MEDIA (136)

For Spiritually Empowered Female Entrepreneurs!


Hi there!  We kick off the real meat of theTraining for your effective Social and Online marketing at 1 PM PST today...

If you haven't grabbed your spot into our More Prospects, Clients and Profits Biz Rockin' Boot Camp


Grab it now...doors are closing real soon!


This is what one of the participants stated about the pre-program lessons that you'll still get access to as a bonus

"I worked through my Facebook assignment today and sent out numerous friend request. I must say that the exercise helped me to break through a lot of barriers that were in place that I was not even aware existed."


This is not just a training program for your business!

They said no to overwhelm and yes to personal, spiritual and professional empowerment. Yes to Freedom to build their businesses with effective Social Media and Online marketing. Yes to More Prospects, Clients and Profits! The meat of the More Prospects, Clients and Profits kicks off today. What will you be doing over the next 4 weeks for your empowering success? You'll also experience the Spiritual Fitness Module.


I can't wait to see the manifestations that will happen in the lives of these dynamic women.


There are a few hours and a few spots left for The More Prospects, Clients and Profits Biz Rockin' Online Boot Camp.


Go to to secure your place and change the course of your life and business forever!

Don't let anyone tell you that you don't need it. You make the decision. What do you want for your life? Your Family? Are you satisfied with where you are? Will you realize your desired results with what you're doing at this present time?


This isn't for everyone, however, it is for someone.


I hope to welcome you!


Empowering you,



P.S. If you have questions email and we will get right back with you.

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As a publicist (and producer) with 20 years experience, I know when someone is ready for the “big time” and when they are not.


The major media “gatekeepers” are very particular. They can spot an amateur in a split second (and you only get one chance to pitch).


Surprisingly though, most people (especially authors) think they are ready for Jay Leno, Steve Harvey, CNN, USA Today, Good Morning America, Fox News, Essence, Today show, etc. But they are not.  What’s so funny is that the shows or publications they want to be on or in – they don’t even watch, listen or read!


There are so many variables to getting major publicity. It does not happen because you have a good book, a new product or a friend who works for the station or publication. Major publicity doesn’t even happen if you have a good publicist with connections.


It takes a strategy, a strong brand and information that make the media’s job REALLY easy. (Because they are so busy!!!)


Here are some things you must have if you want to be considered to play in the big league with the big boys:


  1. A track record. Most authors think that if they could just be interviewed on a major network when their book is released – they would set them up for major sales. Listen, a new book is not news.  A good TV producer is not looking for the “new kid on the block” to present to their viewers, they want to score a guest that has some STAR power. A guest that has some juice; some awards; someone who has a following and people want to watch.  So, this means you must start small, start local and then you can progress to regional and national.  This takes TIME.
  2. A good internet presence. If you think just having a website is enough – think again. Everyone has a website. You must prove to the media that you have an online following and dominate the search engines in regards to your expertise.  If you say you are an “expert” – the media’s proof is to see whether you show up on page one of Google when they put in that query about the topic. If you don’t show up at all. NEXT. So you must know SEO, have a blog, some Facebook fans, Twitter followers and so on.
  3. A concise, professional media kit. This is the hub of your information. But wait, don’t just throw together a press release, bio and some jpeg photos and call it a day. Think this through. Make this a tool that the make the media go “wow.” Meaning, there is no searching for answers, or searching for photos, or searching for video clips, or searching for current key facts or links.  This is a living document that you keep on your website under a tab called “Media Kit” or “Press Kit.” But make it stand out and make sure your contact info is there and you are available 24/7 for the media. So, yes you must put a mobile there or your publicist’s mobile number there.


A good media kit should have –

a. A long and a short bio (in third person not first person please). How are they going to introduce you if they have to rewrite your bio because you wrote it in first person? Make it an exciting bio too. Have a one sheet too. This is info about you in a snapshot. Hire some to help you if you need it. Read bios of the experts in your field for samples.

b. Interview questions the media can ask you (because they probably won’t have time to read the whole book or do all the research on the topic you’re an expert in – so help them out!) Prepare at least 10 to 15 questions. Also good to have is a FAQ sheet and pitch letter.

c. Photos. Have an assortment of PROFESSIONAL head shots, speaking shots, full body shots and if an author, the book cover. Please have high-resolution photos available on the site for magazines too.

d. Previous media hits with links to video and audio interviews. Media begets media Also if you have endorsements – include those in the kit as well. They want to see what others are saying about you. So the more you show how you were featured in other media and seen by other people (preferably other experts), the more comfortable they will feel about booking you.

e. Radio and TV Interview Ideas. Think like a journalist or producer.  Write out a show description or have a list of topics with bullet points you can speak about on the air.

f. Articles. Have some articles ready for the media to use for the prep of their story or to post on a blog for further info after the interview. They can be published or unpublished articles or even blog posts. But you want to provide them with background research from you about the topic you’re being interviewed about. A link to old newsletters are good to have included as well.

g. PDF of your book for the media to access in a hurry.



  1. An intro video of you speaking at events. Showing you speaking in front of an audience with some audience reaction. This is extremely important if you want to get book on a major network.
  2. A calendar of events. Media want to know that you’re busy – and have an active itinerary. Remember the media wants to book and interview those who are in high demand and have a strong brand.
  3. Lists. Media love lists. Become a valuable resource for the media. Create Top Ten lists for your industry. These are good for sidebars for articles they are writing. Or the list could be used as a “teaser” when promoting a show.
  4. A tight brand. Professional graphics. Professional photos. Professional website and blog. Professional newsletter. Keyword here: PROFESSIONAL. Not homemade. If you have a “DIY” look, it screams amateur.  Pay a professional. If you want to roll with the big dogs – don’t be cheap with your brand.  You have to pay to play.


Finally, timing is everything – but equally important is being prepared. There is nothing worst than having an opportunity to get major publicity and goof it up because you were not prepared. (The media is very quick to say “no go” – and it takes time for them to give “yes, it’s a go.”)   


Learn to stay prep (become a student of the media) and continue to market and grow your brand.  Strong SEO, a polished brand, networking and consistency will yield great results.




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Introducing: People Who Prosper

Is this you? Well, if so, we've been looking for you! Currently, GPS is looking for People Who Prosper OR anyone that is successful, considers themselves successful, or on their way to success!We are looking to feature and introduce people who are up and coming in their business or already there! is a place that will feature these business owners and share your stories with someone who just might be able to relate. Sometimes it helps to stay motivated when you hear other people's stories, and this is our goal: Not only to feature successful prosperous people, but to help keep others MOTIVATED.The other part of this, is that we want you to tell US about YOU. It's easy for anyone to find your website, blog, Facebook page, or twitter. But is a place for you to challenge yourself and put yourself out there. We give you a chance to brag about yourself! Because let's face it, if you can't talk about you, then who else will? Tell us about your business and services and how long you've been in business. We want to hear your story. Why did you decide to go into business for yourself?I am challenging you today to step out and tell others about you! Here's what you have to do:Email with subject line PeopleWhoProsper to tamara@garrisonprosperitysolutions.comInclude your business name, website and a synopsis of "your story".After getting in touch with you, you will be sent a series of questions about yourself, your business and/or services.After you return the answered questions, you will then be featured on, PeopleWhoProsperTV, and up to 16,000 people on you tube!So, take the first step today and tell us about yourself! You never know who will need to hear your story or need your services!Deuteronomy 8:18: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.
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Please register here => likesclients


“In just 43 minutes and 27 seconds, you’ll learn 5 dead- simple strategies for getting your product in front of your exact target market now...”



July 6 at 1:00 pm PST

Can't make the call? The audio replay will be available to all registrants!

Attention Christian Coaches, Authors,Women Entrepreneurs and aspiring, Solopreneurs

Are you seeking to increase the exposure to your business but aren't quite sure of which strategy to use?

You're frustrated because you have no clients/customers or you can't attract and get enough clients/customers

Do you feel anxious when even thinking about using Social Media?

Have a great idea, product, program, book etc. but don't know where to begin to get it out there?

If any of this sounds like you then you are a perfect candidate for my No cost Tele-training!

Join me for......

World-wide visibility: 5 dead- simple strategies for getting your product in front of your exact target market now...”


I've been hearing from many women entrepreneurs including coaches and authors who are frustrated by a lack of customers/clients and although they're trying everything they know they are left with few or no clients/customers.

You may be one of those who have a great product, book, message, program and are frustrated by all of the time you're putting in and you're not getting any results.

Maybe you're still using conventional methods but know there must be a better way!

On this call I'm going to share the following


5 dead simple strategies  to get your Message, Book, Product, Program in front of your

exact target market now....

Yummy tactics you can use to gain profitable visibility online

One thing you need to empower you to make Quantum leaps and become unstoppable

One Big mistake you're probably making with your marketing endeavors

And more!

When: Wednesday, July 6 at 1:00 pm PST
Can't make the call? The audio replay will be available for a few to all registrants.

Register here likesclients

Secure your place for this Empowerment Call

Let's get your message out there "Authentically!"

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Who's Who in the Media

If you're trying to get some media exposure for yourself or your business, one of the most important things you need to know is "Who's Who" in a newsroom.  Not understanding who calls the shots for precious airtime will have your hopes quickly fading to black.

Here are some of the key people to know in radio and television:

News Director/Assignment Editor - Determines what news goes on the air. Handles all news releases.

Editorial Director - Person to contact to offer editorial comment or to respond to a station editorial.

Community Bulletin Board Director - Person to contact for announcing meetings and other community-related (normally FREE)events.

Public Service/Community Relations Director - Contact for public service announcements (PSAs), pubic affairs talk shows or community calendar listings.

For national talk shows, the key contact is the Producer. For example, Gina Sprehe was one of the many Producers for the Oprah Show. Having her direct email and phone number was a BIG PLUS for contact purposes.

It would also be in your best interest to find out the NAMES of all media contacts and establish a relationship with them so they become familiar with you when you call or write.

If it's your time to shine, the BAMedia Contacts Directory can help you turn on the spotlight.  Get your copy here for the low price of $29

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Are Your Press Releases Getting No Respect?

Are you one of those people who wonders why you never get any traction from the press releases you send out? Maybe you’re the Rodney Dangerfield of press releases–you get no respect because your releases aren’t worthy of the kind of attention you think they deserve.

How many of these press releases do you think editors get to read every day?

  • How many long, badly-worded releases will they read before, eventually, they become instantly
    put off just by the length of a press release?
  • And how much more likely do you think it is that an editor will read your SHORT, quick-to-read, press

Many press releases are often ignored either because they are poorly written or fail to offer anything of value to the journalist who is looking for a news or feature story. You must have a story to tell, a hook, or an interesting angle.

Another thing, it doesn’t matter how well you have written your press release, if it’s too long then it won’t get read. So keep your press release short. Remove words that do not need to be there.

If you follow these simple rules you will restore the respect your press release truly deserves.

To get your free copy of BAMedia’s: How to Make Headlines with Your Press Release, click here: ebook

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Severe Economic Emergency

Consider this because it applies wherever you are:

Severe Economic Emergency

In Southern California, the economic downturn has hurt African American men, who are heavily represented in many blue-collar industries. The effects of slowing trade with China are rippling through the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, long a steady source of work for black longshoremen, truckers and warehouse workers. The cost of living is up and companies are keeping the salaries at severe recession rates. Lots of businesses have received "bailout" money and have chosen to give themselves raises instead of bringing YOUR salary up to par. PLANK ON THIS PEOPLE.
From the Desk of Political Analyst Brent D. Page

So what are you going to do about it?? Are you going to continue to sit there and do nothing, while your salary gets smaller and smaller? Are you going to keep going to work wondering if this is the day their going to give you pink slip??

Stop worrying about all of that, and start your OWN business! There are so many benefits to owning your own business: making your own money, tax benefits (house,car, and phone write-offs), make your own MONEY! If you're scared, I can help you. What are you getting accomplished by just SAYING you want to start a business. Let me show you the LAZY WAY TO GET PAID. Get started today! CLICK HERE


Receive The Lazy Person's Ultimate Guide to Starting a Business: 5 Steps to Starting and Marketing Your Business today by subscribing to my blog!

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Amanda Hollowell the founder of JL Events, LLC tells her story.
I was asked to do a small piece about my wedding planning business in Savannah, GA. The who, what, when, where and why. Check it out!

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Why is it So Quiet in Here??

Well, it is! C'mon everybody, we can do better than this. I know it's summer time and you're probably hot wherever you are (although, not hotter than me. I'm in Phoenix, Arizona!), but business is still going as usual. Ms.LaShanda Henry created BBWO as a forum for us to SUPPORT each other, HELP each other, and USE each other...(for services, products, etc.) and we're not using it to it's fullest potential. People post blogs and thoughts all day but NO ONE comments! And how many BBWO friends do you have? 

So I'm just commenting on how quiet it has been lately. I know everyone is busy with LIFE but with the ability to comment on Twitter or Facebook it should make it a little easier to be more active. I've decided to make it a goal of mine to comment on at least one blog daily (baby steps), or to be-friend AND communicate with a few people a week. Make it a goal of yours! If you're a blog writer then you know how helpful it is to hear what people think.So, let's help each other, and start COMMENTING.

Let's start now: What is your opinion? What business are you in? How has BBWO helped you in your business? Have you made any goals for your business or BBWO membership?


Ok enough of the tangent...


Stay motivated and keep moving towards prosperity!

See you at the top,

Tamara Garrison-Thomas 

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Your Time to Shine This Summer

During the summer months, you can always count on the media to do some type of weather-related stories. This could also be your opportunity to promote yourself and/or your business.

Developing ideas that can help you promote your business in summer doesn't have to take a great deal of time or a large financial investment in order to see positive results. The key to getting the media's attention is to come up with a creative (and fun) campaign that will help them generate a news or weather-related story.

Here are some examples:

Offer cool down treats: Arrange a day with a local ice cream store to have a free ice cream giveaway for anyone who walks in with your business card. You would certainly need a budget for that--especially if you've circulated A LOT of business cards. But you could also limit it to the first 25 or 50 customers and let the media know you're doing this as a Summer Appreciation Event.

Another similar idea is to simply pack some ice cold drinks and take to employees who have to work outside for a living. It's a nice gesture and may not only give you some media exposure but also some additional business.

Host a Pool Party for kids: Contact the local weatherman and invite him to come over and offer some tips on how to stay cool this summer. Certainly, his or her own station will cover the event.

Product giveaways: When I was promoting my book, Whatever! A Baby Boomer's Journey Into Middle Age, I offered a fan as a part of the promotion. If you purchased a copy of the book, you also got a free "hot flash" fan. Find something creative you can give away that would be directly tied into summer.

Sponsor an activity or event in your community: Check with your local Chamber of Commerce, City Hall or your local church for community events and find out how you can get your name or business connected. It would be worth sitting out in the hot sun for a couple of hours if a TV or newspaper crew stopped by to interview you, wouldn't it?

Check the websites of your local stations: Find out what they're up to and see how you can get involved--if only as a volunteer. You can network your way from there.

If all else fails, create your OWN media event and post it on YouTube, Vimeo, UStream, etc. You may find yourself getting even GREATER expsoure.


All of the events should be planned well in advance to give you time to promote and alert the media, which requires press releases and other announcements to be sent at least two weeks in advance.

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Productivity Secrets: Beware of Time Thieves

Are you a victim of Time thieves?



Maybe that would be easier to answer if you knew what time thieves were. And quite possibly you already know what they are but need to be reminded of how much they are stealing from your Destiny, from your relationships, okay from your life.

I’m sharing another post on Productivity secrets because it is one area that most women have a challenge with whether in business or their personal life.

You’ve probably given in to most of the time thieves I’m going to mention below.

You can actually use the phone as a timesaver if you know how.

TV and Radio
How many hours have we given to watching TV or listening to the radio. Now get this, some of it is done out of habit. What that means is if you actually made a decision (remember everything begins with a decision) a decision to reduce the amount of time you watch Television and replace it with a productive activity you could achieve that goal and realize increased revenue in the process.

The same thing applies to the radio. Be intentional about your listening and not habitual.

Waiting in Line
I truly believe that this is one way our patience is tested.

Sometimes going to crowded places can’t be avoided, however, there are peak hours that you can expect longer lines. Pick a schedule where you least expect many people to show up. For example, buy your groceries on weekdays. Don’t shop during weekends and paydays. If you can afford the higher price tags of items that can be bought through the phone, internet, or third-party services, then go ahead and buy them. If you treat time as gold, then the extra time you’ll be saving as a result of this act is worth much more than the extra money you’ll be spending. In case you really have no choice but to wait in line, then don’t waste your time complaining. Do something productive like reading a book, listening to educational tapes, or writing your future plans on your little notebook.

Social Media
Yes I said it. Social Media. Some individuals spend all day on Social Media sites and get absolutely nowhere. Social media is a power resource if you know what you’re doing. Automate your activities. Up grade your skills. Connect with a Social Media Coach such as myself to learn how to monetize your efforts or outsource it. Our World Wide Visibility movement is set for this very thing. to support you in your efforts to gain World Wide Visibility.

Email overwhelm

The ability to send emails has contributed to productivity in the office whether you have an office at home or in the workplace. It’s become such a part of our daily activities that we’ve forgotten about the snail mail which can end up being more effective due to the fact that some people don’t even open most of their emails.

However, there are certain downsides to using email as a means of communication. Do you check your emails many times in the day? If so you’re hampering your productivity. It can end up being a very time-consuming activity.

Traffic Traffic and more Traffic
This is another hair-pulling moment, especially when you’re running late for an important appointment. Avoid the rush hour by all means. Anticipate when a traffic jam is usually occurring during the day so you can adjust your commuting time. If your destination is not too far away, a walking session might
be a great idea to evade traffic, save on gas or money, and attain a healthy lifestyle.

I’ve shared with you a few time thieves and you may be asking “Okay Robin that’s all good but what do I do about it?” I’m glad you asked.

I’m hosting a Tele-series “Get it Done – Make it Happen: Get Focused, Make Big Changes and Get Results!” I’ll be sharing some yummy insights on this very topic and more! If you’re serious about keeping your appointment with Destiny, manifesting your most desired results and ideal lifestyle while having time for what matters most, you don’t want to miss this call.

Go to to secure your VIP ticket to my Tele-class. There are only 200 lines so secure your ticket and call in early.

Here’s to your empowering success!

“The Empowerment Diva”

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Understanding how not to OVERUSE social media to maximize your business opportunities is the focus of this year’s All Women’s Social Media Summit.

A six-member female panel will share tips on how to generate revenue and capitalize on networking opportunities.  BAMedia is hosting the third annual event.  Organizer Beverly Mahone says each woman brings a tremendous amount of experience to the table which will be extremely beneficial to the audience.  “These are the women who take social media to another level.  They’ve learned how to navigate their way and master their craft through sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and FourSquare.  And they do it without being overwhelmed at the end of the day or week."10744067063?profile=original 

Kelly Duffort, a web strategist, is one of the panelists for this year’s Event.  As the Principal and Founder of  KD Web Strategies, a consulting firm that advises companies how to take their overall web presence (e.g., websites, blogs, social media profiles) to the next level.  Kelly says, “Whether you love it or hate it and whether you understand it or avoid it, social media is changing the way people communicate – personally and professionally. If you use social media wisely to promote your business, you will be amazed at the connections it enables you to make and the doors it opens for you.”

This year’s social media summit will be held at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh, NC.  Early Bird Registration is currently underway.  The first ten women to register will receive a free 30-minute consultation with a member of the panel, preferred seating at the Summit and Luncheon, business card info in the Program Book and an opportunity to promote your business at the Summit. 

You can register here:

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Recently, a friend told me about a negative incident she had while dining at a large restaurant chain. Her waitress was very rude and inattentive. By the time her meal arrived, her colleague had finished eating. The last straw was realizing her steak was prepared wrong. Angrily, she took out her I Phone and sent out a tweet to her followers about her experience. Minutes later, she received an apology from the restaurant’s general manager; the cost of her meal was waived; and she was given a $100 gift certificate for a future visit. Imagine if that restaurant chain didn’t have a social media presence? What you don’t know can harm you!


It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it. Benjamin Franklin


Do you know what people are saying about you, your business or brand? Whether you are managing one or all, your online reputation is extremely important.


According to a recent study at Forrester Customer Experience Forum, a single negative comment using a social media platform, can equate to a loss of 30 potential clients. Can your business afford such a loss? If the answer is NO, then read on for tools and tips:

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This is so tragic!!! Failing! I can't stand that word actually. It is so negative! And it's sad that failing is a reality for some business owners. Briefly, I will share with you the 5 reasons why most people fail :( in their first 30 days! Forget about the first year! Some people don't even make it that long!


1. Lack of training: Some people you decide to do business with might tell you something like: they provide free training, you're in business for yourself but not by yourself, call in every day at this time for an automated training message, etc etc. They tell you how simple it is to build a business and get you all revved up to jump in and start making truckloads of money and then you never hear from them again! Unfortunately, this happens all too often and new business owners are left to figure things out on their own. It is very important that you find a mentor to partner up with and help you along as you build your business.


2. Lack of focus: Let's be real here, you were just going along with your life and then all of a sudden you decided to start a business! Great decision, but the problem is that your life continues and you never adjust it to fit in your business! It takes TIME and dedication to build a successful business.


3. Lack of strategy: Can we say, BUSINESS PLAN? How many of you have ever enrolled in school WITHOUT a plan or blueprint of your 4 years at the institution! NO ONE HAS! You HAVE to have to plan for the things you want to succeed in. 


4. Unwillingness to get down and dirty: If you are NOT uncomfortable within the first 18 months (at maximum) of your business, then you're doing something WRONG! It's ok for you to be uncomfortable calling or following up with people. Its ok to be uncomfortable telling someone about what you do and maybe asking them to join you. It's ok to be uncomfortable going to training sessions by yourself. It's ok to be UNCOMFORTABLE! Because believe it or not, eventually you WON'T be uncomfortable. And it will be apart of your routine. YOU HAVE TO BE CONSISTENT!


5. No desire or passion: This is a huge one! I always tell people they have enjoy the business they're in! Why would you have a traveling business but hate to travel? You have to be passionate about what you do! When you have passion for your business you will have a desire to succeed! And eventually all of these 5 reasons, although obstacles, will be triumphs!


The thing that seperates SUCCESSFUL business owners from the FAILED ones is that they keep trying. Whats the old saying? "IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, TRY, TRY AGAIN!" There are even 2 trys in there! So you've got to stay motivated, stay prayerful, and stay positive when going through the excitements and woes of starting a business.

Updated 7/10/11


If this is your fear, I can help you. Contact me today!


Follow me on twitter:

 Click here for FREE info on how to build a business on a budget:

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Your Time to Shine This Summer

During the summer months, you can always count on the media to do some type of weather-related stories. With temperatures sweltering in the high 90s in many parts of the country, this could also be your opportunity to promote yourself and/or your business.

Developing ideas that can help you promote your business in summer doesn't have to take a great deal of time or a large financial investment in order to see positive results. The key to getting the media's attention is to come up with a creative (and fun) campaign that will help them generate a news or weather-related story.

Here are some examples:

Offer cool down treats: Arrange a day with a local ice cream store to have a free ice cream giveaway for anyone who walks in with your business card. You would certainly need a budget for that--especially if you've circulated A LOT of business cards. But you could also limit it to the first 25 or 50 customers and let the media know you're doing this as a Summer Appreciation Event.

Another similar idea is to simply pack some ice cold drinks and take to employees who have to work outside for a living. It's a nice gesture and may not only give you some media exposure but also some additional business.

Host a Pool Party for kids: Contact the local weatherman and invite him to come over and offer some tips on how to stay cool this summer. Certainly, his or her own station will cover the event.

Product giveaways: When I was promoting my book, Whatever! A Baby Boomer's Journey Into Middle Age, I offered a fan as a part of the promotion. If you purchased a copy of the book, you also got a free "hot flash" fan. Find something creative you can give away that would be directly tied into summer.

Sponsor an activity or event in your community: Check with your local Chamber of Commerce, City Hall or your local church for community events and find out how you can get your name or business connected. It would be worth sitting out in the hot sun for a couple of hours if a TV or newspaper crew stopped by to interview you, wouldn't it?

Check the websites of your local stations: Find out what they're up to and see how you can get involved--if only as a volunteer. You can network your way from there.

If all else fails, create your OWN media event and post it on YouTube, Vimeo, UStream, etc. You may find yourself getting even GREATER expsoure.
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The So What Factor

10744066887?profile=originalIf you haven’t received the kind of media attention you’re looking for, it may be because you don’t pass the “so what” test.  What is that?  The “so what” test gives potential clients and customers a valid reason as to why they should care about you, your business and your message.

When you’re competing for the media spotlight, you must keep in mind that there are probably hundreds of people who do what you do.  Before you rise to the top, you should ask yourself the following questions:

So what sets you apart from others doing the same thing?

So what makes you special? 

So what benefit does the audience get by hearing your message?

So what impact will you have on the community at-large?

So what call to action do you offer that’s creative or unique?

So what’s your public service all about?

Media interviews can be as much or as little as you make them.  To get started on your media adventure, pick up a copy of my BAMedia Directory, a comprehensive Directory of media contacts nationwide: BAMedia Directory

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Do you have a Facebook Fanpage or Facebook Business Page? Don't know whether you need one or not?

I have the pleasure of empowering women in their personal, spiritual and business growth. One area that I've extended my reach to is Woman Entrepreneur Empowerment. This is not a brand new area, however, I've committed a greater percentage of my reach to this particular group.

One thing that is apparent is that women are identifying the need to become equipped to use Social Media effectively without wasting time or money.

If your niche (who you serve) or audience can be found on Facebook thank you need to Power up your Social Media endeavors with a Facebook Fanpage.


A Facebook fan page is more than just another way to connect with prospects and customers online. Your Facebook fan page can:


Click here to read this Business empowerment post.

I'm sure you'll be motivated to get busy utilizing this powerful tool.


Empowering you,


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva




5 irrefutable steps to creating a profitable Facebook Business Page and getting more likes!

Tuesday, June 28 at 12:00 noon PST

Can't make the call the Audio replay will be available to all registrants

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Limited phone lines



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There was a time that you could put up your offer for a free Newsletter and you could be guaranteed nice opt in rate. Now a days it takes a little more than a post that reads “Sign up for my free newsletter.”


It makes you wonder if E-mail marketing is dead?


A related aspect of online marketing that can be as annoying as it can be effective is targeted e-mail campaigns. Improper use of this avenue has lead to the use of so-called “junk” e-mail filters and huge campaigns against vendors and sites that knowingly send out millions of e-mails to any e-mail address they can harvest.

Junk e-mail is typically sent without regard to whether or not the person in question is a potential customer or not. Returns of less then 1% on these campaigns are common, and still considered a “success” because the costs are so low that any return seems worthwhile.

So is it worth my while to consider this strategy? While e-mail is one of the most abused forms of advertising on the Internet, it can be a great way to start a marketing campaign. Use it carefully and correctly, especially with customer acceptance and true manned “removal” systems.


So what is the key to successful e-mail campaigns?

The key to successful e-mail campaigns is to target people who would actually want to hear from you about your product, and then to personalize your e-mails in such a way that it isn’t apparent you are mass-marketing. One thing you will need to get started is an autoresponder. This will help you automate the process of capturing the prospects name, email and building rapport by sending follow up emails with value added content and hopefully converting them to a client/customer. This is of course after you build trust and demonstrate your expertise. You’re working on the know, like and trust factor throughout this process. Just be sure you act responsibly, or you may find your e-mails going into junk e-mail bins and all your marketing dollars wasted!


If you’re looking for a great autoresponder I recommend Aweber. It’s great to use while getting started. You can click here to learn more and get a 21 day free trial.


Consider adding e-mail marketing to your marketing plan. If you feel a little shakey and want additional support in this area and Online Marketing as a whole, I invite you to join other dynamic entrepreneurs and I for The Online Marketing Breakthrough Boot Camp.

Click here to learn more and secure your enrollment.


Empowering you!


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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How To Create the Perfect Spicy Sales Cycle

dreamstimefree_2204450-150x150.jpg?width=150I am such an impatient person. I can admit it right out of the gate, but one thing I've learned after a number of business "beat-downs" is that planning is priceless.

One of the steps often forgotten in the excitement of creating a new business that you're going to market is the planning phase. But this is particularly important when you're creating your sales and marketing strategy.

You have got to spend some time mapping out how your content, products and services, and marketing are all going to work together to build a profitable online business.

To help you out, I'm going to share a few key steps - all of which I'll be talking about in my brand new coaching program that launches in a few weeks - Spicy Hot Systems That Sell (SPICY = simple, profitable, impactful, convenient, and getting your buyers to YES!):

Step One: Develop high quality offerings. Starting off on the right foot with your customer service approach is very important for the livelihood of your online business. Quality products, from the very first freebie to your largest ticket item, will help you gradually build a positive reputation for yourself. Any future dealings you have where you can do repeat business with your customer should leave them feeling as if they were treated as well if not better than the first time around.

Step Two: Create your product line. A sales funnel is a series of incrementally more valuable, and perhaps more expensive, products or services to offer your customers. However, people are going to enter your funnel at various stages. Some may begin by taking advantage of your free offer while some may jump right in and buy a product or service. Create a plan for each type of customer. Set the stage for the next level of products you have available. Figure out which ones might be of interest to your clients, or which ones could be useful. Help them to see just how they can be helpful and how to implement them effectively into their present business or organization.

Step Three: Maintain the Communication. In addition to creating a line of high quality products and services, you’ll also want to establish consistent communication with your prospects and customers. Accomplish this by continuing the flow of valuable information in the form of blog posts, email messages and perhaps a newsletter.

Maintaining the flow of valuable information makes it easier for your customers to confidently pass your information on to others. You could soon find yourself starting the process all over again with new referrals, or other people you have found on your own who have become customers.

Planning is the key to online business success. Create your sales funnel plan, marketing plan and content plan and work to integrate the three into a seamless and efficient system. Consistency is the key, and by using the same plan over and over again with each new person, your online business will grow. And everyone will be receiving the same great quality products and services you have to offer.

Now that's SPICY!
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How to Not Get Overwhelmed

Yeah I said it. OVERWHELMED! Let's face it, we all deal with this at some point in our lives. Being overwhelmed or feeling overwhelmed. There are so many factors of building a business that can be overwhelming or seem like too much to handle. Here are 3 ways to keep yourself from being overwhelmed or get out of your overwhelm-ing-ness


Step 1- FOCUS

Step 2- FOCUS

Step 3- did I say, FOCUS?


Last week, my husband decided to purchase a new couch for our living room. We are moving into a new house soon but I didn't expect him to start buying furniture anytime soon! Anyhow, he starts sending me pictures of all of these couches and living room sets that he liked and thought I'd like and I almost threw my phone across the room! I appreciate him trying to take initiative, use his time off wisely, and make a purchase for our family, but the thought and process of choosing a couch set via text message pictures made me really overwhelmed and I couldn't handle it! There were so many pictures coming in, I had students in front of me (I'm a teacher by hobby :)), and I just couldn't FOCUS on what he was asking me. Eventually, I just asked him to find out what the return policy was, what their weekend hours were, and asked him to choose one he liked (If I don't like it, I can return it later).


Compare this to your business. If you are always looking at what others are doing, have so many business ideas that you start and stop on, then you are not FOCUSed. There's no way you could be successful with so many OTHER things going on. You need to chose. In my book, The Motivator (coming this summer!), I share that you should write down the actual hours you are going to work your business during the week and stick to them! Having a set amount of daily working hours will help you to not get so overwhelmed.


I mentioned earlier, "looking at what others are doing": If you were privileged enough to experience the twitter party this weekend, you saw or read information about so many different business people. Which was so cool to see. (Hat's off to LaShanda Henry of Black Business Women However, if you are not FOCUSed in your business, still trying to figure out what services you're going to offer, then that might have been a little overwhelming for you. You were probably the one looking at everyone's website, getting ideas of what you want to do, then seeing someone else's website and seeing something ELSE you want to do, and eventually having too many ideas to choose from (don't get me wrong, it is always nice to check out other peoples websites to support them and refer people to them, but stay focused on what you are trying to do)!


Here are some things you need to do, in order to find your niche in business: First, you need to take the B.A.T. (Business Aptitude Test: determines what type of business would best for your personality type). This test will help you decide what you would most enjoy doing, if you could FIRE YOUR BOSS tomorrow! Second, you need to find a business coach ( I know a great one offering a FREE introductory consultation that can help, ME!). A business coach can help you create a business plan and hold you accountable for sticking to the plans. Once you have these two steps done, you will be on your way to success.


Remember the old saying, "time is money". So you are losing out when you are wasting time and distracted by other peoples websites and services You are losing out when you are wasting time and doing things in your free time OTHER than working your business. You are losing out when you are not FOCUSED on your goals for building a successful business. Remember, "when you are not focused, you fail".


See you at the top!


Tamara Garrison-Thomas


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