business (917)

Where can Savvy Women Entrepreneurs and aspiring go to find a training program to empower them to effectively market and up level their business by utilizing the internet without the overwhelm while still having time for what matters most?


Sacramento, California, June 24, 2011 – Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva announces her phenomenal easy learning, step-by- step More prospects, More clients/customers and More profits Online Marketing Boot Camp.




Robin intends to fill the gap in the online marketing and social media training arena by offering a supportive environment and program that incorporates components that address the internal and external.  This training has been designed with the Savvy Aspiring, New and Enterprising Woman Entrepreneur in mind. Thanks to Robin the days of regurgitated information is basically over for you and you won't experience information overload.


The MPCCP Online Marketing Boot Camp promises to guide those ready to reap the rewards for business ownership, in a no-hassle manner. Robin states, “If you desire to have step by step guidance with my full support over a 4 week period that will allow you to gain a competitive edge, increase your prospects, clients and/or customers and increase your profits without the overwhelm my Boot Camp is for you!”


Robin was named 1 of 25 urban entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Brand Maker News, Robin Tramble is a coach, trainer, public speaker, author and CEO of Robin Tramble International, an enterprise created for the purpose of empowering women in order to “discover their authentic selves, get unstuck, and (become) laser focused so they can make big changes and manifest their desired results faster than ever before,” according to her spokesperson Gen Larson.


Her presence is also growing on Facebook via her thousands of friends and growing Facebook page community.


Robin’s goal is to empower you to gain World Wide Visibility while increasing your profits and living life on purpose “authentically!”


The More Prospects, Clients, Customers and Profits Online Marketing Boot Camp is an idea whose time has come!


Enrollments are being accepted at


Contact info:





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Introducing the RELaunch of the Garrison Prosperity Solutions Blogsite. Here you will find all the information you need to build and sustain a business, with NO NONSENSE, just business.

We also offer:
  • Success Coaching
  • Business Plan Writing Services
  • Website/Blog Creation
  • Network Marketing Business Services
  • and introducing, PeopleWhoProsper.Com (coming soon!)
Subscribe to the blog today to receive weekly advice on building a successful business. By subscribing to the blog, you will receive an exclusive copy of The Lazy Person's Ultimate Guide to Starting a Business: 5 steps to Starting and Marketing Your Business.

Use G.P.S. to guide you on your journey to prosperity. If you don't start now, then when? Let me help you.

See you at the top!

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One of the biggest challenges that Small Businesses face is creating effective marketing collateral.  In addition to a challenging budget, there is just the question of what to communicate.  My motto is K.I.S.S., Keep It Seriously Simple! Don't make the mistake of over communicating your product or services.  Consumers are a lot smarter than you think, but they don't want to be bombarded with tons of messaging or content.  It takes too much time to sift through the clutter.  So in order to help you avoid overkill, I will offer you some Tips in Marketing K.I.S.S.


1. Avoid Hokey Taglines - If you can't afford to hire a marketing consultant, then leave off the tagline all together.  As cleaver as you might think you are, customers can always tell when your tagline is homegrown.


2. Get to the Point - Don't waste time with too many details on your materials.  Your collateral should communicate four things immediately.  1) Who you are, 2) What you do, 3) What is unique about your offering and 4) How to contact you.  Anything more is TMI (too much information).


3. Minimize Images - Too many images can be a lot of the brain to process.  Keep your collateral to 1 or 2 images that communicate your focus at a glance. If you need to show multiple images, then stick to one main image that draws the focus.  Keep the other images subordinate so they con't compete with the main focus.


4. Use the 3-Click Rule - When it comes to your website or blog be sure not to bury your content and confuse visitors.  The 3-Click Rule states that a visitor should be able to get to any content on your site within 3 clicks.    Does your site measure up?


5.  Eliminate Business Card Clutter - While your business card has a lot of 'real estate', its important to stage the content carefully.  Stick to relevant contact details on the front, such as your name, title, email address  and phone number.   Put all other details on the back (but don't make the mistake of printing a book back there).


There are lots of other ways to Keep It Seriously Simple, but its easiest just to keep the customer in mind by asking a simple question.  If I had 5 seconds what would I want my customers to know? I have included a sample ad that we designed for a customer utilizing Marketing K.I.S.S.


Happy Branding!


You can continue this conversation on Twitter @brandcoachllc or on

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This is part 2 of a 4 part series where I'm sharing the essential systems entrepreneurs must have in place to support a solid brand.

System #1: Customer engagement

iStock_000007773142Medium-150x150.jpg?width=150Brand support system number one is about the way in which you engage your customers. This is the process by which you create a path of attraction to your business. It's the way that you make it easy for prospects to meet you, to love what you do, to test drive your services. This might look like your current opt-in strategy. Or it may even be the type of events you host that attract people to your business.

Creating an easy path for prospects to engage is critical to building your pool of interested buyers. As a system, this path should be outlined in such a way that you can powerfully reflect your brand with ease. The goal is to create a connection between you as a solution provider and the potential client, or prospect.

What is evident when you view an entrepreneur’s website is whether or not there is an easy way to determine your next step. Successful entrepreneurs are clear in the single action they would like for a viewer to take when visiting their website the first time. But unfortunately too many business owners fail to streamline the instruction for their prospect. There is no opt-in form. There is nothing “sticky" about the page that keeps a person there, so viewers leave after only visiting a few seconds.

One example of a way to engage customers that capitalizes on the way they first interacted with you is to create a social media landing page. This blog post by visibility guru Nancy Marmalejo tells you how to do this:

There are other ways to engage your customer or prospect. One of the most widely used ways is to develop a strong opt in form. A blog post by marketing diva Ali Brown shares great insight into how to make this work for you:

The key to customer engagement is to entice prospective buyers within the first few seconds so they can receive your valuable information.


You may, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

About the Author: Tanya Smith is a creative business strategist specializing in showing coaches, consultants and freelancers how to spend more time making money with simple, yet profitable marketing systems. Her company Be Promotable provides clients with fresh actionable strategies and virtual resources to promote their small businesses as power players in their market. Claim your instant access to a free 10 part ecourse, 10 Ways To Grow Your List at:
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More people are getting downsized, terminated or just plain fired all the time. And because of the state of the economy, finding another job can be difficult. Creating a job of your own by starting a business looks attractive when you can't find a job - or just can't stand the job you have.


But "How do I start a business?" is not the first question you should be asking if you're in this situation; the first question you should be asking is "Should I start a business?" Before you start thinking about the different types of businesses you might start, you have to do some thinking about you.


Starting a business is not for everyone. Being self-employed is very different than being an employee. And some people find it impossible to adjust to the differences. Let's see if you have the necessary entrepreneurial mindset to become self-employed. These are the six traits that I think encapsulate the ways you have to think and behave if you want to make a successful transition from being employed in some one else's business to starting a business of your own.

1) You have to be flexible to be self-employed.
If you start a business, you no longer have "one" job with clearly defined duties and responsibilities. You'll suddenly have multiple jobs, which will be often interrupted by unforeseen crises (particularly in the startup phase). Many employees are used to having days filled with predictable activities; many self-employed people don't.

And once you start a business, there's nowhere to pass the buck. As an employee, you may be used to passing problems up along the food chain or not be very involved in decision making. As a self-employed business owner, you're the one who will have to deal with whatever the crisis is and solve the problem. You're the one who will have to make the decisions.


2) You have to be a self-motivated initiator.

When you're an employee, other people tell you what to do, either directly or indirectly. You get used to having your actions directed by others. But you have to direct your own actions as a small business owner. You can't just sit there and hope that maybe some clients stroll in or that someone will drop by out of the blue with inventory for your retail store. No one's going to drop work on your desk or point out what needs to be done. For many people who try to become self-employed and start businesses after having a long-term full-time job, this is the hardest adjustment to make.


3) You have to be able to recognize opportunities and go after them.

Most employees do what they're assigned to do. There's someone else who's "assigned" to look out for opportunities, either a boss in a small business, or perhaps a sales department or a managerial team in a large corporation. If you start a business, you need to be the one constantly watching for opportunities - and be able to recognize them when you see them. It might be a small opportunity, such as the chance to pick up a new client, or a large one, such as getting your product on the shelves in a large retail chain, but as a small business owner, you have to keep scanning the horizon yourself and positioning yourself to benefit from the opportunities that you find. As an employee, you may be used to operating in a "head-down" position; if you're going to start a business and become successfully self-employed, you need to start operating in the "head-up" position.

Being self-employed is very different than being an employee and can be a difficult transition. Here are three more traits you must have if you're going to move from being an employee to being successfully self-employed.


4) When you're self-employed, you have to be able to plan ahead.

Your last job may have involved no planning at all, as that was someone else's job. Or perhaps your job involved planning on a localized level, such as planning a particular project. If you want to start a business, you need to develop expertise in both short-term and long-range planning; it's about to become a big part of your life.

When you start a business, one of your first tasks will be to work through a business plan. As your business becomes operational, you'll find that this plan (however detailed) needs to be revised and that other plans need to be created, as you work towards the long-range goals that you've set for your business. From following someone else's plan as an employee, you have to learn how to create the plans yourself - and adapt the plans to changing circumstances.

5) You need to be prepared to put in a constant and consistent effort.

We've all seen employees who are just going through the motions, or who were just "putting in the time" until retirement. You don't need to be a co-worker to know who these people are. As a customer or client you can tell, too. Bluntly, starting a business takes energy, and you need to be able to give it 100 percent. You can't afford to just coast along, or go through the motions, if you're running a business. Your customer and/or clients need to know that you are devoting 100 percent of your talent or skill or attention to them - and will go elsewhere if they don't feel this is the case.

Worse, you need to deliver this constant and consistent effort without the employee safety net. Many employees are used to being able to "call in sick" and have someone else cover their job, for instance. As a self-employed business owner, you'll have to go in and give it your best effort no matter how you feel or close up shop if you don't have employees who can fill in. You can also say goodbye to the holidays that many employees enjoy, both the annual x number of weeks and the statutory holidays, at least until your business is established to the point that you can manage your own time.

6) You have to be able to deal with uncertainty.
As a self-employed entrepreneur, there's no guarantee that the products or services you offer will be in demand six months from now. There's no guarantee that your customers will pay their bills on time or even pay them at all. There's no guarantee that your current big client, who seems to be perfectly happy with your work, won't drop you next week. There's actually no guarantee that you will make any income this month or the month after. For many ex-employees who are used to having a pay cheque arrive regularly every two weeks, the uncertainty of being self-employed is very difficult to deal with.

Are you still asking, "How do I start a business?" Good! Because the point of this article is not to scare you off, but to make you aware of how you have to readjust your thinking to make the transition from employee to self-employed business owner. Hopefully as you read through this list of traits you need to become successfully self-employed, you were saying to yourself, "I can do this". Because every one of the traits I've listed here is an attitude or behavior that can be learned, and when it comes to being self-employed, awareness is more than half the battle.

Now that you know that you're the kind of person who can start a business and run it successfully, where do you go from here?

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May Special!

May is my birthday month, and I want you to celebrate with me! How? By getting 25% off any Mocha Writer service!


Services offered include bios, editing, press kits, press releases, website content and more! For additional information, writing samples, testimonials and more, please visit my website,, or contact me:


Thanks for your support : )

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Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

One of my goals for this year was to really step up my game when it comes to my business, Mocha Writer and my blog, For Colored Gurls. Doing this has required me to step out of my comfort zone which hasn't been the easiest thing because I'm a person who loooves stability. Some things I've done so far:


I recently learned the importance of putting my face and business out there and letting people know what I have to offer. The reason I hadn't really done so before is because I didn't want to be obnoxious or for people to think I was conceited or something. But, I realized I had to promote myself because no one else is going to, and I realized there is an art to selling oneself in an appropriate way. So, while it was a little weird for me initally, I'm getting used to it now.


Continue reading "Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone"... 



~ Jamie

Mocha Writer

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Does It Matter



Are Good Manners Taboo in Today's Business World?

Have you noticed a theme about manners and etiquette lately?  There seems to be a question about the importance of polite behavior.  More and more people are asking:


  • Are good manners a thing of the past?
  • Is it important to be nice?
  • How do you spell "respect"?
  • What difference does it make if you know which fork to use?
  • What is all the fuss about a firm handshake?
  • If I am good at my job, what does it matter how I dress for work?10744065299?profile=original

What do you say?  Please be diplomatic.

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If you have a website, blog, ezine, or newsletter, I'm sure you consider your content valuable to your readers and potential customers. So, why not get paid for it in the meantime? If you're new to this idea, then this article will help you. There are several ways to go about monetizing your website or blog:


Google Adsense

This is one of the most popular and best ways to monetize your website or blog. Google Adsense will put advertisements on your site that has to do with your content. So, how do you get paid? You get paid when someone clicks on the advertisement. Here are some resource sites that will help you better understand Google Adsense and help you sign up.


Google Adsense Sign Up

More information on Google Adsense


This is a program that offers several different types of products you can promote on your website and get as much as 75% commission on them. You can choose any product and as many products as you would like to promote or advertise. This is another lucrative way to make money from your website or blog.


Text Link Ads brings targeted traffic to your website or blog. Similar to, you make money from potential clients clicking on text-based ads inserted on your site. You receive 50% commissions on everything and they also have an affiliate program which gives you $25 for every person you refer to their company. Read more here:


Here are some additional sources for making money on your website or blog:


Blog Traffic Cash



Keep in mind that just because you create a website, doesn't mean people want to see it or work with you. Give them a reason to , by enriching your website or blog. Make some extra money!


How do you make money on your website or blog? Share ideas with us.




Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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Side Hustle

I know, I know. Sounds like something illegal, but I'm not talking about anything like that. Whether you have a 9 to 5 job, own a business, or are a domestic diva, I believe everyone should have a source of additional income or as I like to say -side hustle-. Below, I have listed a few -side hustle- ideas that have made people a good amount of extra income. Hope you find something you like:


Affiliate Marketing

This is probably one of the best ways to make extra money online. Affiliate Marketing allows you to sell certain products from your website on commission usually via advertisement or referral. It's an excellent way to make extra money, even in your sleep! Some great affiliate programs are right in from of you, you just have to look. Here are some of my suggestions:

BBWO: Black Business Women Online

TheCEOMamma Marketing Blog

Magnetic Sponsoring



Read Emails

Now, you won't make thousands of dollars doing this, but it is a good option to make an extra few hundred dollars a month. Here is a company you can sign up with:

Read emails


Social Networks

Yes! You can get paid to socialize with people. I know we have facebook, twitter, and myspace but these social networks actually pay you for visiting the site, getting friends, and even clicking on advertisements. Of course you want to choose the best one. From my research here are two that I thought were the best:


These are all great ways to create additional income for yourself. If you need help deciding which one would be the best, or need more information, contact me. BUT you should do something. If you would like to work with me and my team as your -side hustle- contact us today! .


If you already have a -side hustle-, please comment to this post and share it with us! You never know who could be interested.




Tamara Garrison-Thomas

Updated 6/4/11 

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Small businesses and start-ups put forth great effort to appear stable and established.  But often times they have a 'tell'.  Business cards printed at home, an AOL email address or ...a tri-fold brochure.  No matter how great your company/ service may be, you simply sell yourself short with these marketing flubs.

Marketing Faux Pas

While the tri-fold format in printed collateral has long been a a staple in marketing, in recent years the layout style has become a faux pas.  We live in the age of 'instant' success, consumers want to get information at a glance. That means they are looking for a Visual Snapshot. Its a big risk to assume that someone will take the time to comb through the folds of a page just to find out what you do, and how it will benefit them.

The Visual Snapshot

If you are wondering what a Visual Snapshot is, then imagine yourself in line at the supermarket.  When you glance at the magazines on the shelf you make a decision on whether or not to buy, just by looking at the cover.  The same thing happens when  a person looks at your marketing collateral.  I mean we don't want to have to read the

entire magazine to determine if we should buy it.

The first page of your brochure should state the following (very obviously):

  • Who are you?
  • What do you offer?
  • What is unique about your product or service?

I'm not saying that the triple dipper doesn't have its effective uses.  It can be quite helpful as a pamphlet and its a wonderful tool in the health care industry.  But for small businesses, it just makes you LOOK small time.


I have included an example of a Sell Sheet.  Whether single or double sided, its a sure fire way to impress prospects.

Happy Branding Everyone! ( or @brandcoachllc)

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Business owners know all too well that finding the best qualified leads takes time… lots of time!  So, what if there was a way to skip the time it takes to develop ‘cold leads?’ Now, close your eyes and imagine building a referral network.  Even more, it won’t cost you a dime!  Does that sound too good to be true?  


It can be done by adapting referral networking.  A referral network is a group of people who already know and trust you, understand your business concept and willing to refer people interested in buying your product or service. This is an extremely effective way to create a steady stream of very warm leads. Here are 4 tips to create a powerful referral marketing strategy.  Read more...

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I believe that effective outsourced accounting, taxation, financial management and consulting is more than a service, it is a relationship. We build that relationship with each client by learning about his or her business process and culture. Then we design a service package that meets the unique needs of the business. If the client has an in-house accounting staff, our team can supplement and support their work. If needed, we can become the in-house accounting department.


Shirika Gomillion

Accountant & Tax Advisor

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I've been studying copy quite a bit lately because I want to improve my own business brand and make sure my stuff gets more eyes on it! What about you? Doesn't that matter to your business? Writing good copy is actually ESSENTIAL to your success, so even if you choose to outsource your writing, you should be familiar with at least the basics.Study and save this simple list of words you can use to attract more views.
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How Health Brings Wealth

Have you ever thought of this concept? That maybe by having a healthy lifestyle you can actually make a substantial living? You could experience freedom and create your own retirement plan? You could be at home with your kids more and make decisions on whether you want to work or not? If you said "yes" to anything above, then there is a way to help you.


I have discovered a company that has not only laid the foundation for an opportunity

that would span the spectrum of wellness but actually has a great line of products. These products contain antioxident properties good for streghthening the immune system, supporting cartilage and joint funtion, promoting a healthy respitory system, and make you look good too!


But it’s not just this product that can benefit your health and life but it can also benefit your income. Offering a lucrative compensation plan, this company is second to none in helping others build a successful business. Whether it is part time or full time. The bottom line is your not selling a product; you’re building an empire.


I work with a team of dynamic individuals who have the passion, proof, and resources to build a team of successful business owners. All you have to do is, get started. Stop questioning yourself and procrastinating. Research shows that the main reason why most people do not start a business(or do things to better themselves) is due to fear of failure. Well , let me tell you now, there are going to be times in your life when you fail. It's inevitable, because we're human. The difference between you and others that fail SHOULD be that you get back up and try again. That’s evidence of a true and successful “go-getter”. If you don't believe me, read the biographies of "go getters" like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Robert Kiyosaki, and Carlos Slim Helu. So, if you’re ready to change your life-story then let us help you!


Click here for more information => I’m Ready For Change



Tamara Garrison-Thomas

Market your business and get paid!

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10744065068?profile=originalChoosing the right business name is the good way to start your business. In a world where there are many variations of names, prose, and business services it is important to make sure you find a name that is unique to you and your business to brand as your own.

Perhaps your business is in its inception phase, meaning while in this stage, you are still working on finalizing some ideas. This is the process of visualizing, planning, and development of the type of business you want. It is also the time in which you are making decision on the direction you plan for the branding of your business. By the end of this phase, the business should have at least a tentative name. There is no rule that sets this into stone; however, as a business owner destined for more day-to-day decision making to come, you want to at least complete this portion of your process.

In this article, we will be performing a run through of some suggested ideas to use when choosing a name for your business. Choosing the right name from the start is important, because once the name goes public, it may be difficult to go back and change it later. We have provided some simple suggestions that have been tested and learned through experience.

There's no requirement that says you have to choose a name that seems common or even make sense to others. Take a chance. Select some random business names for testing and trial runs. Although were going random, we also want to make sure, the business name signifies the nature of your work or the specific line of business you are catering to. Names that give no clear reference as to the type of business or nature of the work are often overlooked. Unidentifiable business names take time and research to figure the nature of the business. Be considerate and do the work for them by making the meaning of the business obvious within the name. For example, Joe Smith, LLC, tells us nothing about the business or what it is they do and risk potential customers not taking the time to find out. Same with promoting your business online, not only should the name be original, it should provide some indication as to the nature of the business. Do choose a clever name. People like thoughts that trigger ingenuity.


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This Job's For Anybody

A few months ago, I went to a business meeting and it was very interesting. The featured presenter was there answering questions from prospects and he was taking 7-8 minutes to answer each of them! He would even get off track and lose focus of the question he was answering. And as I sat there, a bit annoyed by his tangents, I realized that ANYBODY can build a business! This guy literally makes MILLIONS of DOLLARS a year and all he does is just talk to people. He goes off on random bits of information, and gets so excited it seems he can't even breath but yet HE'S SO SUCCESSFUL! So, the key is to be yourself. Yes, we should study our business and know the "ins and outs", etc. But just being yourself and allowing people to relate with you is a huge factor in building a successful business.

That's a big part of Internet Marketing as well. Although you're not meeting people face to face, they need to and want to like you before they decide to do business with you.  That's why it is important that you understand the concept of "branding" yourself. In a nutshell, you want people to be attracted to you. You should include photos on your website and offer training videos taped in your house so they can see you in your regular habitat. Give them ways to gain easy access to you. This makes people feel more comfortable with you and want to do business with you. Let's face it, we only have the friends we have today because something about them attracted us to them. Whether it was their personality or something they had to offer, that's the bottom line. Therefore, you have to do the same on your website to make people like you and want to do business with you! Market yourself on social network sites and leave your business cards with people you meet. Those simple things (to start) will help you get exposure to people that need your services.


Tamara Garrison-Thomas




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Do You Feel It's Time For A Change?

"The Right Kind of Change Can Transform Your Life and Your Business!"
- Trina Newby, Business Success Coach

With June marking the half way point before year-end, I'm focusing on the goals I set for myself and business.  Some of my goals I am on point with and some I have allowed myself to be distracted and have not been so focused.  Below are 5 things that I did to get myself re-focused, so I can accomplish my goals:

  1. Admitted that it was time for a CHANGE!  Yes, that's right I had to quickly face the facts that I what I was doing was not working and that I had to evaluate the changes needed to get better results and meet the goal.
  2. Started eliminating habits that prevent me from reaching my goal.   One habit that I discovered was that I was staying on the internet too long when social networking and checking email.  To remedy this habit, I created a system to check my email and social network and made a commitment to stick with it.  Guess what?  It's working! (Y-E-A-H)
  3. Drawing alliances and creating new partnerships!  I know for sure that in order for me to reach my goals and be successful that I can not do it alone!  I must be willing to bless others and develop relationships with others who compliment what I do and vice-versa.
  4. I evaluate my time schedule morning, noon and night to ensure that I am in alignment with my goals and on schedule with tasks.
  5. I completed a cash flow analysis to determine how I was going to meet my financial goals before the end of this year.

A Special Note for You:

If you're feeling like it's time for a CHANGE, please connect with me.  Let's discuss and let me share with you what's working for me and how you can get more things accomplished in your business as well!

Schedule a FREE PowerTalk Coaching Session with me Today!

Click here to Schedule Now!

About the Blogger:

Trina Newby is a business success coach, host of Successful Woman Radio Show and founder of Women About Biz.  She is passionate about helping women to realize their full power and potential to have and live an abundant and joyful life.

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