Wellness (55)

How to find the love you want!

This is the month of love. Yes it’s Valentines Day, but more importantly this is the month that was set aside to celebrate and honor Black History. During this month we hear and see lots of programming that chronicles the ups and downs of the black community, both past, present and future. But should we stop there? Should this be the only time that we really dig deeply into what’s ailing us or what we can do to uplift and better our community.Should this be the only time that we celebrate our accomplishments and the great inventors that are within our community? I believe we need to celebrate who we are on a daily basis. We should shout from the masses how proud we are to be who we are and where we have come from. We should teach our children, so they can teach their children and their children’s children how we come from and are a great, resilient group of people. We should look back and honor our ancestors and our elders who endured slavery, Jim Crow laws, lynchings, no voting rights, segregated water fountains, sitting in the back of the bus, segregated schools…the list goes on. They marched, went to jail, some were killed, but all have endured so that we could have a better day. We are now free to own businesses, eat and drink where we want, live where we want and yes we can vote, and have our vote count! Yes We Can! We are not where we should be, but we are definetly a lot better than we were.So how do we find the love we want? Look in the mirror, it starts with you; it starts with me. Let go of the poor self image that we sometimes hold onto. Let go of the negative view others may have towards us. Let go of the negative self talk we give ourselves. Let go of the fear and the word Can’t. Each of us have a unique purpose. We have been given an assignment to carry out. We have been blessed with talents and gifts. Let’s use them to uplift, inspire, encourage and empower ourselves as well as others.So where is that love? It’s within us. We are that love we’ve been looking for. Love your curves, so what they are a little bigger than last year. Love your full lips, love your curly hair. Enjoy and embrace your unique beauty you have inside and out. We can’t expect to receive love if we don’t give it; and we have to start with giving it to ourselves first. This February let’s walk in an abundance of love, let’s celebrate who we are and who we are evolving into. Let make new history. Let’s send ourselves roses and candy on Valentines Day. Let’s be the love we are searching for.“I have learned not to worry about love, but to honor its coming with all my heart”~Alice Walker (African-American writer and poet)Imagine Life...Be Empowered...Live on PURPOSE!www.MYESHE.webs.com
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The benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the only vitamins that is naturally produced by the body, however this only happens when we are exposed to sun for an adequate amount of sunlight. Generally about one hour a week should be enough. As we age, we tend to produce less vitamin D even with a certain amount of vitamin D.Vitamin D contributes to joint and bone health as it helps with the absorbtion of calcium. It can slow the affects of arthritis and lessen back pain. It has been known to prevent certain types of cancer such as breast cancer. People of color do not absorb the same levels of vitamin D as the rest of the population due to the high melanin content in the skin. (Melanin is what gives the dark color in the skin).One of the results is that people of color have a 500% increase in breast and cancer rates over the rest of the population and they are not being educated about this fact.Some sources of Vitamin D are:cod liver oil, salmon, mackerel, tuna fish, sardines, fish, egg (vitamin D is in egg yolk), beef liver.Soul Purpose's inclusion of vitamin D in its products fills this gap for our beloved customers. We are committed to the health and well-being of our customers and want them to feel great as well as smell great.Imagine Life...Be Empowered...Live on PURPOSE!
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Me Time!

Sometimes I just don't feel cute. I'm feeling a little overweight, my hair may not be doing what I want it to do. I just have a case of the blahs! Do you ever feel that way? As women and as mothers, we just have those days sometimes. We're taking care of the kids, the husband, the house, the business, everything but oops! we foregot to take care of self. Forgetting to take that "Me Time" could lead to more stress, which could lead to irritability, insomnia, weight gain and a host of other medical problems. But there is hope. We can de-stress by beginning to lead and live a Self-Caring Lifestyle. We can and need to exercise daily, eat healthier (eat those fruits and vegetables that momma always told us to eat), pray, meditate, get our rest and learn how to relax. Learning how to take care of ourselves will ultimately lead to having more energy and vitality, we'll be calmer and have more peace, we'll listen better which will lead to better relationships, overall we'll live a healtier, balanced life.To implement some "Me Time" here are some suggestions:Daily affirmations. Every day look in the mirror, look yourself in the eyes and state your affirmations. (This may feel weird, but it will help)Write daily in your journal about all experiences in your life. Start a gratitude journal and write about all the things you are grateful for.Listen to your favorite music, dance like nobody's watchingRead, draw, sing, whatever you love to do, do it!Be still. Take time to just sit in silence and allow Spirit to speak to you.Take a Spa Break. Take a warm bath using your favorite natural products, light a natural soy candle in your favorite scent. Put on your favorite natural perfume scent on all those special spots, put on some soothing music and relax.Love yourself and just Be!Imaging Life.....Daphne, Your DIVA with a Soulful Purpose!www.eshe.weebly.comwww.eshe.soulpurpose.net
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Leave disease and illness in 2008, renew your mind daily on The Well-Side.For many years I suffered with several illnesses and was told that it was normal. Then I realized the importance of food and how it can heal the body. I released my ownership of disease and illness and decided to choose Wholeness. I can hear my body more clearly; I make better choices, and live with the respect of self and others.So I ask you, “What are you possessing?” On this last day of 2008 make the choice to renew your Total Body-Consciousness daily by making choices that add to you.You no longer have to live a life where food is your enemy.Tips to come to The Well-SideAche or pain - find the root cause of the issue before using medication to mask the symptom.Proactive - ask questions when you visit your care provider, know your body, never take possession of a diagnosis, seek options to make an informed choice to eradicate the cause of the illness.Self-Love – respect yourself enough to get the proper rest (no just sleeping), take time to spend alone to meditate/pray, be honest with yourself and others, know when and how to say “NO!”Leave the baggage behind – let go of foods you know are not working for you. Stop trying to convince yourself that this is the last time, find an alternative.Recreate – if you do not like your reflection change it. Stop receiving how others define you and create yourself for who you are (Be-come who you desire to BE). You make your own reality.Exercise – do it. Start small and increase but get started. Walk, jump rope, roller skate, run, play with your children, too many options for excuses.If you do not make these changes for yourself think of those who love and care for you, do it for them. Why shorten your life when you can live a long abundant life.“Total Body-Consciousness possess yours in 2009”Say this until you begin to live it “Wellness is Mine in 2009!”
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You all know how it is when you see that family member that just LOVES to say that one thing to rattle your nerves to your core! All you can do is scream, shriek and cry in the corner--or go out and do something questionable, such as over-indulging in the holiday punch or connecting up with old flames you know you ought not even speak, too.However, what happens when you have experienced a severe mental and nervous breakdown? What should you do?If you are around family or friends and you have a compelling need to get out, then what you do is say, "I am going to get out" and just leave the hot situation. For every minute of heated arguing, it takes 20-30 minutes to cool off and speak from a more serene place.If you are alone, know that you are not alone in your place, there are kindred spirits that need you to succeed and if you feel like you may harm yourself, please go to the following website and email/call The Samaritans for a lifeline. There is also 1-800-SUICIDE a 24 hour crisis line.Know that if you are under holiday stress or seasonal affective disorder, as to why you cannot "just feel joyful" this season, it is not unusual and there are resources for you.Stay blessed,Dr. G-Ariafya LLCMental Zeal for Spirit & Well-BeingWithin Unity There Is Strength
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Pamper those Soles!

Standing all day, running errands, aerobics class, whatever the case, we need to take a moment and pamper those Soles! The Soul Purpose Happy Feet Collection does just that. It’s a natural and organic foot care collection that will turn your home into the finest luxury spa. Here’s how:Step 1: Enjoy a therapeutic Soul Purpose Happy Feet foot soak with Desert mineral salts and a variety of anti-inflammatory and healing oils including peppermint, wintergreen, tea tree, and eucalyptus to deodorize and freshen feet. This exclusive blend will soften, deodorize, and reduce swelling and odor.Step 2: Pamper yourself with a moisturizing Soul Purpose Happy Feet pedicure. Renew dry, rough, hard working feet with a blend of fine pumice, moisturizing oils, shea butter, peppermint oil, Vitamin D, Tea Tree oil, and antioxidant extracts. This blend leaves your feet smooth, conditioned and refreshed. After cleansing or soaking you feet, massage this exfoliating butter scrub into your feet paying special attention to your heels and calloused areas. Rinse well, towel dry and finish with Soul Purpose Happy Feet moisturizing cream. More
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Why Liquid Vitamins?

When choosing your nutritional supplement, liquid vitamins are definately the way to go for maximum absorption. No athlete that wants to perform at their peak should be without 1st being on a daily liquid vitamin supplement such as GBG liquid vitamins for Energy.The B vitamins are a group of eight individual vitamins, often referred to as the B-complex vitamins. So now you can begin to understand why Kellogg’s and your mother made sure you included these essential vitamins in your diet.Vitamins are molecular compounds made of organic chemicals that cannot be produced by the human body, but are necessary for its survival. Organic means they contain carbon, and in addition to which they are made up from hydrogen, oxygen, and a few with nitrogen and/or other elements in lesser quantities.Some of the other aspects of health that vitamins are concerned with include the formation of proteins crucial for blood clotting (vitamin K), inhibition of oxidation in body tissues (vitamin E), and the production of collagen (vitamin C). One-A-Day vitamins are one of the biggest rip-offs in the world, but since they are made by Bayer Aspirin, what else would you expect.It is difficult to compare a product like One-A-Day with a product like GBG vitamins. According to the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) liquid vitamins are 98% absorbed while vitamins in tablet form are only 10 - 20% absorbed. That means when you take tablets like one a day, 90% of the vitamins could be flushed down the toilet.Watch this video for more information
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Introducing GoChi's Benefits To Better Health!

In three recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, human clinical trials, GoChi™ proved extremely effective for human health in 19 key areas. In the initial groundbreaking study, participants drinking just 4 ounces daily saw positive results in multiple categories of health and well-being in as little as 14 days! Two subsequent studies showed that drinking 4 ounces of GoChi on a daily basis significantly improved the body’s immune system and antioxidant capacity within just 30 days! The 19 benefits identified in FreeLife’s three GoChi studies are no coincidence. They are all interrelated, and have been collectively termed The GoChi Effect™.In addition to the beneficial study results, GoChi features special qualifications, standards, and certifications that make it suitable for vegans and vegetarians, keep it free from detectable pesticides, and ensure that it is gluten-free.Additionally, GoChi is not genetically modified or irradiated, contains no added sugar, artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners. It has a natural flavor that tastes great! We’ve enhanced our original juice blend, which now features a small amount of pomegranate to round out the color and taste!Benefit #1GoChi’s benefits start working the moment the alarm sounds each morning. The study showed that people in the GoChi group reported awakening easier and feeling more refreshed. The placebo group, on the other hand, reported no significant improvement in awakening.Benefit #2Awaking easier helps jump-start the day and sets the tone for higher energy levels. In the study, the placebo group experienced a slight decrease in energy levels, while the GoChi group experienced an energy boost throughout the day. This finding is significant indeed, as GoChi contains no caffeine or added stimulants.Benefit #3In the study, the placebo group noticed a slight increase in their fatigue level, as compared to how they felt at the start of the study. However, the GoChi group showed a significant improvement in the level of fatigue they experienced. Less fatigue means more stamina and endurance, and when you add that to the increased energy people found in the GoChi group of the study, it’s an unbeatable combination!
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Why GoChi?

GoChi™ delivers at least 30 percent more Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP) than Himalayan Goji® Juice. We were able to increase the polysaccharides in GoChi due to our improved proprietary manufacturing processes. GoChi also contains 20 percent fewer calories and 1 gram less of total natural sugars per ounce than Himalayan Goji Juice. GoChi was developed as a direct result of FreeLife’s worldwide research efforts. It contains all the goodness of our original juice and much more! We’ve engineered scientific advances into GoChi as part of our commitment to constant and never-ending improvement. That is why GoChi is truly the next generation of Himalayan Goji Juice!GoChi is preservative free. What does this mean? Through our advanced aseptic process, we are able to ensure that only the microbes are killed, not the beneficial polysaccharides. Additionally, the preservative-free formula is guaranteed to maintain freshness, potency, and purity for the entire life of the product. How should you treat GoChi? We recommend that you treat GoChi like any other non-preserved fresh food. Keep the bottle tightly closed, refrigerate promptly after opening it, consume within 30 days of opening it, and last but not least, don’t drink GoChi from the bottle.GoChi is certified kosher and halal. In fact, the kosher classification is “pareve,” meaning that it contains neither meat nor dairy. And the kosher symbol on every bottle of GoChi guarantees that it is certified to conform to strict Jewish dietary laws for purity and quality. GoChi is certified kosher by Shatz Kosher Services (SKS), which is one of world’s leading authorities for kosher products originating in Asia. And, as a halal product, GoChi is a food that is permissible under Islamic law. The halal symbol on our product guarantees that it does not contain any ingredients that are prohibited or are suspect in any way based on those parameters. GoChi carries the “Crescent M” symbol of IFANCA, a globally respected certification authority.Tastes EVEN BETTER than our already-delicious original formula! While GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice have a similar look, in blind taste tests, GoChi has been preferred over our original juice. How is that possible? The fresher taste and aroma of GoChi are a result of advances in our manufacturing process.Are you intrigued? Is your interest piqued? Learn more here!
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Need a Boost of Natural Enegry....

Morgan International Associates features an amazing new nutritional product – MonaVie. MonaVie is a delicious and healthy blend of 19 body-beneficial fruits—including the Brazilian açai berry, one of nature's top superfoods.Developed with the philosophy Balance-Variety-Moderation, this nourishing beverage delivers the essential phytonutrients and antioxidants your body needs to stay healthy.For more information, you can visit my site at www.mymonavie.com/morganintl/
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Uzuri Designs is now....

Uzuri Designs Lifestyle Company. I am very excited to announce the new structure of Uzuri and am happy to be able to effortlessly combine the products of Uzuri Designs and the Soul Purpose products and income opportunity. With Relaxation Retreats, Spa Parties, Custom Jewelry, Wellness Products, and other exciting offerings, you can truly "know first who you are and then, adorn yourself accordingly".Be FreeSharonda
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Summer Skin

When summer sun comes out, winter cover-ups come off and, weather you’re ready or not, you have to bare it all. Even the most prim and proper person feels the need to strip when it’s hot out.Bringing Sexy BackCold weather and low humidity can slow down cellular turn over, causing dead skin to build up. If left on the surface, these cells just block product absorption and leave newer emerging cells thirsty for hydration. That’s why the first step to developing summer skin is exfoliation. If the skin on your body can take it, a mechanical exfoliant like Sahala’s Spicy Mango Body Polish will do the trick. However, weather you think you’re sensitive or not, you need to be more cautious with the thinner, more delicate skin on the face. Try Babor’s Mild Peeling with rounded peach pits. It’s more gentle than drug store brands. Chemical exfoliants, like enzymes and acids, are proven to be the most effecitve. Most commonly obtained from papaya or pineapple, enzymes free dead skin cells and reduce inflammation without greatly altering the skin’s pH. If you really want to speed up the process, ask your esthetician for a series of head to toe lactic peels. Often derived from sour milk, this alpha hydroxy acid treatment works by dislodging the glue that holds surface cells together, guaranteeing an all-over-glow.Skin that’s been stripped of it’s protective barrier is more vulnerable to UV rays; so don’t over do it. Protect yourself with a sun block containing zinc and titanium dioxide but stay away from chemical sun screens. They can cause skin to have an un-even texture. Lisa Sickler, West Coast Regional Trainer for Babor Cosmetics, suggests giving sun protection a boost.”Vitamin E is a great anti-oxidant and nori algea helps deflect harmful UV rays away from delicate skin”, Lisa says.And yes, this information is for women of every ethnicity. A little bit of melanin may go a long way towards protecting the deeper layers of skin from aging, but UV rays do penetrate the epidermis. This is what causes those dark blemishes that, over time, become “age spots”.*Another great way to shed your winter coat is a complete body wax. Seasoned spa goers start the summer with a full arm / under arm / full leg /bikini / thong and tummy visit. Once the hair is ripped out of the follicle just stay out of the sun for at least 24 hours and your swimsuit ready for 4 to 6 weeks.Get Your Shine OnSo you’ve awakened hibernating skin and you’re ready to glow. If your skin’s not quite yet flawless, Bobbie Brown’s Creamy Concealer Kit can camouflage blemishes and prevent makeup from running.To mimic the sun’s effect, select a few bronzers from Nars The Multiples collection. Blend up the high planes of the cheeks, over the brow bone and down the bridge of the nose to accent your best features.For a touch more color, using a squirrel bristle brush, sweep gold based iridescent shadows with overtones of pink or kahki across the lower lid to make eyes sparkle. Stila and Shu Uemura are makeup artist’s favorites. Using blush in sheer warm pigments, like Nars’ Gina, makes cheeks pop while allowing healthy skin to shine through. Just apply color to the “apple” only. Then choose any Lorac Lip Polish in a selection of shades to keep lips looking kissable.If you’ve been treating your lashes with Jan Marini’s Age Intervention Eyelash Conditioner which actually improves hair thickness, the only tool you need is Shu Uemura’s famous eyelash curler to complete your sun kissed summer look.*To combat midday shine, I suggest Shiseido’s Prepare line. These non-powdered wax tissues come in varying degrees of absorbency. (available online)*Covering your body in baby oil may look cute, but it actually blocks vital moisture from penetrating the skin and attracts harmful UV rays.Lean BackThe final step in maintaining summer skin is to take it easy. According to Dr. Raakhi Mohan, who incorporates an Ayurvedic approach to wellness in her practice in Long Beach, CA, “true beauty is a reflection of one’s health and sense of inner balance”. Here are Dr. Mohan’s suggestions to help you de-stress and ensure that your skin looks good all summer long.SUGGESTION BENEFITEat lots of berries and leafy greens These foods are high in anti-oxidants and aid eliminationTake a yoga class Promotes relaxation and benefits every organGo for a walk Increases circulation which oxygenates the cellsDrink plenty of water Hydrates and flushes toxinsBIO:Aliesh D. Pierce is a freelance makeup artist, esthetician and educator committed to “helping women create their own unique definition of beauty”. Her work can be seen at alieshpierce.com.
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Fit and Healthy

Hello Sisters in Texas and surrounding areas,Hope you all had an enjoyable "Memorial Day". I did get some well needed R&R hope you did to.Let's talk, If you have had the opportunity to visit my BBOW site you know that I am into Health and Wellness and much more however, let just focus on health for a moment.You know Prevention ! Is the Key To Better HealthI'm not saying this lightly I'm speaking from experience.There are a lot of products on the market right now and trust me I'm not here to bash anyones product however, what I will stress is this, if your body is braking down in any way you can bet your body is Lacking in Mineral Deficiency.You might be wondering how does she know? Well, I am living proof of what happens to a body that does not have the RIGHT combination of Liquid Nutrition in the body. Just know that I am not trying to SALE you anything but, I think you are doing yourself an in justice if you do not look at the educational information at my site as well as call the telephone number listed.The questions for discussion: Are you As Healthy As You Can Be? and Fit! But Are You Healthy?Before asking yourself these two question please take time out and read my information on " The System that Impoverished You Can Never Empower You"Look forward to hearing from you soon.BeverlyFisherLife Help Consultantspecann62@gmail.comBodyWellness Hotline 24/7 (618) 355-8303Option 2 thru Option 7
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The Weekend Begins.................

This week flew by as all the weeks in the past have since I reached 30 years old which although it has been quite some time seems like just yesterday. It seems as though over the years the time just flies by....... This week I had two meetings set this week one at the Mayors Office to meet with one of the staff members to address the health initiatives and research projects that are geared toward reaching the residents of the community. The other meeting is to reach out to the medical staff members that are parishioners to work out a plan of getting members of the churches to participate in healthy choices and health promotional events. Both meetings went very well, we have to overcome some barriers which we are prepared to deal with other alternative methods.I have also found the courage to ask for support from others in helping to bring joy and comfort to those who are facing terminal illnesses, losing a loved one or those who are just giving their all to help a family member during this rough period of the end stage of life. When I first began giving gift baskets, I used my own monies and I can tell you how incredibly rewarding it is for me to make someone else enjoy a moment of joy during the roughest season of their lives. I really wished that I could give to everyone. Now I have expanded to children as they too need a great big pick me up -- especially having to face a terminal disease.Now here it is Friday the weekend is upon us yet again and I have a lot of work to do........... The Health & Wellness show airs tomorrow morning at 11 am. In addition, I am going to keep working to meet the needs of others through health, wellness and giving gifts to those who really need it most. As the saying goes, it is better to give than to receive - but then again the satisfaction in giving is priceless..............
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