Trust (7)

Your Integrity (watch out now)

Definition •Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. ( happens if you waver from this? What happens if you claim to be so excellent, but then you have your fingers crossed behind your back? What if in YOUR head you want to do what YOU want and your character/integrity wavers just a little...bit?Will you even care what that makes you look like? Or do you suffer from Narcissism:? 1.Excessive love or admiration of oneself.If the point of life is someone else's growth then you can't lose YOUR integrity and start acting like a narcissist. I mean REALLY! Pull yourself together first, then move forward in and with someone else's life.Now back on to your integrity. Are you caring about how this looks? If you ask someone for help, use them, and then praise someone else, how does that make you look? HMMM, here's another scenario. If you ask someone for their advice or assistance, tell them they did a great job, yet you take the credit for it...hmmm...okayAs a life coach, and CEO how I look is important to me. It's important that I run, sweat, and pass out while I push you forward, but its important for you to reciprocate.So, consider what you look like right now to everyone in your social and professional circles. You might need to wipe the slate clean. Are you ready? Let me help you: HELLO, MY NAME IS ________________AND I HAVE FALLEN SHORT OF MY ETHICAL CODE AND HAVE BEEN REALLY SELFISH.
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Reflecting on the past can work in any relationship whether personal or business when situations which call for a crucial decision come up. If you haven’t had a similar experience, try being positive first. It could save you time, money and effort, and a good friend or business associate. A negative response may cause you to have to start all over and lose something or someone very valuable to your life. The following story is a good example of my theory.

Yesterday I was visiting my boyfriend (yes, I have a boyfriend at my age, but that’s for another discussion), and he said something that “hurt my feelings,” and for a moment I froze. I say “hurt my feelings,” although no one can “hurt” your feelings. They are your feelings and you alone control how you feel. He could only direct my positive or negative response, which I also still control.

Anyway, the super-sensitive, low self-esteem, jealous, ejective Paris pulled her head in like a turtle and began to sulk. That was my first reaction and the old me would have been plotting ways in her head to break away from the relationship. She would have become angry and mean, and probably would have said some rather nasty and unladylike things involving body parts and personality traits.

But thank God I remembered a very similar situation from over 30 yeas ago in which the man wasn’t trying to hurt my feelings. He was sharing a decision he had made and an action he had taken which put me at the front of the line. (Ladies, there’s always a line, whether in fact or in fiction (such as the Playboy Channel). So, being the new me, my response became positive, and worked to draw me closer to him rather than to “throw the baby out with the bath water.”

I would have preferred not to know about his actions, but the fact that he was willing to share them with me let me see that he trusts me enough to tell me something which could have caused a very bad reaction. I appreciated his trust, which deepened my feelings.

If I had not have had that past experience, and recalled it, I would have made a very bad current mistake. My wish for you is to live life, love deeply, and laugh often.

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Rickey Johnson, Juniques Multi Cultural Connections member, is so very pleased to provide thisInterview with Leonard Johnson, Artist Extranoire.Leonard is doing well!!!! I am so honored to share his legacy.Leonard is professionally know as Lejon.He is a true example of Acting on Faith and What it can do.Leonard, demonstrates in the most profound way, that action speaks louder than words.Yes, at 75 years of age walking across the US of A, with no corporate or agency sponsors, speaks volume to acting on your faith.Leonard will be 79 years of age this August 2009. He travels the US of A,still sharing his faith and great company.He is a gentleman you would definitely want to meet andshare your fellowship with.Now I ask you , what is your challenge? What is stopping your Breakthrough????Age, Money, Support, Faith, Opportunity, Education, What????To contact him emailjuniques@yahoo.comTo view his art work visit www.lejonarts.comHave a most productive day,Networkingly yours,Rickey623 455 6364www.jusmcc.comclick arrow button to view video
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Pros And Cons Of Sex Before Marriage

What To Do, What To Do?This question won't be going anywhere any time soon. As long as there are people with rushing hormones, this is going to be an issue. Many will blame the animal in us (particularly men - sorry fellas- smile); others will blame our histories; still others will create their own philosophies.However, there are some things I have noticed that I don't see anyone else discussing. For example, anatomically speaking, all the reasons that sex is good for marriage make it bad before marriage. Research has shown that during the sexual process, hormones are released into our brains that are designed specifically to facilitate emotional bonding. Yes, emotional bonding does have a significant chemical component. If, in fact, this is true - it would go a long way toward explaining why it is ofen so much more difficult to break up with someone we've been sexual with. Even if we believe we didn't particularly enjoy the experience, the associated hormones tend to leave a lasting psychological imprint, if you will, that tends toward bonding with the object of the sexual connection. Unfortunately, this can happen in positive as well as negative ways.Another significant consideration is the fact that the human brain functions much differently under the influence of infatuation/sexual arousal than it does otherwise. Science has shown that areas of the brain mostly responsible for logic and rational judgment are largely short-changed of blood flow under the influence of infatuation/sexual arousal. I heard a saying once - when you're on your back, you lose your mind. There is scientific basis for the truth of this saying. Essentially, that means that you are literally incapable of comprehensive rational thought during sexual arousal. The creative and emotional brain centers, however, are sent into overdrive. On average, it takes about 90 days for this phenomenon to subside to the point of returning brain function and blood flow to normal levels.While sex before marriage may give you insight into your partner's sexual performance habits and/or preferences, it will also tend to set you up to emotionally make connections that are virtually guaranteed to fail. The more sex you have; the more connected you become to your partner and/or the act of sex itself; the less rational and more emotional you become - anatomically. Most people have little knowledge or understanding of their own biochemistry with regard to this issue. Unfortunately, ignorance does nothing to change the dynamics and you will live with the consequences whether you're aware of them or not.That's a major reason why so many new relationships typically don't make it past 90 days; why people look decidedly different to you after the orgasms are over than they did before; why so many people believe they "can't help" who they "love", etc. My advice to adults is to use your dating experiences as information gathering missions. Don't get too emotionally attached before 90 days have passed and make sure that you can comfortably walk away at any time. I have more suggestions, but that's another blog. :-)One of the easiest and best ways to avoid painful and unfulfilling emotional attachments is to avoid sex until after marriage. By then, you should have a good and objective view of the kind of mate your partner would make and you can make a much more rational decision about whether or not to continue to marriage. If you don't, chances increase exponentially that you will stay in a bad relationship far longer than you need to and you'll tolerate conditions that sap your soul for no other reason than the sexual connection.Speaking the truth in love,Deidre
Read more… I walk in and you see me. You see that my hair is done, my outfit isfierce and I carry myself like a lady. I smile at you but you roll youreyes at me, then, turn your head and whisper something to your girl. Why you hatin'?Ok... so maybe I'm a new employee and this is my first day at work. I almostthought I would be the only sistah in the joint until someone introduced usto each other. I smile and extend my hand, happy to know I won't be herealone. You smile and shake my hand but there's insincerity in your eyes andyour hand is limp. You seem guarded. What's wrong Ma'?Ok maybe my man and I have been having problems. Andsince you've been my best friend for years I confide in you that I think he's cheating on me.You offer your support. Until I find out that he's been cheating onme....with you! Why would you hurt me like that?I found your knife's in my back.As women we battle daily. We battle keeping our families together, keepingour men happy and maintaining our presence in the workforce. With all thatbattling going on why in the world should we have to battle eachother?Now I'm not saying every sistah has a knife...but some of you do....and youknow who you are. Why is it that a woman can't get her glamour on withoutyou having a problem? Why can't I get a blonde weave without you havingsomething to say? If I'm working myself to death in the office trying toclimb the corporate ladder...why am I suddenly a sellout? If I leave theroom for a minute why can't I trust you around my man? Smiling in my face,but gossiping all my personal business behind my back? ....... you now havepermission to consider yourself triflin'!Inferiority Complex. It makes us feel that in order to be someone special wehave to put everyone else beneath us. Are we so insecure in ourselves thatwe can't feel good until we pull someone else down? There's somethingwrong here. We've come to envy those who've accomplished in their lives what we'veonly dreamed of having for ourselves. And when we fear we will never be ableto get what we want - we steal it.There is a serious self-worth issue going on here. We're in a day and agewhere we should be encouraging each other and holding each other up.Sisterhood should not end when Oprah goes off. Truth be told, there willalways be someone prettier, sexier, stronger, and smarter. I'm sorry Boo-that's just the way it is. But that's ok.....just do you!I don't care how good Beyonce' looks - if she walks into the same room I'min, it doesn't make me any less of the diva I already am! I love admiringhairstyles...but there's no need to be jealous. Honey, nowadays there'senough hair for err-body. I have goals in life. There are things I strive toattain. Yet I seek out successful sisters because they keep memotivated.Life is so much more than who looks the best, who dresses the best and whomakes more money. So when you see your sister going for hers let it inspire you ....To do you!!!!!!!!!!!
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