Entrepreneur (158)

Are You an Entrepreneur in the Making?

Are you tired of your J O B “just over broke”? Do you see others living out their dreams and passions as business owners and wonder how you can do that too? If you answered “Yes”, you’re not alone. Everyday entrepreneurs are longing for ways to fire their bosses and take control of their own destinies. I was feeling the same way about 10 years ago when I was working to build someone else’s business. My background mainly consisted of legal secretary work for high level attorneys. I had advanced level knowledge of MS Word and Excel and was highly organized. I knew my stuff and was highly marketable. My downfall that I was a job hopper moving from one job to the next because I just wasn’t happy.

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10744096275?profile=originalSee Where You Are Going

One of the most relied upon of the five senses is sight. Sight on a basic level is the ability to see with your physical eyes. But if you dig deeper the ability to see includes creating a mental picture; a visualization. Familiar with the term “mind’s eye”? This term refers to the human ability for visualization, which is experiencing visual mental imagery. Basically, the ability to “see” with your mind. Helen Keller said, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but, no vision.”

From this place of seeing you can begin to jump start your life. Use your “mind’s eye” to see yourself in the future. Where are you? Are you living the life you dreamed of living? Are you experiencing success in all areas of your life? Do you have balance? Say to yourself, “I see you in the future and you look much better than you look right now!”

Visualize the life you want and deserve to live. Harness what you see to help create the path to get from where you are to where you want to be. Use vision to see where you are going.

Pursue Your Passion

Dare to create a vision for your life? Tap into the creativity embedded within you to reach your destined place of purpose. Have you taken the steps necessary to find your purpose? That very thing you are passionate about could be the spark you need. 

I was inspired to become a life coach because I encountered individuals who have shared with me that they don’t know their life’s mission. They didn’t know why they are on this earth at this appointed time and in space. Some stated they have no desire to invest their time, resources or energy to finding their purpose, maximizing their potential and igniting the passion within. I hope you are not at this place in your life; however, if you are then you are reading this at the right time.

Now is the time for you to invest in you. You may have spent years, an enormous amount of resources or endless hours working toward something that is not germane to your life’s call. But take the time to think about that thing in your life which makes you sing. That thing you begin to talk about to the point where people can see the twinkle in your eye and the glow in your countenance. Discover, unleash and pursue your passion.

Act on Your Goals

Take a close look at the word “goal”.  The first two letters make up the word “go”. Go, to move on a course, proceed or to take a certain course. It is just that simple. Goals are not as complicated as we make them out to be. For example, your goal is the bigger picture. For this example our goal or bigger picture is to go food shopping. There are a number of “tasks” we must complete in order to reach this goal. The basic tasks include preparation, going outside, getting into the car, putting the car in gear and “going”.

An effective way to help reach your goals is to break the bigger goal down into a series of tasks. With this in mind, you may only want to tackle two to three goals at one time. Why? Because when you list out the tasks associated with each goal the list can become pretty long. Begin small, be persistent and consistent.

Rev Up Your Engine

In thinking about revving an engine, car racing came to mind. In preparation for a high speed motor race revving the engine prepares the car for optimum performance. To get your car warmed up for the race ahead.

This is certainly a principle you can apply to your life. Revving your personal engine is a great way to prepare yourself for the race head. Life is often viewed as a race. It takes many components for you to not only get in the race, but to sustain it with speed, persistence, consistency and accuracy. You are the driver and the car you have been given is called life. One of the keys to life is learning to drive and navigate with wise efficiency.

One of the ways to “rev up your engine” is to create positive affirmations which are consistent with the way you see your life in the future. They should be positive and written in present tense. View your future with your “mind’s eye”.

Kick Start Your Life

To “kick start” your life is just another way to say “jump start”. It is time to restart fresh and re-energize your life. Little to no progress can be made if you are stuck in life with no “spark” to help provide the kick start you need.

In the movie Inception, “the kick” was necessary to awaken a dreaming individual to get them from one level to another. Sometimes in order to get to our next level in life with need a kick. It is time to make room for new experiences by removing thoughts, ideas and concepts that are not helping you to get to your new level in life. What may have worked in the past may not work for your future.

Kick start your life by connecting with the right people, changing the way you see your life, pursuing your passion and getting the tools and resources you need to jump start your life.

You can receive more inspiration of awesomeness from my weekly podcast show, Awesome Living with Cheryl Pullins.

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10744093094?profile=originalWhile watching the television show, Unsung, a music biography series which sheds much-do light on some of the most influential, talented and yet, somehow forgotten R&B, Soul and Gospel artists of our time. On this particular show they featured rap icon, Kool Moe Dee. He made a statement which reminded me of part of my own journey. He said “my ego does drive the car sometimes.” The statement caught my attention and immediately reminded me of what it takes to get to the place in your life where you recognize and openly admitted that your ego can be in the driver seat of the car of your life and it has a big mouth.

Thinking about my own ego, I re-visited one of the many defining moments in my life. This one was during my time as a flight attendant. Yes, I know, you didn’t know that I had a short stint as a flight attendant. It was one of my dreams and I had the opportunity to live it.

One day I was doing a flight, can’t recall where, but on this flight I was the only flight attendant in the cabin. I did regional flights so it was usually a fifty seat aircraft. It was time for beverage service, and I always started in the rear of the cabin. While setting up for service I hadn’t noticed one of the first class passengers went in the back to use the restroom. Of course as soon as I pushed the cart all the way to the back the passenger comes out of the restroom ready to return to his seat in first class.

Since we’re talking about ego, what do you think I did? Yep. I wouldn’t let him return until I got to the front where there was enough space for him to get back into his seat. Because I wanted to “make my point” about who was in charge. Then to make matters worse, I “apologized” to him for not letting him go back to his seat. Well, he didn’t want to hear it and immediately gave me the front of his palm, also known as the “get out of my face, I don’t want to hear what you have to say” sign.

Well! As you could imagine, both me and my ego were livid. Hot! Upset! How dare he disrespect me in front of the other first class passengers. So now we are having a pretty heated exchange. I didn’t care. I was in “charge” and he needed to know it. But what I had totally forgotten was that I had an administrative ghost rider on my flight and she was sitting in first class. Usually you don’t know when you are being “watched in action.” But it just so happens there was another flight attendant on my flight heading home and somehow she knew there was a ghost rider and she had already warned me. So needless to say, I blew that observation.

What is amazing is that it took me five years to recognize who had really shown up to work the flight 10744093674?profile=originalthat day. It was my ego and it had a big mouth.

When Oprah started her Life Class, the first one I watched was The False Power of Ego. As I listened to the conversation I took it all in and was like okay, how does this relate to me?

The next day I had a conversation with my husband about the class and shared how I believed it related to me, and in that moment, my life had come full circle. The incident I shared about being a flight attendant was because my ego was in the driver’s seat and it had a big mouth. I let ego represent me and speak on my behalf because it needed to not only show the gentleman who was in charge, but it showed me that it was in charge of me too.

When it comes to personal growth, self-reflection, realization and acceptance are very powerful tools.  Using these three strategies can help to transform your thinking and assist you in making the changes needed to go to the next level of your life. There are many experiences and places you will never reach until you pass certain life lessons and learning how to tell your ego to take a back seat and shut up is a lesson you must learn if you are going to truly impact the world with your gifts, talents and abilities.

Here are a few lessons to know and learn about ego because it is tough and stubborn, and will allude you at every turn. If you entertain it, ego will have you abandoning your dreams, settling for less than you deserve, thinking you have all the answers and missing out on amazing opportunities that could move your vision forward.

1) Let go of your need to be perfect

I personally have struggled with the need to be perfect. I refer to myself as a “recovering perfectionist.”  Perfection is an ego-based need, and is used so you can avoid criticism and correction because your ego wants to protect you from them both. Perfection is also the measuring stick we use to compare ourselves to others and it can prevent you from moving forward. Let go of your need to be perfect. Perfection only serves you.

2) Be self-aware

You can’t relate to the ego of another unless you have the same ego within yourself. Becoming self-aware enables you to recognize when your ego is responding to the same ego in someone else. It’s the mirror effect. You are revealed through the reflection of someone else’s behavior. We typically don’t recognize ourselves and believe that it’s the other person with the issue, when often times we have those very same traits. Woman, know thyself. The more you know about you, the real you, the better you know what areas need to be developed.

3) Let go of the need to be right

Oh man! This is a big one. I just know it! Letting go of your need to be right gives notice to your ego that it does not control you. Ego is a tough opponent and will not go away silently into the night. Take a close notice to when you “demand” to be right and the other person is “always” wrong. That my dear is the “Ego game.” You will consistently and regularly explain yourself to prove yourself right. When you feel yourself in the middle of this “game,” stop and ask yourself, Do I want to be right or do I want to exhibit love? For the sake of relationships, personal and professional, let go of being right. I have learned that “right” will surface at some point down the road with relationships in tact. Because of how relentless ego can be, we don’t just want to be right, we want to be right, right now because it wants to protect you from being embarrassed. But when you choose love it expands you and grows you and keeps your ego in check and it’s no longer about being embarrassed, but then about being an example.


You may, as long as you include this complete blurb with it...

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Cheryl Pullins is Speaker and Peak Mastery Coach for women with BIG dreams and want EXTRAORDINARY results. As a coach and speaker, she empowers women to embrace their brilliance, release their gifts and create a life they love. Get tips, tools and empowerment at: www.iCoachWomen.com

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Have you ever thought about how much money you make for the company you work for? Have you ever considered how much less you are making than your boss who is no better qualified than you? Have you realized that you are working to make someone else wealthy? Every day you spend countless hours generating income for someone you probably don't know and for a business you definitely do not own. Unfortunately, in this economy no job is secure. So, where do you find the security? What does your future look like?

If you see more prosperity in your future, then you need to take control of your life now. And that means, working for yourself! You need to put yourself in a position to FIRE YOUR BOSS! Set your own hours and reap the benefits of your hard work.

My mom had an “Embrace the Entrepreneur Within” luncheon, to empower women in their lives and in business. We had 12 to 15 women there that all had positive comments about the illustrious speaker, Melissa Taft. She spoke about the steps needed to be taken to make a change in our lives for the better. She talked about asking yourself questions like: Are you going through life, KNOWING it's not how you envisioned it yet doing NOTHING about it? and Are you aware of your displeasure and doing all you can in your power to change your life??? She described how there are different stages to our development in life and wherever our competency level is, is how our life is developing now. So when are you going to take control of it? When are you going to get smarter about your situation and change it? When are you going to stop making excuses about your life and start making progress? 

So, today the question goes to you too! Are you living your life in complete denial, ignoring all the failures around you, saying, “Oh well, it’s life!”, OR are you stepping out on faith, and taking actions to change your life? The bible says "...faith without deeds is dead" James 2:26. If you're wanting a change in your life, you should be praying for a change. You should be taking action and doing things like:

  • Giving up habits you know aren't good for you.
  • Following through with personal goals
  • Doing all you can to get a financial promotion
  • Or even better, creating an exit strategy and taking steps to FIRE YOUR BOSS!

Do something for yourself and your family. Make a move to impact your life. Embrace the entrepreneur within and see how your life will change. 


Make a disposable income, blogging and become famous online too! Find out how here => BeFamousOnlineToo!

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Moving Your Business from Potential to Profitability in 2013



Entrepreneurs – as you think about your business plan for 2013, consider the following questions:

  • Did your gross receipts exceed the level of effort and resources put in the business in 2012? (This answer indicates whether you have a business, per IRS standards, or just a hobby)
  • Are you aware of the substantial changes in your industry that will impact your business next year? (This includes new technologies, new competitors, new laws, etc.)
  • If Business Growth is one of your goals for 2013, have you already figured out what will be the “RIGHT” type of growth? (i.e. not just more clients, but the clients with whom you will have continuous sales next year)
  • If you are a Coach or Speaker, what “new” insights, services or products do you plan to bring to your clients or audiences next year? (In other words, what will make you stand apart from all the others in your field?)

As a solo entrepreneur or a small business owner, you may have the “potential” to make millions, but if you have not mapped out a strategy for addressing issues such as the ones listed above, increasing your profitability in 2013 is unlikely. Your business plan outlines your business structure, but a solid strategy is the bridge to get you to your destination.

As entrepreneurs, we must relentlessly pursue our highest level of potential in business. Utilizing our full potential empowers us to serve the world with our unique gifts and talents, while being compensated accordingly for doing so. I believe that every entrepreneur should strive for extraordinary success. If you know the precise destination in which you’d like to take your company, then you have a definite target for which to aim.

First, let’s look at why you need a strategy and not just a business plan:

  • Business plans are essential to have, but they are used primarily to start a business, obtain funding, or direct ongoing operations
  • A strategic plan is used to provide focus, direction and action in order to move your business from where it is now to where you want to go
  • A strategic plan is critical for prioritizing your three most valuable, but limited resources (time, talent and capital) to grow the revenue and increase the return on investment
  • A strategic plan focuses on building a sustainable competitive advantage and is futuristic in nature

Strategy helps you make clear and conscious choices about the direction of your company in relation to what’s happening in the dynamic business environment. Armed with strategic knowledge, you’re in a much better position to respond proactively to a changing environment.

Second, let’s review some of the fine points and benefits of small business strategy:

  • To establish a unique value proposition as compared to your competitors
  • To enable you to do the RIGHT things at the RIGHT time
  • To identify the tradeoffs and clarify what you should not do
  • To focus on activities that fit together and reinforce each other
  • To execute your business plan in a way that provides distinct and tailored value to customers

Third, strategic planning is the most effective way to “position” your solo venture or small business for success and profitability. Positioning helps you align your business activities with the goals that you have set and it helps differentiate your products and services from others in the mind of the consumer. If you think positioning your business strategically is an easy task, consider the following senarios:

  • The owner of a local bakery wants to remain small and local, but needs to increase profits. How should the owner adjust and align all business activities, including operations, inventory, marketing and customer service in order to achieve these goals in 2013?
  • A clothing designer wants to position her business to grow into a much bigger regional or national company in 2013. In what way would she need to adjust operations and inventory to cater to a broader client base? How will the owner develop the distribution channels needed to achieve this goal? How much will she need to invest initially – before profits?
  • A Health & Wellness Coach has been planning to launch a new suite of wellness products in 2013. She just found out that another contender in the market is also launching a similar suite of products with a sophisticated online portal at a much lower rate. The competitor is also positioning themselves to become a player in the healthcare exchange market in 2014. How should this Coach adjust her go-to-market strategy?

These are actal strategy senarios from three of my current clients. As you can see, developing a profitable and competitive strategy is much more complex than just putting together a business plan. You have to know the direction you want your company or solo venture to take, understand how to position yourself, and align the various elements of your enterprise with that directional goal. This avoids wasting time and effort on activities that don't add to your bottom line.

I realize that it’s not easy, so I want to help you develop a solid Game Plan for your business in 2013. Because I want you to succeed, you don’t have to work through this process alone. Joined by two other phenomenal business coaches (Chloe Taylor Brown and Cheryl Budden Earls), we have scheduled two workshops in an effort to coach and train you in the development of your “2013 Strategic Play Book”!

Follow the link below to find out more about the Strategic Coaching Workshops that I'll be offering in December, with Chloe Taylor Brown and Cheryl Budden Earls! Armed with the right strategy, you can Rock 2013 and drastically increase your profitability!

Click Here To Get Started with the 2013 Small Business Prosperity Challenge Today: www.moniquestoner.com/2013-prosperity-challenge. It's totally FREE & there's no obligation.

Also, for additional 2013 Business Planning Tips, read my Five Steps to Business Success in 2013 article - http://www.moniquestoner.com/five-steps-to-business-success-in-2013/

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21 speakers to EMPOWER Christian Women and Entrepreneurs during My Extraordinary Life and Business Success Telesummit


Christian Women are encouraged to step up and catapult their personal, spiritual and business growth via an empowering virtual (online) Event. Experience Rejuvenation, Transformation, Empowerment and Spiritual Renewal during this no cost event.


(Press Release) – Sept 11, 2012 – Imagine receiving insight from 21 savvy spiritually empowered experts in various fields that will catapult your personal, spiritual and business growth from the comfort of your home. The information shared is valued at thousands, however, you won’t pay that. The cost of this empowering event is FREE! Discover insider tips and strategies without the hype.


Why free? Robin Tramble the host of this event is passionate about empowering women to discover their authentic self, get unstuck, laser focused, so they can show up bold, brilliant, confident and empowered to get out there in BIG while prospering and making a difference in the world “authentically!”


My Extraordinary Life and Business Success Telesummit will include topics on business success, social media, life balance, health and fitness, mindset, empowerment, 6 figure manifestation, feminine, overcoming challenges and more. These fired up experts will share insights on breaking through to your Extraordinary Life and Business Success.


Our featured speakers include:

Diane Cunningham

Chris Makell

Michele Scism


Plus 16 more!


We invite you to take advantage of this empowering event. Your life will be enriched and your personal, spiritual and business growth will be catapulted!

Realize Rejuvenation, Transformation, Empowerment and Spiritual Renewal.


Of course we encourage you to make all of the calls, however, you will have access to the replay for a limited time. If you desire to secure a permanent copy for your collection you will be given an opportunity to do so.


You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!


My Extraordinary Life and Business Success Telesummit is sponsored by Robin Tramble International, World Wide Visibility Social Media and The Authentic Triple A.A.A. Woman Network. To secure your FREE VIP ticket go to




We look forward to having you join us!


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Robin Tramble works with Christian Women Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Speakers and Authors who want to discover their authentic self so they can make big changes or achieve some big results but are struggling to make it happen fast enough. She helps them get unstuck, laser focused, so they can show up bold, brilliant, confident and empowered to get their message out there in BIG way while prospering and making a difference in the world “authentically!”


Robin is CEO and Founder of Robin Tramble International, She’s a Professional “Authentic” Empowerment Specialist, Trainer, Coach and Public Speaker. Robin is also known as Empowerment Diva because she has carved out a niche in the area of empowerment. She has shared her empowerment tips on Good Day Sacramento as “Empowerment Diva” and was named 1 of 25 urban Entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Brand maker News. Robin has also upgraded her Social Proof with a certification as a Social Media Marketing Campaign Specialist to further support her commitment to helping Women get their message out there in a big way “authentically!”


Robin is also an accomplished keyboardist, singer and songwriter and plans to incorporate her musical gifts with her resources for women’s empowering personal development.


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With the vast amount of social media networks for businesses to select from, how do you narrow it down to the ones that are perfect for your needs? Having thousands at your fingertip to sift thru can become a daunting task!

To streamline the process, ask yourself the Who? What? Where? How?

  1. Who are your customers?
  2. What are their needs and desires?
  3. Where do they live?
  4. How much time do you commit to managing social media?
  5. How do you search for a ’niche’ network?
  6. How do you monitor and protect your online image?

Who are your customers?

There are literally thousands of social media networks. To decide which will work for your business, it is important to know your customer. Let’s get it straight… EVERYONE is NOT your customer. Though it would be nice to claim them all, it is impossible to be all things to all people. So, it is best to know and understand your target market.


What are their needs and desires?

Do you know why customers buy your product or service? If not, you should make it your business to find out. Ultimately, you want to increase sales and grow your business, right? Well, to do that, you must get inside their heads to learn their needs and desires?

In essence, understanding their needs is extremely important. Ask questions and concentrate on what the customer is really saying. Always paraphrase at the appropriate time to make sure you understand. Check out their body language. Are they at ease or in a defense mode? You should avoid making assumptions as it will only ignite the situation.

Did you know that it costs five to six times as much to get a new customer as it does to keep a current one? Make sure your customer’s needs are taken care of and that you have follow up procedures in place.


Where do they live?

Have you figured out which networks are most frequented by potential and existing customers, vendors or partners? If not, do the research! Developing a strategy begins with targeting the right people. Find the networks that work best. Doing so, you will eventually see a ROI (return on investment).


How much time do you commit to managing social media?

To manage time when using social media can be a juggling act. It is important to allocate a certain amount of time daily or weekly. Monitor what your top distractions are and eliminate them. Find tools that can help you manage multiple platforms.


4 MUST Have Social Tools:

  • Hootsuite: a social media management system for businesses to collaboratively execute campaigns across multiple social networks from one secure, web-based dashboard.
  • NutshellMail: takes copies of all your latest updates in your social networking accounts and places them in a snapshot email; updates are sent to your primary email address on your schedule.
  • Crowdbooster: offers social media analytics with suggestions and tools to help you improve your online presence.
  • Zite: a free personalized magazine that automatically learns what you like and gets smarter every time you use it; tracks your data to help personalize your magazine and the magazines of others.

How do you search for a ’niche’ network?

While it’s beneficial to be on major social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, it is equally important to connect to industry related networks. To find those related to your industry, simply search using key words such as ‘social networks for ‘…’


An Example of 4 ‘Niche’ Networks:

How do you monitor and protect your online image?

Do you know what people are saying about you or your brand? Negative comments can destroy your credibility. Google alerts will monitor you and your business name. Once you sign up, you will receive alerts when your name or brand is mentioned.

By using this process, will enable you to select the appropriate social networks for your business; thus, allowing you to reap full benefits of growing your virtual presence.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Sylvia Browder is a small business consultant, trainer and author. She is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. She has served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs, www.sylviabrowder.com.

Ready to UPLEVEL your business and life? Learn more about our new membershipprogram.

Register TODAY for our weekly ezine, http://sylviabrowder.com/free-weekly-e-zine.html

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Got Clients? Quick and easy tips to help you attract clients.

Do you have a plan in place to attract your ideal clients? I know attraction is not the end all in your client getting strategy, however, you do need to attract them to sign them or ask them and better yet wow them so that they ask you where they pay or sign on the line?

As a woman entrepreneur it’s easy to get side tracked and major on
the minors. One of the things you may not spend enough time on is
marketing, but without marketing you won’t have clients/customers and
without clients/customers you’re not in business for long.

So how do you attract clients? Great question.

I’m going to share a few tips with you below. Some you may be aware of but
just aren’t doing them or you may be new and don’t know where to begin.

One simple way is your signature. You can add a small blurb at the end
of your outgoing emails. Most providers have it set up where it automatically attaches to the end of your email. You want the most prominent information at the top. If you most want them to visit your website to get your free report, audio etc. then you want to put that at the top and maybe your title beneath.

Another place is in forums and network blogs. A caution on network blogs make
sure that this is allowed. Depending on the mission of the network you may not be allowed to add your signature at the end of your posts. Don’t start off promoting immediately in the forums. Get to know the people there. Watch for conversations that you can lend your expertise to and post. Attach your signature to the end of your posts.

Provide an IFO on your blog or website
What? No opt in box on your blog or website? You bet. There are many sites I visit that don’t have any way to capture their leads or the information from prospects that show up to their site. Most individuals will never invest in you products upon their first visit, so you must have a value added IFO (irresistible free offer) ready for them to raise their hand to provide their information in exchange for your value added IFO. Notice I said value added.

There are many ways to attract clients, however, if you start here you will find that it makes a world of difference. I wasn’t adding my signature at one point not because I didn’t know but because I just didn’t take the time to do it. Once I did I started adding more people to my list.

There is a lot more that goes into attracting clients and one thing is to make sure you are attracting your ideal client. Your ideal client wants your solutions, is ready and willing to pay you for your results driven solutions.

The key is being visible to the right market, niche, sending the right message, showing yourself as an authority in your area, adding value and building relationships.

Want to learn more about attracting your ideal clients? Join me for my ULTIMATE “Marketing YOU” party! 21 JUICY ways to Confidently Get Your Message Out There, Get Leads, Clients and Profits “Authentically!”

This will be one of the most electrifying and empowering training events that I’ve done and I’ve facilitated a few.

Register, put this on your calendar, and commit to showing up. Success is 80% showing up. Get Your favorite glass, champagne glass and fill with your favorite nutritious drink and get ready for my BIZ Rockin’ Event because that’s what superstars do right? Talk to you soon “superstar! Click here to request your VIP access to my “Marketing YOU” TRAINING event!

As always I welcome your comments.

Robin aka The Empowerment Diva
EMPOWERMENT and Certified Social Media Marketing
Campaign Specialist

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Is Women's Empowerment Really Necessary?


Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, or economic strength of individuals and communities. It often involves the empowered developing confidence in their own capacities. Wikipedia

Do you think women’s empowerment is even necessary? What are your thoughts about empowerment? We are so accustomed to running with new concepts, theories and such that we fail to fully understand the true essence. I believe this is what happens with the concept of women’s empowerment.

The process of empowerment The process which enables individuals/groups to fully access personal/collective power, authority and influence, and to employ that strength when engaging with other people, institutions or society. In other words, “Empowerment is not giving people power, people already have plenty of power, in the wealth of their knowledge and motivation, to do their jobs magnificently We define empowerment as letting this power out (Blanchard, K).” It encourages people to gain the skills and knowledge that will allow them to overcome obstacles in life or work environment and ultimately, help them develop within themselves or in the society. Wikipedia

If you are going to be equipped for the mission you’ve set forth for your business and life, empowerment is a needed ingredient in your recipe for the realization of a juicy manifestation of empowering success.

Show me a woman who is empowered and I’ll show you an unstoppable woman.

Empowerment is a choice. Empowerment doesn’t chase you down and beg to be part of your journey. You must choose to seek out resources that will allow you to maximize your empowerment.

You are a spirit, you have a soul and you live in a body. Each must be nurtured if they’re going to be and remain strong, even so for your personal, spiritual and business life. This has been said to be a male dominated world and as such women must become empowered to stand in their own power, to step up and play a bigger game. You must be confident in yourself and the gifts that you have to offer to the world. Let’s take it a step further for those of you who may be dealing with fear, when you are confident of God in you it “trumps” fear.

Is women’s empowerment necessary? Yes, if you’re going to have a competitive advantage and differentiate yourself in the marketplace. Whether you’re in the corporate world, a work at home mom, woman entrepreneur, stay at home mom, wife, leader in ministry, single mom, executive etc. make the choice for maximum empowerment today!

Here’s a biblical reference to empowerment . . . In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides]. Ephesians 6:10 Amplified version

If you’re ready right now to take charge of your life, join dynamic women and I for my Teleseries “Revealed: Essential Divalicious Success Secrets for an Extraordinary Life and Business.” Click here to learn more and get started.

Create and Enjoy Empowering Success. Say yes to The Rich Life, Best Life, Good Life, and Extraordinary Glorious Life!

What does empowerment mean to you?

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FREE Training Confidently Market Your Biz like a Superstar on a Shoestring

Attention: Women Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Authors or other Women in Business and you Smart Men who’ve also raised your hands to glean from my expertise…..

Are you struggling with marketing your business? Do you get anxious at the thought of marketing your business online?

“Finally the truth about marketing your business online without the overwhelm, with little or no money so you can increase your profits while having free time left over for what matters most!”

Robin Tramble Empowerment and Certified Social Media Marketing Campaign Specialist will share with you How You Can Market Like A Superstar on a Shoestring Budget!

Here’s some of what you’ll discover

Importance of a Magnetic Superstar Marketing Mindset
7 Shoestring Marketing ideas and resources
One mistake you’re making that’s sabotaging your sales success
3 Steps to Online Marketing Success
One thing you must do if you’re going to jump start your marketing endendeavors
Fast and easy ways to market your business with little or no money
How to leverage your time and double your productivity
Fatal mistakes you’re making with your website
And more!

If you’re tired of reinventing the wheel and doing it alone. Tired of the information overload and hype this call is one you don’t want to miss.

Request VIP access to my FREE training here

We’re rolling out the carpet for you!

Only 200 phone lines

Talk soon!

Coach Robin

EMPOWERMENT and Certified Social Media Marketing Campaign Specialist


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Empowered to Say No

Empowered to Say No


When asked to take on a task and you know that you don’t have time to fit it in your day do you

1) Say I’m sorry I’m unable to do that at this time

2) Say I’m sorry I’m unable to do that at this time while feeling guilty or

3)You agree to do it knowing full well that it will be next to impossible to fulfill it?
One of the biggest hindrances to one’s endeavor to lead a balanced and healthy life is the inability to say no.

Many things contribute to one’s inability to simply say no without the guilt. It can b a problem with needing approval, not wanting to be rejected which is complicated by low self esteem.

Generally speaking, people can’t say no to someone asking them for something because they are so worried about upsetting the person or lack the courage to turn down the request. People often dislike disagreeing, or believe saying yes is easier than saying no. Others can simply not say no. However, there are often instances where it is best to say no to a request and it is important to learn how to utter that small little word, “no.”

You can become empowered to say no.

Discover simple strategies to say no, politely but firmly.
It’s you schedule and your life. You don’t have to come with excuses or stories. If you don’t value your time no one else will. You can say no without being dishonest.
Here are a few ways you can say no.
• No. I would only be able to do a mediocre job right now.
• No. I don’t have any spare time right now.
• Not this time, please give me more notice next time and I’ll work it into my schedule.
• I can’t accept this, with my present commitments. I’m sorry.
• I’m rather quite busy now. I must decline.
• I don’t think I have the time for it, as I am in the middle of something important.
• After looking at my calendar, I found that I already have prior commitments.
• I can’t.
• Why don’t you try someone else? I’m not the right person for this.

Take some time to come up with some additional ways that you can say no that feel authentic to you and our personality. If you aren’t sure, you can always ask for time to make the decision without feeling guilty. You may say you will have to think about it. If somebody persists with the request when you want to say no, you may have to be assertive and firmly decline. You don’t need to risk over committing by saying yes when you actually want to say no.

When you neglect being honest when approached by your boss for instance and you know that you couldn’t possibly fulfill the request in excellence you are putting your job on the line.

If you can show your boss, the reasons for not being able to accept the extra responsibility, you may be able to convince your superior about your inability to accept the additional work. Don’t accept anything that puts your job at risk or makes you suffer later.

Believe it or not learning to say no at the right time can help you gain respect with your peers and help avoid dire situations.

When saying no do so with confidence and if you lack confidence well this is an area that you want to work on. An inability to say no will be a definite hindrance to your personal empowerment.

Boost your confidence and self esteem. Celebrating the uniqueness of you will go a long way in enhancing your ability to say no without feeling guilty.

Besides when you don’t truly desire or have room to fulfill the request you’re not being authentic and you know I’m all for being authentic.

Here’s to your no-ability!

I know you enjoyed this post and maybe you’d like to go deeper. I’d like to invite you to join me for my new Teleseries. Click here to join my Teleseries “Essential secrets to Extraordinary Life and Business Success!”

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Calling all Savvy Women, Women Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Ministry Leaders


Say YES to the Extraordinary Woman in You! Essential Divalicious (Diva - Delicious) Steps/Secrets to Creating and Enjoying Your Divine Empowering Life and Business Success!"




Do you ever feel stuck, stressed, confused, frustrated, wondering

where to start, what to do once you got started to stay motivated and

confident or what would happen if you never get it right and continue down

this same road? Does it ever seem "HOPELESS?"


I've been there too! It changed for me and it can change for you!


You’ll never realize your empowering life and business success until you….


Get clear on what you want


Make a decision to never ever settle for mediocrity


Make a commitment


Develop a plan


Set effective Goals




Connect with an accountability Partner


Commit to your Spiritual Authority


Embrace Divine influence


And more!


Those are just a few of the elements necessary for realized empowering  life and business success.


Always remember empowerment is a choice. Yours!


Make the choice today for your Best Life, Rich Life, Glorious Life!


I want to help you.


Join me for my brand new Teleseries “Divalicious Secrets to Extraordainry Life and Business Success!”


Be sure to bring your Juicy Red Divalicious Strawberry or other Passion Fruit You Enjoy.


Go to http://bit.ly/divineempoweringsuccess





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7 Basic Tips for Effective Goal Setting

By ShaChena Gibbs

Many new entrepreneurs do not set realistic goals. We get so excited and want to do so much so fast.  Moving too quickly allows us to miss some important steps. Effective goal setting in business building is one of the keys to a successful business.

Setting goals in your personal and professional life is extremely important if you have intention on succeeding. 

Setting goals is not something that is difficult to do. You just really need to be committed to doing what is needed to get the task done.

When I set goals I just think about why am I setting these goals and what do I want my end result to be. Then I get started with my simple basic steps.


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Power up your Social Media Marketing with this for a profitable experience

There are 5 basic steps that you must follow if you’re going to have a profitable
Social Media experience. One of those steps is to identify your goal for each network.

There are many ways in which Social media can bring marketing success to your business. Before you start it’s important to know what exactly it is you’re trying to achieve. This will enable you to track your success and tweak your various methods easier to work on once things have started rolling with your business.

Social Media can assist in many different aspects of your marketing. Whether you are aiming at driving traffic to your site, generating referrals and sales, or just plain having a way to communicate with both current and prospective clients, social media makes this entire process much easier to accomplish.

There are a few things to keep in mind, however. the simple goal of accumulating connections through social media outlets is not the only thing necessary for a successful business. Having lists of thousands of “followers” or “friends” in your various social media platforms may be nice, but it will not make you the successful businessperson you are striving for if nobody does anything but make small talk.

There’s another important step that I’ll share as a bonus and this is to identify your strategy for not only obtaining these followers, but converting them into actual paying clientele. Another option would be to add them as associates or affiliates. It’s important to have some type of product or service each of these potential clients can relate to, in reference to their own needs. Do keep in mind that blatant sales pitches could result in rapid loss of your followers or contacts. Try to find a “happy medium” per se, where you will be providing added value information or suggestions these contacts will find useful.

Power up!

I invite you to receive additional insights on Social Media by joining other dynamic women and I for “Empowerment Diva Rocks Social Media and You Can Too!” A Free Social Media training for beginners

Secure your VIP Access to my Bonus Social Media Training Call here

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Social Media is more than the latest trend. It is strongly becoming a must use tool for Businesses that are positioning themselves to gain a big piece of the market they’ve deemed their target. If you want to be seen as an authority in your field you’d do yourself justice by either acquiring the skills to utilize and I will say “effectively” use Social Media or outsource it.

Here are 7 Social Media Mistakes You Might Be Making That are costing you Business and Clients. 

1. You’re less than Authentic
You know I’m going to talk about being authentic some where in this post. So why not start right from the top. Your followers whether on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc. can smell a lack of authenticity a mile away and once they do the won’t be around for long. And I’m not stating this as a trend or the latest term being shopped around. People will follow those they can trust and so this is a great segway to embracing the know, like and trust factor. Do this and you’re on your way to converting your followers in to customers and clients who will sing your praises “to others!”


2. You are not clear on your Goal

This is one of the most significant steps to realizing a profitable experience on Facebook. What is it that you wish to accomplish with Social Media and even more important what is your goal on each Social Media Network that you designate as your focus. If you’re beginning start with one to focus on. Of course you can set up an account on the the two major networks Twitter and Facebook and you might even give it a try on Linkedin, however, you want to focus on really getting a handle on one as your primary focus and then move on to another one. Take the time to get clear on your goal.

3. You’re not clear on your Target Market
This is step 2 if you desire to realize a profitable experience on Facebook. This is also one area many are missing it. You’re all over the place and your language is confusing. I’m sure you’ve heard the statement “a confused mind” doesn’t buy. If you want to amp up your results take the time to do your homework and define who your target market is. If Facebook is your primary focus right now, who is your target market? When you post on your Facebook page you should be speaking in terms of your target market. We haven’t even talked about your niche, however, even before getting to deep into that you need to determine who are Target Market is.

4. You’re not Engaging

Are you simply posting links and offers on your social media networks? This is a FATAL mistake. The Social is not in Social Media just because. If you’re going to have empowering success using Social Media you must engage and it must be value added.

5. Too much Promotion – Close to Spamming
There is a ratio that I like to mention to my clients and that is to serve up 60% Value added posts, 20% Retweets, sharing on Facebook and 20% sharing of your offers, links and such.

One thing that can sabotage your empowering success when attempting to effectively use Social Media that will render customers, clients and convert them into those that sing your praises “to others” is too much promotion which can actually be considered spamming or close to it.

6. Out of balance with Quality vs Quantity
Sure it’s great to have thousands of followers, friends and likes, however, what good does it do if you don’t have a balance of good quality content going out to a quality of followers, friends and community of individuals who have liked your Facebook page?

When starting out you may be tempted to go for the quantity as you’re creating your page because you need 25 to get the username and that’s after your first use of the no limit to get the username but after that your goal should be to gain targeted likes, followers, friends and to not only post the maximum of updates, tweets but to post value added content.

If you’re looking for a profitable experience, take the time to create a healthy balance between quality posts, quality targeted followers, friends and likes.


7. You’re operating with a negative mindset

Operating with a negative mindset can sabotage your empowering success with Social Media. In one of my posts I refer to 3 mindsets to avoid which includes; The inferiority, Scarcity and It’s Too Late For Me mindset. These are three to avoid. You must embrace a positive mindset. A mindset of success. Feeling like you don’t have enough, that there isn’t enough to go around and so you feel there’s no room for you or that it’s too late will cause you to give up before you even begin or throw in the towel right before a possible breakthrough. Cultivate a positive mindset. This is just an excerpt from my post but you get the gist of it don’t you?


I’ve shared great content on the mistakes you may be making when using Social Media that are costing you business and clients. Of course this is a list of a few of the mistakes.

Social Media is a phenomenal tool when used correctly which brings me to my next point. It’s up to you to acquire the skills needed to upgrade your life and business. I’m offering you an opportunity now.

I invite you to register for my Jump Start Your Social Media and Online Marketing Success Teleseries! Go here and secure your place and discover more about building your list and attracting clients within 30 days! If you’re serious about growing your business you should be building your list/community and when you do it effectively you will greatly enhance your ability to attract clients within 30 days!

Go ahead request your FREE access now!

I’d love to read your thoughts. You’re welcome to leave a comment. Thanks!

Your Empowering Coach “The Empowerment Diva”


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January 9, 2012 - Robin was introduced to Twitter and turned away out of lack of understanding it, however, because she can identity a tool that will position her for greater visibility, an ability to up level as an authority in her field It wasn't long before Robin Tramble aka Empowermentdiva went from under 100 followers to attracting droves of followers to her Twitter-verse as she likes to call it and it was all done without gimmicks. She began to attract clients some of which are still with her today and soon joined the Facebook and Linkedin Community.

Robin wants to share how individuals can gain world-wide visibility, get results, increase profits using Social Media without the overwhelm and information overload.

This training will be limited to 200 phone lines. Registration opens January 5, 2012 http://bit.ly/stopbeingbestkeptsecret If you want to be sure to join you can use the webcast or log in early.

Authentic Life and Biz Empowerment and Social Marketing Specialist, Robin Tramble will reveal her TOP SECRETS on how to stop being the best kept secret and gain world-wide visibility, results and profits

Robin was also named 1 of 25 urban entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Brand Maker News.

During this training Robin will discuss:

* Why You Should Use Social Media if You're Serious About Building a Thriving Business 
and Ministry
* How Your Mindset Could Be Sabotaging Your Social Media Empowering Success
* Surefire Ways to Get and Stay Focused
* Proven Tactics for Attracting Targeted Followers on Twitter
* Proven Tactics for Attracting Targeted Friends and Likes on Facebook
* Important Steps Needed for Profitable Social Media Endeavors
* Mistakes You're Making That's Sabotaging your Success
* How to Move in the Face of Fear
* How to diminish and eliminate the Overwhelm
* How to leverage your time when using social Media
Plus a bonus tactic for getting traffic to your blog or site when using Linkedin
And more!

"I'm going to share tactics that you'll be able to use immediately after the call."

Social Media is not going anywhere too soon so you might as well get a piece of the pie by learning how to effectively use Social Media to upgrade your business, gain world-wide
visibility and profits while having time for what matters most.

Media inquiries may be directed to Gen Larson info@RobinTramble.com

--- end ---

About Robin Tramble

Robin has coached and mentored spiritually minded women, women entrepreneurs, speakers, authors, coaches and consultants internationally on how to manifest their Authentically Brilliant Diamond Life and Business via her live and virtual events, programs, products, services, mentoring and coaching. Her Social Media Campaign Specialist Certification has equipped her with additional empowering resources for those she is so passionate about empowering "YOU!" Learn more about how she can support you here http://www.Authenticlifeempowerment.com She is also an Author, Speaker, Trainer who is known for her passion for helping others to become empowered to discover their uniqueness, get unstuck, laser focused, uncover disempowering behaviors, master their mindset.make BIG changes and get results.


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"Feel like you're running on a Hamster's

wheel and getting nowhere?"

Join me for my  Power Executive Call Free....
Empowered to Manifest Your Best Year Ever!

This is my Christmas and New Year's Gift To You...

Tuesday, December 27 at 2:00 PM PST

  • Experience a powerful Visualization Exercise to help you with manifestation of your Ideal Lifestyle!

  • Essential Keys to Manifesting Your Best Year Yet!

  • Empowering Insights for a Success Mindset

  • 4 Mindset shifts essential to your Breakthrough in 2012

And More!

Click here to learn more and secure your VIP access.

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I want to ask you what do you know about the following sites – FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace, Youtube ?

While you might know the URL for the sites in question, did you know that you could use these Social sites to drive qualified leads to your business?

For small business owners running a business and making a profit is more difficult day by day. Very few business owners have enough clients. Paying for leads, advertising in the Yellow Pages, running ad’s on radio and television are all expensive, and without any guarantee of getting the results you need.

I don’t want to sound negative, but that is the reality.

Social Media Marketing is affordably, and more importantly it is guaranteed to work. We are a local business who specialise in delivering results for small businesses in the Sacramento area and Globally via the internet.

Social Media Marketing is really a very simple concept. 

The fact that you have heard about FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace and Youtube should give you some confidence, because your customers have too. They use their computers just about every day – so getting your message in front of them is not going to take long.

Want to discover how to get results and increase profits using Social Media? Don’t miss my 2 Part Tele-training! Go here to register for my Social Media Training. It’s absolutely free to you this time.


Empowering you!


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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