Blog (80)

If you have a website, blog, ezine, or newsletter, I'm sure you consider your content valuable to your readers and potential customers. So, why not get paid for it in the meantime? If you're new to this idea, then this article will help you. There are several ways to go about monetizing your website or blog:


Google Adsense

This is one of the most popular and best ways to monetize your website or blog. Google Adsense will put advertisements on your site that has to do with your content. So, how do you get paid? You get paid when someone clicks on the advertisement. Here are some resource sites that will help you better understand Google Adsense and help you sign up.


Google Adsense Sign Up

More information on Google Adsense


This is a program that offers several different types of products you can promote on your website and get as much as 75% commission on them. You can choose any product and as many products as you would like to promote or advertise. This is another lucrative way to make money from your website or blog.


Text Link Ads brings targeted traffic to your website or blog. Similar to, you make money from potential clients clicking on text-based ads inserted on your site. You receive 50% commissions on everything and they also have an affiliate program which gives you $25 for every person you refer to their company. Read more here:


Here are some additional sources for making money on your website or blog:


Blog Traffic Cash



Keep in mind that just because you create a website, doesn't mean people want to see it or work with you. Give them a reason to , by enriching your website or blog. Make some extra money!


How do you make money on your website or blog? Share ideas with us.




Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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Side Hustle

I know, I know. Sounds like something illegal, but I'm not talking about anything like that. Whether you have a 9 to 5 job, own a business, or are a domestic diva, I believe everyone should have a source of additional income or as I like to say -side hustle-. Below, I have listed a few -side hustle- ideas that have made people a good amount of extra income. Hope you find something you like:


Affiliate Marketing

This is probably one of the best ways to make extra money online. Affiliate Marketing allows you to sell certain products from your website on commission usually via advertisement or referral. It's an excellent way to make extra money, even in your sleep! Some great affiliate programs are right in from of you, you just have to look. Here are some of my suggestions:

BBWO: Black Business Women Online

TheCEOMamma Marketing Blog

Magnetic Sponsoring



Read Emails

Now, you won't make thousands of dollars doing this, but it is a good option to make an extra few hundred dollars a month. Here is a company you can sign up with:

Read emails


Social Networks

Yes! You can get paid to socialize with people. I know we have facebook, twitter, and myspace but these social networks actually pay you for visiting the site, getting friends, and even clicking on advertisements. Of course you want to choose the best one. From my research here are two that I thought were the best:


These are all great ways to create additional income for yourself. If you need help deciding which one would be the best, or need more information, contact me. BUT you should do something. If you would like to work with me and my team as your -side hustle- contact us today! .


If you already have a -side hustle-, please comment to this post and share it with us! You never know who could be interested.




Tamara Garrison-Thomas

Updated 6/4/11 

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I've been talking to some ambitious friends AGAIN! And this particular friend has an actual clothing line coming out. We were talking about how he would go about copyrighting his brand name and the logo and I realized that there might be more up-and-coming merchandisers/designers that don't know about this process. So, this week, I'm going to talk about how to copyright your logo, website, blog or business name. OR in using the actual term, TRADEMARK your "stuff". I used 'copyright' in the title because most people confuse the two. However, as I researched this subject I found out some interesting things...


Copyright is actually not the same as a trademark. According to the U.S. Copyright Office, a copyright provides protection for original works in the realms of music, poetry, movies, literature, etc. In fact, copyright exists as soon as the publication exists. It is just advised to register your publication with the U.S. Copyright Office for legal purposes. Some people also like to publish the copyright facts on their publications and make sure there is public record. Registration fees vary from $35 to $80. And it's more to renew, get copies or search copyright records. Believe it or not, people steal ideas so you want to make sure you're protected. And for a mere $35 at least, I'd say it's a good idea to make sure your writings are safe, LEGALLY.


Now to the good stuff. A trademark is what is used to protect patents, trademarks, and ideas. This is handled in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). So a business name, logo or even business idea would fall under the trademark category. It is often confused with copyright but now you know the difference. The reason you would want to register for a trademark is to get legal use of a service mark (™,℠,®) for your word, phrase, symbol, or design.


The benefits of getting the service mark is to protect your name! Keep people from stealing your ideas. Just like with copyright, if you claim ownership, you can use the ™ and ℠ symbols on your business name or logo at any time. But owning the federal trademark registration obviously has it's benefits legally. Some of which include, being able to defend your logo in federal courts, being listed in the USPTO database, and the use of the ® symbol. YES! You MUST be registered with the USPTO to use that symbol on your logos, etc. You can't even use it if your application for registration is pending. So there are great benefits to registering your business name and logo.

Now, keep in mind, the USPTO has the right to deny your registration application. Especially if there's a similar logo. So, you need to research and make sure your business name and logo are UNIQUE and fit federal regulations. When filing an application for trademark registration (or to get a service mark) you must file one application per category(class) you the need the service mark for. FOR EXAMPLE, if you need a service mark for a t-shirt logo AND for the store marquee, you must submit two applications. Application fees vary from $275-$325, depending on the type of application you submit.

I know it sounds a bit complex and confusing but registering your business name and logo are so worth the protection. Especially if you're an owner that offers services/goods, merchandiser, designer, or inventor that's about to BLOW UP!  You can of course find out more and get an application at

For help on a business plan and development contact us today!



Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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Blog Banner Graphic Design Give-A-Way!


We're looking to spread the word about all the fun and creative things we do around here at The DynaSmiles Stationery on YOUR blog!

Help us spread the word by entering our blog contest for a chance to win a free blog header redesign on us, custom character illustration included!

DEADLINE: April 30, 2011

The DynaSmiles Stationery by DNT
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Want more traffic?

Hey Fellow BBWO's (Black Business Women Online)! :-)

Here’s another piece of the internet marketing puzzle!

You’re gonna love this…

There are a ton of different ways to get traffic to your blog but today I wanna give you an extra traffic tip just for being a fellow BBWO (Black Business Women Online).

Today’s puzzle piece is........



Interact with fellow marketers and “like” The Connect4Change Marketer on Facebook.


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In the spirit of giving, I decided to do a New Year’s Sale on custom blog headers. Don’t worry if your blog isn’t on WordPress. This offer is open to all bloggers on all platforms.



For a limited time only, I am offering custom blog headers for a discounted price of $15. You may be asking yourself, “Why would I need a custom header designed for my blog?” Let me ask you this – “Does your blog use one of the million free themes available to everyone?” How will you blog stand out above the crowd if you and a few dozen other people are using the same exact theme?


Having a custom header for your blog is a great way to set your blog part from others. This one change can give your blog a simple and quick customized look that no one else will have.

Here are some sample of headers from blogs I have designed:




Don’t miss out on this sale! Ends. Jan. 14th | Discount Code: NYSBHD11

Please make sure you hit “update cart” after entering the discount code to get the reduced price.

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Productive Pen Big Give Blog Giveaway Contest


This has been such an amazing year for me, and I have been meditating on how I can express my gratitude for all that I have been blessed with, and I came up with what I think is a fabulous idea called the

Productive Pen Big Give Contest.

The grand prize is a free Wordpress blog setup on your domain, a content package that includes an article, a 60 second slide show video and a three minute audio. I will also toss in a 30 minute training consultation on how to maintain your new blog.

Visit,, to get all of the details.

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You are just a few clicks away from receiving your "fully-loaded" premium WordPress blog.

  • I'll install on YOUR domain name and It's yours to keep!
  • Choose From Gorgeous Themes
  • Automatic Blog Setup and Installation
  • Instant Social Media Integration
  • Month of Unlimited Hosting With Support

Please take time out to view the group 'Sistas Lovin Freebies' for more FREEBIES!!!!

Get Your Blog Now!

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Blogging is a personal publishing format that allows you to be able to have your own platform for sharing your ideas with the world. Reading feedback from visitors is quite rewarding and makes it worth all of the work and effort that goes into producing a quality blog.

But sometimes there are those days that your Mamma warned you about. There are days when life gets to be overwhelming, you’re exhausted and beaten down and the baby needs a new pair of shoes. Sometimes you wonder what the heck you were thinking when you started that blog. What made you think you’d have time to post every day or least every week?

I’ve come up with some tricks and strategies that you can use to develop productive habits, which will allow you to make the most of those little snippets of time in your day to get your blogging tasks done. Please visit my blog to learn some creative ways to keep fresh content on your blog:

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The first post of this blog was published originally in January of 2007, but a catastrophic crash in October of 2008 (before I knew about the importance of backing up my database) caused me to lose all of those
early posts. Prior to this blog for my consulting business I had a personal blogthat I began in the fall of 1998 (before they were actually even called ‘blogs’). So with 12 years of blogging experience under my belt, I
thought I’d write a post about what being a blogger has taught me about life.

1. Don’t write anything you wouldn’t want your parents or your children to see.

In the early days, I didn’t tell my parents that I kept a blog. I felt far more free to write whatever I felt like writing when I was pretty sure that they weren’t reading it. Well, the day eventually came when my dad, bless his heart, discovered my blog one day when he googled me. Thank goodness he didn’t find anything embarrassing, but it might have been a more awkward conversation had I been writing about something that they would not have approved of, or would be embarrassing.

Aside from your parents and off-spring, be mindful that your employer or colleagues might also discover your blog, so be mindful of what you write and publish online.

2. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind.

Your blog provides you with the opportunity to stand up for what you believe in, to take a stand for your beliefs and defend the ideals that you hold dear. There will be people who will agree and there will be people who will disagree with what you have to say, but don’t let that dissuade you from writing from your heart.

3. Be authentic.

One of my favorite quotes on this topic is by Dr. Suess, and he said, “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter won’t mind.” Authenticity totally shines through in everything you write. Don’t try too hard to sound witty, or take on a fake persona. Your individuality is the gift that you offer to the world. Let it shine through.

4. Always publish your best work.
Don’t fall into the trap of waiting until you “get discovered” before you start coming up with fabulous content because it’s the fabulous content that will get you discovered. Write your posts like everyone’s watching. Edit ruthlessly. Find a writing partner to edit and/or proofread for you. Ask for feedback from your readers, and strive to always improve your writing.

5. Having a platform is powerful.
As your blog readership grows you will discover that you are creating a platform for yourself. Your blog is your own media outlet. Don’t squander your chance to put forth your message. Take your blog seriously and others will do the same.

6. Avoid negative posts and bashing or flaming.
Avoid writing scathing posts and railing with negativity about a person or a group. If something has gotten you angry and upset, you might want to take some time and process it and choose the most intelligent course
of action rather than firing off a vitriolic post that you may regret sooner than later.

7. It takes a village.
The blogoshpere is a community, so reach out to other bloggers and create relationships. Offer to guest post on your favorite blogs. Link to your blogging buddies from your blog. Be as supportive as you can of other bloggers within your community.

8. Encourage other bloggers.
Be sure to leave positive comments on other blogs. Find something encouraging to say that goes beyond, “great post.” Show that you read the post and write a comment that adds value and builds up the blogger.

9. It takes commitment.

Maintaining a blog is not easy. With all of the other responsibilities in your life, it can be a challenge to commit to writing three to five blog posts each week and managing all of the other tasks inherent with the job. Determine at the outset if you think you can be committed to maintaining the publishing schedule before you begin.

10. Persistence pays off.
In the end persistence definitely pays off. When you have a blog that is getting decent traffic, a steady flow of comments and good reviews you’ve really got something to be proud of. Don’t give up when things get challenging because the only way to fail is to give up.

If you’re a blogger, please feel free to leave a comment that shares a life lesson you’ve learned from blogging. You are welcome to visit my blog,, for more posts about writing, online marketing and personal development.

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I must admit that in the past I was a tad judgmental about bloggers. I didn’t get it. Every blog I’d ever read sounded like a journal entry. I would often find myself wondering ,who were these blog people and why do they think that everyone cares about the minute details of their lives?”

Well, my little sister sends these emails every once in awhile. They started back when she was in college. She sends them to her close friends and family, myself included. They just give a brief detail of where she is and what she’s been up to since the last time she wrote. Back when she was studying abroad they included such detail that I started saving them. I thought, “ she’s going to want to look back on these some say, or maybe I will.” They were more than just a catalog of events, but read more like journal posts. Well, She’d written so many of them that I said she should create a blog. Of course, having such an anti-blog attitude, my suggestion was taken with some skepticism.

When I mentioned the idea to my husband, he said that I should write my own blog. I immediately adopted the role of skeptic. What on earth could I possibly have to say? I mean, sure, a can talk for hours, but I am a horrible typist. I have a the grammar of a 4th grader, despite the BA in English, and I haven’t tried to put coherent sentences together since I turned in my thesis 7 years ago. Then it hit me. I stopped writing. Not only had the creative writing stopped, but even my journaling had become sporadic. I used to write every single day. I really miss it, even if I never was very good.

So, I have decided to take my own advice. I’m starting a blog. About what, you may ask… well, about taking my own advice. I spend a great deal of time at work, as part of my business, and in my personal life dishing out advice. Every once in awhile I’ll say something, and immediately think, “wow, I should listen to my own advice.” Then, the moment passes. I forget that brief moment of clarity. It is almost as if by speaking the words aloud the woman or women that I am speaking to physically pluck the thought from my mind, place it in their purses, and leave with it. From this point on I will write down my advice as soon as realize that I’m giving it. Then I will figure out where it fits into my life. I will take action. Then I will post it on the internet. Score one point for narcissism.

This is not to say that I will be blogging every day. It simply means that I’m looking forward to finding out what the outcomes of my own advice may be. Perhaps there will even be a few of you out there who have fallen prey to one of my so called nuggets of wisdom and you want to put your two cents in. That would be great too. Often we have the best of intentions. We make a suggestion and we don’t realize that we have just changed someone’s life forever.

This time I’m going to change my own life. I’m going to take my own advice.

Stay tuned…

Lina Williams, Sexy Lifestyle Advisor

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Co-op TV Commercial Sponsoring, finally at an affordable price!

Exciting news!!

Our TV Commercial will be aired in July and August with 15 commercial spots.

Limited spots available.

Want to join our co-op advertising & be our Sponsor and drive millions to your site?

Get the tools to get your business noticed & propel your business into rapid success!

Join Women’s Speed Networking & Business Association NOW

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Motivational quotes to inspire you.

"There is an art to living well, a meaning for our lives. The careers we choose are our pathways to mastery. They are to amplify our capabilities and values, our character and courage. Answering three questions continually, no matter our age or station, will keep us on a course of productivity, integrity and fulfillment: Who am I? Where am I going? Why am I going there?"

"...God wants [you] to have [your] reward. Prepare to claim it. Have a vision for yourself and others far beyond the present reality. Declare it and work toward it."

- Susan L. Taylor

For more posts like this, check out my blog, Mocha Writes.

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YourNight is a free social interactive site where you can connect with your friends and family. Similar to Facebook, with better functionality. You can expand the Whiteboard so it is easier to read and reply.

-With your YourNight profile, you can create up to five separate profiles, one for your friends, family, professional associates, a blogging profile, and a dating profile if you chose to do so.

-YourNight is message specific, which means, the unique thing with YourNight is when you create your "What are you doing now?" message, you can send it to only one or all of your 5 five profiles people. This means you can have your message viewed by only your friends, and your family and professional profile people will not see it, which means, better privacy. With Facebook, everyone sees what you write.

-YourNight comes with customizable widgets. With YourNight, you have a page where you can have access to your favorite sites, such as Gmail, AOL, Yahoo, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, CNN, People, Amazon, Ebay, Target, Bank of America, Wachovia, to name a few.

-YourNight is creating a shopping network where you can purchase products at major retailers at up to 20% off. Major retailers such as Best Buy, Target,, Expedia,, Walmart, and other major retailers, are partnering with YourNight.

-YourNight is a referral social site. You need to be invited by or know someone who is a member of YourNight to create your free profile. This is important, because is sharing in the revenues it receives with its members. YourNight needs to track who you refer, because you can receive additional income, if you chose, based on their buying habits from the shopping site and the Gold Member referral program. You can receive 1% cash back of the total purchase amount of all the people that you refer, when they purchase items through the YourNight website. Cash Back rewards can be increased to up to 2.5% if certain requirements are made.

-With YourNight, you have the option to upgrade to a Gold Member for $10.00 per month, if you chose. (6.80) If you live in the UK. You can always remain as a free member of YourNight and enjoy the entertainment value of being able to socialize with friends and family, if that is your desire. There are many additional cash reward benefits for Gold Members, one of which is, you can receive $2.00 per month of all the people that you refer, with a minimum of five people who upgrade to Gold Member status. Hence, your $10.00 per month membership is paid for by your cash rewards from the $2.00 each you receive for the referrals of the five Gold Members.

-YourNight is also a charitable organization. $0.50 a month from every Gold Membership is transferred to, a not-for-profit sister company to YourNight. The donations are planned to be distributed within the area that they are collected from.

Those are just a few of the major benefits of creating a free profile with YourNight's goal is to become the major social website on the internet. Facebook currently has over 400 million members. If YourNight surpasses that, just imagine the friends you could make, the professional connections you could make, the additional income you could make, and the monetary contributions you could create for the world!

Create your "FREE" profile today.

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I’m a big fan of Ms. Marquette’s work and TURNABOUT, her latest novel, is a beautifully written masterpiece...

---Tamela Quijas, Author: Blood of the Beast

To read the full review, click here.

For more on this enticing love story that involves family, friends and foes, or to read a tantalizing excerpt,

click here.

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