Blog (80)

Calling All Authors & Fashion Designers

DesignersThe feature is for a week, it includes; Pictures of your works a brief article or bio of your company, contact information, and anything else you would like people to know about your company.Authors We are currently accepting book submissions for a possible feature/review on the site. We feature an author and their book monthly. The feature includes an author bio, book summary, book review and author interview.If you are interested please contact us Davinci@Davincisbloglog.coml_e505db14706f58054efe2b081257d12d.jpg
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Product review - My own item!

I've decided that I want to do a few product reviews on my blog in the next few months. Since I'll be reviewing others items, I thought it was only fair if I did a review of my product too.So, today I have a product review on my Adjustable Neckwarmers on my blog! Come by, check it out and please leave a comment to let me know what your thoughts are.See you there
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Do you remember the book Iyanla VanZant wrote titled Faith in the Valley? That best selling book, which I believe was her catharsis, inspired and motivated countless people. Consider the founder of MADD – a woman who used her grief as a catalyst to save the lives of an incalculable amount of people. These are just two of a myriad of examples of people who used misfortune and personal tragedy to benefit mankind.Many of us have learned early in life that no one likes to be around people who make a habit of verbalizing their worries and complaints “no one likes a worry wart” is the adage that I best remember. A few of the other adages that have shaped my life’s conversational patterns are: “Keep a stiff upper lip”, “Silence is Golden”, “Successful people know how to keep private matters private” and one that I believe is universal: “Keep your business to yourself”.My cherished readers, I believe that our growth and success in life is a direct reflection of the lessons we’ve learned from people who were not too proud or afraid to share their personal triumphs. Information is a key proponent of growth. Be it intellectual, spiritual, physical, psychological . . . information is a stimulus, a catalyst, an activator. There will ALWAYS be nay Sayers in the world. No matter what you do or how you do it, there will be people who criticize, minimize, and ridicule not only your actions but your intents as well. We are always sharing information either with our words and actions or our silence and inaction. I herewith encourage each and every person reading this message to share with others the transformational lessons you’ve learned during the fires in your life. Your teachings may not only help someone through their personal fires, they may also save others from enduring needless fires.Being our brother’s keeper requires us to share information – not necessarily tangible goods. Remember teaching a person to fish is infinitely more valuable than giving them fish.
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Need Articles for your Website or Blog?

Name Of The Product: Easy PLRWhere You Can Buy It: Description: Private Label Rights Article PacksThis site offers private label rights articles which are sold in packs to web publishers looking for top quality content for their websites or blogs. This site also sells content to offline publishers like local parenting magazines and coffee table book publishers.Who This Product Is Intended For:The customers at EasyPLR are website or blog owners who are interested in adding quality content to their website or blog to give added value for their readers. These people are usually in the market for unique, quality content, but cannot afford to pay ghostwriters’ higher prices. Their solution? To purchase quality PLR and edit it to become uniquely theirs.Uses:You can use the PLR articles from EasyPLR for blog posts, articles in your newsletter, or to create e-courses for your auto-responder. Get creative and pull the articles together in a document, add graphics, and turn it into a pdf. Then, offer that pdf as a freebie report to your mailing list. You can also create an information product, put your name on it and sell it. The uses are only limited by your imagination.Pros:EasyPLR offers very affordable articles. In addition, the site always has many different topics to choose from that are relevant to parent, online marketers and the like. The articles are top quality, written by a paid writer, and then also edited by a second writer.The articles can be personalized to better fit your site and you can claim them as your own. The people at EasyPLR only sell a limited about of each topic so you aren’t regurgitating the same stuff everyone else is. The other benefit of choosing EasyPLR is that there is no membership required. You can shop just for what you need – and get what you need without loading up on miscellaneous content. In addition, the site often runs specials and is very current in what they offer.I’ve found that the articles that are offered here are of much higher quality that those that I’ve purchased elsewhere. Also, the customer service is great! I accidentally purchased two of the same report and I was given another report with no hassle.The folks at EasyPLR also include suggested affiliate programs to monetize the PLR that you purchase.Cons:As with all PLR content, the content will not be original to you. However, unlike most PLR sites, the packs are sold in very limited quantities. The only other negative for this site is that I can’t always find content on the topic that I’m looking for. However, the quality more than makes up for that – when I can find the topic that I need.Personal allows me to provide my readers with quality information while saving me time (it’s available when I need it) and money (no ghostwriters or PLR memberships). Furthermore, they offer discounts when you purchase in bulk. As a mom and blogger, there is always something there that will help me boost my content and/or increase my knowledge. I highly recommend Check them out today!
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I'd Love Your Feedback on My New WordPress Blog Layout

I have been blogging since 2005. You can see the remnants of my first blog here. I keep thinking I should take that site down, or at least disable the blog, but I don't because it is such a useful teaching tool. It shows how awful a beginner blogger really is. In fact, shortly after I launched that blog, I interviewed Debbie Weil, author of the Corporate Blogging Book, on Indie Business Radio. On a whim, during the live show, I asked Debbie to log onto my blog and give me some real time feedback. I had not prepared her for the question and I could tell immediately that Debbie did not want to embarrass me on my own radio show. She was gracious of course, yet honest, and I am so thankful to her for telling me the truth without slamming me.


So I keep the blog up, and link to it from time to time to encourage other beginner bloggers that everyone has to start somewhere. Now, 3 years and 3 blogs later, I'm considering switching to a WordPress blogging platform. (I'll post an article about why I am considering this later.) I hired Matt Blancarte Unique Blog Designs to create something just for me. What you see in the graphic above is his first draft.

What do you think? I'll ask Debbie too. In fact, I'm working with her to set up a return date on Indie Business Radio. Debbie lives and breathes blogging and she's a fantastic resource. I highly recommend that you enjoy the show from a few years ago and buy her book at the link, and stay tuned for an announcement soon about Debbie's return to Indie Business Radio.

So, what do you think of the draft of my new blog layout?

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For more Indie Business blogging information and tips, subscribe to Indie Business Blog today.

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What are you doing to make a difference?Just Us Books, premier publisher of Black-interest books for young people, has launched a new blog entitled “Good Books Make a Difference,” which discusses issues related to publishing, youth, and the Black community.The first blog post is dedicated to highlighting the many programs, organizations, and individual efforts people in our community are doing to make a positive impact on our youth.There is a lot of good in our community, and not enough forums that uplift the positive. So we’re taking this opportunity to share the good news.We invite and encourage you to read the blog and share with our community what you're doing to make a difference. Let's spread the good word!Read and comment on the blog here
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It's what we need...Small Biz Sanity!

Hi, everyone:Wow, what a great site Sistapreneurs is! So glad I came across it. A very positive & active community--just my style!If you read my page, I run a virtual assistance practice, Right Hand Concepts--where I provide remote administrative support to small businesses via email, phone & fax. If you've got administrative tasks that you don't have the time or desire to do & would rather focus on the MEAT of running your business, let's talk! (Okay, that was my shameless plug, lol.)I'm going to link this blog post to my main blog, Small Biz Sanity. It's where you can find all types of cool, fun anecdotes, resources & tips for entrepreneurs--plus "how I did it"-type Q&As from other small business owners just like yourself ('cause if they can do it, so can you!).Feel free to visit, check it out--and don't forget to sign up for regular updates on my latest blog entries!Peace 'n blessings,Vonetta
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New Blog

As I am still organizing my marketing efforts, I have decided to dedicate a blog to our sisters in business. It is call Savvy Sisters and its about the business efforts of women we know and do business with. Please check the blog out. If you have used any of the services please take the time to leave your testimony in the comment section. Thank you for all you do!Be Free Sharonda
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Calling All Etsy Crafters and Artists

tiger.jpgAs a fellow Etsian myself I know what a challenge it is getting your shop’s name out there and drive traffic to your store. Last week I did a blog entry on jewelry boxes and instead of looking for an already established business that sells jewelry boxes I found a fellow Etsian and feature their shop in my blog entry. Well, I’ve decided to keep that going, beginning next week I will be posting an article on my blog featuring a piece from an Etsy store as one of my blog entries for that week. I figure it’s a great way to help us promote each other and extend our customer and network base. So if you have an Etsy shop and would like to be featured on The Pink Locket blog, email me your name and Etsy store name.Kamilah C.
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Its been a Long time!

Sorry that i havent log into this site in awhile but i really miss conversating with other African American Black woman that are doing there thing just as i am.Just wanted to say hi to all my friends and hoping to make new one'sIf you havent yet checked out my shop Just go to I know you will find something special for you and your!
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Meet, Greet & Win!

Debut Author LaConnie Taylor-Jones dropped by my blog As I Was Saying... with an essay on the power of forgiveness. We've all been through some time when we felt hurt or betrayed. Read this author's take on the value of getting past that hurt. Two lucky people who comment on her essay will win a copy of her book When A Man Loves A Woman. So stop by, meet LaConnie and put your name in the drawing. You just might win a fabulous novel about love and forgiveness!
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Let's Create Some Buzz

I have had the fabulous opportunity to blog about some sisters and their products from the Buy Black Collective. I invite you to come check them out at Uzuri Designs:Pieces of Beauty. If you have used their products and services, leave a short testimonial! I will be sure to continue to update each time I blog about one of you extraordinary sisters.Be Free,Sharonda
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Hello and Great Day,If you have a radio show , you are welcome to have it listed on my multi cultural site.take a look at our current listings.www.jusmcc.comto be addedjust provide your show link or code and I will add.Blog Talk Radio host , just provide your show and I will get the code.May this be a benefit to your business growth.Networkingly yours,
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Memorial Day Sale!>>>>>>>>>>>30% Off In My Shop<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<See something you like? Take 30% off anything other then custom orders and take 10% off custom orders! and its yours! Just send me a convo with requested items and i will change the price off everything you purchase! I just know you will find something for you and yours. Talk to you soon!
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A Frugal Mindset Is Money In the BankFor Indies, financial success is about stretching every penny to cover as much as possible, both on the home front and the business front. Frugal principles are not complicated, but because they intersect with our emotional connection to money, they can be difficult to implement.Growing up, my parents taught me very little about money. In my years as a corporate attorney, money flowed freely from my employer's account to mine, and then on to fabulous vacations, expensive dinners out, trendy clothes and extravagant gifts. Until I became a small business owner, I was never really concerned with the fact that, at some point, money actually runs out.Fast forward to 2000, when I started this business and officially enrolled in my first semester at the School of Financial Hard Knocks. Since then, I have taken small steps every year to keep more of the money I make. I do this by minimizing credit card use, couponing like nobody's business and keeping track of every penny.Every time I get a dollar, I do one of four specific things with it: spend it, save it, invest it or donate it. Whatever I do, I have to fit it into one of those categories and I am very intentional about doing so. I make it a point to improve my financial habits every day so I never return to my oblivious days of spending without thinking.Since I work with lots of people who are trying to make a success of small business, but who have not developed a frugal mindset, I turned to personal financial representative and fellow Indie Chris Buford to tell me 3 things Indie Business owners must do in order to turn from their spendthrift ways.1. Squeeze Out Every Tax Deduction. Chris says that the corporate tax rate is one of the highest tax rates there is, considering that income, property and capital gains are all heavily taxed. "The best way to offset these taxes is to squeeze out every possible business deduction you can find," say Chris.My accountant, Robin Herrick, CPA, PA, agrees. She makes sure every single business expense is properly identified and accounted for. In this way, not even a small deduction slips through the cracks.2. Ditch "Extra Money" Thinking. It's human nature to think that, when we come into some unexpected cash, it's "extra money," and we are free to run out and spend it on some short term fulfillment. This mindset is encouraged by the messages we get daily now, to take our tax rebate checks to the nearest department or home improvement store and spend spend spend.Chris says that's a decidedly bad idea. "Whether it's a stimulus check or a tax refund, any unexpected cash should be used to get a long term return, either by investing the money or using it to pay down debt." This is especially true if the money is a tax refund. "It's already your money, which the government kept all year long and interest free," he says. Debt directly inhibits the creation of wealth, says Chris, so it's especially important to eliminate it.3. Cut Costs. With fuel and food costs rising, people are spending less. "This means that small business owners must cut back without compromising the integrity of goods and services," says Chris.Of course saving wherever and whenever you can should be the goal all year every year, not just in a down economy. "Outsourcing things you don't have to do yourself, cutting down on overnight shipments, cutting down on hours of operation and anything to save resources must be implemented," says Chris.So there you have it, a sort of Indie Business Mantra. Every day, repeat after me.What are my tax deductions today?There's no such thing as "extra money."How can I accomplish this goal for less?What about you?Do you have some savvy small business financial advice to offer, or a money mantra that works for you? If so, please share it in the comments section below.About ChrisChris Buford is a personal financial representative with Allstate. He is a husband, father of 3 and seasoned real estate investor who helps families and small businesses expand their personal and business portfolios by implementing specific strategies to achieve their financial goals.For more small business money tips, subscribe to Indie Business Blog today.Related PostsThe Best Credit CardFive Ways to Recession-Proof Your BusinessAsk Not What the Economy Can Do For You
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What is your agenda?

Agendas; in today’s time it seems as though everyone has one. They can be positive or negative. What’s your agenda in life? To be popular, successful, rich, or even to help people are all examples of agendas that people have throughout their lives. Sometimes your agenda can change as you get older. Today your agenda could be the popular girl in school, later in life you will realize that is not so important. Then it can change to something with deeper meaning. Even Jesus had an agenda in his time here on Earth and that was to bring us into a relationship with God the Father. You must ask yourself what is your agenda?To continue reading this post please go to the following link:
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SoulGriots On Ning!

Peace Soulgriots Family,Join the budding community of OrganicSoul, Vintage SpokenWord, RootsReggae, Conscious HipHop Emcees & More as we emerge into a positive collective! Post your videos, music, blogs and more!http://soulgriots.ning.com Coming Soon!One Love!Kamal Imani
Visit SoulGriots
Tune into the RevolutionaryArt Radio Show Every Sunday Evening at 8:00 EST for Organic music! http://www.viradio.org
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SoulGriots On Ning!

Peace Family,Join the budding community of OrganicSoul, Vintage SpokenWord, RootsReggae, Conscious HipHop Emcees & More as we emerge into a positive collective! Post your videos, music, blogs and more!http://soulgriots.ning.com Coming Soon!One Love!Kamal Imani
Visit SoulGriots
Tune into the RevolutionaryArt Radio Show Every Sunday Evening at 8:00 EST for Organic music! http://www.viradio.org
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