AT (90)



I want to ask you what do you know about the following sites – FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace, Youtube ?

While you might know the URL for the sites in question, did you know that you could use these Social sites to drive qualified leads to your business?

For small business owners running a business and making a profit is more difficult day by day. Very few business owners have enough clients. Paying for leads, advertising in the Yellow Pages, running ad’s on radio and television are all expensive, and without any guarantee of getting the results you need.

I don’t want to sound negative, but that is the reality.

Social Media Marketing is affordably, and more importantly it is guaranteed to work. We are a local business who specialise in delivering results for small businesses in the Sacramento area and Globally via the internet.

Social Media Marketing is really a very simple concept. 

The fact that you have heard about FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace and Youtube should give you some confidence, because your customers have too. They use their computers just about every day – so getting your message in front of them is not going to take long.

Want to discover how to get results and increase profits using Social Media? Don’t miss my 2 Part Tele-training! Go here to register for my Social Media Training. It’s absolutely free to you this time.


Empowering you!


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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Could your mindset be holding you back from realized Social Media Success?

Any level of Woman Entrepreneur Empowerment requires continued personal, spiritual and business development endeavors.

Social media is playing a BIG role in business development. Believe or not your mindset also plays a BIG role in weather you are successful or not successful.

Your mind is a powerful thing and although there are many contributing factors the wrong mindset can hold you back from realizing the results you desire.

Here are three mindsets that will stop you every time.

1. Scarcity mindset. When you operate from a mindset of scarcity you see everything from a perspective of lack. You may resist trying to learn new tactics or even attempt to apply what you’ve learned because you feel there are already so many people out there in your field so why try? Truth be told there are many individuals out there who need your expertise and are waiting for you to step up and out so that they can resolve some of their problems with your solutions, however, how will they know if you never get out there. Also you may choose not to invest in additional resources that will empower your results but your scarcity mindset kicks in again causing you to hold on to every penny because there may not be enough for something else.

2. Inferiority mindset
Here you always size yourself up with others who are miles ahead of you. Stop! When you do this you will end up giving up and this is fuel for low self esteem. Instead tap into your brilliance. What makes you unique? What are you bringing to the table that gives you a competitive edge? It’s important that you take the time to discover this. Once you are clear on the value that you offer you will no longer practice the activity of comparison,however, you will arise and shine for all the world to see!

3. It’s too late for me mindset
Sure things may not have happened the way you want them to happen, however, as long as you have breath in your body there’s hope. Take inventory of why things are not working. Don’t be a victim of time. There are many who started in there latter years and actually realized more in their latter years than their earlier years. Spend your time discovering new ideas, strategies and resources. Determine who it is you are here to serve. Develop an appropriate brand and make sure you have an online visibility plan that works.
Where are you in your Social Media Marketing endeavors? Do you recognize yourself in any of the mindsets mentioned? There are many more. Take inventory of some of the negative chatter that happens when you attempt to move forward with Social Media.

Effectively using Social Media can dramatically increase your visibility, bottom line and position you as an authority in your industry.

I’d like to offer you an opportunity to do something positively different to POWER up your
Social Media endeavors.

You’re invited to join me for my 2 part Social Media Tele-series. Get Results, Profits using Social Media. I’ll be sharing insights specifically towards Facebook and Twitter. 


Click here to secure your seat now for this empowering Tele-class for your Social Media Empowerment now!


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Do you want more Profit for your business? Want more qualified leads? Social Media Marketing is the answer!



I want to ask you what do you know about the following sites – FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace, Youtube ?

While you might know the URL for the sites in question, did you know that you could use these Social sites to drive qualified leads to your business?


For small business owners running a business and making a profit is more difficult day by day. Very few business owners have enough clients. Paying for leads, advertising in the Yellow Pages, running ad’s on radio and television are all expensive, and without any guarantee of getting the results you need.


I don’t want to sound negative, but that is the reality.


Social Media Marketing is affordably, and more importantly it is guaranteed to work. We are a local business who specialise in delivering results for small businesses in the Sacramento area and Globally via the internet.


Social Media Marketing is really a very simple concept. Our small team uses the most powerful software available to make sure that your message is delivered to exactly the right target audience.


The fact that you have heard about FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace and Youtube should give you some confidence, because your customers have too. They use their computers just about every day – so getting your message in front of them is not going to take long.


We can adapt our campaigns to suit your budget. Give us a try, we guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Please feel free to contact us at


I look forward to speaking with you.


Empowering you!


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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Affiliate Marketing is a great way to make some additional income outside of your primary business?  Here's A "Done-For-You" Prospecting and Booking Service that can earn you $800 each time you refer other network marketers, stay at home moms or anyone looking to make some extra monthly income.


How would you like to receive an email that says " "YOU GOT MONEY!"  Click below to learn how!


Read more…





Mother's day will be here soon. I'd like to celebrate by doing a Moms in Business spotlight

for the month of May!


You will receive a Spotlight on The International Association of Christian women Entrepreneurs site and my Blog.


Bonus: If you're a VIP Inner Circle member you will also receive two tweets to my following on Twitter of over 11,000.


Request your FREE membership to The International Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs here and view

the post under Expert Blogs/Articles with the same topic.

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Turn your knowledge into profits and activate your magnetic
CASH flow force so you can manifest your best year ever!


Do you feel that everybody else has an innate ability 
to make money via their knowledge or passion but you? 

Do you play small and feel that you don't know enough to command an 
investment in your offerings? 

How many opportunities have you missed due to low self esteem or lack of 
confidence in your abilities? 

Do you spend endless nights comparing yourself to others? 

Want to monetize what you know but don't have a clue where to begin? 

Tired of the hype and ready for the support you need that 
will guide you and empower you to manifest a new 
healthier, fabulous you inside/out? 

I have a solution for you!! 


It's time you started monetizing your knowledge and making available the solutions you have

for your identified target market and even deeper your niche (those whom you serve).


Click here to secure your seat now! 

"Give me just 45 minutes 
and I'll share with you secrets to 
turning your knowledge into 
profits so you can activate 
your magnetic cash flow 

You'll also embark on a journey 
to wholeness as you realize Total 
Transformation, manifest as the unstoppable 
irresistable woman you were meant to be 
with laser focus, an EMPOWERED mindset 
and live an Authentically Brilliant 
Diamond life!!

When: Thursday March 16 at 1:00 PM PST, 4:00 PM EST 
This week's topic: Turn your knowledge into profits and activate your magnetic cash flow force! 
Can't take the call? The audio replay will be available to all registrants 

Cost: None

Click here to secure your seat now!

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I Fired My Boss...

When I walked out those doors I said I wasn't going back and I meant it. I didn't know how it was going to happen and apart of me feared facing the reality of what would happen if it didn't but THANK YOU GOD for hearing my prayers... and I mean I PRAYED! I still can't believe it's real!

I just couldn't do it anymore. If I said that part of me wasn't thinking "What the heck are you doing girl?" I'd be lying. But that fact of the matter is I just walked away from a Fortune 50 company not a Fortune 50 paycheck and the sad part is I realized that it was never going to happen. I earned my Bachelor's degree while pregnant with the twins and then spent my Master's program pregnant and dealing with the new baby. In between degrees (and in a period of 1 1/2 years) I applied for eight promotions and received eight denials, some without any explanation. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was applying for a position within my own department, having my supervisors tell me I wasn't qualified, hiring a mail and file clerk giving her a minimum $20-$30k increase and then asking me to train her. HA!! If that isn't the biggest slap in the face, but I digress...

Needless to say I began to plan my exit strategy. I wish I had a great elaborate story for you that speaks of how I waltzed into my boss' office on a random day and dropped the bomb on them. How I stuck it to "the MAN" just when he thought he had me down but that's not what happened. The truth of it all is that I devised a plan. My exit strategy was well thought out and I had the great benefit of working and building my business with the security of having a job and being on maternity leave allowed me to be at home full time with nothing to do but learn while receiving a paycheck. Still, without gaining and applying knowledge I know that this would have never happen and that without deciding to take action I could have just as easily been returning to that dead-end job.

I know know you're thinking "Girl in this economy? People are dying for jobs and you're giving yours up?" YES!! I am! See when everything in the world is going right people get complacent. Dreams fade away because jobs are secure and many just coast along earning what they feel is a decent paycheck. But the last few years has shown many of that nothing is guaranteed. A new supervisor that doesn't like you, changes in policy, a failing/failed economy can put you on the wrong side of poverty faster than you can blink. Maybe you know someone this happened to... maybe it happened to you. Regardless, now is the time to take control of your own destiny... to fight the power so to speak. The greatest movements in history that produced real change came when people decided enough was enough and claimed freedom for themselves.

As I've said many times my reason for creating Maven On a Mission was not so much about internet/network marketing and signing people into my opportunities but more about giving moms who want to be home with their children the opportunity to do so. I've learned so much in the past 6 months to a year about being a real entrepreneur... an UNSTOPPABLE ENTREPRENEUR that I can't wait to share with you all. So much value has been poured into me knowingly and unknowingly that there is nothing for me to do but to pour it back out. I genuinely want to see you home with your children (or working from home period) if that's where you desire to be.

To those of you that have been following this blog, thank you for your continued support and to those just joining, welcome, welcome, welcome. Stay tuned... this is going to be a ROCKIN journey!

Wishing you growth and prosperity!


P.S. Over the next week I'm going to be announcing so be on the look out for my posts.

P.P.S. Click here to get access to the industries BEST and most affordable systems that will teach you how to build you business online, provide extensive marketing training from the industries top leaders AND allow you to earn income on 10 affiliate streams. Go on.. click here
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7 Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur

Do you dream of starting your own business? Do you know what skills and traits are needed to be a successful entrepreneur?  More importantly, do you think you have what it takes?  This article will touch on 7 of the most important traits of a successful entrepreneur.

  1. Self confidence – the successful entrepreneur is noticeably confident.  Self confidence is an extremely important characteristic for the successful entrepreneur.  Before you start your business, you should feel confident in your abilities and trust yourself and your unique set of skills.  When and if the time comes, the successful entrepreneur knows how to summon the drive and determination needed to achieve his dream of starting his own business.  He should be confident enough to tackle adversity and resolve any problems that could interfere with his dream.
  2. Risk taker – successful entrepreneurs don’t always play it safe.  They know when to trust their instincts and act on a hunch.  Some of the greatest business ventures in history started from a simple “gut feeling” or “hunch”.  Let’s face it, there’s always the risk of loss or failure, but the successful entrepreneurs is not afraid to take that chance. 
  3. Fiscally fit - the successful entrepreneur is careful with his finances.  He understands the value of money and is usually very particular about his expenditures for his business as well as in his personal life.  He may have learned the value of money at an early age; maybe as a teenager who mowed lawns after school or a little boy who took the neighbors trash out every evening.
  4. Good Intuition – some entrepreneurs claim to “just know” (hunch) if a product or service is going to be a success.  No, they aren’t psychic, most likely they just really pay attention to what’s going on in the world around them.  They pay attention to the latest trends and are usually active in their industry in some way.
  5. Competitive nature – the business world is highly competitive regardless of the industry you’re in.  The successful entrepreneur knows he must be aggressive if he wants to achieve his dream.  He doesn’t feel threatened by his competitors and is always looking for ways to make his business stand out from the crowd.  He’s not afraid to work hard to be successful.
  6. Honorable habits – the successful entrepreneur has a good work ethic.  He welcomes suggestions and criticism from his customers or clients and diligently looks for ways to improve his business products and services based on those suggestions. He believes that good work ethic will lead to better business practices, improved business reputation and good standing among industry peers and business associates.
  7. Vacation time – the successful entrepreneur recognizes the importance of leisure time.  He knows when it’s time to step back and relax and spend quality time with family and friends.   Taking time away from the hectic business world rejuvenates our mind and body and allows us to better deal with the stresses and strains that inevitably come with having our own business.

There you have it – 7 of the most important traits of a successful entrepreneur. 

Keep in mind that just because you possess some or all of these traits there is never a guarantee that you will be successful.  These are but a few of the ingredients in the recipe for success.  If you do happen to possess these traits, congratulations!  You have a solid foundation to start building your success. 


About the Author:Shelley Graves is a Virtual Business Support Specialist and owner of Capitol Business Support. Based out of Washington, DC, Shelley specializes in providing virtual business support services, including social media and internet marketing, to new small business owners. Visit Capitol Business Support today for a FREE business support assessment and FREE Special Report on how I can help you grow your business.

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The best way to have an empowering week is to start off Monday with a solid foundation.


This preparation begins with Friday. Set yourself up for an empowering week by closing out your week. Take inventory of what tasks you completed. Add those that you didn't complete to the list for the following week.


Here's an important thing to remember. Do not make your top 10 to do list. Make a top 3 priority list. Among them will be at least one thing that will be cash producing.


Read my Facebook update

Are you ready for an absolutely,empowering week? What are your top 3 to do items for Monday? Add action steps that will allow you to complete them. Avoid checking email first. Focus. Take targeted action. Balance your social media activity. Don't let it consume your day. Allow for a time to step away during the day to avoid overwhelm. Commit your works to the Lord. And so shall your plans succeed. Proverbs 16:3


Want to accelerate your results? Embrace a mindset for success. Whatever happened the week prior is not what you want to focus on. Remember what you focus on expands!


Focus on the results you expect to achieve. Focus on what it will look like when you achieve your desired results. Focus on what it feels like.


Get rid of the negativity. Negative attitudes, negative environment, negative relationships. Of course I’m not suggesting that you get rid of you marriage relationships, however, you can seek out ways to empower your relationships. We’ve actually set up a community to help you do this on our Marriage Empowerment Coach page on Facebook.


The tips I’ve shared in this post should get you started on the right path to your empowering success.


Of course if you need additional support you might consider securing your Coaching A La Carte session

with me. Click here to find out more and get started.


Here's to your empowering week!


Share your ideas below.


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

Authentic Life and Biz Empowerment

Coach,Mentor,Trainer and Public Speaker to

Savvy women, New,Aspiring and Entreprising Women Entrepreneurs






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New scholarships posted everyday)

Students Seeking Education by Experiencing Academic America (S.E.A.)

an Houston, Texas based mentoring program for high school students, students at risk, and college bound students who want to attend an Historically Black College / University. (HBCU).

S.E.A will post a scholarship for minority students each day. If you are a high school senior, junior, or a transferring college student, these scholarships are for you. FREE MONEY! We all know through life there is nothing Free; you have to apply to receive this money. Your cost is time. The time it takes to fill out the scholarship application. Look for the S.E.A. blog each day, highlighting a new scholarship listing 2010/2011




Scholarship Program for Minorities

Open to: College Junior, Senior Graduate

Scholarship is Restricted to: No state restrictions were provided

Application Deadline1/31:

Award Range: $2,500

Minimum GPA: GPA requirement not reported

Eligibility Criteria:

Must be a minority student in at least the third year of coursework and enrolled full-time

Application Requirements: Online application • Essays

Website for Application Download:


Institutions that Scholarships Can Be Used At: Consult scholarship provider

Renewable? Consult scholarship provider

Contact: Deidra Willson

Accenture Scholarship Program for Minorities,

Scholarship America

One Scholarship Way, PO Box 297

Saint Peter, MN 56082

(507) 931-0407



p.s. If you need help in your scholarship search, please contact S.E.A. c/o



*As part of .E.A. Mentoring Program, we want to build our Mentees vocabulary. S.E.A. has chosen to italicize words and statements in blue for our Mentee to understand and use in their vocabulary

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What is all the fuss about coaching?

I’ve been getting questions from someof the women in my tribe/network and most want to know how they can getstarted in the coaching business. I’m sure each of them have varyingreasons why they
are interested.

If you have a desire to help others that would be one reason to seriously look into this model. If you’re tired of
working harder without realizing the results, this is an ideal model for you.
If you want to monetize and share your expertise with the masses, this is an
ideal model for you.

Watch the video for additional supporting information. Go to to request access to the audio replay of the power-packed Teleseminar mentioned.

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(New scholarships posted everyday)

Students Seeking Education by Experiencing Academic America (S.E.A.)

an Houston, Texas based mentoring program for high school students, students at risk, and college bound students who want to attend an Historically Black College / University. (HBCU).

S.E.A will post a scholarship for minority students each day. If you are a high school senior, junior, or a transferring college student, these scholarships are for you. FREE MONEY! We all know through life there is nothing Free; you have to apply to receive this money. Your cost is time. The time it takes to fill out the scholarship application. Look for the S.E.A. blog each day, highlighting a new scholarship listing 2010/2011



AT&T Foundation

AT&T Foundation Scholarship 2011-12

The AT&T Foundation has just announced a new scholarship program offered in conjunction with UNCF to provide scholarships for African-American children or stepchildren of regular full-time employees of AT&T, Inc. and its U.S. subsidiaries

Scholarship Value: up to $ 2500

Classifications: High School Senior, College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior

Minimum GPA: 3.0

Eligible Majors: Open

Eligible Schools: Open for 2 Year and 4 Year Colleges

Eligible Locations: Open

Application Deadline : Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to Apply : Apply Online



p.s. If you need help in your scholarship search, please contact S.E.A. c/o



*As part of .E.A. Mentoring Program, we want to build our Mentees vocabulary. S.E.A. has chosen to italicize words and statements in blue for our Mentee to understand and use in their vocabulary

Read more…


(New scholarships posted everyday)

Students Seeking Education by Experiencing Academic America (S.E.A.)

an Houston, Texas based mentoring program for high school students, students at risk, and college bound students who want to attend an Historically Black College / University. (HBCU).

S.E.A will post a scholarship for minority students each day. If you are a high school senior, junior, or a transferring college student, these scholarships are for you. FREE MONEY! We all know through life there is nothing Free; you have to apply to receive this money. Your cost is time. The time it takes to fill out the scholarship application. Look for the S.E.A. blog each day, highlighting a new scholarship listing 2010/2011

Central State University

Wilberforce, Ohio

Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio, is one of the nation's oldest historically black universities, with a 120-year legacy of academic and athletic achievements. The College of Education, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the College of Business and Industry, which includes the Departments of Manufacturing Engineering and Water Resources Management, form the core of the University’s varied academic offerings.

The CSU Institute for Urban Education (IUE) builds on Central State’s roots as a center of excellence for teacher education. It also reflects the College of Education’s emphasis on preparing teachers for work in today’s urban classrooms. Housed in the newly constructed Center for Education and Natural Sciences, the IUE serves as a national resource center for the training of urban teachers and the exchange of scholarship on urban education issues. A newly developed program in environmental engineering builds on CSU’s signature Water Resources Management Program, and a new major in criminal justice will further expand career opportunities for Central State University students.

A centrally located branch campus in Dayton, Ohio, CSU-Dayton, offers a range of courses and class schedules that serve the needs of nontraditional learners wishing to complete their undergraduate degrees, pursue master’s degrees in education, or take advantage of professional development opportunities.

Central State is home to the nationally renowned Central State University Chorus, which has twice been nominated for a Grammy. The Lady Marauders basketball team is perennially in the national rankings and has traveled to 12 straight NAIA national tournaments. The track and field team as well as the cheerleading and dance troupes have also won championships and awards, and the Central State marching band, the Invincible Marching Marauders, have twice performed at the national Honda Battle of the Bands and been featured in the 2006 film Dave Chappelle’s Block Party. With the return of football to Central State in 2005, the Mighty Marauders are reviving a legacy that produced several national championships. Central State’s impending move to NCAA Division II will widen the University’s competitive field and provide more exposure for Central State University’s student athletes.

CSU is Ohio’s only predominately African American public institution of higher education, but it is, and has always been, “open to all persons of good moral character,” as ordained by the 1887 legislation that created Central State's predecessor. The University actively promotes diversity in its student body, faculty and staff, even as the institution adheres to its core historical responsibility to educate young African American men and women.



Barbara Lotze Scholarships for Future Teachers

Program Summary: The AAPT Executive Board offers two scholarships for future high school Physics Teachers. These scholarships, supported by an endowment funded by Barbara Lotze, are available only to U.S. citizens attending U.S. schools. Undergraduate students enrolled, or planning to enroll, in physics teacher preparation curricula and high school seniors entering such programs are eligible. The two successful applicants will each receive a stipend of up to $2,000. The scholarship may be granted to an individual for each of four years. Applications will be accepted at any time and will be considered for recommendation to the Executive Board at each AAPT Winter Meeting. All applications in which all materials, including letters of recommendation, are received by December 1 will be considered for recommendation at the January meeting of the AAPT Executive Board.

Amount: $2,000

Deadline: December 1

Sponsor: American Association of Physics Teachers

Address: One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740

Phone: (301) 209-3340

Fax: (301) 209-0845




p.s. If you need help in your scholarship search, please contact S.E.A. c/o



*As part of .E.A. Mentoring Program, we want to build our Mentees vocabulary. S.E.A. has chosen to italicize words and statements in blue for our Mentee to understand and use in their vocabulary

Read more…

EXCITING BOOK; Woman!! Do You Want A Good Man?

EXCITING BOOK; Woman!! Do You Want A Good Man?

Fort Worth,Texas,October 13,2010,Author,Donald Willis is officially announcing his published book,Woman!! Do You want A Good Man? This bookis about relationships betweem African American men and African American women. This book is geared more toward the African American women's needs and desires,as oppossed to what the African American male is searching for. It is not written out of bitterness,or anger,but out of Love for black men and women. The book includes topics such as: What is a good man?,Never judge people by appearance,Mental Disorders & the black woman,Dating,Black woman,god is with you,and many more topics

This book is unique in that it only 64 pages in length,and the author gives advice to African American women who are in search of Mr.Right.T he author actually enterviewed approx.50 employed women while writing this book. This book can be ordered by sending a $17.95 money order to: Donald Willis,POBOX 201403,Arlington,Texas 76006. For more information,contact

Donald Willis at 682-203-8234 10am-11pm

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Attention Christian Women in Biz

First let me say this from one Christian Woman in Biz to another.
One WAHM and mompreneur to another and from one Daughter of
God to another.

It's your responsibility to express your gifts in a BIG way!!

You're a unique one of a kind Gift of God.

If you're not involved in the marketing activity of building your list/community consistently you won't
attract your ideal clients/customers and without clients/customers you won't have revenue and
without revenue your business will cease.

Okay I know you've heard that the money is in the list, however, maybe you can't seem to make
it work for you. Or you're having results but not to the extent that you desire.

Is it really true that the money is in the list? Or are there other elements essential
to realizing the fruits from your list.

Maybe you have questions such as......

"How do I get started?"

"What's the quickest way to realize results?"

"How can I persuade prospects to subscribe?"

"What's a squeeze page?"

"I'm not handy with all that tech stuff so how can I get started without a
fancy website?"

I'm glad you asked. All of the above and more will be covered in my upcoming free call.

Get your message out! 5 sure-fire strategies to build your list.
Everyone is welcome, however, this time the call is designed with the Christian Woman/Mom in business in mind.

When: Wednesday, September 29
Time: 11:00 am PST, 2:00 pm EST
Where: From the comfort of your home

Can't make the call? The audio replay will be available to
all registrants.

Secure your seat here

Read more…


(New scholarships posted everyday)

Students Seeking Education by Experiencing Academic America (S.E.A.)

an Houston, Texas based mentoring program for high school students, students at risk, and college bound students who want to attend an Historically Black College / University. (HBCU).

S.E.A will post a scholarship for minority students each day. If you are a high school senior, junior, or an transferring college student, these scholarships are for you. FREE MONEY! We all know through life there is nothing Free, you have to apply to receive this money. Your cost is time. The time it takes to fill out the scholarship application.. Look for the S.E.A. blog each day, highlighting a new scholarship listing 2010 / 2011.

Essay Skills For College Bound Students

Before You Write

Writing the Essay

Three Steps to a Great
College Essay

College Essay Writing


Sample College Essay 1

Sample College Essay 2

The Letters Are In...

Your Final Choice

College Decision-Making

What to Do if You're

Rejected: Now What?

Selecting a Financial
Aid Package New!

to Make the Big Decision

Next Steps



Minority Presence
Program Doctoral/Law/Veterinary Medicine Grant

SPONSOR: NorthCarolina State Education Assistance Authority on behalf of the Univesity of
North Carolina

ADDRESS: PO Box 13663 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3663


Applicant must be a black North Carolina resident, demonstrate financial need, and be enrolled in a full-time doctoral, law or veterinary medicine program.

AMOUNT: $ 4,000.00

Read more…


(New scholarships posted everyday)

Students Seeking Education by Experiencing Academic America (S.E.A.)

an Houston, Texas based mentoring program for high school students, students at risk, and college bound students who want to attend an Historically Black College / University. (HBCU).

S.E.A will post a scholarship list for minority students each day. If you are a high school senior, junior, or an transferring college student, these scholarships are for you. FREE MONEY! We all know through life there is nothing Free, you have to apply to receive this money. Your cost is time. The time it takes to fill out the scholarship application.. Look for the S.E.A. blog each day, highlighting a new scholarship listing 2010 / 2011.




Maureen L. and Howard N. Blitman, PE Scholarship to Promote Diversity in Engineering

Award of $5000 to a high school senior entering an ABET-accredited four year engineering program. Intended to encourage underrepresented minorities to pursue this challenging and rewarding career.

Academic/Career Areas: Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Electrical Engineering/Electronics; Engineering/Technology; Engineering-Related Technologies; Materials Science, Engineering, and Metallurgy; Mechanical Engineering.

Award: Scholarship for use in freshman year; not renewable

Number: 1. Amount: $5000.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must be American Indian/Alaska Native, Black (non-Hispanic), or Hispanic; high school student and planning to enroll or expecting to enroll full-time at a four-year institution or university. Applicant must have 3.5 GPA or higher. Available to U.S. citizens.

Application Requirements: Application, essay, references, test scores, transcript.

Deadline: March 1.


Mary K. Maul, Education Manager,

NSPE, National Society of Professional Engineers
1420 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314



p.s. If you need help in your scholarship search, please contact S.E.A.


*As part of S.E.A. Mentoring Program, we want to build our Mentees vocabulary. S.E.A. has chosen to italicize words and statements in blue for our Mentee to understand and use in their vocabulary

Read more…

It takes time and diligence to carry out a successful business strategy. So unless your revenues are growing consistently and cash is flowing well then now may not be the time to take those golf lessons you dream about. Read further to decide if you should pack up your nine iron and head for the office instead of the green.

  • Stragey and Fun. Sales, profits and cash flow are the factors that contribute to the livelihood of business. Without cash it is only a matter of time before you are forced to take down the "open for business" sign and close shop. Now I hope that you are doing well in your company and have the financial freedom that you desire. But if you are just starting out you may find that it takes more time than you originally planned to reach your projections. Remember the saying, "Time is money?" Although playing golf is a great way for you to unwind don't forget that each second you use on non-income generating activities is a second lost. So if you decide to add golf to your marketing mix be sure to do so strategically by building business relationships while you are having fun.

  • Finding More Leads. One of your top priorities as the CEO is ensuring that your market knows about the products and services you offer. Marketing and sales are time intensive activities so be as strategic as possible. Some ways to find leads while golfing with colleagues are to inquire about business alliances, referrals, and networking in places that your target market hangs out.
  • Lead Conversion. Once your game is over and you have a few leads the next step is to get good at closing the sale. There must be enough revenues in your company to support continued operations and business expansion. This applies for-profit and non-profit entities. It makes no difference whether you are running a sales campaign or a fund-raiser. Your primary objective is to get a commitment from potential buyers.
  • Increasing Profits and Cash Flow. In business, maximizing profits and maintain healthy cash flows takes precedence over free time any day. You will be able to enjoy the benefits of being your own boss once your company has adequate cash reserves and can cover monthly operating expenses, contingencies, and investments that create new opportunties for growth.

In order to see how close you are to reaching these metrics conduct a financial review each month. All work and no play makes for a dull entrepreneur but too much folding of the hands makes for missed opportunities to grow. Your time is valuable and until you reach your sales capacity make a commitment to stick to scheduled income producing activities until you reach your financial goals.

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(New scholarships posted everyday)

Students Seeking Education by Experiencing Academic America (S.E.A.)

an Houston, Texas based mentoring program for high school students, students at risk, and college bound students who want to attend an Historically Black College / University. (HBCU).

S.E.A will post a scholarship list for minority students each day. If you are a high school senior, junior, or an transferring college student, these scholarships are for you. FREE MONEY! We all know through life there is nothing Free, you have to apply to receive this money. Your cost is time. The time it takes to fill out the scholarship application.. Look for the S.E.A. blog each day, highlighting a new scholarship listing 2010 / 2011.

Minnesota Students



Twin Cities Chapter Undergraduate Scholarship

Award for minority students in first, second, third or fourth year full-time in an accredited undergraduate business or management program during the fall semester working towards a Bachelor’s Degree.

Get application from Web site at

Deadline: April 7.

Academic/Career Areas: Accounting; Business/Consumer Services.

Award Scholarship for use in freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior years; not renewable

Number: 5. Amount: up to $3500.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must be Black (non-Hispanic); enrolled or expecting to enroll full-time at a four-year institution or university; resident of Minnesota and studying in Minnesota. Available to U.S. citizens.

Application Requirements: Application, essay, transcript.

Deadline: April 7.


Victor Patterson, President
National Black MBA Association-Twin Cities Chapter
PO Box 2709
Minneapolis, MN 55402



p.s. If you need help in your scholarship search, please contact


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(New scholarships posted everyday)

Students Seeking Education by Experiencing Academic America (S.E.A.)

an Houston, Texas based mentoring program for high school students, students at risk, and college bound students who want to attend an Historically Black College / University. (HBCU).

S.E.A will post a scholarship for minority students each day. If you are a high school senior, junior, or an transferring college student, these scholarships are for you. FREE MONEY! We all know through life there is nothing Free, you have to apply to receive this money. Your cost is time. The time it takes to fill out the scholarship application.. Look for the S.E.A. blog each day, highlighting a new scholarship listing 2010/2011.


1. Obtain the list of what is offered at your school

2. List what interests you 2-5 options

3. Obtain the list of courses that are offered per major

4. Highlight the courses within each major that interest you *read the course descriptions* go through them one by one to see what sounds interesting & make notes

5. Contact and/or introduce yourself to 2 professors, career development staff, program adviser/guidance counselor & students within the major you are interested in. Ask them for a phone conference or face to face meeting. Ask them for feedback about their discipline. A. What they like about it? B.What they don’t? C.Why do they teach this discipline?/ Or why did you pick this major? D. Where have their students’ gone or professional fields they have chosen with this major? E. What are some of the challenges with this major?

6. Go to the library and/or research online career options for people majoring in what you have selected as your choices?

7. Take an assessment (Jung Typology) *think about the results & talk to someone you think may be able to share further insight like a career counselor, parent, teacher)

8. Once you’ve narrowed down your search based on these things, contact the Career Office or your Guide Counselor or Admissions Counselor for more information

9. Go back to Academic Services or Career Development to share your information and be determined to make a decision.

10. Finally, know that no-matter what you choose that if you choose another career path in the end that is okay. For example: my boss in Finance was an English Major, an Accountant I met started in Marketing. It’s not the end all be all – so just step out on faith, but absolutely include your research, interviewing, and gut and go for it!


G (Decide to GET more out of life. What do you want to do? What do you want to be?)

O (Outline your steps) 1, 2, 3 4

A (Allow for advice but be selective on who you ask

L (Learn your craft) you do this by – using resources available including people


S (Be specific, a new house 4 bedrooms, a man who has personality & wealth :-)

E (Encouragement) Apply this to yourself and have a cheering team. Find someone you trust that always offers you encouragement.

TT (Time to Think) – just think about where you are & how what you’ve done know is an accomplishment. Think about the improvements you’ve made. Every time you make a decision during the day, ask yourself this question, “Does it take me closer to, or further from my goal?” If the answer is “closer to,’ then you’ve made the right decision. If the answer is “further from,” well, you know what to do.

I (Internal Check) Assess the impact of this change.. Think of the ‘What IFs? What will happen if you achieve your goal? How will you feel if you do not? Are you willing to keep going if it takes you longer than you expected?

N (N - End date, Putting an end point on your goal gives you a clear target to work towards. (next week – 3 months, senior year) time management.

G (Go for it!) like Nike - just do it!



Jackie Joyner-Kersee Minority Internship

Sponsor: Women's Sports Foundation

Address: Eisenhower Park East Meadow, NY 11554





Program Summary:

Eligibility And Application: Applicant must be a woman of color who wishes to gain experience in a sports-related career and interact in the sports community. Internships are located at the Women's Sports Foundation in East Meadow, N.Y.

Amount: $12,000

Deadline: None

p.s. If you need help in your scholarship search, please contact


*As part of S.E.A. Mentoring Program, we want to build our Mentees vocabulary. S.E.A. has chosen to italicize words and statements in blue for our Mentee to understand and use in their vocabulary

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