Social (129)

Many business owners, big and small along with Entrepreneurs attend Social Networking Events in expectation of gaining a new client, customer and or establishing a relationship. Many of these same people don't have any idea about how to present their business products or services to their potential client or customer to begin establishing the relationship.If you have been use to sharing your entire business plan, business description to people or lengthy statements at social networking events and going on and on about your business, telling them how great your company is or sharing how great your products are, you have been totally wrong and more than likely have not ever heard from those people that you gave all that great information to.Most times those people will never contact you or consider buying from you. They don't take a second thought about anything that you said, because you have not given them the information that they are looking for.Here are 3 things wrong with giving that much information about your business or product & services to someone that you just met.First, you have taken up too much of their time.Second, you have wasted alot of your own time. While you were giving out that much information to 1-3 people, you could have worked the entire room using your elevator pitch.Third, no one really wants to hear all the in depth details about your business products and services, they only want to know the benefit to them or the solution to their problem.What is an elevator pitch?An elevator pitch is an overview of an idea for a product, service, or project. The name reflects the fact that an elevator pitch should be possible to deliver in the time span of an elevator ride, meaning in a maximum of 30 seconds and in 130 words or fewer. (Wikipedia)Your "elevator pitch" is the tool you use to communicate your message to your listener about who you are, what you offer and what's in it for them. It can be used at Networking Events and on social networking sites.Resources to Help with Your Elevator Pitch:-Give Your Elevator Pitch a Lift-Elevator Pitch Essentials-How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds or LessCharlene Brown is the Founder and Visionary of The Black Business Cafe, a Social Networking Organization in Maryland. Mrs. Brown was #38 on the list of 50 of the most powerful and influential women in social media 2008 and is a Grand Connector with a mission to bring her local community together to do business with each other. Mrs Brown is often called a social networking guru and expert by her peers, however she prefers to be "The Grand Connector". Visit her website,
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Social Networks - "The Purpose" Part 2

I want to say thank you to all of you that responded to Part one of this post. I appreciated all of the comments whether they were good or bad, sweet or bitter. I welcome all suggestions, comments or critics because it brings awareness to the mindset of my valued readers.This response is to clear the air and to make sure that I make my intentions known to all. The blog was intended to raise awareness not to attack anyone or their site. If I’m a member of your site then that means that you haven’t failed me, when members start leaving that’s when you start becoming concerned. I posed the following questions concerning social networks on the previous post:1. Does the network description, mission or purpose match what is actually happening?2. Do you receive feed back and information from site manager, group leaders etc?3. Are the groups active? Meaning is there a discussion thread started at least once a week?4. Is the network administrator accessible?5. The blogs, are they informative and submitted daily? (Versus Just marketing holes)These were just questions to think about, I still feel that they are valid as a voluntary member of all ning sites. As a member and network administrator I have expectations, it’s a two-way street. Now if your site is a private group that you reign over, then yes you may have a dictatorship and then that site may not be for everyone. However the sites that I administrate are meant to be community based, meaning everyone is important and valued. For if you have a membership site and you have no members…what purpose would that serve?So with that said, my points are intended for my members too, I want to be held to a standard and would hope that my other network administrators should feel the same way. It’s not to say that if you don’t meet all those areas that you have a bad site or you’re not doing your job, it’s just something to think about. Maybe you are too busy in your offline life. Some suggestions may be to elicit group leaders or site administrators. And of course essentially it is your site, to do as you please with it and by all means I respect anyone’s wishes, I’m really easy to get along with...However tonight I was ask to leave someone’s network because of that blog and to be honest I had never had a conversation with her before, no welcome to the site, nothing. You can’t please everyone and you will die trying. I feel I have a voice and I will not be muzzled but I have enough humility to know when to say maybe I should have been clearer with my intentions. Maybe I should have reworded that etc…I only named a few sites because I did not want to make a long list and leave out 3 sites and those administrators would have thought I was talking about them. I’m a member of 40+ sites and I was a member of 50+ I already left the ones that I was talking about. I would never get on a persons site and post a blog attacking them that would be so rude and just plan wrong.In addition let it be known what a blog is:“A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is “blogging” and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger.” SourceSo when reading a blog please understand that they are meant to inform, entertain, encourage or provoke thought. But at the end of the day their just a person’s personal views, ideas and blurbs. Now if the person is a verifiable expert on that subject matter then that is when you can make there blog semi-law and still there is room for flaws. Don’t be so quick to condemn them. For blogging is just my way of expression and it profits me nothing to offend anyone; that would be counterproductive.May we all work together to create the environments that we desire.This Coach Richetta, until the next time be empowered to greatness!Coach RichettaEmpowering Women: “One Lady at a Time”
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Social Networks, "The Purpose"

I have a few points to ponder as it concerns Social Networks! I had a conversation with a member of one of my Ning sites and we both were concerned about the growing number of Ning sites that are no more than a space full of faces and no activity. I’m a member of 40+ Ning sites and this doesn’t include the many other social networks that I’ve joined. I must admit that I use them all as a marketing tool, however I only joined sites that interest me, for instance I wouldn’t join a site for ladies who love snakes just because there’s a lot of ladies on the network. I can’t stand the sight of snakes so that wouldn’t work for me, no matter how many women I can pitch my spill to.With that said I went on every site and asked my self five questions:1. Does the network description, mission or purpose match what is actually happening?2. Do you receive feed back and information from site manager, group leaders etc?3. Are the groups active? Meaning is there a discussion thread started at least once a week?4. Is the network administrator accessible?5. The blogs, are they informative and submitted daily? (Versus Just marketing holes)Clearly most of the sites failed miserably. This taught me a lot about what not to do as a Ning Network Administrator. I have a desire to recruit sustain members that are interested in my mission and want to benefit from being on my networks. I decided that quality is better that quantity; I have at least 10 members that joined and haven’t been back on the network since. Now what purpose does that serve?

On Women Support Women you will receive the following, if not I hope that you would cancel membership:• Groups will have a leader that creates discussion and evokes activity weekly.• A weekly theme that is inspirational and motivational.• Access to network administrator (I return emails, answers questions, welcome suggestions etc)• Access to monthly workshops• An environment that matches the site mission and description.I want you to know that these are my goals and I want to be held accountable. If this network is for you please join and hold me to it. I want to be the best but I have learned a lot of good and bad from the rest. Let me put the good on Blast, the bad well we won’t discuss them.Sites that are vibrant have active groups, the administrator is accessible to some degree, the blogs are excellent and I feel at home. No particular order, some are large, some are growing. This is just 5. I know there’s probably many more out there. Please no one take offense. (LOL that’s me)http://thedivinewellnesscenter.ning.comhttp://naturalandhappy.ning.comhttp://sistapreneurs.ning.com hope this information is helpful to you! I would love to hear your response. I think that Social Networks are great but when they're targeted to a center niche, the audience is there because they expect certain things from it. It’s not MySpace, facebook or Black Planet. We expect to be lost in the crowd on those networks. However when we join a network for women who love to knit we expect to find information as it relates to knitting. Thanks for your ear!Coach Richetta BlackmonEmpowering Women –“One Lady at a Time”
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Thank You and Happy New Year

Happy New Year! I just wanted to express my appreciation for your support of Building Industry Resources. This year has brought new relationships and opportunities to connect and share information with thousands of professionals in a variety of ways. Whether you read our newsletters or blog, attended one of our workshops, downloaded our resource materials, emailed, connected on social networking sites, called, or contracted our services, communicating and working with you is truly a blessing.Thank you! You are the reason Building Industry Resources exists – to empower you to be the best. And even if your work is not directly related to the design and building profession, I’m grateful that we are connected. I hope that we can share information to mutually benefit each other's business and career goals.Although this past year brought challenges to many, I am excited to think of the possibilities of 2010. The New Year promises new beginnings, innovation, and creative collaboration. Let’s look forward to an increase in projects, new partnerships, and business-building opportunities.Wishing you peace, joy, great memories, and dreams fulfilled this holiday season and throughout the New Year!Karen A. DavisBuilding Industry Resources
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5 Lessons I Learned from Blogging

Everyday people share information via various social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, etc. why you should have a blog (especially a company blog). Yet, you hardly ever see articles that share lessons bloggers have learned from blogging. I definitely wanted to take this opportunity to share the lessons I have learned from blogging because one week ago was my blog’s anniversary.I have always had a passion for writing and finally decided to channel that energy into a blog. From a business standpoint, I know that having a blog is essential because it serves several purposes such as demonstrating your industry expertise, generating interest in you or your company, connecting with prospects and customers, etc. In case you are experiencing some reluctance in jumping on the blogging bandwagon, I believe it is a worthwhile endeavor because blogging will teach you the following lessons:1.) Inspiration comes in many forms: Many do not blog because they do not know how to come up with blog topics. At times it can be overwhelming to generate ideas for your blog because you are putting so much pressure on yourself that you are inadvertently causing your mind to shut down. When I get like this I force myself to take a time out because staring at the computer is only going to frustrate you. I have a variety of activities that I perform during my time out such as reading other blogs, exercising, etc. The best ideas come when you are not intentionally looking for them.2.) Write on: One of the main reasons I started this blog was to share information that I felt would empower and encourage people. I wanted to be more than a logo. However, you have to realize that there will be times when you put your heart and soul into writing a post that you may consider to be a “masterpiece” and still not receive the attention you anticipated. It can be disheartening to receive a negative comment or worse—no comment at all. However, this is still no excuse to avoid blogging. One of my favorite blogs, Men with Pens, wrote a great post about comments. People often do not leave comments for various reasons (check out the comment section of this post) and this is not necessarily a reflection on your content.3.) Patience: When you first start blogging you may feel that no one is reading your blog. Therefore, many often give up right before their blog starts to pick up momentum. You have to have confidence in your capability to write quality content because it takes time to build up your community. Do not blow your opportunity by posting content just for the sake of posting. This will not only hurt your credibility, but waste your readers’ time.4.) Expand your network: Blogging requires you to be willing to put yourself out there. Having a blog has introduced me to incredible people who I otherwise might not have had the opportunity to meet. I met many of these people by commenting on other blogs, Twitter, forums such as the VAF, etc. In my experience, I have found bloggers to be extremely helpful and always willing to provide you with great advice.5.) Exchange ideas: One of the main reasons I enjoy blogging is because I truly enjoy learning. I enjoy researching different topics and listening to various points of view regarding that topic. I like sharing information I learn with others because my desire is to help people and of course I incorporate that mindset into my blog. In my opinion the only way to learn more about a topic is to talk with those who are passionate about the subject and a blog is an excellent platform to facilitate a conversation.Some concepts and tools that I have found to be extremely useful in blogging:1.) Self-hosted WordPress Site: If you want to have some flexibility in how you customize your blog, you should use WordPress. It is extremely simple to use and has a myriad of themes and plugins that allow you ability to make sure your blog reflects your personality.2.) Editorial Calendar: You want to keep the content on your blog fresh and relevant. Using an editorial calendar will keep you from repeating the same topics. Rod Kirby’s video does a phenomenal job demonstrating how to create and use an editorial calendar.3.) Linkedwithin: If you do not want to feel as if your old posts were written in vain, this widget gives new life to those posts. Underneath your current post, this plugin shows older posts your readers may be interested in based upon how they are categorized or tagged in how they are related to the current post.4.) Flock: This social web browser enables you to easily locate pictures and videos to insert into your blog—without having to have multiple screens open (I will be writing a blog post on this browser). This browser has enabled me to keep track of all my RSS feeds while keeping in touch with what is occurring within my social networking sites—all on one screen.5.) Wordtracker Firefox SEO add-on: You want to make sure that you increase your posts chances of being ranked in the search engines so you need to keep track of your keywords. This plugin easily enables you to do so.6.) Zemanta: Having a great picture to accompany your blog post can reinforce the viewpoint you are attempting to convey. However, searching for the “perfect picture” can be incredibly time consuming. Zemanta takes care of this for you by generating pictures and smart links based upon the post. Having smart links in your post will result in more traffic to your blog.I could go on and on about all the lessons that blogging has taught me, but I feel that the aforementioned reasons and concepts are hopefully enough to entice you to start a blog. In case you are wondering why I did not write this post on the actual day of my blog’s anniversary, it was because on this day I received a link to a post that reinforced the reasons why I blog. Amber Hunnicutt wrote a post commenting on a post I wrote called Life is NOT an ATM (which happens to be my favorite post) and how my post inspired her to pursue her dream. I truly hope that if you are on the fence about starting a blog, whether it be personal or for your company, surrender to the peer pressure and hop on the bandwagon (companies should consider hiring a ghostwriter if their staff does not want to blog). I guarantee this will be a ride you will not want to miss.What lessons have you learned from blogging? If you do not have a blog, what is stopping you from starting one?
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Social Networking Tips

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, I’m sure your have profiles on one, two, three or more of these sites, especially if you’re a business owner. And if you don't, what the heck is wrong with you? Go set some up- now!Social networking sites were created to form online communities for individuals with similar interests and for those who want to find out other people’s interests and activities.So, why is social networking important?-- It gives your business a face and a presence other than your physical location.-- Social networking helps you develop your business through connections with other entrepreneurs, business owners and customers. It helps you build relationships as well.-- It's pretty much free recognition for your business.Tips:-- Show off your personality. Don’t be afraid to share anecdotes, testimonies and tips- these will help people notice you. Also, people like networking with those they find enganging, helpful and entertaining.-- Present yourself as sincere, reliable and as an expert in your field.-- Know that you have to participate in social networking constantly. You have to continue adding friends/followers and interact with them on a regular basis.-- Set goals for your social networking. For example, decide how many new friends or followers you want to have per week, or you choose how many times you’ll post a blog, note, etc.-- Don’t constantly put comments on people’s walls and profiles pushing them to buy your product or service. That’s called spam, and it’s very annoying, especially if you haven't tried to get to know the individual. A better approach is leaving someone a comment saying, ‘hi’ and leaving a signature with a name a link.For example:Hi Chris,Just stopping by to say, ‘hello.’ Have a great day!~Jamiemochawriter.comWhen you continue to build a relationship with your friends/followers, then you can put some info about your business on their walls. Just make sure it’s not too often or too much info.Happy Networking!
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How To Build A Business Using Social Media?

Are you in network marketing or direct sales and trying to use Social Media sites like Face Book, Twitter, and Ning sites to build your business and feeling stuck right now?Are you online posting your links and banners and making new friends and sharing how awesome your product or service is and still not generating at least $200 a month and feel like your wasting time. Your family is looking at you like your just stuck on stupid, because there is No Revenue coming in. See I know the feeling and you are not alone. Trust me when I say I have been there and done that.When I first joined this industry I was taught to get online post your link, banners and the business will come. Boys were they wrong. Yeah they came at first, but I guess that was just pure luck. The way I was marketing my business was a big No No! I was what most would call a SPAMMER! Yes I said it…but I know better now.I didn’t give up though! If you’re like me you’re far from a quitter and willing to ride the waves because you know the business works, because you see others sitting at the top.But you have to start using Social Media Marketing the correct way. It’s Time to stop trying to push your products and business down people’s throats!!Are you ready to learn how people are really making the big money in this industry? They are leveraging sites like Twitter and Face Book!!!Be Informed - Check Out Million-Mind March!Are you ready to learn the core skills needs to master Social Media? Check Out Social Media Rescue. Kristen Darkenwald is teaching it for absolutely FREE!!! Most people are charging and arm and a leg and want your first unborn. Lol.I advise you to take advantage of the FREE training and learn how to generate more traffic, leads, and prospects.If you are also trying to figure outFace Book, MySpace, YouTube, TwitterCheck Out: http://www.socialmediarescue.comLaKeisha HankinsNetwork Marketerhttp://www.lakeishahankins.com
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Social media and Web 2.0 have been here for some time now. Experts predict that this trend will only grow. That means if you don’t start using social media now – today – you’ll be left behind.In my interactions with women in my networks I hear confusion, a little anxiety and apprehension where it concerns using social media.It can be a very good resource when you lay a good foundation and understand some of the guidelines.Listed below are 4 tips for effectively using social media to drive traffic to your sites…1. Complete your profile.When you first open your Twitter, Facebook, Squidoo or other social media site account, fill out your profile (including a picture). Doing so makes it easier for people to get to know you and build relationships with you, which will make it more likely they’ll click through to your site. Did you know that some of your potential followers will not follow simply because you didn’t provide a picture?If you’re serious about your business (and I know you are) take the time to include a picture.2. Interact.It is no coincidence that the name Social sites includes the word social. They’re two way streets (not monologues). That’s why you shouldn’t just post content and move on. Instead, spend a few minutes each day interacting and getting to know people in your network. Simply respond to tweets, updates etc. The key again is to be social. Now you do this within reason and you don’t spend all day on social media networks. That’s another topic.3. Include a link to your site on your profile page.Your profile page is considered real estate and you must use all of your internet real estate to the full potential. This tip is simple but effective: Give people a reason to click through from the social media site to your blog or squeeze page. Your potential customer/client must get to know, like and trust you and this is aGood way to get started.4. Ask your followers/friends to retweetOn twitter your updates are called tweets and other sites my be updates or posts. If you create a “buzzworthy” post (such as a post on a hot or even controversial niche topic), ask your Twitter followers to “retweet” it. You can simply include “Plz RT” at the end of your tweets since there is a 140 character limit.Now is the time to get involved if you’d like to grow your business. Social media is only expected to grow in the future. –You can start today by applying the four traffic-generating, relationship-building tips you just discovered!There are many more tips and information to be shared around social media. I will share this and more during my Dream launch Mentoring and Coaching program.At the time of the writing of this article I am approaching 5000 followers on Twitter and I didn’t use any gimmicks or other things to reach this point. If you want to learn more about social media join me. Go to my Dream Launch enrollment site here.You can also register for my preview call series hereThere's no time like the present to embark on your business empowerment journey through learned strategies and keys for your empowering success.Empowering you!RobinLife EmpowermentMentor/Trainer/Coach and Public Speaker

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Hello Community, WoW !Did I have an interesting, informative, and engaging conversation with these two beautiful. articulate, insightful, progressive, and action oriented ladies. Kat and Nita.I mean putting together positive business and social building activities from the west coast to the east coast and all states in between!!!They are even helping those who want to go to school.The SHEMA1000 is our Cash Awards program for our members starting or going back to college. Learn how you can qualify to receive $1000 towards your continued education.go check them out right now.
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Social Media Impact on Business

Facebook. Twitter. Blogging. Website. LinkedIn. These are the buzz words/sites that are taking over virtual marketing today. Businesses are engaging these social mediums to market their products and services; however, some executives are intimidated or overwhelmed with the task of updating their social sites on a daily basis. To properly engage potential customers, business owners must build their online presence.Maintaining an active online presence can boost the companies sales and customer base. As a business owner, you are probably thinking "Oh no, not something else to add to my overflowing plate of responsibilities!"Savvy business owners are enlisting the help of a Virtual Assistant (VA) to manage their social accounts. Hiring a VA will allow the business owner to continue to focus on revenue generating tasks while the VA maintains the business online presence.The internet is the go to place for people when they are looking for information about products and services. Potential customers use the internet as a research tool to gather more information about products or services. Maintaining an updated website and social media presence will help build your company brand and establish brand loyalty.A VA can ensure that your business has an updated website and that your status on social media sites are updated regularly. Hiring a VA to manage your social presence will ensure that your business is remaining competitive and help build strong relationships online, monitor your brand reputation online, and gain support for your products or services by publicizing them online to establish a good image for your brand. Engaging customers in conversations about your product or service is the best possible publicity and its FREE!CMB Virtual Assistants, is a business support company, that offers social media services. CMB VA will ensure your business have an online presence without you adding an additional task to your already full day whilst your business still benefiting from the social media interaction. Pamela King, Virtual Office Manager, states "Companies today are utilizing social media sites as a way to reach their target market without investing a huge marketing budget."Contact CMB Virtual Assistants to plan your strategic strategy to enhance your social media presence.Visit for more information or call 206-376.0735 for your free consultation.
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Plus Size Social Network for BBWS!

Okay so the website is back up and running. The website is a different look and feeling to it. You have to rejoin but it is worth it. It is much user friendly.

There is a blog section, photo album section, groups and just a great atomosphere all together.

Tell everyone you know and make sure you grab a banner and place on your myspace page or anyother social network site you belong to.

TWITTER it to people also.

I hope to see you over there.

Peace and Blessings,
Olivia I even did my page already. Join me..

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10 Things Social Media Is NOT…

After doing several Social Media Workshops, Panel discussions and everything in between. I am writing this article for all of the conversations, discussions and pushback. I hope this list adds some value.Social Media is NOT…1. It is NOT the Holy Grail… Yes it is everywhere. Yes it is low cost. Yes it is effective. Yes it is Powerful if used properly. It still can only be one prong of your overall marketing approach. Social Media is designed to strengthen and insulate relationships. You still need some traditional marketing. Obviously this is based on your market, your company, your goals etc. It is meant to enhance and amplify your message. Do not put all your eggs in any basket. Balance, prioritize, have a strategy and goals. Engage you audience.2. It is NOT Magic… You are not pulling a rabbit out of a hat. It is not a way to pull the cover over your customer’s eyes. So let me advise not going out and planting those beans in hopes of a magic beanstalk.3. It is NOT Fake… I truly believe it can be either the most powerful tool or the biggest fake. Always remember that you have to earn attention. It is creating, maintaining and enhancing relationships. So do not have someone write tweets for you. Work hard at providing the right experience for the right audience in an authentic and genuine way.4. It is NOT One-Way… I hear SO many people say that they do not think a social media tool doesn’t work or that social media overall is not an effective medium. Then after discussion with them about how they are using it, we discover they use it as a broadcast medium. They do not engage with the audience. They create content and let it sit without using the real power of the medium. CONVERSATION. This creates connection.5. It is NOT Advertising… It is not about you. It is social exchange of ideas, thoughts, insights and best practices. The great news for those who forget. It is Social Media and it is in the title for you. It is SOCIAL. It is a chance to interact with your customers, prospects and suspects in an engaging way.6. It is NOT Something to Do Without a Plan… Take the time and effort to set some goals, a benchmark. Have an idea where your audience is and what you are going to share with them. Start with a destination and then a map of how you will get there. If you do not, then any road will get you there and that road may be through un-travelable roads or roads with heavy roadblocks.7. It is NOT Corporate… Again, this is human and personal. Do not talk about you, your products or your company. Do not talk like a corporation in your annual report. Do not talk with your logo. Speak in a voice. Be real. Be from this planet. Have fun and relax.8. It is NOT a Replacement For Eyeball to Eyeball… It is a way to enhance person to person networking. It strengthens relationships. It is a great way to share or talk about events.9. It is NOT a FREE… So even though the platforms require a very low cost. It requires a lot of human capital to run a successful social media campaign. There is a big cost; it just doesn’t come in the way of subscription or dues. There is also a bigger cost of avoiding and putting on the backburner.10. It is NOT Without Work & Effort… You cannot just put up a profile and then go away. It requires interaction and engagement. The effort can not be when you want. It has to be frequent, consistent and sustained.Even though this list is not exhaustive, it is something to think about.Other Related Article(s)I wrote another article last week you might also enjoy about 10 Myths of Social Media -* By Chad Rothschild MBA, Marketing & Branding Expert | Social Media Marketing Authority | Author | Speaker | Workshops |
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With Juneteenth passing by we now are at the the independence day of the United States. This year we find the first officially recognized African American as President. The thing is we still only have 2 Black American Billionaire living.I want you urge all of you to serious consider joining our efforts to make "Wealth Building a Social Movement". Here are three articles I would like you to check out, pass on, and take action. Coggins Crown Prince of Web 2.0 973-943-4073
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Individuals have varying requirements a company must meet before they decide to become a customer. In order for companies to be successful, they must be able to identify these requirements (conducting market research enables companies to get these answers). Businesses are often chided for not listening to their customers. Of course it is the organization’s responsibility to start a dialogue with their target market, but as a consumer are you doing your part to keep the conversation alive?More than ever companies are trying their best to connect with consumers and are sometimes greeted with deafening silence. For example, have you ever been asked to complete a customer satisfaction survey? I am sure the answer to this question is a resounding, “Yes!” Now how many times have you answered a survey? Despite the number of pleas, I am sure many people have not taken the time to answer these surveys (yes, as much as I hate to admit it I am guilty of this too). One of the most quoted reasons for not answering these surveys is, “Sorry, I don’t have time.”Sure we all have time constraints, but the only way companies can improve their services or fulfill needs that are not currently being met within the industry is if you share your thoughts with them. It is not fair for consumers to complain about receiving bad service or inferior products and then neglect to fill out a survey or turn down the opportunity to participate in a focus group. Now more than ever, due to the increase in competition, companies are trying to entice individuals into talking with them by compensating them with money, prizes, etc.The mere fact that companies are starting to “invade” social networking sites demonstrates that they are trying to talk to consumers on a platform that is convenient for them. I realize that there are some companies that still have a lot to learn when it comes to the social media arena, but I applaud them in their efforts to do so. They are finally acknowledging the fact that consumers are more apt to purchase products from those who they trust and making a concerted effort build a relationship. Companies are increasingly becoming more attentive and seeking ways to engage consumers into speaking with them–so what are you going to say?
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Frustrated by your social networking?

It has been said that social networking can be a great resource for small business owners. After all, you socialize, talk about what you do and promoteyour products all in the same venue. But that’s the frustrating part.Especially, when you are using social networking to beef up your business andcreate a following. Knowing when to say what, where to say it and who to say itto, it is a process and it does take time to implement. Every day.That’s why I created Social Networking Done 4 You.If you are looking for innovative social networking techniques and resources,take a look at the articles we have available.

  • Want to keep your tribe up to date with your happenings but unlike Kenny in “My Boys”, you don’t want to tweet each time you are in the rest room and instead want to tweet real information about your business, take a look at our Microblogging Done 4 You Packages.

  • If you, like Brenden on “My Boys” (can you tell it’s one of my favorite shows) don’t believe all the hype about Facebook, but you want to give it a try anyway and don’t want to lose yourself in it, like Brenden did, take a look at our Online Social Networking Done 4 You Package.

  • If you have a website and the only person who ever see it is your brother, and your mother-in-law, on a good day but, you want real traffic, people who are actually interested in what you are talking about, then take a look at our Social Bookmarking Done 4 You Package.

Happy Selling,Lisa MullinsMarketing ManagerReliable Business Solutions

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I am a passionate believer in the power of social networking for small business owners. I have spoken many times at conferences and teleseminars about small business owners can use Twitter to create relationships and expand their sphere of influence.One of the things I notice in my travels is that there is a misplaced reliance on Twitter as a marketing tool. If I had a dime for every time a business owner told me that he or she had not blogged in months because they had been spending all of their social time on Twitter, I think I'd be rich.Twitter Is Not A PanaceaAs good as Twitter is, it is not a panacea. Twitter will not swoop into your business and fix problems that are already there. For example, if you do not already have a blog, Twitter will be of little use to you. If you do not have or do not want to have genuine relationships with other small business owners, Twitter will be no use to you. And if your website is a messy collection of blurry photos and spelling and grammatical errors, Twitter will not only be useless to you, but it could also actually hurt your business.Neither Twitter nor any other social media tool owned by a third party should form the platform for your marketing outreach. The core of your marketing strategy should be supported by content that you own and control: your e-commerce site, business card, email newsletter, brochures, blog, podcasts, etc.Twitter Cannot Save A Lousy Marketing PlanTwitter should supplement a marketing machine that already works reasonably well on its own.While Twitter is no substitute for an innovative, attention grabbing, system that markets a fabulous product, it does a heckuva job at supplementing a system that is already getting results. Twitter is like cake frosting. It's useless unless there's a cake to frost. But put it on top of a rich and scrumptious slice of cake and it's hmm hmm good for you and your customers.Question: Are you perplexed by Twitter and how it can possibly work for your business? If so, check for holes in your existing marketing armor and plug them up. Chances are that, when you do, Twitter will take on a whole new meaning for your business. What do you think? I'd love to hear your comments, experiences and even questions on this topic in the comments section below.
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Just as the Power of the Internet took the world by storm, so will the Power of Social Networking for Women!Social Networks allow women to build alliances, connect with women they normally would not have the opportunity to meet and share information about their services and products.Here are 3 ways to start building solid relationships with businesswomen online:1. Brand yourself as an expert. Stick with a particular niche or subject as you build your online reputation. This not only helps you with SEO, but it also helps people to trust in what you say, because they see you posting about the same subject or industry.2. Think Value. Always think about the value in the content you post to boards and blogs. How can the information you post be used right away? Whatever you post, let be of value to the reader.3. Develop Online Trust. Make sure that whatever you say you will provide or whatever resources you give are valid. There's nothing like clicking on a link or connecting with someone only to not have them respond. It breaks trust and believe me they'll comment about it on your wall, message board or blog.Let's Build a Trusting Online Relationship!Trina NewbyWomen About BizClick here for a FREE Basic Membership to Women About Biz!
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