Of (176)

5 Things You Can Do to Increase Your Revenue ImmediatelyYou can immediately increase your revenue by creating information products. Here are some ideas:• E-books. An e-book is a digital product that people will download. The easiest way to make money from e-books is to create your e-book around what you are passionate about and market to your target market.• Teleseminars. These are also called Teleclasses and they are taught over the telephone. Teleseminars are great because they are excellent way to show that you are an expert in your industry. You can offer free teleseminars and paid teleseminars. During your free teleseminar presentations, share useful information but leave the audience wanting more. This way they will visit your website and purchase information products which will give them more information about your topic or they will sign up for your paid teleseminars in which you will share full information about your topic.Tip: The materials used during your teleseminars can be used later to create even more products such as audio files which you can burn to a CD or make available on your website for download or you can use teleseminar material and create a special report to sell on your website.• Affiliate Programs. If you have already created your own information products, why not have other people sell them for you. Set up an affiliate program and pay people commissions when they sell your product through their website, newsletter or blog. If you haven’t created your own information products yet, promote other people’s programs and make a handsome profit – sometimes as high as 40%! When you sign up for a company’s affiliate program, they provide you with the tools to advertise the product such as graphics, HTML and links.• Multimedia Products – Create large multimedia products by combining different formats of the same product. For example, when you teach a teleseminar, bundle together the teleseminar by selling its audio recording, a transcript or a workbook.• Advertising. Sell advertising on your website, blog and in your newsletter and presto – you have another income stream!Carmin Wharton is the founder of e-BlackWomenNetwork.com, a membership community designed to take businesses owned by women of color from startup to prosperity. Carmin's mission is to help women earn what they're worth and make it big in their home-based business on their own terms.
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Our Path to Greatness

If it is true that what we love is our path to greatness – then it is also true that everyone who is working for barely makes do wages or less doesn’t have to. It also means that people who feel trapped in well paying jobs don’t need to. The question now is: How do we transform what we love into cash.I once heard a story of a man who had an infinity for fixing small electrical things. Radios, mixers, sewing machines; whatever – he could fix it. He never had any formal training in electronic or electrical repair. It was just something he instinctively knew how to do. Friends and family members often brought things to him to repair. Eventually his wife got sick of all of the money he was spending on tools and repair parts and him not making any money for his efforts. Finally he decided to rent a small room so he could continue to indulge in his love; but keep peace in his home. So to pay for his work space, he started charging people a nominal fee to do their repairs.As fate would have it, a time came he got laid off from his job and his wife didn’t make enough to support them. So, he began to call to check on a few offers he had received from customers to teach, to be on call to properly set up major appliances etc. Within a month he was making more money than he had ever made at his job.The answer to the questions: How do we transform what we love into cash is: For some people, transforming what you love to do into cash is a matter of making some decision and following through on them. For some it will take a business plan, investors . . . . Still others will simply stumble into their gift. The key however is to take the time to regularly work at that which brings you joy and a sense of fulfillment.Armed with this information, I finally put aside all of my reasons, excuses, meanderings … and dove into one of my favorite activities. At first it was awkward and felt strange – like I had never made a good living sewing before. As I moved forward and started on my second piece it began to feel good. Wonderful memories of past accomplishments began to appear in the forefront of my mind one by one. As I worked on my third piece, I began to relive the emotions that made me decide to become a seamstress in the first place.I’ll keep you posted on the outcome.
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The Riverside Hotel is no longer where our Friday and Saturday (November 7th and 8th) events will take place. Due to sponsorship being very low this conference year and not enough PAID registration taking place prior to the event, we could not afford to pay for that space.WCCCD NEW Northwest campus has graciously given us the space we need in order to facilitate the conference.Wayne County Community College District-Northwest Campus8200 West Outer DriveDetroit, MII hope to see you there!For more information visit....essenceofmotown.comMonica Marie JonesAuthor of FLOSSGet your copy today at www.monicamariejones.com

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Survival of the Fittest

Darwin Was Right, In Nature and in Business

In his book, The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, Charles Darwin penned these words.

[A]s more individuals are produced than can possibly survive, there must in every case be a struggle for existence, either one individual with another of the same species, or with the individuals of distinct species, or with the physical conditions of life. ... Although some species may be now increasing, more or less rapidly, in numbers, all cannot do so, for the world would not hold them.

These words sum up brilliantly the constant interaction between and among businesses in a rapidly evolving global economy. And Indie Business owner Christopher Hazlett's current situation perfectly illustrates the importance of being adaptable in a changing market environment.

Hazlet founded Integrate Consulting in 2006, and by the end of 2007, it was generating income in the low six figures. But in January of this year, income plummeted to next to nothing. When you read Hazlett's story in Wednesday's New York Times, you'll see a perfect illustration of what Darwin wrote about. When Integrate Consulting's clients terminated their contracts, rather than fretting or selling his services at fire sale prices, Hazlett simply changed direction. He launched Event Clipboard, an event planning company, using the same skills and talents that made Integrate Consulting successful. Hazlett is excited about the positive feedback he's receiving from his first 50 beta testers.

Adapt, or Else ...

Darwin's conclusions could have easily referred to business owners like Hazlett. And like you. And like me. Don't sit around whining and complaining about your hard luck or the downturn in the world economy. Do what Hazlett is doing. Focus on your own economy. Tap into your talents, gifts and work history to adapt to the world as it changes.

Once you find your place, you have to always be ready to change it in order to adapt it to circumstances over which you have no control. Seize your own place. Wrestle it to the ground. As Darwin wrote, the world will not hold you if you don't.

What do you think?

Are you inspired by Hazlett's story? By how he refused to let the grass grow under his feet and instead, took the bulls by the horns and made something happen? How are you holding your place in this rapidly changing economic environment? Inspire us with some of your story! I know it will encourage a lot of other Indies today.

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Join Me and the American Small Business League!

In a phone conversation a few minutes ago with a representative of the American Small Business League, I was given permission to post this information. While the ASBL serves companies with up to 500 employees, far more employees than Indie Business Owners have, their interests are similar to ours in some ways. ASBL's review of the new Emergency (it's not an emerency) Economic Stabiliation Act of 2008 reveals a provision that give unfettered discretion to the federal government to waive set-aside provisions that benefit small, woman-owned and minority-owed businesses.


Indies, I know that some large businesses have acted unfairly to take advantage of some of the SBA's set-aside programs. I am personally disgusted with how programs that were originally designed for real small businesses have been intentionally ignored by companies that find a way to benefit simply by having attorneys walk through loopholes and publicists to "spin" everything once they've made millions of dollars by emloying unethical and illegal practices. I fear from a policy perspective that this will only get worse if the government can use this new law to waive, at its discretion, provisions protecting traditional small businesses. Just imagine where that leaves Indies! Please review ASBL's overview below and decide for yourself whether you agree that the law should not pass with this provision. If so, act now using the easy to use templates and links below.

Letter From American Small Business League

Today, I am contacting you with an important legislative alert and a call to action. As you may know, [Monday,] the House of Representatives voted down the financial bailout bill, by a 228-205 House Vote. The bill, H.R. 3997, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, contained a provision that could have had far-reaching negative impacts for small businesses across the country. We are concerned that as Congress moves forward with the second incarnation of the bill, this legislative language could come up again.

Specifically, Section 107 of H.R. 3997 would give overly broad authority to the Secretary of the Treasury, allowing the Secretary to waive or suspend provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). The bill states, "The Secretary may waive specific provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation upon a determination that urgent and compelling circumstances make compliance with such provisions contrary to the public interest." This vaguely worded power grab could lead to vital small businesses programs being suspended on the whim of the Treasury Secretary.

While this bill was voted down in House, it is almost certain that a new bailout bill with a similar provision will be introduced and possibly voted on soon. We cannot allow a bill to pass that contains legislative language, which weakens or removes the current protections for small businesses. In addition to concerns regarding the bailout plan, we are concerned that the language of H.R. 3997 did not contain any provisions to help small businesses compete during these hard economic times. With that in mind, we are pushing for the inclusion of a provision that would stop the diversion of federal small business contracts to large corporations, as a means of giving a boost to the middle class economy.

Given the gravity and time sensitive nature of this issue, we ask that you offer an official statement from your chamber opposing language similar to that of Section 107 and supporting the removal of large firms from federal small business contracting programs. Additionally, we ask that you distribute our message to your members, asking them to contact their elected officials regarding this issue. We would appreciate a copy of any letter that you decide to send to your congressional representatives. Please email me a copy of your letter or send it via fax to (707) 789-9580.

For your convenience I have included: a description of our concerns, a link to the congressional contact portal, a copy of H.R. 3997, and a letter template that you can personally use to contact your congressional representatives.

Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Kevin Baron | Director of Government Affairs
American Small Business League
707.789.9575w | 707.789.9580f
kbaron@asbl.com | www.asbl.com

ASBL Concerns

We are concerned that Section 107 of S. 3997, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, will be included in the second incarnation of the financial bailout bill. Section 107 of the bill, will give overly broad powers to the Secretary of the Treasury, which would allow the Secretary to waive specific provisions within the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) given, "urgent and compelling circumstances," which make compliance with such provisions contrary to the public interest. The suspension of the FAR would effectively remove vital protections for small businesses in federal contracting programs.

The language in H.R. 3997 was too vague and ill defined, which will open the door for an abuse of power that will harm small businesses. New bailout legislation will be introduced and possibly voted on by the end of the week and we cannot allow a bill to pass, which contains legislative language that weakens or removes the current protections for small business contractors, while giving the Treasury Secretary, overly broad powers.

Every year billions of dollars in federal small business contracts are awarded to Fortune 500 corporations, their subsidiaries and European firms. The current language of the bailout bill does not address stopping the diversion of federal small business contract dollars to large corporations. We believe that by including language to remove large firms from small business programs, we could infuse the middle class economy with billions of additional dollars.

Due to the urgency of the current financial situation and the willingness of Congress to introduce and pass a bailout bill within a quick timetable, we are asking that you take immediate action to help protect small businesses.


H.R. 3997 (PDF)
Chamber Endorsement Letter Template
Senate Contact Portal
House of Representatives Contact Portal

Sample Letter

Dear Senator/Representative _______,

I would like to express my concern regarding the inclusion of Section 107 from H.R. 3997, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 or any other legislative language that has the potential to weaken federal programs designed for small businesses. I oppose giving the Secretary of the Treasury the ability to waive specific provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) under any circumstances.

Additionally, small businesses are the backbone of our nation's economy. Every year billions of dollars in federal small business contracts are awarded to Fortune 500 corporations, their subsidiaries and European firms. That said, I support amending the current language of the bailout to include a boost for small businesses in middle class America, by precluding the federal government from counting large corporations towards the congressionally mandated small business procurement goal.

Small businesses are a vital engine of growth in our economy and I strongly urge you take action to ensure that small businesses remain protected.

Thank you,


What do you think?

I just wrote my representatives. Did you write yours? Share your thoughts and actions!

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Bail Your Own Self Out
Bad Bail Out!

For more news and current events affecting Indie Business owners, subscribe to Indie Business Blog today.

If you like Indie Business Blog, please share the home page with your friends using this link: http://tinyurl.com/6l5h79.

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Bad Bailout!!

How the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 Affects "Real" Small Businesses

Yesterday, the United States House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services released the text of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. I spent a few hours reading through it and I have some thoughts. In a nutshell, the Act allows the United States Secretary of the Treasury to establish a Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) pursuant to which it can purchase the "troubled assets" of certain financial institutions. It also creates a new regulatory body, the Office of Financial Stability, within the Treasury Department, the purpose of which is to implement TARP. You can view a section-by-section summary of the Act here. (PDF)


While I am glad to see that, under the Act, the actions of regulators would be subject to review by federal courts, and also that the Act includes some provisions to help home buyers and (on paper anyway) prevent the corporate elite who started all of these problems from enjoying windfall profits, I can't help but note that this is not really an emergency. An emergency is unforeseen, yet we've been watching this happen for years. And lawmakers have done nothing until now. Calling it am "emergency" does not excuse any of them, or the millionaires who are at the heart of this debacle, from the consequences they should (but will not likely) face. Regardless of whether we "must" act now, and in this way, I am very troubled by this piece of legislation from a policy perspective, particularly as it affects Indie Business owners. Here's why.

Small Business in the United States of America

The US Small Business Administration allows certain businesses to be defined as "small" so that they can take advantage of various set-aside programs and benefits that theoretically ensure that they can get their fair share of government contracts, minority set asides and other opportunities. The amount of revenue a "small" business can generate and still qualify as "small" varies depending on the industry.

A sheep farmer, for example, is "small" if he grosses $750,000 or less a year. That's a lot of money to most people. Other companies can make endless millions of dollars without limit so long as they have only a certain number of employees. In practice, this has amounted to the mis-classifying of "employees" as "independent contractors" by multi-billion dollar companies so they can take advantage of more government contracts.

So you see, "small" is not really small in America.

America's Real Small Businesses

The true definition of small business is represented by an important and growing segment of our economy that is often overlooked. They are what I call "Indie Businesses" and I am proud to be counted among their number. We are making substantial contributions, yet not grossing anywhere near what the US government calls "small."

Indie Business owners are a subset of the larger category of "small" business owners. We are a sort of cross between consumers and business owners. We are consumer business owners if you will.

Many of us maintain traditional jobs as we also own and manage our businesses. Many of us are also the primary home managers and caregivers to our children. Some of us leave the traditional workforce so we can be more accessible to our children while they are young, yet we must continue to make a financial contribution to the family, so we work at home or in a location close to home so we can do both.

There was a time when we were mainly women who were also mothers, but lately, our ranks have swelled to include men who are fathers, and on a larger scale, people in general who seek an alternative to the limitations that come along with pursuing a traditional career path. My educated guess based on nearly 15 years of work in this field leads me to believe that our annual income ranges from $0 and $2 or $3M a year on the high end -- nowhere near the average annual gross receipts of a "small" business as defined by our government.

Now, The Bailout

It is against this backdrop that we must assess the current economic bailout. Let's look at the big picture. The US Department of Treasury's stated mission is to "serve the American people and strengthen national security by managing the US Government's finances effectively, promoting economic growth and stability, and ensuring the safety, soundness, and security of the US and international financial systems." So let's start with that. Buying out failed mortgage brokers because the Secretary of the Treasury thinks it's a good idea does not manage taxpayer money effectively. That's reason enough to vote against this bailout plan.

How the Bailout is Affecting Indie Business Owners

The bailout sends hard working Indie Business owners the wrong policy message. Government exists to support and encourage policies that allow us to live the "American dream," whatever that means to us. But bailing out large companies by simply buying them with our money, after watching their leaders make one poor business decision after another for years, underscores the fact that, in America, you can wisely invest your money in your business all you want, and the government will still find a way to put your assets at risk.

Credit is already nearly impossible to come by for our kind of businesses. Most Indie Businesses are owned by women who, no matter the size of the business they own, already have a hard time procuring business loans and venture capital investments. Our only real option is to bootstrap our ventures with credit cards while holding down a full-time job. We do this for years hoping that the business will eventually support us so we can exit the traditional workforce and continue to pursue our dream full-time.

Some members of the Indie Beauty Network have told me, for example, that their attempts to purchase manufacturing supplies using credit cards through Wachovia (one of the failing financial institutions) are being declined even though they have credit on the card, are not even close to maxing it out and have not missed any payments. I'm sure that will continue. How can they run their manufacturing businesses if they can't purchase supplies?

This bailout plan creates a climate that is decidedly unfriendly to Indie Business owners who are managing our nation's real small businesses. In addition, we are running our homes, trying to find gas (in Charlotte, NC where I live, most stations have none!) and raising children to thrive in a world where business ownership is a necessity and not an option as technology replaces the jobs that are not shipped overseas. We are making significant contributions to our nation's economy, while also working to secure our futures and the futures of our children.

This bailout is demoralizing and distasteful. It sends the message to Indie Business owners that unethical business practices are overlooked and rewarded. We live in a nation where traditional jobs are drying up by the millions. We must have our own businesses to be comfortable and to be empowered to provide a strong launching pad for our children. We are leaving no stone unturned in order to do that. Yet, our credit options are fizzling out as our need to be profitable increases literally by the hour.

This new law is the next chapter in the saga of the incestuous relationship that multi-million dollar business leaders have with lawmakers and regulators. I have nothing against multi-million dollar corporations. I buy from them and benefit from their products and services every day. Big businesses, just like small and Indie ones, have no personality in and of themselves. They do nothing on their own. Their actions are dictated by the leaders who manage them. The problem is not big businesses. The problem is the people who lead them.

And it is these people, along with our representatives in Congress, who have created a framework that is broken and intolerable. It is up to us to rise up and do something about it.

How the Bailout Will Affect Future Indie Business Owners

I have come to the realization that, bad policy though it may be, this bailout is a done deal for one reason and one reason alone.

We simply have no choice in the matter.

The success of American business (both large, small and Indie) rests in large part on our global credibility, and the principle that hard, honest work is rewarded. That if you create a business that generates a profit by behaving ethically and providing valuable products and services, your tenacity and innovation will be recognized and celebrated. That is foundational to our economy.

The government's purchase of worthless financial related assets for years to come, with money it does not have shakes that foundation to its core, makes a mockery of desirable ethical business practices, and discourages average Americans from going to the trouble of taking on any business risk at all. Again, this is devastating in a world where business ownership is not an option. It is a necessity.

And yet, there are no other viable options to this bailout. The alternative of course is to let these big mortgage giants solve their own problems. That's a lousy option considering that the people who would be solving the problems have already proven themselves to be grossly irresponsible and greedy. On the other hand, a bailout proves that deregulation does not work, and that is already a huge problem for Indie Business owners.


Deregulation and lack of effective, honest regulatory oversight at all levels of the financial sector is a large part of the reason why financial institutions are failing. This is recognized by both the Republican and the Democratic party presidential candidates. (Chuck Baldwin, running on the Constitutional Party ticket, favors almost no regulation at all, a position with which I do not agree.)

So what does this mean? Well, the pendulum will probably swing back to -- you guessed it -- unnecessary and burdensome regulation. And more regulation hurts Indie Business owners the most. Even though we do not contribute to the problem, we will be saddled with the red tape, increased fees and overbearing bureaucracy.

This is already happening in the food and cosmetics arenas. The US Committee of Energy & Commerce is now considering new legislation that would force food and cosmetics manufacturers, regardless of size, to pay from $2,000 to $12,000 in annual registration fees and comply with a mountain of paperwork. The FDA Globalization Act of 2008 would put thousands of Indie Business owner in these sectors out of business, and prevent millions more from starting. Those wonderful organic handmade moisturizing soaps you buy? Gone. The tasty holiday cookies you get from your local market? Gone. This is but one example of how increased regulation will hurt all of us. (More on this draft law with a video and a Petition you can sign to oppose the law is here.

Indie Business owners want to do our part to bolster the American economy, and we are doing so by introducing innovative products and services, increasing competition across all sectors of the economy, ramping up American exports and keeping prices for products and services accessible to the vast majority of Americans. Bailing out fat cats is countering our best efforts in all of these areas, including our best efforts to make a contribution while also securing our futures and the futures of our children.

Future Generations

I believe that entrepreneurship is the next great civil and equal rights issue of our time.

We must work to create an environment where our children and their children can launch, own and manage businesses without fear of excessive government bureaucracy, or so little oversight that we find ourselves in a situation like this again.

The states can do a lot to support businesses where they are, but if the federal government does not create an overall framework that allows Indies to flourish, future generations are in big trouble.

The saddest part of the Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 and the unethical practices that gave rise to it, is not that my and your business are adversely affected, but that our children's opportunities to own profitable businesses are adversely affected. It's hard enough to start a business today, even with adequate capital and good credit. What will it be like for the next generation?

Will my children and theirs be saddled with fallout from this week's activities on Capitol Hill? It is inexcusable that the rush to "solve" this problem is going to give rise to another one. That is, that future generations, no matter how hard or smart they work to build a lasting business legacy, will see those legacies constantly at risk of being demolished at worst and undercut at best, by the very government that is duty-bound to protect, defend and support them.

What do you think?

Last week, I touched based with several Indies who are interested in joining me in Washington, DC shortly after the new president is inaugurated to make our position known where it counts: at the White House and on Capitol Hill. I have started the process of obtaining a permit to allow us to congregate in LaFayette Park across the street from the White House so our new president will know that we want to be a part of the political process, and so the media can have an opportunity to hear our stories.

If I get positive feedback in the comments section of this blog post, I will invest the time and my own personal resources to make this happen. What will you do? Join me? Tell your friends? I need to hear from you!

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Earlier this month, I taped a segment for WUSA-9, the CBS affiliate in Washington, DC, on the topic of the FDA Globalization Act of 2008. I wanted to share it with you because it's summarizes the heart of the issue. That is, if passed in its current form, it would put thousands of small and woman-owed businesses out of business, while doing nothing to protect consumers. Along with anchor Lesli Foster and IBN member Jamila White of j.blossom, this segment aired on September 18. Unfortunately, the station removes the video links from its site after a few days, and you can read the story here.

This whole process is such a fantastic adventure for me. It is such a pleasure to be in a position to inspire, encourage and advocate on behalf of Indie Businesses across our nation.

If you have not signed our Petition in opposition to the FDA Globalization Act of 2008, please do so by leaving your comment in the comments section of this blog post. You don't have to write a lot. Just say as little as, "I oppose the FDA Globalization Act of 2008. Name, city, state."

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For more fun, Indie Business news and success tips, subscribe to Indie Business Blog today.

If you like Indie Business Blog, please share the home page with your friends using this link: http://tinyurl.com/6l5h79.

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Bail Your Own Self Out

The Economic Message of the Century: Bail Yourself Out

Yesterday, I posted an in depth analysis of how the Emergency (which really isn't an emergency) Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 is affecting "real" small businesses. After yesterday's failed vote on the Act, and after listening to President Bush speak a few minutes ago, the post is even more relevant today. Together, the Act, the vote and the President's morning message point inevitably to one conclusion: you can and should bail yourself out.


Neither you nor I can expect the federal government alone to protect and defend our economic interests. That's true now, and it was true a century ago. Each one of us must climb his own group of stairs, pause at the top and begin to fly under the power of our own economic potential. Here's why you are your own best bail out plan, and what you can do now to start soaring.

1. Don't Panic.

Wall Street is panicking. President Bush is panicking. Maybe even some of your friends and family members are panicking. Don't follow suit. If you have to retreat from the television pundits, debates and talking heads to keep your cool, then do that. Take a deep breath, call on your faith, assess your personal situation and potential and take reasoned, determined steps to move forward in your own life.

More than ever, this reasoned assessment must include starting a business of your own.

2. Start a Business Today. In a segment on this morning's CNN program, the reporter cited a statistic that, between 1974 and 2007, the average income for American males declined 12%. No self-respecting man, whether or not he has a family, can look at that statistic and risk that a traditional job will secure his future. You have to have a business of your own.

I don't care if you start by selling old books out of your attic on ebay, and make a $2 profit. You have to start somewhere. Look around you, there are tons of options. Farrah Gray started selling painted rocks to school friends when he was six years old. Today, he's a successful business man. And look at Oprah. You can create your own brand of success, and you don't have to sell rocks. And you don't have to become mega-wealthy like Oprah.

Why? Because you have technology. If you don't have access to the Internet in your home, then your neighbor does, or your local library does. And yes, you may just have to take the bus there after you get off work. Remember, you have to be your own bail out plan. No one is going to do it for you. Use technology to use social media of all kinds to connect with others. You'll be amazed at the business opportunities that will come you way.

Want more options? Go down the street and offer to mow someone's lawn. Run errands for busy executives. Get a retail sales certificate from your state, buy some bagged potato chips from a wholesaler and sell them to executives downtown. These particular options may not be realistic options for you, but that's no reason not to create some that are.

Think. Think about what is at your disposal. Think about friends and family members who will help and encourage you. And don't tell me you have no options. Farrah started with rocks and no matter where you live, you can always find some of those.

3. Train Your Children to Be Entrepreneurs.

Part of responsible parenting today includes training your children to be entrepreneurs. Of course, we must also teach them to do well in school, graduate, go to college and get a job. But that's only the beginning. They have to know what to do if they lose that job, that is, if they are lucky enough to have one. Make it so that, when your child loses a job, she can come home, open up her laptop, check her shopping cart and make a plan to expand her own empire.

Does your tween have a cell phone of her own? A computer? A text messaging device? Make it a condition of continued use that she pay for it herself. If that doesn't encourage her to adopt an entrepreneurial spirit, nothing will. Believe me, she'll be selling homemade lip balm in no time.

Encourage your teen children to offer babysitting services more frequently and explain to them that the money goes in savings or to pay down any family household debt if that's an area of challenge for your family. The family that grinds together binds together. Train your children to use their skills, talents and areas of expertise to serve others in exchange for a fair sum of money. And then train them to be frugal with every penny so that, even if the financial world is collapsing, the adverse effects on them are minimal.

I'm not talking about becoming a loose canon here, and jumping at the first multi-level marketing opportunity you can find. I'm talking about investing your time and energy in something that you own. I'm talking about a brand of your own.

Every American simply must make it a point to have a stream of income that he or she controls. And we must wean ourselves off of using OPM to make ends meet. That is the only way to avoid being at the mercy of an economy that is rapidly changing, and frankly, not changing in favor of the common American.

Regardless of whether the new Act passes, in its current form or in another form, the handwriting is on the wall. Don't panic. Start a business today. Teach your children to start businesses. This is the ultimate bail out plan, the one that you implement on your own terms. The one you control. The one you love. The one no one can take away from you.

What do you think?

I quit my very well paying job in a Fortune 500 company over a decade ago because working with large companies taught me that business ownership is the key to economic independence for all Americans. Thanks to technology, it's more accessible than ever. But you have to stop watching all the panic on CNN and everywhere else. We all know how bad it is. Turn the television off and start bailing. I did it and let me tell you, my journey has been anything but a piece of cake. If I can do it, so can you. So, are you ready? I've got my bucket and I'm right her with you. Let's roll up our sleeves and start bailing together!

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For more news and current events affecting Indie Business owners, subscribe to Indie Business Blog today.

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(Tehillim/Psalms 112:3): Wealth and riches are in his house and his righteousness is standing forever.I especially felt the need to create this blog since I always thought to myself that when I became successful I would make sure I could share what I l learned with as many people as I could. After reading many books; attending expensive lectures; searching the internet; joining several telemarketing groups; YHWH finally opened my eyes to something that was with me all along. Himself and his word. The scriptures is filled with so much guidance and direction not only on how we should live our spiritual lives and eat healthy but on how we should live our financial lives and become self sufficient. YHWH put my husband and sister in my life 5 years ago. And so my journey began bringing the little knowledge of Real Estate and an open mind . By this I mean that while I owned property I was not aware that the items within my home especially should be just as valuable or more valuable. Together my husband and sister have over 23 years experience in Antiques and Real Estate. We have decided to start this blog for two reasons. The first one being to share YHWH blessings and truths with others who are struggling with their finances and do not have to. The second one being to connect with those that are aware that YHWH wants us to have silver and gold, fine linens, and land until the coming of Messiah. (Debarim/Deuteronomy 28:12) YHWH opens to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand. And you shall lend to many nations, but you do not borrow. YHWH wants us to be independent of and not dependent on mainstream society. As long as we follow the Torah we don't have to want for anything and what we need shall be provided for us. The buildings where we congregate should be ours meaning we should not be paying rent. We should grow our own fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes and share them with each other. We should have our own wells and windmills for water and electricity. YHWH calls his "Children of Israel" set-apart for a reason.We practice what we preach by owning and selling antiques, silver, and land. We are located in West Virginia and welcome visitors. You may also visit us at our website antiquesandfinearts4everyone.synthasite.com or contact us at antiquesandfineart4everyone@yahoo.com. We will also post different events that we will be apart of. Part of our ministry is speaking to different churches and congregations on the benefits and obligations we have to our children, in sustaining our cultural heritage, and investing all our talents wisely. We welcome your feedback questions and concerns.Shalom,Tamar
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Hello BBWO, I know this site is for enterprising ladies to communicate. Not trying to intrude. However, for everyone who has a special guy in their life ( Dad, Brother, Cousin, Friend who is way up the Road of Life, with some us right behind) this interview has to be shared. One of the reasons Leonard embarked on his walk across the USA, was to honor his deceased wife. Leonard is one of my strong examples of what one person can accomplish that can influence so many more. Enjoy. Networkingly yours.This radio interview was great!!!!! You have to hear the travels of Leonard , who will be 80 years of age this august. This gentleman can teach you a thing or two about living.Find out what was going on when he walked across the USA, with no sponsor, but the CREATOR!Find out how he manages to do more in his Senior Year than most of us do in our Junior Years. Baby Boomer Alert, you really need to listen in.Ok, go to www.jusmcc.com and click on the radio!!!!Look forward to sharing this great interview.Networkingly yours,Rickey
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Summer Fun- 4th of July with a new spin

Happy SummerIt is now official- Summer is here!! July 4th many people are bypassing that family reunion trip and are staying close to home.You don't have to save on your fun. Plan a 4th Celebration Party. Invite all your friends and family. Add spice to the party by creating a unique theme this year. The red, white, and blue color scheme is traditional but, you can plan a party with the patriotic theme with a new spin.Lets Honor ThemHave everyone dress in their fatigues, navy, air force, marines, and army gear. Send a card or special gift to those that are in the armed forces thanking them for their service and their help to keep us an independent nation. Honor those serving at the party. If you have a friend or family member away over seas, call them at the party and have a cake prepared in their honor.Obama For America PartyAll you democrats have an Obama 08 party theme. Have a voter registration drive at your party. Ask guest to come and donate to the Obama campaign www.barackobama.comMenuBBQ Chicken & VegetablesMini BurgersWatermelon Fruit bowlPotato SaladGarden SaladCakeLa's Soda PunchLemon Lime SodaSherbet Ice CreamFruit PunchMix all in Punch bowl- serve immediatelyLet the fun begin!!!!!Michellewww.themaineventbymichelle.com
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Happy Indie Business Day!

I know it's Independence Day, and I'm not unpatriotic. However, in the spirit of people who sailed around the world in hopes of discovering new and unchartered territory, not that I agree with everything they did once they got here, I applaud their "indiependence," by naming this day "Indie Business Day."

I encourage everyone to do at least one thing today to declare their indiependence from relying solely on traditional means of employment to secure their well-being, by taking the "I Am Indie Business Pledge.""I Am Indie Business" PledgeFrom this day forward, I declare my vigilant and lifelong commitment to maximize my personal and financial potential through Indie Business ownership. To this end, I pledge the following:1. I will use my talents and gifts to provide valuable products and services, and sell them at a fair profit to a specifically defined customer base.2. I will spend conservatively and invest wisely so I can use my business as a wealth building tool.3. I will proactively manage my business by minimizing the use of credit and maintaining indiependence from control by any third parties.4. I will use technology to maximize the earning potential of my business.5. I will commit to investing a portion of my profits in retirement accounts and college savings plans for my children and/or young family members.6. I will positively impact my family legacy by empowering my children and other family members to use their talents and gifts to generate income so they need not be solely dependent on a traditional job to secure their future.7. I will actively support and encouarge other families to start and manage profitable businesses so they can enjoy the freedom and flexibility that comes with owning your own business.8. I will develop relationships with business colleagues and the media in order to spread the word about the benefits of my products and services.9. I will serve my customers with integrity, dignity, fairness and honesty.10. I will give of my time, talent and money to help strengthen my community and make the world a better place.It's not a perfect place, this country we live in. But here we are. May God bless America. Not that we deserve it all the time. But if we always got what we deserved, perhaps none of us would be here, huh?Now off to the Indie Business Day Parade in the booming metropolis of Waxhaw, North Carolina.Did you take the "I Am Indie Business" Pledge? If so, inspire us! Leave a comment with your thoughts on the significance of your pledge. And don't forget to include your blog or website link!To enjoy more Indie, all the time, subscribe to Indie Business Blog today.
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WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE MAJESTIQUE SPA SCENT!!!takesurvey.gifCAST YOUR VOTE NOW.... AND HAVE YOUR FAVORITE MAJESTIQUE SPA SCENT FEATURED FOR THE MONTH! FEATURED VOTER WILL RECEIVE THEIR MONTH'S SCENT AS A FREE GIFT!!!*Please note only one scent will be featured per month. Your selection may be featured the month of your birthday! If more than one person votes for one birthday month, the names will go into a drawing and a winner will be chosen. The runner ups will receive honorable mentions and a gift coupon for future purchases.

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Sistas Inc is a professional lifestyle community for Women of color, who epitomize & strive for professional and personal success. We are an organization for women of color with diverse talents, a place for women to share their time,financial,and moral support for the betterment of our communities worldwide, while providing inspiration and opportunities for personal growth and leadership. As you know Communication isn't always easy, so we here at Sistas Inc, want you to kick off your shoes, grab a cup of your favorite beverage and feel free to share your opinions,inspirational and motivational advice as well as your professional knowledge with Women of Color all around the world. Visit:www.sistasinc.com
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Andrea's Insider

According to Target Market News, in 2005 Blacks/ African Americans spent $719 billion dollars on goods and services. It is projected that the buying power of Blacks/ African Americans will be $1 trillion dollars by the calendar year 2010. When I recently Googled 'black buying power' I was surprised by the number of professional articles I found that talked about how to market to Black/ African American people. Of the few articles I perused, not one of them talked about their corporate/ organizational responsibility to the communities they want to fleece. Not one of them mentioned the needs that exist in many of our communities. I was only five or six articles in when I got a clear image of a world (with few exceptions) that wants to take everything they can from us and give NOTHING back in return.An adage that I was taught many moons ago simply states: He who has the gold rules. It seems to me that since we as a race have the gold we should be ruling. I am so very happy to see the numbers of our people who are beginning to network with and patronize one another in greater numbers than ever before. I'm so happy that our value and worth are now being recognized and our historical accomplishments are no longer being hidden from our youth. But I am very curious and concerned about one thing. What is going to happen when our hard earned dollars are circulating in our own communities several times? What will happen as more and more sisters revert back to natural hair styles and patronizing black only nail techs in order to break the back of the Asian Connection that is not only taking over the hair care industry but is making inferior copies of black produced products while systematically nudging us out of the market? What is going to happen when there are lines outside of black owned grocery stores, liquor stores and gas stations while those that are owned and managed by other ethnicities become virtually empty? What is going to happen when our children are able to find summer jobs and internships within our own communities? What will happen as a result of us using our wealth for our own sustenance, empowerment, and glory?Personally, I don't think the rest of the world will stand idly by and let that happen. I suspect that at the very least we will all have a bunch of new found friends whose main concern will be to win our business away from our own family (I love that term as opposed to the n-word and it is soooooo fitting - my brothers and sisters). As that time approaches and as we deliberate regarding how to handle the opposition that is sure to come, let us remember that people of many nationalities would not hire one of us for any reason; and many of those who did required us to work for minimum wage money under the table, doing work that is beneath them so we would not be entitled to any working benefits or unemployment. Let us remember that many of them treated us like second or third class citizens while we were patronizing their establishments. Many of them intentionally cheat us and our children then get an attitude when we bring their -ah hem- error to their attention. I'm so glad that growing numbers of us are finally working in concert toward leveling the playing field. But remember, just because we deserve to benefit from the power of our own buying power doesn't mean they will sit by idly and let us.BTW: They in this blog specifically refers to people who are either not ethnically recognized as being Black or African American or supporters of the equal rights and entitlements of Blacks/African Americans.
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