Got Swag? 7 Steps to Social Media SWAG by Pam Perry



You’ve heard the term swag lately. Someone may say, “I like your swag” or “He’s got swag!” And although you may not find this popular term in Merriam-Webster’s version of the dictionary, it is used worldwide by teens, recording artists, TV critics and most importantly for your sake… social media!


I know, I know. Before you tell me how you don’t know how to tweet and have no desire to tweet, twit, or Facebook, for that matter, let me let you in on a secret. Social media can be your business’ ticket to success. Don’t believe me? I’ll prove it to you.

Swag is a term used to describe someone’s style, personality, the way they carry themselves, and their level of confidence. It’s a person’s walk, their talk. It’s their attitude, but in a good way! We’ve all got some level of swag… well, some more than others. But after reading the following, I challenge you to ‘get your swag on’ and make social media work for you.


Step 1

Don’t Hate on the Competition Just Yet…

            In any business, the goal is usually to beat the competitor. But in order to beat the competition, you have to know what they are doing and what makes them a competitor. If they are still in the game, they have to be doing something right. So you need to watch, look and listen at what is going on around you. Put your head in the game! Take inventory of where you are right now and where you want to go from here.

            For example, when you read a blog, you are studying your competition. And after you read so many blogs, you’ll not only be motivated to start your own, but you’ll know what to say, how to say it and who is listening. Read the responses to the blogs as well. This lets you know what your target audience is saying, which allows you to tailor your own blog to those respondents.

            Though many like to think so, social media is not a magic lamp where you can rub it, and out comes a genie. It is just another spoke in the wheel for your overall marketing plan. The social media outlet door is wide open for you and the rest of the world to see, free of charge! So no longer do you have to play detective and act like a secret shopper to find out the best strategies of your competitors. Their marketing strategies have just become an open book. Read their tweets. Follow their Facebook posts. Find out who your top three competitors are and simply sit back and watch, look and listen. Then determine your own personal goals you want to achieve through social media.

            Social media is more than an outlet to just post pictures and ‘like’ someone’s status. It’s essentially free advertisement. Let’s say that I have a client who has an article about them written in Essence or Ebony. They can then repost that article into a blog site, or even add a link to the article on their Facebook profile. So this not only allows the readers of these publications to read the article, but all of this person’s ‘friends’ and ‘followers’ also learn of the success. If someone is featured on The View or Oprah, they can obtain a copy of it from the TV station, upload it to YouTube, and then repost to whatever other social media sites they choose. So while your friends or family may not have picked up the latest issue of Essence and didn’t get to watch you on The View, they are sure to see it when you post it on your public social networking profile.

            Watch, look and listen. The competitor didn’t become a competitor by doing something wrong. They have to be doing something right. Find out what it is and make it work for you. While watching the competition, you purposely position yourself to attract your target audience as well.       


Step 2

Make Digital Footprints in the Sand

          Who are you? What do you do? What do you specialize in? These are all vital questions to ask when it comes to branding yourself in the social media. Make sure that wherever you go, with every digital footprint you make, that your brand is the same. Be consistent. Don’t create a brand for encouragement and inspiration, but post negative, depressing updates on your Facebook and Twitter profiles. This contradicts your ultimate branding of being one who encourages and inspires. Your Twitter and Facebook page should match your professional website. Your website should match your fan page. Your fan page should match your YouTube videos. And so on…

            Don’t confuse people. They need to see your brand and instantly know who you are and what you stand for. Take Coach for example. The Facebook page and website for Coach products should reflect the same brand. And because of the reputation Coach has built, when you see a product, you can immediately tell if it is created by Coach. The same should ring true of your brand.

            In this digital age, people have ADD. You have to capture their attention within a split second or you could lose them forever. However, if you have successfully branded yourself, they will recognize you and feel comfortable with whatever product you are promoting. There’s a certain comfort level people search for in brands. For example, if you visit Paris, but aren’t familiar with the restaurants, and you see the golden arches, you will more than likely eat at McDonald’s. You already know what their food tastes like and you feel comfortable with the brand. The same is true of Starbuck’s. When you visit a Starbuck’s, you expect a certain level of quality and great atmosphere, no matter the location.

            It’s not just the brand; it’s the logo. That logo signifies everything that is behind the brand. The time you’ve invested. The information you’ve shared. The trust you’ve built. The logo is a culmination of everything you’ve done for people to notice you, know you, understand you, and recognize your brand ultimately. It is the promise to your customers.

            Confusion destroys your brand. The equity and time you put into building your brand can be destroyed overnight by you simply doing something different and offbeat. Be known as an expert for whatever it is that you do. If you’re in business, your goal is to provide customers with your area of expertise. But it’s up to you to make sure you are known for just that. Share, don’t sell, information to your customers so that they not only come to know you as an expert, but they trust you. So as you make your digital footprints in the sand, make sure your brand tracks look identical to the ones you have made before!



Step 3

Content is King (Marketing is Queen)

          People don’t follow a good salesperson. They follow good content. That’s one of the ways people will get to know you, by the content you offer and the value of it. In order to create valuable content, you must research keywords. Search for certain keywords and brand your content so that it contains those keywords. This will allow you to receive numerous hits without a potential customer ever knowing your name.

            For example, if someone is searching for Pam Perry, they may use keywords such as PR coach, PR guru, ministry marketing, and so on. When someone enters any of these keywords, my website, blog or even my Facebook page should come up in the search results page. The ultimate goal is to be the first or second result on the search results page. If you come in any other place below that, you risk the user entering new search keywords, which may not be tagged for your business. Whether it’s a list of things to do (or not to do) or top ten tips, provide good, valuable content so that there is no question that you know what you are talking about.

            A good resource to use when trying to determine keywords is This tool not only allows you to enter keywords, but if you click Get Keyword Ideas, it will provide you with other keywords to use. Use these keywords in your blogs, eblasts, social media profiles and of course, your website. But even with keywords, if you have a similar name, like Jessica Jones, you want to make sure you are posting enough valuable content on the Internet so that you come up first in a person’s search results. Even though the other Jessica Jones in the world may have nothing more than a Facebook page, you don’t want customers to confuse the two. You have to constantly be active online. People love people that provide information for free. For example, author Seth Godin provided his entire book for free as an eBook before he released the hardcover copy. Because so many loved the electronic version of the book, they purchased a hard copy of the book once it was released, making it a New York Times Bestseller.

            You can’t give away too much content. If it genuinely came from you, there is more from where that came from. With every article you write, every video you post, and every status you update, you throw more content out onto the web to brand you all the more. The more content you share, the more people come to recognize you as an expert and will realize the value of your information and ultimately, support your business.



Step 4

Are You Engaged?

            Now, I’m not talking about the engagement where you get a ring and start planning a wedding for months down the line. I’m referring to interacting with others online. It doesn’t matter that you and I talk; we have to engage with others online. Create a community for isolated conversations to take place. Twitter actually uses hash tags, such as #GrammyAwards2011, which allows you to converse with all users who may be watching the Grammy Awards at the time. It’s all about engaging and establishing relationships. It’s not always about selling and marketing. Sometimes, you have to build up a group of ‘followers’ first.

            Take Facebook for example. That’s great that someone wants to become your ‘friend’. But if you never engage them, and they don’t visit your page on a regular basis, what’s the point? How does this help your business? But also realize that while someone may not visibly engage on your page on a regular basis, they may still be watching you. They may still be taking all of the information you post into account, without ever saying a word to you about it. Personally, 90% of my clientele comes from online. I never know who is watching me. All of a sudden, I get checks for thousands of dollars from people that have been watching me for three or four months and appreciate the information I have shared.

            I love this information age we are in. I’m like a kid in a candy store. While others feel overwhelmed by too much information, I consume myself in it. It’s what I’ve done all of my life. I reported information in high school, college, and even once I was out of school. It comes naturally for me. I’m always sending an eblast, conducting a conference call, tweeting a valuable website for authors, or even posting a video on YouTube of me speaking at a recent conference.


            I give away a plethora of information. But it’s up to you to use it. The same should ring true of you and your social media swag. Give away so much information that people say to you, “You give away too much free information.” Then give away some more! You’re putting your best foot forward. You’re creating your own community and at this point, people are simply watching you to decide if they will conduct business with you or not. The benefits in the long run will far outweigh the cost to send out complimentary information. Get engaged!

Step 5

The Swag Tool Belt

          As with any job, you have to make sure you have the essential tools to succeed. People are looking for a solution to a problem. So you must make sure that the content you provide or the service you offer solves a problem for the customer. For example, if you’re a plumber, you can provide content on taking care of pipes in the winter time.

            More importantly, make sure that you not only have a website, but that it works properly. It doesn’t matter if your website comes up first in search engine optimization and you have a steady flow of traffic to your site, but you’re not capturing their email address to communicate with them in the future. As with any other social media, your website homepage should state very clearly the purpose of the business and what it is that you do. Your brand should be the same as it is everywhere else on the web. Make sure you have an opt-in box on your website as well so people can continue to interact with you.

            You definitely want to invest in an AWeber or Constant Contact account. Constant Contact allows you to create and send eblasts in a click of a button. You can even create eblasts to be sent out on a certain date and at a certain time, without being anywhere near the computer when it goes out. Eventually, these eblasts will turn into blogs, which is where a significant amount of your social media will stem from.

            Do you have to have a blog? Absolutely! I say it’s mandatory! It doesn’t make sense to have a Facebook page or a Blog Talk radio show, and not have a blog. Don’t be blog haters; get a blog! You’ll be surprised at the results a blog can bring.

            If you really want to be found, you also need Google Analytics. This free service offered by Google actually tells you where your traffic is coming from and how long a person stays on your website. It will show you, for example, that 50% of your traffic is coming from Facebook and 25% is coming from Twitter, etc.

            In this digital age, you definitely need high speed Internet access. Dial-up won’t cut it. It will limit your capability to interact with others online as fast and efficiently. Also invest in a webcam. A webcam runs approximately $30 to add to your computer if you don’t already have one directly installed. Video tape yourself speaking about your area of expertise and post it on YouTube and Facebook. This counts as content as well. People are visual. Don’t be left behind because you won’t participate in the video content wave.

            As a side note, when using social media, use your real name. People may see your photo but if your Twitter name is GodselectLady, no one knows your real name to connect with you. If you won’t post your real name, at the very least make the name your business name. People trust the real thing, not a nickname.

          Ok, so yes, ultimately your goal is for people to do business with you. But you must first work to establish relationships. If the first time someone hears your name is when you release your first book, they may be hesitant to connect with you because they think you are just trying to sell them. You have to let people know who you are, what you’re about and that you’re not just looking at them as a dollar sign. I would advise using the attraction marketing method. Simply go about life, doing what you do best, and sharing information on a regular basis. Eventually, people will see how much of a goldmine of information you are for them, and ultimately be attracted to connect with you further.



Step 6

Find Your Social Media Niche

          So you’ve started hanging out online a bit more. You tweet more frequently and may update your Facebook status three times a day now as opposed to the one you were accustomed to doing in the morning before heading out the door. Depending on the audience you are trying to attract, you may need to reconsider which social media outlet you funnel your energy to. If you started a blog but you hate writing, then maybe you need to consider posting more videos of you speaking. If you like to speak, but you may not want your face plastered online just yet, consider starting a Blog Talk Radio show. Find three major outlets and master them.

            Most of the social media outlets allow you to integrate others. While you can integrate Twitter and Facebook, you can also integrate Facebook with your blog. Remember, most times we are mobile. So consider mastering three outlets that you can update and monitor from your cell phone. is another good one for retail businesses to use. This outlet can be monitored from a cell phone as well. LinkedIn is a more professional network where you can also connect with people worldwide.

            You have to find what works best for you. Once you find your three prominent areas of your social media niche, master them. Become consumed with them. Begin to build relationships, which will ideally turn into clientele. Remember, people look for consistency and a business they can trust. Make sure your daily branding reflects this.


Step 7

If It’s Broke, Fix It!

          The final step is to measure your results of your social media efforts. Maybe you got over 1,000 responses on your blog, but didn’t get any responses to your posting on Facebook. Maybe you gained 100,000 new followers from Twitter, but didn’t get any reviews on your YouTube video. This is where you have to decide where your most vital relationships will stem from based on social media efforts thus far.

            Make sure your content is not boring. Add pictures and video, if possible. Make it eye-pleasing. The great thing about social media is that it’s your world! Be as creative as you want to be. The more creative your blogs are, the more people feel a personal connection to you and start to see your true personality. This will build trust early on and cause them to stay connected long term.

            Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get one million ‘followers’ as soon as you create your Twitter profile. Social media takes time and dedication. It may not seem like anyone is paying attention to you; it may seem as though no one is listening. But believe this, someone is watching you. They’re just waiting to see how consistent you will be. Don’t change the message that you send out. If you’re a motivational speaker, your tweets and statuses should motivate, daily! Over time, you will see positive results from people you never even knew were watching.

            The benefits of Facebook are limitless. You can not only create a personal page, but also create a fan page for fans of you or fans of your business. You simply ask your personal ‘friends’ to ‘like’ the fan page. Now you have two pages where you can post content. Your personal page lets a person get to know you from day to day. Your fan page may only contain information pertaining to your business or your area of expertise. is another site that allows you to share content with one click of a button to many social media sites.

            As the old saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But for the things that are broke when it comes to defining your social media swag, you do need to fix it. And quick! Don’t just hang out. Create an effective brand, build long-term relationships and get your swag on! Your business brand depends on it!


Upcoming Book by Pam Perry coming June 2011!

comments at please!


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10744059888?profile=originalIt is a 'Grace and Charm' Monday. Would You Like to Polish Your Image to Get More Prospects, More Clients, and More Cash Flow?
I’ve spent the entire weekend planning and strategizing. Watch for my upcoming webinar Bridging the Gap: The 5 Essential Skills That Accelerate Your Success. I’m going to show you how to position yourself in the market place, create your presence in the market place, so you will have power and influence in the marketplace!

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Whatever you left behind in 2010, the New Year holds the promise of better times ahead. Every year millions of people make New Years resolutions, hoping for a change. A fresh start requires a solid foundation and a plan if you intend to reach your destination. Have you ever heard the saying "It's in the details?" Your plan for change this year does not have to be complicated; it really is simply going back to the basics. It is going back to the principles that our parents, their parents and our forefathers built and lived their lives by.  Read more.

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New Social Media Site that Pays You to Refer

I've been social networking now for a few years and consider myself pretty "hard core." I check FB daily as well as share pics and/or videos, and on a regular basis I add  comments to the crazy things that my friends post. Some are true classics! In recent days, I've become more and more concerned about what I read about social networking sites selling the information that they compile about me as I use their site. Evidently, the 500,000,000 of us sharing our likes/dislikes, talking about where we go and what we do-is really big business-and by that I mean-big MONEY business. SNS sell our personal information as well as our content to third parties-who are clamoring to find potential sales. I mean I know they have to make money, but at what price to us-the users. And it seems so easy for private information shared on these sites to become available to everyone. Have you ever Googled your name or searched Google Images?  You read terrible stories about things that happen as a result of private information made public from these sites. A friend mentioned to me that she was using - a subscription-based social networking site that doesn't sell users' info or even allow ads. I still FB often but use it more as a search for friends now, and to make business connections because it's so massive. For sharing info, photos, etc., I'll be usingCrazygood. It just makes me feel more protected, and I'm back in control of my own information. If you're concerned about your cyber safety and want to be SURE your private information remains just that-PRIVATE. In addition, Crazygood allows you to earn some extra money just by referring your friends. When's the last time FB paid you for anything? I'm not downing Facebook...  I can't even say I have a REAL problem with the third party ads. I only question some of their ethics in regards to using our information, and believe that if my life, my pictures, and , my stories are going to be sold, then I should get something in return. If they do go public, shouldn't we all get a share... or maybe even half a share... a quarter... SOMETHING????  *sigh* I digress...  

We all know that social media is here to stay. If nothing else Crazygood is just another place for you to post content and connect with others. Check it out


Wishing you growth and prosperity!


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Excerpt from an article written by Diane Helbig

"AsI was working with a client to develop her social media strategy, she mentioned that she has realized that relationship building is really a business practice. This is someone who was under the misconception that networking is about gathering business cards. She didn’t realize that networking is really about building and maintaining relationships with other business people. As we got her more involved with LinkedIn, she started reconnecting with people she had lost contact with over time–and she was really enjoying the rediscovery. She started to understand the real value that relationships play in business.

That got me thinking about what works and what doesn’t when it comes to networking and building relationships.

Therestill seem to be some misunderstandings about networking. Based on some of the behavior I’ve seen, it appears that many people are still missing the whole idea of relationship building. It doesn’t matter
whether it is social networking or in-person networking. In the business practice of building relationships, there are three deadly sins to avoid:

1. Pitching early
2. Signing someone up without permission
3. Assuming closeness

1. Pitching early:

Thisis when you meet someone at a networking event, exchange cards, and decide that the card exchange gives you permission to give them a sales pitch. This happens all the time. It’s one of the reasons that some people avoid networking events. They either think they are supposed to behave this way and aren’t comfortable in that role, or they dislike the people who do it and don’t want to be around them.

People whopitch early don’t understand the relationship building aspect of networking. They believe that simply participating in the activity is a license to sell. Well, it isn’t. Networking is the opportunity to begin
the relationship building process. Networking gives you the chance to meet people whom you might not otherwise meet.

I submit that thesame is true for “social networking.” Linking in or friending someone online does not mean you have an open invitation to sell to them. Here’s an example of a double whammy – I met a young man at a chamber event. Within a couple of days he sent me a LinkedIn request to connect. I accepted. Now I receive solicitations from him via LinkedIn.

Theproblem? I don’t know him, so I can’t trust him. He doesn’t know what my situation is or what my needs are. He isn’t matching a solution to a problem. He is solely focused on what he wants. If, on the other hand, he had continued the process of relationship building, he would have learned more about me and my situation. He would have waited to sell until he knew there was a need and until he had established trust. As it stands, I’m not even interested in seeing him at the next chamber function. He accomplished the exact opposite of what he wanted–all because he pitched too early.

2. Signing someone up withoutpermission: As far as I’m concerned, this is one of the deadliest networking sins. It is presumptuous and rude. I believe that when you do this you are telegraphing that you are more interested in building your list than in building relationships. How do you know the person needs
what you have to offer? How do you know they want to read what you have to say? Where did you get permission to enter their e-mail inbox on a consistent basis? Remember, the simple exchange of business cards is not a license to behave in any way you choose.

The solution is sovery simple. When you meet someone and engage in a conversation, you will learn things about them. If you discover that they have an interest in or need for the information you provide, ask them if they’d like to be added to your e-mail list and tell them why you think it would be a good idea for them. If they say “yes,” jot a note to yourself on their card. If they say “no,” don’t do it!

Did you notice the steps? They go in order. To take them out of order is to ask for trouble.

3.Assuming closeness: The story I told above about the young man I met at the chamber event also falls under this category. He assumed that we were closer than we were. He assumed that we had a relationship because of our chamber and online connections.

Think about therelationships you have with your friends, significant other, co-workers. Did they happen instantly? At “hello”? They didn’t, did they? They had to be built and nurtured; they had to grow over time.

This is notto say they you didn’t feel some sort of connection with some of these people. That sense of connection is what propels you to want to get to know them better. However, until you know someone better, you really don’t know enough to explore the possibility of conducting business with
each other.

Nothing sends people running from you quicker thanassuming closeness that doesn’t exist. Not only does it send people running, but they will tell others what you did. If you want to destroy your reputation quickly, then by all means, assume closeness. If, on the other hand, you want to grow your business, don’t make assumptions. Rather, grow those relationships first.

Ask yourself: Are you inbusiness for the long haul or for a quick hit? If you answered “for the long haul,” then relationship building is a necessity. Do yourself and your business a favor and take the time to build relationships with the people you meet. Most of these people will become great referral partners for you – not customers. The more referral partners you have, the easier it will be to grow your business. Those people you’ve built relationships with will be the best promoters of you and your business.
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7 Ways to Make a More Powerful Introduction

1. Introduce yourself clearly and concisely.
Though this may seem obvious, it is often overlooked or done poorly.First, say your name and company, then ask for the same from your listener.

2. Be specific about your line of work.
Don't say, I'm in technology or, I'm in insurance. Instead, bespecific. For example, “I specialize in creating targeted marketing solutions for business insurance agents. Or, We focus on the lowest possible fares for law firms that fly their lawyers on short notice, and we can get them waivers and favors to reduce their bottom lines.

3. Organize your introduction.
Prepare a 15-second opening statement that describes what you do. Ifyour product or service is technical or hard to explain, begin with a 15- to 20-second story that illustrates how you provide solutions for your clients. Stories help create and maintain listener interest.

4. Inform, don't sell.
Don’t come on with a sales pitch. Always remember that your initial goal is in building a relationship. When in doubt, remember a low-key introduction is always better.

5. Be yourself.
Not being yourself can make you look silly, artificial, or worse.Learn what makes people receptive and master that. There is no substitute for being genuine.

6. Be a better listener,
When someone else is speaking, it’s tempting to be thinking of yourresponse. But careful listening builds goodwill, trust, and confidence. Two ears, one mouth, use them proportionately.

7. Follow-up.
Always send a personal note to follow-up your conversations. It isunlikely your listener will need your product or service immediately. But don't be surprised when they make the call and say, I really appreciated your note when we met last. Oh, and can you do it via email? Sure, but a sending a personalized greeting card goes a long way toward making a lasting impression.

So after your next networking event, pick someone and send them a follow-up greeting card on me. Go to - click option #2 and follow the prompts.

Take care and stay blessed!
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Juniques MultiCultural Connections networks The Arizona Coalition at the Tiburon Restaurant Litchfield Arizona

“The West Valley Monday Money Mixer” is an event geared towards The AZ Coalition Networking Group & Scottsdale Team Player Networking Club members to utilize our database, customer relationships and business connections to meet the “IN” crowd of the community; while using strategic locations to build traffic awareness and focus on economic business development in West Phoenix.

We’re Here to Help You Win and Find The Best Solutions To Network with Integrity, Unity & Passion.

For more info visit our website at

If you are interested in being a Networking Volunteer please send requests to
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Attending a conference can be as productive as you plan it to be. You will gain opportunities to communicate with many people, be inspired by great ideas, excited about future of your business and empowered to move your business forward.To have the most successful experience, here are “6 Simple Tips to Prepare for a Business Conference.”

Tip 1: Preplan your Day

Most conferences require a full day of your time. It is important to look and feel your best; wear appropriate and professional attire and comfortable shoes. At past conferences, I’ve seen women walking bare footed at the end of the day. Not a good look!

Tip 2: Pick your Sessions

If the conference agenda is available in advance, take time to map out a strategy to select sessions that are most beneficial to improve your skills. At each session, actively participate by asking questions and taking notes. Spend a few minutes after the presentation to introduce yourself to the presenter.

Tip 3: Practice your Pitch

You will meet a lot of people and have the opportunity of introducing yourself and business. Make sure your message is clear and concise. Fine tune your elevator pitch to make the most of your meeting.

Tip 4: Prepare to Network

This is a great opportunity to network with people. The key is to meet new business contacts. Depending on the size of the conference, make sure you visit the exhibitors and sponsors who might be prospective vendors or clients.

Tip 5: Bring Plenty of Marketing Material

The purpose of attending a conference is to market your business, right? So, why not have a professional brochure, flyer and or business cards. At the very least, have plenty of business cards to pass out.

With that being said, make sure the information on your business cards is accurate to avoid crossing out and handwriting your updated information. Remember, image is everything! A helpful suggestion, jot some details of people you meet on the back of their business cards to remember later.

Tip 6: Follow Up

Within the next week, make sure you follow up with e-mails, phone calls or a simple letter. The key is to connect with potential people that can be beneficial to your company.

In conclusion, by deciding on the bottom line results you want to achieve, whether meeting certain presenters, attendees or vendors or attending a specific session, make sure you get a great return on investment or ROI.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:Sylvia Browder is CEO of Browder Consulting Group, a virtual small business consulting firm. In her role, she helps Women in Business grow and succeed. She is employed as Project Director and business consultant for the Women's Business Center Inc, a non-profit economic development organization with a mission of empowering women to start and grow successful businesses. She has served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. She also serves as a Technical Assistant Provider for SBA’s Community Express Loan Program. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs, She can be contacted at

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Women will come from across the states for personal, spiritual and business empowerment,
structured networking and refreshments.

If you've been looking for something to change the course of your life and business forever, this is it!

Select women will experience an onstage Business Spotlight! You'll receive information on
how you can be one of these women after registration. You'll walk away with at least one idea
and a spotlight for your Business.

Be sure to bring your Business Cards.

Secure your seat today!

Limited seating.

Online registration ends Thursday at 12:00 midnight. Registration at the door is more.

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Are You Still Looking Out for Number One?

Have you ever attended a networking event with the intention to find connections for someone else? Most likely not because that’s not what we’re taught to do. We’re taught that we should stuff our pockets with business cards, through our shoulders back, put our game face on and let the hunt begin! If we’re able to muster up any courage at all, we walk up to a likely looking stranger and start grilling him or her. What do you do, how long have you done it and gee I’ve got a great product (service) for you that will surely solve all your problems! Wrong on oh, so many fronts. But we’ll cover networking etiquette and relationship building in another blog post.

But think of how much pressure it would take off your shoulders if you went to a mixer or other networking event on someone else’s behalf. You always do a better job when you stop thinking about yourself and think of the needs of others. And that’s one of the key tenets we promote in Pink Passport Society. Uplift and support other women. Help them be successful. Because by doing so, your connections and relationships will also be strengthened and you too will win in the long run.

So for your next event, interview three potential candidates – say for your strategic partner or perhaps one of your clients, armed with the information you’ve gathered beforehand (what is their target market – gender? income? industry? etc.). Prescreen the referrals, get the contact information and if you’re really good, go ahead and set up a date and time to make introductions (because we’re always “going to keep in touch” and then life, work and time intervenes, and another opportunity lost!)

Finally, once you’ve completed this task you’re free to relax and he yourself. And who knows how that will turn out – when you’re relaxed you’re more approachable. Your next client might just walk up and find you! So go out there and try a little reverse networking. You just might like it!

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I was recently asked to speak to a networking group of women accountants about keeping a positive attitude during these rough economic times. I thought long and hard about the topic before I realized that these are not just rough economic times, but that it’s life. Our world is no more challenging than the world of 3 or 4 generations ago. The roughness fits the times, so to speak. Still, we all could use some reinforcement in our journey through this life and times, so here are five tools to help you.


You must define what happiness means to you. It is a state of mind, no doubt about it. For example, I recently had a conversation with my husband in which he was lamenting not being able to work in the industry he felt he was destined for. I proceeded to ask him what his roadblocks were, and for every one he listed, I countered with creative solutions. He rebutted with more excuses. My response?

You are the only one preventing yourself from being happy. If you can’t find your way to your dreams using creative and traditional routes, then you’ll be forever miserable, and you know what? You’ll take it out on your family and that’s not fair.

So, define your happiness. What does it taste like? Smell like? Feel like? Sound like? What is it? Write it down and then commit it to memory for those days when you get “caught up” and need a boost.


Keep your joy! That is, no one can steal your joy. Instead, you give it to people. And that’s what were we humans mess up. We let people step on us and take advantage, and then blame others for our misery and pain. Stop that! Joy is the essence that is you. It’s the thing that keeps you going day after day; it keeps you smiling and is the thing that keeps you connected to the higher power. Once you give it away to someone, you’ve given them your power – your joy - and then what are you left with?

A Spirit of Gratefulness

Now, gratefulness is hard because it requires that you relinquish control and allow the higher power to do his/her job. There is no ego or “me me me” in gratefulness because it mandates that you take a real good look at your life, and place value and worth on the things that one cannot necessarily see or touch: the intangibles. This is hard to do in a society that is governed by consumerism and the “must haves.” But, if we do not try and learn how to be grateful about the things that we do have, then you will forever be tethered to a bitter spirit. Think about it this way: we all have that one person at our job who when they come into the room, we make excuses to leave because they have the most negative energy. No one wants to be around negative people. But wait! Are you that negative person that everyone runs from?

The Crying Angel Network

All of the above is impossible to do alone. Case in point: I am not Superwoman and neither are you. “Superwoman/man” implies that you are fearless and do not need anyone because you can do it all: you cannot be destroyed. That is the ultimate lie! You are human and humans need other humans (scientists have proven this), hence, the Crying Angel Network.

This is the group of 3-5 men or women whom you trust and who have proven themselves loyal to the essence of you and the higher power. They lift you in prayer when you have not the words to speak for yourself. It’s called “intercessory prayer” and we all need it. This is what the Crying Angel Network does for you. They do not judge nor condemn you or tell your business to the world. That is not their function. They believe in you and your purpose, and, more importantly, they believe the same of themselves and are working on it everyday. In fact, scripture says, “Faith without works is dead” and this network operates in this mode.

A Sense of Humor

Finally, when all is said and done, and the world is spinning wildly on its axis in spite of you and your “issues,” you must always, always, always have a sense of humor. If you can’t laugh at yourself sometimes, then you might as well go to a corner somewhere and die because you are done.

I had the pleasure of teaching a class on American Literature one year and I thought I had done a wonderful job and that the students had enjoyed the course. Well, I received the teacher evaluations for the class at the end of that semester and some of those same students ripped me to shreds. They told lies and said things about me that are too harsh to even repeat here. I remember crying to my mother over the phone about it all and exclaiming about how I was going to quit teaching because they lied on and about me. My mother’s response?

They lied on Jesus, so what makes you so special?

I shut up instantly and just started laughing hysterically. I had been firmly put in my place.

These five tools take lots of work and patience, but you are worth it, and what you are essentially doing is creating a legacy for yourself. We are being watched by the generation behind us to see how we respond to life and its trials and tribulations. You are teaching them whether you want to be a teacher or not. So, what do you want your legacy to be? How do you want to spend the energies of your life? In pain? In a state of depression? Or filled with and living a life of happiness, joy, gratefulness, connectedness and laughter? Happiness is, after all, a state of mind, but so in unhappiness.

~Copyright © 2009 Rebekah L. Pierce is the former Editor in Chief of Average Girl Magazine, a motivational and inspirational magazine for women in search of change, purpose and prosperity. AVG Mag has been redeveloped as The Girlfriend Connection, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower local to middle income women in Central Virginia. Mrs. Pierce is also a playwright, former radio talk show host, motivational speaker, teacher, wife and mother. Visit for more information.

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The Avon lady can't help my business

The Avon lady can't help my business - do you have business colleagues who have this mentality?

It is said that each of us has a circle of influence of at least 200 people. This circle includes friends, family clients and business colleagues. Recently on my blog Women of color in business I posted about referrals being one of the best ways to help your business grow, word of mouth can definitely help or hurt your business.

Let's say you are a gift basket consultant and your attend a family/business picnic where you meet the wife of one of the business men attending the outing, lets call his wife Anne. You talk a little with Anne and you find out that she is an Avon representative. You talk just enough with her to be polite but discount really taking any time to get to know Anne as any type of connection your business would or could associate with.

A few weeks later you find out that one of your competitors who also attended the picnic ended up with a large corporate account from a client of Anne's. You're floored and you can't figure out how this could be possible as Anne is just an Avon representative after all she couldn't possible know anyone your gift consulting business could obtain a large order from.

Wrong! - Your competitor took the time to get to know Anne and Anne was more than happy to share information about your competitor with her circle of influence.

Best practice? Never discount the circle of influence of any of your colleagues, friends, clients or family. You never know who they might know. Someone within their circle could be the perfect client for you.

Tina D. Fermin is the owner of TD Gift Solutions, LLC. A gift consulting company using the WINS of your clients, friends, family and colleagues to create gifts you will be remembered for. Need a gift unique to your business or a large order for events or hotel amenities, contact us for gifts that make your statement.
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Pepsi Giving Millions In Funding Projects!

Just learned of a great resource for profit and non-profit businesses! Pespi has a campaigned entitled, "Pepsi Refresh Project". The project funds projects from $5,000 to $250,000 and they are looking for people, businesses, and non-profits with ideas that will have a positive impact.

Click here to learn more!

Trina Newby

Empowering Women With the Tools to Succeed!
Promote Your Business Now!

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Co-op TV Commercial Sponsoring, finally at an affordable price!

Exciting news!!

Our TV Commercial will be aired in July and August with 15 commercial spots.

Limited spots available.

Want to join our co-op advertising & be our Sponsor and drive millions to your site?

Get the tools to get your business noticed & propel your business into rapid success!

Join Women’s Speed Networking & Business Association NOW

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Are You Registered?

Ladies, we are the wave of the future. We are momas, sisters, grandmothers, nieces and CEO's! It's time we take our business to all the the levels that our male counterparts do. Why not? We do everything else together..AMEN, wives??

As the wave of the future, we need to register our business with Registered Black. Am I knocking our sisters of another nationality, race, creed, or color? No, but its time we stand at the head of the LINE!

I ask you, are you registerd?

What if there were a way to put those Social Networks, Micro-Blogs, and YouTube Videos to Real Life Use by creating Real Customers, Affiliates, and Business Partners that could pay you an Instant Income for each new registration?

Now MLM is one thing, but effective networking is another. My recent saying in the business industry is you GET what you pay for and if you expect everything to come to you for free, well you are going to get spam, weirdos, fake customers and many headaches.

What does registering black mean for you? It means you are stepping up to the front of the line in your blue business suit, with 5 inch heels, carring the word and standing on it.

So, lets get on this together; 2010 is half over....what are you going to do differently?

Well, register black today.

Mrs. CEO (Christian Encouragement Officer) aka Coach Dana aka Serial Entrepreneur!

Dana Marie

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What Now?

A multitude of women who want to start a home base business don't know where to begin and those who have started a home base business soon realize the effort it takes and start to wonder is this  really for me. I know it can be frustrating finding something out there. It has happen to most of us in search of our dream business myself included. Why does it happen? Well, it happens for a number of reasons. First, there are so many direct selling businesses now and you don't know which to choose from. Secondly, you may have been coerce into joining one by a friend or family member who became involved in one; you know you just didnt want  to say no and now your judging all home businesses especially network marketing businesses with a proverbial frown. Lastly, you keep putting it off hoping and wishing one day you will win the lottery and while that may happen the odds are against it. Yet, if  you are a women who  still have a burning desire to start on your entrepreneurial path because you want more freedom, income and you want to live your life on purpose....what now?


Stop and take a moment to think, slowly take a deep breath and blow it all out. Yes, go ahead do it right now.... Its important to pause and gather your thoughts. Now, think about what sets your passion off and think about what you truly and purposely love to do. It may not be popular or what your girlfriend is doing but, it's what comes natural to you. Can you recall doing or getting involve in something that someone else thought was in your best interest but after the first meeting your like... this is so not for me! I certainly can relate to that. Think about it; whats your happy factor? What makes you smile? What can you talk about all day while being yourself? What comes natural to you? What do you love to do now that you can parlay into earning a part time income? More importantly, in what ways can you  be of service to others? Answer these questions and see what you come up with; your answers will be unique to you.


In addition, you will be surprise at some of your answers because a home base business may be right around the corner waiting for you to take the first step. It may mimic what you are doing presently which is a perfect match as you branch off into a niche you can call your own. For example, if you are currently a manager with customer service experience you may decide to become an event specialist, virtual assistant for small businesses or health care organizations etc. However,  you are being told by critics  it won't work, its not for you or the " I can't see you doing that" spiel. These critics come around just when you want to intitiate change so do not take advice from them.


Now inretrospect, what you should be doing is what aligns with your passion. For example, if you are passionate about selling turtles to first time pet owners so be it! Ribbit On? The bottom line is there will always be a learning curve in any endeavor one undertakes but the more you love doing what comes natural to you  the more you will experience growth and success.  Contrary to popular belief, the most popular product or service will not market itself without a passionate owner to claim it. So, what now ? Well, for now think of your Passion, Purpose and Practicality; it will move you towards your destination and you will be on your way.



Here's to your success,


Marlene McCray, MS

Compass Certified Coach

For more articles, resources and tips for career women go here:



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Learn Fabulous Marketing Tip for Wahm's

Ladies helping moms grow their business is what personal development and coaching is all about. One of the best forms of marketing idea and its totally free is Writing a Press Release. I know your thinking but my business is small right now and I am doing it part time and at home. Put that thought aside because this tecnique works for all entrepreneur's especially you and therefore extremely powerful!

You can write a press release for just about anything going on in your business that you’d like others to know . Think about it. Anything new that's happening in your business is news worthy. Here are a few examples of press release material:

  • A new employee, partner or association
  • Grand Openings
  • Special Discounts
  • Charitable Functions you are sponsoring or participating in
  • A new product or service
  • Receiving an Award
  • A Big Sale
  • Business Anniversaries or other Milestones

You see how awesome and exciting this could be for your business. I bet you have plenty of news to tell your prospects and clients. Therefore, I hope this triggers your list and add more for you to market and help grow your business. Stay tune for more marketing tips and examples of a press release.

Here's to your success!!

Marlene McCray

Lifestyle Expert @

Marlene McCray, MS is an Adjunct Faculty member, Success Coach and Compass Representative. After years in academia, her passion and committment focuses now on inspiring and empowering women to live their life on purpose as well as the opportunity to work at home in their own Compass business. Email:

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Doing Big Business In A Small Business World:

In my 25 years of working with both small and large companies I have seen it all the good, the bad and the ugly. People often ask why their business can't seem to launch while others thrive? The answer is very simple. Think Big!!! In a small way. How? I am going to give you a few tips that every business owner should want to know.

The most over looked and underrated value of doing business comes in two-folds, the first is to find your business niche...If you find a niche for your brand of business, I can assure you that success is not too far away. The next is research of your prospects habits, this can not be over looked nor taken for granted. Example: How can a wine maker not know it's fruits or not knowing the ingredients and the process of making wine? The same is for a business owner.

Big companies spend tons of money to pay researchers to understand the habits of their potential clients and let me tell you that there would be no detail missed. Big companies know your habits regarding family,entertainment,spending habits and how to feed your unconscious behavior. This is a common fact for any business. Follow these steps you and your business will have a great chance of surviving, if not you are killing your business before it has a chance to live.

You don't need to spend money to get this valuable information there are plenty of free information over the Internet regarding people spending habits and how to reach them. Search for the unconscious consumer, the psychology of selling and how to get people to buy from you. There are no great secrets to success, it is basic knowledge to understand what it takes to run a business.

Advertising is a must no matter what portals you are using. Any form of advertising is better than none. I will be giving more tips to assist you with your business needs and will ask that you all share with each other in regards to buying from one another and knowledge. Advertise with LaShanda Henry and let her mentor you and I promise I will do the same as well. Together we can do amazing things divided we fail. Jay W.Sumlin

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