business (917)


Self-discipline is an essential factor for productivity and success. Without it, one becomes lazy, unmotivated, and dependent upon others. Lack of self-discipline also makes for a difficult-to-deal-with employee, boss, or coworker.

Exercising self-discipline means, in an old-fashioned term, setting yourself to a task. You need to know what must be done, when it must be done– and do it. Good self-discipline includes a basic schedule, or framework, of what needs to be accomplished within a specific period of time. You do not allow yourself to become sidetracked, or to procrastinate.

However, being too rigid with self-discipline does not increase productivity. It can even lessen it. If you do not allow yourself any breaks throughout the workday, or any room for error at all, the expectations you are placing on yourself are too rigid. Instead of getting more done, or doing more in a shorter period of time, it can cause you to become frustrated with your tasks and your job.

If you learned self-discipline early in life, you probably do not have any difficulty with it now. On the other hand, if your schooling years and family life were too rigid, or if little was expected of you, this is a good time to develop the habit. You may have managed to slide through your early years without a good sense of self-discipline, but it will be a stumbling-block to your career.

A good way to start cultivating self-discipline is

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If you’ve ever watched a turtle slowly cross the road to get to the other side, you know it’s a long journey across. As a business consultant, I talk to small business owners regularly who are at a crossroad and frantically want to take their business to the next level, but finding it difficult to get ‘unstuck.’

At a recent business conference in Washington DC, I met Nell Merlino, CEO of Count Me In and creator of the Make Mine a Million initiative. In our conversation about how to avoid being ‘stuck,’ she stated, “To avoid being stagnant, it is imperative for women entrepreneurs to think BIGGER. To think and dream bigger will enable you to take your business to the next level!”

If your business has been a bit stagnant lately, here are 5 strategies to overcome your fear and get unstuck: Read more...

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What do you want? No I mean what do you really, really want? If you knew you could not fail and money was not an issue what would you really want?

What does your ideal lifestyle look like?

These are some very good questions that actually as I’m passionately empowering women many who are in a consultation or coaching with me are stunned by and they have to think just a bit. We should all have the answers to these questions.

I did a Tele-class on Top 5 reasons you are not where you want to be – YET! One of the Top 5 included “You Don’t really want what you think you want.”

Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.

Thomas Jefferson

Everyone wants to run their own business and be their own boss…. right?
Everyone wants a vacation home in the mountains… right?
Everyone wants 2.4 kids and the white picket fence…. right?


When it comes to dreams, one size most definitely does NOT fit all. Our dreams and goals are as individual as we are, and adopting someone else’s goals as our own can feel like wearing someone else’s shoes: It looks okay to everyone else, but to us, it feels awful and gives us blisters.

There are thousands, if not millions, of people out there striving for the wrong goals. Wrong not because there’s anything inherently bad about them, but wrong because the goals they’re aiming for are wrong for THEM. So as I persevere in my endeavor to empower women I must remain authentic and help you discover your authentic self for your realized empowering success.

There’s the law student that is very gifted in music and enjoys her classes in school leading up to the profession of a lawyer who would never give an extra thought to setting that aside for pursuing her career in music because both of her parents are Lawyers.

There’s the successful saleswoman who would really love to chuck it all and teach English, but she’s making too much money and only a crazy person would throw away a six-figure paycheck.

There are many frustrated individuals out there “believe it or not ” Frustration knows no geographic, socioeconomic, or race or religious boundaries.

The only way to know if the goals you’re aiming for are the right goals is to figure out if they are your heart’s desire. Sometimes it takes some detective work to peel back the layers of societal and family expectations to get at what YOU really want.

There are clues all around you: If you fall asleep dreaming about something, wake up thinking about something, and find yourself perking up whenever you meet someone doing what you’d like to do, you’re on the right track. Meanwhile, if you get a sinking sensation when you pull into the garage of house with the white picket fence, or find yourself calling in sick to that six-figure job “everyone” would kill to have, then you may be in the wrong place… for you.

So what do you do if you find you’ve been chasing after the wrong dream? If you find that you’re not on track to your destiny. You readjust. You discover what your vision is, your purpose in life. You reignite your passion. You connect with someone who can be an accountability partner, who is not biased and can offer expertise in the area you are seeking to move forward in. Even if they don’t have the specific expertise in that area but have the life skills you need to help you discover your authentic self, get unstuck, get focused, make BIG changes and get results that will put you miles ahead of where you’ve been for the last 1 to 5, 5 to 10 years or more!

You find ways to move your current life closer to the one you really long for. Maybe that means getting up an hour early to work on your novel. Maybe it means spending your weekends teaching art to inner city kids. Maybe it researching organizations that may need your expertise and would like you to share with their members. Take a small step and see how it feels. Then take another, and another, until you know deep in your heart you’re on the right track. If you are, the momentum will carry you forward.

You’ll be closer to where you want to be. The Authentic you that is.

Are you ready to say yes to the healthier, wealthier, empowered, focused, joyful, and Authentic you?

I invite you to request your free access to 4 more reasons you’re not where you want to be – YET! Request access to my Top 5 reasons you’re not where you want to be YET empowering Training Audio. Go there now!

This is also part of my preview Tele-series “Get it Done. Make it Happen!” A preview of my phenomenal 90 Days of Empowerment and Focus Coaching Program. If you’re tired of the overwhelm, stress, lack of productivity, playing small and more learn more and secure 1 of 10 spaces for gold and 1 of 15 for Silver.


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Image Courtesy of Fotolia

If you are a woman in business, you need to incorporate online videos into your social media marketing strategy. By doing so, increases brand awareness and creates viewer action leading to more inquiries and sales. In fact, according to Online Video Marketing Statistics, adding video to small business profiles:

  • Increases number of business profile views more than 100%
  • Increases number of profile clicks more than 30%
  • Increases number of calls generated by more than 18%


For the past several months, I’ve had creating a welcome video for my blog and online community on my ‘to do’ list but have avoided it like the plague. Why? Well, just the sheer thought of having a video of myself floating out there in cyber space is nerving. After reading such staggering statistics on the importance of video marketing to small businesses… AND knowing that Google loves VIDEOS, that is, Forrester Research has reported that websites with video are 50 times more likely to gain an organic first page ranking, I realized that it’s time to stop procrastinating and get down to the business of video marketing.

While researching, I found several inexpensive ways to create professional videos and handy tools to help you in the process:  read more...

Read more… is proud to Introduce Ms. June Smith of Tajj Cosmetics. I am excited to share her story today as it is a true example of taking matters into your own hands. For over 13 years, June suffered from discoloration on her toes from corns. As a result, in 2008 she created a product to cover the discoloration that was waterproof and lasted all day. After 6 months of testing she realized this could be a product that could help so many other women with the same problem.  After an overwhelming response to the product from her customers she decided to expand her product line in 2011. She now offers a full makeup line for women of color, receiving recognition from several publications. She is looking to be a leading provider of makeup for women of color.I'm so glad to have met her and now's your more


Be someone's motivation and tell us your story! To be featured on email Put PEOPLEWHOPROSPER in the subject line and share a little about yourself.

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Introducing the FIRST "" featured entrepreneur, Rochelle Carter, SPHR. Since starting Ellechor Publishing House in 2009, she has signed 12 authors and released six books! Ellechor is a royalty paying/no author investment, Christian book publishing company. She also started Live.Write.Publish! which is a self-publishing imprint for authors who want to maintain full control. I have had the privilege to ask her a few questions and hear her inspirational story and share it with you!


She answered a few questions about herself so that we may get to know her.

1.Tell me your story. What were you doing before you started your own business?

I was, and still am, a Senior Professional in Human Resources and a Project Manager. I had a great job right out of College and was blessed to work with many great people at a great company.

2. What made you want to start a business and what is your mission?

I started this business as an investment and for the long-term satisfaction of a family business. I needed to put myself in a position where I could have a business that I loved and create opportunities for others. I chose publishing because reading is my passion and writing was my hobby for a long time. I thought it was time we made our relationship official, plus I had always wanted to be an editor!
Our mission is to produce quality Christian Fiction and Non-Fiction that changes lives while entertaining, and to provide hope/support to aspiring authors in a company that will dream big with them.

3. What inspires you? What keeps you motivated daily to keep growing your business?

My love for books inspires me, and my authors keep my motivated daily to do my best and to keep growing this cause. They have put their faith in God and in me, and I pray that God continues to bless me so that I can bring inspiration to them. I ask myself daily, what have I done for my authors today? What have I done to promote Christian books today?

4. Do you have a mentor? Who is it and why? Do you believe it's important to have one?

This is a surprisingly tough question! One mentor is Demetria Hayes, because she brought me into Human Resources and the world of helping people. Without her guidance, I may not have been motivated to find my true joy in work. I do a lot of career counseling and resume writing because she showed me how I can use my skills to help others. My second and all-time favorite mentor is my mother. She worked hard to get her Masters while raising four children, started her own business in a time of need, went to the Philippines to gain her PhD later in life. She is always getting things done!! It's so important to have a mentor, because they are the one person you will never compare to and therefore your motivation to keep moving. If you no longer see the value in your mentor, you need a new one! You should never be without a positive influence.

5. What would you tell someone who wants to get involved in your line of business but doesn't know how to get started?

Call me! Or, just jump right in. Thinking about writing a book? Just start! Want to be an editor? There are plenty of college students who need help. Offer your services free of charge to an author with a completed manuscript in exchange for a reference. There is no great starting point. I have met with many professionals in my journey who wanted to set me back, and I refused. I have not regretted it for one moment, because God has blessed me with a great team and we are getting things done right!

6. What advice would you give to someone with an entrepreneurial spirit?

If you are looking for something lasting, forget the get-rich-quick plan. What do you LOVE to do? What can keep you up hours at night with no regrets? Do that! Write the business plan- it doesn't have to be pretty but cover the basics in 4 pages or less. You can refer to it as a basic outline until you work out the details. Find others with your same passion, always keep learning more and be willing to adjust to new situations.


I just want to thank Rochelle for stepping up and taking the plunge of telling her story. It is so refreshing to hear other people's stories sometimes for many reasons: 1. to learn from their mistakes. I know, may sound a little harsh but it's true. That's why these people share their stories, so that you don't have to go through some of the same hardships they went through. 2. to gain, rebuild or sustain your motivation. If they can do this, surely you can! So, make sure you're reading successful and prosperous people's stories often to keep your fire burning!


Again, thank you Rochelle for sharing how you became so prosperous.


Til next time!

Hear Rochelle's story on PeopleWhoProsperTV

We are always looking for people to feature on PeopleWhoProsperTV and So, if you're bold enough and proud enough of yourself and your accomplishments in business, then I dare you to share your story with us! Just email PeopleWhoProsper to for more details!
Tamara Garrison-Thomas


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Do you want more Profit for your business? Want more qualified leads? Social Media Marketing is the answer!



I want to ask you what do you know about the following sites – FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace, Youtube ?

While you might know the URL for the sites in question, did you know that you could use these Social sites to drive qualified leads to your business?


For small business owners running a business and making a profit is more difficult day by day. Very few business owners have enough clients. Paying for leads, advertising in the Yellow Pages, running ad’s on radio and television are all expensive, and without any guarantee of getting the results you need.


I don’t want to sound negative, but that is the reality.


Social Media Marketing is affordably, and more importantly it is guaranteed to work. We are a local business who specialise in delivering results for small businesses in the Sacramento area and Globally via the internet.


Social Media Marketing is really a very simple concept. Our small team uses the most powerful software available to make sure that your message is delivered to exactly the right target audience.


The fact that you have heard about FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace and Youtube should give you some confidence, because your customers have too. They use their computers just about every day – so getting your message in front of them is not going to take long.


We can adapt our campaigns to suit your budget. Give us a try, we guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Please feel free to contact us at


I look forward to speaking with you.


Empowering you!


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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Author Johnny B Truant, recently published an article on 'How to NOT Get Paid to Write Online (And Make Money Doing It).' This article was insightful and thought provoking. Often times as writers, the primary focus is on "Getting paid?" and if so, "How much?" Rarely, is the focus directed towards working for free on purpose.

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Get Up!

I ran across this article this week and thought I'd share. It's called:

"Young Bosses: 6 Successful Brand Builders Who Got An Early Start Learn from these business leaders how to take charge at an early age and change the game."


This article was great motivation to read how these business owners (although young when they started) started and grew their businesses to successful multi-million dollar businesses because of an IDEA. I think we sometimes forget that that's all it takes. An IDEA. If you have an IDEA  that you think would make you successful, then run with it! See what happens with it. The worse thing that could happen is that you have to tweak it here and there so you can make your millions.


After reading the article, answer these questions...What ideas have you been thinking about for YEARS but just haven't put into fruition?

What's holding you back? What are your fears?

What would happen if you DON'T put this idea into action? How much would you beat yourself up if someone else did it, just like you wanted to?

How do you get started? Well, I have an answer for that! Sometimes we need an objective person to bounce ideas off of  and answer questions we don't know the answers to. I can help you. Contact me today!

GET UP and stop sitting on these great ideas and letting time pass you by. If you don't do it now, then WHEN? Take the first step today.




If you need help staying focused and motivated to be the best you and gain a profitable business to increase your finances let me help you. Subscribe to my blog today and receive a FREE 30 minute consultation and 1 follow up appointment. ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME, SUBSCRIBE TODAY!
Let us feature you on PeopleWhoProsperTV! Click here for more information...

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Lovin My Locs -
Want to start new dreadlocks and need help?
Do you have new growth and need to have them retouch?
Want to learn about the best products for dreadlocks?
Want some advice to help your locs look beautiful and amazing?
Need help with your wild locs and want to make them more presentable?

Our blog has been created to help more people learn about dreadlocks, how to start theirs and maintain their current locs.
The blog has lots of great info, videos, and resources.

Feel free to visit, share with a friend, and become a follower!!!!!!!



"Like us" on Facebook - Lovin My Locs, Lovin My Dreadlocks

Leave us a positive review about our site on:

Myspace, stumbleupon, facebook, yelp, & thumbtack

Check out my YouTube channel page:

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 yes you read right. 

Picture yourself sitting in a fully furnished office, employees ready, systems in place, all the right connections, solid and highly profitable business model that is ready to throw money at you, solid marketing strategy and hundreds of customers ready to use your service over and over again, a target market that has so limited offerings that you come at the right time. I know you have a big ole smile on your face right now at the image or maybe you're wondering "what does this have to do with the title, seems like everything is in order right?" Keep reading...

Now imagine being in that office smiling and happy and ready to take your eager clients money only not being able to service any of them. In fact, they're waiving their money at you waiting on you to service them but you can't even unlock the door to let them in!

The only issue is that you can't take their money. In fact you'll never be able to take the hundreds of thousands to millions waiting before you, ever. You've done so much to set your business up and get it ready for this moment but the authorities come your way and tell you "nope you can't open, not now not ever"

 Picture it? Yes, that was me spring 2009.


Click  here to continue reading about my epic failure and the MOST VALUABLE LESSON I LEARNED THAT CHANGED THE COURSE OF MY BUSINESS.



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Collaboration Creates Publicity

According to the Business Dictionary, collaboration is a cooperative arrangement in which two or more parties (which may or may not have any previous relationship) work jointly towards a common goal. 

As a veteran journalist and media trainer, I clearly understand how collaborating with others can generate lots of publicity—especially if you team up with folks who love to promote what they do.  In his post, 8 Ways to Promote Your Work Through Internet Collaboration, Alex Mathers offers some great tips on how you can team up draw more attention to a particular project or event. 

One of the tips offered by Alex is Working with Others on Collaborated Projects.  Alex says,  ”Pooling skill and talent in this way will lead to high quality projects that will greatly boost the value of your personal portfolio and support your self-marketing efforts.”  He also suggests that you team up with someone who is well known so that you can piggy-back’ on their success and promote via the contacts they have as well.

That's what LaShandra Henry has done for her upcoming SistaSense Power Circle TeleSummit.  On July 29-30, LaShandra is going to show you how collaboration really works.  Take it from someone who knows---and someone who thrives on doing it!

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What is Your Motivation?

So you've decided to take the plunge, create your "American dream" and own a business! At this point you've either decided to start a direct marketing company, a network marketing company, invest in a franchise or have decided to just start your own. Well, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have made the first step, which can be the easiest or hardest decision we make. But after you've paid the money, created the business plan, received the business starter kit with training and had a chance to sit down and let the smoke clear, you may start to think, NOW WHAT? How do you market yourself? How do you get products on the shelves? How do you get employees? Better yet, how do you get CUSTOMERS???

Well do not fear! This is a common reaction after starting a business. There are so many transitions you will go through as you try to build your business and make it a SUCCESS! The key is to continue to TRY! DON'T GIVE UP! Remember, 'There's no gain without pain'. You have to have those empty bank account, broke days. You have to have those, "what's an upline and where do I find it?" days. You have to have those empty store days (no customers/prospects). You have to have those clients that make EVERYTHING difficult. You have to have those constant budget revisions in order to appreciate the abundance of success you're about to receive!

So make sure you have a thought-provoking quote, favorite song, or something that motivates you EVERY TIME, so you can always refer to it when you have those 'give up' moments. Because 'Quitters never prosper'! (I know, a lot if idioms, but hey, they apply and sometimes we just need to be reminded)

I’m a music teacher by day so I’m inspired by a lot of songs, but ONE that really motivates me is a song called "Encourage Yourself” by Donald Lawrence. What song or quote or motivational activity do you have? (and it doesn’t have to be religious, that’s just me. What do YOU do?)

If you need help staying focused and motivated to be the best you and gain a profitable business to increase your finances let me help you. Subscribe to my blog today and receive a FREE 30 minute consultation and 1 follow up- check up.

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Introducing: People Who Prosper

Is this you? Well, if so, we've been looking for you! Currently, GPS is looking for People Who Prosper OR anyone that is successful, considers themselves successful, or on their way to success!We are looking to feature and introduce people who are up and coming in their business or already there! is a place that will feature these business owners and share your stories with someone who just might be able to relate. Sometimes it helps to stay motivated when you hear other people's stories, and this is our goal: Not only to feature successful prosperous people, but to help keep others MOTIVATED.The other part of this, is that we want you to tell US about YOU. It's easy for anyone to find your website, blog, Facebook page, or twitter. But is a place for you to challenge yourself and put yourself out there. We give you a chance to brag about yourself! Because let's face it, if you can't talk about you, then who else will? Tell us about your business and services and how long you've been in business. We want to hear your story. Why did you decide to go into business for yourself?I am challenging you today to step out and tell others about you! Here's what you have to do:Email with subject line PeopleWhoProsper to tamara@garrisonprosperitysolutions.comInclude your business name, website and a synopsis of "your story".After getting in touch with you, you will be sent a series of questions about yourself, your business and/or services.After you return the answered questions, you will then be featured on, PeopleWhoProsperTV, and up to 16,000 people on you tube!So, take the first step today and tell us about yourself! You never know who will need to hear your story or need your services!Deuteronomy 8:18: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.
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We're Still Waiting For You!

Are you a person that prospers??? Well, if so, we've been looking for you! Currently, GPS is looking for People Who Prosper OR anyone that is successful, considers themselves successful, or on their way to success!

We are looking to feature and introduce people who are up and coming in their business or already there! is a place that will feature these business owners and share your stories with someone who just might be able to relate. Sometimes it helps to stay motivated when you hear other people's stories, and this is our goal: Not only to feature successful prosperous people, but to help keep others MOTIVATED.

The other part of this, is that we want you to tell US about YOU. It's easy for anyone to find your website, blog, Facebook page, or twitter. But is a place for you to challenge yourself and put yourself out there. We give you a chance to brag about yourself! Because let's face it, if you can't talk about you, then who else will? Tell us about your business and services and how long you've been in business. We want to hear your story. Why did you decide to go into business for yourself?

I am challenging you today to step out and tell others about you! Here's what you have to do:
Email with subject line PeopleWhoProsper to
Include your business name, website and a synopsis of "your story".

After getting in touch with you, you will be sent a series of questions about yourself, your business and/or services.

After you return the answered questions, you will then be featured on, PeopleWhoProsperTV, and up to 16,000 people on you tube!

So, take the first step today and tell us about yourself! You never know who will need to hear your story or need your services!

Deuteronomy 8:18: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.
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Severe Economic Emergency

Consider this because it applies wherever you are:

Severe Economic Emergency

In Southern California, the economic downturn has hurt African American men, who are heavily represented in many blue-collar industries. The effects of slowing trade with China are rippling through the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, long a steady source of work for black longshoremen, truckers and warehouse workers. The cost of living is up and companies are keeping the salaries at severe recession rates. Lots of businesses have received "bailout" money and have chosen to give themselves raises instead of bringing YOUR salary up to par. PLANK ON THIS PEOPLE.
From the Desk of Political Analyst Brent D. Page

So what are you going to do about it?? Are you going to continue to sit there and do nothing, while your salary gets smaller and smaller? Are you going to keep going to work wondering if this is the day their going to give you pink slip??

Stop worrying about all of that, and start your OWN business! There are so many benefits to owning your own business: making your own money, tax benefits (house,car, and phone write-offs), make your own MONEY! If you're scared, I can help you. What are you getting accomplished by just SAYING you want to start a business. Let me show you the LAZY WAY TO GET PAID. Get started today! CLICK HERE


Receive The Lazy Person's Ultimate Guide to Starting a Business: 5 Steps to Starting and Marketing Your Business today by subscribing to my blog!

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Talking to Your Cold Market

A couple of weeks ago, I had a great team meeting led by my business partners, which just so happen  to be my distinguished parents, Dr. Jerome and Cheryl Garrison.  My father spoke about how to approach someone and talk to your cold market  and I wanted to share this effective way to get more prospects or get connected with someone that can give you hot referrals for your business! My father studied these strategies from Network Marketing Gurus such as Bob Schmidt and Zig Ziglar and shared them with our team:

There are 3 things you need to find out when speaking to a prospective business partner or customer:

1. Find out who they are by using the PIN strategy (which we'll get to in a sec)

2. Find out when they can talk again

3. Decide what type of client they would be:  Business Partner, Customer, or New Friend


1.When considering opening up your market and approaching people you see when you're out  grocery shopping, or at the mall, or even at the gas station, there are several things you need to consider. First, you should probably be in a good mood and have a great attitude. You should be ready to present yourself with confidence and great knowledge and love for you business! IF and only IF you see someone who fits in the prior categories should you use this strategy. The PIN:


P= Personal

You need to find out about the person. Go up and introduce yourself. Edify the person and give them a compliment. For example say, "I couldn't help but notice how sharp you looked, how nice your makeup was, how firm your handshake was". Then ask them about themselves. What do they do for a living? Do they have a family? Do they work long hours?



Find out what their hobbies are. What do they like to do for fun? These questions are building trust and allowing your future prospect to trust you and become more comfortable talking to you.



Find out what their needs are. What MORE are they looking for in life? (NOTE: Some people are very content with their lifestyle. Whether it be stressing from check-to-check or spending more hours working, away from family or no vacations to make more money, "to each is own".)  You could ask them, if you could change 1 thing about their life or career, what would it be?


2.After using the PIN strategy find out when and how would be a great time to reconnect with them, contingent on if the person and conversation went well, of course. You might ask something like, " Do you keep your income options open? I would love to share with you what I do", or " I enjoyed talking to you, I would like to talk to you more about what I do and how it might help you, when would be a great time to meet up with you again?" or even " Do you have a card or number so we can connect again?"


3.Keep in mind that while you're talking to people you should be thinking of the categories and figuring out where they would fit in. Would they be a:

 Business Partner: Do they seem industrious, would go the extra mile, are they influential, are they a good communicator, are they open-minded, are they warm and easy to talk to, do you think they're reliable person? 

Customer: Do they have a need for new makeup or have health issues you might be able to help them with? Do they like to throw parties? Do they like candles? Etc.

New friend: Believe it or not, most people might end up in this category. But if you think about it, what's wrong with having a new friend? Especially  if they already own business, you could help each other out.

So, there you have it, some strategies you can use when speaking to a brand new person or what we call someone in your cold market. Speaking to new people can expand your business greatly. You never know who you can come across and what they can help you do. So, consider it!




If you need help staying focused and motivated to be the best you and gain a profitable business to increase your finances let me help you. Subscribe to my blog today and receive a FREE 30 minute consultation and 1 follow-up appointment. ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME, SUBSCRIBE TODAY!

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How much time are you spending on various activities to grow your business?

One area that I see far too many individuals spending little time on is that of marketing. I don’t know if it’s because of a lack of knowledge or the mere lack of desire to do so.

Within the activity of marketing is also that of recognizing the correct audience. If you neglect to complete this action all of your other efforts will go futile.

It a major factor in realizing the sales and attracting and getting the clients/customers you seek.

The right customers are known as targeted customers or niche market, those who will be happy to buy products that fulfil their wants and needs.

You no longer have to feel intimidated by the larger companies. The Internet has opened up opportunity for you to get a market share but only if you take the required steps. Targeting also gives an opportunity to you as a smaller firm to produce products, which can cater to the need of a section of people whose needs aren’t met specifically by the large companies.

So who is your ideal prospect? Who is it that you are called to serve? The success lies behind understanding this, which requires thorough research and analysis. And yet it can be accomplished with a simple exercise that I share in More prospects, clients an profits Biz Rockin’ Online Boot Camp. Various factors must be considered. The age group is the first factor, whether the product will be useful to babies or children or teenagers or youngsters or middle aged or old. Sometimes there is a possibility that the product will cater to the needs of all age groups. Next thing to consider is gender. Marital status, hobbies etc., are some of the factors that should also be pondered upon.

After this you must identify what keeps them up at night. What are some of their pains?

Your role comes in by discovering solutions that you will provide in response to the identified areas mentioned above.

You must make a list of the benefits of your solution and communicate it in such a way that your prospect will identify you as the solution to their problem or the expert to hire.

This will also be useful in creating your IFO (irresistible free offers), sales/opt in page and other marketing communications.

Recognizing the target market is crucial to any successful advertising and sales campaign. Once it is recognized, they can be reached through different channels like websites, newspapers, magazines, etc. This makes the customer think that they are being directly addressed to. This will further support the Know, like and trust factor which will make for greater conversions. And that makes the whole effort of identifying your target market down to your niche or whome you serve worth it.
Power up your business growth endeavors by taking the steps needed to complete this activity.

If this post has empowered you in any way you I invite you to request your FREE access to my Training audio "5 dead simple strategies to get your product/service in front of your exact target market!


Go to to request it now.



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With the world's economy the way it is, it is hard to depend on job security and constant cash flow. Receiving more education isn't even helpful. It's just putting people in more debt (especially the online schools). It seems the more education you have, the lesser chance you have of getting a job. Unfortunately, the group experiencing the brunt of these issues are the Generation Y-ers or people born in the 70's and 80's. Jahna Barry captures this ongoing issue in Click here to read the article =>Young Adults Face Future of Self-Reliance.

After reading this article, you can't help but ask WHAT DO YOU DO? Well, it all comes down to "doing it yourself". You're going to have to secure your future by "doing it yourself". START A BUSINESS! It's sad but a lot of people are unaware of the HUGE tax benefits you receive for owning a home-based business. PLUS you can create your own income and secure your retirement plan. THE BONUS is you can start a business and make sure it fits in your schedule by working part-time or full-time. So, what's the hold up? The economy, unfortunately, is getting WORSE. So, protect yourself and your family NOW. Start a business. What are your thoughts of Jahna Barry's article and the subject?


I can help you. Contact me today!
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