Happy First Day of Spring!
What a Great Way to BRING SPRING!
What's Your New Scent This Spring?
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Happy First Day of Spring!
What a Great Way to BRING SPRING!
What's Your New Scent This Spring?
Hummm... Let's See...Shop Now
![]() Begin and/or Finish Writing Your Book | ![]() Reinvent YOURSELF | ![]() Accomplish That BIG GOAL | ![]() Begin YOUR Business | ![]() Increase Your Savings | ![]() Accomplish 2010 Family Goals |
12 Month Coaching in Goal-Setting & Accountability
It's never too late to re-align your goals or your life!...Begin Today
As I awaken with the gift of yet another day and prepare for the tasks at hand, Ioffer up this most ardent prayer:
I pray for continued clarity of purpose so that I may hold my vision steady andkeep my focus on the needs and success of others, which in turn shall bring memy success.
I pray for the wisdom to expect abundance in my life, that it surrounds me and isavailable for the taking and to be shameless and unapologetic upon its receipt,for I deserve abundance.
I pray for a cheerful countenance, be it clear or cloudy skies and that I mayradiate and infect others with my positive attitude.
I pray for the trust of others that they may recognize my sincerity and trueintentions so that we may move forward together.
I pray for the strength to fend off adversity and use my desire and determinationas both weapon and shield.
I pray for the courage to carry forth my convictions during the battle ofbusiness and to resist temptation to a quicker monetary result when such temptationcompromises these things for which I stand.
I pray that I may be used as a lightning rod to collect the amazing ideasalready present in the universe and when blessed with such inspiration, that Imay be able to apply my talents and abilities to turn the power of thought intomeasurable advancement of my goals.
I pray to retain my childhood wonder so that I can recognize and revel in thesmall miracles of each day that others may miss.
I pray for an infinite supply of self-confidence for it alone fortifies faith,strengthens my resolve and conquers the largest enemy I will ever face - fear.
I pray for a compassionate spirit and the patience to offer those who seek myadvice and my help, my full and undivided attention.
I pray for good health and a feeling of well being, and the continued desire toimprove those areas of my physical life I may be neglecting in the name of myspiritual and entrepreneurial advancement.
I pray that today is a day of excellence and at its conclusion I can acknowledgeand be grateful for the forward motion I have made and the growth I haveexperienced.
I pray most of all for the understanding and support of those closest to myheart, my family, that they will equate what may seem like endless hours ofapparent pre-occupation with affairs of business to what is at the very core ofmy being, that which drives me, for once I achieve what I have set out in itsfullest, I will become that more complete being I strive to be.
It is for these things that I pray, for I am an entrepreneur.
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
Greetings to all my sistapreneurs! If you are looking for an exceptional resource for Black Business History & African Ancestryinfo...Check out a Live! online presentation from educator and author, Chike Akua, on Sunday, March 28th for a specialevent to discover the contributions and advancements African-Americanbusiness people have made to America and the world that can help take your business to the next level.
“Without a doubt, Chike Akua is one of the most informative, inspirational, andknowledgeable speakers in America today. Every school, college,church, civic, social and business organization should hear him.”Joe L. Dudley, Sr., Founder, CEO Dudley Products, Inc.
Chike Akua has been called "an educational revolutionary" and is recognized as a leadingauthority on culturally relevant educational materials andinstructional approaches. He has lectured and given keynote addressesat a number of colleges, universities and educational conferencesaround the country. Selected as one of Ebony magazine’s “50Leaders of Tomorrow,” Akua is a former “Teacher of the Year”and has facilitated workshops for the Tavis Smiley Foundation’sannual “Youth 2 Leaders” Conference. In addition, Mr. Akua hasassisted in leading over 800 youth and adults on study tours to Egyptand Ghana through the D’Zert Club’s Teen Summit 1000 program. Hehas authored and produced several books and DVDs including:
*The African Origins Of Writing & Mathematics (DVD)
*African Sacred Science & Civilization (DVD)
*The Miracle of the Maafa (DVD)
*The African Origins of Our Faith (Book & DVD)
*SuccessQuest!: The Journey From Ordinary to Extraordinary (Book/DVD)
Visit http://www.BlackBusinessNetwork.com/TeamDollarfor info on this and other upcoming events and check out the online store for hiscollection of books, CDs, DVDs and more resources.
Much love,
Darlene Robinson
TAG Team Marketer
In Celebration of Women's History Month
Get your Free 30 mins coaching session today.
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FR.EE GIFT INSIDE...JUST FOR YOU! ![]() They Epitomize The Concept of Positive Self Image, Healthy Lifestyle, and That Success Conscious Mindset! Your beautiful face, smile, style, and walk are the immediate focal points of the presentation of YOU. As an experienced beauty advisor, makeup artist, and life coach I know that your inner beauty and thoughts, as well as, your outer skincare and makeup application reflects YOUR PERSONAL BRANDING. Question: WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT BRANDING SCREAMING? |
Have you received your complimentary copy today?
The Confidence & Prosperity Ezine for Success Driven Women
By The Confidence Architect
Founder/CEO of The North Star Life Empowerment Program
I would like to thank the businesses and nonprofit organizations that attended the 30 Second Commercial at The Lounge. We had an awesome time. We heard some great commercial and received informative tips.
If you missed this event, here are some tips on developing a 30 Second Commercial.
Develop a 30 Second Commercial
What is your 30 second commercial? What introduction do you use at networking events, that creates interest and response?
If you are like most people you are shaking your head thinking, "Oh no! Not that 30 second commercial lecture again."
It's true most of hate sitting down to write them, they confuse us, baffle us, and well just seem like the most challenging part of networking. We never feel like it's creative enough or professional enough. We want it to be clever, but intriguing.
If you can GRAB the attention of your prospect at a networking event with your 30 second commercial you've opened the door to begin asking qualifying questions. Within seconds Selling your business gets EASIER. With the right 30 second commercial you no longer have to find a way to introduce your business it just comes natural.
The objective of your 30 second commercial is to have 15 to 30 seconds of information that informs someone with the following information:
· Who are you?
· Who is your company?
· What does your company do?
· How can you help?
· Why your prospect should act now?[/li[
Seems easy, yes? Unfortunately it's where we all screw up. Take for example the following commercial:
"Hi my name is Laura Schneider, I am CEO/President of ZealSpin, Inc. We are an Interactive marketing company. We show companies how to integrate their offline and online marketing."
What am I missing here? Does this message get your attention? Does it give my prospect an open ended question to move them to the next level of conversation? No it's missing key components to make it powerful and effective, so let's see how we can improve it.
Name: Hi my name is ?
Company: I'm the President of ZealSpin Marketing
What I Do: We help companies increase their revenue and strengthen their brand by integrating their online and offline marketing efforts.
Power Question: Do you market your company in both online and offline venues?
How We Can Help: I think we can help you. We have strategy sessions with all of our clients where we bring together a core team of our people and yours. We analyze your current marketing strategy. We give you at least five integration techniques that you can begin doing today that will increase your revenue.
Why the prospect should act now: Would you like to schedule a strategy session?
As you can see the key is not only giving them great information, but it's also asking the right questions. Go ahead give it a try!
Post Your 30 Second Commercial.
The Makeup Show NYC
Is proud to present some of the industry's top artists and speakers
for their May 2010 show.
Danny Sanz, Johnny Lavoy, Jon Hennessey, Esterique,
Orlando Santiago, Kathy Aragon, and others!
Learn hands-on what you need to know to succeed in the industry:
Exploring the Avant-Garde, Camera Ready Makeup, Essential Airbrush, Essential Eyes, Bridal Beauty and Perfect Skin, Celebrity Beauty,
Basic Hairstyling for Makeup Artists and more
are on this year's exciting schedule!
It’s the must-attend event for the industry!
Sunday, May 16th & Monday, May 17th 2010
9:00 am- 6:00 pm daily
Metropolitan Pavilion
125 W 18th St
New York City
You can contact The Makeup Show Office at 212.242.1213 or
by emailing info@themakeupshow.com.
Gorgeous and Glamorous. Dashing and Debonair. At Hollywood’s most glittering and anticipated evening of the year, the Academy Awards®, there was an extra sparkle on the red carpet this month. As celebrities showed off their couture outfits, sleek hairstyles and dazzling fashionable accessories, two particular items of jewelry attracted special attention.
The 46664 Bangle bracelets worn by Morgan Freeman and Lori McCreary caught the eye of many on the red carpet because of their greater significance and meaningful positive impact. The bracelets are beautiful bling, but as they are engraved with Nelson Mandela’s prisoner number 46664, they also represent his humanitarian causes and the noble qualities for which he is adored around the world. The bracelets will be auctioned at a later date to raise money for the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
Morgan Freeman and his daughter were also wearing the silver 46664 Bangle bracelets which are available for purchase online. The bracelets are a powerful symbol of hope – creating employment where it’s so badly needed and supporting the 46664 Campaign of the Nelson Mandela Foundation in the ongoing fight against HIV AIDS. Every bangle sold raises funds, creates jobs, and spreads the message of social responsibility. We are grateful to Mr Freeman, his daughter, and Lori McCreary, for their support of the 46664 Bangle project.
Anyone can be a superstar and support the 46664 Bangle project by buying their own 46664 Bangle here – all the bracelets bear a digital imprint of Nelson Mandela’s hand, and are being referred to as the “South African Bracelet for Hope”. They are available in copper, silver, gold or platinum.
Buy a Bangle, Change a Life.