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Are you an inspirational writer?

Hello FriendsDonate your inspirational messages to Ladies of Christ Ministry. We are creating a newsletter called "Spiritually Outspoken" We are allowing writers to submit inspirational messages for encouragement to others.If you are an inspirational writer and would like to submit a writer, please contact us here: BlessDominique
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Fundraiser~Candles~Cash In Your pocket

Hello Everyone,I have an opportunity to put some extra cash in your pockets, and it’s not the normal. I am paying you a referral fee for any business or organization that you refer to me and they complete a fundraiser. There is no work to be done on your part unless you are calling around to your local school, churches, social clubs, etc to see if they need extra money. You earn while helping other’s.When will you get paid?Fundraiser’s usually last about 2-3 weeks, so expect to be paid in week in week 4. Most like to do two week fundraisers.How much will I be paid?Depending on the amount of the fundraiser, up to $100.Is there a limit on the number of organizations that I can refer?No.Do I or they have to be in Texas?No. It does not matter where you live or where the organization is.You can check out the web site at www.TxBestCandles.comIf you need more information to give to the organization or for yourself, don’t hesitate to let me know.Thanks,Arkadina Taylor
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Celebrated Her 6 Birthday

Isn't she beautiful?Just celebrated her 6 birthday . . .in the hospital. Because she was recently diagnosed with a tough strand of leukimia. No she's not really my daughter, but reading her story I felt pulled to her. A little girl who we have the chance to save, by simply getting tested if our bone marrow matches. She was adopted as a child and has been taking her chemo like a champ.I can only imagine what her mom and other family are going through watching her little body fight this deadly disease. That's why the chance to actually do something and save her is so special. They only swab your mouth which is awesome news. When I was diagnosed with cancer, they had to do this test where they check your bone to see if cancer has started forming there. By far the most painful 20 minutes of my whole life as they hold you down and stick a needle all the way into your bone on your back, with the strict instructions not to move, unless you want to be paralyzed. See, a swab doesn't sound so bad? This little girl is so brave and Yes We Can save her. I'm going Saturday, and if you are in NYC I hope you come too!!Jasmina's donor drive will be held Saturday at Public School 41 (116 W. 11th St.) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information, contact DKMS, a nonpprofit marrow donor center: (866)-340-3567.Courtsey of Charreah Jackson
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Are You Worth It?

Are You Worth It?I like to believe that for the most part, we are a pretty happy and well adjusted community. Maybe that is my positive-rose colored-Pollyanna attitude at play but never the less, most of the people I hang around seem to have it together. There is the other part of us that when we dare to dream something big, we sometimes suffer from drama or sabotage trying to obtain that goal.I discovered that a lot of our dis-ease, dis-comfort, and dis-illusionment stems from a subconscious and often unknown belief that we are not worthy. Maybe somewhere along the line, we have felt guilty for achieving or someone we love questioned who we thought we were because we had felt moved to reach a higher plane in life. Perhaps in our childhood we were led to believe that we could never, be, do, or have what we wanted. I am here to tell you that absolutely is not true.We can in fact be, do, or have anything we desire but we must first be in alignment with that which we call our Higher Self, or God, or the Universe. Pretty much everyone I know has studied the Law of Attraction in some form or another but this goes beyond thinking positively.As our Christ Consciousness, or Higher Self knows that we are beings pressed forth out of the image and likeness-that means we are not anything different from that which we came. So this in fact means that we are worthy, good, special, talented, creative, deserving, beautiful(just the way we are), inspired, free, sexy, and unlimited. We can add to that any and all of the other labels we use to describe God. That is the truth of our being and when we are in a happy state of mind, most of the time we feel these things about ourselves. It is when we step out of that vision of ourselves into something negative such as bad, fat, ugly, worthless, and so on that we feel negative emotions. Those negative emotions mean we are out of alignment with our Higher Being. We are out of alignment because our Higher Being disagrees.So, with all that being said, how do we in fact get back into alignment and feeling worthy about ourselves so that we may attract the things we want into our lives? Here are some simple steps to help achieve feelings of self worth because after all you cant attract your good without feeling good first.* Affirmations-Affirmations are defined as statements asserting the existence or the truth of something or the act of affirming or asserting or stating something. Here are a few to try:* I love and approve of myself* I deserve all that is good* I am grateful for a full and wonderful life* I am love, loved and loving* Attitude of Gratitude An attitude of gratitude can switch your thinking from what is lacking to what you have available to you now.* Live in the Now Living in the moment goes hand in hand with an attitude of gratitude simply because there leaves little time to focus on negativity that has happened in the past or stressing about the future.* A little exercise to help stay in the moment is, Ask yourself, "Can I do anything about this right now?" If the answer is no, than it is none of your business. Which means have faith in the attraction power of your positive attitude and positive feelings, let God handle it and hold on to your joy.
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God is our Shepherd, Way, Friend, Wisdom, Hope, Security, Life, Protector, Shelter, Guide, Strength, Joy, Provider, Shield, Help, Defender, Peace, Counselor..All He is He is for U!God’s words are Encouraging words, Healing words, Life-Giving words, Renewing words, and Refreshing words! When God speaks to us out of His heart He is meeting a need in ours. May He speak to you today nad be just what you need to hear.Just think you are not here by chance but by God’s choosing. His hand formed you and made you the person you are. He compares you to no one else for He created you as one of a kind and He created you at just the right time and place for many special reasons but the one that means so much to others is that He created you to be my special to so many others. You lack nothing that His grace can’t give you. He has allowed you to be here at this time in history to fulfill His special purpose for this generation. God’s wisdom is perfect. Each day I am thinking of you in my heart remembering you in my prayers and asking the Lord to bring you so much strength,love, peace and hope.God never has to ask us what we’re thinking about for He knows our hopes and desires our aspirations and dreams. When joy is deep within us we will walk through this life with a lifted heart soul and mind. God cares about every detail of our lives.He collects every tear in a bottle. (Psalm 56:8)He numbers every hair on our head. (Luke 12:7)He knows every hurt in our hearts. (Psalm 34:18)He knows our laughter, tears, joys and fears.....There isn’t a part of your life that God doesn’t share or a part of us that He doesn’t love!What do we do when we face challenges make us wonder what’s ahead. The answers are not always easy and the direction is not always clear. In these circumstances our hope is in God alone. Our lives and our times are in His hands and He assures us that He is the rock that we can stand upon through the storm. Believing with you and in the wisdom of Gods ways, the goodness of His love and in the assurance of His presence as He keeps us all going in every step of the way for at no time are we alone in all that we experience in our everyday lives.God Wants You To Remember...He is for you.He loves you.He believes in you.He will not fail you.He will be with you.He will provide for you.He will bless you.He will give you rest.He will strengthen you.He will answer you.In Happy moments...Praise God.In Difficult moments...Seek God.In Quiet moments...Worship God.In Painful moments...Trust God.In Every moment...Thank God.From Gods Heart 2 OursMzGloria
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The Union of Communication, Commitment and ChristCommitment – the pledging, engaging, or entrusting oneself to another in a permanent decision or union between one man and one woman, broken only by death – love cannot operate properly without sacrifice…God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16In a marriage commitment, men are instructed to love their wife as Christ loved the church and gave His life for her. Men who will sacrifice themselves for their wife are living in the true image of Christ.Communication – the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing or signs between the husband and wife. Married couples are biblically instructed to speak the truth in love; to be angry and sin not, not to allow the sun go down on your wrath; lift one another up with words of encouragement; learn and operate in the discipline of forgiveness. There is no place for secrets between a man and his wife; it is possible to be angry without sinning but prolonged anger gives Satan an open door to the ones own heart; say only what will help for each word that enhances is a gift; be quick to admit when you've made a mistake.Christ - The anointed, the Messiah, the Title, the Jesus of Nazareth, God's Holy Son – God in flesh. He who was born into this world for the purpose of taking on the sins of the entire world; the invisible force that is in every Christian marriage that when joined together with man and wife complete the marriage to make them one. A personal relationship with Christ keeps marriages on one accord with Christ as the head. The more we focus on God the more married couples draw closer to each other.Combining these three C's will cause any marriage to be blessed and highly favored.Erroll & Glyniel Garner
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The Armor of God - Stand Up & Dig In

The Armor of God – Stand Up & Dig InEphesians 6:10-15 KJVScripture Text: Eph 6:15October 13, 2005Ephesians was written around 60 A.D. by the Apostle Paul while imprisoned for his faith. It was address to the people who lived in Ephesus & was a letter of encouragement to a group, rather than one person. The last part of Ephesians focuses more on the church & how it can function best.vs. 10 "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord,…"This is a call to Christians (my brethren) to stand firm against the devil. Paul stated "Finally." We can only walk in the glory of Eph 1- 3 & live in the integrity of Eph 4 – 6 by doing everything in God's strength.vs. 10 "and in the power of His might."Having might is a divine enablement or endowment. An anointing with the ability to do anything. Phil 4:13 states, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me." We can do everything with the help of Christ who gives us the strength we need to fulfill whatever task is at hand.vs. 11 "Put on the whole armor of God…" Paul tells us to put on by faith God's armor. In the O.T., it is the Lord who wears the armor.Isa 59:16-17 This armor is of God, both in the sense that it is His actual armor. He now shares that armor with us. We are also instructed here by Paul to wear the whole armor, so that no part is exposed to the enemy.vs. 11 "that ye may be able to stand against the commitment & determination. We have to be ever ready to stand & fight with strength & power. We express the strength we have in God by standing against the strategies & tricks of the devil. This means we must be able to hold out & overcome all the devil's assaults.Vs. 13 "Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, (having overcome all) to stand,… To withstand- we must not yield to the devil's allurements & assaults, but to oppose them. We must resolve, by God's grace, not to yield to Satan, but stand our ground."I Chron 21:1 (NLT) Here Satan (adversary-one who opposes) stood up against Israel & he provoked David to do a census of Israel & God was displeased with this thing (I Chron 21:7) Here in I Chron 21, Satan stood up against Israel. When Satan stands up against us, we MUST stand up against him. Satan's kingdom is the kingdom of sin. To stand against Satan, is for us to strive against sin.Eph 6 vs.14 "Stand therefore,…" We can only stand against spiritual attack of the enemy, when we are "equipped" with the armor. Paul wrote this while in the custody of Roman soldiers, so it was easy for him to look at the equipment of the guards & see how God has equipped the believer. The order in which the pieces of amour are described is the order in which the soldiers would put them on.Eph 6 vs. 15 "And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;"Combat FootingThere are many types of shoes: dress shoes, casual shoes, steel toed boots for construction jobs, garden shoes, sandals, moccasins, slippers etc. Each of these has its purpose & specific benefits for the wearer. The Roman soldiers wore nail studded or spiked sandals to grip the ground in combat. They were designed to anticipate the various attacks which an enemy might employ to inhibit or stop their advance or to dislodge their footing when in combat.Eph 6 vs. The term "shod" is the Greek word (Hu-po-de-o) which means to bind on, to bind under one's feet. This is also suggestive of authority & power.Eph 6 vs. 15 "And your feet shod with the preparation…"preparation is a word meaning "a prepared foundation." Who or what is the prepared foundation?Isa 28:16, Matt 16:18, Eph 2:20, I Cor 3:10-11 (NLT) Here scripture shows that Jesus Christ is the prepared foundation or the preparation as noted here in Eph 6:15.Eph 6 vs.15 "And your feet shod with the preparation of gospel of peace;"- gospel of peace is the Good News of the Kingdom of God & salvation through Jesus Christ. The death, burial & resurrection of Christ is the foundation of the gospel.The gospel of peace pertains to the good news that, believers are at peace with God. It is that confidence of divine support which allows the believer to stand firm, knowing that we are at peace with God and God is our strength. The believer's stability from the gospel gives us peace so we can stand while in the battle.Taking vs.15 and substituting the definitions within this verse you have: "And your feet binded with the prepared foundation (which is Christ, who keeps us firmly planted) of the Good News of the prince of peace."Anyone in battle must have surefootedness otherwise they will fall to the ground. Anyone can walk on level ground, but our surefootedness is tested in struggles in life such as: conflict in relationships, financial pressures illnesses, job loss or even death of a loved one.Our surefootedness is tested also in the mountains, in water, in fire, on ice, on sharp rocks, in wind etc.Unfortunately, because we have a spiritual enemy, life is not about level ground: but about keeping our faith in the midst of the battle, regardless of the terrain, or circumstances we are presented with.Isa 43:1,2 (NLT) God preserved Israel during her time of disobedience & wickness & she could find comfort in knowing that no one or nothing can destroy her.God will be with us in our greatest difficulties, dangers, test & battles.Isa 43 vs.2 (KJV) "When thou passest through…" the hebrew word for passest is (A-Var) which means to go through, to crossover, to pass over. This verse tells up "When" you pass through" not "If" you pass through." There is a confidence & a promise that when we go through & get to the other side, God will be withus. God promised in Herews 13:5, " I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."Trials are varied & we experience them in different degrees. Sometimes, we will face the water which can represent afflictions as shown in Isa 43:2. (already read)Waters can represent instability in our lives Gen 49:4 states "Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy Father's bed; then defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch." Here Israel (Jacob) was blessing all of his sons before he died & he tells Reuben, his eldest son since he was "unstable like water" & he slept with one of Israel's wives & loses his position as the first born & the blessings that comes with it.We can go through the waters of persecution Ps 18:16 states, " He reached down from heaven & rescued me; he drew me out of deep waters." Ps 144:7 says, "Reach down from heaven & rescue me; deliver me from deep waters, from the power of my enemies."God will be with us through the rivers, with is another form of Affliction. None of these circumstances shall overflow, over whelm or get the best of us. God will even be with us in & through the fire & testing.Dan 3:19-27(NLT) These three Hebrew boys were cast in the Babylonian furnace because they would not bow down to an idol. God's presence & protection was in the fire (trail). They were also preserved in the fire, as they were walking in the midst of the fire as stated in Daniel 3:25. Walking is a pace which you are not in a hurry, not concerned, not burdened, not anxious then we walk. We can walk in the midst of our trails because He will protect & preserve us as we walk through the fire!We should have the stability & readiness to climb every mountain & every obstacle that comes up before us. The Bible says in 2 Sam 22:34, Ps 18:33, Hab 3:19 that "He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places."Having our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace will keep us stabled & balanced. If the enemy of trail can hurt your foot, you will be an unbalanced Christian. We must keep our feet shodded with the gospel of peace in that whatever we face, we have peace with God & peace in the storm.Mark 4:35-41 (NLT) So sometimes when we are in a storm, Jesus seems as if he were asleep, unconcerned in the troubles that we are facing. Jesus will still the "noises" of our winds & waves in our lives. Be the storm of trouble ever so loud, ever so strong, Jesus can make it be still.In the game of football, there are two teams, the offense & the defense. The offense is the team with the ball trying to advance to score a touchdown. The defense is the team that tries to stop the offense from advancing forward to score a touchdown. Well, in the spiritual realm, there are two teams, the offense (the Kingdom of darkness) & Satan is the head coach. There is the defensive team (the Kingdom of Light) & Christ is the head coach. The offensive team has the ball (whatever Satan has stolen from you) The believers, defensive team, Kingdom of Light must stand up & dig in our spiritual cleats into the ground to not let Satan team out run us or advance forward to score a touchdown with our stuff!In every trail, every obstacle, every circumstance & in every storm, we must stand up & dig in our spiritually cleats to be able to keep our footing, not to be knocked off our feet & to keep the enemy from advancing & scoring our territory.So…When financial troubles come your way…Stand up & dig in !When marital conflict arises…Stand & dig in !When children seem to have lost their minds…Stand up & dig in !When sickness hits your body…Stand up & dig in !When waiting on God to answer prayer…Don't waver…Stand up & dig in !Learn & study the game plays of your opponent. What are their weaknesses? They make the same moves most of the time but may attack a different person on the Kingdom of Light team.Get a spiritual interception, get the ball, take back what the devil stole from you. The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.In closing, we must be strong in the Lord & in the power of His might. We must put on the whole armor of God, that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. And having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, with your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, to have peace with God & with all men.May we stand firm in the Good News of the gospel so our peace will shine through us & we will be a light to all that we may encounter.
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Ingredients To A Good Marriage

Marriage is hard work. In order for marriage to really work, God MUST be at the center of the relationship. We are unable to know how to love our spouse unconditionally, unless we have God's love and know of His love. There will be ups and downs in marriage. After 22 years of marriage, I have seen both sides. When the storms clouds enter into your marriage, keep God as your "spiritual umbrella". He will not allow your marriage to get "wash out".Show appreciation for your spouse daily. Encourage each other every day. Is that easy always, I give you a resounding "No", but you must not allow your flesh to rise up to tell you not to do this and know that God wants us to speak good words to each other always.Stay best friends. That is what helped me. My husband is my friend. Some make their children their friends and the spouse is like an outsider or a foe. The devil tried to tell me at times that my husband was not my friend. You have to look past the flesh of the individual and look at the root of the situation. We don't fight against flesh and blood but against powers, and principalities and rulers etc. If we keep that in mind, we can fight off the devil that is ruining Christian marriages everywhere.The Christian marriage is to be the example to all marriages and to the world. We represent the relationship of Christ and the church. If the enemy can enter into our marriages, we would set a poor example to the world of Christ's relationship with the church.Learn to prioritize the important things in our lives. Some spouses put their work before their marriage, some Christian leaders have put the church or ministry before their marriage and this will put a strain on the marital relationship and can foster resentment to rest on the marriage. The order we must operate in is: God first, spouse, children or family, then work or ministry. Marriage can not fail in this order, this is God's order.Forgiveness is another important ingredient to keep in your marriage ALWAYS!!!! There will be many times you will say "I sorry" and hear "I'm sorry". In your heart there should always be a cup of forgiveness to offer to you spouse in return. Giving forgiveness is not letting your spouse "off the hook" for what he or she did, but it frees you from bitterness that could later raise its ugly head later on in the marriage. Forgiveness also stop the enemy from having an entry point in your marriage and in your life personally.I am passionate about marriage and the lives of people,I desire to see us reach new levels in life, to come out of frustration, which is a place a lot of people live, to "become" into the person you know you should be but do not know where to start to be it, and to growing into Christian maturity.Marriage is a journey, with winding roads and some rocks and pebbles along the path, the kind that get in your shoes sometimes. But just like when that pebble get into your shoe, you take it off, shake it out and put it back on and go on to your designation.In marriage we need to do the same, shake off the rough stuff, put on the good stuff and GROW on ! ! !Living Life Through Him,Glyniel Garner
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It can be difficult to make a sale when a person only sees your website once. A more effective marketing strategy is to build a relationship with your client or prospect by offering them information. People are always looking to solve problems, if you can provide assistance, they're much more likely to buy from you.Autoresponders can help you regularly and cost effectively communicate through emails that are sent out to your subscriber list. This a great tool for informing your audience about special promotions, sales, company updates and much more.There are lots of autoresponder services out there but unfortunately some of them can be expensive. Also as your business and your list grows, some services increase their monthly rate. The autoresponder service I use and prefer is TrafficWave. TrafficWave offers unlimited autoresponders AND unlimited subscribers for only $17.95 per month. You can even try out the service FREE for 30 days!Find out more about how to use autoresponders to make more money in your online OR offline business. Click here to sign up for your FREE REPORT How Autoresponders Can Make You More Money. There's no obligation and your information will not be sold or shared. You can also unsubscribe at any time.Wishing You Success!Sondra CarpenterInternet Marketing ConsultantEbiz MarketingOnline Marketing & Promotion
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Selected Maya Angelou Quotations• How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!• It is this belief in a power larger than myself and other than myself which allows me to venture into the unknown and even the unknowable.• A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.• The needs of society determine its ethics.• One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.• I speak to the black experience, but I am always talking about the human condition -- about what we can endure, dream, fail at, and still survive.• I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.• The honorary duty of a human being is to love.• Living a life is like constructing a building: if you start wrong, you'll end wrong.• History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.• Love is that condition in the human spirit so profound that it allows me to survive, and better than that, to thrive with passion, compassion, and style.• There is nothing so pitiful as a young cynic because he has gone from knowing nothing to believing nothing.• The main thing in one's own private world is to try to laugh as much as you cry.• Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns all clean.• Self-pity in its early stages is as snug as a feather mattress. Only when it hardens does it become uncomfortable.• If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded.• Alone, all aloneNobody, but nobodyCan make it out here alone.• We allow our ignorance to prevail upon us and make us think we can survive alone, alone in patches, alone in groups, alone in races, even alone in genders.• Human beings are more alike than unalike, and what is true anywhere is true everywhere, yet I encourage travel to as many destinations as possible for the sake of education as well as pleasure.
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Five Hot Future Careers

Five Hot Future Careers -- Train Now by Woodrow AamesThe future's not ours to see, as the song goes, but that doesn't mean we can't train today for careers that should be hot as tomorrow's firecrackers. It's certain that some jobs will simply hold more promise if the planners and visionaries have their say. You'll increase your odds by enrolling in training programs or continuing education for these six forward-facing careers that seem likely to survive today's economic shake-up.Let's look at career trends -- at least those that map to the objectives as slated by the Obama administration as top priorities as the nation moves forward into this brave new century. Here's the short list of jobs with promise, the education you'll likely need to thrive, and recent earnings.Green Construction Manager This career holds a familiar job title, but concentrate on the "green." Forbes Magazine predicts that the new demand for infrastructure and sustainable building will spark a vital need for managers with environmental specializations to lead teams who will build tomorrow's schools, hospitals, and government buildings.The Obama administration has predicted that 15 million new buildings will be completed between now and 2015, and most if not all will be built for energy efficiency and reduced carbon emissions. Earn a bachelor's degree in construction management or add environmental specializations through an online associate's degree in environmental studies or post-graduate degree. Forbes predicts 780,000 new construction jobs. The median 2007 wage for construction managers: $55,950, with top earnings at $90,220.Network Security Administrator The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has already predicted a powerful 37 percent increase in jobs for network systems professionals between 2006 and 2016. Projections seem even stronger when you consider the Obama administration's call for the appointment of a national cyber adviser and an initiative to develop "next-generation" networking capabilities for business, government, and the military. You'll need at least an online associate's degree to get in the field, and you should use it to apply to bachelor's degree programs and post-graduate certifications that will leverage a huge career in the next decade.The 2007 median wage for network and computer systems administrators: $67,250 with top earnings at $105,980.Biomedical or Genetic Scientist Get a jumpstart on this booming field by enrolling in an associate's or bachelor's degree program in the sciences, then step up to a graduate degree in biology or genetic studies. Degree programs can help you specialize in prevention, detection, or treatment of diseases. The Obama administration has pledged investments in biomedical research as well as in helping to fund medical career training. The administration also supports a return to funding for stem cell research, creating additional genetic openings in research labs, pharmaceutical companies, and at universities.You'll eventually need a Ph.D. in a biological science to rise to the top of the profession, but you can begin research and clinical work with a master's degree. Top 2007 earnings for biotechnical scientists: $104,000.Urban and Regional Planners If we're going to revitalize our cities and roads, our nation is going to rely upon urban and regional planners who have an expertise in green design. Start by earning an associate's or bachelor's degree in economics, environmental design, or political science, then consider enrolling in architecture school or a master's degree program in planning.The Obama administration plans to create an Office of Urban Policy and restore the Community Development Block Grant Program cut by the Bush administration. Workers will develop housing for low and moderate-income Americans and help with infrastructure improvement. The BLS reports that the median annual wage for an urban planner in 2007 was $57,970, with top salaries of $88,590.Special Education Teacher Even before the recent election, jobs for special education teachers received top marks by the BLS as a career field with long-term promise. These education specialists are one of the top ten jobs greatly affected by the retirement of baby boomers, with a huge hiring upside. Add in the Obama administration's call to "provide Americans with disabilities with the educational opportunities they need to succeed," and you're looking at solid prospects for a satisfying career.All states require licensing of special education teachers, and you'll increase your chances by earning a bachelor's degree with a specialization in learning disabilities. The median 2007 wages for elementary special education teachers were $48,350, with secondary teachers taking home $49,640.With advance planning, you can be at the starting gates of this exciting new career race.
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Have you considered becoming an author?Do you want to become an instant expert?The authority that booklets bring is second only to writing a full length book!Becoming an instant expert is as simple as writing a book. “But I can’t write!” “It takes too long!” “I’ve never been good at finishing anything…” These are the excuses I hear all the time. Well what if I told you that writing a book is as simple as listing what you know? What if writing a book could be as short as 16 pages? What if what you wrote could bring in thousands of dollars in a short period of time? What if your book could bring you loads of free publicity?Well I can tell you all of this and every word would be true. You don’t have to have a Ph.D to write a book. You don’t have to even have a college degree. All you need is to know a lot about one or two topics (namely your business) and you can write a book. Your book doesn’t have to be hundreds of pages long either. A simple booklet with 16 pages is just the right size to make you a published author and an expert.So what can you do with a booklet? The primary thing is to use it as a marketing tool. When you write a book or booklet you become an instant expert. Potential customers see you as the go-to person to solve their problem. A booklet puts you in the position to share what you know, give your advice, and prove that you really are the real deal.Giving your booklet as a free gift is good karma. The more you give the more you get. Your gift could result in many long term customers. The best thing is that your booklet will have a long shelf life and will be read over and over again. Your name will consistently be in the front of people’s mind which means there is the opportunity for more business down the road.If the idea of using your booklet as a marketing tool is not convincing enough, how about if it makes thousands of dollars for you? There are untapped markets out there for booklet writers. Businesses and organizations are always looking for incentives for their customers. If your business is similar to theirs or at least serves the same kind of clients, you could sell your booklet in bulk to them.There are companies in other countries that my have a similar product or service as you. They would want the booklet in their own language. Are you getting the picture? There are people, companies, and organizations that would buy your book in bulk. They may even request reprint rights, meaning they’d buy a license from you to reprint and give away or sell your booklet! There is no need to worry about losing money because you are still the author and that is just more people to learn about you and your business.The possibilities are endless. You could create mp3s, CDs, videos, and expand your booklet empire. The more you create the more money you could make. Writing booklets is a very lucrative income stream that no business owner should be without. It is very exciting isn’t it? But guess what? You have to begin writing. So pick up your pen or grab your keyboard and start writing. The world is waiting to hear what you have to say.If you feel a little intimidated by the process don’t worry. I can walk you through the process and help you get your first booklet done in less than a week. Pick up the phone and give me a call at 706-405-4549 and let’s get started!
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We have added Knits, Denim & DRAMA

Hello,I hope your year has been productive, inspiring and blessed so far. Suits has updated our site and have added new designers:Todd & OliviaDevine DenimDramaIn addition, take away sticker shock during checkout. For a limited time we have lowered our ground shipping to only $10.95!Danielle
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What is a Short Sale ?

With the mortgage industry receiving so much attention I will be doing weekly blog's answering questions that I am asked on a daily bases. This is the first in this series. Let me know your thoughts.http://shortsales-yllong.blogspot.comGod Bless!
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Mystery Host Retirement Party

Tastefully Simple'sMystery Host Retirement PartyOur Fall/Winter products will retire March 7th! This is your last chance to order your favorites... Go! Go! Asiago Dip Mix, Creamy Wild Rice Soup Mix, Artichoke & Spinach Warm Dip and Old Fashion Bread Pudding Mix, just to name a few.Click here to see what's retiring.You may be drawn as the winner of the Host Credit from this party!To participate, place an order with me betweenFebruary 23rd - March 7thbyeither emailing me @ tastefullykims@gmail.comor calling at 413.244.6713.ORDERS PLACES ONLINE THROUGH MY WEBSITEARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THIS DRAWING!You will receive one ticket for the drawing just by placing an order! Receive additional tickets with the following:Place an order between $30-$50, receive 3 additional ticket!plus 15% off before shippingPlace an order between $50-$75, receive 5 additional tickets!plus 20% off before shippingPlace an order between $75-$100, receive 7 additional tickets!plus 25% off before shippingPlace an order over $100, receive 10 additional tickets!plus 30% before shippingBook a party for March and receive 10 additional tickets!Book a party for April and receive 10 additional tickets!Book a party for May and receive 15 additional tickets!Start your own Tastefully Simple Business!What would you say if I told you that you could STILL start your own Tastefully Simple business for only ONE payment of $57, not our normal (and always affordable) three?You'd say "WOW!", that's what you'd say!And you'd probably say, "Tell me more!", so I will!Here are the basics:~Become a Consultant between now and the end of February 2009 and make your first monthly payment of $57.~Host your first party ($400 in retail sales) before March 13, 2009.~Earn a $114 Visa gift card to reimburse you for the remaining 2 monthly payments.~Instant profitability = money for YOU.Things to consider before you delete this e-mail:1. Everyone eats - we sell food.2. Our food is affordable, easy, and delicious.3. Our business is UP this year both locally and nationwide.4. Tastefully Simple doesn't lay consultants off.5. Tastefully Simple doesn't make you work when you don't want to.6. Tastefully Simple doesn't make you take a pay cut.7. Tastefully Simple doesn't cut your hours.8. Tastefully Simple gives you control over your life and your business.9. Tastefully Simple supports you and cheers you on.10. Tastefully Simple helps you sleep better at night knowing there IS a way for you to bring in extra money to help you with your household income.JUST GIVE IT A TRY!Contact me today for more information or visit my website at to join my team and start earning more moolah, gifts, free trips and more! The rewards are endless.I Reward Referrals!Please share this opportunity with someone you may know who is seeking a way to increase their income!Call your friends and family, ask your co-workers what products they need - collect as many orders as you can to earn more chances to win the Host Credit!The winner will be drawn and contacted by March 8th . You must use your host credit toward a separate order.Contact me today to order these fabulous products, and earn a chance for FREE products before they're gone!
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Sign up for our newest writing event!"Spring Challenge" We are looking for 4 writers to submit their thoughts on arguementative topics. The topics are Presidency, Economy, Media, the allowance of Gay Marriage, Abortion, Military, and Education A Writers POV wants to support its fellow authors. We are looking for 4 authors to submit one copy of their book to From A Writers POV to be picked for our book club to read. The members of our book club will be purchasing a copy of your book to read giving authors more exposure to their book and more sales.All Authors are hand-picked by From A Writers POV and only 4 authors will be chosen for this year.Check out more details here: Authors, if you have a book tour or event going on that you want exposure to for this summer, let us know! We are including a special for Book Ads with interviews for the summer months. (June, July, August). We are looking for 3 published authors, with events coming up in those months who want to advertise their event and receive an interview with a book ad. It is on a first come first serve bases!Currently this feature is $15. But we are allowing those who have events going on during the summer months to only pay $10 for advertising their event. Your Ad will be featured under our Summer Feature called "Look Whose Hot This Summer" for one full edition and added to our events section on our network. are looking for poem writers to submit their writing through our weekly features!View more info here: Updates:New Weekly Feature by Patricia Neely-DorseyNew Writing Event: "Just my luck"New Survey'sNew ArticlesBrowse through the website
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