Bad (28)

How to buy a new car with bad credit to drive for Lyft and Uber?

If you’re struggling with employment, bad credit, or transportation, you may want to consider ridesharing.   Although, you need a car you have several options to get that transportation like the following:

1. Buying a car

Buying a car is a big challenge for a person with bad credit.  However, you still have options to own a car and build a business through ridesharing.  If you’re employed but have bad credit you can buy a car from a buy here pay here car company.  They do not look at your personal credit which is perfect if you have bad credit. You may also have the option to borrow a car from a love one that has multiple cars and making payments to them.  Understanding buying a car is no small purchase, however, having the opportunity to up $16 an hour ridesharing it may just be worth the investment.

2. Express Drive

Lyft has partnered with General Motors to provide rental cars via the Express Drive Program, with weekly rates between $135 and $250. Drivers are eligible for $0 weekly rates when they hit 75 rides a week.

You’ll need to drive most of the week to bank that many rides, so it’s best for people who are looking to test the full-time driver lifestyle but don’t want to commit to buying a car.

3. Hertz and Enterprise

Hertz has partnered with Lyft and Uber to provide rideshare rentals. Lyft's deal starts at $165 for weekly rentals of compact sedans. After a certain number of rides per week, which varies regionally, drivers can earn a Power Driver Bonus to cover the rental cost.

Uber’s deal with Hertz is similar to Lyft Express Drive, but the two programs are offered in different cities. The Uber program has a $180-per-week base rate, which drops to zero after 75 rides a week.


Enterprise’s rentals, specifically for Uber, are a pricier $215 a week.

Renting is typically more expensive than buying a car and making monthly payments, but if you're a high-volume driver it basically can become free. Plus, if you don’t like rideshare driving, you can quit after a short trial period.

4. Uber Xchange

Uber Xchange offers short-term car leases from partnering car dealerships. Drivers pay a $250 deposit to start and make weekly payments over three years. Xchange leases to people with poor credit, but monthly totals and interest rates are much higher than with conventional financing.

For example, a 2013 Toyota Camry L Base leased through Uber Xchange may cost 156 weekly payments of $130, or $520 monthly. Comparatively, leasing a 2017 Camry through a Toyota dealer is only $199 a month — though you need a good credit score.

Xchange saves drivers money by including maintenance and insurance, but this means full-time drivers are dependent on Uber servicing their cars quickly.

“My car was in a shop over a month while a claim was investigated, and the people in the Xchange office had no willingness to work with me on payments since I was generating no income,” says James Taylor, an Uber driver from Los Angeles.

However, Xchange offers unlimited mileage, whereas traditional leases typically start charging extra after 12,000 miles. It also allows members to return the car and back out after 30 days – minus the $250 deposit.


Consider Xchange only if you’re driving 40-plus hours per week, want a car for personal use and can’t get other financing because of your credit. Remember, some lenders may be able to help you buy a used car at a better price.

5. Hyrecar

Hyrecar is a peer-to-peer rental service specifically for ridesharing. Uber and Lyft drivers connect with car owners to use their vehicles at varying daily, weekly and monthly rates. There are no contracts or sign-up fees, and daily rates are as low as $35. Weekly rates float around $200 to $300.

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How do I get a mortgage with bad credit?

Being a homeowner is a great feeling.  You know you’ve made some progress in your life, when you’re no longer a renter but instead an homeowner.  However, many of us struggle to get the chance to own a home because we have bad credit.  

Now, you don’t have to be discourage anymore, because there are home buying programs and lenders willing to help you become a home owner even with bad credit.  Although, they may have a few extra criteria’s, you can buy a piece of real estate. 

With the FHA mortgage program, their criteria’s are fairly simple.  They would like for you to have a minimum credit score of 580, 3 to 6 months of paystubs, 2 years of taxes, and debt to income ratio of 35%.  They also want you to have a down payment of 3.5% of the mortgage value and you can even borrow that from a friend or family member.  Another nice thing about the FHA mortgage program, if you have relative living with you, they will include their income to help you qualify for that mortgage.

There are also conventional mortgages that also have become very flexible when working with new home buyers, such as allowing a home buyer to put 3% down on that house.   Also, they’ve made it easier for veterans to buy a home with no down payment.

So, can I buy a home with bad credit? The answer is yes, however I would encourage to fix your bad credit so you can get a lower interest rate.

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How to discharge student loans in bankruptcy?

When you’re trying to discharge a student loan in bankruptcy, you need to know which student loans are dischargeable.  There’s a difference between a federal student loan, federal student loan serviced by a private student loan, and a private student loan?

A federal student loan is issued by the federal government and serviced by the federal government.  They have a lower interest rate and the federal government usually can forgive the balance of the loan if you are not able to make the payments. 

Now the federal student loans that are serviced by private lenders have been recalled by the federal government because the private servicer were not being flexible with the borrower with their payment plans.  Which also cause the borrower to default as well as taint the borrower credit.

The third type of student loan is from private lenders, such as Sallie Mae, Citibank, Wells Fargo, bank of America, and Navient, which is a subsidiary of Sallie Mae.  When these private lenders issue student loans they do not have the federal government protection, so those loans are treated like a regular personal loan.  Which also means that these lenders make up their own rules when issuing loan and collecting on them.  They can increase the interest rates, if you miss a payment, they’ll send you collections, file the insurance claim get your student loan paid off and then force you to may them too.

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How do I get business credit cards and business loans with a 80 Paydex score?

Many people have come across misleading information of getting business credit cards with a 80 Paydex score.  First, you must understand a paydex score is a three digit number that given to a business from Dun and Bradstreet.  This number is generated once a business has four or more business tradelines or vendors reporting to them. 

Once you’ve generate this number trade vendors use this number to make a decision on whether they are willing to offer your business credit.  The higher the paydex score the better your chances are to being approved for credit.  If you have a paydex score below 80 points this lets the creditor know you are not paying your other vendors on time.

Now, if you’re trying to build your paydex score to get business credit cards or business lines of credit, there are other factors that are used to determine,if you’re going to get approved for business credit.  When you apply for business credit cards or business lines of credit, most lenders will want to look at your personal credit, your business bank statements, or your business financials.

The paydex score is irrelevant at this point when trying to get cash and credit for your business.  This is the reason we suggest people to stop wasting money on Net30 accounts and just fixed their personal credit and put the money into a business bank account.

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Should I Co-sign A loan, credit card, or Apartment for a Family member?

If you’re a parent then I suggest to add your kids on your credit accounts as authorize user.  This will build up their credit, so you as the parent will not need to co-sign for their student loans, cars, and apartments. 

Now, if you have a family member or love one that having credit issues and they ask if you would sign for them a car, credit card, or apartment, then I would suggest you not to do it.  The reason is that it could ruin the relationship.  For example, if a family needs to move into a new apartment and they ask you to co-sign and you decide to do it.  If that person loses his or her job, then you’ll be stuck with making the payments or ruining your personal credit and the relationship.

I always suggest if a person is having credit issues offer to help them repair their personal credit, if they refuse, then you know that person is not the one to be offering help too.  Some may argue that you should look at how financially responsible the person is in order to determine if it’s worth you putting your good personal credit on the line.  However, you must factor in that things could happen to the person or their employment and that may leave you on the hook for extra bills.

So, in conclusion, I would suggest find other ways to help them, rather reserve the relationship then jeopardize personal credit if the person is not will to fix their own credit.

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If You wish to see your credit report without using a credit card, here are 5 Free

 As, I dig deeper into learning how to properly run my business, one thing keeps popping UP. "YOU HAVE TO HAVE GOOD CREDIT IF YOU WANT LENDERS TO WORK WITH YOU." Some banks will accept a 620 credit score but many want at least a 680 fico score. Although, you're focused on the business, you still need to personal guarantee the funding if you don't have any assets to use as collateral. In my Ebook Insiders Bank secrets, I discuss this problem and some alternatives. Moving forward. understand that having bad credit makes it more challenging to get a credit card so you can pay to see your credit report. I decided to look around, and I found 5 credit companies that you can pull your credit from for FREE without using a credit card I hope this helps some of you.


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Get a professional review of your business credit file before you ask a banker or investor for money. Business Credit America knows it could be a very embarrassing and frustrating feeling to hear someone tell you that your business credit is not strong enough to be approved for a small business loan. We know what lenders are looking for in a business, and we could show you what's missing in your file that's keeping you from being approved for a loan. 1-888-883-3013

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Are you a small business owner that hates tax season?  You have to think of how you can reduce your tax bill and walk away with a nice tax return.  In this video I'll share with you a few resources that could save you thousands of dollars in your small business.  Many small business owners accountants, CPA's, or Attorneys don't share these writes with the majority of their clients.

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As a business owner, you may have heard that banks want to see a business plan, however that's not true. Banks want to see an action plan, which is a scaled down business plan that shows them how long it's going to take you to pay the loan back. The business plan is a road map to help keep you on track. For those that don't know what goes into a business plan here are the 7 main components.


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BIGGEST MISTAKE I MADE IN MY BUSINESS- I started my business with the notion, that if, I could lose enough money in my business it would offset my personal taxes. Although, it did help, I still lost money. You see, the thought of owning your own business, is about creating something profitable to take care of you and your love ones. Also, having something to pass on to that next generation that they can build off of because I don’t know of anyone who ever inherited a job.
Moving forward, I revaluated, why I was losing money in business. I realize that it was foolish of me to start a business just to lose money for tax purposes. I begin to learn, how setting up a business and managing it the right way, it would actually become profitable and lower my taxes.


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As Black Business Owners, we seem to think at times that the reason our businesses are not growing, because we don't get enough support from our own communities. Many of us have not realize because of social networking around the world, we now have a larger audience to offer our product or service too. So, I have a Question, Please, share your thoughts.


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In this Video I discuss CPN NUMBER IDENTITY THEFT the 4 most common issue people have when trying to use a CPN NUMBER.



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 Okay. Now, I hope that you all can see that. But the thing about the business credit score, what it is and how is it affecting your business? Now, I've broken it down into three categories because these are your most important categories. You have your PAYDEX score, you have your business credit rating, and then you have your bank rating. And talking about the PAYDEX score, a lot of people are concerned about their PAYDEX score, which is 80 or above. However, the PAYDEX score is only good for trade vendors and net vendors. So, if you really don't need those type of companies, you're just trying to get funding for another project, or whatever, this really wouldn't be an impact on you because you're not trying to get trade credit or Net 30. Net 30, Net 7, Net 15, they have different wants, such as Net Vendor credit and stuff, and Trade credit. That's basically like your Seton, ULine, Grainger. And what ends up happening most of the time, we buy from these companies just to get them to report on our business credit, to get a PAYDEX score. However, the thing about it, the majority of the stuff we buy, we usually don't need it for our business.

 And so, we got stuck in this... This is mainly part of the tier system method where they teach you, set the company up, buy some Net 30s then buy another round of Net 30s, then apply for some gas cards, then attempt to apply for some unsecured cards. Usually, the tier system... I can truly attest to this, it usually will take you anywhere from nine months to a year or longer. Depends on how active you are in your business. Okay, so that's what the PAYDEX score. The PAYDEX rating is 80 or above, meaning that you're good a payer. You pay good on time, okay, and it's just mainly for vendor credit.

 Now, your business credit rating. Your business credit rating, this is important. This is an important factor because this determines if you get business loans or business credit cards. So that's what the business credit rating is. That's the reason that you'd see me on the video always telling you to update your financials. Make sure you do the UCCs, things like that. That's what affects your business credit rating. And then I told you about the different banks to go to in my ebook that tell you where to go and get those secured bank cards and stuff, because that will help with their business credit rating.

 Now, this is one that most people aren't aware of and not too many people speak of it, maybe because they don't. But the bank rating... Now the bank rating actually deals with... Well, your business bank rating. It actually deals with the activity of the business checking account in which you should have... When you're setting up a corporation, usually what I teach on, with the corporation, with C corporations, you wanna to have three accounts. You wanna have a business checking account, a business savings, and a business expense account. And in my ebook, I explain to you why you want to have those accounts set up like that. But the business banking ratings this year, is where it goes off the activity. How many deposits have been in the account? How often are you depositing money into the account? How long does the deposit stay in there? And the larger the amount of money you deposit in the bank, and the longer it stays, the higher your rating. So, the larger the amount, the longer it stays, the higher your rating.

 So, this is your bank rating. This is what really determines the amount of money they're gonna loan you. This here determines whether you're gonna get approved for unsecured credit cards and/or loans with a business credit rating. But this here, determines the amount of money. So those are the two differences there. So, you have your PAYDEX score, which is talking about your trade credit or your vendors. Your trade vendors, which describe you as Net 30s, you're Net 7s, you're net 15. Then you have the business credit rating, and this is what determines you being approved for loans or credit cards, unsecured or secured, okay. But your bank rating, that's dealing with the activity on those business bank accounts, okay. So, the more money you have in it, the longer it stays in it, determines the amount of money they're gonna loan you, future-wise. So, this is just a basic video I wanted to break down to you guys, so you can understand. If you are looking at companies, and they are not explaining this process to you, to actually help decide whether you should let them help you or you should do it on your own, then you don't need them because they should be at least explaining some of these basics to you. If they're not explaining these basics to you, they're wasting your time guys. And more likely they're gonna linger you on, so that you are paying them more money, but at the same time you're not getting any results.

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Hey guys! Houston here with Business Credit America, and today I'm just gonna get right to the point, and I wanted to talk to you all about Sallie Mae Student Loans. And I know from many of you all, may have seen my student loan video removal of Sallie Mae Student Loans. And the thing about it, you actually can't have those type of student loans because they're, not under the government guidelines. If you have government student loans, you can go to If you go to, right there, all of your government student loans, they can consolidate them all into one, and they will lower your payments.

In reference to your private student loans, because they're all under FDCPA, you have the right if you have to, if you need to file bankruptcy, those types of student loans, you can, especially like Sallie Mae. Sallie Mae is a privately held company, and I tell a lot of people that call me, and I talk to them about their student loan. By them being a privately held company, they're not under the government guidelines. And so you do have a right to file bankruptcy under that because like with Wells Fargo, with Chase Bank, Sallie Mae, they all fall under...

What type... What it is is that Sallie Mae... Sallie Mae, what they were doing, they would go to the government, and they would buy student loans from the government. And then, "Okay, we're going to service these." So the government like, "Well, okay. If you service these then, you have to pay us a monthly insurance payment on these loans." See, when you took a student loan, they automatically used... But most of the time they automatically loaned you until the insurance program. And so that insurance program was for in case you default, then the insurance company pays off that loan for you. And so, like a lot of people, they don't know that.

 And if you ask for your original contract with whoever, whatever school you went to, when you signed up for Sallie Mae, if they can't produce that contract, then they should not be reported on your credit report anyway. Also, another thing that Sallie Mae does is that say, that you defaulted way back when on your loan. What they'll do to keep on the collection practices, they'll re-age your account. And so they never report the original default date. So that puts you, like you're just starting over when you actually, because of the seven year time lapse on a loan or a regular loan except for a government loan, then it should have been folding up your credit anyway. But what they do, they re-age your account so to keep the student loan on there, especially when they're not backed by the government.

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Are you in bad need of money for your business but you have bad credit.  In this video, I teach you a process to acquiring a loan for your business even with bad credit. I give you the break down on what you need to set the business up properly so that the business qualifies for that loans.

Even more I teach you how to find investors for your business.

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How does incorporating your small business benefit you?  In this video, I'll share with you 7 of the great benefits of a corporation.  You'll also learn how easy it is to save thousands of dollars in your small business.

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5 Bad Credit Financing Sources 5 Tips on How to get Bad Credit Financing.

1. Merchant cash advances- these are loans that are done off of future credit card receipts. It you have an merchant account with flagship merchant, square-up, paypal, or intuit, just to name a few. You can attempt to get a loan without them looking at your personal credit. Although, I still feel you should focus on fixing your personal credit.

2. Forming a partnership with some that has access to cash or credit is another good resource. As long as, they have an clear understanding of what portion of the business they would own. This is why Business Credit America encourages entrepreneurs and business owners to setup C-corporations so you can just issue stocks instead of making people partnerships.

3. Micro-loans- are made by non-profit organizations, such as Accion (, which will grant small loans (up to $50,000) designed to help startups owned by women and minorities, as well as companies that are established in economic empowerment zones. Loans are also available through the Small Business Administration's (SBA) Microloan Program, which lends funds through non-profit community-based intermediary lenders. Microloans are a great option for businesses with bad credit or no credit histories because their credit requirements are typically more lenient.

4. Crowd funding- is a resource of private investors that are looking for business to invest in for a higher return on their money. When the banks experienced that financial melt down, they stop lending money to business owners. Many of their investors were not getting good returns on bank cd's, money market accounts, or annuities, so these investors started to lend money to small businesses in return for a better interest rate of return. They don't focus on the personal credit. These investors are looking at the profitability of the business is how they determine who they will invest their money with.

5. IRA'S- A lot of people that are still employed or may have access to their retirement plans, may want to consider borrowing from it. The term is called ROB- roll over business. We will discuss how to use the IRA's without being penalized early in the forums.

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