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For those who LOVE to Shop!

Hello Friends!If you haven't already, please check out my new Jewelry Company Eminent Empress! I will be launching my first collection March 7th, 2009.Right now you can view samples of what's coming soon. Please be sure to stop by the guestbook and leave your thoughts on what you saw.Thank you and God Bless!
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Atlanta Spring 2009

Upcoming Events Here is a listing of the upcoming events at Centennial Olympic Park. Come down and enjoy the fun!3/29/09 ING Georgia Marathon and Half MarathonThe Park hosts the start and finish of the 26.2 mile and 13.1 mile races that travel through Atlanta’s most interesting and historic neighborhoods including the Sweet Auburn District, Inman Park, Midtown and Decatur.4/1/09 Wednesday WindDownKick off Atlanta’s favorite, FREE concert series. Concert starts at 5:30 p.m. in the Southern Company Amphitheater, across from CNN.4/2/09 Music @ NoonDon’t miss the opener of Atlanta’s favorite lunchtime concert series. Concert starts at noon in the Southern Company Amphitheater, across from CNN.
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Let's Create a New Black History Legacy!

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As the official Black History Month winds down today, February 28, 2009, what can each one of us do to keep it alive… everyday of the year? Black people continue to invent and create wonderful products and services that improve the lives of many. I applaud Tom Joyner for his “little known Black history facts” segment of his show, which highlights past and present creativity and innovations. Due to circumstances beyond our control many of our achievements are buried in archives or hidden within the pages of our children’s history books.Look at all of the major corporations who ran commercials that gave praise to the accomplishments of Black inventors for mechanical devices that improved the industrial age to help make shoes, the clock auto parts and the traffic light to name a few. Why do they only give these kinds of accolades during the month of February?Sometimes I am offended by the commercials of some of these major corporations which target Black consumers, because it is all about getting us to spend our money at their retail establishment. Especially when they are geared towards our youth. Does it have to be Hip Hop, Rap or a bad attempt at Street Slang to get our attention? They think just by getting Black people to do the voices or act in their commercials is a big honor to our people. Don’t get me wrong I love the fact that a Black actor is getting paid, but sometimes when the commercial content is somewhat derogatory, shouldn’t they just say NO?Well anyway, I constantly search for Black businesses to patronize, before I buy certain products or services. I truly believe that if we all as a people actually take a look at other so called minority groups, we can see what has worked for them to accomplish more as a race than as individuals. For example, look at the Jewish people, almost wiped out during World War II and the Holocaust. They came to the U.S. and banded together, doing business with each other, employing each other, buying from each other and within a few generations are still one of the smallest ethnic groups, but have a very large segment of the wealth in this country.Similar story for Asians, who set up shops in Black neighborhoods to fill a void after a lot of our businesses closed when the strip malls, and eventually the mega malls were built in the burbs. They opened corner stores, convenience stores, nail salons, beauty supply stores, take-out joints and restaurants in our neighborhoods. They take that money back to their neighborhoods; spend it with other Asians back in their community.Like I said in the beginning of this blog, Black people continue to invent and create products and services. Why aren’t we seeking them out to patronize them? I don’t like the excuse the customer service is bad or we are like “crabs in a barrel” anymore. These excuses are no longer valid when we have a Black man as President of these United States! So my question to you right now is…. Why are we making every other community “rich”, except our own?Much praise to Michael Baisden for having the weekly segment on his show so that entrepreneurs can call in and tell his audience about their businesses. But is this enough? It is a huge benefit but I don’t think it is enough. I can’t remember who these businesses are or where to find them after I hear the show, because I am usually driving. Try to make a mental note so I can write it down when I get to a place to stop.That is why I feel a national Black Business directory is so badly needed. One marketplace listing Black businesses from around the country. I told you a few weeks ago that TAG TEAM Marketing was launching their Black Business Network 4.0. Well it is up and running full steam right now. So what makes this directory so different than previous online directories that have popped up and then disappeared over the years in many cities like Orlando, Atlanta, New York and Los Angeles? Here are my top 10 reasons to check out TAG TEAM’s Black Business Network 4.0!1) This Black Business Network is backed by two Black self-made, millionaires who saw the need to have one unified marketplace to promote Black Businesses. Also supported by legendary entrepreneur George Fraser, the creator of FraserNet, the worlds #1 network for Black professionals. George has been named "Black America's #1 Networker" by Black Enterprise Magazine and Upscale magazine called him one of the "Top 50 Power Brokers in Black America". George is passionate about inspiring Black people to make change and reach for the stars and is a member of TAG TEAM’s Black Business Network.2) Members of TAG TEAM’s Black Business Network have many benefits that other online communities can’t offer like, training, seminars and over 22,000 Black members of the TAG TEAM online community who are already committed to buying the products/services of Black Businesses3) TAG TEAM also hosts live networking events where Black Business Network members meet, exchange and do business together. Members get to speak on stage and promote their products and/or services to the entire audience. .4) Vending is a fantastic way to generate instant sales and revenues for Black business owners at the live events where members can set up vending tables and sell their products to the attendees (even if you don’t live in Atlanta.)5) Members of the Black Business Network who become "Wholesalers" can have their products listed for sale in the Buy Black Today online store where they can be purchased immediately by Black consumers. 24/76) Video commercials are a powerful way to get people to know about your company, products, services and/or opportunity.7) The Black Business Expansion Club is an educational organization made up of Black people who want to learn how to expand their businesses. Expansion Club members have access to en extensive online library of training seminars, articles, information and resources.8) TAG TEAM Marketing International has a Buy Black Today retail store. The store features products from Black Business Network members all over the world.9) As a "Wholesaler" in the Black Business Network, your products can be displayed in the Buy Black Today retail store. By having your product for sale in the store, customers that visit the store or attend Atlanta TAG TEAM events, can see and purchase your products.10) TAG TEAM Marketing builds and maintains the Black Star Marketing Team. The team is made up of positive, Black people all over the United States who earn money by selling the products and services of Black Business Network members to Black consumers. New members are constantly joining the team and going to work as well.So, if you are in Atlanta, you can attend the weekly Black Business Networking Socials (Saturdays, 7pm-10pm) to network and shop with Black business people, socialize, have fun, meet and hear from Black businesses owners. The price of admission is free, but you must be a member of TAG TEAM Marketing to attend (can join free at door or online). Business attire is required.If you are not in Atlanta, join the online community to get weekly updates on future online broadcasts of seminars, training events and club meetings. Either way you can find out more about the TAG TEAM Movement and how you can get involved at TEAM is preparing to send press releases about the new Black Business Network to Black newspapers, media outlets and consumers all over the world. This will generate lots of additional traffic to the Black Business Network Directory’s website.Visit and LIST YOUR BUSINESS NOW, before the press releases is sent out, so that your business can be seen by all the new visitors.Don’t forget to tell them that Darlene Robinson from Orlando invited you.Darlene RobinsonIndependent MarketerTAG TEAM Marketing, Inc.Buy From Black-owned Businesses Black Business Owners Strategies for Black People Business Opportunity Business Training
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What Is A Lace Wig?

Lace wigs are made of materials which resembles a mesh like-base or cap such as a pair of hosiery. The cap of the wig can be made of different materials such as lace, nylon, monofilament and polyurethane.From these materials, many combinations of lace wigs can be achieved. Hair is then tied to the cap making the wig. Once it is tied to the wig and fitted, lace is cut around the edges of the wig. The lace part of the wig is then either glued or taped to the outer perimeter of your head, it becomes invisible, thus blending with your own skin. What makes lace wigs so different from other wigs is the hairline becomes invisible and the hair especially around the edges, looks as if your own hair growing from your scalp! Depending on the type of lace wig, no matter where you make a part, it looks like your own hair.This was brought to you by The Lace Wig Reports
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New Year, New Internet Marketing Diva Goals

Okay, I am recommitting myself to doing SEO,Internet Marketing and Monetization of mysites. I will have my biggest profit from my web-sites this year.Here are my IMDiva goals for 2009:Create sons Rrriver Nyile and Sirius Seven.Complete site is for speaking engagements,media and events.Complete site will represent my New HolisticHealth Book.Develop,an/International Black InternetEncyclopedia site.A Membership sites to compliment need to improve and revamp myexisting sites: am going to change the name of improve on education and inform-ation for you and me.Create a Social Network site, too. Name tobe determined in the future.To accomplish some of these objectives, I willhire a VA, a web genius and mentor with someof the greats in the buisness like, John Kremer,Stephen Pierce and Dante Lee...All of these gentlemen have been doing this businessfor many years and are profiting big time! I alwaysbelieve that if you want to become great at somethingyou have to learn from people who are doing betterthan you.Now, I will do all of this on a shoe-string budget. Staytuned for the details.My goal is to make: $100,000 this year from myinternet business, services and products.....What's your New Year's Internet Marketing Goals?Your IM Friend,Elon
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Fight Foreclosure: Make ‘Em Produce The Note!

Fight Foreclosure: Make ‘Em Produce The Note! the “produce the note” strategy is something all homeowners facing foreclosure can do. If you believe you’ve been treated unfairly, fight back. We have created templates for a legal request, a letter to your lender and a motion to compel to help you through the process. Read the step by step “how to” under the videos.Special note: In some states, a lender can foreclose on your home without going to court. These are called non-judicial foreclosure states. You can still use the “Produce the Note” strategy in these states, but it takes a few more steps on your part.WHO OWNS THE NOTE?Your goal is to make certain the institution suing you is, in fact, the owner of the note (see steps to follow below). There is only one original note for your mortgage that has your signature on it. This is the document that proves you owe the debt.During the lending boom, most mortgages were flipped and sold to another lender or servicer or sliced up and sold to investors as securitized packages on Wall Street. In the rush to turn these over as fast as possible to make the most money, many of the new lenders did not get the proper paperwork to show they own the note and mortgage. This is the key to the produce the note strategy. Now, many lenders are moving to foreclose on homeowners, resulting in part from problems they created, and don’t have the proper paperwork to prove they have a right to foreclose.THE HARMIf you don’t challenge your lender, the court will simply allow the foreclosure to proceed. It’s important to hold lenders accountable for their carelessness. This is the biggest asset in your life. It’s just a piece of paper to them, and one they likely either lost or destroyed.When you get a copy of the foreclosure suit, many lenders now automatically include a count to re-establish the note. It often reads like this: “…the Mortgage note has either been lost or destroyed and the Plaintiff is unable to state the manner in which this occurred.” In other words, they are admitting they don’t have the note that proves they have a right to foreclose. If the lender is allowed to proceed without that proof, there is a possibility another institution, which may have bought your note along the way, will also try to collect the same debt from you again.A Tennessee borrower recently had precisely that happen to her. Her lender, Ameriquest, foreclosed on her in July of 2007. About three months later, another bank sent her a default notice for the mortgage on the house she just lost. She called to find out what was going on. After being transferred from place to place and left on hold for lengthy periods of time, no one could explain what happened. They said they would get back to her, but never did. Now, she faces the risk of having her credit continually damaged for a debt she no longer owes.FIGHT FOR FAIRNESSThis process is not intended to help you get your house for free. The primary goal is to delay the foreclosure and put pressure on the lender to negotiate. Despite all the hype about lenders wanting to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, most borrowers know that’s not the reality.Too many homeowners have experienced lender resistance to their efforts to work out a payment structure to keep them in their homes. Many lenders bear responsibility for these defaults, because they put borrowers into unfair loans using deceptive, hard-sell practices and then made the problem worse with predatory servicing.Most homeowners just want these lenders to give them reasonable terms on their mortgages, many of which were predatory to begin with. With the help of judges who see through these predatory practices, lenders will feel the pressure to work with borrowers to keep them in their homes.Don’t forget lenders made incredible amounts of money by using irresponsible practices to issue and service these loans. That greed led to the foreclosure crisis we’re in today. Allowing lenders to continue foreclosing on home after home, destroying our neighborhoods and our economy hurts us all. So, make it hard for your lender to take your home.Make ‘em produce the note!***************(Advertisement)*********************Need some great ideas for corporate or personal gift-giving?Then go to City Lights Software( see some of the most unique afrocentric gifts available online!We Deliver ONLINE - Direct To Your Desktop for just $14.95Please take the time to purchase one our afrocentric screen savers TODAY!Don't Just Talk the Talk...Let Your Dollars Walk the WalkIf you have any problems with purchasing online contact me direct at or call (213) 944-4176***************************************************This Online Journal was brought to you by InterServe Networks. Feel Free To Forward To Your Network Of Online FriendsWe Practice Responsible E-Commerce Marketing and Privacy Policies. We do not indulge in or encourage Spamming. We never send unsolicited emails. You are receiving this message as part of our opt-in subscriber mailing list or you are a member of an affiliated newsgroup.For comments or suggestions please contact us at the following;Jim Neusom ( Director/PublisherInterServe Networks/City Lights Software, subscribe to our opt-in mailing list simply send an email to; on Myspace go to
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I have a hot item that you can make money instantly online from. I currently made about 50 sales and counting.The item is a college radio station rep list for artist and record label owners. I am sure you see The item is a College Radio Station Rep List for artist and record label owners. I am sure you see everyone trying to promote music online. When they see your advertisement they will buy it if they are serious artists point blank. It is all about you posting the advertisement in the right places on the internet like blogs, forums and entertainment web sites dealing with music. After you purchase the item you will receive the college rep list document via email within 24 hours. All you have to do is create a banner and a paypal button and you are ready to go. I suggest you sale the list for just $20 when making the paypal buy now button for a fast turn around. click image below and it will take you to were you can purchase the College Radio Station Rep List. The list is official record labels like Def Jam use it to get there new artist a buzz in the music world
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JUNIQUES MARKETING IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCENEW SERVICES FROMModels Plus International – The company for Plus Size ModelsRezidual Music – Music created for anyone involved with SalesPlus get a Free Download of the selection – MastermindThese companies are poised to make major strides intothe marketplace.Both offer a no cost affiliate program.Oh, this is so exciting visitWWW.JUNIQUES.US
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Have you ever gone through life feeling as if no one understood? Have you decided to step out of the shadows of your past in order to gain a sense of peace and obtain inner freedom? If so, you have to read my book..."Stepping Out of the Shadows: A Poetic Journey Through Life"
Find more photos like this on Writing for Healing
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U.S. Eating Disorders Are In High Percentage

( -- Sixty-five percent of American women between the ages of 25 and 45 report having disordered eating behaviors, according to the results of a new survey by SELF Magazine in partnership with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.An additional 10 percent of women report symptoms consistent with eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder, meaning that a total of 75 percent of all American women endorse some unhealthy thoughts, feelings or behaviors related to food or their bodies.Read the full article by following this link: out more information on other health topics at:
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HTTP://WWW.SISTASEMPOWEREDBYGODSWORD2009.NING.COMWhat's Your Dream?Do you have a dream? What is it that motivates you to do what you do?In 1867, D.L. Moody took a trip to England. During that trip, Moody sat in apark talking with an evangelist named Henry Varley. Varley looked at Moody andsaid, "The world has yet to see what God will do with and for and through and inand by the man who is fully consecrated to Him." Those words ignited a fire inMoody's soul. He went on to become one of the greatest evangelists and soulwinners in the history of the church.A young divinity student named Martin read the works of Mahatma Gandhi. He wasimpressed by Gandhi's commitment to non-violent social change, and with theresults his work wrought in colonial India. Martin Luther King took thatphilosophy of non-violence and incorporated it into his deeply held Christianconvictions of justice and equality. He became the driving force behind thegreatest cultural shift in the history of the United States.In the early 1900s, motivational author Orison Swett Marden said, "All men whohave achieved great things have been great dreamers."What's your dream?This past week, we honored the legacy of Dr. King, whose words and actionsembodied the aspirations of the American Civil Rights Movement. He was already aliving legend in April, 1968 when he was tragically gunned down in Memphis. Hisinfluence only increased in death as in a very real sense he became a martyr tothe cause of justice for African Americans. The words of his final speech tostriking Memphis sanitation workers became prophetic, as he said, "I may not getthere with you, but we as a people will get to the promised land." 24 hourslater, he was dead.Dr. King's famous "I Have A Dream" speech is undoubtedly one of the mosteffective and important addresses in our nation's history. It is unique in thatit is a deeply personal statement of a very public figure. If you read thecomplete text of the address, he begins by giving an overview of the problem -that the promise of freedom in the Emancipation Proclamation has not yet beenrealized by blacks in America. But King sounded a positive note, saying he wasconfident the situation could and would be changed. He urged his listeners tonot "wallow in the valley of despair" because despite the present difficulties,he still had a dream.Reading through the speech again today, I was struck by the personal passion ofthe man, and how his dream was the singular focus of his efforts, the passionthat motivated and drove him. I was compelled to ask myself, 'what is yourdream?' What is it that fuels my passion? What motivates me to do what I do? Andperhaps more importantly, are the things that I am doing helping to accomplishmy dreams? Am I, to paraphrase Thoreau, moving confidently in the direction ofmy dreams?On a recent Sunday at my home church, we heard the story of Marlon's dream. Inour community there is no park where special needs children can play. Severalyears earlier, Marlon became aware of the need, and he thought it would be niceif there was such a place in our town, but that's as far as it went. Then Godbrought a special needs child into Marlon's family, and what had been a niceidea suddenly became a passion, a dream, and a call to action. To date, Marlon'sefforts have resulted in close to one million dollars being raised to build thepark. Very soon his dream will become a reality, and a huge blessing for specialneeds children and their families in our area.It is still true today: God does great things through people who dream bigdreams. He wants to use you and me to impact our world, to right wrongs, tobring about great change, to bring people into His Kingdom. But first, we mustallow Him to instill in us a dream that sets our souls on fire.What's your dream?
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**What the Church Must Do**In John 8:32, Jesus says, "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shallmake you free."When we all know the truth about racism, we will all be free of it. The only waythat the chasm of racism will close is for everyone to understand that we areall one, as God made us.Each segment of society has played and continues to play its part in racism.However, I'm writing about the Church because that is my mission, because theLord Jesus Christ is at the center of my life, and because the Church has playedan important part in perpetuating racism.Some prominent leaders of the Church have supported or have at one time appearedto support racism. Many others have remained silent when the only true Christianresponse is to speak out and act to end it. The Church's role is doubly sinfulbecause not only does it go against God's Word about the different nations ofpeople; it also goes against what Jesus says about the Church.In Matthew 5:13-14, Jesus tells us: "You are the salt of the earth; but if thesalt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing butto be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world.A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden."What a responsibility and a privilege to be the salt of the earth and the lightof the world! How miserably the Church has failed until now!When Africans were brought to America as slaves, instead of some churches comingout for the abolition of slavery, the Church as a whole did not throw God'slight on the evil institution to make sure that it ended as quickly as it began.Matthew 25:45 says: "Then He will answer them, saying, 'Assuredly, I say to you,inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it toMe."Some Christian leaders have ignored the fact that all of us of every color arepart of the same race, the human race, and that as Christians we are all one inJesus. However, the Scriptures tell us that in Christ, old things pass away andall things become new. This means that anyone who up to now may not have knownGod's teaching against racism can in Christ renounce racist thoughts and waysand become new.I Peter 4:17: For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God;and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obeythe gospel of God?Let this warning also be an inspiration. If the Church finally becomes the houseof God that it was meant to be and leads the way against racism as it was alwaysmeant to do, it will light the way for everyone else.If the Church takes on its role as the salt of the earth and the light of theworld, and if all Christians everywhere condemn racism as the sin it is, the"huge racial chasm" will finally close.
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My Passion for Travel

Welcome to White Sand TravelWhite Sand Travel is unique in that we are Destination Wedding/Honeymoon Consultants. We listen to your needs and work with you to create the wedding/honeymoon experience of your dreams.Getting The Most For Your Wedding and HoneymoonWhen making your reservations, make sure that you book with a company that focuses on honeymoons or destination weddings. After you've done so much planning, don't assume that all reservations are the same. It has been documented that couples who use a travel consultant are significantly happier with their honeymoons or weddings then those who booked online, directly with the hotel or do it themselves.A travel consultant can make sure that your reservation is just as you would like, right up to when you arrive. They can also get some of the best deals or discounts on packages because they work closely with many of the top resorts and are destination specialists. They can prearrange special services, excursions or requests that many not be possible otherwise.Engage our services and reap amazing benefitsYou work with Certified Specialists who are industry approvedAffiliation with DestinationWeddings.comCertified GI Vacation ConsultantWe arrange even the most complex itinerary which saves you time and moneyYou receive Complimentary Destination Wedding or Honeymoon ConsultationYour Destination Wedding or Honeymoon is Planned and Booked to your specificationsYou receive Competitive Pricing of Packages – Price Matching is availableYou get a Service and Price GuaranteeWe offer you Webinars, Romance Hour Brunches and our Learning CenterParticipation in our Couples Contests and PrizesEarn rewards when you enroll in our Friendship Rewards ProgramWe help you with your Honeymoon Registry, Save-the Date Cards and Passport ApplicationYour receive a Complimentary wedding website (participating resorts)Payment plans for your vacation package on select packagesYou receive White Sand Travel Blissful Beginnings (at participating resorts)We will book add-on services: (spa treatment, dinner reservations, flowers in room etc.)We offer flexible office hoursCall us or email us anytime – you have unlimited email or phone calls regarding your travel packageDelivery of travel documentsWelcome home letterAnything to make your experience the one of a lifetimeBe Our Friend
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2009 Catalogs are Available NOW!!!

Come check out the Newest Catalogs from Yours Truly!
Be One of the First to Update Your Wardrobe
with the Most Innovative, Inexpensive, High-End Fashion Jewelry!

Experience the Breath Taking Aroma of My Newest, Handmade,
Economical Candles
Manufactured in WELLSVILLE, NY!!!

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First All African - American Female Flight Crew

Hello all!As we wrap up Black History Month 2009 (who says we can't keep it going?!), I thought I'd share this recent historical first...On February 12, 2009, Captain Rachelle Jones and First Officer Stephanie Brown Grant made history as the first all African- American female flight crew to operate a commercial jet revenue flight.Additionally, the flight's crew included two African-American female flight attendants, Robin Rogers and Diana GallowayThey operated flight 5202 from Atlanta to Nashville and flight 5106 from Nashville back to Atlanta.
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