business (917)

Join Women Business Owners (WBO) online at our JULY EXPO as we learn, shop, laugh, and network. Women from all walks of life will be joining to grow their business, meet other women, and share what they have learned through networking.This year’s event runs for three days: Thursday, July 17 - Saturday July 19, 2008Thursday & Friday 7:30am-6pm PST/10:30am-9pm ESTSaturday 7:30am-2:30pm PST/10:30am-5:30pm ESTThe JULY EXPO is open to anyone who would like to attend. For more information on the vendors and sponsors of the event, or to join in the festivities on July 17-19, please visit the JULY EXPO site at throughout the world sponsor the event. This year’s sponsors are: Admin Services, Anita’s Pen, Your Consultant Direct, Alex’s Lemonade Stand, Boy’s & Girl’s Country, CareNet of Northwest Houston, MarketAmerica, WBO Magazine and Women Business Owners.To become a speaker, vendor or sponsor for the July Expo, contact the WBO Events Director, email at or by phone at 877-889-5011.Women Business Owners (WBO) is an international 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, founded in February 2004. Our organization provides education and support for more than 3,000 women business owners throughout the world with online and offline resources. Please visit today to find out more information about Women Business Owners! We offer our members online networking chats, online classes, online seminars, online events, and offline (local) networking groups, annual offline convention, and more! WBO's mission is to help more women succeed in business.For more information on the July Expo please visit the WBO website at is currently seeking sponsors for their upcoming convention to be held October 10th to 12th, 2008 in Houston Texas. You may find more information through their website You may also contact the Events Director, email or
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"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." ......Self Esteem Builds BusinessJoanie
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Good Morning!This is your personal invitation to join us on tomorrow (Wednesday) June 11th at 11 a.m. (Eastern Standard Time) for our online "live" radio show -- "Do I Need a Real Estate Agent or a Virtual Assistant".You can join us either in the chatroom on the host page or by phone, "dial in" phone number, (347) 205 -9229.If you need additional information on our radio, please check my blog on myspace, see you tomorrow!Altha
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As someone who is working my business primarily online, I am always looking for the newest strategies and internet marketing methods to stay on the cutting edge. If you are one who is looking for free home business advertising, free small business advertising (or very low cost), how to market your product online, etc. I'm hoping this blog post will be helpful.With the assistance of my internet marketing coach, (who is fantastic by the way-he's from Findland, but lives in Spain), I have found some really useful ways to market online. I thought I'd share some of the resources with you.Here you go:1. Nationwide Classifieds: http://www.nationwideclassifieds.comPick and choose from a huge database of over 2100 newspapers reaching 96 million homes in America. This can be done on and offline.2. Caroline MIddlebrook's site. My coach shared this with me during our last session. Caroline offers lots of useful advice regarding internet marketing, social media, and software development. SEO Book: a free keyword tool to find those killer keywords you need when you promote online. I have added Google's keyword tool as well. Pinging Service-Use ping-o-matic. If you have a blog, squidoo lens, youtube channel, etc., it's important to let the search engines know when you have new content. This is where pinging services come in. Ping anytime fresh content is added to your site. Barefoot Student-An online message board for college students. If you want to target the college crowd, become a member of this community. The advertising is very inexpensive. http://barefootstudent.com6. Online Video Marketing Course: I highly recommend this course if you want to take your business to the next level using video marketing. Lasse, my internet marketing coach, teaches this. His advice, directions, and marketing methods are so easy to follow that a 10 year-old can do it. And no, you don't need to be technical! Check out my story here: Social Media Marketing By Michelle McPhearson: Great tool strategies on how to use social marketing the right way: Joe, Mr. Fire, Vitale Visit this site for the latest hypnotic marketing secrets and copywriting tips. That's it for now. I will add more information as I come across it.To Your Success,Monique540-858-2885Skype: Monique371mentormonique@gmail.comHope you find this useful!
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Join us on Wednesday, June 4, 2008 at 11 a.m. (EST) as 2 women business owners discuss the organizations they created to bring more awareness to their causes, breast cancer and our youth. You will find us on Meet us in the chatroom on the host page and/or by phone, "dial-in", (347) 205-9229. Please find below a sneak peak at our radio guest below --Sharon Summerlin, owner of, is a serial entrepreneur who has operated several very successful businesses in her career.In 2005, after completing a research project, it was discovered there was a demand for "all things kid friendly" -- was launched. She will talk about her nationwide search for participants in her "Kid Reporters" program which includes the involvement of the schools as well. It is hoped the kids can be matched with 'real' reporters to assist them in writing their stories. What a career starter!!!Also, kids will be offered opportunities and suggestions for giving back to local and national causes -- causes identified and ones they have a passion for. Come hear Ms. Summerlin outline the details of this exciting program!Debbie Mormino, a WBO member and owner of Ms. Mormino is a breast health consultant and spreads the word about early detection. She is on a mission to help eliminate breast cancer altogether. Debbie also has a health insurance license and works from home on a part-time basis.
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Hello Community,Juniques Marketing Business Opportunity StoreRadio Show is now available for your listeningEnjoyment. Listen now at www.juniques.usHear the business growth of Lorreen Sample,A North Carolina resident that is making great thing happen.This is a very interesting lady, mother, wife, business owner andOperator.Juniques Marketing Business Opportunity StoreIs on Wednesday, 9AM (MST).Call-in Number: (347) 215-9512Join Us!!! WWW.JUNIQUES.US
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How do you handle the pressure - the stress?

As a business woman you are faced with many challenges. The pressure and the stress can be overwhelming. Pressure is an effect which occurs when a Force is applied on a surface while stress is defined as forces from the outside world impinging on the individual.Each day comes with a new challenge and how we handle the challenge determines how we work through the potential stress that comes along with the task at hand. Some days the pressure is more intense than others and it becomes so overwhelming - it makes you question yourself. Is it worth it? What am I a going to do? How will I get through this? Why after all that I have gone through getting things together is this happening now? and amidst all the wondering you ask Why does this happen only to me?Well the truth is you are not alone. As long as you are a living being, you will face pressures and challenges. The best way to handle the forces that appear to be crushing you is to face them head on as calmly as possible.• Look at the situation• Evaluate the problem• Devise a plan• Reach out to othersThere are those who feel that they are all alone but wait a minute you are not - you have joined the site. It's time to use your networking skills to find a way to resolve your problem. Go to the board and ask questions. Send an email. Don't be shy, chances are there is someone else who has faced a similar situation. Reach out to the friends you have on your business site list they may be able to assist you or encourage you through the process. It is a time to band together - a time to support and uplift.After all is said and done -- you can be sure that there will be more challenges ahead so don't allow it to overwhelm you. You have a business to run -goals to achieve - and a life to live..........
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Collaborate Or Die!

Partnering: Your Recipe For SuccessI've always been a social butterfly. I love meeting new people, and when I connect with someone with whom I have a lot in common, I can chat them up for hours.The other day, my Pastor (with whom I have also been friends for 20 years so we chat quite a bit) forwarded me an email message from someone he thought I'd love to meet. He knows me so well .... Two days later, yesterday, my husband and I were sitting across a lunch table from a man named John Easton ( and I have a lot in common. Not only are we both parents and entrepreneurs, but we love to spin around new ideas and concepts. Over lunch, John, my husband and I shared ideas, hopes, dreams, philosophies, success stories and failures. We only reluctantly dragged ourselves away when it was time to pick our kids up from school!!Lunch with John reminded me of the importance of collaborating and partnering with others. There are formal ways to do this, such as when you enter into a formal partnership or joint venture arrangement with another company. In those cases, every t has to be crossed and every i dotted because how the expenses and profits will be distributed must be addressed in a formal sense.But you can also partner in informal ways, and this what John and I have decided to do. We are working towards starting a bloggers network in Charlotte, NC. We have both experienced the power of blogging and what it can do for your business first-hand. John calls himself a "blogging evangelist." We are going to find a place to host the first meeting, put together an agenda and contact our NC blogging community (including a popular radio talk show host who just launched a blog through his NPR syndicated talk show -- always good to invite the press to your event!) and see what happens.Our goals?1. Gain positive exposure for our businesses, and perhaps new clients.2. Expose our activities to members of the press.3. Stir up the blogging community to new heights and new opportunities.4. Have a few refreshments, take some pictures and have fun!It's not formal, it took a few minutes to dream up and the possibilities are endless for our business and personal lives.What about you?Have you collaborated with anyone lately? There may be some people right here in this group who are in your hometown. The virtual world is great, but remember to reach out and touch people physically too. The physical and virtual worlds must intersect in your business if you are to have maximum impact.For more small business success tips, click and subscribe to
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Are You Tweeting?

Hi Ladies,I know it's a holiday, but hubby took the kids to the pool (I'm sure they are freezing right about now) and so I had a few minutes. I've been wondering if any of you know about Twitter. If you don't, here's a Twitter tutorial.Twitter is at http://www.twitter.comTwitter is sort of like blogging for dummies. Once you register for your free Twitter account, you are assigned a page of your own, where you can "Tweet" about whatever you want. That's as in, "chat" about what's on your mind -- which if you are reading this is probably your business, right?!!You can post up to 140 characters about whatever you want. It's sometimes a challenge to pare your thoughts down to 140 characters, but when you are sharing your business with others, you really shouldn't need to use too many words, right?I first used Twitter back in April to keep my clients up to date on my activities at a networking conference. Now, a month later, I love using Twitter not only to keep people up to date on what I'm doing, but also to meet new and exciting people like the ones I've met here, and keep up to date on what they are doing.If you have a business, you can't afford to overlook Twitter. Here are just a few ways you can use Twitter:1. When you publish a new blog post, podcast, newsletter or video, Tweet about it so people can enjoy it. If they like it, they just might use Twitter's efficiency to tell others.2. If you are featured in the media, Tweet about it so people can see that you are relevant and that the media thought enough of your work to feature it.3. When you meet someone new and exciting and want to share their work with others, Tweet about it by linking to their website, blog or other social media location.4. Sign up to follow people whose activities interest you, and always be in the know without having to read paragraph after paragraph.5. Put a Twitter feed on your blog so you automatically cross post your Tweets to your blog readers.The possibilities are endless.Here's how to follow me on Twitter.1. Visit my Twitter page at, and then choose "Join Today" to open your free Twitter account. If you have a business, consider using your brand name as your username since your Twitter page will correspond to that. Plus, by registering your brand name, you'll be able to prevent other people from registering it for their business.2. Once you have an account, go back to my Twitter link at and sign up to follow me. (Use the "Follow" link under my picture.) Also, leave a comment below and let me know your username so I can visit your Twitter page and maybe sign up to follow you. (I'll follow you if you use Twitter regularly, say interesting things and also put a picture of you in your profile.)3. When you meet a Twitterer you think I or other Indie Business owners would be interested in following (including you), share their Twitter link in the comments section here so we can all see.How fun is that?dM
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Black Business Builders Club

"The Easiest and Most Lucrative Black Business Opportunity Online"If you've been thinking that you should have a second stream of income but have been reluctant to get started because you don't have either the money or the time, you'll be interested in this program.Black Business Builders, is an affiliate program of the National Black Business Trade Association (NBBTA) and many are calling it, potentially "the easiest and most lucrative "micro-business" for Black entrepreneurs online to be found anywhere.In case you weren't aware, micro-businesses can give you immediate income - not an initial fortune, but a solid, extra cash stream. It's an additional stream of income that one day they may be worth more than everything else you have. They may start small but they don't stay small.In fact, this program contains a "Black Business Tool Kit and Entrepreneurial Training" that will help you grow any business you currently have or are thinking about starting. And - by using the program's proprietary marketing system - you quickly create a solid extra cash stream.Black business owners and entrepreneurs are joining because they love the many great benefits, concept, simplicity and income potential of the program. Black Business Builders is perfect for part-timers, or for those taking the initial steps to amass the capital they need for longer-term goals and bigger plans. And the money is good. You can reasonably expect to make good money over time and with just a few sales. The best part? Anyone can do this, even those who generally are very busy. This is one program you can't afford to overlook.Using this system, many newbies have transformed themselves from wanna-be "program jumpers" into legitimate, money making entrepreneurs. And those with a little more experience have found to get the training they need to create the wealth they want.The Black Business Builders Club is one of the many benefits of membership in Black Business Builders and is an on-line, worldwide community of people brought together by a common bond -- a shared interest in business and entrepreneurship. Whether you are a new business owner, or a seasoned professional, the Black Business Builders Club is for you!# Networking! Using the web-based forums and e-mail list, you can communicate and network with other members around the world. Share ideas, start lively discussions, make friends!# Audio/Video Postcards. Forget conventional e-mail announcements or boring paper invitations. Use your communication skills to create audio & video postcards! These messages can be recorded right on your computer and e-mailed to anyone you choose.# Get Feedback! Get together and pick each other's brains; share ideas, thoughts, strategies, tactics; share experiences and resources; network and form joint venture coalitions; create long term relationships; get help and suggestions. And the best part...we will hold each other accountable.# Answers from the Pros. Questions about business? Browse the Discussion Forum section and get answers from some of the best entrepreneurs found anywhere.# Your Own Blog. A blog is like a web journal or diary. Create a blog and share your story with other members. How did you get involved in business? What advice can you share from your experiences? We can all learn from each other whether we are business "rookies" or pros.# Your Own Photo Gallery. Do you have photos of your products or service? Share them with the group!# Member Reviews. Do you ever find yourself looking at a product or service and asking, "I wonder if this is worth the money?" Browse our growing database of business related products and services and see what other members have to say about them. Rate products you have used and share your information with others!# Video & Audio Chat & Teleconference! Participate in one of our many scheduled live voice chat sessions where you can talk, type, or just listen in and enjoy. We have many guest hosts that will lead lively real-time discussions on areas of business. These events are advertised on the calendar.This is just a list of one of many benefits available to Black Business Builder Members in just one category. We invite you to join us today! -For more information: http://www.BlackBusinessBuilders.comNational Black Business Trade Association -
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During a consultation this morning, my client who sells bath and body products told me that she did not want to include her photo at her website. She said she had spoken with numerous African American woman business owners who said she should omit her photo from her website because it would hurt sales.Based on my experience working with thousand of businesses, and my own for a decade, I feel strongly that anyone with an online business must include their photo at their website. Not only that, they should include audio, video and anything else that informs and entertains their customers and potential customers. The only exception is when such photos would be too personal or would compromise the safety of the entrepreneur and her family.My opinion is based on the simple fact that people want to know who they are doing business with. Otherwise, why not just go to Wal-Mart?If I can buy sugar scrub from 50 million companies online, then what do I have to base my purchasing decision on? Price? Maybe, but most sugar scrubs of equal amount and quality are priced similarly.What about quality? Sure, but how can I judge quality from a website? A clear, attractive product photo and inviting product description and marketing copy are helpful, but at the end of the day, I still don't know what I'm getting until it arrives in my mailbox.Now, consider that I can buy sugar scrub from someone who has a little bit of a higher price point and good quality ingredients with nice product photos -- plus a photo of her bright smile with beautiful dimples and lovely natural locs. She is a naturalist who plants herbs and vegetables in her back yard. Her blog teaches me about natural living and she includes recipes for freshly made organic salads in her monthly newsletter. She also includes pictures of her and her 5-year old home schooled daughter picking lavender in the back yard and harvesting it for the organic lavender sugar scrub they sell in the family business.Every now and then, her husband holds the video camera while she makes a healthful vegetarian pasta salad. She puts these videos at her blog with the recipe.She's not just selling me sugar scrub. She's enhancing my life. I will buy sugar scrub from her.I know this is an oversimplification, but it's true. You can't just sell sugar scrub. You have to sell yourself, a way of life and everything informative and brilliant about who you are. You interest me far more than sugar, almond oil, shea butter and fragrance -- which I can buy everywhere and even make myself.I challenge you to put a nice photo of you at your website and start marketing your products using the single most valuable asset you have -- Y-O-U.
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International Business Card Group

Hello and thank you for your interest in the International Business Card Group. This community is to generate a networking opportunity for business owners and people who want to promote themselves.How this works:1. Send me some business or contact cards. No more than 100.Send business cards to:Solutions Now! Radioc/o Solutions Now! Group, Inc.8005 Aber Road, Suite 1100Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 151472. I will then send 5 cards out until the cards are gone.3. Once you receive business cards, your job is to pass out four of the cards along to others (retain one for yourself).4. Send more cards to me to get back on the list and the cycle repeats.Participate now!
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The New Family Business

Nine Reasons Why Home-Based Business Ownership Works For ParentsSo you’re a parent, or thinking about becoming one. No matter what your background or walk of life, you are probably dealing with the question of combining parenting with holding down a job outside the home. If you ponder these things, you are not alone. I wondered the same things as a new bride in 2000.My husband and I wanted a family, yet his job as a camera man on ABC's Nightline required him to work from late in the afternoon to long past midnight. I worked like crazy from morning until after the dinner hour at a Washington, DC law firm. We had a fantastic combined income, yet we knew that it would be impossible to have a child with our schedules and the stress caused by our jobs.I took action by starting a business from home. For the first year, I worked part-time for $500 a month at a small law firm while my husband covered all of our bills, so I could transition out of financial heaven. I delivered our first child in October 2001, and by January 2002, I was sitting in my home office nursing my baby while drafting up my next online newsletter. (Here's one of the more humorous editions, published a few months after she was born.)It's not always easy to simultaneously work from home and manage the home too, but then, parenting is never easy. And neither is making a living. But when you work and parent from the same location, the two tasks are combined in a way that makes it sensible to do both.Here are 7 reasons home-based business ownership can work for you and your family.1. Your Heart In Your HomeIf you're like me, you know that parenthood is not just something we do to populate the world or create little clones of ourselves. Parenthood is a calling. An irresistible leaning that leads to a commitment of your time, talent and resources to accomplish a specific goal.If you are called to parenting, then you want to do everything you can do pursue that calling as successfully as possible. Home-based business ownership allows you to earn a living in a way that acknowledges and facilitates your ability to put your home first.2. AvailabilityWhen you have children, especially when they are young, being at home allows you to put their needs first, not only emotionally but also physically. That's impossible when you are someplace else all day. It's hard to put your home first when you're sitting in rush hour traffic thinking about how someone else is curling up with your infant or watching your toddler take her first steps.3. FlexibilityLets face it, parenting requires flexibility. One minute, everyone is healthy and the next, sniffles abound -- and at midnight no less! Parenting requires you to turn around on a dime, go with the flow and change plans quickly. If you have to check in with a boss and a few co-workers every time your child has a fever or your spouse goes away on a business trip, it's hard to be flexible.Having a business at home allows you to create your schedule based on the needs of everyone in the family, not worrying about the schedule of those outside your home.4. Environmental BenefitsWorking at home facilitates an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Reducing your automobile emissions is a great way to start living a more earth-friendly lifestyle, yet people who work outside the home usually have no control over the distance between home and work. It can take up to an hour during rush hour to travel a distance that would otherwise take 15 or 20 minutes. Being at home for work eliminates your contribution to the toxins caused by so many cars on the road. It also shows your children how your choices are actually helping to care for the environment.5. Economic BenefitsIf you don't drive as much, you save money on gas -- and who doesn't need to do that these days? You also save money in other ways: dry cleaning, suits, fast food and more. Plus, the tax benefits to a family with a business that takes the deductions it is entitled to are too many to name.6. Unlimited Personal PotentialWhen you control the pace of your career advancement, the sky is the limit. Take Indie Beauty Network member Lela Barker, owner of Bella Lucce in South Carolina, for example. Six years ago, she was a single mom with no job and no place to live. She moved into her mother's basement with her daughters and started whipping up sugar scrub.Recently, corporate revenues passed the million dollar mark. The growth has caused her to move production to a facility, but she's still close to both home and her daughter's schools. Lela travels the globe working with some of the world's most luxurious spas and hotel chains to develop upscale products. She schedules everything around her children and husband. Her potential as a business woman is unlimited, yet her heart remains in her home first. This sets an excellent example for her girls and for other young people watching her success.7. Entrepreneurial and Life EducationThis morning, before my husband took our 4-year old son went to school, my son and I took a look at the family business bank statement. I showed him the "plus" and "minus" signs so he could see for himself the connection between money coming in and money going out, and how that translates into food on the dinner table and additional Spiderman paraphernalia.He doesn't understand the details, but he gets the gist of it: mom and dad work together to generate the cash needed to provide for him and his sister. This is just a small sampling of how we use our business to teach our kids crucial life skills they will need in the future.8. RelationalLet's face it, keeping a marriage together is a challenge. When you work with your spouse, the challenges are compounded. Not only do you have to make things work personally, you also have to make them work professionally. When your marriage and your profession are interdependent upon one another in this way, special mountains need to be climbed.But as Indie Beauty Network member Maggie Hanus of a Wild Soap Bar in Texas says, "The family that grinds together also binds together."I have found this to be true, as the business gives me and my husband one more significant reason to work out any personal differences we may have (and we do have them), and this benefits everyone.9. FunIt's fun to work from home and make a living at the same time! We make up our own days. Sometimes, we just get up and go swimming or for a walk. We can pack up the Blackberry or laptop (or not ...) and take the day off at the zoo or to another fun location. We can work all night and play all day if we want to.I sometimes have neighbors, some of whom also work from home, over during the day for a meal. It's a fun way to socialize that doesn't happen in too many neighborhoods any more.What about you?Are you a parent who works from home? How is it working for you? Tips to offer? Or maybe you're a parent trying to figure out how you can make the transition I did, so you can enjoy the benefits of working from home and owning your own brand too. Let me know if you're out there! If there's enough of you, I'll put together a free seminar just for you!
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Good Morning!Please visit my page, We would love to have you join us on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 at 11 a.m. (EST) on The dial in phone number is (347) 205-9229 or join us in the chatroom on the host page.You can find more information about Women Business Owners' radio talk show and our featured guests in our blog.Be sure to sign our guestbook, rate our show or add comments!.See you tomorrow! yourself as a friend! Keep up to date on our show news! Listen May 21st! Rate our show!
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Healthier Choices - Healthier Bussiness Mind

The fact is that we are living longer lives than our forefathers and mothers. However, that does not mean that our lives are healthier with the advances in medicine, we are able to live with diseases and illnesses that can lengthen our time giving us a longer life. Have you said to yourself that you have to improve your health? Do you procrastinate in keeping your word to eat right? Exercise more?Life is filled with challenges. As a business woman or man the challenges are consistently before you. What do you do when you are overwhelmed with the stresses of making decisions, dealing with various immediate sensitive issues, etc.? Do you grab a drink? You know that alcohol affects every organ in the body? Only a small amount of alcohol can be metabolized by the enzymes in the liver - that means that the alcohol has no choice but to circulate througout the body. Red wine is recommended with one glass a day for women and two for men to help in the prevention of heart attacks. There have also been reports that claims that red wine also helps to prevent cancer. The red wine is rich in phytochemicals which acts as antioxidants and it possibly prevents cancer. However, with all things do so in moderation the fact is drinking excessive amounts of alcohol is linked to many types of cancer.How about your eating habits? Do you eat out or order take out often? It sure is more convenient to grab something quick to eat but at what cost? What are the long term consequences? Will it be worth it? You have choices - they may not be the most appealing meals but how about a salad, steamed vegetables and fish? What I am suggesting is that you make a healthier choice every now and again. You can begin today - have a yogurt as a snack. Drink a glass of water or two when you think of drinking soda. I know when you want soda - you have a taste for soda not water. Well, how about mixing it up - have water when you are thirsty rather than drink soda. When you go to a restaurant have the water, drink it. Start making smalls changes you will soon notice that you can have your cake and eat it too - in moderation.A healthy body gives you great confidence and with that amazing business mind that you have, you will be beside yourself with glee. You will be even sharper than you ever imagined and your life will be longer and healthier than ever.Now is the best time to take charge of our Health!
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How to Determine What's HOT

Every small business owner knows that competition is tough, but he or she may not be able to pinpoint exactly what changes are needed in order to get to the top. Conducting business as usual may no longer be sufficient. Investing in the technology that is now available can be a great help or a bank breaker. It seems that most small business and home based business are either starving (they don’t have enough technology) or they are obese (they have everything piece of new technology that comes down the pike).There is, however, some fairly new technology that every small or home business owner needs. It can answer questions like; how can small businesses identify noteworthy trends, Identify an existing hot demand and make better decisions faster? Answer: business intelligence software. Business intelligence is the crystal ball of the 21st century.Purchasing business intelligence (BI) software is one of the most strategic investments that a business can make. Using data mining, reporting and querying, BI helps businesses understand, monitor, manage and respond to specified situations. This software empowers decision-makers — and staff — to connect the dots around key business numbers in a way previously unimaginable. BI helps you figure out:· Which customers are profitable?· Which customers appear profitable but aren't?· Are you close to — or far from — reaching critical milestones?· When is the best time to launch a marketing campaign?· What was the best performing product or service last quarter?Business Intelligence software may be more of an investment than small businesses can bear. It can certainly be pricy. Small business or home business owners, however, can subscribe to BI services on the Internet at a fairly reasonable cost. There are several to choose from.eBay also published a “Hot Items” list the first week of each month. It gives valuable information to eBay sellers who use drop shippers.Learn more at the Mentors Club.Next Post: Protecting Your Commissions
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The most important and indispensable thing to assure your success in affiliate marketing is your own website. The first step in any successful affiliate marketing business is building a good, credible and professional looking website. Your website is the jump off point of all your marketing efforts. Therefore, you must first build a user-friendly website, which will attract your prospects and motivate them to click on the links to the products and services you are promoting and make a purchase. You must first focus your efforts in building a website that will cater to what your prospects need.Above all else, make your website full of original, relevant and useful content. The most important thing you should consider is that almost all web users go online to look for information, not necessarily to go and buy something. People will love articles that are appealing and helpful. Keep in mind that, in the internet, content is still king and good quality content will not only build your credibility, it can also help you achieve a higher search engine ranking. By posting relevant and useful articles, you establish yourself as a credible expert in the field, making you a more dependable endorser of the product or service you promote. Establishing a good name is a good step in building up a dedicated consumer base. Dedicated customer bases are the life blood of affiliate marketers.You must use every possible means on your website to motivate prospects not only to visit your site but also to click and proceed to the websites of the products and services you are promoting.When you are creating your website, the possibilities are endless and are limited only by your imagination, originality, resourcefulness and resolve. You can always explore other ideas and adapt other strategies, which you think might help you become a high rolling affiliate marketer but not until you have a great website.Learn more at the Mentors Club.Next post: Identifying What's Hot
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Hello Ladies!! Every month BGC crowns a plus size diva as the "Big Gyrl of the Month" and the next deadline is May 31, 2008 1159PM EST. The winner receives bragging rights, blast, email blast, your picture posted on for two months, a free gift, free shipping for the entire month on all orders no matter how big or small, and other fabulous prizes. To enter, submit a full body or at least 3/4 length body picture of yourself in your flyest outfit, via email to You can send up to 3 pictures at a time. If you do not win, do not fret because your picture is considered every month until you do win! So start your modeling career with us and send us those photos! We will also be featuring very soon, a "how she rocked it" page. It will include our own personal army of plus size models and fashionistas who put their own spin to something they purchased from us. For example if you bought the Camel Swirl shirt from us and we rocked it with jeans, you send us a picture of you rocking it the Camel Swirl top with a dark brown big belt and matching pumps, Fierce! That's showing your inner diva and that is what we want to bring out in the curvy women of the world today. Do you think you have what it takes to be a model for BGC? Well, if you purchased an item from us, you already made the first step towards the new you, confident, sexy, and a model, tell those haters to fall back because a diva is coming through! Dress, Live, and Walk like everyday you are on the runway. Stay beautiful and blessed!
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What’s with MLM home based business?

Considering an MLM home based business?If so, it could be a very lucrative home based business option for you. But you should also know exactly whether or not what you are getting into is truly an MLM home based business or something else. It may be a scam waiting to pounce on you.Plus, you need to weigh out the positives and negatives of an MLM home based business before you decide that if it is the right business for you.Making sure you are actually getting involved in a legitimate MLM home based business is important to save yourself some difficulties later on.An MLM home based business involves the direct selling of products or services through the recommendations or endorsements of independent representatives.If you are the representative, you receive a commission on any sales that came from your endorsements.Understand that most products sold through an MLM home-based business are not necessarily advertised through mainstream media or in stores.The confusing part of determining if your MLM home based business is genuine can be quite difficult because of there are a number of pyramid schemes out there that are dangerously similar to a legitimate MLM home based business concepts.Remember, a pyramid scheme is illegal, and getting involved in one can cause you more trouble than you can possibly imagine.You will need to do your research into the MLM home based business that you are considering so that you are sure that the kind of MLM home based business you are going to run is valid and legal.Usually if your investment is proportioned to the product or service you are selling, your MLM home based business is valid.There are a number of advantages to having an MLM home based business.First of all, you will be working from home where you can virtually set your own hours, which is probably why you are considering an MLM home based business in the first place.Also, you will not have to manufacture any products, because you are usually selling things that are already made. The MLM home based business will usually come with a pre-determined marketing plan.Many people suffer through the process of determining the most effective methods for marketing their products, but with an MLM home based business, you are relieved of that stress.The disadvantage of having your own MLM home based business, though, depends on your personality.If you have good leadership skills and is a self-starter, then an MLM home based business will pose a little hardship to you.However, if recruiting and selling gives you hives, then starting and maintaining an MLM home based business may be more of a challenge, since your success depends on your ability to create a downline of recruits.But then, having your own MLM home based business means that you can live out your dream of being your own boss and having flexibility in your work schedule.You do not need any prior experience, and you can rely on your personality to recruit and maintain your downline. You only have to hard working and consistent in getting downlines.Do your research to make sure your MLM home based business is a legal business. This way, you can truly enjoy the freedom and the profits that the MLM home based business offers.Lisa SimpkinsVeretekk Marketing System
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What I Call A Friend

I think of a friend as not only a person that has gone through some things with you, seen you at your best and loves you at your worst.A friend to me is someone you meet along life's journey who understands where you are in your walk and will lend a hand when you are in need.I think of my new business and I know that I need all of the support that I can get! A friend sees this and is willing to point you in the right direction and even go as far as to putting you on to that road to success.With That Being Said, I would like to say thank you to anyone who has lended a hand an ear, said a kind word or even a prayer for me. To anyone who has given an opportunity and expressed a validated opinion in order to help me succeed as a small business owner, I just wanted to say......THANK YOU FOR BEING A FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (said with the golden girls music playing in my head) :)
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