eating (14)

1. Low in calories, high in nutrition

Enjoy a medium-sized pomegranate for 105 nutrient-packed calories.

You’ll also get a hefty dose of blood pressure-lowering potassium, virtually no sodium, one gram of fiber and about 10% of your recommended daily vitamin C intake.
Eight ounces of the juice provides 160 calories and a bit more potassium than a medium-sized pomegranate.


This fruit and their juice have an abundance of antioxidants and phytochemicals as well: anthocyanins (anti-inflammatory, cancer-fighting); catechins (anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory) and ellagic acid (cancer-fighting).


Pomegranate juice raises the antioxidant capacity of the blood.



Antioxidants neutralize damaging free radicals (organic molecules linked to aging, tissue damage and possibly disease) before they have a chance to attack your cells and DNA.




2. Improves heart health
One study found that drinking a little more than 8 ounces of pomegranate juice every day for three months improved blood flow to the heart in people with coronary heart disease.


Forty-five participants drank either the juice or a placebo beverage that looked and tasted like pomegranate juice.


On average, blood flow to the heart improved 17% in the pomegranate group, but declined 18% in the placebo group in merely three months.


Other studies suggest that pomegranate juice might help prevent atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, and even clear clogged arteries.


With atherosclerosis, plaque builds up in the arteries and reduces blood flow, potentially causing heart attack, stroke, or numbness and pain in the arms and legs.


People with diabetes may benefit from pomegranates too, according to a 2006 study in the journal Atherosclerosis.

For More Information Click Here


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Does Eating Rigt=Weight Loss?

Does Eating Right = Weight Loss?


Yes it does.  But the only catch is, knowing what eating right is.  And trust me it is not what we have been taught.  Such things, as soy, pork, nuts, sport drinks, diet sodas, low calories foods, and fat free foods, are not the foods and drinks for eating right.  Your body, as I have stated before, is not made of chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors and flavorings, these things should be avoided. I read the status of a young woman on facebook several weeks ago.  Saying that she eats right, but still can't lose weight.  And she mentioned how frustrating it was for her to try so hard and still not be able to lose weight.  Well I wanted to make a comment, but I opted to write an article instead.  Because I realized that it was more than just this young woman out there having this problem.  As the saying goes, it is not your fault, but it is your problem.  And unfortunately a lot of us fit in this category of problems, problems, problems.  When you are unable to fix a problem, it means that you have reached the limit of your knowledge in that area.  And it is up to you to seek and find the solution to your problem(s).  Running into this invisible wall on your weight loss journey, can really take the wind out of your sail.  Doubt, frustion, the loss of will-power are fast eroding the core of your desire.   It makes you question yourself...why is it not, working?  It's not working, because there are food items in your diet that does not allow you to lose weight.  And if you are extremely over weight you may be exercising, when you should be stretching.  Whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, plenty of good water, coconut water, fish, and chicken,


minus the sugars, breads, alcoholic drinks, smoking, potatoes, and hard to digest meats, is the only way that the weight will began to shed.  Despite popular belief, you can't lose weight eating what you want.  There has to be a letting go, a cutting lose, never to return again of certain items, and foods from your life.  You should never try to obtain weight loss by taking chemicals.  Once you stop taking the chemicals the weight will return with an attitude, meaning more of it and quickly.  You have to change those habits, and those foods.  So, the young woman's problem is still with what she is eating and her exercising program.

The difference between exercising and stretching, is that exercising is mostly for cardio, and stretching is for toning, improving circulation of blood through all organs of the body, strength building of your core, and rapid weight loss.



The next time that you are comfronted with a problem.  Just seek more information in the area, and keep reaching for success.  Remember, success is not on a earthly plane.  You have to reach up to touch the stars.

Read more articles like this:  B-Magazine

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Everywhere you go these days, the mental health of our community seems to be a primary subject and concern. We have finally come to grips with the fact that not all of our problems are financial and social. Some of our problems are borne of unspoken misery and unresolved pain.


That’s why I published a book earlier this year filled with healthy living tips for the mind, body and soul. “Broken In Plain Sight” provides a perfectly crafted fictional, highly imaginative platform that proves that love is the common denominator to vibrancy and healing. The novel-like feel works to illustrate the underlying reasons for unhealthy lifestyle habits and offers practical and innovative solutions for living healthier.  In its fictional, diet-guide like format, the book exposes the struggles, secrets, and corruption within an African American family and their journey to find love, truth, and healing.


Now, six months later, my new book, “Broken In Plain Sight”, has been nominated to receive The Henri at The 2012 Christian Literary Awards in November 2012. See for yourself why it was nominated and purchase your copy today. In order to take home this prestigious award, I need your vote! If you liked my book, I would greatly appreciate if you would take a minute and vote for it.


Just visit You’ll need to create an account, then after receiving your password, you’ll need to “Login” and follow the prompts which include clicking “2012 AWARDS” and selecting READER'S CHOICE to CAST YOUR VOTE for “Broken In Plain Sight” in the Fiction Category.  Voting will close on September 30th. Please tell your family and friends to vote!!!


Broken in Plain Sight is engaging, entertaining and enlightening. It’s available at Amazon, Barnes and Nobles as well as Kindle and Nook. Too many of us are broken in plain sight and don’t have to be!


Thank you in advance your support and vote!!!



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Why Weight?



It is time to make the first on the journey to losing weight.  Why Weight?  The failure to make the move is surely yours and ours not to do what is required of us when it comes to taking care of our bodies.  We are its care takers, we are the watchman, we are not to let anything enter or put anything into our bodies that is harmful. 


We are have our first Annual Calorie Drop that will be on facebook this coming March 19th.  Make sure to participate.  All you have to do is press the above picture and it will take you directly to the community page on face book.  Give us your information and we will send you and invitation to the event so that you can track what you have given up for that month and what you will not allow back into your bodies ever again.  We will Calorie Drop from the 19th of March until the 19th of April and we will share information and we shall move forward never to look back lest we turn into a pillar of salt (smile).


What the Calorie Drop is all about is learning how to change our appetite for the wrong foods, because you can change yout taste buds.  Try eating healthy for a week and watch how your body will crave what is healthy.  Some of us may not know what healthy is.  Well lets say that if you learn how to start cooking for yourself this will be a start of healthy.  Healthy is simple foods, such as beans, fruits and vegetables with homemade cooked breads.  Drinking clean water is also a good start along with teas and good lemonade.  When it comes to sweeting your teas and lemonades use honey or brown sugar, please stay away from the killer of your body and that is white sugar.  If you are ready to start your weigth loss program please click on the Buy Now button and we will email your link and you can get started right a way.
Why Weight? FaceBook Community Page

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Those Painful Heavy Cycle Flows

That time of the month ewww:( is enough to make some women just want to pull the trigger on themselves. Did you know that in some countries women don't even
have cycles...they have a period, and in Hawaii women only stay on their
cycles for an hour. Let me pause for a moment to explain the
difference between a cycle and a period. A cycle is every 28 to 30 days
and you flow from 3 to 14 days sometimes with a heavy flow. A period
is just what it is a dot. I bet you say how in the world can that
happen and could it really be true...well it is. Over in other
countries the food is not destroyed with chemicals. So when they eat,
the food does what it is supposed to do and the body can eliminate
properly without being hindered from dangerous chemicals. Another
reason why women in other countries don't suffer is because they do not
eat all day one needs to eat all day long (3 meals a day is
ridiculous if you do not work on the railroad or have a very physical
job one healthy balanced meal is enough). There is nothing wrong with
living a good life, having a car, running hot and cold water, and all
the other good things that we enjoy over here in US...the problem, I see
is that we do not have a balance
. Because we
have cars we don't want to walk anywhere or because we have grocery
stores we don't want to grow our own food. These things have really
spoiled us, it has made us lazy.

Lack of exercise and our eating habits has a lot to do with rather a woman will have a period or a cycle flow. If you suffer from a painful cycle then your diet is very poor, and your exercise is not
often enough. Our body is really a temple and we should keep it as
clean as we can. We must stay away from fried foods, alcohol, shell
fish, smoking, and a whole host of unhealthy things that we do to our
bodies. A monthly flow is one way to help a woman who may not eat
healthy to keep her body clean, and if your body did not make this
adjustment to clean itself we would really be sick from all of the toxin
build up that would be in our blood. If you would take your diet all
the way down, back to the drawing board, leaving nothing but fruit, then
build it up from there, making sure to leave the meat out, your cramps
would subside. Taming your appetite is not an easy thing to do this is
why it is so hard to lose weight. But for those of you who will have a
hard time to do this you will need to purchase you some Saw Palmetto.
Saw Palmetto is an herb that you can sip as a tea or take in the pill
form. Saw Palmetto will ease those cramps and in some cases get rid of
them all together which is what it did for my daughters when they were
younger, and until this day they do not suffer with cramps.
The Bible really tells the truth when it says that my people
perish from the lack of knowledge, because what you don't know will harm
you. I hope that this article helps you and if you have any questions
please feel free to ask. Read. Learn. Grow. Leave a comment.

To make a purchase of the Saw Plametto visit

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Youngeivity Weight Loss Management

Losing Weight With Youngevity

Hitting a brick wall while losing weight, is the most disappointing thing that can happen to anyone. The wall of disappointment leaves you with the thought
of...what's next? What do I do now? Just when you were feeling good
about yourself and had just a few pounds to go (they are the hardest
ones). One thing you don't do is give up, keep striving and for God
sake keep
stretching and exercising . For those stubborn pounds that won't leave Youngevity can
help you knock down that wall, and you will be able to see your way
again. Sometimes we women have it so hard just to lose a few
inches...we may need just a little help to get the job done. Youngevity
is a healthy alternative to using the synthetic chemicals put in the
diet pills and the other products that they claim help you to lose
Press the Youngevity link to view
all of the products available to you.

Youngevity Weight Loss Management

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New Dilicious & Nutritious Recipe

If you would like to schedule a cooking demo.

Please send an email to and we will get back with you right away. Be healthy.

If you are unable to view this post please visit and press the tab Your Daily Recipes and the title of the recipe is Weekend Salmon Burgers. Enjoy!!!

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You can work diligently all week following your menu and adhering to your exercise program only to have the “wheels come off” over the weekend and undermine all your efforts. It can easily be done with an ounce of fudge here, some pizza there, or maybe too large of a serving size or an appetizer at your favorite restaurant.If eating splurges are a problem for you, it is essential that you stick to your long range planning. The weekends typically encourage people to indulge in high-fat, high-calorie foods that are low in nutrients.To learn how to avoid gaining weight over the weekend, visit my Pound by Pound Weight Management site>
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Fast Food Fat Loss Failure

Back in the nineties Fast Food companies tried to change. They tried coming out with lighter and lower fat versions of their sandwiches and tacos and everything else.Know what happened?The "healthier" versions on their menus failed miserably. And I mean miserably. They were all pulled and replaced by newer options that were bigger, fattier and more calorie laden than ever before.Seriously, they stopped pulling punches and did what any smart business should: They gave people what they wanted. And in the case of Fast Food companies that meant adding as much mayo, bacon, cheese and beef as they possibly could.That's when we started seeing the Triple Burgers and Mega Burgers and tacos wrapped in melted cheese stuck to yet another taco.And people were more than happy to gobble them all right up.I believe, fortunately, that we've come to a point where people have realized that it's all just too much. To some extent people are waking up and realizing that they cannot afford to get sick. They cannot afford to eat garbage all the time. They are understanding it WILL catch up to them.Kentucky Fried Chicken has been in the news lately because they are trying a new Kentucky GRILLED Chicken. Supposedly it tastes as good as their fried version.Now I don't know if it does or doesn't. And to be honest, I don't much care. You see, the fact of the matter is when people go to Fast Food restaurants and order something "healthier" like grilled chicken they typically off set it by eating every french fry in sight. Or drinking a 64oz cola.There are better choices to be made. And if you plan your day you won't be in a position where you have to gobble a meal down at KFC, McDonald's or Burger King.Things like:-Low fat cottage cheese-Hard boiled eggs-Fresh fruit and veggies-Raw almondsYou could also go with Prograde Cravers or Prograde Lean. Cravers are the best tasting healthy snack bar on the planet and Lean is their delicious chocolate meal replacement shake. (In the PS under my signature you'll find out all he details on a BIG sale Prograde is having! Oh, and hurry because it ends tomorrow night.)Look, the bottom line is simple: A little bit of planning and some smart food choices go a long way to getting that flat stomach you're looking for.Stay Fit,Carol DunlopPS - Here's what you need to know about Prograde Nutrition's Second Birthday Sale:- You save 10.2% off ALL of their products. They're all on sale this week.- The sale ends this Friday, April 24th at 11:59pm EST.- Just enter the coupon code below during checkout on their site: xxtwozz(yes, the letters are all lower case)- If you purchase any of their Combo Packs or Smart Ship options the coupon code only applies to the FIRST purchase.- The coupon can't be combined with any other Prograde offers.- Prograde Nutrition products cannot be found in stores anywhere. Only online from the Prograde websiteI cannot recommend Prograde enough. Their products are top-notch and they only create research based products backed by science.
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Too Excited!

I was just talking with my Mom, she called to see if I was stressing out about this coming weekends' event. (our cooking demo with Real Men Cook) and I told her calmly that I wasn't and really you would think I should be with all that's been going on.In order for me to be able to serve people samples I would need to prepare all the ingredients ahead of time in a commercial kitchen, which I no access to. My husband may have to travel to California for his boss this week so he will miss our event. ( still up in the air on that) The kids and I will have to cram in my Mother's small car and drive to Plano which is 30 to 45 min away @ 6 AM on Sat. Our demo should only last for 30 min so we should be good on that. So for some reason I'm not stressed @ all! I gave it to GOD and I'm letting him work it out! So why stress, right? Wish us luck, this is just another amazing opportunity that may lead to another bigger opportunity.
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Raising Chefs' now has a Facebook Fan Page and we want you to become our fans. Please help us spread the word about all the wonderful work we've done so far and future endeavors.We are so excited about all the amazing opportunities that have come our way. Become a fan and follow are continuous progress on this wonderful journey GOD has in store for us.Thank you so much for all your support thus far and we hope that you will keep us in your prayers as we take this amazing ride together! Many blessings to each and everyone of you!
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