What if I told you that you could change your life for-ever?

What if I told you that it could happen within 45 minutes and totally up-level in under 8 weeks?

I will be facilitating a phenomenal Tele-series Total Transformation: Simple secrets to Maximum Empowerment, Mega Mindset Breakthroughs and Total Wellness

Do you feel like you need a total overhaul? Well I want to talk to you about
Total Transformation. And when I say total I mean total.

What is Transformation?
1: an act, process, or instance of transforming or being transformed
In the bible it reads; Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Notice it states renewing which is continual. It’s not a place of arrival and then you’re done. There are many things that come to stop us from reaching our destiny and fulfilling our purpose.

“Give me just 45 minutes
and I’ll share with you secrets to
realizing MEGA Mindset
Breakthroughs, maximum
debilitating Fear, unleash the
Faith-full, Holistically Fit and
Fabulous you so you can realize
Total Transformation, manifest as the
unstoppable irresistible Kingdom
woman you were meant to be with
laser focus, an EMPOWERED mindset
and live an Authentically Brilliant
Diamond life!!”

Topic this week: Kingdom Woman Total Transformation:
Simple Secrets to Maximum Empowerment,
MEGA Mindset Breakthroughs and overcoming limiting

When: First call
Thursday, February 24 at 1:00 pm PST, 3:00 pm CST, 4:00 pm EST
Can’t make the call?
My gift for this call only is the download of this power-packed audio teaching.

I will also be giving away over $897 in resources during the course of this Tele-series to registrants

of this call so be sure to register.

Register here: http://tinyurl.com/totaltransformationpr

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How do you plan out your day, week, month for the most productive outcome?

Women’s Empowerment incorporates various components that when successfully integrated will yield a greater return on your endeavors.

As a woman you have many demands on your time, however, if you add that of being a woman entrepreneur it can be a very frustrating task to leverage your time. It may seem that the more you try to balance out your day the less time you end up with.

Do you feel like your day is spent in “firefighter” mode – putting out one emergency blaze after another?

You can easily spend eight hours or more at the beck and call of the urgent activities on your list: The phone call that comes right when you’re sitting down to do some much-needed strategic planning, the unexpected invitation to contribute to a blog round-up, the desperate plea for a last-minute speaker on an industry teleconference. While these all might be worthy tasks, they’re not necessarily related
to your high-level goals. And as a result, the time you’ve set aside for your important activities can be usurped by the tyranny of the urgent.

It is very tempting to check emails all day every hour or answer your phone overtime it rings.

If you want to manifest your EMPIRE by moving toward the next levels quickly you must have a system for focusing on important tasks instead of the urgent ones.

Here are five tips for prioritizing

1. Set expectations. I’ve had mixed feedback on this one. I’ve developed a system and enforce it so that I can remain healthy and sane. When doing this one you must get over what people think of you and commit to what you’ve set as an action to support your empowering success. You train people how to treat you and what to expect from you. If you always respond to their emails immediately, they’ll grow to expect immediate answers. Slowly wean them from expecting you to be on-call, 24/7.

2. Create No distraction zones. Although you may be tempted to shut down your phone, email and other interruptions for 8 – 10 hours, it’s actually not practical to turn off your phone ringer for 8 hours straight, or to check your email only once a day. But you can set up zones where you limit outside interruptions. Start with a no email time first thing in the morning. Institute a quiet time first thing in the morning for one hour.

Get to the cash producing activities before you check email. Once you’ve adjusted to this you can add another quiet zone, maybe in the afternoon right before you quit working. This way you can close your day and have a fresh empowering start the next day.

3.Know what “important” is. No more 10 item to do lists. You have to have your high-level goals in front of you, literally and figuratively. You must know what you’re trying to accomplish this month, this week, today, so you can filter your activities accordingly.

4. Create systems to support your new habits. This one tip has done wonders for some of my clients that I’ve shared it with. Email in-box filters that shuffle non-critical newsletters and group emails to another filter for later reading will help keep you from getting sidetracked. Removing all non-essential programs and icons from your computer desktop (and from your physical desktop, too!) can keep you focused. Figure out where you’re getting derailed and create some boundaries to keep you on task.

You can realize productive days instead of just busy, overwhelming, pull your hair out days, however, as I always say don’t just learn new skills and systems, take targeted action and implement.

I’ll share this and more in more detail during The Empowerment Diva’s Fit and Fabulous Coaching Program/Club.

Here’s to a healthy you and a thriving business!

Robin aka The Empowerment Diva
The Authentic Life and Biz Empowerment
Mentor,Coach,Trainer and Public speaker
to savvy women, New,Aspiring and Enterprising woman entrepreneurs across the world.

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The December 2010 FLIPBOOK is here!

Also on our site this week - Dec. 3, 2010:

Although World AIDS Day was Dec. 1, the need to know your status is year round. Learn the latest facts and where to get tested. http://bit.ly/i0QnQ0 & http://bit.ly/edbTPt

Grameen America has four New York branches in Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan, and keeps 4,300 New Yorkers in business. Many of these women of color. http://bit.ly/hK4z0S

Yes? No? Maybe so? This week's Reader's Poll at shades Magazine. http://bit.ly/hUn0qA

What are some of our readers saying about why they subscribe to shades Magazine? Check out one at http://bit.ly/eMLtzc.

I/We thank you for your time, interest and support. Tell a friend!

Michelle :)
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The best way to have an empowering week is to start off Monday with a solid foundation.


This preparation begins with Friday. Set yourself up for an empowering week by closing out your week. Take inventory of what tasks you completed. Add those that you didn't complete to the list for the following week.


Here's an important thing to remember. Do not make your top 10 to do list. Make a top 3 priority list. Among them will be at least one thing that will be cash producing.


Read my Facebook update

Are you ready for an absolutely,empowering week? What are your top 3 to do items for Monday? Add action steps that will allow you to complete them. Avoid checking email first. Focus. Take targeted action. Balance your social media activity. Don't let it consume your day. Allow for a time to step away during the day to avoid overwhelm. Commit your works to the Lord. And so shall your plans succeed. Proverbs 16:3


Want to accelerate your results? Embrace a mindset for success. Whatever happened the week prior is not what you want to focus on. Remember what you focus on expands!


Focus on the results you expect to achieve. Focus on what it will look like when you achieve your desired results. Focus on what it feels like.


Get rid of the negativity. Negative attitudes, negative environment, negative relationships. Of course I’m not suggesting that you get rid of you marriage relationships, however, you can seek out ways to empower your relationships. We’ve actually set up a community to help you do this on our Marriage Empowerment Coach page on Facebook.


The tips I’ve shared in this post should get you started on the right path to your empowering success.


Of course if you need additional support you might consider securing your Coaching A La Carte session

with me. Click here to find out more and get started.


Here's to your empowering week!


Share your ideas below.


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

Authentic Life and Biz Empowerment

Coach,Mentor,Trainer and Public Speaker to

Savvy women, New,Aspiring and Entreprising Women Entrepreneurs







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Empowering last words of 2010

I shared the following on Facebook and wanted to also share them with you. Ending on number 8 wasn't intentional, however, it all worked out
quite well if I can say so myself. Enjoy!
 Empowering last words of 2010: #1 Although there are great blueprints, systems, formulas and 12 steps to follow never forget to keep God in your plans
(actually at the head).There is nothing new under the sun and you are
empowered to create because you have the creator within you. Creating
innovative systems, blueprints with your unique design inspired by God's
wisdom. Remember "Wisdom tells knowledge what to do!"

Empowering last words of 2010 #2 Want to Supercharge your entrance into 2011?
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude regardless of what wasn't
accomplished in 2010. Start a gratitude journal (If you don't have one)
Post at least 5 things you're grateful for Thursday and Friday Morning.
Give it an extra power-boost with evening posts on Thursday and Friday.
Your attitude determines your altitude. Continue & Soar in 2011!

Empowering last words of 2010 #3 Is there any unfinished business you need to
close before you enter 2010. Phone calls you need to make?Forgiveness
you need to impart? It's important that you make peace for complete
healing of your soul even if they've gone on."Unforgiveness is the
poison one takes expecting the other person to die." Author (Young man
from Africa) "Forgive, let go and live!"(c) My long awaited book

Empowering last words of 2010 #4 Have you heard this? Some things never change?
There may be some validity to that , however, if you're going to move
ahead and realize empowering success you must change your response,
change your actions. You'd be surprised how this defuses many negative
situations. Besides it's essential to stressed-less living.

Empowering last words for 2010 # 5 Although we're anxiously awaiting 2011 I am not
one to take any day that God gives for granted. God's gift to us is
life & what we do with it is our gift to HIM. So.... maximize every
moment through 2011. 2010 is not gone yet & if you read the
obituaries you'll see many that thought the same & didn't make it to
2011. Celebrate & be thankful for every day while making plans for

Empowering last words of 2010 #6 Remember: As we remember those gone on in 2010,
good times,sad times,challenging times we take from each the lessons God
allowed us to see and learn, the gratitude of being blessed with those
gone on to be part of our lives and celebration of the victories.As we
move forward in 2011 cherish the love of family & friends when times
seem challenging remember How Faithful God has been.

Empoweringlast words of 2010 #7 Set Intentions and Expect - When you set
intentions you aren't preoccupied w/ the how as much as the desired
result. Set your intentions for the New Year & then Expect. There is
power in expectation. Expect to receive,to be empowered to manifest
your desired results through systems designed to help you chart your
course. Connect w/ an accountability partner. Co-Partner w/ God!

Empowering last words of 2010 #8
# 8 stands for New beginnings. I didn't know how many ELW of 2010 I
would write, however, somehow I've ended here. The last words "Celebrate
New Beginnings!" We are entering into a new year with it's own path
that we each have for our lives. Go with God. Stand strong. Fear-less
and Faith-full. There is nothing you cannot do with God on your side.
wish you Peace, Love and Joy. A prosperous New Year!!


Happy New Year!


Robin aka The empowerment Diva

Authentic Life Empowerment

Mentor,Coach,Trainer and Public Speaker

Empowering New,Emerging,Aspiring and Enterprising Woman Entrepreneurs

90 Days to Business Breakthrough!

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“Your next level begins where your comfort level ends.”
Lisa Nicole Bell, Change Agent/The Inspiration Icon

Well that’s fantastic news, because not since months seven through nine of pregnancy have I been this uncomfortable!  Last week’s  Meet the Resource call was right on time for many of us, including yours truly. I’ve labeled the past two weeks of my life as Beautifully Intense because I now know (and the call served as yet another confirmation) why this particular transition is a necessary part of my life.  Today I am in full celebration mode—party hat, confetti, hot Goddess dress, the works—because I am shedding my old skin, and sauntering sexily in my six-inch heels on my hand-sewn, plush new red carpet.


The catalyst for this transition was far from sexy, though–deep and ugly like a freshly made wound from a long, long drop. It started one night lying in bed with Kris talking about where we were versus where we wanted to be.  We were back in a space we never thought we’d revisit, and just like all the other times, the familiarity of the space left me feeling bitter, doubtful, and defeated.

That Night (The Drop).

Coming down from the Super High of spending 32 days in Jamaica, followed by being flown to New York for a photo shoot with one of my favorite magazines, was far worse than I’d anticipated.


****I'm sharing this with you because I know many of us, particularly during this time of year, are in a state of self-assessment, which can lead to self-deprication. But sometimes, the "downturn" is a necessary element of growth, and I experienced that recently in a very powerful way.  I'm sharing because through my experience, perhaps you may see a bit of yourself and your situation...



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 Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. ~ Maria Robinson

Do you find yourself wishing you could go back and start again or start a new beginning?

Of course there is such a thing as a fresh start or new beginning, however, you cannot literally go back in life and start a new beginning.

So what do you do?

You can spend your days murmuring and complaining about what you haven’t accomplished over your life or you can take an optimistic approach by taking inventory of what didn’t work and why? What did work and do more of it and of course discover new systems and strategies that you can implement..

Make the necessary mindset shifts. Many times having the wrong mindset can sabotage your endeavors towards empowering success.

Seek God’s wisdom. You can get as much knowledge as you want, however, you need wisdom to tell knowledge what to do.

Connect with an accountability partner such as a mentor or coach such as myself. My goal is to help you discover your authentic self, get unstuck and to empower you to make big changes and achieve results faster than you have before in your life and business!

As I always say “Empowerment is choice. Yours!”

Make the choice to start today, right here and right now laying the foundation to make a new ending.

This can be your best year ever!

Make endeavors to unleash the Fit and Fabulous you.

I invite you to join me for my no cost Tele-training “How to Unleash the Fit and Fabulous you so you can manifest as the unstoppable
irresistible woman you were meant to
be and live an Authentically Brilliant
Diamond life!!”

Go to http://budurl.com/fitandfabulousinfo

Here’s to the new you… The Fit and Fabulous one!!

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Are you your own worst enemy?

How many times have you started out with a Bang and end up with a fizz?

It goes something like this. You have a great idea or maybe we’ll call it a bright idea. You’re excited and can’t sleep at night becauseideas are flowing and you can’t turn it off. You jump up ready to goand put some things in place. This keeps up for about a week and slowlybut surely you start winding down.

Or maybe you’ve struggled with fear, low self esteem, a lack of confidence and you have a good week and another two good weeks so youthink everything is peachy cream until one day you hit a low.

What happened?

Why can’t you keep it going? Why can’t you sustain the motivation?

You are operating off of the high of self preservation, innovation and creation but lack the internal wiring to sustain your motivation.You recognize a need to develop the skills needed to change things,however, you talk yourself out of it due to a one day,week, monthwonder.

Can we be real (authentic) here. What’s happening on the inside? Is there a void and you’re trying to fill it with external things? Is yourinner critic louder than your healthy spirit and soul?

Are you suffering from an independent spirit and refuse to acknowledge your need to step out of yourself and get the support youneed?

It’s important that you nurture your spirit, soul and body. Take time to lay a solid foundation by settling and mastering yourpsychology which includes things such as your mindset, limiting beliefsetc. , get clear on your vision, setting and writing down effectivegoals and applying strategies that will allow you to realize your goals.

Without this your efforts will be a hit and miss.

Next it’s important that you connect with an accountability partner. I say this often, however, it’s key to your overall empowering success.If you continue to have episodes such as what I mentioned above you’llsoon become discouraged and conclude that business success is just notfor you leading you to abandon your dream and return to the routine 9to 5 job.

Are you your own worst enemy? Yes, you can be. If you neglect to acknowledge where you are and seek out support to resolve your concernsand simply apply a band-aid by coming up with the next best bright ideaor sucking in yet another teaching of the next best Guru you are yourown worst enemy. If you push down the negative chatter, disempoweringbehaviors and limiting beliefs due to a sudden surge of empowermentinstead of dealing with the internal, you are your own worst enemy.

No one’s going to commit to your destiny like you. No one’s going to do whatever it takes to realize your dreams, “YOUR diamond life” like you will.

The time is now to stand up for yourself. Seek out support. Your challenges don’t have to overtake you. You can soar above them.

Arise and shine. It’s your life. Say yes to YOUR Diamond life!

Robin aka The Empowerment Diva


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What is all the fuss about coaching?

I’ve been getting questions from someof the women in my tribe/network and most want to know how they can getstarted in the coaching business. I’m sure each of them have varyingreasons why they
are interested.

If you have a desire to help others that would be one reason to seriously look into this model. If you’re tired of
working harder without realizing the results, this is an ideal model for you.
If you want to monetize and share your expertise with the masses, this is an
ideal model for you.

Watch the video for additional supporting information. Go to http://budurl.com/coachstream to request access to the audio replay of the power-packed Teleseminar mentioned.

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Know God Know Peace

No God, No Peace

You shall go out with joy,
And be led out with peace:
The mountains and the hills
Shall break forth into singing before you,
And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Isaiah 58:12

I don’t know about you but that sounds soooo good,refreshing and rejuvenating.

In my earlier years of marriage I may have desired to win the creative, intense fellowship
(argument) (smile).

I had more energy to exert and my mind was just a little bit clearer. It seemed that I didn’t understand
the value of a peaceful environment.

When a value is not placed on a thing you tend to abuse it. You also don’t guard it to make sure that
it is healthy.

Well ladies I learned that I would rather have my peace than to live in an environment of strife and discord (which God hates) more than winning any battles that will take it away.

I look at it like this, more evenings with my husband and family makes me rich. Rich in the creation of positive memories. Rich in increased vitality and health to my bones because I am notsetting myself up to become resentful and/or bitter and rich because myenvironment is peaceful allowing me to create and receive insights andrevelation from my Father God through Holy Spirit as I’m in Hispresence cultivated by a peaceful environment.

I truly believe that it allows for activation of His word that states that He teaches us to profit and He gives us witty ideas andinventions. Peace can open the lines of His Divine intervention.

Strive for a peaceable life and you will realize a Rich life!

Empowering you,

Robin aka The Empowerment Diva


Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body: and be thankful.
Colossians 3:15

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It's no secret that as women we have to wear many hats whether married, unmarried, Corporate Exec.,female entrepreneur,Leader in Ministry, work at home mom, stay at home mom, CEO etc.
And as a woman of color the responsibility can be even heavier.

You may be experiencing overwhelm, a lack of motivation, lacking life and/or business skills necessary to yield the business you deserve so that you have the lifestyle you deserve....

What is your business? Where would you like to see your business 1 -3 years from now? Do you know how to get there? What about marketing? Are you overwhelmed by all of the information available to you? Don't know where to begin?

Maybe you're experiencing some level of success but know that you can experience more.

Are you held back by your inner critic, dis-empowering behaviors or other?

How connected are you to your Wealth Consciousness?

Could you be sabotaging your own success because of the wrong mindset and you don't even know it?

Yes, these are a lot of questions, however, they are real concerns and may speak to you.

I've been there and I know that I can support you. You don't have to do it alone.

I invite you to request a complimentary session with me to see if this phenomenal VIP Coaching program is a fit for us.

Send an email to info@RobinTramble.com and put "phenomenal 10" in the subject area.
We will contact you.

Remember this opportunity is only open to 10 women so if you think this may be what you need don't delay!!

Empowering you!

Robin aka The Empowerment Diva
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Let’s face it. Life can be hard. Thus the reason I’m passionate about empowering women. There are many temptations along this journey to quit. You don’t have to quit. I know that’s easier said than done.

Believe it or not I have felt like quitting. What? The Empowerment Diva?
Yes, moi. However, I do feel blessed to have conquered many fears, opportunities to lose hope and throw in the towel. How? My faith, life skills, embracing the process, mastering my mindset, having an appreciation of life, embracing an attitude of gratitude, being authentic, giving value,being committed to my core values, connecting with mentors, loving and being loved by my family and more!

I’d like to dedicate this poem to you. Whatever you do get clarity of your purpose, goals and be a tenacious woman with a resolve of no retreat. Stand strong in your faith and embrace Divine influence.

Keep learning. Keep reaching. Don’t be an island. Connect to an accountability partner.Don’t be afraid to let go of Dream killers, toxic and negative people. Live long and prosper “spirit, soul and body.”

You can make it. Soar above your challenges and manifest “Your Diamond Life!”

Don’t Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,

When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and debts are high,

And you want to smile but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit

Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

For life is queer with it’s twist and turns,

As everyone of us sometimes learns,

And many a failure turns about,

When he might have won if he’d stuck it out.

Success is just failure turned inside out,

The silver tint of the cloud of doubt.

And you never can tell how close

It may be near when it seems so far.

So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit,

It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit!


Say this “I will not quit. I have everything I need within me.

If I just don’t quit. The best is yet to come.

I will not quit!”

The Authentic Life Empowerment


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Women's Empowerment: Stop Trying

"Keep on going and the chances are you
will stumble on something, perhaps when
you are least expecting it. I have never
heard of anyone stumbling on something sitting
down." __Charles F. Kettering

I want you to do something for me right
now. Drop a piece of paper on the floor,
that's right drop it right beside you
on the floor.
Try to pick it up. Did you do it?
What's that in your hand? I said
try to pick it up. No, put it down and
try as hard as you can, I didn't say pick
it up I said try to pick it up. That piece
of paper is not going to get up by itself,
you've got to pick it up, however, you won't
pick it up by continuing to try you have to
simply pick it up.

Believe it or not that's
what many of us are doing with our lives.
We leave ourselves an out by using the ever-popular
words "I'll try." If you really want to go
somewhere you've never been, do something
you've never done and receive something you've
never received, as the previous exercise
demonstrated trying is not enough.

If you want to turbo charge down the
road of success, eliminate those two
words. Did you know it is a subtle form
of procrastination. If you know that you
are unable to honor a request simply say
that. Otherwise let your yes, be yes and
your no….. that's right be no.

Start speaking in the now! Go ahead contact
the college today and tell them "I'm
completing my degree, what steps do I take
to continue with (input name of college or
university). Next time your Father God requests
more time with you, don't reply "Lord, you know
I'm trying." Yes, He does and this is why He
continues to draw you, He's saying, "just do it!"

Prosperity entails more than material things
it is a state of mind. If you're going to realize
prosperity "spirit, soul and body" you must
stop trying and do it NOW. Look at it like
this, imagine Father God listening to the
many prayers that we His children send up
and He hears one special urgent plea from you,
He knows it's been 3 months and you're running
out of time but He simply replies with a sigh…..
Yes, my love I hear you, I'll try to get to you
soon. (smile) Somehow a statement that
includes the word try is not as convincing
as I'll get to you soon.
That's just not good enough is it? Well, don't
settle for any less for yourself.

When's the last time you embraced the word of
God? Stop trying, and just do it! Your life
depends on it.

This book of the law shall not depart out of
thy mouth; but you shall meditate therein day
and night, that thou mayest observe to do
according to all that is written therein:
for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous,
and then thou shalt have good success.
Joshua 1:8

Stop trying. "Just do it!"


The Authentic Life Empowerment Mentor,Coach,Trainer and Public Speaker


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Hello Powerful one!

Can I speak to you for a moment?

I'm sure you've had your share of crisis and challenges in your personal, spiritual and business life!

Do you allow this to overtake you or do you allow it to manifest your Diamond life?

You see most natural diamonds are formed at high-pressure high-temperatureconditions existing at depths of 140 to 190 kilometers (87 to 120 mi)in the Earth mantle.Carbon-containing minerals provide the carbon source, and the growthoccurs over periods from 1 billion to 3.3 billion years (25% to 75% ofthe age of the Earth.)

So it is with our lives. You can realize empowerment through your crisis. You can manifest the bold, beautiful and brilliant you through the pressures of your life. The one thing you must do is embrace
the process. Resisting only delays or sabotages your empowering success. It will only sabotage
your Diamond Life!!

Let me share more with you on how you can Tap into the bold, beautiful and brilliant you so that you
can manifest your Diamond life, yielding prosperity in every area.

This is a no cost event but don't let that fool you you will receive a content rich experience.

Go to http://budurl.com/brilliantu to secure your seat!

I'll also be making an exciting announcement on the call. Plus as registrant you will receive
notice of the replay and qualify for my drawing.

When: Wednesday, November 17
Time: 11:00 am PST, 2:00 pm EST
Can't make the call?
Remember the audio replay is available to all registrants

Talk to you soon!!

Robin aka "The Empowerment Diva"

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Hello POWERFUL one!
If you've been working to grow your business for a while
now and things aren't happening as fast as you want, then I'd like
to help you create a MAJOR business BREAKTHROUGH.

Here's the scoop...

I've heard from a lot of small
business owners that are having an
especially difficult time getting their
business to grow fast these days.
After hearing about so many people's
struggles, I decided to do something
about it...

** NEW, For a Limited Time **

For woman entrepreneurs that already have a
business or are serious about starting one.

I'd like to invite you to take
advantage of a special, "Life and Business
Breakthrough" strategy session
where we'll work together to...

=> Create a crystal clear vision
for your 'ultimate business success'
and the "perfect lifestyle" you'd like
your business to provide

=> Uncover hidden challenges
that may be sabotaging the
growth of your business and
keeping you working too
many hours

=> Leave this session renewed,
re-energized, and inspired to
turn your business into a
highly profitable, revenue-generating
machine that practically runs itself...

If you'd like to take advantage
of this very special, very limited,
and complimentary 20 minute
"Life and Business Breakthrough" consultation

Go to http://budurl.com/lifebizstrategy to request yours now!

We don't know how intense the response
will be, so we can't guarantee a session for everyone.

We'll take as many people as we can and then start a waiting
list. You can expect to get contacted by our team to schedule your
session within the next 1 - 2 business

If you don't hear from us, it
means we've received more requests
than we can handle right now and
if something opens up we'll get
in touch with you at a later time.

Again, to take advantage of this offer
simply click reply, complete the areas requested and
send back to us.
Warmest Regards,

Robin Tramble

PS: The sooner you respond to this invitation, the more likely you are to get a session.

Go quickly to http://budurl.com/lifebizstrategy to request your Life and Business
Breakthrough Strategy session.

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A year from now you may wish you had begun today. ~ Karen Lamb

How would you like to realize Business breakthrough for 2011? Wouldn't it be great to have
support and someone walking with you as you get clear on your vision,goals and align strategic
plans for realizing your goal by 2011 all within a period of 30 days?

It's Fall 2010 and although there are just a few months remaining, there's still time for you
to make some great strides. You can make endeavors towards your best year ever. By the end of 2010 while getting clear on your vision,goals, action steps and be empowered to manifest that one BIG goal as you end 2010 with a BANG and kick your year in gear!!

I know that it seems like you've been working hard to accomplish
your goals since the beginning of the year.

Do you ever wish you could ......

* Achieve your desired results

* Leverage your time so you have more time for what matters most

* Uplevel your Business for realized increased revenue

* Discover keys to allow you to get more clients

* Realize unshakable confidence in your personal,spiritual and business life?

Learn more and secure your seat today!

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How would you like to increase your bottom line? One way to increase yourbottom line is by adding income streams. I’m going to share with youpossible income streams. You don’t have to be stuck with one way ofbringing in revenue. There are ways to monetize your efforts.

Here are a few options.

Public Speaking
You can reach more people in a short period of time when you You can getyour message out to them about the solutions you provide. It’s also away for them to get to know you up close and personal.

When approaching this income stream it’s good to come up with your topic. Determine the results you want.

Simplify. You don’t have to go in depth.
Introduce your topic – Share the content and then summarize what you’ve said and close with how you can support them.

You might want to introduce your free offer. Free consult, free tips page.You can also have a free drawing by collecting business cards and letthem know that they’ll receive updates from you.

One essential thing is follow up. Develop a system for following up with individuals.

The one to many model. This is where you’re leveraging your time byworking with groups. Some examples would be my Teleseminars, BoostCamp, live workshops, Make it Happen “30 Days of Empowerment” Mentoring program.

This is a good model for two reasons you’re able to offer your program tomore people and charge less for your time and you can also turn theminto passive income when you record them.

Some other ideas for adding income streams would be ebooks,ecourses,telecourses,CDs,
PDFs,Audios,membership programs etc. These are also called passive income because you create it once and sell it over and over again.

I’d suggest that you start with what you’re most comfortable with. Are youcomfortable with writing? You could start off with writing a specialreport. Do you have tips or articles that you’ve posted? How about blogposts with a similar theme? You can compile these and create a specialreport. Are you better with speaking? Use sites likewww.freeconferencecall.com to record yourself and create an audioseries.

There are many ways to get started. This would also be a great project for my upcoming Make it Happen “30 days of Empowerment” Mentoring Program.

I’d like to offer you a chance to get started on adding an income streamtoday. My new Coaching quick start Silver Program. This will offer youguidance on the basics of adding this model to your current business orthe special report that’s included will offer ways you can get startedwith a couple of great ideas.

Go quickly to http://www.RobinTramble.com/coachingquickstartprogram.html

I am only opening up 50 spaces for this introductory investment level.

What income stream are you going to add to your business?

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“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis

What an empowering quote!

Another one of my favorite quotes in this category is by Sharon Williams “It’s never too late to redeem your dreams!!

What is it that you dreamed about when you were a child? What stopped you from moving forward?

This was one of the questions asked of the participants in my Dream Launch Mentoring and Coaching program.

Quite often we allow time to influence what we do in life and once we get past a certain age you may figure that it’s too late so yousettle for what life presents to you. Why is this? Are you influencedby others? Or maybe what society dictates as the normal age to startthinking more sensible and slow down your ambitious endeavors?

There are many who started late in life and then who is to say what the definition for starting late is. Is there a magic number?

I’m sure you’ve heard of Kernel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken and others. Some probably thought he was a little on the crazy side toembark on a dream at his age and yet he did and this franchise is athriving business even now.

What does it take to continue to dream and not just dream but take targeted action?
What about setting another goal and dreaming a new dream?

Well one essential key is to have confidence. Yes, you must have unshakable confidence in your abilities and your gift. There are goingto be naysayers and those who feel you need to do like the rest of themand settle. In order to stay motivated to continue you need confidence.

In the bible it reads “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Here’s another quote; Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Martin LutherKing, Jr.

The right mindset
If you have the mindset that you’re not good enough or that you’re not worth it you’re going to definitely reach animpasse as you move forward to not only dream but take targeted action.

Crystal clear vision
Not being crystal clear on your vision is a definite way to sabotage your success and cause you to give up on yourdream or even worse never set a new goal. Your vision will provide youwith a healthy navigation system.

Not only will it provide guidance when setting your goals but will greatly enhance your activity ofwriting your goals and adding action steps.

These are a few things you need to continue to dream and take targeted action.
I’m sure you can add a few yourself and I invite you to do so. Here’s onemore “tenacity.” When it’s all said and done you must have a mindset tocontinue in the face of tests and discouragement regardless of whatother’s think or the opposition presented to you with a resolve of noretreat.

Go ahead Dream again, set new goals and take targeted action!

If you’re looking to connect with an accountability partner , clear the clutter inside/out, get crystal clear on your vision, set 1Audacious goal, get laser focused so you can be positioned to manifestthat goal then I invite you to join me for “30 days of Empowerment”mentoring program. This Empowering experience will begin when I returnfrom Ali Brown’s “Shine” Event. I’ll be fired up to help you move to anew dimension in your life and business plus provide an experience ofspiritual renewal. Go here http://budurl.com/kwe30days to secure your seat now while there’s still availability.

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Brand Makers News The small business resource for urban entrepreneurs named25 urban entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter. I was named 1 of 25 otherentrepreneurs. It was a pleasant surprise and I was in good company.

When I started on Twitter I didn’t get it. People were talking about what they had for breakfast, lunch and dinner and some of the tweetswere a little embarrassing. I couldn’t get with the 140 characterlimit. So, I just set it aside for a few. I soon noticed a trend ofFriday Follow mentions and one of the common denominators of most wasthat it was those who had a great following so I vowed to get morefollowers so I could be included in a Follow Friday mention. I soonacquired a taste for quality over quantity and started tweetingoriginal and other empowering quotes. I soon watched as othersretweeted my posts and soon followed. I watched and learned more andmore about Twitter. I started off as @RobinTramble and soon added @empowermentdivawhich I stuck with. Well, my following is a little over 100 followers,I like to call them friends I now have over 8000 friends/followers andit was au naturale’ no gimmicks.

Here’s a little bit from the article announcing the 25 urban entrepreneurs to follow
on Twitter.

Just in time for “follow” Friday, BrandMakerNews presents The 25 Urban Entrepreneurs to Follow on Twitter.
Without question– The best part about working here at BrandMakerNews is theopportunity we have to connect with incredible urban entrepreneurs allover the world. Even though we may all work from different sides of thecountry (or the world for that matter) we’re able to easily swapresources, inspiring thoughts and valuable content with each otherthrough our Twitter streams.

This week, our team here at BrandMakerNews came across a lot of powerful tweets, that we wanted to share with you, but instead wedecided to take you straight to the source. That way, you’ll continueto catch all the encouraging messages, great advice and helpfulinformation that these entrepreneurs have to share.

The 25 individuals on this list are not only building successful businesses,but they are also dedicated to sharing their trade secrets, tips, andresources to help others along the way. We encourage aspiringentrepreneurs and existing business owners to add these names to yourTwitter stream. These entrepreneurs’ powerful words are bound to giveyou the pep talk you need to go out and conquer the world.

View The 25 urban entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter here.

Congratulations to all of the individuals named as 1 of 25 urban entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter. And a special thank you to BrandMaker News. “I appreciate you!”

Are you using Twitter? Has it been effective?

Share your experience

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