100% money back guarantee.


Read more… How to Protect Your Retirement, Social Security, and Disabled Veterans Benefits from Being Taxed.
In this video I speak on how to keep all your Retirement, Social Security and Disabled Veterans Benefits and still have a successful Business on the side.

• How to get a Visa Business Credit Card
• How to get a Master Card Business Credit Card
• How to get an American Express Business Credit Card
• How to get a CapitalOne Business Credit Card
• How to get a Secured Business Credit Card
• How to get a Visa Business Credit Card
• How to Read your Business Credit Report reviewed
• How to Find Out Who did a Business Credit Check on You
• How to file a Ucc Finance Statement
• What is a Ucc-1 Agreement
• How to setup a Dun and Bradstreet File
• How to get a Dun and Bradstreet Number for Free
• How to get a Completed Dun and Bradstreet File
• How to Add Trade references on Dun and Bradstreet
• How to dispute a Dun and Bradstreet File
• How to establish your Personal Credit
• How to Rebuild your Business Credit
• How to rebuild your Personal Credit
• How to get a Citi Bank Business credit Card
• How to get a Bank of America Business credit card
• How to get a Discover Credit Card
• How to get a Staples Business Credit Card
• How to get a Office Depot Business Credit Card
• How to Find New Net 30 Accounts
• How to get a Sears Business Credit Card
• How to build Business Credit in 7 Easy steps Call !-888-821-6408x2

Read more…

There has been a incredible shift in the world around us.  From the Northeast hurricane, to many people stepping out on pure faith and starting new businesses, ending unhealthy relationships to even finally taking health seriously. We’re all being charged with “purging” something. In the midst of this though…doesn’t mean there are challenges or days when you simply want to “quit”.

::The client money isn’t coming in on time

::The husband just “ain’t acting right”

::The kids are a mess at school

::Your stress level is out of wack

::Your business is good…but it’s not “great”

::You seem to be working harder for the same result.

::You feel enslaved to your purpose.

As women we come as a package deal and with that means that often overwhelming feeling of wishing and wanting to just “quit” – to let it all go. To throw in the towel and just let the sh!% it the fan!

I know that feeling and I have to have a “come to Jesus”  meeting with myself. And get real.

It’s time someone offered you a dose of truth…and that is


Truth be told, women of color tiptoe around our issues in our lives and ultimately our businesses. We don’t invest in ourselves however we expect others to invest in us.

Do you? Do  you invest in yourself or do you quit at the thought of doing the work

QUIT at the thought of truly asking for assistance and support in growing your business or how women like Cameka Smith (founder of listed BOSS Network) has done by fostering a community of women entrepreneurs who network for good?

QUIT feeling like you can’t really work with other women because “they always want to take what’s mines”. And the hard work of learning to trust your own “GET IT GIRL!” so you can work with other women without the “crabs-in-the-barrel mentality” like LaShanda Henry (founder of Black Business Women Online) did with her girlfriends

QUIT at the thought of truly (and I mean truly) investing in quality mentorship and guidance and humbling yourself to end the thinking that you must do everything on your own or that perhaps Women of Color can’t produce high quality events and workshops that are impactful and profitable like thePOWER CIRCLE Conference & Expo happening Jan 2013.

What’s my point? I’ve been in a “Inner BITCH” release pilgrimage for some time involving releasing all the GUNK that was stuck in my belief system for too long.  My sister on this journey of complete liberation and I have been charged with not only calling ourselves out…but other women. Particularly women of color and Black women more specifically on how our emotional wellness is the TRUE source of abundance.

If you’re still reading I offer that I realize this post is making tons of assumptions about you – the reader – but perhaps it’s not. Perhaps somewhere inside of you, a-lot of this rings true. If not to this extreme, perhaps in your own self-sabotaging efforts to define “success” merely as the sum of your bank account or based on the number of episodes of  Donald Trump’s
The Apprentice” you’ve been able to copy-cat in your own business journey.

Whatever it is…there is a time to call it quits, but not on yourself…but on the nonsense that is causing many of us to live beneath the truth of our possibilities. The truth is that there is another more authentic way of living and creating and this video offers a bit of that truth.

Join me Friday November 9, 2012 here.

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