business (917)

bigstock-Podcast-D-Text-Design-25280777.jpg?width=305By now, you may have heard is leaving us. Sad day, I know. was one of the online resources I pointed people to all the time. Quick and easy to use, you could record audio lessons, roving thoughts, news bytes and more. And you could do this all by computer or your phone while you're out and about, sharing it on your social sites at the click of a button.

Alas, the service shut down on August 20, 2012. need options for accomplishing the same thing? Need a way to capture your audios that can be shared consistently across your online network? Being the "walking Google" that I am, I've got a few for you.

#1 - Spreaker is an online app for creating and sharing live audio content across the Internet. They target users who want to be seen as "Radio DJs" and I've seen them expand their features just within the last few months. Spreaker is a simple way to host personal radio shows that can be streamed live and heard through a widget that feeds to all the major social media and mobile platforms.

Great features? No need to install anything. You can broadcast live on Facebook. You can create your own playlist and schedule your show at the time you choose.

They have a free plan, which is great for starting out. If you need more time (since the free version limits you to 30 minute recordings), you'll want to upgrade. Starting at $39/year, plans are pretty affordable.

#2 - Audio Acrobat

I'm a fan of the founders of this platform. They started out years ago with the intention of creating a way for women to have their voices heard loud and clear using online media.

Catch my interview with the founder here

(Note: I used BlogTalkRadio to conduct the interview, which is another way to podcast. I won't highlight them here because so many people already use their service, but it's another one to check out. Just be ready to invest in the monthly service because it offers more flexibility with recordings than their free plan.)

Ok, back to ---

These guys give you lots and lots and lots of options so it's not just a podcasting service. You can record coaching sessions, audio interviews, audio "postcards", and more. Share your podcast easily with iTunes and other directories. Preschedule posts to go out when you want. You can even use your iPhone to create episodes that you upload right into your account.

I love their customer service and they also have a great affiliate program, one of the first I ever made commission from because people just loved using them once they drooled over all the features.

Basic plan is $19.95 monthly. All plans come with a free 30 day trial.

#3 - Evoca is another great tool for podcasting. They tend to market to people who want to do audio interviews because of a really great integration that some people don't realize can work very well - Skype. When you record an interview without the right tools over Skype, the sound is not always quality EXCEPT I have had no issues whatsoever when tying Evoca with it.

Using Skype with Evoca gives you crystal clear, no-cost phone connections, even if you're interviewing someone across the globe. Just join your interviewee on your Evoca-provided dedicated phone number.

Idea alert? You could use Evoca's embeddable widget on your website for testimonials. People share their comments using the widget like online recorder on your website and it's much like leaving someone a voice message.

Post interviews with Evoca quickly to your website or blog, Facebook fan page or profile page and Twitter. Plans start at $6.95/month and you can test them out with a free trial.

I'm sure there are other tools out there, but these three are my favorite and if you're looking for a way to replace's service, check them out and see what suits your fancy.

Shout out to the folks and all the best in your future endeavors. We're sad to see you go.


You may, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

About the Author: Tanya Smith is a creative business strategist and coach specializing in showing independent service providers how to simplify, save time & stand out with simple strategies that engage more quality leads and clients. Her company Be Promotable provides fresh actionable strategies and virtual resources to promote business owners as power players in their market. Get free tools to simplify and stand out online at:

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When a businessman embark on a new business venture, they readily go processing ideas on complicated marketing strategies and other ways of promoting their business but none of their efforts are dedicated to business branding. Indeed, with so much factors coming into play, it is easy to miss out on the most essential and basic aspect. But that is just one half of it, since the other half is dedicated into ensuring that you can build an effective brand that will produce results for your marketing efforts.

But the key to an effective branding strategy is to be able to deliver. You must be able to back up your claims and produce exactly as you say. Majority of your business sales and profits come from repeat customers, after all. An effective business branding system involves the following:

Customer Satisfaction

Brand is just a mere representation of your company. Therefore, it must reflect exactly what your business can deliver for the customers and build its reputation from there. If you cannot produce quality product or services, then regardless of how potent your branding system or strategies are, you'd never be able to turn your marketing campaigns into a sales force.

Therefore, you need to be as sensitive to your customers' needs as possible. But only to a certain extent that you still hold control over the image and reputation that you want your brand to exhibit.

Indeed, brand equity is a vital aspect in every business, especially consumer-based equity. It reflects the level of trust and attitude that a customer has towards a product associated with a given brand. This is impacted by the actual experience that a consumer has had with the product such that brand loyalty is affected by factors such as perceived quality and the delivery of the product.


One of the most effective ways to build trust amongst your customers is to be consistent with the message you are trying to convey. Consistency is most important when exhibiting the values that are key and vital in your company. Then, focus on every aspect of your business to ensure that it remains consistent with the values professed by your company and that they make a good representation of the company's vision.

Expanding Your Brand

Creating a brand for your company is not only limited to the creation of a logo. While it is essential, your work does not stop there. After all, a logo is just a representation of your professional image but there are several factors in between that would help translate them into sales. You do not even have to spend lots of money to fulfill them. In every form of communication that you use in your business transactions, include your company logo in it, whether you'd be using business cards, yellow page ads, newsletters, letterhead, invoices, envelopes, and many more. Your logo is of no use unless you are able to capitalize on it and make it do its work for you.

Managing Your Brand

As market trends continue to change and evolve, so must your approach at branding strategies. While you set your own company's branding standards, you also need to look into exceeding those promises you've set and this is one of the most effective ways to generate more customers. On the other end, one failure could eventually ruin your business' reputation on a long haul.


If you see any opportunity where changes can be done or improvements can be executed, then don't be afraid to execute them. This is one way for your business to stay on top of things and keep up with changing trends in the market for an effective business branding effort.

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An Inspirational Post for Business Women

For more than twenty years now, I’ve trained and coached women in leadership and business acumen and I am a staunch advocate for women being afforded the opportunity to utilize their talents and leave their mark as leaders in corporate America or the small business arena. It gives me great pleasure to see so many women today pursuing their dreams as entrepreneurs and corporate executives. In an uncertain economy, women have proven that we are a stalwart force in the business world.

Consequently, as we sashay our way down the road to success, we will inevitably face a few storms – and some will be intense. Sales are down, your marketing strategies aren’t working, and your small business is quickly losing money…. Your corporation is undergoing an acquisition and as a member of the management team, your position is being considered for elimination…. Your doctor discovers a clogged artery in your heart during a routine checkup and immediately schedules you for surgery…. Your marriage of eighteen years has suddenly come to an end…. One of your ailing parents has been diagnosed with cancer and you will have to serve as caregiver during their treatment…. The list of personal and professional storms could go on and on.

Every woman has braved, battled and survived many storms in her life. Some of us are even perceptive enough that we can actually smell the storm coming and we brace ourselves, because we know that this latest one will eventually pass just like the rest. If you’re experienced in dealing with life’s storms you can often see what caused them and you understand the internal and external forces behind the strong winds. Wisdom teaches you what doors to close, which windows to barricade and alerts you when you need to take shelter. You either take shelter in your faith, within yourself, or with those who love and support you.

What makes some storms more difficult and disturbing is not simply that we are facing problems or emotionally difficult times; it’s the fact that it knocks us down before we’ve had a chance to brace ourselves. Some storms are neither light, nor gentle, nor quick in passing. Have you ever been through a storm that was so demanding and dramatic that it forced you to pay attention to your life, relationships, professional circumstances and inner self in a way that you never have before? I’m transparent enough to say that I have – recently and more than once. Some storms can be stubborn, compelling us to face the things that we want to avoid and insisting that we address those things that we have been reluctant to even imagine, let alone endure.

The word unexpected doesn’t even come close to describing how it feels when our reality is suddenly disrupted by circumstances, challenges and issues we never thought we would be facing. One moment, you’re going about your business, and suddenly you look up and to your utter astonishment, everything has changed. In a state of bewilderment, you ask yourself, “What happened?” Isn’t it amazing how some storms present themselves in the most shocking and surprising ways imaginable? They don’t always afford us the luxury of preparation. Personal and professional storms also don’t discriminate. A surge of problems can erupt in your life whether you’re an executive in a C-suite role or a mom blogger working from home.

The good news is that storms aren’t necessarily indicative of your skill, talent or effectiveness. They also aren’t always a sign that you have veered from the course and are heading in the wrong direction. In business and in life, storms occur to help us learn, grow and improve. As professional women and entrepreneurs, we do not have an endless flow of stamina, ideas or skills. That’s why Resilience is vital to our success. Resilience is the ability to bounce back, cope, renew, and revitalize, and learning to be resilient is a full-time job. Most women can demonstrate their ability to lead and wield influence during the best of times, but it’s the tough times and stormy moments that really breed and define a woman who is a great leader and role model for others.

Even though I have a successful career and a loving, supportive family, in the past few months, I have been in the midst of a storm. It started with a diagnosis & treatment for deep vein thrombosis. Then it brought significant changes & challenges in my corporate consulting role; the ending of a few personal and professional relationships that had been an anchor to me for several years; and it ended with an unforeseen major surgery that required six weeks for recovery impacting my ability to work or take care of myself. I share my personal experience only as a means of encouragement for other women in business. Wonder woman is a fictitious character – real women in today’s workforce have to contend with a number of different challenges both at home and in the office.

I feel more empowered and renewed now than before. The storm watered several dry places in my life and career, and revitalized my commitment to being a leader and a business coach for women. If you are in the midst of a personal or professional storm, this is your opportunity to take control of your future, strengthen your resolve, and enhance the value that you bring to others and to the business world. Whether you lead a business, nonprofit organization, civic association or a family, here are some thoughts for you to consider on being a resilient leader during tough and challenging times.

  • Seize the Moment: This is your opportunity to bring out the best of who you are, so use this moment to grow and prosper like never before.
  • Focus on Personal Mastery: You will be a more powerful leader if you use this time to recognize and understand your own strengths and limitations.
  • Don’t Complain: Protesting what’s happening to you will only make you crawl into a defensive cocoon. Shake the dust off, learn the lessons, and focus on the offense.
  • Build Self-Awareness: Self-Awareness helps you understand the context of your challenges and figure out what resources you need to develop within yourself.
  • Take Time for Personal Growth: The only way to grow and improve is through learning. Great leaders aren’t born; they are molded through years of learning and development.
  • Plan Your Next Move: If you have recently taken shelter from a storm, this is not the time to simply rely on a wing and a prayer. Use this time to map out your course with compass like accuracy.

We can’t stop the storms from coming into our lives, but we can use the storms as turning points. Remember, what will make you a more powerful business woman and extraordinary leader is your ability to weather the storms, and come through them renewed with the wisdom and insight that you need for the next part of your success journey!

Question: Have you been through a personal or professional storm recently? How did it make you a better leader and business woman? I'd love to hear your story.

Visit to connect with me, read more blog posts and articles, or to download one of the many business insights articles for women.

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bigstock-variety-of-detailed-horizon-25105949.jpg?width=360The right business branding strategies could spell real success for your business. What convinces people to invest in you or your products or services is how well they know, like, and trust you --- branding positions you for this.

What is a Branding Strategy?

Now hear me on this, a brand is not just about your logo or a name, it represents your complete business identity. It is an essential part of the startup process for any business. And if you're already established without an intentional strategy, it's time to get one in place.

Having branding strategies can provide the fundamental steps and it will help identify the most valuable tools to create a powerful business brand. In general terms, a strong brand is one that people recognize and believe to deliver quality. Have you ever found yourself at the store choosing one product over the other because it is the more recognized or trusted brand? I know I do. For example, there is a certain type of soap I always buy because I have come to expect it keeps my skin moisturized, smells great, and doesn't melt in the shower. I know when I see the box on the shelf that it's the brand I recognize and trust.

Recently, I did a survey and one of the comments was this:

"...what I see always is your name and that spells 'quality'"

That's the kind of response that shows your branding is on the right track.

It is a branding strategy's objective to identify what could turn your business into a trusted brand name. How do you influence people to trust your brand and its reputation? What should you do to communicate the objective and mission of your company? What is the message you are trying to send out to produce loyal, ideal customers? A sound business branding strategy will aim to find answers to these questions so you can establish a brand for your company that would excel in the market.

Creating Your Business Name, Logo, or Website

Coming up with a name for your business goes hand in hand with creating a logo that will identify your company. When it comes to logos, always opt for something that represents you in a unique way. Logos will be used over and over again in your advertising and marketing campaigns, so it must be easy to recognize.

For starters, think of a logo that will readily connect with consumers about the nature of your business. Choose images that are associated with your business and perhaps the products they represent.

TOOL ALERT: One of my favorite logo creators? Try Logonerds (this is my affiliate link, and I use them for almost everything).

Coming Up With Slogan or Tagline

Once you have the logo you want, think of a slogan that will reinforce the message you are trying to communicate to your market. As long as you keep this part brief and straightforward, then this can be an effective branding tool for your business. The tagline canserve as an additional touchpoint connecting to the main message you are trying to deliver. The more connected the message, the more likely you get the edge over your competitors. Use this to highlight the unique experience or service that customers will be able to have with you.

One advantage that you can have by including a tagline is that it is not permanent, unlike the logo. So if your company later decides to employ a new marketing strategy, you can readily adapt your tagline to highlight this new marketing plan.

Applying Colors and Images

As with logos, colors and images can be used to establish the identity of your business. Colors depict a corresponding set of emotions as well. So you need to carefully pick out exactly what type of color you are going to use in your logo so it is aligned with the image and personality of your business. Try to conduct a little bit of research about the different qualities of color types so you can determine exactly what best to use for your company.

Integrating Differentiators In Your Services

When communicating your company branding strategy into the market, highlight the services that only you can offer. If you can guarantee a service that none of your competition can, then you create a differentiator that draws more people into your business. An example of this would be a time guarantee on your delivery services, if you're in the graphic design business.

Learning how to effectively employ these key business branding strategies will help boost your company's marketing efforts and get you that much closer to the success you want.


WANT TO RE-POST THIS ARTICLE ON YOUR BLOG OR USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE, E-NEWSLETTER OR WEB SITE? You may, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

About the Author: Tanya Smith is a creative business strategist and coach specializing in showing service based solo entrepreneurs how to simplify, save time & stand out with simple strategies that engage more quality leads and clients. Her company Be Promotable provides fresh actionable strategies and virtual resources to promote business owners as power players in their market. For instant access to your free branding templaes, visit us at:

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Please HELP! I am working on a project and need to collect some data for market research. Please take a moment and take a quick survey, just 2 Questions and less than 30 seconds of your time. Here's the link:












Think You Can Blog?

I am seeking women bloggers to provide articles in the areas of beauty, entrepreneurship, health & wellness, financial wealth, spirituality and current topics for women. For more information,



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Fotolia_Marketing-Strategy-e1343894140646.jpg?width=590Image Courtesy of Fotolia


"Good plans shape good decisions. That's why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true." Lester R. Bittel

Recently, I offered a marketing plan review as a door prize for a local business group. When I approached the winner to exchange information, she whispered that she didn’t have a written one; she had it stored in her head. She then asked it a marketing plan was even necessary.


Should Your Small Business Have A Marketing Plan?

Absolutely! In fact, as a small business consultant, I've encountered numerous clients who repeatedly make the same mistake… failing to have a plan ‘business or marketing’ in place.

In a recent survey, I asked 200 respondents, ‘of the many issues facing their businesses, what common road blocks hindered their business growth.’ An overwhelming 32% said ‘No Marketing Plan’ was a potential reason for lack of sales and growth.


Why Marketing Plan?

Well, a marketing plan is a road map that details a route you should take to successfully promote and expand your business. It is critical to the success of a business, in fact, to all businesses! If a small business wants to achieve its potential, a marketing plan must be implemented!

Marketing is more than just ordering business cards or creating a flyer, it’s how you communicate with your current and potential clients. It is important to get your name out in the business community and differentiate your products and services from that of your competitor. If you don’t market your products or services, how will people know that you are a serious business owner or worse, in business? With a marketing plan, you will have a game plan in place.

A marketing plan is an integral and valuable tool for determining success of your business and the overall direction that your product or service should be taking. It should:

  • Clarify the impact and results of past marketing decisions.
  • Elucidate the external market that a company is competing.
  • Include deadlines for meeting those targets.
  • Prepare a budget for all marketing activities.
  • Set objectives and provide path for future marketing efforts.
  • Require accountability and measures for all activities.


7 Key Components of a Marketing Plan

Market Research

Gather information about your target market to include competition, business and industry environment.

When researching, answer the following questions:

  1. Who are your customers?
  2. What do they want or need?
  3. What is important to them?
  4. Who are your competitors? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  5. What is your businesses environment, locally, regionally, and nationally?
  6. Is your industry doing well?


Target Market

Potential customers who have issues that or problems which your products or services can fulfill. Generally, people in this segment possess common characteristics and a relatively high tendency to purchase a particular product or service. Included in a target market are demographic, geographic and psychographic characteristics.


Executive Summary

A brief summary which includes the main points of the plan; generally shared with people you approach with your plan, such as investors or lenders who may want to read a synthesized version to determine if they are interested in it before taking the time to read it in depth.


Situation Analysis

The evaluation of operations to determine the reasons for the gap between what was or is expected, and what has happened or will happen.


SWOT Analysis

A formal outline to identify and frame a company’s’ growth opportunities; SWOT is an acronym for an organization's internal Strengths and Weaknesses and external Opportunities and Threats.


Marketing Strategy

A process that allows a company's to concentrate its limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.



Estimates tied to specific allocation of revenues. A budget is required to have a successful marketing plan.

  • Yearly marketing budget
  • Expected return after investment
  • Breakdown of expected expenditures

In conclusion, as you can see, a marketing plan serves as your road map. It is critical for the success of your business. If writing a marketing plan seems a little intimidating, click here for FREEtools to help you.

Sylvia Browder is a small business consultant, trainer and author. She is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. For the past 6 years, she has worked as Project Director of the Women's Business Center; and served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder's Blog for Women Entrepreneurs,


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Image Courtesy of Fotolia

If you are like most women in business, you are looking for new strategies to stimulate growth. Whether solutions to better communicate or how to best manage employees, here are 5 Proven Strategies to Accelerate Business Growth:


Expand thru Alliance Partnership

An extremely effective strategy for expanding your business is by forming an alliance with non-competitive companies. This gives you an instant marketing presence in front of potential clients. Do you know other companies to whom you share mutual customers with? You should be running, not walking to find who they are and how you can team up and benefit from each other.

For instance, say you are a broker… idea partnerships would include Realtors, mortgage lenders, title companies, appraisers, insurance agents and home builders. The key to this is to learn as much as you can about each partner’s business so that you can promote it as you would your own. This new strategic alliance will enable each of you to grow more rapidly as you have a sales team working on your behalf. It makes so much sense to work smarter and not harder!

To find businesses that complement yours, jot down every linked product or service that you don’t offer but that is related to what you do.

Here are 3 D’s for a Sound Collaboration:

  • Draft an agreement outlining expectations of the partnership
  • Develop a bond with your new alliance partners
  • Decide how marketing activities will be initiated between partners such as handing out marketing material at various networking functions, exchanging banners and links on websites or share a big marketing project.


Build a High Performing Internal Team

Your employees are the lifeline of your business. Treat them well! Promote a healthy and professional culture so that they share your company’s mission, vision, goals and metrics. In addition, challenge and hold each employee accountable to achieve outstanding results. This requires serious dedication and commitment on your part, but well worth it.

Here are 5 ways to invest in your employees:

  • Provide a competitive wage
  • Develop a benefit package
  • Allow flexible schedules
  • Offer professional development thru education and training
  • Create advancement opportunities

By providing security for your employees, you’ll have a dedicated and loyal team. This can lead to long-term success of your company.


Join Women Networks

Many of us know the value of networking. As women, it is important to support each other. A great way to do so is by joining and participating in women networks. There is nothing like socializing with like-minded professionals! Networking is one of the most powerful and cost effective marketing tools and lead generation for small businesses.

There are many advantages to joining networks that are targeted and designed by and for women.

For instance, you can:

  • Make connections and grow your business
  • Learn from industry leaders
  • Get answers to your most pressing issues
  • Form lasting personal and professional relationships
  • Network, brainstorm and empower others in their business pursuits

Go Green Business

Many women are choosing to adapt sustainable and Eco-friendly business practices. Managing a green business is environmentally smart and good for your business's bottom line as it allows you to conserve resources and cut down on waste… thus, saving you money!

Here are 5 Go Green Tips:

  • Read email from your computer. Avoid printing to save on paper.
  • Use electronic invoices and statements. This saves on postage.
  • Scan and email instead of faxing. Again, saves on costs of paper
  • Turn off equipment when not in use. This can reduce energy costs by up to 50%.
  • Use natural light during the day. Substantial savings on your power bill

These are small and simple ways to go green - but can yield big results!


Pay It Forward

The purpose of Pay It Forward is merely taking the focus off of oneself and finding a way to render an act of kindness that will positively impact another life. With success comes a responsibility to help or support other women. For example, since 2004, I've spent countless hours as a volunteer SCOREcounselor and personally mentor aspiring entrepreneurs.

Here are 3 ways to pay it forward:

  • mentor someone
  • make a donation to a non-profit agency
  • offer to do pro bono work on a project where your skills are needed

In conclusion, due to challenging times, it is important to learn to think outside of the box for innovative ways to grow your business. Once you find strategies that work, the outcome can result in an abundance of customers and increased revenue. 


WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Sylvia Browder is a small business consultant, trainer and author. She is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. She has served as a Project Director of a non-profit women’s organization for the last six years and an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs,

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Smart women understand that setting clear goals create a road map to follow and drastically increase chances of success in business. Regardless to where you are in your business cycle, the success of it is dependent on long and short term goals you’ve set and how a roadmap to getting there. What goals have you set for your business? Better yet, what actions have you taken toward accomplishing them? If you are not sure, here are 5 P’s of successful goal setting.

Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.” Tom Landry, football coach


Why is passion an important ingredient in business? Starting and running a business is extremely challenging. It takes endless time and attention. When you absolutely love what you do, then you will be able to face every uphill battle to overcome difficult obstacles as you work your way to the top. That passion will enable you to see your goals to the end.



Women are notorious for putting others first, especially their family and business. Unfortunately, doing so often causes stress, exhaustion or illness… if you are not careful!

Taking care of you should be priority! In setting your goals, it should be first about you, and then your family and business. Ultimately, you are in control of the ‘how, when, where and why’ of achieving your goals. Your goals must align, personally and professionally.



If you take a road trip and fail to plan your route, how likely will you reach your intended destination? Just as planning your route is critical; determining what goals you want to implement and creating a plan to review and measure progress is also.

Your goals need to be specific and attainable. Just saying you want ten new clients in the next six months is not enough? A great way to measure your progress is by implementing SMART Goals. SMART Goals is a simple tool used by businesses to formulate an actionable plan for results. SMART illustrates the 5 characteristics of an efficient objective:

  • S- specific
  • M - measurable
  • A – attainable
  • R – realistic
  • T – timely


Persistence is the key to success in business. It is the ability to remain steadfast when faced with adversity or opposition. Accomplishing your goals require consistent action. It’s easier said than done… but you must remain tenacious and push ahead! If you make a habit of tracking your progress and achievements so you can see how much closer you're getting with every step forward.

For example, instead of setting a goal to increase your internet marketing presence, you might want to list several specific ways you plan to do so, such as:

Pod casting: delivered via an RSS FEED and available via audio content.

RSS Feeds: Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an easy way to send information directly to online subscribers without using e-mail.
Article Marketing: Short articles written pertaining to industry related to a website. Articles are syndicated on the web and contain a back link to the website.
Press Releases: submitted to journalists in order to encourage them to develop articles on the subject.

Ultimately, people are in business to make a profit. This is extremely important for the health of your business. As a new or growing business, you need to be diligent about your finances. Some experts suggest reviewing your profit and loss statements, balance sheets and cash flow reports on a monthly basis. In addition, hiring a CPA or bookkeeper can be a wise investment.

Assess your present expenditures and establish goals that take into consideration your short and long-term financial objectives. Here are 3 helpful tools:

Goal Tracking Tools

  • Goals On Track - This goal tracking software does so much more than just assist in tracking your goals. It will help you prioritize, visualize and stay focused on what matters most.
  • 43 Things - An online tool to help you track your goals as well as motivate you through fellow member recommendations.
  • Joe’s Goals - An easy to use and extremely efficient online tool that is great for tracking your everyday goals.
  • Lifetick - a web based software that brings together goal setting and achievement like you've never seen before through its intuitive and easy to understand process.

In closing, goal setting is vital to remain successful and competitive. Your goals are extremely crucial to your roadmap to business success!

Download your FREE SMART Goal Setting fillable worksheet!

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dreamstime_17786492-300x200.jpg?width=300If you do lots of work online, one of your biggest challenges is to create a virtual workspace that makes you run as efficient as possible. I mean, seriously - working online can be like being sucked into a galactic black hole if you don't know how to manage your time.

How your workspace is organized has a powerful effect on your mind and it seriously affects your productivity.

There's a common objection many people have to this whole organizing thing. It goes something like this: 'My workspace is cluttered and it might look disorganized to you but I like it that way. It works for me!' People who say this generally have never had a tidy online workspace for a length of time. When you eventually get organized on a consistent basis, you'll quickly see what a difference it makes. Don't be attached to online clutter!


One of the absolute biggest clutter areas of all is email. I used to feel like my inbox was a gigantic swamp with murky, green water where people would send emails and they'd never be seen again. I'll never forget one day when I sat down to look at my inbox and just froze. Yup, that's an image of it below. I had over 11,000 emails sitting there...unanswered, because I said to myself "I'll look at it later".

Know what that does to someone who is already busy? It just paralyzes you.

So...I went about cleaning up that big mess by setting some rules in place for myself and integrating tools to help me keepmy email organized. I took the following steps:

  1. Decided what order of priority I wanted to follow - i.e. which email addresses were tied to people and content I had to reply to immediately, which ones could go into some kind of "read later" folder, which ones were bulk messages that I didn't want to get anymore, and so on.
  2. I then sought out online tools that would help me set up rules in my inbox to automatically move my messages by priority. Two of my favorite right now are ActiveInboxHQ (works great with Gmail) and Sanebox.
  3. Next I scheduled time on my calendar to check the "read later" box and other non-essential folders.
  4. Finally, and most important, I committed to myself that I would not be a slave to my inbox! If it ever got to that point again, I would hire an assistant to review the non-essentials.

Now on #4, some time management gurus will tell you just go ahead & delegate the whole thing. If this works for you, absolutely take a look at this as an option. I personally have a bit of a control complex, so I knew that wouldn't work starting out (hey...the first step is admission, right?). I know this works very well for some so consider outsourcing your email as an option.


Another area where we tend to get tied up and completely frazzled is keeping up with contacts. Though I can't say I'm 100% where I want to be on this one, I can definitely say I'm a thousand percent better off than I was just a year ago. All because of my dream tool --- Contactually. This is so awesome and it works great with Gmail! When you link up the tool to your email, it will track and prioritize email addresses (contacts) based on frequency of contact with them. It even sends you follow up messages to let you know, "hey, it's time to connect with XXX".

The best thing about Contactually is how it lets you create buckets based on categories you choose. So in my recent program, Spice Up Your Brand Online, I shared with my students how to create a Circle of Success and within that circle they developed virtual "buckets" of contacts they can use and transfer over to Contactually to track.

Okay, what if you don't want to do all of that?

Here is the main tip for organizing contacts --- find a system that helps you categorize your relationships, set follow up dates, and take action. That way you don't miss out on opportunities for developing strong relationships with your ideal connections.

It may not be a piece of software. Maybe it's a list on a sheet of paper, a box of index cards, an app on your iPad tablet. Whatever you do, keep all your key contacts in one place and create your follow up plan. Oh...and don't forget to stick with it! When you get behind, it only gets harder to keep up.


The final clutter-attracting online workspace I'll cover is documents. Your workspace is going to likely hold documents - i.e. Word files, text files, videos, slides, etc. - maybe you're creating content or receiving documents that need tracking. Where do you put all of this stuff? The answer is easy - use a document management system.

Remember how we used to have to organize documents into folders just to be able to find them later? Now, you can search just about anything digitally and find a file simply based on a few keywords. This is what makes document management tools so popular. And unlike before, because of "cloud" software, these tools now offer a ridiculous amount of space for storage.

My favorite document management tools right now are DropBox and Evernote.

Here's the big difference in how I use them - DropBox is the tool I use for storing content like articles I write, client information, presentation slides I'll deliver. I use DropBox in this way because it's simple to share links, easy to organize folders, and easily integrates across different platforms.

Evernote is best for saving swipe files, URLs of sites I find, quick notes I record from my phone, and more. (If you want more tips on using Evernote, watch my free webinar).

Again, the key is deciding on a system or combination of tools that work for you.

  1. First, decide if there are common categories you want to set up (if you do want folders, or even if you use "tags" to mark your documents -- these are like virtual labels that help you connect similar items together).
  2. Next, every time you create or open a document you want to keep up with, file it either using a folder, a tag, or a combo of both.
  3. Final tip? Keep similar things in one place.

The more you commit to a consistent set of tools and methods for cleaning up your online workspace, the easier it will be to find what you need when you need it. You will feel better about turning on your computer and getting your work done, and your customers and colleagues will absolutely love you for keeping your promises!

Hopefully you were able to take away at least one tip for organizing your online work space. Share which one was your favorite tip in the comments, or let me know what else you do to stay digitally organized.


Side note: If you'd like to use my affiliate links for any of the tools I mentioned above, you can find them (if I have one) on this page. No pressure, just wanted you to know because it's one way for me to earn while you learn and I only refer tools I have a good experience with.

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Be Famous Online Too

Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Whether you want to admit it or not, we all have had thoughts about being famous or popular for something (whether business-wise or talent-wise. I will be focusing on business). Hence why you started a business or why you are thinking of starting a business. That does not make you narcissistic at all, it actually shows how selfless you are. Because businesses always provide a NEED for people and you are helping them in one way or the other. However, as we all start out in business the goal is for people to flock to our website and to become...FAMOUS! We want to become famous for our services or our products or our blogging content, our brand! Unfortunately, it does not always come as fast as it did for Justin Bieber via YouTube or Mark Zuckerberg via Facebook or even within 6 months of blogging like Perez Hilton. So sometimes we have to take matters into our own hands. Below are a few tips on how to become famous online too, like these people did.

Step 1: Figure out what you want to be famous for

Whether it is for your business services, products or content, make it a goal to be the best. Another way to put this, is to find your niche and create a brand. If you want to be famous for creating great websites, figure out who you are selling websites to? What age group? What type of businesses? Why should they work with you? You need to make sure that however you are presenting your website brand, it is more creative and better than anyone else that is selling websites. You should try your best to come up with ideas that APPEAL to the people you are trying to reach.

Also, define what being famous online means to you. Do you want to be famous online for having a great company? Do you want to be famous online for having the best coaching services and products? Do you want to be famous online for making money from being the best blogger on business matters or women's fashion? Do you want to be famous online for a great personality and creative website?  Do you want to be famous online for being the best video creator of advertisements? Do you want to be famous online for being the best short story writer? First you have to decide how you will be famous so you can stay focused on your online journey to fame.

Step 2: Get to know your computer

There are SO many programs, some FREE, that can help you accomplish ANYTHING you want online. Whether it is to create your own website, get a domain name, create a logo, create an ecommerce site, or blog (, you can do it all online. You can find customers or leads, do lots of social networking, learn how to create your own autoresponder and advertisements. There is a lot of information on the internet. Just go to GOOGLE.COM and find the answers to ANYTHING you are looking for.

Step 3: Do your research

You should be familiar with the saying, "You don't have to reinvent the wheel". In some form or other, what you are looking to do has been done. Research people that have done it, or close to doing what you are interested in doing to become famous online. Find people you like or you feel are competition and start your own imaginery competition against them. Always keep watch of what they are doing so you can avoid it and do something greater. Find out what didn't work for people. Read books about people who are doing what you are interested in doing and how they got famous. Email people you are interested in knowing more about and ask them questions about what they went through to get famous online. This all helps you from going into your project blindly and to be aware of all of the obstacles you have to face.

Step 4: Market yourself

Facebook. Twitter. Youtube. Just to name a few. All great starts to getting your brand out there and finding your road to becoming famous online too. Also look into paid advertisements like Google ads and Facebook ads.

Step 5: Spend the time

Let's get serious here. Although the people above appear to have come out of nowhere, they did A LOT to get to where they are now. And they have to continue to fight to stay relevant and fresh. Think about it, overnight, Justin Bieber's voice changed and all of a sudden he's crooning like Barry White and STILL famous. Mark Zuckerburg has had so many rumors spread about him and people disappointed in the Facebook changes etc., but you don't see too many people deleting their pages. And Perez Hilton has to make cameos here and there just so we'll remember he is still around. My Point? Is that you are going to have to spend a lot of time building your brand and keeping it a brand. Please do not be alarmed by any of the following conditions:

  • Sleepless nights because of all of the ideas swirling in  your head
  • Late nights UP on the computer, writing content or editing websites (what do you think I am doing right now), preparing for interviews, photo shoots, etc.
  • Taking your computer everywhere so you can work when you have a free second
  • Constantly researching for new ways to market yourself, trying them all and only finding a few that really work for you. (results will vary)
  • Sharing your ideas with people you think are as excited as you are, only to be disappointed by their response (WARNING: Do not pay attention to the reaction of those in family, spousal or amicable roles. They do not know your vision or have the same passion. And you cannot make them. Keep following your dreams and hit them up AFTER the first $million$ They'll really want to listen then!)

Make sure to be consistent. Give yourself a deadline for putting your ALL into your brand building towards being famous. 90 days is ideal. If you work really hard you may begin to see the BEGINNING fruits of your labor within 90 days. However, your hard work does not stop after the 90 days. You have to keep working towards your dream. Show off your writing skills, services or products. Be nice to everyone that communicates with you. Remember to be creative. Lastly, stay motivated and focused on your goal to be famous online too, today!

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

P.S. If you are still looking for a way to Be Famous Online Too with blogging, get access to this video. You'll see actual stories of real people (previously struggling to be famous online) who are well.... let's just say.... famous now!  (before you click this link, make sure to grab a piece of paper to take notes after you have access)

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Take the guesswork out of filing your trademarks with is dedicated to bringing affordable quality legal services to consumers, within the United States and internationally. Founded by top Intellectual Property attorneys, TrademarkSOS has positioned itself to provide trademark legal services to individuals and small businesses. The TrademarkSOSteam consists of attorneys, paralegals, and legal support staff.

The TrademarkSOS Mission is to provide first-rate affordable legal services to individual entrepreneurs, small businesses, and mid-size corporations around the world by affording them a "no-surprise, flat-fee" system with respect to their trademark prosecution and maintenance needs. TRADEMARKSOS, "Your BrandAid!"

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What Are You Scared Of?

GPS is looking for People Who Prosper OR anyone that is successful, considers themselves successful, or on their way to success!

We are looking to feature and introduce people who are up and coming in their business or already there! is a place that features business owners and shares their stories with someone who just might be able to relate. Believe it or not, sometimes it helps to stay motivated when you hear other people's stories, and this is our goal: Not only to feature successful prosperous people, but to help keep others MOTIVATED.

So, WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF? We want you to tell US about YOU. It's easy for anyone to be a fan of your website, blog, Facebook page, or twitter. But is a place for you to challenge yourself and put yourself out there. We give you a chance to brag about yourselfBecause let's face it, if you can't talk about you, then who else will? Tell us about your business and services and how long you've been in business. Why did you decide to go into business for yourself? We want to hear your story.

I am challenging you today to step out and tell others about you! Here's all you have to do: Email with subject line PeopleWhoProsper to Include your business name, website and a synopsis of "your story". After getting in touch with you, you will be sent a series of questions about yourself, your business and/or services. After you return the answered questions, you will then be featured on, PeopleWhoProsperTV, and over 16,000 people on youtube!

So, take the first step today and tell us about yourself! You never know who will need to hear your story OR need your services!

Deuteronomy 8:18: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

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It is my pleasure to introduce to you our PeopleWhoProsper Feature Entrepreneur, Janét Aizenstros. Her story speaks for itself but in a nutshell let me say, WOW. This woman has had some hard times yet has triumphed to become a successful founder, CEO and executive producer of her own radio talk shows. She is the founder of JAOM (Janét Aizenstros Omni Media). Her motto is "helping women be the change, they want to see." JAOM offers several programs which include coaching and wealth management services and radio talk shows, among many others.  Being a licensed life coach, Janét explains, "My primary focus is to teach the fundamental principles of mind, health and wealth from a holistic perspective. She shares more in her interview with me about how she has PROSPERED. Enjoy!

1.Tell me your story. What were you doing before you started your own business?

I am the founder and CEO of JAOM (Janét Aizenstros  Omni Media), which is dedicated to the empowerment and advancement of women worldwide. As an award-winning entrepreneur, internationally recognized writer and radio host, I enjoy teaching women how to achieve the level of success they aspire to attain. My dedication to changing lives has truly motivated other women to capture their visions and dream beyond their current circumstance.

The vision of JAOM is "helping women be the change, they want to see." Well, I am definitely a living testament to self-healing and transformation. After, drastically changing my mind, health and wealth in 2010, I have made it my life's mission to seeing other women achieve the level of success they so aspire to attain.

Through my business savvy and charismatic personality, I've taken my extensive  corporate credentials and are lending those same principles to building my online empire. is an online platform for women who are "the first to acquire the best" and residence to Editorial  M.O.M, Life Masters Now Success Coaching, Masters Now Wealth Management Group, Masters Now Wealth Mastermind, I am...Janét, Women's Movement Radio Network,  and additional services to further the empowerment of women.  The primary focus of all these program is to instill the importance of three vital components to having a successful business; by creating a solid mindset while achieving great health and secure wealth creation.

I am a licensed practitioner of the Law Of Attraction.  I received my certification under Dr. Joe Vitale (featured in the film The Secret). My primary focus is to  teach the fundamental principles of mind, health and wealth from a holistic perspective.

I've  partnered with many leading international companies to offer women the opportunity to learn how to achieve the Positive Feeling Frequency™, which I  describe in detail in my upcoming book Live Free.

"I want women to know how to master their mind, time and finances.  My desire is to see women succeeding in every aspect of their lives, so they will know what it really feels like to live free and on their own terms."

2. What made you want to start a business and what is your mission?

In September 2010, I had a miscarriage, a close family friend the same age as me died -- leaving behind a 9 month old child and my ex-husband's best-friend, his daughter (age 5) was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia.  All of these events happened on the same day.  I decided I could no longer go on living unhappy.  I didn't start my business right away but I began working on myself, my spirit.  I remember a few weeks later sitting in my kids playroom by myself asking G-d how does He take a heart of stone and make it a heart of flesh again."  Later, that year I was introduced to a network marketing business that gave me the start-up capital to start my business. However, I didn't want to build a network marketing business.  I started reading books and taking courses.

Then I had an Aha moment! In the midst of it all I started a small blog talk radio program called Mommypreneur. I started marketing it to other women network groups overseas because my network marketing business [helped me] capture [an] international audience. I began trying to launch Mommypreneur here in North America but it didn't capture an audience the way I thought.  While, doing the program, women began inquiring if there was an online outlet they could contact me.  I had a blog but I really didn't use it consistently.  I started writing business articles and I became bored because it reminded me of when I worked in corporate.  One night, I started going through my emails and noticed all the emails were relationship based from moms around the world.  Now, I couldn't understand why they would be asking me about relationships because I never spoke about relationships in my program and especially my own. If I did, many would have known I was separated and going through a divorce.  I woke up in the middle of the night and it came to me.  RELATIONSHIPS!!  I spoke to my coach about my apprehension about talking about relationships and she shared that I could relate to women [in] all walks of a relationship.  She showed me how I had been single, married, mother, separated and eventually divorced. I never thought about it that way. I decided I wasn't just going to create another relationship blog, it would have to be reflective of me.  I am honest about who I am with my audience which is why I feel so many women have contacted me. I use my intellectualism mixed with my love of pop culture to convey my message. JAOM is to be an online lifestyle site.  I talk about everything that is, love and lifestyle.  All I did was blend who I am with my existing businesses.  I ended the Mommypreneur program but I have rebranded it under Moms Movement Radio.  My blog gave me a diversified audience that I am happy to receive fan mail from daily.  Also, I've heard claims that it's followed by certain celebrity moms, whether it's true or not I embrace it all.  I make my living at being me, there is no greater feeling than that.

3. What inspires you? What keeps you motivated daily to keep growing your business?

No sleep! LOL  Seriously, I have alway had exceptional time management + great organization skills + diligent consistency with lots of meditation. lol  This is my remedy for success.

4. Do you have a mentor? Who is it and why? Do you believe it's important to have one?

I currently do not have a mentor.  I do have a good support network though.  I am a natural self-motivator but I do need support on the challenging days.

5. What would you tell someone getting started in your line of business but does not know how to get started?

I [would] tell anyone wanting to be in this line of business to know what they believe. What you believe has the ability to hinder your progression or propel you into your destiny. The main reason women contact me at Life Masters Success Coaching is [because]  I am authentically myself.  Anyone who has followed or read my I am...Janet blog knows that.  I intentionally expose myself showing women, that instead of hiding behind walls of masked's ok to be vulnerable.  I believe in the Taoist quote of Lao Tzu where he states, "I show my weakness to show my strength."  I believe it takes a strong person to allow themselves to be vulnerable with one's self and more so in a public format.  Truthfully, many people deny themselves this luxury because they are afraid of being judged.  However, [what] I would like to share is if you look at the most successful people of influence in our culture their lives are living testaments of living intentionally exposed of one's insecurities.  Truthfully, it's our older ideologies that keep people bound in their destructive mindsets.  Regret, judgment, emotions of this nature create a counter reaction that systematically institutes people walking around feeling confined in their own lives.   This new year, I plan on teaching a series of how to Live Free.  Free beyond your inhibitions, mental limitations.  Really helping people to understand and stop worrying about judgment.  Teaching them the ability to just live. Live in the moment and be in the moment.

What you should know about me is my movement extends far beyond just helping's about liberation.  Real liberation.

6. What advice would you give to someone with an entrepreneurial spirit?

Don't let anyone put limitations on you.  Some people told me that being myself wasn't going to be good enough or no one would be interested in what I had to say.  Well, I am sitting in a really great place now.  I am living free. Free of my inhibitions, free of my personal insecurities. I wish everyone could live this emotionally free.

I want to thank Janét  for sharing her inspirational story with us. You can connect with her online at  Fill out the form leaving a brief message and she will respond to all emails within 48 hours. You can also find Janét at for speaking engagements, business consultation and mentorship.


Be someone’s motivation and tell us your story! To be featured on email Put PEOPLEWHOPROSPER in the subject line and share a little about yourself.

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Be Featured

GPS is looking for People Who Prosper OR anyone that is successful, considers themselves successful, or on their way to success!

We are looking to feature and introduce people who are up and coming in their business or already there! is a place that features business owners and shares their stories with someone who just might be able to relate. Believe it or not, sometimes it helps to stay motivated when you hear other people's stories, and this is our goal: Not only to feature successful prosperous people, but to help keep others MOTIVATED.

So, WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF? We want you to tell US about YOU. It's easy for anyone to be a fan of your website, blog, Facebook page, or twitter. But is a place for you to challenge yourself and put yourself out there. We give you a chance to brag about yourselfBecause let's face it, if you can't talk about you, then who else will?Tell us about your business and services and how long you've been in business. Why did you decide to go into business for yourself? We want to hear your story.

I am challenging you today to step out and tell others about you! Here's all you have to do: Email with subject line PeopleWhoProsper to Include your business name, website and a synopsis of "your story". After getting in touch with you, you will be sent a series of questions about yourself, your business and/or services. After you return the answered questions, you will then be featured on, PeopleWhoProsperTV, and over 16,000 people on youtube!

So, take the first step today and tell us about yourself! You never know who will need to hear your story OR need your services!

Deuteronomy 8:18: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

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With the vast amount of social media networks for businesses to select from, how do you narrow it down to the ones that are perfect for your needs? Having thousands at your fingertip to sift thru can become a daunting task!

To streamline the process, ask yourself the Who? What? Where? How?

  1. Who are your customers?
  2. What are their needs and desires?
  3. Where do they live?
  4. How much time do you commit to managing social media?
  5. How do you search for a ’niche’ network?
  6. How do you monitor and protect your online image?

Who are your customers?

There are literally thousands of social media networks. To decide which will work for your business, it is important to know your customer. Let’s get it straight… EVERYONE is NOT your customer. Though it would be nice to claim them all, it is impossible to be all things to all people. So, it is best to know and understand your target market.


What are their needs and desires?

Do you know why customers buy your product or service? If not, you should make it your business to find out. Ultimately, you want to increase sales and grow your business, right? Well, to do that, you must get inside their heads to learn their needs and desires?

In essence, understanding their needs is extremely important. Ask questions and concentrate on what the customer is really saying. Always paraphrase at the appropriate time to make sure you understand. Check out their body language. Are they at ease or in a defense mode? You should avoid making assumptions as it will only ignite the situation.

Did you know that it costs five to six times as much to get a new customer as it does to keep a current one? Make sure your customer’s needs are taken care of and that you have follow up procedures in place.


Where do they live?

Have you figured out which networks are most frequented by potential and existing customers, vendors or partners? If not, do the research! Developing a strategy begins with targeting the right people. Find the networks that work best. Doing so, you will eventually see a ROI (return on investment).


How much time do you commit to managing social media?

To manage time when using social media can be a juggling act. It is important to allocate a certain amount of time daily or weekly. Monitor what your top distractions are and eliminate them. Find tools that can help you manage multiple platforms.


4 MUST Have Social Tools:

  • Hootsuite: a social media management system for businesses to collaboratively execute campaigns across multiple social networks from one secure, web-based dashboard.
  • NutshellMail: takes copies of all your latest updates in your social networking accounts and places them in a snapshot email; updates are sent to your primary email address on your schedule.
  • Crowdbooster: offers social media analytics with suggestions and tools to help you improve your online presence.
  • Zite: a free personalized magazine that automatically learns what you like and gets smarter every time you use it; tracks your data to help personalize your magazine and the magazines of others.

How do you search for a ’niche’ network?

While it’s beneficial to be on major social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, it is equally important to connect to industry related networks. To find those related to your industry, simply search using key words such as ‘social networks for ‘…’


An Example of 4 ‘Niche’ Networks:

How do you monitor and protect your online image?

Do you know what people are saying about you or your brand? Negative comments can destroy your credibility. Google alerts will monitor you and your business name. Once you sign up, you will receive alerts when your name or brand is mentioned.

By using this process, will enable you to select the appropriate social networks for your business; thus, allowing you to reap full benefits of growing your virtual presence.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Sylvia Browder is a small business consultant, trainer and author. She is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. She has served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs,

Ready to UPLEVEL your business and life? Learn more about our new membershipprogram.

Register TODAY for our weekly ezine,

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bigstock-Its-Raining-Money-7156297-300x200.jpg?width=300Aren't you always hearing "I wish I could attract more money into my life?" I think I've said it myself a few times...I've heard it a lot of times. Especially with that mega millions lottery in the U.S. a few short months ago! And we all heard a few stories coming out of that one, didn't we?

I've checked around and couldn't find anyone who answered 'no' to this question. The reason is - like it or not - much of what determines how much enjoyment we get out of our business or even life depends on the amount of money we have. Sure there are people out there who will tell you they don't want to be rich and that money is the root of all evil blah, blah but these are really misguided beliefs about money that have developed over time. (By the way, the scripture actually says "the LOVE of money is the root...", but we won't get into semantics for this article. Check it out.)

But seriously, who wouldn't want to be able to afford the things they want and need? You already have the ability; you just have so much poverty thinking and baggage in the way, you can't make room for prosperity in your life.

Much of what I share about branding and putting automation systems in place has to do with money - either making more of it or saving it. If you are in business, you need money to keep the business going; otherwise, it's a H-O-B-B-Y, or something else.

It's important to put aside any negative limiting beliefs others have dumped on you about money (did you cringe just now because you read that word again? if so, that's a sign of those ill-gotten beliefs kicking in).

If you are one of the few who had parents with a positive money mindset, consider yourself blessed. But if you are in the majority of people who had parents who believed in hard work, education and the idea that anyone who made money easily was simply lucky, lazy or immoral, then keep reading because you need this.

Money is, of itself, not bad and the amount of it you have is in essence a result of a few key beliefs some people engage in very well. (Trust me, it's taken me quite awhile to get this. I wasn't the fastest cookie in the jar on this at first, especially when I was newer to business).

Let me share just a few brief principles here...
Develop A Wealth Mindset

If your head is full of the conviction that rich people are greedy or power-hungry or must have done something illegal in order to gather the riches that they have, then you don’t have a wealth mindset. And if you don’t have a wealth mindset, then no amount of hard work you do will make up for your lack of money. Just like the poor dad in Robert Kiyosaki's 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad, you will ALWAYS be struggling.

Here's something about rich people that you may not know. Rich people are people who have a strong conviction that there is nothing wrong with being rich and that they deserve it. Not only that, people with a true wealth mindset actually believe that money can be a source for good. It supports families and provides them with food, clothing and shelter. It launches successful businesses that in turn support and replenish communities.
Change Your Motivation

Money can help us get whatever we want. However, there are lots and lots of motivations for being wealthy, some of them good, some of them not so much.

There are people who believe the world is full of abundance and money is instrumental in that cycle of abundance. So it is natural that they think being wealthy is a worthwhile goal. They see it as being within their reach. And for these people, it generally is easier to achieve, because their belief system is in complete alignment and harmony with their sub-conscious mind, which always wants to push us towards well-being. Isn't that cool how God did that? ... creating us to be well? do well? It's our own choices and actions that often take us down a different path.

Something I learned studying NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) for a year with a master practitioner was "mind and body are part of the same system and affect each other", so what you have been programmed to believe shows up in the way you act and make choices. can change these beliefs. It's a choice you have to make though. Choose to live the way you are now, or prayerfully choose to change direction.

Unfortunately, having a positive mindset about wealth is not something adopted the majority of people. Most people go through life with a 'poverty mindset' and keep striving and striving to meet their immediate needs for fear that they will somehow not have enough.' So they do things like lowering their prices, sounding weak in their offers, giving away services they worked long & hard to invest in building.

Does this sound like anyone you know?

Well, to sum it up; if you desire wealth because you believe it's your ticket to achieving good things for yourself and for others, then it will be much easier for you to become wealthy. Your desire to free yourself from the slavery of having a day job, or working your business 24/7 so you can really live and spend more time with your family and be involved in your community is certainly a worthwhile goal. And you should remind yourself every day how worthwhile this goal is.

Sometimes a little structure and a plan can help...Saturday, 5/19/12 I'm holding a half-day virtual bootcamp called Reclaim My Money Power. If you are an entrepreneur sick of making weak offers, want step-by-step strategies to transform your mentality and you really want to design a wealth legacy for yourself and your family, come join me. You can find out more here: No pressure - I really put this together for all my friends who have been asking. Consider and if it's right for you, I'll see you there.

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Hello? Is it you we're looking for?

If you have a stellar product or service you would like featured in a specialized guide, please join Suite369 on Tuesday, June 20th at 12pm EST for a quick information session. If you can't attend the call live, please register so that you may receive the replay. There will be a drawing amongst live participants... Register here:

Event planners, personal chefs, caterers, bakers, confectioners, tutors, children's book authors, clothing lines & boutiques, vintage retailers, costumers, stylists (hair/wardrobe), make up artists, life/business coaches, photographers, videographers, venue owners, bartenders, novelty item retailers... << this includes you and more.

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Cheryl Garrison


In honor of Mother’s Day on May 13, 2012, I would like to dedicate this post to my mother, Cheryl Garrison. In my interviews to business owners for, one of the questions I ask is, “Do you have a mentor? Who is it and why?” Commonly, the answer is the entrepreneur’s mother OR they will definitely mention their mother as an inspiration and/or help in their business; someone they can call on for advice.

Fortunately for myself, my mother is actually a business woman herself.  Therefore, I am able to confide in my mom on a personal and professional level. She is truly my inspiration, mentor and accountability partner to keep me on my toes. It is very rare that I make a business decision without consulting my mom.  I mean, why wouldn’t I? She has been in business for HERSELF for over 25 years JUST to take care of my siblings and me when we started school. I truly admire her for that. Even now, she continues to build successful businesses; mentoring women and helping people live a healthier life. I hope to make my child as proud of me as I am of my mom. She has made so many sacrifices in her life for her kids and sometimes we just need to recognize our mothers for that. That’s why I love Mother’s Day. It’s a chance to really thank your mother for all that she has done (whether living or in heaven). So, as we approach this day, I want to encourage you to continue to ask your mom for her advice and take it. Most times, it’s the best advice you will get!

"A  mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon   us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice   with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still   will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to   dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our   hearts."

~ Washington   Irving

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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Importance of Business Branding


Business branding is not just a one-time process. Rather, it is something you work on and build up over a period of time. After all, branding reflects your reputation as a business enterprise. Along with your efforts to create and manage your brand is the efforts of trying to build and protect your relationship with the customer base.


One of the best ways to establish the prominence of your brand in the market is by remaining consistent with the message that is conveyed by your marketing efforts. Refrain from claiming to produce bold and large scale promises. Your customers will easily remember when you fail to deliver in those promises. You could easily lose that reputation that took you years to build. Therefore, you need to pay attention to exactly what you need to do (and what not to do) if you want to turn that trust you have created amongst your customer base into increased sales.


Campaign for Brand Awareness


Since every brand is distinct, you must also utilize varying approaches in communicating the brand's message across to its target market. This part entails immense creativity and a certain level of sensitivity to the needs of your prospected customers.


If you are not sure how to do this, you can take hint from other highly successful brands in the market. Study how they utilize their brand and what strategies they employ to get more people drawn into their brand. For instance, you can work on an emotional campaign, which is something that is rather difficult to do. But once you are able to establish that, then you could potentially increase your sales. One important thing to remember when you are using an emotional campaign is to always speak the truth about what your product is about and what it can do that will benefit your target market.


Tips for a Successful Emotional Campaign


If you decide that you want to appeal on your customer's emotion as your business branding strategy, then you need to consider various aspects that'll make it work. One way to effectively do that is share a story. This story could be fictional or not, but it should have some relation to the brand you are trying to campaign on. The idea here is to be able to produce some sort of personal improvement or progress by using the product.


If possible, base the emotional campaign on the brand itself, not just on the product. That way, you'd be able to produce a distinct campaign that will easily set you apart from competing companies. Then, whatever this message that you use in your campaign, try on remaining consistent with that. You can use different methods and campaign variations, but the message must remain the same in all of your brands.


After you have finalized your campaign, verify every bit of detail that is included in the campaign, whether you are using it for TV or print advertising.


Preserving Business Reputation


The brand recognition phase is over and now you have to utilize ways to preserve your company's reputation. It must involve taking notes and analyzing of your company's actions and how the customers perceive those actions, in relation to their satisfaction about your brand's performance and some other related factors.


Again, sensitivity to your customer's needs and using your brand to address that is one of the most effective measures toward business branding. As you go forward in your business efforts, try to learn more about effective business branding strategies to expand the reach of your brand in the market.

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