business (917)

Introducing our PWP feature of this week: Tina Hines. Tina is an inspiring life coach and president of For My Sister Friends™. For My Sister Friends™ inspires women to seek an understanding of the deeper meaning of their life as they journey towards inner peace, wholeness and balance. Tina has gone from blog writer, book club facilitator, to lifestyle coach in the last few years and has inspired many women with her one-on-one and group sessions. Tina’s passion for the well-being of women exudes in all that she does. One of Tina’s favorite quotes is “When you feel good on the inside it exudes on the outside (no make-up required)”.  I hope you are as inspired by her story as I was. Enjoy!

1. Tell me your story. What were you doing before you started your own business?

Actually, I am a busy woman because in addition to being a lifestyle coach, I manage the executive office of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the nation’s largest philanthropy devoted solely to the public health. My professional career began at the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies where I spent 18 years in various high level administrative roles.  After departing J&J, I was the executive/personal assistant to the chairman and publisher of Black Enterprise Magazine. These positions provided me with an opportunity to enhance my knowledge in various areas, interact with individuals from across the world and provided me with the stepping stone to take a leap of faith and make an investment in my passion.

2.  What made you want to start a business and what is your mission?

Although I no longer worked for Johnson & Johnson, I often would reconnect with prior supervisors. It was during a lunch when my first boss from 1986 told me that he could see me running a business that groomed administrative assistants. I tossed around the idea and although I loved my role as an administrative professional, somehow I knew my calling was a little different, something bigger.

In 2008, I launched a blog about my experiences with products, businesses, and activities I sampled and used the creative space to provide words of encouragement for women. A year later, I formed a book club where more times than not, the topic of discussion transitioned from the book of the month to the challenges women face as they wear many hats in their professional and personal lives.

Fast forward to 2011; the same group of women (with a few additions) came together for a meeting in my home to discuss finding their passion. As each person shared their desire to find or enhance their passion or make changes in their life, I shared with the group my desire to identify my purpose in life. It was a friend who declared that I should become a motivational speaker or coach of some sort because I was always inspiring them. When I allowed the ladies to take a peek at my journal that is exactly what I had written. It was at that moment that For My Sister FriendsTM emerged. This is my bigger calling.

My mission is to assist women (through one-on-one and group sessions) in reconnecting with their inner self and making a transformation. Women do so much for others and often reach a place there they have become drained and don’t have anything left for themselves. They are forgetting to take a little ‘me time’ and rejuvenate.

Between M.A.C., Mary Kay and Clinique, women are able to mask a lot on the outside, but inside is something different. There is no make-up to cover-up the emotions they are feeling on the inside. That is why I encourage women to work towards reconnecting with their happy self. One of my favorite quotes, “When you feel good on the inside it exudes on the outside (no make-up required).”  I created the quote after a colleague told me I was glowing and then declared it must be attributed to the man in my life. They were quickly corrected by using the quote and I consistently share it with women during my workshops.

3. What inspires you? What keeps you motivated daily to keep growing your business?

I am inspired when I see sister friends uplifting one another. We all are on a journey and though we may have traveled different roads, there is a chance we share some of the same bruises.

I have a childhood friend who often tells me that my heart is in the right place but I cannot fix everyone; and I know she is correct. However, when I entered this business it was never my mission to fix anyone. My mission was to provide them with a listening ear, a little food for thought and have them fix themselves. When I receive an email, text or phone call from a client and they share what they have implemented to make a transformation in their life; that is what motivates me to continue growing my business.

4. Do you have a mentor? Who is it and why? Do you believe it's important to have one?

I have several mentors from a variety of professions. Each of them provides me with food for thought that challenges me in a various ways. For instance, there was a very brief moment when I challenged myself about my passion of helping other women get to their happy, healthy place. The challenge was that there were so many coaches what did I have to offer? In addition, I didn’t want to coach women to do something for themselves; they needed to be inspired to make a transformation for themselves. My mentor sternly said, “Yes, there are a lot of coaches but there is only one Tina C. Hines inspiring women with her words of wisdom.”

Having a mentor is important and valuable resource. As your ideas may be scribbled notes on a pad, a mentor can assist you in putting them in perspective. They have the wisdom, knowledge, and experience to guide you towards the greatest that is within. Regardless of where I have been in my career, there has always been a mentor on speed dial.

5. What would you tell someone who wants to get involved in your line of business but doesn't know how to get started?

This is a tough question. For me, being a lifestyle coach was derived from my career of choice, past experiences and the people I surrounded myself with throughout my life. It was a passion that lay dormant; slowly this passion began to reveal itself in many facets of my life and is now my purpose.

However, I would encourage them to connect with other coaches to obtain a clear understanding of the roles of various coaches and then identify their niche. Participate in coaching sessions as a client to see first-hand the techniques that are used to achieve the results the client is seeking. Finally, read, read, read; and when you are done reading, read some more.  Knowledge is power and having book knowledge coupled with your University of Life knowledge is important.

6. What advice would you give to someone with an entrepreneurial spirit?

If someone has an entrepreneurial spirit, they should be encouraged to do everything in their power to feed that spirit. Feed it with the wisdom of those who have taken this journey; feed it with the knowledge of a good mentor; and feed it with dedication. Most importantly, they should remember this is their journey not their friends or family members. It is their time so take it, hold on tight and get ready for an interesting ride.

I want to thank Tina for stepping up to the challenge and taking time to "brag" about herself.  You can visit Tina’s website at and contact her on Facebook at


Be someone’s motivation and tell us your story! To be featured on email Put PEOPLEWHOPROSPER in the subject line and share a little about yourself.

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Here's to a Productive Summer!

For some of you, summer time may not mean anything different for you than warmer weather. But for me and my fellow educators who are also entrepreneurs, the summer time is my most productive time. For at least 3 months I get A LOT of work done for my business. I am able to sit down, focus and revamp things if necessary, take on more projects, hire more people, and prepare for the last quarter of the year. I LOVE the summer time for this reason. Having the ability to focus daily on my business during the summer is just one of the benefits to being an educator. Education is definitely a passion and I cannot let go of it. But the ability to have the summer time to focus on my business is a true bonus. As I approach the end of the school year (today :)), I want to share this article I came across by Mocha Writer that I thought was a great reminder for work-from-home entrepreneurs. Read and enjoy and have a great summer!

5 Tips for Work-at-Home Entrepreneurs


Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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At a recent workshop I facilitated, a participant shared that she didn’t understand the big ‘hype’ about having a website. Though she had one; she hadn’t attained any customers from it. I explained that having a website is a good first step, but not enough to gain clients. If you are not engaging your visitors, chances are they will never return. Do you have a website but not sure how to guide traffic to it? Here are 5 ways to steer traffic to your website:

Register with Major Search Engines

An important step to steer traffic to your website is to make sure is it is listed on all the major search engines such as Bing, Google and Yahoo. This is one of the most efficient ways of directing free, targeted traffic to your website. It’s easy and takes just a few minutes of your time.

Respond to Questions and Comments

People leave comments for a reason; they are interested in your response. By responding, you’re letting them know that you’re actively involved in reading the comments and encouraging them to visit again. In addition, this is an effective way to become known in your industry as an expert.

Develop Article Marketing Strategy

Blogging is an easy way to drive traffic to your website and establish yourself as an expert in your industry. If executed effectively, this can be a smart online marketing strategy and an affordable way to grow your business. Blogging is ‘big business’ among entrepreneurs, writers and those who just want to express themselves thru electronic communication. More and more businesses are blogging as they realize the benefits. There are several online sites where you can submit your articles for publication and back link to your website:

In addition, posting your articles on various social media sites is a great marketing strategy to generate traffic back to your website. Post your article using the following FREEsocial networks:

Use Social Bookmarking Services

Social bookmarking sites allow you to search, organize, share and store the bookmarks of different web pages. You are also able to promote articles and stay ahead of your competitors. Here are 3 popular social book marketing services:

  • Digg– The ultimate social media site; it’s become notorious for producing traffic waves so massive that they can have a DOS-style impact on smaller hosts.
  • Stumble Upon – Helps members discover and share great websites. As you click Stumble, the site delivers high-quality pages matched to your personal preferences. These pages have been explicitly recommended by your friends or one of 8 million+ other web surfers with interests similar to you.
  • – A social bookmarking website; users can mark their favorites with and share them with each other; making it onto the front page of the “recently popular” section on will send a decent amount of traffic so long as the category you’re tagged into is popular.

Create Videos

Video marketing is all the RAVE! Whether creating how to, testimonial, product review or interview videos for your website, it increases brand awareness and creates viewer action leading to more inquiries and sales. In fact, according to Online Video Marketing Statistics, adding video to small business profiles:

  • Increases number of business profile views more than 100%
  • Increases number of profile clicks more than 30%
  • Increases number of calls generated by more than 18%

In conclusion, by using these FREE methods to create visibility to your website, you will be able to generate more traffic over time, thus, have a steady flow of potential leads.

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Calling all Savvy Women, Women Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Ministry Leaders


Say YES to the Extraordinary Woman in You! Essential Divalicious (Diva - Delicious) Steps/Secrets to Creating and Enjoying Your Divine Empowering Life and Business Success!"




Do you ever feel stuck, stressed, confused, frustrated, wondering

where to start, what to do once you got started to stay motivated and

confident or what would happen if you never get it right and continue down

this same road? Does it ever seem "HOPELESS?"


I've been there too! It changed for me and it can change for you!


You’ll never realize your empowering life and business success until you….


Get clear on what you want


Make a decision to never ever settle for mediocrity


Make a commitment


Develop a plan


Set effective Goals




Connect with an accountability Partner


Commit to your Spiritual Authority


Embrace Divine influence


And more!


Those are just a few of the elements necessary for realized empowering  life and business success.


Always remember empowerment is a choice. Yours!


Make the choice today for your Best Life, Rich Life, Glorious Life!


I want to help you.


Join me for my brand new Teleseries “Divalicious Secrets to Extraordainry Life and Business Success!”


Be sure to bring your Juicy Red Divalicious Strawberry or other Passion Fruit You Enjoy.


Go to





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Power up your Social Media Marketing with this for a profitable experience

There are 5 basic steps that you must follow if you’re going to have a profitable
Social Media experience. One of those steps is to identify your goal for each network.

There are many ways in which Social media can bring marketing success to your business. Before you start it’s important to know what exactly it is you’re trying to achieve. This will enable you to track your success and tweak your various methods easier to work on once things have started rolling with your business.

Social Media can assist in many different aspects of your marketing. Whether you are aiming at driving traffic to your site, generating referrals and sales, or just plain having a way to communicate with both current and prospective clients, social media makes this entire process much easier to accomplish.

There are a few things to keep in mind, however. the simple goal of accumulating connections through social media outlets is not the only thing necessary for a successful business. Having lists of thousands of “followers” or “friends” in your various social media platforms may be nice, but it will not make you the successful businessperson you are striving for if nobody does anything but make small talk.

There’s another important step that I’ll share as a bonus and this is to identify your strategy for not only obtaining these followers, but converting them into actual paying clientele. Another option would be to add them as associates or affiliates. It’s important to have some type of product or service each of these potential clients can relate to, in reference to their own needs. Do keep in mind that blatant sales pitches could result in rapid loss of your followers or contacts. Try to find a “happy medium” per se, where you will be providing added value information or suggestions these contacts will find useful.

Power up!

I invite you to receive additional insights on Social Media by joining other dynamic women and I for “Empowerment Diva Rocks Social Media and You Can Too!” A Free Social Media training for beginners

Secure your VIP Access to my Bonus Social Media Training Call here

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I know, I know. I'm sure you're thinking, for real Tamara? You're quoting Tamar??? (For those of you who are unfamiliar, she is one of the Braxton sisters on the reality TV show, Braxton Family Values. The show stars Grammy Award Winner Toni Braxton and her 4 sisters and their life.) I know Tamar can be a bit dramatic but you must admit it's interesting that she actually adds ".com" at the end of a subject or when she is appalled with something. Or as she says, when something is "infinity" or more.

So, today I'm not appalled by anything I'm actually proud, "infinity" and more! I'm proud of the people who are making strides every day and accomplishing goals for their life. I'm proud of people who are taking control of their life and "firing their boss". And I just wanted to say, You'! I have the pleasure of working with 5 intelligent women who all have business launches coming up within the next month and I love to see their passion. They are working hard to get everything in order and ready for their debut to the world as an entrepreneur and I know they are not the only ones. So congratulations to whomever you are. Whether you are just starting or been on the grind for a long time. Keep up the hard work and remember, You'!

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Not Too Late to Become a Premier Coach

Image Courtesy of Fotolia

Ready to Attract Great Coaching Clients and Grow Your Coaching Business?

Want to build a Thriving, Rewarding, Profitable and Sustainable coaching business?

Coaching is…"a process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve. To be a successful coach requires knowledge and understanding of process as well as the variety of styles, skills and techniques that are appropriate to the context in which the coaching takes place"


A Premier Coach is an established and professional coach that has agreed to provide professional 'discounted' coaching services to NAWR members.

As a Premier Coach, YOU will have FULL & EXCLUSIVE access to NAWR members.

To date, that's...


  • 475 NING members
  • 355 LinkedIn members
  • 1300 Facebook Fans
  • 3142 Twitter Followers @sylviabrowder
  • 150 Twitter Followers @nawomenrise

So, how much does it cost to gain access to hundreds of women AND exposure to thousands of followers? Read more...

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Image Courtesy of Fotolia

As women in business, we know all too well that new customers don’t just fall into our laps; we must create a stellar plan for them to land there. Simply, the art of marketing is paramount to your overall success. So what does it take? Here are the 3 L’s to ensure that potential clients continuously land your way:


There are a multitude of FREEor low cost sources that can be used to help your business with highly-qualified sales leads.

Here are 3 ways to build your leads:

  • Social Networks: Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are great FREE sources and highly effective in lead generation as it brings potential clients to your business.
  • Website: By creating a web presence, will bring new traffic to your site. Traffic = Leads! The key is to consistently publish fresh content such as articles, videos or interviews that highlights what your business offers and the benefits gained. In addition, having a FREE offer to entice visitors to leave their contact information is effective.
  • Referral Marketing: If you’ve spent time on relationship building, establishing communication, building trust and resolving potential problems or conflicts, then your customers will see little risk in recommending your company to their peers.

Just as people do business with people they know and trust, they also feel more comfortable when a product or service is recommended by a friend. A prospect that was referred to you has already been told about the quality and professionalism that you provide your customers with.

Say after implementing this or a similar plan, you've gained 25 new leads per week. That’s 1300 new leads per year!


One of the most vital tools for business owners is the ‘LIST.’ To remain competitive, it’s do or die! Your list is simply a database used to store your contacts such as name, business name, address, email, phone number and website address and more! If you need database software, A few systems that I am familiar with:
  • ACT: makes it easy for you to manage your contacts and calendar, and connect to powerful, subscription-based sales and marketing services.
  • FileMaker Pro: worldwide leader in easy-to-use database software

There are many ways to build a list, but here are two that work for me:

E-newsletter: The use of e-newsletters has quickly come to be an indispensable component of the advertising campaigns of many businesses, large and small! This is an easy, low-cost and profitable way to be introduced to warm leads! Consider increasing your chances by creating a landing page that includes a ‘free offer’ or ‘discount’ on specific services. Make sure you use a service such as:

Article Marketing: This is an effective and cost efficient way to provide solutions to potential prospects and current customers. Be sure your articles are well written with relevant content that relates to your niche. Your website or blog should include an RSS feature which allows visitors to subscribe to your feed.


Ever wonder how billionaires such as Oprah Winfrey or Donald Trump are so successful? By leveraging their time and resources of course! This is a no brainer way to grow your business… by leveraging established relationships with your clients and your network!

Not sure how to leverage? Here are 3 ways:

Leverage Peers. Can you think of any business owners that you know and whom you share mutual customers with? You should be running, not walking to discuss a collaborative venture. For instance, if you are a business writer, you can partner with a web designer, PR firm and / or an ad agency; and a realtor can partner with a mortgage lender, title service and home builders. The key is to learn about each team members business so that you can promote it as you would your own. Your new sales team will enable you to grow more rapidly. It makes so much sense to work smarter and not harder!

Leverage Experts. Partner with industry experts to collaborate on a project. For example, create an audio or video series by interviewing experts. Dr. Shannon Reece interviewed 12 leading women experts and offered the live events FREE to those who registered. These experts shared personal and professional experiences and keys to success. This series will soon be available at a cost. Can we say passive income!

Leverage Investors. Do you need capital to expand your business? Consider exploring investors who are willing to finance your growth. This can be a daunting task, but the outcome well worth it! As you near your forty-ninth business pitch, that fiftieth might be your lucky charm!

So what strategies will you put in place to continuously obtain leads; manage your list and leverage your resources?

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Has this ever happened to you (because it has to me)? You come up with a great business idea, research it online and find either someone is already doing it or you start to think of ways to be "different". This extends your launch date and eventually the idea just fades away. Here's another scenario, You subscribe to the blogs and publications of business persons you admire and every time they send an email blast you change your direction, operation, or business idea completely, putting you back in a stagnant position, unable to get any business idea off the ground. Not you? Well, good for you. But for those that this applies to, I feel your pain. We've all been there before, in a place of bewilderment about what you should do and how to actually begin. Furthermore, the problem with the scenarios above is that you never get around to building a brand, hence why your business hasn't gotten off the ground yet. Once you F.O.C.U.S. things will start to fall in place:

 Figure it out- What do you want to actually do? Why are you going into business? Why would someone want to work with you as opposed to a competitor? Answer those questions first. They will help you develop a foundation.

Omit distractions -As demonstrated in the scenarios above; it is easy to become distracted. Stop reading every email blast and changing your business direction, stop google-ing people to see what they are doing and changing your website format, stop youtube-ing people to see what they're up to and changing your programming. GET RID OF THE DISTRACTIONS.

Create your Motivation Board- This concept is explained further in The Motivator, but you should have a board with a visual representation of your dreams and goals for your life and for your business. If you don't know where you are going, how will you get there?

Understand your competition- But don't follow their every move. Of course you should know what your competition is doing and make sure you're staying ahead of them. But you cannot be consumed with every aspect of THEIR business and expect every aspect of YOUR business to run smoothly. Learn to balance and have faith in your brand.

Set deadlines- If you have been sitting on an idea for too long because of fear of what others will say or whether people with work with you, STOP! You will never know until you actually launch it. So set deadlines for everything and tell someone you trust so they can hold you accountable. Set a deadline for your website to be done, for your next program, for your next book, for your next business launch! Just do it!

F.O.C.U.S. on what you need to do so you will actually do it. Without on your business needs you will undoubtedly have the same results in 2012 as you did in 2011, nothing. Make it a year for…GREATER! Need help staying focused and motivated in your business?

Get your copy of The Motivator for FREE for a limited time! Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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Social Media is more than the latest trend. It is strongly becoming a must use tool for Businesses that are positioning themselves to gain a big piece of the market they’ve deemed their target. If you want to be seen as an authority in your field you’d do yourself justice by either acquiring the skills to utilize and I will say “effectively” use Social Media or outsource it.

Here are 7 Social Media Mistakes You Might Be Making That are costing you Business and Clients. 

1. You’re less than Authentic
You know I’m going to talk about being authentic some where in this post. So why not start right from the top. Your followers whether on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc. can smell a lack of authenticity a mile away and once they do the won’t be around for long. And I’m not stating this as a trend or the latest term being shopped around. People will follow those they can trust and so this is a great segway to embracing the know, like and trust factor. Do this and you’re on your way to converting your followers in to customers and clients who will sing your praises “to others!”


2. You are not clear on your Goal

This is one of the most significant steps to realizing a profitable experience on Facebook. What is it that you wish to accomplish with Social Media and even more important what is your goal on each Social Media Network that you designate as your focus. If you’re beginning start with one to focus on. Of course you can set up an account on the the two major networks Twitter and Facebook and you might even give it a try on Linkedin, however, you want to focus on really getting a handle on one as your primary focus and then move on to another one. Take the time to get clear on your goal.

3. You’re not clear on your Target Market
This is step 2 if you desire to realize a profitable experience on Facebook. This is also one area many are missing it. You’re all over the place and your language is confusing. I’m sure you’ve heard the statement “a confused mind” doesn’t buy. If you want to amp up your results take the time to do your homework and define who your target market is. If Facebook is your primary focus right now, who is your target market? When you post on your Facebook page you should be speaking in terms of your target market. We haven’t even talked about your niche, however, even before getting to deep into that you need to determine who are Target Market is.

4. You’re not Engaging

Are you simply posting links and offers on your social media networks? This is a FATAL mistake. The Social is not in Social Media just because. If you’re going to have empowering success using Social Media you must engage and it must be value added.

5. Too much Promotion – Close to Spamming
There is a ratio that I like to mention to my clients and that is to serve up 60% Value added posts, 20% Retweets, sharing on Facebook and 20% sharing of your offers, links and such.

One thing that can sabotage your empowering success when attempting to effectively use Social Media that will render customers, clients and convert them into those that sing your praises “to others” is too much promotion which can actually be considered spamming or close to it.

6. Out of balance with Quality vs Quantity
Sure it’s great to have thousands of followers, friends and likes, however, what good does it do if you don’t have a balance of good quality content going out to a quality of followers, friends and community of individuals who have liked your Facebook page?

When starting out you may be tempted to go for the quantity as you’re creating your page because you need 25 to get the username and that’s after your first use of the no limit to get the username but after that your goal should be to gain targeted likes, followers, friends and to not only post the maximum of updates, tweets but to post value added content.

If you’re looking for a profitable experience, take the time to create a healthy balance between quality posts, quality targeted followers, friends and likes.


7. You’re operating with a negative mindset

Operating with a negative mindset can sabotage your empowering success with Social Media. In one of my posts I refer to 3 mindsets to avoid which includes; The inferiority, Scarcity and It’s Too Late For Me mindset. These are three to avoid. You must embrace a positive mindset. A mindset of success. Feeling like you don’t have enough, that there isn’t enough to go around and so you feel there’s no room for you or that it’s too late will cause you to give up before you even begin or throw in the towel right before a possible breakthrough. Cultivate a positive mindset. This is just an excerpt from my post but you get the gist of it don’t you?


I’ve shared great content on the mistakes you may be making when using Social Media that are costing you business and clients. Of course this is a list of a few of the mistakes.

Social Media is a phenomenal tool when used correctly which brings me to my next point. It’s up to you to acquire the skills needed to upgrade your life and business. I’m offering you an opportunity now.

I invite you to register for my Jump Start Your Social Media and Online Marketing Success Teleseries! Go here and secure your place and discover more about building your list and attracting clients within 30 days! If you’re serious about growing your business you should be building your list/community and when you do it effectively you will greatly enhance your ability to attract clients within 30 days!

Go ahead request your FREE access now!

I’d love to read your thoughts. You’re welcome to leave a comment. Thanks!

Your Empowering Coach “The Empowerment Diva”


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Got Social Media Success? Could your mindset be holding you back?

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Be Featured!

GPS is looking for People Who Prosper OR anyone that is successful, considers themselves successful, or on their way to success!

We are looking to feature and introduce people who are up and coming in their business or already there! is a place that features business owners and shares their stories with someone who just might be able to relate. Believe it or not, sometimes it helps to stay motivated when you hear other people's stories, and this is our goal: Not only to feature successful prosperous people, but to help keep others MOTIVATED.

The other part of this, is that we want you to tell US about YOU. It's easy for anyone to be a fan of your website, blog, Facebook page, or twitter. But is a place for you to challenge yourself and put yourself out there. We give you a chance to brag about yourself! Because let's face it, if you can't talk about you, then who else will? Tell us about your business and services and how long you've been in business. We want to hear your story. Why did you decide to go into business for yourself?

I am challenging you today to step out and tell others about you! Here's all you have to do: Email with subject line PeopleWhoProsper to Include your business name, website and a synopsis of "your story". After getting in touch with you, you will be sent a series of questions about yourself, your business and/or services. After you return the answered questions, you will then be featured on, PeopleWhoProsperTV, and over 16,000 people on youtube!

So, take the first step today and tell us about yourself! You never know who will need to hear your story OR need your services! Deuteronomy 8:18: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

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Hello all sassy and classy diva's I have a offer that you can't refuse Urban Vibe Inc. is looking for SASSY AND CLASSY DIVA'S to be HOSTESS of a online TRUNK Show. By hosting a online trunk show will get free Urban Vibe Inc. product and great discounts on all product when you host an online show. For more info please email me @ or inbox me of msg on faceebook

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Introducing our next PWP Feature Entrepreneur: Tscherina Telesford the owner of Umoya Jewelry. Spirit, Soul and Breath are how Tscherina describes the emphasis in every piece of jewelry she creates. Having been in business for over 7 years, Tscherina started by repairing jewelry for her friends and family. Eventually she expanded her skills and started working with welding different metals. Tscherina describes her jewelry as feel good jewelry designed to appeal to different personalities. And to add to that, she also mentors girls through the Lil DIVA Beading Camp that she started through Umoya Designs. Tscherina says, “Umoya Designs is not just another jewelry business, it is a movement empowering women and girls through the circle of sisterhood as well as community initiatives.” I am so excited to introduce to you this diverse business woman. Enjoy!

1. Tell me your story. What were you doing before you started your own business?

Starting my own business has always been a desire and a passion. I always knew I would concentrate in the world of fashion; I just was unsure what my focus was going to be. Jewelry has always been one of my interests as a child. When I started Umoya Designs I worked full-time with youth which I currently still do today.

My first customers were family and friends which grew through word of mouth. Through my customer base I received requests to restore, repair, replicate and design jewelry. These experiences increased my knowledge in design and I was able to add more intricate techniques such as metal soldering. The construction process for each piece is exciting and rewarding.

2. What made you want to start a business and what is your mission? more

Tamara Garrison-Thomas



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Introducing our first PWP feature of 2012: Kristie Kennedy. She is a Women's Beauty, Business, and Brilliance Coach. Having had some adversity, she has overcome it all and has proven it by her many accolades.  In 2010, Kristie was crowned the American Image National Woman and is currently Ms. Tallahassee, Fl. for Ms. Corporate America 2012. Being so talented, Kristie wears many hats. She is an esthetician, professional writer, self-published author, recording artist, poetess, jewelry designer, and motivational speaker. As a make up artist, her advice was featured on Tyra Banks' beauty website. Her advice for people in business is to: clarify your mission, define your goals, and execute your plan. It was a pleasure hearing Kristie's story and she shared more in her interview below. ENJOY!

1.Tell me your story. What were you doing before you started your own business?

It was on December 6, 1999 that I experienced being laid off from working as an Information and Referral Counselor for the Leon County Homeless Shelter. The company had to terminate 95% of staff due to a drastic budget cut and for the first time I was acutely aware that having only one stream of income could place me in a vulnerable financial state within a matter of seconds.   Two days later I was at the Division of Corporations filing for a fictitious business name without a real clue as to what I was going to do I just knew I needed to do something new.

2. What made you want to start a business and what is your mission?

As long as I can remember I have been a very creative and innovative individual.  When I was a child I remember my first business with two close friends we called it the Kangaroo Company. We sold women's shoes.  We pretended that we were the owners of a real store checking each other out at the cash register using our own shoes as inventory.  In retrospect, our imaginations were giving us a glimpse of what was to come. When your spirit is overflowing with a vast array of ideas its only a matter of time that you refuse to deny their existence and begin to showcase the inner workings of your mind.

My mission is to motivate and inspire others to believe and achieve their dreams. I breathe words of empowerment that transform fearful hearts into courageous flames of fire! 3. What inspires you?

Recently, I have been pondering that question after passing by a billboard that read, "What Drives You?"  I know many people are motivated by money but for me I am motivated by a desire to help people succeed in every area of their lives.  I want every hurting heart to be healed, every confused mind to receive clarity of purpose and every faint spirit to be renewed and revived.

What keeps you motivated daily to keep growing your business?

As I mature in my personal journey towards greatness I a motivated by the countless and wonderful experiences I encounter with others and the reward of making a difference in their lives.  Recently, one of my news articles went live and I wrote about an attorney who was making a major impact in our community.  He had no idea that I would be writing about him and after sharing the story with him I received an email from him expressing his gratitude and that he was honored.  I basked in that moment and whispered to myself, "priceless, no amount of money can touch this feeling." I aspire to inspire while instilling distinct value in the lives of others daily. It is a lifestyle.

4. Do you have a mentor? Who is it and why?

Yes. I have several on multiple levels. My mom, for matters pertaining to womanhood and practical life lessons.  She represents the truth that there is one person on earth who loves me unconditionally.  My mother is an emblem of God's love shining effervescently. My dad, is one of the most candid people I know.  He keeps it real and always shoots straight with me. My business mentor has walked with me from the early onset of entrepreneurship and I learn by her example of diligently working your business day in and day out.  I never knew what would be required of me as a business owner and I am stronger today because of the challenges it demands of me on a constant basis. My close friends inspire me with their authentic support and belief in every new idea that arises. One of them has a famous joke about how I have a tendency to wake them in the wee hours with my uncanny zeal. When your trail blazing new paths it's important to be surrounded by individuals who see beyond your current status and are secure enough within themselves to celebrate without feeling intimidated by your greatness.

Do you believe it's important to have a mentor?

Yes. In the multitude of counselors there is safety, wisdom, guidance and insights that we may be unaware of.  It takes a humble soul to acknowledge the need for assistance and a gracious spirit to be open to receive it. 5. What would you tell someone who wants to get involved in your line of business but doesn't know how to get started?

An individual's business is a sheer reflection of their core values and belief system. As a Christian, my faith in God is the foundation upon which I stand.  Additionally, one must make a lifelong commitment to know and grow.  Know thyself and grow thyself, internally and externally.  As you evolve so does the business. You have to become a sponge soaking in all of life, the good the bad, the happy the sad. Every experience is a lesson for change.  Seek out wisdom from experts in your field. Become an avid reader.  One of my favorite quotes, by Ntozake Shange "We lift as we climb."  Be generous and share what has been sowed into your life to ensure good is ever flowing your way. Most importantly, Never Give UP! 6. What advice would you give to someone with an entrepreneurial spirit?

Explore. Expand. Express.  Explore every gift and talent to see what works and what does not.  My first business concept did not go over to well.  There has to be a demand in the market place for it and it has to be made highly visible, with systems and structure in place if a high volume of sales are to be acquired.

Expand your sphere of influence by provoking yourself to move out of places of familiarity and comfort. Expand your ideas by building on old ones and developing new ones.  Express your creativity and ideas to a wide array of individuals to become more astute in articulating the vision of your heart. If you share your vision enough not only will it crystalize your convictions but it creates a comradarie amongst other entrepreneurial spirits.


Thank you Kristie again for sharing your inspiring story. I hope reading success stories like Kristie's can help motivate you to continue to work towards your goals in 2012! Get that new job, start that new business, move on from that toxic relationship because this is the year for GREATER! Visit Kristie's website at and you can see her beautiful jewelry at wants to hear your story! Visit our website for more information.  

See you at the top!

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What Is Online Shopping?

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Make it a year for...GREATER!

"Better days ahead, I'm living in the promise of God

A new day is here and I have a fresh expectation

Got  new perspective, loud and clear

 I'm not moved by what I see only what I hear

 I hear GREATER for my life!"

 -Tasha Cobbs

Happy New Year! I am so excited for what this year will bring for my life and yours. I know God has a lot in store and I'm excited to see the results. This is the year for GREATER. No more room for excuses or set backs but time for greater expectations.  As you begin to plan and execute, declare that it is a year for GREATER and make it one. If you are still sitting on a business idea because of finances or fear of what you think others will say, today is the day to be GREATER. Only YOU can make it happen, so what are you waiting for?  What are your fresh expectations for 2012? Please share your thoughts.


Need affordable guidance to starting a business? Check out The GPS Plan: Build a business in 90 days!

Do you need some motivation? Just released and for a limited time...FREE The Motivator

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Take a Chill Pill

Wow! We’re already in the 2nd month of 2012. Hopefully you’ve been on the grind and closer to a launch, re-launch or continued success. Hopefully you’ve also seen some improvements in your business. Unfortunately, sometimes with all the hard work comes exhaustion. Are you all blogged out yet? Do you have computer “pink eye” yet from staring at it all night? Do you need to catch up on some beauty rest from some all-night planning sessions?  I commend you on all your hard work and encourage you to keep pushing through until you get your expected end results. BUT sometimes you need to step back and ‘take a chill pill’. Remember that saying? It was used to tell someone to calm down if they were stressed out about something. So I’m telling you now, “Take a chill pill”. Take some time (an hour or two or one day-JUST ONE) to calm your nerves and just sit back and relax. Put your phone away, computer away, stay away from emails and the business phone for a bit and just…chill. Although it’s not mentioned often it is important to keep a healthy balance between business, family, and you! Starting and running a business can be hard so congratulations to you for working so hard. You’re doing a great job, keep up the excellent work. And when it becomes too much to balance remember to… ‘take a chill pill’!



Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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What makes a powerful  business woman?  Check her birthdate.

Are you a sliver sista thinking of starting your own business-now is the time

A world of opportunities opens up when you turn 50. Today, there are entire web sites, companies, and services devoted to the over-50 demographic. Find your niche in that market. -- S. Mitchell

1. Women over 50 are a powerful market force in today's economy. Women buy 80% of consumer goods and services, and among the 80 million baby boomers, that's power. -- N. O'Reilly

2. Women over 50 are president, CEO, and the star of their own lives. If you have the attitude that life is precious, that life is grandiose, that you don't want to waste any time, you will make this quality time. -- S. Mitchell

3. The entrepreneurial spirit is booming in 50-year-old women. She's following her dreams, starting her own business. She's forming partnerships with other women's businesses. She knows that collaboration is a valuable part of being successful. -- N. O'Reilly
Once the college bills are out of the way and children launch their own households, the discretionary spending power of 50-plus women soars. They spend 2.5 times what the average person spends. Women are the primary buyers for computers, cars, banking, financial services and a lot of other big-ticket categories. – Marti Barletta, Primetime Women

We are gracious and add  the right about of seasoning to the business world ------ Cyndi C


AARP, the American Association of Retired Persons, is an organization that caters not only to retired female workers but also to older workers in general. AARP is a North American organization that caters to people over fifty and will help to provide information on pretty much anything that concerns older people such as health, investment and small business information, Medicare and where to find the best insurance.

There are however some sites that cater to the specific needs of the mature female  and one of them is called WAHM. Work At Home Mothers is set up to provide support and advice to any female with children or grandchildren that has a vested interest in starting or continuing a home based business. This can range from financial backing without the discrimination hassle or just counseling for when things get too tough to handle on your own.

We want to mentor and share what we know -we are happy to see others develop and grow'---Cyndi C


The coming wave of mature entrepreneurs Ted Riley
Anjana Ahuja, Ph.D for Psychology Today
Web MD 50 Great things about women after 50

Silver sista's feel Blessed for where they have been, **not looking back**they enjoy where they are now*** and look forward to celebrating contributions to society to the future.  "Cyndi C" aka sewingsista

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All Fresh Out of Excuses

You've heard it all already: What are your goals for 2012? Be sure to write down your plan and strategies for 2012... That is all fine and dandy. And actually activities you should be doing but the bottom line is if you don't know why you're doing them then you're not going to achieve anything in 2012. Sorry to be blunt but let's be real. If you haven't gotten past your excuses for why you haven't done anything in 2011, you're not going to do anything in 2012. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. You know, those excuses you come up with when you're telling people why your business plans haven't moved past just a mere idea, for example:

1. " Oh yeah girl, I want to start a basket-weaving business but I am looking for business loans" (Don't have money)

This excuse MAY  apply if you're trying to open a mall or restaurant chain. But if you are starting a small business, that will mostly be web-based then this is NOT a good excuse. There are so many FREE sources out there that will get you up and running with a website, social networking sites, and ways to market, in no time. The most you would need (besides getting the basket weaving materials) would be $50-$200 MAX (And if you don't have $50 to spare, to start your business, then you absolutely need to start your business!). You would definitely need to buy a domain name ($15 more or less), and perhaps a website host (but not needed at first) and then design everything on your own. This is all something you can do if you free up an evening after work. So that excuse is...ALL FRESH OUT!

2. "I want to start a wood-carving business but girl, my boo would not support me!" (Family/spouse are not supportive)

This can be difficult to handle but you have to distinguish what type of support you're "not" getting. If you have family members telling you, "you will fail" and that "you are not capable of starting a business on your own", then unfortunately, you may need to excuse some people from your life. Or at least, not share with them what you're doing because that is negative energy.

On the other hand, you might have people who don't say those things but won't buy your products, attend business meetings with you, or want to hear all you go through. THAT'S OK! You're in business for yourself, so do it yourself. Once you're laughing to the bank, they'll want to hear all about what you did and you can decide how much information you want to share then. :) This is not being mean or discounting anyone's opinion, but the biggest part about starting a business is exuding your self-confidence. With confidence comes a responsibility of doing what you are motivated to do, REGARDLESS of what others say. You are going to have people talk about you, you are going to have some failures, but if you focus on your motivation and goals you WILL be prosperous. You cannot care about what others think or what they may say. Even if they think this is just another one of your "crazy" ideas or something you've never tried before. Step out on faith and do what you gotta do! So this excuse is...ALL FRESH OUT!

3. "I want to start a calligraphy writing business but I"m scared, girl!" (Being afraid)

Congratulations! At least you're admitting it now. :) Surprisingly, this is not a rare excuse to have. Starting a new business is a new venture. Anything new, can be scary at times. So it's completely understandable if you are afraid. Some people are afraid of what is needed to start a business, some people are afraid of the outcome of having a business, and some people are afraid of the success they can attain from a business. That is all apart of human nature which is why you must have faith and be motivated to accomplish more than the average person. You won't know what you're capable of until you try. Remember, "Do not be afraid... for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught" Proverbs 3:25-26. Now this excuse is..ALL FRESH OUT!

4. "I want to start an iron sculpting business but I don't know where I'd begin!" (Don't know what to do/lack of education/unaware of competition)

This will require some work on your part. In order to know what to do, you will have to research, read, and talk to some people with experience. That is not hard to do if you focus on the goals you are trying to accomplish in your business. Get books about starting the type of business you're interested in and read it in sections. Don't start at the beginning if you don't need it. Go to the chapters that are relevant to you.

Luckily with starting your own business, you don't necessarily need an MBA to run one (although, more education never hurts), but you definitely need to read more about what you need and talk to people with some experience. If you don't know anyone with experience then Black Business Women Online and TheCEOmamma Network are great resources to reach out to knowledgeable women, that are willing to help.

Most importantly, you must be aware of your competition. Who else has successful iron sculpting, calligraphy, or basket-weaving businesses online? What types of specials are they offering? What type of newsletters or perks do they offer their customers on Facebook or Twitter? You must be aware of these companies so you know what to do and what not to do. You can't be like others, but by observing the competition you can get more ideas and perhaps build a successful competitive company. So this is excuse is...ALL FRESH OUT.

There are a lot of resources that will help you get rid of all these excuses. Stop going around talking about what you want to do and actually DO it! 2012 is the year. You've had these ideas for a while now is the time to do something with them. Be different from others around you that are stuck in the same "talk about it, but NOT about it" mentality. Make 2012 a year of checking goals OFF of your list as ACCOMPLISHED! You can do it, you just have to stay focused and motivated. Write down your goals for 2012 for your business and then institute a plan.

If you need help with manifesting your business ideas and dreams, this may help. The GPS Plan includes a business plan and schedule, domain name, website, getting you started, and more! This deal is ALMOST free. I want you to start 2012 out right! Contact me for more details at

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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