Women (458)

"Feel like you're running on a Hamster's

wheel and getting nowhere?"

Join me for my  Power Executive Call Free....
Empowered to Manifest Your Best Year Ever!

This is my Christmas and New Year's Gift To You...

Tuesday, December 27 at 2:00 PM PST

  • Experience a powerful Visualization Exercise to help you with manifestation of your Ideal Lifestyle!

  • Essential Keys to Manifesting Your Best Year Yet!

  • Empowering Insights for a Success Mindset

  • 4 Mindset shifts essential to your Breakthrough in 2012

And More!

Click here to learn more and secure your VIP access.

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I want to ask you what do you know about the following sites – FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace, Youtube ?

While you might know the URL for the sites in question, did you know that you could use these Social sites to drive qualified leads to your business?

For small business owners running a business and making a profit is more difficult day by day. Very few business owners have enough clients. Paying for leads, advertising in the Yellow Pages, running ad’s on radio and television are all expensive, and without any guarantee of getting the results you need.

I don’t want to sound negative, but that is the reality.

Social Media Marketing is affordably, and more importantly it is guaranteed to work. We are a local business who specialise in delivering results for small businesses in the Sacramento area and Globally via the internet.

Social Media Marketing is really a very simple concept. 

The fact that you have heard about FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace and Youtube should give you some confidence, because your customers have too. They use their computers just about every day – so getting your message in front of them is not going to take long.

Want to discover how to get results and increase profits using Social Media? Don’t miss my 2 Part Tele-training! Go here to register for my Social Media Training. It’s absolutely free to you this time.


Empowering you!


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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Could your mindset be holding you back from realized Social Media Success?

Any level of Woman Entrepreneur Empowerment requires continued personal, spiritual and business development endeavors.

Social media is playing a BIG role in business development. Believe or not your mindset also plays a BIG role in weather you are successful or not successful.

Your mind is a powerful thing and although there are many contributing factors the wrong mindset can hold you back from realizing the results you desire.

Here are three mindsets that will stop you every time.

1. Scarcity mindset. When you operate from a mindset of scarcity you see everything from a perspective of lack. You may resist trying to learn new tactics or even attempt to apply what you’ve learned because you feel there are already so many people out there in your field so why try? Truth be told there are many individuals out there who need your expertise and are waiting for you to step up and out so that they can resolve some of their problems with your solutions, however, how will they know if you never get out there. Also you may choose not to invest in additional resources that will empower your results but your scarcity mindset kicks in again causing you to hold on to every penny because there may not be enough for something else.

2. Inferiority mindset
Here you always size yourself up with others who are miles ahead of you. Stop! When you do this you will end up giving up and this is fuel for low self esteem. Instead tap into your brilliance. What makes you unique? What are you bringing to the table that gives you a competitive edge? It’s important that you take the time to discover this. Once you are clear on the value that you offer you will no longer practice the activity of comparison,however, you will arise and shine for all the world to see!

3. It’s too late for me mindset
Sure things may not have happened the way you want them to happen, however, as long as you have breath in your body there’s hope. Take inventory of why things are not working. Don’t be a victim of time. There are many who started in there latter years and actually realized more in their latter years than their earlier years. Spend your time discovering new ideas, strategies and resources. Determine who it is you are here to serve. Develop an appropriate brand and make sure you have an online visibility plan that works.
Where are you in your Social Media Marketing endeavors? Do you recognize yourself in any of the mindsets mentioned? There are many more. Take inventory of some of the negative chatter that happens when you attempt to move forward with Social Media.

Effectively using Social Media can dramatically increase your visibility, bottom line and position you as an authority in your industry.

I’d like to offer you an opportunity to do something positively different to POWER up your
Social Media endeavors.

You’re invited to join me for my 2 part Social Media Tele-series. Get Results, Profits using Social Media. I’ll be sharing insights specifically towards Facebook and Twitter. 


Click here to secure your seat now for this empowering Tele-class for your Social Media Empowerment now!


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Do you feel called to be the Queen over your Life and/or


Read on to discover empowering insights about the Queenly
Proverbs Woman.

How close have you looked at the Proverbs 31 Woman? What I’m going to share with you about this dynamic woman is  something
different from what so many teach on – the stereotyped housewife occupied with
dirty dishes and laundry, her daily life dictated by the demands of her husband
and her children. Nor do we find a hardened, overly ambitious career woman who
leaves her family to take care of themselves. And now lining it up with today’s
independent woman we don’t find her so independent that she doesn’t consider
the wisdom of God.

If you look closely you’ll find a strong,
dignified, multi-talented, caring woman who is an individual in her own right.
This woman has money to invest, servants to look after and real estate to
manage. She is her husband’s partner, her children’s’ nurturer and teacher, and
she is completely trusted with the responsibility for the family’s lands,
property and goods.

She has acquired the business skills to buy and
sell in the market, along with the heartfelt sensitivity and compassion to care
for and fulfill the needs of people who are less fortunate. She is not one to walk away from challenges of life but with pleasure and
vigor she tackles the challenges each day brings. Her husband and children love
and respect her for her kind, generous and caring nature. Women look to her as a leader to follow and respect. A woman of integrity and great character.

Her success is obvious. The key to her
successful path is even more obvious.

Regardless of her responsibilities which causes her to wear many hats, first
and foremost, she looks to God. Her primary concern is God’s will in her life.
She is a woman after God’s own heart. 

Okay that’s all good Robin for the Wives and Mothers, however,
what about those of us who Mother other’s children but are not wives or
biological Mothers? Is this just a guide for Moms and Wives?

Being a mother or wive is not a prerequisite learning a lesson about
your business or life from this awesome woman of God. It’s not necessary that
you run your own company either.  There is something to be learned by every woman from this
Queenly Proverbs Woman.

Here are a few virtues that make up the
Queenly Proverbs woman and make her successful in life and business.

1. Faith – A  Queenly Proverbs woman is committed to
and serves God with all of her heart, mind, and soul. She seeks His will for
her life and not only that she follows His ways. (Proverbs 31: 26, Proverbs 31:
29 – 31, Matthew 22: 37, John 14: 15, Psalm 119: 15

2. Marriage – A Queenly
Proverbs Woman respects her husband. She does him good all the days of her
life. She is trustworthy and a helpmeet. She is a helpmeet and has wisdom that
aids in being a helpmeet for her husband. She is not a busy body tending to
others homes and neglecting her own. (Proverbs 31: 11- 12, Proverbs 31: 23,
Proverbs 31: 28, 1 Peter 3, Ephesians 5, Genesis2: 18)

 Motherhood – A Queenly Woman
teaches her children the ways of her Father in heaven. She nurtures her
children with the love of Christ, disciplines them with care and wisdom, and
trains them in the way they should go. (Proverbs 31: 28, Proverbs 31: 26,
Proverbs 22: 6, Deuteronomy 6, Luke 18: 16)

4. Health – A Queenly
Proverbs Woman adheres to the scripture that states her body is the temple of
Holy Spirit and cares for her body. She prepares healthy food for her family
and herself. (Proverbs 31: 14 – 15, Proverbs 31: 17, 1 Corinthians 6: 19,
Genesis 1: 29, Daniel 1, Leviticus 11)

31: 16, Proverbs 31: 24, Proverbs 31: 31, Philippians 2: 14)

These are just a few of the virtues of a Queenly Proverbs Woman. I
will be sharing more in my presentation during The Queen’s Court Success System
2.0 scheduled to launch this Thursday and beginning in January 2012. For now you
don’t to miss my next call.

Register here for “Awaken The Queen in you and activate your Fabulousness!”

Although I’d love to have you on the call live with other Dynamic Queens and I
the VIP notice of the Teaching audio replay will be made a vailable to all

I’m also giving away 15 Snapshots of a Mighty woman of God Audio
CD’s Where I highlight Queen Esther and Rahab, share characteristics of a
Mighty Woman of God, Hindrances to becoming a Mighty Woman of God, and share a
closing power prayer with all who are listening. All you need to do to qualify
is be a registrant. I will also give away a few more Royal Treats. Join me and
tell your Queen Sisters.

 Here’s to L.I.F.E. as a Queenly Proverbs Woman. Living In Faith Everyday!

Be sure to get your Fabulous self to my Royal Event. 


Master Coach Queen Robin

P.S. There’s never been a better time to unleash the Healthy,
Wealthy, Empowered and Royally Authentic You! Arise Queen. Be the Queen over
your Life and Business!

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Robin Tramble Offers a Fre.e Teleseminar to teach Women How to Rise above Emotions and Reign as Queen over their Life and Business for realized Empowering Success.


December 7, 2011 – I’m not good enough. I don’t have enough. Help I can’t stay focused in the midst of distractions. How do I get past the fear. I’m a new coach and I’m having a hard time getting started due to a lack of confidence. Can you resonate with any of these? Maybe yours is more about not having the knowledge to market your business/ministry or you're overwhelmed and stressed out over all of the things you need to do to realize empowering success.


“If you’re going to Reign as Queen over your Life and Business you must rise above your emotions.” Says Master Queen Coach Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva.


Professional Authentic Life and Biz Empowerment Coach/Mentor/Trainer and Certified Social Media Campaign Specialist Robin Tramble responds, I’ve had many obstacles that tried to impede my progress. There’s been crisis such as our daughter losing her vision to which we were empowered even through this as we supported her and she did regain her sight. I haven’t always been the empowered, bold, courageous and authentic Empowerment Diva that I am today. I struggled with many disempowering behaviors, fear of rejection, success, a negative mindset and more. As I always say Empowerment is a choice. Yours! I chose to finally become free and I embraced the process.


I did it and continue to do it and YOU can too!


Robin is offering a FRE.E Teleseminar called, Discover little known secrets to Awakening the Queen in You and Moving Away Things That Are Holding You Back So You Can Activate Your Fabulousness NOW. Become Queen of your life and business for realized empowering success, Thursday, December 8 at 1:00 pm PST and the following week to share her insights. http://bit.ly/awakenqueeninyou


A Glimpse of what Robin will share:


* How to Rise Above Your Emotions To Reign As Queen Over Your Life and Business.


* How you can step out and take any endeavor, project or role with realized unshakable confidence.


* Surefire tips for staying focused


* The Power of the 80/20 Rule and how it applies to Time Management and Business


* Two essential keys to success (answers one of the questions submitted with regard to consistency)

And More.



For more information and to register visit







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Attention: Spiritually Minded Women Coaches, Consultants, Authors, Solopreneurs, Ministry Leaders, Women Entrepreneurs, WAHM, WAHW and aspiring.
“Jump Start Your Online/Offline Sales and Profits in 30 Days without spending BIG Money!”

Do you long for more prospects clients and customers but are overwhelmed and/or don’t know where to begin?


Have a book or aspire to publish your book but are stuck as to the marketing tactics to use to expose it to the masses for increased sales?

Maybe you start off with a bang only to end with a fizz due to disempowering behaviors and habits?

We are coming into the last month of 2011…. BUT Wait! Before you dare speak about wrapping up the year NOW is not the time to snooze.



From: Coach/Mentor Entrepreneur Robin Tramble, Elk Grove, CA
To: Spiritually Minded Women Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, WAHW, WAHM, Authors and Online Marketers


There are so many things that make up the system for your attracting and getting clients, customers and prospects and I see many who don’t even have the basic foundation which is a list building strategy.


If you really want to know how to attract, get and retain prospects, clients and customers, whether you’re an author, coach, consultant, woman entrepreneur, speaker or aspiring you need to learn how to do this effectively.


This is not just something left to the Guru’s this is something that you can learn and apply.

I did it and you can too! I’ve invested thousands in the knowledge that I have and of course I’ve sought out God’s wisdom because “Wisdom tells Knowledge what to do!”

Are you going to continue hopin’ and a wishin’ or step up and out in Faith to manifest your desired results? Will you continue watching as others succeed, twiddling your thumbs and having a pity party or will you finally get up and take targeted, strategic and focused action.

I’m taking away the excuse that you can’t afford it. Here’s a little word of advice “remove the words I can’t afford it from your talk.” Replace it with something more affirming and positive. Your subconscious mind moves on your thoughts, actions and what you speak.

This special is such an incredible of.fer you’d have to really try very hard to ignore it.
Besides, God’s gift to you is life and what you do with it is your Gift to Him. Now is not the time to wrap up the year or embrace a scarcity mindset. I believe that we should maximize life everyday!

This is where you can separate the successful from the wanna bes or those living in the woulda, coulda, shoulda zone.

I’m writing you to let you in on a very special opportunity for you to upgrade your business.

Stop the overwhelm, frustration, lack of confidence, fear and more!

Say yes to more Sales and Profits!




Click here to learn more here


I have a very special offer for Fast Action Taking Decisive Women.



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When you look at your life, you may be miles away from your goals and dreams – so far you wonder if you’ll ever get there. This gap can be especially frustrating when you feel like you’re working hard to move forward.

For Immediate Release

October 10, 2011 Unfortunately, just “working hard” doesn’t assure success. There are a lot of other elements and factors that determine how far you go and how close we come to achieving the life you imagine.

Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva is doing something about the many Spiritually minded women, aspiring, new and enterprising women entrepreneurs who are not realizing the results they desire. She is doing this via her FREE Teleseries. The next call is Revealed: Top 5 reasons you’re not where you want to be – YET!

Robin emphasis YET because it’s not a doom and gloom message. “You may
not be where you want to be, however, as long as there’s breath in your body
you can do something about it.” Says Robin

You'll leave this call with a new found passion to get on the path to your Divine
Destiny and to finally be free to pursue your ideal lifestyle.

For you spiritually minded aspiring, new and enterprising Women Entrepreneurs Robin wants you to know that building a successful business is not just talking about marketing, traffic, list building etc.
“There's also much to be said about the mindset "inner game" that is sabotaging your empowering success. As I stated before it's about self discipline during my last Tele-class.” Says Robin Tramble

Some of what will be covered in this power-packed Tele-class includes:

•Sure-fire ways to jump start your life and biz
• Avoidable excuses you're making that are hindering your empowering
• Top 5 reasons you are not where you should be - YET!
• What you can do to finally play a BIGGER game and manifest your ideal
lifestyle "authentically!"
• And more!

During this Tele-series you'll be empowered to Get and Stay Focused, Make BIG Changes and Get Results Faster which will ultimately reveal the healthier,
wealthier, empowered, focused, joyful and Authentic you!
If you’re ready to end 2011 strong and kick-start your year with a BANG you don’t want to miss this FREE Tele-class.

You can register for the call herehttp://bit.ly/90daysofempowermentinfo


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About Robin Tramble
Robin Tramble works with Spiritually minded women and woman entrepreneurs who want to discover their authentic self so they can make big changes or achieve some big results but are struggling to make it happen fast enough. She helps them get unstuck, create achieve the results that they want faster than ever before.

Robin is CEO and Founder of Robin Tramble International, President and
Founder of The Christian Women Entrepreneurs Network. She’s a Professional “Authentic LIfe” and Biz Empowerment Mentor, Trainer, Coach and Public Speaker to the nations. Robin is also known as Empowerment Diva because she has carved out a niche in the area of empowerment. She recently shared her empowerment tips on Good Day Sacramento as “Empowerment Diva” and was named 1 of 25 urban Entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Brand maker News. Robin is also an accomplished keyboardist, singer and songwriter and plans to incorporate her musical gifts with her resources for women’s empowering personal development.

                                                                    — end —

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3 Keys to avoiding Burn out


Are you looking for ways to increase your productivity? This is an area that I spend a lot of time in my endeavor to follow my passion which is empowering women and woman entrepreneurs.

There is very little that can cause a decrease in productivity as easily as burnout. While you may be tempted to believe that putting every waking moment into working on your job or building your business is a good way to get things done, there is an additional factor which you may not have considered. When you figuratively take your work home with you or never officially close business you can increase your risk of burnout and get much less accomplished in the long-run.

In this scenario you are not just doing work during your free time you are actually keeping your work on your mind during your free hours. When you are at home, or somewhere else other than in your workplace, you can easily burn yourself out by keeping it as your main focus.





Key #1
When work is done or business is done at home have an official shut down of your work, of your business.

It may go something like this. At work outside of the home close the door to the office, get in your car, turn on some music that actually allows you to transition from work to home.

Home business
Hopefully you have a place that’s designated as your home office. Shut the computer down whether that’s to put it on sleep or standby. Move away from the computer. If it’s in a office with a door, close the door. Put on some music that will also allow you to make the transition from work to home.

This sounds simple, however, you’d be surprised at how beneficial it is to making the transition from work to home. If you need to go back then consider it extra work and not stringing along your work hours throughout the day.

Key #2

Leave work thoughts at work

During your off-hours, you may put a lot of time into thinking about your job. You may worry about whether you will get something done on time, or the overall quality of your work. This can lead you to become overly stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed. You may become more fatigued by your work when you are thinking about it and worrying about it than when you are actually doing your job.

Instead of stressing yourself out over whatever you need to accomplish the next day, or how much progress you are making with something you are working on, try learning how to leave those thoughts and concerns at your place of business.

Key #3

Cultivate positive habits

When you have free time, develop some positive habits. Learning how to relax, to participate in healthy recreation, and giving both your time and focus to your friends and family will all reduce your risk of burnout. When you have begun to develop these habits, it will not take long for you to see the results. You will start each new work day feeling physically, emotionally, and mentally refreshed. You will have more to give to your job when you are refreshed. You will be more motivated, more energetic, and more productive.

And you know I like to over deliver so here’s a bonus key

Bonus Key #4

Saturate everything with Prayer

Begin your day with prayer. You can never go wrong by staying close to the master planner. You’ll gain clarity of vision and peace will be imparted. Wisdom will also be given to those that ask. James 1:5

You can also meditate on God’s word through out the day and most definitely close your day with prayer.

Prayer will also help you to be less irritable and those things that would really get to you will seem to bounce off.

What will you use from this article? Take at least one thing and begin to apply it to your daily routine. If you need additional support in getting it done and making it happen I want to give you a special incentive Secure your place here in my FREE Tele-Class “Tap into insider secrets : Get it Done – Make it Happen!” This is the preview call to my 90 Days of Empowerment and Focus Coaching Program. You’ll receive access to my coaching, guidance, tools, resources, templates and more. End 2011 strong and kick-start 2012 with a BANG! Get focused, Make Big Changes and get results Faster! If you know you’re ready and need to do something positively different right now and don’t have time to wait. Go here to enroll in 90 Days of Empowerment and Focus Coaching program today!




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Self-discipline is an essential factor for productivity and success. Without it, one becomes lazy, unmotivated, and dependent upon others. Lack of self-discipline also makes for a difficult-to-deal-with employee, boss, or coworker.

Exercising self-discipline means, in an old-fashioned term, setting yourself to a task. You need to know what must be done, when it must be done– and do it. Good self-discipline includes a basic schedule, or framework, of what needs to be accomplished within a specific period of time. You do not allow yourself to become sidetracked, or to procrastinate.

However, being too rigid with self-discipline does not increase productivity. It can even lessen it. If you do not allow yourself any breaks throughout the workday, or any room for error at all, the expectations you are placing on yourself are too rigid. Instead of getting more done, or doing more in a shorter period of time, it can cause you to become frustrated with your tasks and your job.

If you learned self-discipline early in life, you probably do not have any difficulty with it now. On the other hand, if your schooling years and family life were too rigid, or if little was expected of you, this is a good time to develop the habit. You may have managed to slide through your early years without a good sense of self-discipline, but it will be a stumbling-block to your career.

A good way to start cultivating self-discipline is

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What do you want? No I mean what do you really, really want? If you knew you could not fail and money was not an issue what would you really want?

What does your ideal lifestyle look like?

These are some very good questions that actually as I’m passionately empowering women many who are in a consultation or coaching with me are stunned by and they have to think just a bit. We should all have the answers to these questions.

I did a Tele-class on Top 5 reasons you are not where you want to be – YET! One of the Top 5 included “You Don’t really want what you think you want.”

Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.

Thomas Jefferson

Everyone wants to run their own business and be their own boss…. right?
Everyone wants a vacation home in the mountains… right?
Everyone wants 2.4 kids and the white picket fence…. right?


When it comes to dreams, one size most definitely does NOT fit all. Our dreams and goals are as individual as we are, and adopting someone else’s goals as our own can feel like wearing someone else’s shoes: It looks okay to everyone else, but to us, it feels awful and gives us blisters.

There are thousands, if not millions, of people out there striving for the wrong goals. Wrong not because there’s anything inherently bad about them, but wrong because the goals they’re aiming for are wrong for THEM. So as I persevere in my endeavor to empower women I must remain authentic and help you discover your authentic self for your realized empowering success.

There’s the law student that is very gifted in music and enjoys her classes in school leading up to the profession of a lawyer who would never give an extra thought to setting that aside for pursuing her career in music because both of her parents are Lawyers.

There’s the successful saleswoman who would really love to chuck it all and teach English, but she’s making too much money and only a crazy person would throw away a six-figure paycheck.

There are many frustrated individuals out there “believe it or not ” Frustration knows no geographic, socioeconomic, or race or religious boundaries.

The only way to know if the goals you’re aiming for are the right goals is to figure out if they are your heart’s desire. Sometimes it takes some detective work to peel back the layers of societal and family expectations to get at what YOU really want.

There are clues all around you: If you fall asleep dreaming about something, wake up thinking about something, and find yourself perking up whenever you meet someone doing what you’d like to do, you’re on the right track. Meanwhile, if you get a sinking sensation when you pull into the garage of house with the white picket fence, or find yourself calling in sick to that six-figure job “everyone” would kill to have, then you may be in the wrong place… for you.

So what do you do if you find you’ve been chasing after the wrong dream? If you find that you’re not on track to your destiny. You readjust. You discover what your vision is, your purpose in life. You reignite your passion. You connect with someone who can be an accountability partner, who is not biased and can offer expertise in the area you are seeking to move forward in. Even if they don’t have the specific expertise in that area but have the life skills you need to help you discover your authentic self, get unstuck, get focused, make BIG changes and get results that will put you miles ahead of where you’ve been for the last 1 to 5, 5 to 10 years or more!

You find ways to move your current life closer to the one you really long for. Maybe that means getting up an hour early to work on your novel. Maybe it means spending your weekends teaching art to inner city kids. Maybe it researching organizations that may need your expertise and would like you to share with their members. Take a small step and see how it feels. Then take another, and another, until you know deep in your heart you’re on the right track. If you are, the momentum will carry you forward.

You’ll be closer to where you want to be. The Authentic you that is.

Are you ready to say yes to the healthier, wealthier, empowered, focused, joyful, and Authentic you?

I invite you to request your free access to 4 more reasons you’re not where you want to be – YET! Request access to my Top 5 reasons you’re not where you want to be YET empowering Training Audio. Go there now!

This is also part of my preview Tele-series “Get it Done. Make it Happen!” A preview of my phenomenal 90 Days of Empowerment and Focus Coaching Program. If you’re tired of the overwhelm, stress, lack of productivity, playing small and more learn more and secure 1 of 10 spaces for gold and 1 of 15 for Silver.http://bit.ly/90daysregister


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Women Entrepreneurs returning back to work?
by ShaChena Gibbs

Many women entrepreneurs work full time from home building their enterprise. We become solely dependent on the income we have been generating from our entrepreneurial endeavors to pay our bills, to maintain personal and professional expenses. Most of the time your business success can actually achieve this task. But what happens when you hit a slow season? How are you going to maintain? or maybe business is going well, you just need more money a lil sooner?

Have you thought about returning back to the work force? back to Corporate America? Many women entrepreneurs have taken that step. A few of my friends have and they set goals to resign after accomplishing their financial reward within 90 to 120 days or even 12 months.

What's stopping you from going back to the work force? Are you telling yourself, it would be embarrassing to tell your friends and family? You may believe they will laugh and say to you that your business must have failed? Because they tried to talk you out of it in the first place. Don't let this be the reason you struggle to get your business and personal finances off the ground or to the next level.

There are many reasons we can talk ourselves out of going back to work. However, if this is a step you need to make then go right ahead and handle your business. You know what is right for you and your family. Sometime we are the bread winners in the household and must make difficult decisions such as going back to work. Or we need to add to the current income coming in. Either way do not let your perception of what others may say discourage your decision.

Going back to work does not mean your business is failing all the time. You must be a leader and make a choice that you feel is the right one. If you decide to go back to work, set a time goal. It could be 90 days, 120, or 12 months as said above. Just set a goal and stick to it. Getting a financial adviser is strongly recommended. They can be beneficial with assisting you in accomplishing your financial goals.

As entrepreneurs we have to get out our own way. We must make do things we don't want to do and at times we don't want to do them in order to achieve SUCCESS!


Entrepreneur, mentor, and Small Business Educator, ShaChena Gibbs is helping women across the US with starting a successful business from home. ShaChena Gibbs is the Founder of Real Sisters Rising, LLC an award winning National Organization for Women Entrepreneurs. http://www.realsistersrising.com

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Image Courtesy of Fotolia

If you are a woman in business, you need to incorporate online videos into your social media marketing strategy. By doing so, increases brand awareness and creates viewer action leading to more inquiries and sales. In fact, according to Online Video Marketing Statistics, adding video to small business profiles:

  • Increases number of business profile views more than 100%
  • Increases number of profile clicks more than 30%
  • Increases number of calls generated by more than 18%


For the past several months, I’ve had creating a welcome video for my blog and online community on my ‘to do’ list but have avoided it like the plague. Why? Well, just the sheer thought of having a video of myself floating out there in cyber space is nerving. After reading such staggering statistics on the importance of video marketing to small businesses… AND knowing that Google loves VIDEOS, that is, Forrester Research has reported that websites with video are 50 times more likely to gain an organic first page ranking, I realized that it’s time to stop procrastinating and get down to the business of video marketing.

While researching, I found several inexpensive ways to create professional videos and handy tools to help you in the process:  read more...

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Top 40 Women Motivators on Social Media

By ShaChena Gibbs


Social Media has become the daily place to get motivated. Whether it’s professional motivation, spiritual motivation, or personal motivation, you can log into your favorite social community and you will get just what you ask for. My favorite places are Twitter and Facebook.

There are so many phenomenal women who share tips and quotes that help me get my day started. Sometime those words I read help me when I have those moments of “PAUSE” and get me right back on “PLAY” mode. I want to say Thank you to these awesome women. Although many of these dynamic women I do not know personally the all encourage and inspire their communities and myself.

  1. Robin Ransom ~ Robin Ransom Enterprise, Speaker & Coach

Facebook: Discover Your Dreams w/ Robin Ransom

  1. Bonique Harris ~ Mindmapper, Speaker & CEO

Facebook: The Entrepreneur’s Roundtable Group

  1. Andrea Cleveland ~ Tru Transformation Coaching, LLC

Facebook: Powerfully Positive: Power Players Club

  1. Geneva Farrow ~ Founder, Executive Director & Speaker

Facebook: A Young Mother’s D.R.E.A.M

  1. Lissette Torres ~ Go Small Biz Solutions, Ind. Associate

Facebook: Lissette Torres

  1. Amina Carter ~ Life Coach & Workshop Facilitator

Facebook: WomenSphere by Amina

  1. Tanai Coleman ~ Editor in Chief & Workshop Facilitator

Facebook: Money Mastery Magazine

  1. Oneka Bady ~ Administrative Manager

Facebook: Right Hand Mrs.

  1. Eula Guest ~ Co Founder, Consultant, & Marketer

Facebook: Griots Roll Film Production & Services, Inc.

  1. Danielle Moore ~ Executive Director

Facebook: SheRo Project

  1. Lucinda Cross ~ Speaker, Author, CEO

Facebook: Corporate Mom Dropout

  1. Kiwan Fitch ~ The Kiwan N. Fitch, LLC, Founder & Author

Facebook: Confessions of a Welfare Mom

  1. Reverand Carmen ~ Executive Director

Facebook: NYC LGBT Chamber of Commerce

  1. Nika Stewart ~ Laptop Mom

Twitter: Laptop Mom Club

  1. Deb Bixler ~ Motivational Speaker

Facebook: Cash Flow Show

  1. Tamyka Washington ~ Small Business Coach & Mentor

Twitter: The CEOMamma Network

  1. Walethia Aquil ~ Image & Etiquette Coach

Facebook: Grace & Charm

  1. Lashanda Henry ~ Small Business Coach

Facebook: Black Business Women Online

  1. Ali Brown ~ Ali International, Inc, Mentor to Women

Facebook: Ali Brown

  1. Ingrid Elver ~ A List Celebrity Consultant

Twitter: Born Celebrity

  1. Pam Perry ~ PR Coach & Social Media Strategist

Facebook: Social Media PR Solutions

  1. Cheryl Wood ~ Founder & CEO

Facebook: Cheryl Wood

  1. Melanie Bonita ~ Author

Facebook: Daily Dose of Motivation

  1. Fabienne Fredrickson ~ Mentor

Facebook: Client Attraction

  1. Kimberly Jesse Bowles ~ Celebrity Branding & Marketing Coach

Facebook: Kimpire World

  1. Shonna Hassett ~ Executive Director & Coach

Facebook: The Center for Counseling & Holistic Services


  1. Therese Kelly ~ Business Growth Coach and Mindset Mentor

Facebook: Happy in Business Marketing & Mindset

  1. Terri Clay ~ Speaker, Author, Coach, & Radio Host

Facebook: Learn how to Market

  1. Bernadette M. Johnson Hairl ~ President

Facebook: By The Book Accounting, Inc.

  1. Rachel Berry ~ Author

Facebook: The Vow Network

  1. Shalonda Williams ~ Life Coach & Speaker

Facebook: Shalonda Williams, Coach Treasures

  1. Katrina Harrell ~ Coach, CEO, & Author

Facebook: Your Simple Bookkeeper

  1. Stacie NC Grant ~ Speaker, Author, Radio Host & Coach

Facebook: Stacie NC Grant, Empowerment Strategist

  1. Rhonda Cort ~ Mentor

Twitter: Magnetic Mojo

  1. Kim Sudderth ~ Angel Power Holdings, LLC, Mentor

Facebook: Kim Sudderth

  1. Kim E. Underwood ~ Minister

Facebook: Morning Glory Show

  1. Sanya Hudson ~ Author

Facebook: Sanya Hudson

  1. Malika Anderson ~ Founder

Facebook: Real Woman’s Guide

  1. Carol Sanker ~ Author, Coach, & CEO

Twitter: Carol Sanker Enterprises

  1. Kari Day & Stephanie Page ~ Mentors

Facebook: Allied Women in Business

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Real Sisters Rising, LLC
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Entrepreneur, mentor, and Small Business Educator, ShaChena Gibbs is helping women across the US with starting a successful business from home. ShaChena Gibbs is the Founder of Real Sisters Rising, LLC an award winning National Organization for Women Entrepreneurs. http://www.realsistersrising.com
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Going nowhere fast - Photo credit: Gary Kaemmer



Early on in my business, I was a human tornado (in some ways I still am, but much more strategic and controlled now), I was so excited about my business and the impact it would make on people that I constantly was doing "something" every single day to bring awareness to my business and why it is so "awesome".  

It became very clear to me once I found myself worn-out, exhausted stretched but not any more profitable when I began, that there is a difference between  "BUSY-ACTIVITY" and "BUSY PROFIT-GENERATING Activity"

BUSY-WORK-ACTIVITY is what alot of business people do in the very beginning or it's an easy trap to fall into at some point in the first 5 years or so of being self-employed. It's when you realize the excitement of your business but underestimated how much work it would take to truly promote, advertise and market your products and services. True there takes time for momentum to build in your business so every business has to be in a state of alot activity that may not product immediate return but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about creating so much activity that it never reaps any return in the long run.

Common examples of "BUSY-WORK-ACTIVITY":

  • Not treating social media time the same as face-to-face networking (you wouldn't linger at a networking event for hours and hours would you?)
  • Checking and responding to every single e-mail as soon as you receive it instead of carving out time to check those that resort in new profit opportunities (I'm still at times guilty of this)
  • Checking email and voice mails as soon as you wake up in the morning, before you have breakfast or
  • Your networks are based on your personal needs and not the needs of your business
  • You spend a ton of time each month on tasks that can be delegated to someone else while you focus on generating new revenue streams (I'm talking about your EP-Entrepreneur Personality)
  • Spending TOO much time researching and networking - there comes a time when the next step simply just needs to be ACTION!
  • and I could go on...

But I think you get my point,

Do any of these seem familiar? Where do you fall? What should you do next?

1. Follow my D.E.T.O.X steps to gain new clarity. Learn to get rid of the unnecessary noise and gain new focus for yourself and business.

2. Don't fall into a Love affair with your business. Meaning it's easy to get so infatuated with the new found attention or too pulled into the power of networking that you essentially loose focus on your main goal of your business. It's always best to build quietly. You don't need ALL the attention right away especially if you are doing the business alone.


Click here for the other 3 steps to help you get clarity in your business now.


Katrina M. Harrell is author of "Embrace.Your.Journey.: 180 Day Journey to Unlocking Your Wisdom, R... (The Sum of Her Publishing, 2011). President of the KM Harrell Group, LLC a Strategic Business Development & Management firm supporting minority and women-owned businesses. She is the creator of the "Under the Hood" Business Mastermind Group which is helping business owners get actionable and profitable business strategies. Her firm’sconsulting services have helped many minority and women owned businesses establish foundational structures and exit strategies within their businesses that have aided them in selling for profit or obtaining investor funding. Passionate about entrepreneurship education, Katrina’s insight and expertise is highly sought after both online and off. She is also founding CEO for Your Simple Bookkeeper, outsourced national bookkeeping company for micro and small business.


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Do you want more Profit for your business? Want more qualified leads? Social Media Marketing is the answer!



I want to ask you what do you know about the following sites – FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace, Youtube ?

While you might know the URL for the sites in question, did you know that you could use these Social sites to drive qualified leads to your business?


For small business owners running a business and making a profit is more difficult day by day. Very few business owners have enough clients. Paying for leads, advertising in the Yellow Pages, running ad’s on radio and television are all expensive, and without any guarantee of getting the results you need.


I don’t want to sound negative, but that is the reality.


Social Media Marketing is affordably, and more importantly it is guaranteed to work. We are a local business who specialise in delivering results for small businesses in the Sacramento area and Globally via the internet.


Social Media Marketing is really a very simple concept. Our small team uses the most powerful software available to make sure that your message is delivered to exactly the right target audience.


The fact that you have heard about FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace and Youtube should give you some confidence, because your customers have too. They use their computers just about every day – so getting your message in front of them is not going to take long.


We can adapt our campaigns to suit your budget. Give us a try, we guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Please feel free to contact us at aboutworldwidevisibility@gmail.com


I look forward to speaking with you.


Empowering you!


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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Women today are more stressed and pressed than our mothers and grandmothers ever were. We are wives, mothers, businesswomen, students, grandmothers, employees, etc. Unfortunately, because of the many roles we play, women are dying of strokes and heart attacks in record numbers. Even the statistics for suicide among women is unusually high. So, how can we, women of the 21st Century, manage our many roles and health? Here is one strategy that was created with you, your life and your budget in mind.


The Three M’s: Massage, Manicure & Make-over

Massage: What better way to end your week or start it than with a massage? Thirty minutes of peace & tranquility; who could ask for more? A massage can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on two variables: the type of massage you elect to have and your budget.


The full body (my favorite), the Swedish, hot stone, reflexology and a plethora of other kinds of massages were designed to de-stress, relax and exfoliate the body. But be careful with this “M” because a massage can be expensive, hence the second variable. Check on prices from local salons; ask for references, check out the establishment’s décor (one must feel comfortable in a place where they are about to be semi-naked for an hour) and staff friendliness. Speaking of staff friendliness, you will need to look deep within yourself to ascertain your level of comfort with having a masseuse who is either the same sex or the opposite. Account for all of this when budgeting for the massage. I suggest going once a month or every other month as this bill can add up depending on the type of service you purchase.


Now, when you set your appointment ladies, do not, I repeat, do not let anyone in your family know where you are going. The whole objective of this particular “M” is to get away and have time for you to reconnect with yourself. We take care of everyone else every day. The massage is an hour made just for you. You can’t relax if your kids, husband or the office keeps blowing up your cell phone. Turn it off, bury it beneath your pile of clothes and escape to Fantasy Island. My masseuse, Olivia at http://openhandsmassagecare.com/ in Richmond, VA, is my ultimate guide to massage heaven, and she makes sure that no one interrupts my moment of bliss.


Manicure: Your nails and hands are your first impression, especially in business. There’s nothing worse than going to shake someone’s hands and their nails are chipped or broken, or worse, dirty. What does this say about their character? If they can’t keep themselves well-kept, how then can they take care of your business? Keep your nails groomed at all times, but more importantly, there’s nothing that can compare to how good you feel when your hands and toes look pretty. Find a nail technician whom you can trust to take care of your nails. My nail tech, Kim, of Beauty Nails in Midlothian, VA, is wonderful; I have been a client since 2006 because she knows the business of nail care, and the constant compliments I receive about my nails is proof of her work. So, find an expert nail tech and keep those first impressions clean, polished and perfect. Remember, though, you must budget for this two times a month, if possible.


Make-Over: I am not talking about a make-up or wardrobe make-over, but a spiritual/physical/mental make-over. Positive thinking begets positive experiences. We must not only learn to surround ourselves with positive people, but create for ourselves affirmations and self-declarations that uplift us. My friend and beauty expert, Susie Galvez (http://www.susiegalvez.com/), insists that the first thing a woman should do upon waking up is to stand in front of the mirror and say confidently to yourself, “Hello, beautiful!” Why? Because if you don’t believe that you are beautiful, no one else will.


Okay! I know it’s difficult to do this with most of our schedules, but we must find the time to workout (see Walking), whether it be in the am or pm (whatever works best for you). If you can, find a personal trainer. They can be expensive, so see if you can barter services. For example, I approached a local fitness trainer about working with me, but I could not afford his services. So, I offered him a deal; ‘you train me and I will give you a health and fitness column in my magazine.’ He accepted. Free PR wins every time.


Read one book a month that teaches you something new about yourself, life, politics, etc. If you are a fan of fiction, read non-fiction (ex. finances, autobiographies, self-help books). If you love non-fiction, read fiction. I love mystery/suspense novels, so let me recommend my favorite author, Jane Evanovich. Her “Stephanie Plum” series makes me laugh so hard, I get a headache (http://www.evanovich.com/). Try reading poetry or writing some. This will definitely stretch your imagination.


Want to read more about how to take care of yourself inside and out? You can find this entire article at http://ezinearticles.com/?Taking-Care-of-Self-Inside-and-Out&id=963371. Read more of my articles at my blog, http://rebekahpierce.wordpress.com.



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Collaboration Creates Publicity

According to the Business Dictionary, collaboration is a cooperative arrangement in which two or more parties (which may or may not have any previous relationship) work jointly towards a common goal. 

As a veteran journalist and media trainer, I clearly understand how collaborating with others can generate lots of publicity—especially if you team up with folks who love to promote what they do.  In his post, 8 Ways to Promote Your Work Through Internet Collaboration, Alex Mathers offers some great tips on how you can team up draw more attention to a particular project or event. 

One of the tips offered by Alex is Working with Others on Collaborated Projects.  Alex says,  ”Pooling skill and talent in this way will lead to high quality projects that will greatly boost the value of your personal portfolio and support your self-marketing efforts.”  He also suggests that you team up with someone who is well known so that you can piggy-back’ on their success and promote via the contacts they have as well.

That's what LaShandra Henry has done for her upcoming SistaSense Power Circle TeleSummit.  On July 29-30, LaShandra is going to show you how collaboration really works.  Take it from someone who knows---and someone who thrives on doing it!

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For Spiritually Empowered Female Entrepreneurs!


Hi there!  We kick off the real meat of theTraining for your effective Social and Online marketing at 1 PM PST today...

If you haven't grabbed your spot into our More Prospects, Clients and Profits Biz Rockin' Boot Camp


Grab it now...doors are closing real soon!



This is what one of the participants stated about the pre-program lessons that you'll still get access to as a bonus

"I worked through my Facebook assignment today and sent out numerous friend request. I must say that the exercise helped me to break through a lot of barriers that were in place that I was not even aware existed."



This is not just a training program for your business!

They said no to overwhelm and yes to personal, spiritual and professional empowerment. Yes to Freedom to build their businesses with effective Social Media and Online marketing. Yes to More Prospects, Clients and Profits! The meat of the More Prospects, Clients and Profits kicks off today. What will you be doing over the next 4 weeks for your empowering success? You'll also experience the Spiritual Fitness Module.


I can't wait to see the manifestations that will happen in the lives of these dynamic women.


There are a few hours and a few spots left for The More Prospects, Clients and Profits Biz Rockin' Online Boot Camp.


Go to http://www.moreprospectsclientsprofits.com to secure your place and change the course of your life and business forever!

Don't let anyone tell you that you don't need it. You make the decision. What do you want for your life? Your Family? Are you satisfied with where you are? Will you realize your desired results with what you're doing at this present time?


This isn't for everyone, however, it is for someone.


I hope to welcome you!


Empowering you,



P.S. If you have questions email info@RobinTramble.com and we will get right back with you.

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