YourNight is a free social interactive site where you can connect with your friends and family. Similar to Facebook, with better functionality. You can expand the Whiteboard so it is easier to read and reply.

-With your YourNight profile, you can create up to five separate profiles, one for your friends, family, professional associates, a blogging profile, and a dating profile if you chose to do so.

-YourNight is message specific, which means, the unique thing with YourNight is when you create your "What are you doing now?" message, you can send it to only one or all of your 5 five profiles people. This means you can have your message viewed by only your friends, and your family and professional profile people will not see it, which means, better privacy. With Facebook, everyone sees what you write.

-YourNight comes with customizable widgets. With YourNight, you have a page where you can have access to your favorite sites, such as Gmail, AOL, Yahoo, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, CNN, People, Amazon, Ebay, Target, Bank of America, Wachovia, to name a few.

-YourNight is creating a shopping network where you can purchase products at major retailers at up to 20% off. Major retailers such as Best Buy, Target,, Expedia,, Walmart, and other major retailers, are partnering with YourNight.

-YourNight is a referral social site. You need to be invited by or know someone who is a member of YourNight to create your free profile. This is important, because is sharing in the revenues it receives with its members. YourNight needs to track who you refer, because you can receive additional income, if you chose, based on their buying habits from the shopping site and the Gold Member referral program. You can receive 1% cash back of the total purchase amount of all the people that you refer, when they purchase items through the YourNight website. Cash Back rewards can be increased to up to 2.5% if certain requirements are made.

-With YourNight, you have the option to upgrade to a Gold Member for $10.00 per month, if you chose. (6.80) If you live in the UK. You can always remain as a free member of YourNight and enjoy the entertainment value of being able to socialize with friends and family, if that is your desire. There are many additional cash reward benefits for Gold Members, one of which is, you can receive $2.00 per month of all the people that you refer, with a minimum of five people who upgrade to Gold Member status. Hence, your $10.00 per month membership is paid for by your cash rewards from the $2.00 each you receive for the referrals of the five Gold Members.

-YourNight is also a charitable organization. $0.50 a month from every Gold Membership is transferred to, a not-for-profit sister company to YourNight. The donations are planned to be distributed within the area that they are collected from.

Those are just a few of the major benefits of creating a free profile with YourNight's goal is to become the major social website on the internet. Facebook currently has over 400 million members. If YourNight surpasses that, just imagine the friends you could make, the professional connections you could make, the additional income you could make, and the monetary contributions you could create for the world!

Create your "FREE" profile today.

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Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, feel like you have the gift of gab or just don’t know how to make small talk, networking know-how is very important for your business success. There is a notion in business that I believe most of us subscribe to that says “all things being equal, people will do business with and refer business to those they know, like and trust.” And the key to this is obviously being able to develop relationships.Think of networking as the cultivation of mutually beneficial, win-win relationships. In order to be win-win, there must be GIVE and take (notice the emphasis on give). Networking shouldn’t be viewed as “events” where you go to sell your business. When effective networking is taking place, the parties involved actively share ideas, information, resources, etc.Ok, so you know that you should be networking because it is one of the most cost-effective lead generation activities when used wisely, appropriately and professionally. But, maybe that seems easier said than done. Here’s a seven step plan to really get going with networking for your business.1. Check out several groups to find the best chemistry and perceived value. Most groups will allow you to come and visit at least a couple of times before you have to join. Go and ask around to find out why others have joined and what value they get out of belonging.Resist the urge to just go join the Chamber of Commerce simply because everyone tells you that’s what you need to do. If that’s not where your target group can be found, then you might just be wasting a considerable amount of time (and money).I’m not telling you not to join the Chamber. Just be clear about what you’d like to get out of this or any other group. If it’s to find prospective clients or referral sources, then you need to be networking where those resources can be found.2. When you find a group or two, join and go to all the meetings you can. Don’t go just once or twice expecting things to happen and then if they don’t quit. Building mutually beneficial, win-win relationships will take some time.The contacts you make need to constantly see your face and hear your message. Continual contact with others over time will open up opportunities for you to go deeper and learn more about each others thoughts, ideas and capabilities in regards to your respective businesses.Know, like, and trust generally only happens over time. Being regular and persistent will pay off.3. Get involved - be visible. Do as much as you can to make yourself more visible within the organization. Volunteer to help with meetings, be on committees, or become a leader or board member.Being involved does a couple of things for you and your business. First, you’ll get more opportunities to establish connections and get to know some of the contacts you’ve made even better. Secondly, the higher the visibility you have in the group, the less you’ll have to work to make new connections. Instead, as new people come into the group, they will likely seek you out because they view you as a leader within the organization.4. Keep your circles of contacts informed. Don’t just assume that running in to someone once a month (or even once a week) will cause them to start doing business with you or sending it your way. You need to let them know what’s going on when you’re not at that particular group in order to inform and educate them.Send them invitations to your events or open houses. Send them email or letters to share big news or success stories, especially anything of relevance to them or those in their networks of contacts. If you believe that you have valuable ideas, information and resources to share with others, then doesn’t this just make sense?5. Work at GIVING referrals and sharing valuable information. That’s right, you need to be willing to GIVE before you get. That means you need to get to know other members and what makes a good prospect for them. What kinds of information might you have access to that could be useful to them?You may initially think you don’t have much of value to share with others (besides your business and what you provide). Part of the key to getting good at giving is to not make assumptions. For example, don’t assume that some basic resource (e.g., a web site) that you’re aware of is familiar to someone you might be talking to just because they are the “expert” in that field. Be willing to ask if they know about the resource and ready to share if they don’t.Want to get better at actually giving referrals? Here’s a simple question to ask someone you’re connecting with. “How am I going to know when I meet a really good prospect for you?”Just the fact that you are willing to explore giving will elevate your know, like and trust factor.6. Focus on Quality, not Quantity, Quantity, Quantity. It’s not necessarily about the number of connections you make, but about the quality of the ones you do make. Are they mutually beneficial, win-win relationships?Quality connections will be identifiable because all involved parties will be actively sharing ideas, information, and resources. Yes, it is true that you need to spend some time and effort getting to know the other person(s) and what’s important to them. But, you also need to be clear and actively thinking about what information or resources you want and need.Staying in touch with and following up with a smaller number of quality relationships will generally be much more productive than trying to follow up with a larger number of superficial contacts.7. Be persistent, but be patient. The goal of a networking event shouldn’t necessarily be to come away with prospects every time you go out, but to come away with great connections. Networking usually takes time to get the relationships developed and nurtured.Don’t approach networking as a scary proposition or a necessary evil for being in business. Take the pressure off yourself and really focus on how you might be able to connect with someone you meet. Focus on them first and look for ways to be useful to them. As you become known as a connector you’ll eventually be ready to reap what you sow.
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Are You Shooting Yourself In The Foot?

Have you ever been at a networking function talking to someone when during the conversation you felt very self-conscious trying to say the right thing? Were you afraid that maybe if you said the wrong thing the person might not find you likable, and therefore not want to do business with you?

If you have, I am about to tell you why you should not worry about it. I want to share with you the reason why being careful about what we say works against us in the networking environment.

Our goal in business networking should be to establish new relationships and through the process of follow-up develop them over time. As with any relationship, being honest plays a very important role in that development.

When we meet someone for the first time, we want to make a good impression. Often we put on our "party face" so that we do. This can often cause us problems that we do not expect. One problem is that when we try to appear to be something that we really do not feel inside of us, we often have a fear that we are going to be "discovered". This fear causes us to feel uncomfortable about the situation and though we may be smiling, we are really cringing inside :-)

Most people worry that if they just be who they are, that no one can accept them. I argue that if we do not just be ourselves, sooner or later who we really are will slip out and then we will have to deal with the consequences of being discovered. This then leads to a feeling of distrust between people.

Have you ever been in a relationship with a person of the opposite sex where you did not tell them something important early on and later had to reveal it or even worse it was revealed by accident? It leads for difficult times after that and a lot of shuffling and apologizing.

In my opinion, it is better to risk being who I am up front. To let people know exactly how I feel. People, for the most part, have a forgiving nature. They actually want to forgive. If you make a mistake and say something that can be potentially embarrassing, you can always apologize for it and be forgiven. But if you say something that is not necessarily true and are discovered later, your credibility may be permanently damaged.

If you go into a networking environment prepared to be relaxed and genuine, you will find that it is a lot more fun to be there. If you have a plan of action to really get to know people, you will be much more productive in a shorter amount of time. People will feel comfortable talking to you and you to them. In an environment of truth, more people will want to do business with you and to be around you.

Authentic enthusiasm is contagious. You will always appear to be more attractive when you are excited about what you are doing. When you are not worried about making mistakes, you will appear to be happier. Being happy about the situation will help you to smile more, and the smiling face is a natural human attractor.

So next time you attend a networking function, just be yourself. Your results will improve and you will feel better when you leave to go home. Over time, the difference will be measurable in more ways than just your income. You will find that you have more real good friends than you had ever imagined possible. When it comes time for the referral, your real good friend will remember you because friends really do refer friends.

Talk to ya soon! :-)


Charlotte Howard

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April 19, 2010


Imagine receiving insight from 9 savvy experts in various fields that will catapult your personal, spiritual and business growth from the comfort of their home. The information shared is valued at hundreds and more, however, you won't pay that. The cost of this empowering event is FREE! Discover insider tips and strategies without the hype.

Why free? Robin Tramble the host of this event is passionate about
empowering women to discover their authentic self, get unstuck and live a big, bold, beautiful and deliciously authentic life!

TheEmpowered Woman Entrepreneur Telesummit will include topics on business
success, social media, life balance, health and fitness, empowerment,
military moms success, Parents and their teens and overcoming challenges.

Our featured speakers include:

Robin Tramble
Maruxa Murphy
Pam Perry
Lynne Lee
Sue Miley
Lynnis Mullins
NickCole Byrd
Nishaline Hines
Lori Bell

Weinvite you to take advantage of this empowering event. Your life will be enriched and your personal, spiritual and business growth will be catapulted!

Of course we encourage you to make all of the calls, however, you will have access to the replay for a limited time.
If you desire to secure a permanent copy for your collection you will be given an opportunity to do so.
You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!

TheEmpowered Woman Entrepreneur Telesummit is sponsored by Robin Tramble
Authentic life International and The Association of Christian Women

Register now at

Welook forward to having you join us!

This event will fill so reserve your spot now at
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Top Ten Marketing Mistakes

Marketing is a contest for people's attention. Traditional mass marketing fights for people's attention by interrupting them. A 30-second spot interrupts your favorite TV show, a telemarketer calls right when you are sitting down to dinner. In the past, this has been quite effective. But now, there's been a paradigm shift. There's too much information - too much going on - and we're being overloaded with interruptions.

Last year, the average consumer saw or heard over 1 million marketing messages - that's close to 3,000 per day. No one can pay attention to that many distractions. So what consumers have started to do is ignore them. So how does a small business owner combat that?

Most small business owners complain that "Nobody knows who we are or what we do!" I know the answer to that predicament: "They don't tell anyone!" And if they are marketing and promoting - they are not doing it effectively. They are forgetting who their customer is (target market) and they give little consideration to how to reach them.

Most companies market haphazardly. They are drawn in a million marketing directions and often fail to create a targeted marketing strategy.

Just like The David Letterman Show - Here's a list of Top Ten Small Business Marketing Mistakes:

1. a different logo, look and tagline with every promotional piece

2. Believing one or two print ads will give a business instant success

3. Not hiring professionals to do a professional job

4. Forgetting to make the most of a first impression

5. Not understanding, defining or remembering your target market

6. Creating a marketing plan but never looking at it or implementing it

7. Neglecting to track marketing dollars - return on investment

8. Ineffective use of time and money with networking and charitable giving

9. Selling features not solutions, benefits and value to the customer

10. Not reserving their domain/URL

Have you evaluate last year's marketing plan or do you have a plan at all?

Planning is the key to effective marketing - but it doesn't have to be complicated or costly.


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As you all probably know, I’m one of millions of people with a Facebook. (It’s probably one of the sites I frequent most). And being a professional, I want to be sure my profile on there says, well, professionalism.

Maybe you haven’t thought about it much, but what you put on Facebook and other social networking sites affects how people, especially professionals and potential clients and customers, see you. So, in my opinion anyway, your online profiles should portray you in a good light. Here are some ways to help you can create and/or reinvent your online rep:

  • Use a tasteful profile picture. It’s probably the first thing people see when clicking on your Facebook page, so be sure you are actually in the photo (unless, of course, it’s Doppleganger week or something). Secondly, make sure the picture is tasteful: You on vacation in your swimsuit? Okay. You in your bedroom with sexy lingerie on? Not so much- save that for your significant other or something. And finally, be sure the picture is big enough so people will actually recognize you.

  • More on photos. Watch which ones you post and the ones others tag you in. You shouldn’t have photos of you passed out drunk or of you and that guy making out at a party. One way to decide if your pics are appropriate: Ask yourself if you’d want your grandmother to see it. If not, take it down or untag yourself if it’s not yours.

Check out the other tips here.

Please feel free to share any tips you have below, and happy networking!

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Tween Advocate & Author - Traci Campbell, Chicago, ILGiven all of the pressures and issues today’s tweens face, the internet is both a blessing and, potentially, a curse. Many local companies and entrepreneurs are taking up the cause to make the internet, and specifically social networking, a safer environment for tweens.

Many tweens are just being awakened to the allure of the internet world. Their initial exposure may be limited to just sending email or looking up items on Google. However, Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter usage will likely come into play for tweens as well.

To assist in the issue of protecting tweens online, a new social networking site, called BFF less than three, is being created. The creators, Roy and Ed Suda, are recent Illinois Institute of Technology grads. For those new to social networking and internet lingo, “BFF” is short for “Best Friends Forever” and the less than three (the number three) looks like a heart laying on its side.

This new network will focus on the security and safety of tweens by employing a couple of methods. First, the network will use the idea of “necklaces” to not only verify the user, but to also make it possible, once the user is verified, to connect only to others that the user knows. Secondly, the network will provide parents a report, via email, so that they can regularly see the communication trail of their tween. Such safeguards will help parents to mitigate the risk and exposure of online predators.

While the BFF network sounds like a potentially great social network for tweens, there will still be the need for parents to actively monitor their tween’s online usage. Starting with mentally accepting that the online world is a major component of how this generation communicates is key. Parents who may not already be internet or computer savvy will need to educate themselves more thoroughly in order to effectively help in the safeguarding tweens as they mature in their own personal internet and social network usage.


About the Author:
Traci S Campbell is the top advocate for tweens and teens from single parent homes. She is the host of Heroes at Home Radio dedicated to providing single parents with inspiration and motivation by featuring other single parents and the author of The C.H.A.M.P. Within program designed to enrich the lives of children and teens from single-parent homes.

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Girlfriend Pray......Everyday!

Start your day in Prayer! You are cordially invited to join us EVERY weekday morning for corporate prayer!

Over 200 women come together to virtually touch and agree in prayer every morning for 15 minutes (sometimes more!)

Simply call in, Mute your line, and PRAY with us!

"Where one or two are gathered in MY name, there am I(Jesus) in the midst.

Post your prayer requests on our group page on Facebook! (copy and paste link below)!/pages/Girlfriends-Pray/251570827282?v=wall&ref=nf

It's free! It doesn't cost a thing to come pray! A "divine" way to start every day!

And the men are praying to.....
Details below:

Girlfriends Pray every weekday (Mon - Fri) morning at 7 - 7:15 AM est. 616-712-3800 Passcode 1073800#

Mon, Wed, Fri 7 to 7:15
Thurs 12:30 pm EST
(712) 432-0075 code 514320#

Bring your spirit of prayer and praise with you!
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Many business owners, big and small along with Entrepreneurs attend Social Networking Events in expectation of gaining a new client, customer and or establishing a relationship. Many of these same people don't have any idea about how to present their business products or services to their potential client or customer to begin establishing the relationship.If you have been use to sharing your entire business plan, business description to people or lengthy statements at social networking events and going on and on about your business, telling them how great your company is or sharing how great your products are, you have been totally wrong and more than likely have not ever heard from those people that you gave all that great information to.Most times those people will never contact you or consider buying from you. They don't take a second thought about anything that you said, because you have not given them the information that they are looking for.Here are 3 things wrong with giving that much information about your business or product & services to someone that you just met.First, you have taken up too much of their time.Second, you have wasted alot of your own time. While you were giving out that much information to 1-3 people, you could have worked the entire room using your elevator pitch.Third, no one really wants to hear all the in depth details about your business products and services, they only want to know the benefit to them or the solution to their problem.What is an elevator pitch?An elevator pitch is an overview of an idea for a product, service, or project. The name reflects the fact that an elevator pitch should be possible to deliver in the time span of an elevator ride, meaning in a maximum of 30 seconds and in 130 words or fewer. (Wikipedia)Your "elevator pitch" is the tool you use to communicate your message to your listener about who you are, what you offer and what's in it for them. It can be used at Networking Events and on social networking sites.Resources to Help with Your Elevator Pitch:-Give Your Elevator Pitch a Lift-Elevator Pitch Essentials-How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds or LessCharlene Brown is the Founder and Visionary of The Black Business Cafe, a Social Networking Organization in Maryland. Mrs. Brown was #38 on the list of 50 of the most powerful and influential women in social media 2008 and is a Grand Connector with a mission to bring her local community together to do business with each other. Mrs Brown is often called a social networking guru and expert by her peers, however she prefers to be "The Grand Connector". Visit her website,
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Get Noticed Now!

I wanted to share with my fellow networkers my new project. Recently, I have come in contact with several members of various sites and I have been asked time and time again where did you come from and how did you make such an impression so fast. Well I love people and I have always been a people person and every field that I have worked in has been catered around helping others, it’s a passion that I have. I spend a lot of time doing so, but I don’t mind because it’s fun. My fiancé asked me the other night, “Why don’t you help others do the same thing that you have done; I’m sure that they would appreciate it.” Now if you have been following my blog you will know that once a “Richetta” gets started on something there is no turning back. I hope that I will be able to reach and help others grow they’re market and GET NOTICED!!So until the next time this is Coach Richetta!Have a wonderful Tuesday!Coach Richetta BlackmonEmpowering Women- “One Lady at a Time”
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Social Networks - "The Purpose" Part 2

I want to say thank you to all of you that responded to Part one of this post. I appreciated all of the comments whether they were good or bad, sweet or bitter. I welcome all suggestions, comments or critics because it brings awareness to the mindset of my valued readers.This response is to clear the air and to make sure that I make my intentions known to all. The blog was intended to raise awareness not to attack anyone or their site. If I’m a member of your site then that means that you haven’t failed me, when members start leaving that’s when you start becoming concerned. I posed the following questions concerning social networks on the previous post:1. Does the network description, mission or purpose match what is actually happening?2. Do you receive feed back and information from site manager, group leaders etc?3. Are the groups active? Meaning is there a discussion thread started at least once a week?4. Is the network administrator accessible?5. The blogs, are they informative and submitted daily? (Versus Just marketing holes)These were just questions to think about, I still feel that they are valid as a voluntary member of all ning sites. As a member and network administrator I have expectations, it’s a two-way street. Now if your site is a private group that you reign over, then yes you may have a dictatorship and then that site may not be for everyone. However the sites that I administrate are meant to be community based, meaning everyone is important and valued. For if you have a membership site and you have no members…what purpose would that serve?So with that said, my points are intended for my members too, I want to be held to a standard and would hope that my other network administrators should feel the same way. It’s not to say that if you don’t meet all those areas that you have a bad site or you’re not doing your job, it’s just something to think about. Maybe you are too busy in your offline life. Some suggestions may be to elicit group leaders or site administrators. And of course essentially it is your site, to do as you please with it and by all means I respect anyone’s wishes, I’m really easy to get along with...However tonight I was ask to leave someone’s network because of that blog and to be honest I had never had a conversation with her before, no welcome to the site, nothing. You can’t please everyone and you will die trying. I feel I have a voice and I will not be muzzled but I have enough humility to know when to say maybe I should have been clearer with my intentions. Maybe I should have reworded that etc…I only named a few sites because I did not want to make a long list and leave out 3 sites and those administrators would have thought I was talking about them. I’m a member of 40+ sites and I was a member of 50+ I already left the ones that I was talking about. I would never get on a persons site and post a blog attacking them that would be so rude and just plan wrong.In addition let it be known what a blog is:“A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is “blogging” and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger.” SourceSo when reading a blog please understand that they are meant to inform, entertain, encourage or provoke thought. But at the end of the day their just a person’s personal views, ideas and blurbs. Now if the person is a verifiable expert on that subject matter then that is when you can make there blog semi-law and still there is room for flaws. Don’t be so quick to condemn them. For blogging is just my way of expression and it profits me nothing to offend anyone; that would be counterproductive.May we all work together to create the environments that we desire.This Coach Richetta, until the next time be empowered to greatness!Coach RichettaEmpowering Women: “One Lady at a Time”
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Social Networks, "The Purpose"

I have a few points to ponder as it concerns Social Networks! I had a conversation with a member of one of my Ning sites and we both were concerned about the growing number of Ning sites that are no more than a space full of faces and no activity. I’m a member of 40+ Ning sites and this doesn’t include the many other social networks that I’ve joined. I must admit that I use them all as a marketing tool, however I only joined sites that interest me, for instance I wouldn’t join a site for ladies who love snakes just because there’s a lot of ladies on the network. I can’t stand the sight of snakes so that wouldn’t work for me, no matter how many women I can pitch my spill to.With that said I went on every site and asked my self five questions:1. Does the network description, mission or purpose match what is actually happening?2. Do you receive feed back and information from site manager, group leaders etc?3. Are the groups active? Meaning is there a discussion thread started at least once a week?4. Is the network administrator accessible?5. The blogs, are they informative and submitted daily? (Versus Just marketing holes)Clearly most of the sites failed miserably. This taught me a lot about what not to do as a Ning Network Administrator. I have a desire to recruit sustain members that are interested in my mission and want to benefit from being on my networks. I decided that quality is better that quantity; I have at least 10 members that joined and haven’t been back on the network since. Now what purpose does that serve?

On Women Support Women you will receive the following, if not I hope that you would cancel membership:• Groups will have a leader that creates discussion and evokes activity weekly.• A weekly theme that is inspirational and motivational.• Access to network administrator (I return emails, answers questions, welcome suggestions etc)• Access to monthly workshops• An environment that matches the site mission and description.I want you to know that these are my goals and I want to be held accountable. If this network is for you please join and hold me to it. I want to be the best but I have learned a lot of good and bad from the rest. Let me put the good on Blast, the bad well we won’t discuss them.Sites that are vibrant have active groups, the administrator is accessible to some degree, the blogs are excellent and I feel at home. No particular order, some are large, some are growing. This is just 5. I know there’s probably many more out there. Please no one take offense. (LOL that’s me)http://thedivinewellnesscenter.ning.comhttp://naturalandhappy.ning.comhttp://sistapreneurs.ning.com hope this information is helpful to you! I would love to hear your response. I think that Social Networks are great but when they're targeted to a center niche, the audience is there because they expect certain things from it. It’s not MySpace, facebook or Black Planet. We expect to be lost in the crowd on those networks. However when we join a network for women who love to knit we expect to find information as it relates to knitting. Thanks for your ear!Coach Richetta BlackmonEmpowering Women –“One Lady at a Time”
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8 Secrets to Black Business Owners Networking

There are several secrets to networking in a particular field or industry. Networking is literally one of the main keys to spreading the word about your business. This article will focus on Black Business Owners due to black business owners are more likely to fail 5 times more than their counterparts.

In March 2008, a huge campaigned was launched by Lee Green to teach, train, empower and edify black business owners. Online entrepreneurship and marketing training for black business owners was developed through a membership site. Although there is massive amounts of information within the membership club, this article will discuss 8 secrets to networking and being a member of the largest money attracting and marketing training organization focusing on Black business owners and those who desire to start their very own business.

The reason the below benefits are secrets is mainly because few business owners have the knowledge when it comes to networking online and marketing their business online.

1. Business Directory
Business directories are a great tool when you have a body of individuals whose sole purpose is to provide the best services to their customers and partners. Members are given the opportunity to showcase their business, gifts, skills, talents and abilities in the form of a directory. When a member is ready to buy or is in need of a particular service they will look within the membership first to purchase what they want, need and or desire.

2. Business Benefits
The business benefits within the Black Business Builders Club is enormous. A guide on how to make money online , internet marketing training videos, business ebooks and articles, and software programs are just a few of the benefits offered to members. The benefits can be utilized by the entire family and not just business owners.

3. Training
Internet Marketing Training is becoming more and more prevalent as people begin to come online to start a business of some sort. Its imperative that people are taught how to effectively market online, not be scammed and learn how not to spam. Training is offered via webinars, conference calls, video, audio, email, blogs and articles.

4. Discounts
Travel and shopping discounts are also offered to members. Members can be found receiving discounts from major retail stores, car gasoline discounts and travel discounts.

5. Video Communications
Video and audio being used on websites, within articles, on capture pages and on blogs is big business. Email marketing is pretty much the same. The Black Business Builders Club offers video/ audio postcards which have received rave reviews. Can you imagine receiving an email that is in video form? The video postcards have been known to encourage people to become members because they are so impressed receiving a personalize video/audio postcard.

6. Networking
Networking provides an opportunity to build alliances. Networking and building relationships is completed online. Each member is a member of the National Black Business Trade Association ( The mission of the NBBTA in short is to empower and uplift entrepreneurs.

Weekly trainings are offered where members learn from presenters which is an opportunity for relationships and stronger communication amongst members.

Messaging systems and club chats are available for members to contact each other and for members to get on a group call to discuss pertinent issues or to just strike up general conversations.

Interactive discussions stemmed from blogs and forums keeps the membership community interactive with several topics being discussed and learned on a daily basis.

7. Earn Income
The key to having more household income coming in than going out is saving and for consumers to find opportunities to earn referral fees on products and services they are already using. There are many telephone companies who will give their customers a referral fee for telling others about their service. This is the easiest way to keep more household income. The Black Business Builders Membership Club gives members the opportunity to earn 74% referral fees when they inform other people.

In conclusion, having a business directory is basically free traffic for members and it gives members the opportunity to buy from one another which results in recycling dollars within the membership. The business benefits are valuable for any business owner or for any person who is interested in building a solid prosperous business online.

Training, discounts and cutting edge technological tools and resources are beneficial for members who want to stay in the fore front of the ever evolving world of changes on the Internet.

8. Lastly, the Black Business Builders Membership Club gives members the opportunity to learn while they earn an income. The sky is the limit as far as how much a person would like to earn by way of referral fees. The idea is for business owners to effectively learn how to market their business online, realize the success they are achieving from learning how to effectively market online and earn referral fees while building and sustaining their business.

Rhonda Hicks believes in finding information and delivering it to the masses. For more information on Black Business Networking please visit Recycle Community Dollars or call Rhonda at 316.665.6918.

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Women Entrepreneurs don’t have to look much farther for assistance starting, growing, and expanding their businesses. Beauties on the Go, LLC is offering a three tier business membership to help small businesses become the number one choice to consumers in the marketplace.Membership marketing is the backbone of driving client and organizational relationships. When businesses are active members of membership programs, they have access to supportive groups, a network of strong professional contacts, and resources that can increase any business.Beauties on the Go is offering a three tier membership; Pink, Sepia and Purple.The benefits that these membership programs offer are top notch for any female business owner. Beauties on the Go that all members are supported and remain inspired through the entire program. Moreover, members receive the support of Beauties on the Go and resources that help toward the advancement of women entrepreneurs; access to targeted business demographics; live/interactive customer relationships, valuable savings on exclusive event invites online, phone conferences, workshops, as well as chances to enter VIP drawings/contests.Beauties on the Go simplifies women’s lives and is a community created by women for women that lead busy lives. Beauties on the Go provides the most inspirational and supportive resources and network available.Grow your business while giving back to your community. When purchasing your membership, part of the proceeds go directly into funding the TEEN L.U.V.E Program-for at-risk teens as well as support for other charities Beauties on the Go believes in. YOU get to choose from a list of charities that BOTG believes in and know that a percentage of your paid membership goes toward the betterment of your chosen charity.For Membership Details Click Here and/or read below.The Pink membership has a $59.00 set up fee and starts at $39.00 per month and offers the women’s inspirational guide, Her Little Ways to help women get through the difficult and frustrating times, the e-book Crush Your Competition and Brand Yourself and Your Business in the Social Media Age, a guide that shows women how to crush and take market share from their competition as well as a business directory listing, back links to help with search engine optimization, VIP passes to conferences and 20% off all BOTG events, products, web design and social media services.The Sepia membership has a $129.00 set up fee and starts at $99.00 per month and offers all of the products/services in the Pink package with an additional 30 minutes of personalized life coaching and 30 minutes of personalized business consulting, while the Purple membership provides the most resources.The Purple membership has a $229.00 set up fee and starts at $199.00 per month and includes all of the products/services that the Sepia package includes but with one hour of personalized life coaching and one hour of personalized business consulting, an introduction into the Beauties on the Go newsletter, a Woman Owned Store Front, and Young Living all natural health energy drink.

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Thank You and Happy New Year

Happy New Year! I just wanted to express my appreciation for your support of Building Industry Resources. This year has brought new relationships and opportunities to connect and share information with thousands of professionals in a variety of ways. Whether you read our newsletters or blog, attended one of our workshops, downloaded our resource materials, emailed, connected on social networking sites, called, or contracted our services, communicating and working with you is truly a blessing.Thank you! You are the reason Building Industry Resources exists – to empower you to be the best. And even if your work is not directly related to the design and building profession, I’m grateful that we are connected. I hope that we can share information to mutually benefit each other's business and career goals.Although this past year brought challenges to many, I am excited to think of the possibilities of 2010. The New Year promises new beginnings, innovation, and creative collaboration. Let’s look forward to an increase in projects, new partnerships, and business-building opportunities.Wishing you peace, joy, great memories, and dreams fulfilled this holiday season and throughout the New Year!Karen A. DavisBuilding Industry Resources
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Finally a resource designed with you in mind.Access the power of a network of like-minded women!The time has come for a platform that will support Christianwomen entrepreneurs in their endeavor for building thrivingbusinesses based on Kingdom principles.Women have expressed a desire to learn from women of like mindand The Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs has beencreated as a solution to this desire.The Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs is foundedby Robin G. Tramble, Life Empowerment Coach,Mentor,Trainer,public speaker, recording artist and CEO of Robin Tramble International.ACWE will serve as a platform to equip, support, train,coachand mentor women in various areas of personal, businessand spiritual growth. There will be opportunities for networkingas the goal of ACWE is to draw a diverse group of women with abroad range of expertise allowing members to benefit fromthe resources available in this community.During prelaunch members will be able to join at a reduced ratefor 4 months as the foundation is laid. Founding members will beable to speak into the development of the Association.(Free during December and 3 months reduced after special promo )There will also be expert contributors that will contributethe articles and other resources such as the monthly expert callsBenefits of joining1. Member access onlyYou will have access to the member site with vast resources.Audios, articles (blog posts), tips, discussions and more!2. Synergy Energy from NetworkRealize the synergy energy from being surrounded by like-mindedwomen who are all routing for your success. Glean from thevast resource bank of expertise and years of experience inpersonal, business and spiritual success from women whoshare the same values and principles as you do.3. *Monthly expert callsYou'll receive monthly calls from the expertise of the womenin this dynamic association. Robin G. Tramble will lead theway, however, experts from the membership and others will joinRobin on occasion to share their wisdom on subjects such as, onlineand offline business success, internet marketing, marketing,attractingclients, leveraging your time and money,blogging,social media, the power of teleseminars, the dynamics of conducting your own telesummits, life balance,essential keys to life,business and spiritual empowerment, health and fitness,public speaking, writing, traffic secrets,Direct selling,developing your own newsletter and more!4. Listing in the ACWE member business directoryYou won't have to go far to discover necessary resourcesfor your growing business or personal growth. As a foundingmember your listing will be free for the first year.5. Prayer coverageEvery Monday Morning there will be intentional prayer coverageover the members of ACWE. That sets us apart from manyorganizations such as this.As the association is developed there will be additional benefitsaligned with your membership. This is only the beginning.Learn more hereThank you and we look foward to welcoming you into this great associationfor such a time as this.
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Social Networking Tips

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, I’m sure your have profiles on one, two, three or more of these sites, especially if you’re a business owner. And if you don't, what the heck is wrong with you? Go set some up- now!Social networking sites were created to form online communities for individuals with similar interests and for those who want to find out other people’s interests and activities.So, why is social networking important?-- It gives your business a face and a presence other than your physical location.-- Social networking helps you develop your business through connections with other entrepreneurs, business owners and customers. It helps you build relationships as well.-- It's pretty much free recognition for your business.Tips:-- Show off your personality. Don’t be afraid to share anecdotes, testimonies and tips- these will help people notice you. Also, people like networking with those they find enganging, helpful and entertaining.-- Present yourself as sincere, reliable and as an expert in your field.-- Know that you have to participate in social networking constantly. You have to continue adding friends/followers and interact with them on a regular basis.-- Set goals for your social networking. For example, decide how many new friends or followers you want to have per week, or you choose how many times you’ll post a blog, note, etc.-- Don’t constantly put comments on people’s walls and profiles pushing them to buy your product or service. That’s called spam, and it’s very annoying, especially if you haven't tried to get to know the individual. A better approach is leaving someone a comment saying, ‘hi’ and leaving a signature with a name a link.For example:Hi Chris,Just stopping by to say, ‘hello.’ Have a great day!~Jamiemochawriter.comWhen you continue to build a relationship with your friends/followers, then you can put some info about your business on their walls. Just make sure it’s not too often or too much info.Happy Networking!
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WHO IS STAFFINGFORCE?Independent Sourcers, Corporate Recruiters and Sales/Business Developer's and anyone who has the entrepreneurial spirit wanting to start their own business..... WE NEED YOU!!!StaffingForce is growing like crazy. We have openings for those of you who are Independent Sourcers, Recruiters and Sales/Business Developer Reps.We need you! Come be your own boss! Work from home and... work as much as you want or as little as you want in helping others! You can make money 7 different ways. Yes 7 and then you are an in… out some of the upcoming webinars and learn more about building your own wealth while you help others succeed. ~ referred by Yolanda Lamar-Wilder, Consultant StaffingForce
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It's Time To Connect The Dots

“To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships.”- W.E.B. Dubois, The Souls of Black Folk

Listen to George Fraser, as he summarizes the State Of Black America.

The Black Business Builders Club has connected with the National Black Business Trade Association (NBBTA) to create a forum which unifies Black Americans, from all walks of life. We are rebuilding our communities across the country, by supporting each others businesses and RECYCLING the "Black Dollar." If you have a desire or interest in paying it forward, then I invite you to take a look inside THE BLACK BUSINESS BUILDERS CLUB

The Easiest Black Business Online


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