Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Does Fear grip you when you think of these three words?


I need help! Those are three of the most feared words for many that I know of. Why is this?
Do you feel that asking or admitting that you need help means that you’ve failed or maybe you feel inferior?

Let’s take a look at the consequences of not asking for or seeking help.

You continue repeating the same steps getting the same results.

You waste time and money trying out new bright shiny objects. The next best thing.

A great service or product is withheld from the world.

The solution to someone’s problem is hidden and causes them to either
continue on a long search or never realize the resolve for their problem.

You continue to toss and turn afraid that your mortgage won’t be paid or that you won’t be able to keep up with your bills.

A lack of confidence and low self esteem sets in as you beat up on yourself for not accomplishing what you thought you would have by now.

You finally give up.

Is it worth it?

Seeking out the necessary support and resources is an action of a woman who knows that she has gifts that the world needs to be exposed to, an unstoppable woman of tenacity that has made a resolve of no retreat.

It doesn’t make you weak or inferior.

The added support of a coach and/or mentor will save you years of trouble, reduce the mistakes that you end up making and will keep you from reinventing the wheel.

You will also realize increased revenue and save time.

If it hasn’t worked for you for the last 1 – 5 years or more, you can’t afford to continue on your own.
Stop now. Look at where you are? Are you satisfied?

Make an agreement with yourself that you will do whatever it takes to position yourself for empowering success. Don’t cheat yourself simply because you’re afraid of or too proud to say “I need help.”

Ready to take action. Secure your help today! Request my free Breakthrough to Destiny talk. There are a limited number of spaces open.

So I suggest that you request yours now. Click here to request your Breakthrough to Destiny Talk.

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Simple Relaxing Tips For Moms



It seems like there is never enough time to take a break for the weary. And, the weary person is usually mom. You find that most often moms are too busy taking care of home and everybody else, but who takes care of mom?If you are a busy mom, it is very important that learn to value yourself as a person and schedule personal time.

Personal time is a right of being a person. Each of us has the capacity to nurture others but that type of care takes its toll.

A car is filled with fuel to make it run. Eventually the fuel runs out and your car won’t move unless the car is replenished with fuel. The same goes for you. Emotional issues can develop when you don’t take the time to take care of your emotional well-being, not to mention the physical results of emotional neglect, so I hope you are starting to see why it is important that you start to take better care and make time for yourself.

Being able to take some Mom time refuels the tank so that you can give to your family as well as yourself in equal measure. When you give to yourself you are actually more vital and energetic and you actually have more to give back to the world. Don’t feel ashamed to sit for fifteen minutes doing nothing. In the springtime, relaxing on your patio or even next to the pool is the perfect getaway from the pressures of the day. Reading a book for 30 minutes can also seem like heaven to many moms.

Here are a few tips to help you fit in much needed “mom” time:

1. Get up 30 minutes early.When you have kids, the day begins at a hurried pace. Once you hit the ground running, there is no stopping you. Waking 30 minutes to an hour ahead of time means quiet solitude to drink your coffee, read a book, meditate or listen to music. Give it a try and I challenge you not to hit the alarm clock. Jump start your day!

2. Turn Ordinary into Extraordinary. When you take a bath, add candles, bubble bath, quiet music. Your regular bath has now become a spa level experience. If you watch a movie, turn out the lights, pop a bag of microwave popcorn and curl up on the couch do it and enjoy every minute of it.



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Certified Life Reposition Coach

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Another Day Older and 70k Debt Free

10744074473?profile=originalDo you think your debt problems are insurmontable?  Listen and learn how this phenomenal author and entrepreneur Aleysha Proctor conquered her seventy thousand dollar debt demon. The fact is that wealthy women think, act and do things differently. Listen to the podcast online at Wealthy Radio

If you would like to learn how to manage your finances like a wealthy woman join the A Purse of Your Own Campaign  to financial empower one million women. 

Deborah Owens is a Wealth Coach and author of the critically acclaimed book A Purse of Your Own published by Simon and Schuster.  She is host of Wealthy Lifestyle Radio on the NPR affilliate WEAA 88.9 FM.  Listen online at Wealthy Radio  WEAA 88.9FM

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FREE Teleseminar to Empower Christian Women in Business to avoid mistakes costing Them clients, customers and profits


What do you do when you’ve done everything you’re told and it still doesn’t work? You are working endlessly behind the computer only to find that you've left little time to do what matter's most. What do you do? Give up? No. You can do it!



December 21, 2011  Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva has developed a Business Empowerment Teleseries just for you.

“I want to give women an opportunity to get clear on their vision,
goals and action plan, to make BIG changes and get results. To discover what your message is and who you are called to serve." Says Robin Tramble 


We are at the close of 2011 and Robin is committed to helping Christian Women Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Authors and aspiring to end 2011 strong and make 2012 the year you’ve always dreamed of.

Women will join Robin for her Client Attraction, Income Acceleration Marketing and Mindset Tele-series. She will kick off the Teleseries with

"Discover 3 Biggest Mistakes costing you Prospects, Clients, Customers and what you can do about it so you can realize a Client/Customer, income acceleration  (authentically) while living on purpose!"

When: Thursday, December 22, 2011 

Time: 5:00 PM PST

Robin wants to support you in accomplishing your desires and goals.


Registration is being taken here http://bit.ly/clientincomeacceleratepr

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About Robin Tramble

Robin Tramble International was founded by Professional Life Empowerment Coach,
Robin Tramble to help women live a big, bold, beautiful and Authentically Brilliant Diamond Life of Empowerment. Robin is a Authentic Life and Biz Empowerment Coach, Mentor, speaker, Recording artist and Author of the upcoming book “The Dynamic Power of Focus for unstoppable women.” Certified Social Marketing Campaign Specialist.
She is also creator of Empowerment-Success-Songs.com . She shares women's empowerment expertise with women across the world and locally as she did on her most recent interview on Good Day Sacramento.

Find out more about Robin Tramble International at http://www.Authenticlifeempowerment.com

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"Feel like you're running on a Hamster's

wheel and getting nowhere?"

Join me for my  Power Executive Call Free....
Empowered to Manifest Your Best Year Ever!

This is my Christmas and New Year's Gift To You...

Tuesday, December 27 at 2:00 PM PST

  • Experience a powerful Visualization Exercise to help you with manifestation of your Ideal Lifestyle!

  • Essential Keys to Manifesting Your Best Year Yet!

  • Empowering Insights for a Success Mindset

  • 4 Mindset shifts essential to your Breakthrough in 2012

And More!

Click here to learn more and secure your VIP access.

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Do you feel called to be the Queen over your Life and/or


Read on to discover empowering insights about the Queenly
Proverbs Woman.

How close have you looked at the Proverbs 31 Woman? What I’m going to share with you about this dynamic woman is  something
different from what so many teach on – the stereotyped housewife occupied with
dirty dishes and laundry, her daily life dictated by the demands of her husband
and her children. Nor do we find a hardened, overly ambitious career woman who
leaves her family to take care of themselves. And now lining it up with today’s
independent woman we don’t find her so independent that she doesn’t consider
the wisdom of God.

If you look closely you’ll find a strong,
dignified, multi-talented, caring woman who is an individual in her own right.
This woman has money to invest, servants to look after and real estate to
manage. She is her husband’s partner, her children’s’ nurturer and teacher, and
she is completely trusted with the responsibility for the family’s lands,
property and goods.

She has acquired the business skills to buy and
sell in the market, along with the heartfelt sensitivity and compassion to care
for and fulfill the needs of people who are less fortunate. She is not one to walk away from challenges of life but with pleasure and
vigor she tackles the challenges each day brings. Her husband and children love
and respect her for her kind, generous and caring nature. Women look to her as a leader to follow and respect. A woman of integrity and great character.

Her success is obvious. The key to her
successful path is even more obvious.

Regardless of her responsibilities which causes her to wear many hats, first
and foremost, she looks to God. Her primary concern is God’s will in her life.
She is a woman after God’s own heart. 

Okay that’s all good Robin for the Wives and Mothers, however,
what about those of us who Mother other’s children but are not wives or
biological Mothers? Is this just a guide for Moms and Wives?

Being a mother or wive is not a prerequisite learning a lesson about
your business or life from this awesome woman of God. It’s not necessary that
you run your own company either.  There is something to be learned by every woman from this
Queenly Proverbs Woman.

Here are a few virtues that make up the
Queenly Proverbs woman and make her successful in life and business.

1. Faith – A  Queenly Proverbs woman is committed to
and serves God with all of her heart, mind, and soul. She seeks His will for
her life and not only that she follows His ways. (Proverbs 31: 26, Proverbs 31:
29 – 31, Matthew 22: 37, John 14: 15, Psalm 119: 15

2. Marriage – A Queenly
Proverbs Woman respects her husband. She does him good all the days of her
life. She is trustworthy and a helpmeet. She is a helpmeet and has wisdom that
aids in being a helpmeet for her husband. She is not a busy body tending to
others homes and neglecting her own. (Proverbs 31: 11- 12, Proverbs 31: 23,
Proverbs 31: 28, 1 Peter 3, Ephesians 5, Genesis2: 18)

 Motherhood – A Queenly Woman
teaches her children the ways of her Father in heaven. She nurtures her
children with the love of Christ, disciplines them with care and wisdom, and
trains them in the way they should go. (Proverbs 31: 28, Proverbs 31: 26,
Proverbs 22: 6, Deuteronomy 6, Luke 18: 16)

4. Health – A Queenly
Proverbs Woman adheres to the scripture that states her body is the temple of
Holy Spirit and cares for her body. She prepares healthy food for her family
and herself. (Proverbs 31: 14 – 15, Proverbs 31: 17, 1 Corinthians 6: 19,
Genesis 1: 29, Daniel 1, Leviticus 11)

31: 16, Proverbs 31: 24, Proverbs 31: 31, Philippians 2: 14)

These are just a few of the virtues of a Queenly Proverbs Woman. I
will be sharing more in my presentation during The Queen’s Court Success System
2.0 scheduled to launch this Thursday and beginning in January 2012. For now you
don’t to miss my next call.

Register here for “Awaken The Queen in you and activate your Fabulousness!”

Although I’d love to have you on the call live with other Dynamic Queens and I
the VIP notice of the Teaching audio replay will be made a vailable to all

I’m also giving away 15 Snapshots of a Mighty woman of God Audio
CD’s Where I highlight Queen Esther and Rahab, share characteristics of a
Mighty Woman of God, Hindrances to becoming a Mighty Woman of God, and share a
closing power prayer with all who are listening. All you need to do to qualify
is be a registrant. I will also give away a few more Royal Treats. Join me and
tell your Queen Sisters.

 Here’s to L.I.F.E. as a Queenly Proverbs Woman. Living In Faith Everyday!

Be sure to get your Fabulous self to my Royal Event. 


Master Coach Queen Robin

P.S. There’s never been a better time to unleash the Healthy,
Wealthy, Empowered and Royally Authentic You! Arise Queen. Be the Queen over
your Life and Business!

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Robin Tramble Offers a Fre.e Teleseminar to teach Women How to Rise above Emotions and Reign as Queen over their Life and Business for realized Empowering Success.


December 7, 2011 – I’m not good enough. I don’t have enough. Help I can’t stay focused in the midst of distractions. How do I get past the fear. I’m a new coach and I’m having a hard time getting started due to a lack of confidence. Can you resonate with any of these? Maybe yours is more about not having the knowledge to market your business/ministry or you're overwhelmed and stressed out over all of the things you need to do to realize empowering success.


“If you’re going to Reign as Queen over your Life and Business you must rise above your emotions.” Says Master Queen Coach Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva.


Professional Authentic Life and Biz Empowerment Coach/Mentor/Trainer and Certified Social Media Campaign Specialist Robin Tramble responds, I’ve had many obstacles that tried to impede my progress. There’s been crisis such as our daughter losing her vision to which we were empowered even through this as we supported her and she did regain her sight. I haven’t always been the empowered, bold, courageous and authentic Empowerment Diva that I am today. I struggled with many disempowering behaviors, fear of rejection, success, a negative mindset and more. As I always say Empowerment is a choice. Yours! I chose to finally become free and I embraced the process.


I did it and continue to do it and YOU can too!


Robin is offering a FRE.E Teleseminar called, Discover little known secrets to Awakening the Queen in You and Moving Away Things That Are Holding You Back So You Can Activate Your Fabulousness NOW. Become Queen of your life and business for realized empowering success, Thursday, December 8 at 1:00 pm PST and the following week to share her insights. http://bit.ly/awakenqueeninyou


A Glimpse of what Robin will share:


* How to Rise Above Your Emotions To Reign As Queen Over Your Life and Business.


* How you can step out and take any endeavor, project or role with realized unshakable confidence.


* Surefire tips for staying focused


* The Power of the 80/20 Rule and how it applies to Time Management and Business


* Two essential keys to success (answers one of the questions submitted with regard to consistency)

And More.



For more information and to register visit







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When you look at your life, you may be miles away from your goals and dreams – so far you wonder if you’ll ever get there. This gap can be especially frustrating when you feel like you’re working hard to move forward.

For Immediate Release

October 10, 2011 Unfortunately, just “working hard” doesn’t assure success. There are a lot of other elements and factors that determine how far you go and how close we come to achieving the life you imagine.

Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva is doing something about the many Spiritually minded women, aspiring, new and enterprising women entrepreneurs who are not realizing the results they desire. She is doing this via her FREE Teleseries. The next call is Revealed: Top 5 reasons you’re not where you want to be – YET!

Robin emphasis YET because it’s not a doom and gloom message. “You may
not be where you want to be, however, as long as there’s breath in your body
you can do something about it.” Says Robin

You'll leave this call with a new found passion to get on the path to your Divine
Destiny and to finally be free to pursue your ideal lifestyle.

For you spiritually minded aspiring, new and enterprising Women Entrepreneurs Robin wants you to know that building a successful business is not just talking about marketing, traffic, list building etc.
“There's also much to be said about the mindset "inner game" that is sabotaging your empowering success. As I stated before it's about self discipline during my last Tele-class.” Says Robin Tramble

Some of what will be covered in this power-packed Tele-class includes:

•Sure-fire ways to jump start your life and biz
• Avoidable excuses you're making that are hindering your empowering
• Top 5 reasons you are not where you should be - YET!
• What you can do to finally play a BIGGER game and manifest your ideal
lifestyle "authentically!"
• And more!

During this Tele-series you'll be empowered to Get and Stay Focused, Make BIG Changes and Get Results Faster which will ultimately reveal the healthier,
wealthier, empowered, focused, joyful and Authentic you!
If you’re ready to end 2011 strong and kick-start your year with a BANG you don’t want to miss this FREE Tele-class.

You can register for the call herehttp://bit.ly/90daysofempowermentinfo


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About Robin Tramble
Robin Tramble works with Spiritually minded women and woman entrepreneurs who want to discover their authentic self so they can make big changes or achieve some big results but are struggling to make it happen fast enough. She helps them get unstuck, create achieve the results that they want faster than ever before.

Robin is CEO and Founder of Robin Tramble International, President and
Founder of The Christian Women Entrepreneurs Network. She’s a Professional “Authentic LIfe” and Biz Empowerment Mentor, Trainer, Coach and Public Speaker to the nations. Robin is also known as Empowerment Diva because she has carved out a niche in the area of empowerment. She recently shared her empowerment tips on Good Day Sacramento as “Empowerment Diva” and was named 1 of 25 urban Entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Brand maker News. Robin is also an accomplished keyboardist, singer and songwriter and plans to incorporate her musical gifts with her resources for women’s empowering personal development.

                                                                    — end —

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What do you want? No I mean what do you really, really want? If you knew you could not fail and money was not an issue what would you really want?

What does your ideal lifestyle look like?

These are some very good questions that actually as I’m passionately empowering women many who are in a consultation or coaching with me are stunned by and they have to think just a bit. We should all have the answers to these questions.

I did a Tele-class on Top 5 reasons you are not where you want to be – YET! One of the Top 5 included “You Don’t really want what you think you want.”

Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.

Thomas Jefferson

Everyone wants to run their own business and be their own boss…. right?
Everyone wants a vacation home in the mountains… right?
Everyone wants 2.4 kids and the white picket fence…. right?


When it comes to dreams, one size most definitely does NOT fit all. Our dreams and goals are as individual as we are, and adopting someone else’s goals as our own can feel like wearing someone else’s shoes: It looks okay to everyone else, but to us, it feels awful and gives us blisters.

There are thousands, if not millions, of people out there striving for the wrong goals. Wrong not because there’s anything inherently bad about them, but wrong because the goals they’re aiming for are wrong for THEM. So as I persevere in my endeavor to empower women I must remain authentic and help you discover your authentic self for your realized empowering success.

There’s the law student that is very gifted in music and enjoys her classes in school leading up to the profession of a lawyer who would never give an extra thought to setting that aside for pursuing her career in music because both of her parents are Lawyers.

There’s the successful saleswoman who would really love to chuck it all and teach English, but she’s making too much money and only a crazy person would throw away a six-figure paycheck.

There are many frustrated individuals out there “believe it or not ” Frustration knows no geographic, socioeconomic, or race or religious boundaries.

The only way to know if the goals you’re aiming for are the right goals is to figure out if they are your heart’s desire. Sometimes it takes some detective work to peel back the layers of societal and family expectations to get at what YOU really want.

There are clues all around you: If you fall asleep dreaming about something, wake up thinking about something, and find yourself perking up whenever you meet someone doing what you’d like to do, you’re on the right track. Meanwhile, if you get a sinking sensation when you pull into the garage of house with the white picket fence, or find yourself calling in sick to that six-figure job “everyone” would kill to have, then you may be in the wrong place… for you.

So what do you do if you find you’ve been chasing after the wrong dream? If you find that you’re not on track to your destiny. You readjust. You discover what your vision is, your purpose in life. You reignite your passion. You connect with someone who can be an accountability partner, who is not biased and can offer expertise in the area you are seeking to move forward in. Even if they don’t have the specific expertise in that area but have the life skills you need to help you discover your authentic self, get unstuck, get focused, make BIG changes and get results that will put you miles ahead of where you’ve been for the last 1 to 5, 5 to 10 years or more!

You find ways to move your current life closer to the one you really long for. Maybe that means getting up an hour early to work on your novel. Maybe it means spending your weekends teaching art to inner city kids. Maybe it researching organizations that may need your expertise and would like you to share with their members. Take a small step and see how it feels. Then take another, and another, until you know deep in your heart you’re on the right track. If you are, the momentum will carry you forward.

You’ll be closer to where you want to be. The Authentic you that is.

Are you ready to say yes to the healthier, wealthier, empowered, focused, joyful, and Authentic you?

I invite you to request your free access to 4 more reasons you’re not where you want to be – YET! Request access to my Top 5 reasons you’re not where you want to be YET empowering Training Audio. Go there now!

This is also part of my preview Tele-series “Get it Done. Make it Happen!” A preview of my phenomenal 90 Days of Empowerment and Focus Coaching Program. If you’re tired of the overwhelm, stress, lack of productivity, playing small and more learn more and secure 1 of 10 spaces for gold and 1 of 15 for Silver.http://bit.ly/90daysregister


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For Spiritually Empowered Female Entrepreneurs!


Hi there!  We kick off the real meat of theTraining for your effective Social and Online marketing at 1 PM PST today...

If you haven't grabbed your spot into our More Prospects, Clients and Profits Biz Rockin' Boot Camp


Grab it now...doors are closing real soon!



This is what one of the participants stated about the pre-program lessons that you'll still get access to as a bonus

"I worked through my Facebook assignment today and sent out numerous friend request. I must say that the exercise helped me to break through a lot of barriers that were in place that I was not even aware existed."



This is not just a training program for your business!

They said no to overwhelm and yes to personal, spiritual and professional empowerment. Yes to Freedom to build their businesses with effective Social Media and Online marketing. Yes to More Prospects, Clients and Profits! The meat of the More Prospects, Clients and Profits kicks off today. What will you be doing over the next 4 weeks for your empowering success? You'll also experience the Spiritual Fitness Module.


I can't wait to see the manifestations that will happen in the lives of these dynamic women.


There are a few hours and a few spots left for The More Prospects, Clients and Profits Biz Rockin' Online Boot Camp.


Go to http://www.moreprospectsclientsprofits.com to secure your place and change the course of your life and business forever!

Don't let anyone tell you that you don't need it. You make the decision. What do you want for your life? Your Family? Are you satisfied with where you are? Will you realize your desired results with what you're doing at this present time?


This isn't for everyone, however, it is for someone.


I hope to welcome you!


Empowering you,



P.S. If you have questions email info@RobinTramble.com and we will get right back with you.

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Are You Seizing the Moment?

I am not going to sugar coat this one at all...Why? Because too many people are ignoring their access to abundant opportunity, therefore, by request, the word of the month is OPPORTUNITY.


It is extremely simple to ignore the moment when everything aligns itself to give you the chance to explore the greatness of your vision. All of us know someone who does more complaining than finding solutions. Quite frankly, that person could be you! You start thinking about the economic crises, the recent news of our down-graded credit rating, the job market, etc, and immediately get discouraged about things that have nothing to do with your ability to succeed.


Opportunity adds infinite value to your life. It is your access card to your destiny. It helps you see the purpose of your vision. Opportunity allows you to add value to others as well. Are you seizing every opportunity presented to you?


I work with several clients who have been a victim of their own destruction. Today is the day to shed some of that extra baggage you are holding on to that is preventing you from realizing the true gift that is in front of you called opportunity. Take a journey with me!


1.        Stop HOARDING on to dead end relationships: We get comfortable with keeping people in our lives just like the clothes we promise that we will fit into again some day....LET IT GO! On the journey of success, you are going to face several bumps in the road, however, many of those bumps are caused because we have not aligned ourselves with the right people. Take a serious inventory of your true inner circle. Evaluate each player on the team. Can you clearly define their role? Really? Your team has to resemble a standard sports team-defense, offense, guard, captain, etc. They work together for the success of the team. They want you to shine! If you are not aligned with the right inner circle, you will not score a winning goal. Take a look around!


2.      Stop hating!!!!: OMG....I know that we can all relate to this in some way. I never knew that jealousy continued past our teenage years, but I was so wrong. When we are jealous or envious of our fellow visionaries success, essentially we are allowing our appointment with opportunity to pass us by because we are not focusing on our OWN mission. Having envy in your spirit in your heart because of another persons success is not the way to go. Envy is time consuming. It takes you off of the road to your own success. It causes you be become obsessed with everyone else's next move. According to Judge Mills-Lane, Stay in Your Lane! Watch where you are going and pay attention to your GPS. Instead of envy, support your fellow visionary. Let that person(s) become your mentor & motivation.


3.      Start supporting...Genuine Support: You can never expect to receive what you are not willing to give. Success is a reciprocal process. You have to support so you can get support. Be inspired so you can be an inspiration.


4.     Start asking questions: Never assume that you can figure out everything on your own. The best kept secret in seizing opportunity is your access to quality information. Ask meaningful questions on your journey from people who understand the direction of your destiny.


5.      Never stop marketing: Yes I know...I say the same thing over and over, but it is the key to your growth. How can opportunity find you if you are not out there creating a path? Marketing is the key.....one of the BIGGEST keys to your own access card to success. Let me take it one stop further-are you marketing OUTSIDE of social media (Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin)? So many visionaries think they have 4000 friends on Facebook so therefore they are marketing. Completely false. Social media gives you access, however great marketing produces results. Do you think Warren Buffet and Bill Gates stay on Facebook to market their products, services and organizations? I thought so....Use social media to connect but the real world of marketing goes far beyond social media. Memberships, organizations, media pitches and much more are available to you so why are you not taking advantage of the opportunity to make some serious connections? It is time to step your game up!


6.      Remain humble & hungry: Humility will take you very far in the opportunity circle. Remembering to thank people who have endorsed your success as well as those who have helped you along the way is important. I have met people who forget how a simple it is to acknowledge those who embrace you. In addition, always remain hungry for more opportunities. Never become content with your own success. (That is how one hit wonders are made). Look for new challenges DAILY that will introduce you to new opportunities.



Remember, you have to be ready to embrace opportunity. You have to align yourself in its path so you can truly enjoy the bounty of its abundance in your life. You have to show up every time and be ready to work hard for it. Opportunity takes sacrifice and will cause you to make life long and crucial decisions. Once you realize how just one opportunity can truly change your life, you will look back on the journey and embrace your growth and success. When opportunity knocks, be ready to answer the call. Once you succeed, pay it forward!



Continued Prospertiy & Success!

Your Millionaire Mindset Coach!





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Productivity Secrets: Beware of Time Thieves

Are you a victim of Time thieves?



Maybe that would be easier to answer if you knew what time thieves were. And quite possibly you already know what they are but need to be reminded of how much they are stealing from your Destiny, from your relationships, okay from your life.

I’m sharing another post on Productivity secrets because it is one area that most women have a challenge with whether in business or their personal life.

You’ve probably given in to most of the time thieves I’m going to mention below.

You can actually use the phone as a timesaver if you know how.

TV and Radio
How many hours have we given to watching TV or listening to the radio. Now get this, some of it is done out of habit. What that means is if you actually made a decision (remember everything begins with a decision) a decision to reduce the amount of time you watch Television and replace it with a productive activity you could achieve that goal and realize increased revenue in the process.

The same thing applies to the radio. Be intentional about your listening and not habitual.

Waiting in Line
I truly believe that this is one way our patience is tested.

Sometimes going to crowded places can’t be avoided, however, there are peak hours that you can expect longer lines. Pick a schedule where you least expect many people to show up. For example, buy your groceries on weekdays. Don’t shop during weekends and paydays. If you can afford the higher price tags of items that can be bought through the phone, internet, or third-party services, then go ahead and buy them. If you treat time as gold, then the extra time you’ll be saving as a result of this act is worth much more than the extra money you’ll be spending. In case you really have no choice but to wait in line, then don’t waste your time complaining. Do something productive like reading a book, listening to educational tapes, or writing your future plans on your little notebook.

Social Media
Yes I said it. Social Media. Some individuals spend all day on Social Media sites and get absolutely nowhere. Social media is a power resource if you know what you’re doing. Automate your activities. Up grade your skills. Connect with a Social Media Coach such as myself to learn how to monetize your efforts or outsource it. Our World Wide Visibility movement is set for this very thing. to support you in your efforts to gain World Wide Visibility.

Email overwhelm

The ability to send emails has contributed to productivity in the office whether you have an office at home or in the workplace. It’s become such a part of our daily activities that we’ve forgotten about the snail mail which can end up being more effective due to the fact that some people don’t even open most of their emails.

However, there are certain downsides to using email as a means of communication. Do you check your emails many times in the day? If so you’re hampering your productivity. It can end up being a very time-consuming activity.

Traffic Traffic and more Traffic
This is another hair-pulling moment, especially when you’re running late for an important appointment. Avoid the rush hour by all means. Anticipate when a traffic jam is usually occurring during the day so you can adjust your commuting time. If your destination is not too far away, a walking session might
be a great idea to evade traffic, save on gas or money, and attain a healthy lifestyle.

I’ve shared with you a few time thieves and you may be asking “Okay Robin that’s all good but what do I do about it?” I’m glad you asked.

I’m hosting a Tele-series “Get it Done – Make it Happen: Get Focused, Make Big Changes and Get Results!” I’ll be sharing some yummy insights on this very topic and more! If you’re serious about keeping your appointment with Destiny, manifesting your most desired results and ideal lifestyle while having time for what matters most, you don’t want to miss this call.

Go to http://bit.ly/90daysofempowermentinfo to secure your VIP ticket to my Tele-class. There are only 200 lines so secure your ticket and call in early.

Here’s to your empowering success!

“The Empowerment Diva”

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What is the one thing most coaches concentrate on?

Coaching certification. Or you may focus on the business of what?


Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that you shouldn’t learn the necessary skills involved in coaching nor am I saying that you shouldn’t get certification, however, you’re doing it all wrong if this is your main focus or area of concentration.

This is not exclusive to coaches many entrepreneurs, small business owners spend little to no time concentrating on this one area I’m going to mention.

The one mistake you may be making is focusing about 85% of your time on the business of coaching and 15% of your time on marketing.

Here’s the scenario. You’ve studied the hours needed to fulfill your coaching certification, you have developed your programs and even identified the formats you’ll use…. now what? Exactly you’re stuck with the task of locating leads, attracting and getting clients!

What you should be focusing more on is “Marketing!” This is not the last step in your process. You should be looking into this much sooner than most coaches have. Marketing is something you must learn more about and even more specifically “online marketing.”

I’m not going to tell you that more experienced coaches are doing any better, however, my commitment is to seek out Christian Women Coaches who are in the early stages so that I can empower you to get your message out there and reach those who so need your services. If there are any coaches out there more advanced who need my support and commitment I’m available to you as well.

Are you in need of support in this area? Great! What I’ve done is set aside time for you. My Free call is designed with you in mind and I invite you to join me. I’ve only reserved about 90 phone lines so you want to get on a few minutes early.


All you need to do is go to http://bit.ly/aspiringnewcoach to register.

I’ll share additional mistakes you may be making, strategies to empower you to manifest the results you desire and more!


Of course I’d love to have you on the call live with me, however, the audio replay will be available to you for a limited time.


You’ve got a message. God’s given you gifts. Let’s get them out there!


Talk soon!


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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Listen to internet radio with Lurie Daniel Favors on Blog Talk Radio


Ryan Van Poederooyen - AT2035


Creative Commons Licensephoto credit: Audio-TechnicaUK

Hosted by Consumer Rights Attorney Lurie Daniel Favors, "Financially Focused" is an online radio show/podcast dedicated to helping people with money problems become financially empowered. Whether it’s dealing with rising debt, wage garnishment, debt collection lawsuits or bankruptcy, "Financially Focused" will help you get a grip on your monetary outlook. The show is designed to empower historically and economically disenfranchised families & communities to take charge of their financial condition and to create the type of fiscal reality they desire.

The show airs live on Fridays at 2:30 pm and can be downloaded via iTunes as a podcast so you can take your financial news on the go. Of course, you can always stream the latest shows right here.  Get informed, get in the know and get focused on your financial outlook today!

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Do you desire to be a better mom, wife and/or friend?


Longing to step up to your purpose and manifest your Authentically Brilliant Diamond Life and/or Biz?

Feel like you’re doing everything possible to uplevel your life but are not getting anywhere?

Are you being held back by dis-empowering habits?

Wish you could experience a transformational coaching program to take you
to a new Dimension in your life?

I have great news for you.

I’m giving away a few partial scholarships to my Total Transformation – “A Journey to Wholeness” VIP coaching program.

You see many times we spend so much time on the external and neglect to manage the internal. Without mastering your mindset, overcoming disempowering habits etc. you may sabotage any endeavor towards empowering success.

Here’s the gist…..

I have a heart for single moms and often cry for how many may be experiencing challenging times right now. I really felt it when I watched the gas prices increase to the place that they have.

While preparing for this phenomenal program I thought what can I do to encourage more to connect with me for support?

Here’s your opportunity to take advantage of partial scholarship to the Silver Level
of my Total Transformation Coaching program.


Opportunities for partial scholarships in the uncategorized area whether you're a single mompreneur or not.




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Are you struggling with the emotion fear?

Why are you struggling? Isn’t it time to take control and acquire the necessary skills to combat fear. I’m not saying to focus on fear because “what you focus on expands!”

There’s no time to contemplate or ponder this thing. It’s time now to break free so you can live your best life ever!

Here are three reasons that you must break free from fear now!


Fear is a Dream Killer
Like procrastination, fear is a thief of time and I know all to well
about this one. There are many opportunities that have been lost
because of fear. I’m sure you can think of some missed opportunities
of your own. This will continue to happen unless you break free.
The life of your dreams is at stake. You must break free now!


Fear is a toxin
Our subconscious mind receives messages from our thoughts and actions
and it doesn’t know whether it’s a temporary or insincere thought.
No, our subconscious mind gets to work on whatever we send its way.
So in essence fear is a toxin to the subconscious mind.


Fear is not a part of God’s plan and is not from God
In the bible we read that God has not given us a spirit of
fear but He’s given us power, love and a sound mind. So if
God didn’t give it to us then we shouldn’t have it and it
hinders the flow of blessing on our lives.

Your goal should never be to focus on totally being free from fear,
that would be unbalanced, however, you should learn keys and the
necessary mindset shifts needed to empower you to live a life free
from the bondage of fear.

What will you do if you never break free? You don’t have to wait
any longer.


I invite you to request access to my FREE laser coaching call “Blast fear, procrastination and get focused!” You’ll hear the value added content I shared and hear the laser coaching a few of the ladies experienced with me on the call.

Go to http://tinyurl.com/lasercoachingfear to get access now!

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One of the things that I’ve encountered while serving my passion of empowering women are these three words “the right time.”


How many times have you sighed, “Let me think about it, I need to wait for the right time”, “Not now it’s not the right time”?


Did you ever find the right time? Or are you still waiting.


Time fulfills it’s purpose daily waiting on no man. Are you fulfilling your purpose

daily, waiting on no man, no thing? ~ Robin Tramble


The grave is rich with good intentions. Many I’m sure were waiting for the right time. Some of our greatest songs are in the grave, witty ideas and inventions in the grave, Government officials, Men or Women of God “in the grave!”


I’m not trying to be harsh here, however, I’m tired of seeing gifted individuals passing time and refusing to do whatever it takes to manifest their dreams all because you’re waiting for the right time.


I see this a lot in my coaching. Some take me up on complimentary sessions, see the value and talk about how others aren’t stepping up to get the training they need only to say at the close of the session that now is not the right time. Of course at times it may not be the right time, however, you must take inventory of the validity of your statement. Is it another form of procrastination? Do you have a fear of the unknown, fear of success or fear of failure?


Everyday will bring about a change. The question is what change? A change for the better or for the worse? Will it change by default or will you take charge of your future and change yourself so that you can change your world?


Underline, highlight, print in your memory this next statement; “There’s never a right time!”


Children are small at home “not the right time.” You now have teens at home “not the right time.” Your son or daughter is in college “not the right time.” Oh my they’re getting married so much to do “not the right time.” I’m going back to school now so… “it’s not the right time.” My parents are aging so…. “it’s not the right time.”



Life happens and there will always be something else that we are responsible for.


How important is it to you to manifest your desired results in your personal growth, business growth, spiritual growth, weight loss, relationships etc.?


God’s gift to us is life and what we do with it is our gift back to Him. Now is the time. Right here and right now.


There’s an audience waiting to hear your message and realize the benefits of your solutions to their problems.


This is your time. This is your year!


How is your mindset? Your mindset could be causing you to continue to delay taking steps towards your empowering success. I invite you to request my video series “Mindset Secrets for Empowering Success” while it’s available.


Go to http://tinyurl.com/mindsetsecretsvid



What are your thoughts on this topic?

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How to identify and overcome negative or limiting beliefs?

In my interaction with women I find that many are struggling with limiting and/or negative beliefs. And there are some who are in denial and feel that they don’t have any limiting beliefs. Entertaining limiting beliefs will only sabotage your empowering success and I am out to help you finally be free of the control of
limiting belief. My passion is empowering women and this is one area that blocks many from realizing their desires.

Read what one of my clients stated about identifying a limiting belief……

Pay attention to part B of her testimonial

One of my success statements was related to me exercising on a regular basis. While I am not grossly overweight, I was carrying more weight than my small frame could handle. I knew this because my knees started to hurt constantly. After emailing Robin my success statements, I committed to it. In addition to exercising I actually went a step further and did some clean up in my diet. I can report today that I have lost 5 pounds to date. I feel better and my knees don’t hurt nearly as much.

I also sent in my limiting belief. At first I did not feel as if I had one but through prayer I found that I did. And it was a big one! I have proceeded with my action steps and praise God, He has confirmed what I needed confirmation of. I’m still doing both action steps and I know these will keep me moving forward toward success. I would never have identified this had Robin not challenged us with this. Thank you Robin!”

Mari Taylor – Author
Extraordinary Woman Extraordinary life Silver Group Coaching program

One of the first steps to identifying your limiting or negative beliefs is awareness.

You have belief systems that were formed early on in your life. Think about some of the things that come up for you when embarking on a new journey or undertaking a new task.

Do you start off with a bang only to be tripped up by negative chatter or negative/limiting beliefs?

Overcoming your limiting beliefs entails becoming aware, identifying the belief and reprogramming. And please know this…. it didn’t happen overnight so the reprogramming is not going to happen overnight. It’s a process.

What are your beliefs?

What are your thoughts about money?
Do you say things such as  Get the rest of the juicy details here

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“Time is money.” That three word sentence sums up the life of the woman entrepreneur. When your staff consists of only you, you realize quickly that passing the buck isn’t an option. Instead, you must quickly learn to sort through the multitude of tasks facing you each day and narrow down to only the key revenue- generating activities, while letting the majority of the “noise” fade away.

It’s a fact that you and every other entrepreneur in existence have one thing in common – a 24 hour day. However, what you DO with those 24 hours can be the single difference between having a profitable business or having to take on a side job.

I’m going to give you an opportunity to discover  several ways you can increase your productivity by narrowing down and focusing on the tasks that are going to move you towards your biggest money goals. You’ll learn about prioritizing your daily tasks, grouping them for greater efficiency, and how to keep on top of all the various projects you have going, so you don’t drop any critical elements.

Though you may already feel pressed for time (and the thought of attending a call seems like just another of countless things to do), I encourage you to take a break from your crazy schedule, sit down and secure your place for this call. The time you invest will be paid back in greater efficiency – and therefore profit.

Join me for my no cost call!

Tap into irrefutable productivity secrets and cure patterns of
disempowering habits so you can realize a juicy manifestation of more
time and more money.

Go to http://tinyurl.com/totaltransformationpr
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