women (458)

Why you should Break Free from Comfort



Comfort means you’re safe, you’re in a domain that is not opposing or challenging, you’re familiar with that around you and there is no intent on changing from your large, strong and coo-shy safety net, but what happens when you want to break free from that net, jump back into the ocean or spread your wings? DISCOMFORT! Facing new challenges is exactly that as it means taking a risk, a chance, grasping at an opportunity. There's nothing comfortable about striving to achieve a goal but there is joy in the making of dreams.


A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown. - Denis Waitley


As black women we are all to ready to clutch to our comfort zones, we take a step, two or three, achieve a university degree, a white career and then phew we made it, and it feels good being right here, so let’s stay right here, in the comfort zone. If that’s were your dream ended then congratulations be proud of yourself but that doesn’t mean you have to stop dreaming.


 We shall have no better conditions in the future if we are satisfied with all those which we have at present. - Thomas Edison


Discomfort is falsely associated with failure and we misinterpret the feeling of discomfort and evade it where we should welcome it. Ever heard the expression ‘no pain, no gain’? We understand this very well for beauty and fitness but fail to recognise the same for our professional and personal progression, although it’s entirely the same game.


Progress always involves risk; you can't progress to second base and also keep your foot on first. - Christie Mason


Success is always preceded by a temporary condition of discomfort and discomfort is a temporary condition of expanding your comfort zone, but the longer you dwells in a comfortable the greater the number of situations that make you feel uncomfortable will grow.


Nobody ever died of discomfort, yet living in the name of comfort has killed more ideas, more opportunities, more actions, and more growth than everything else combined. Comfort kills! - T. Harv Eker


Comfort is the most potent inhibitor of success. We must remember that as black people it took many stepping far outside of their comfort zone for us to finally arrive where we are today. In two of my earlier articles I address the history of Queen Amina the African warrior queen who achieved one of the greatest military success in African history and Harriet Tubman who refused to remain a slave and went on to free hundreds more. These great black women are fine examples that demonstrate; the higher the measures of discomfort the greater the achievement.


Be brave enough to live life creatively.  The creative is the place where no one else has ever been.  You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. - Alan Alda


In order to rise we must prepare to be discomforted, expect discomfort and welcome it with a “Hello old friend, let’s push the boundaries together again”. Make discomfort a familiar friend and not a stranger in so far as your competence allows and where is doesn’t find the tools to make it do so.



Original article can be found here: Why you should Break Free from Comfort.

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images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3UO2982gs1VUUhWe-oDT5Pl9LmZxZbmgaZxcCVeubR2RU369B&__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1311970493448Let's be real, no matter the mindset shift, strategies you create and implement or how successful you may be, being a business owner is a tough job! It has it's ups and downs. I don't have to tell you the number of snafu I've averted or how much my prayers and faith have evolved and strengthen through perseverance. At each new level I achieve as an entrepreneur comes the same challenges just dressed up a little fancier. Sure I've learned to master many things so that I can continue to build exponentially, but there are things in which I cannot control that throw a nasty little wrench in the operations! 

There have been times when I wanted to not just throw in the towel but cut that sucker up in tiny little pieces then burn it to ashes, then take the ashes and place it in the grill under  lip-smacking ribs, burgers in my backyard of "Normal" life with a 9 to 5 job and predictability. Of course those thoughts are fleeting as I'm passionate about what I do, but there are times when you wonder about a life of predictability.

Real talk...no matter where you are, at each new level, comes new set of mindset shifts that you will need to master to move on to the next level. Therefore we all need a little dose of Affirmation, Confirmations, and inspiration to remind us why this journey is all worth the fight.

SO! This list of my 77, compiled while I was cleaning my bathroom, making the kids lunch, trying to figure out where the heck these fruit flies came from, AND responding to client emails, checking on book orders, confirming speaking engagements (WHEW!), is for all the women entrepreneurs, regardless of your level. This is for those who have embraced a lifestyle that you wouldn't trade for the world! but recognize that we all need a little pick me up every now and then.  ENJOY ;-)

77 Affirmations, Confirmations & Reminders why You're AWESOME!

1. You Rock! Yes you do! Why? Just because you rock ;-)

2. You were made for this! Everything in you tells you are, you got a strategy (if not get one) so WORK it!!

3. Your Time is NOW! Not tomorrow, not yesterday, just NOW (see#2)

4. Let it all go! Whatever is hurting you, bothering you, holding you back, just... let it go! You can't bring carry-on on this Success journey you're on!

5. Remember what counts! You deserve a break today! Go for a walk, have a bowl of (low fat) ice cream, don't forget about you!

6. Keep on dreaming! Even when others think you're crazy or simply don't notice you...keep on doing what you do! Blaze your trail and let other's catch up to you!

7. You are beautiful! You were made uniquely and out of love. Your eyes, your smile, you skin, your curves, whatever, celebrate your awesome beauty!

8.You are a natural leader! Women by design are natural leaders! You have the ability to lead nations with your power and influence.

9. Remember to smile! You know the song! Even when you feel like you can't, find a reason to smile.

10. Let the dishes go! And go indulge in a hot bath! Take time for you!

11. You know what? Stuff happens! It's bound to happen and it will. So, go with the flow, roll with it and keep on pressing!

12. You are gifted and talented! And you can use those gifts to make as much money as you can and create the lifestyle you desire.

13. You're skillful and genius. Use those skills and gifts to build your generational wealth! 

14. You DO know what you're doing! You may not have all the tools yet but that's part of the process, keep pushing you will find your chord.

15. You are not your past! Your past is just that, keep it there. Learn what you MUST learn from it accept it and use it as fuel to ignite your future!

16. You are worthy of love! Simply because you exist. There is nothing else you need to do to earn it.

17. You are an incredible multitasker! Even though at times you shouldn't, the fact that you CAN and HAVE makes you genius at building an awesome business.

18. Your business is wealthy! You have the ability to create a foundation in your business that will leave a legacy to your family, children, and other women (and men) throughout the world.

19. Your Business IS successful! Whether you wanted to earn $100,000 but you've only earned $10,000 or you earned $1,000,000 but you are still at $500,000 girl you EARNED those dollars using your OWN genius, skills, influence and talent. You better celebrate that! And keep moving forward

20.  You are a QUEEN! And you deserve to be treated as such! Don't except anything less!

21. You got this! Trust your instinct and gut!

22. You are a master communicator! 

23. Your Emotional IQ is high

24. You Survived! Whatever happened, if you're reading this that means you survived it and you have the ability to conquer anything.

25. You are open minded and willing to try new things.

26. You embrace your haters. They aren't really haters, but all the naysayers or those who doubted you, love them anyway!

Click here for the rest! I promise they won't disappoint!!


Copyright 2011 Katrina M. Harrell www.katrinamharrell.com (Please include FULL author credit if you repost or share!)

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Unplug.jpg?width=323I don't know about you, but I like to think of summertime as the prime season for RELAXING--kicking back, enjoying the warm sun, balmy breezes and fun events with family and friends. Swimming, concerts, good music, food--just good times all around. And I don't want stress anywhere in there!

So why is it that we're still so stressed out and don't know how to unplug?

If you have that issue, I'm excited to tell you that you're in luck! Because next Thursday, 7/21 at 7pm EST, I'm delighted to have professional organizer Ellen Delap back for a great, encore presentation on our "Call & Learn" teleclass, "Summertime Unplugging & De-Stressing!"

She's going to be breaking down all types of great ways to slow down and actually ENJOY the warm weather while it's still here! So, I hope to see you on the call--to register (and get a free copy of "Accountability Partners for Internet Marketers," just go to http://successtales.com/7-21-registration/ and sign right up! See ya there!



About the Blogger:

Vonetta Booker-Brown is the creator of SuccessTales.com, a resource/membership site for savvy female small business owners--and the author of the e-book Success Tales: Female Entrepreneurs' Stories of Challenges, Inspiration & Success--featuring BBWO's own LaShanda Henry!


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Productivity Secrets: Beware of Time Thieves

Are you a victim of Time thieves?



Maybe that would be easier to answer if you knew what time thieves were. And quite possibly you already know what they are but need to be reminded of how much they are stealing from your Destiny, from your relationships, okay from your life.

I’m sharing another post on Productivity secrets because it is one area that most women have a challenge with whether in business or their personal life.

You’ve probably given in to most of the time thieves I’m going to mention below.

You can actually use the phone as a timesaver if you know how.

TV and Radio
How many hours have we given to watching TV or listening to the radio. Now get this, some of it is done out of habit. What that means is if you actually made a decision (remember everything begins with a decision) a decision to reduce the amount of time you watch Television and replace it with a productive activity you could achieve that goal and realize increased revenue in the process.

The same thing applies to the radio. Be intentional about your listening and not habitual.

Waiting in Line
I truly believe that this is one way our patience is tested.

Sometimes going to crowded places can’t be avoided, however, there are peak hours that you can expect longer lines. Pick a schedule where you least expect many people to show up. For example, buy your groceries on weekdays. Don’t shop during weekends and paydays. If you can afford the higher price tags of items that can be bought through the phone, internet, or third-party services, then go ahead and buy them. If you treat time as gold, then the extra time you’ll be saving as a result of this act is worth much more than the extra money you’ll be spending. In case you really have no choice but to wait in line, then don’t waste your time complaining. Do something productive like reading a book, listening to educational tapes, or writing your future plans on your little notebook.

Social Media
Yes I said it. Social Media. Some individuals spend all day on Social Media sites and get absolutely nowhere. Social media is a power resource if you know what you’re doing. Automate your activities. Up grade your skills. Connect with a Social Media Coach such as myself to learn how to monetize your efforts or outsource it. Our World Wide Visibility movement is set for this very thing. to support you in your efforts to gain World Wide Visibility.

Email overwhelm

The ability to send emails has contributed to productivity in the office whether you have an office at home or in the workplace. It’s become such a part of our daily activities that we’ve forgotten about the snail mail which can end up being more effective due to the fact that some people don’t even open most of their emails.

However, there are certain downsides to using email as a means of communication. Do you check your emails many times in the day? If so you’re hampering your productivity. It can end up being a very time-consuming activity.

Traffic Traffic and more Traffic
This is another hair-pulling moment, especially when you’re running late for an important appointment. Avoid the rush hour by all means. Anticipate when a traffic jam is usually occurring during the day so you can adjust your commuting time. If your destination is not too far away, a walking session might
be a great idea to evade traffic, save on gas or money, and attain a healthy lifestyle.

I’ve shared with you a few time thieves and you may be asking “Okay Robin that’s all good but what do I do about it?” I’m glad you asked.

I’m hosting a Tele-series “Get it Done – Make it Happen: Get Focused, Make Big Changes and Get Results!” I’ll be sharing some yummy insights on this very topic and more! If you’re serious about keeping your appointment with Destiny, manifesting your most desired results and ideal lifestyle while having time for what matters most, you don’t want to miss this call.

Go to http://bit.ly/90daysofempowermentinfo to secure your VIP ticket to my Tele-class. There are only 200 lines so secure your ticket and call in early.

Here’s to your empowering success!

“The Empowerment Diva”

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Recently, I was faced with a situation in which I hired and trusted a seemingly smart, professional and successful business woman only to be let down drastically by her actions. What you see is really not always what you get. Though I’ve always been a good judge of character, I must admit, I let my guard down which left me doing damage control.

“Reputation is the shadow. Character is the tree.” Abraham Lincoln

Character is who we are even when no one is watching; it’s doing the right thing! So, what attributes should one look for when hiring an Independent Contractor, partnering with other entrepreneurs or collaborating on a business project? These are 3 I’s which every entrepreneur should possess.

Do you believe integrity is important both personally and professionally? Integrity is the foundation that we all should strive to live by. It exhibits the quality of one’s character! While morality is often associated with integrity, morality is what we believe while integrity is what we do with what we believe.

As an entrepreneur, integrity should be deeply rooted at inception of your business as it becomes the heart and soul of your company’s culture. Ask yourself:
  1. Is my business compatible with my values?
  2. Am I sure that my success is not coming at the expense of my family, personal and professional relationships or health?
  3. Do the vision of who I strive to be and the life I want to create fit with the business decision I have just made?
Answering these questions honestly can help you make adjustments where needed.


“If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader.” Dolly Parton

The ability to inspire people to reach great heights of success is a key ingredient of a successful entrepreneur. Inspiration enthuses and ignites greatness. When you feel inspired it triggers emotions and feelings that enable you to live a purposeful life. I created Empower Yourself Daily Quotes to help others jumpstart their day with positive thoughts! In addition, here are 2 ways to inspire others:
  • Encourage: People face many difficult obstacles in life. Being supportive during tough times will enable others to rise up and overcome life’s hardships.
  • Challenge: Sometimes people are not sure of that next step to take in their life. By holding them accountable, will push them to achieve more.
Have you ever considered the impact you would make on the lives of others by sharing your time and talent? Volunteering or mentoring is such a non-selfish way to give back! There are many ways you can reach out; find non-profit organizations in your area that you feel compelled to work with and volunteer; help your local library or hospital; or mentor youths or adults.

In conclusion, though there are many traits necessary for success in business and life, these are my top three.
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I'm on this never-ending quest to simplify my life as much as possible--so hooking up the Facebook/Twitter connection brought me one step closer to that goal.

To do this, just visit http://apps.facebook.com/twitter/ , log in if needed, and click on your profile and any other Pages you have when it asks you to allow Twitter to post updates to them.  Easy-breezy!  


Now, if there was only an app to allow Facebook to do my laundry... (app-masters, get on that stat!)



About the Blogger:

Vonetta Booker-Brown is the creator of SuccessTales.com, a resource/membership site for savvy female small business owners--and the author of the e-book Success Tales: Female Entrepreneurs' Stories of Challenges, Inspiration & Success--featuring BBWO's own LaShanda Henry!

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zen.jpgI love this tidbit of wisdom that one of my good friends shared with me (which was passed on, in turn, from a friend of hers.)  I found it invaluable when it comes to the ups and downs of starting and running a business–and I’ve quickly gotten into the habit of doing the following:


Basically, instead of focusing on the negatives in your life and business (i.e., not enough leads or clients as you’d like, a mailing list that isn’t quite the size you want just yet, etc.)–think of all the POSITIVES that abound around you.  For example–your health, for starters.  The mental capacity that God gave you to even juggle all those things on your to-do list, lol.  You may not have reached your total goal yet–but look back at how far you’ve come!  I like to keep what I call my Gratitude Journal–just jotting down whatever comes to mind in terms of things I’m grateful for, no matter how small.  Trust me–they add up!  And it really helps to boost my spirits when I’m feeling funky and self-pitying.


So, overall, there are three steps to take at the beginning of each day, in order to get yourself moving:

  1. Think of all the things you’re thankful for, including the victories that haven’t yet materialized (because you know they eventually will!)
  2. Visualize your reached goals (more clients, better business visibility, more balance, etc.–fill in the blanks!)
  3. Focus on accomplishing at least one thing today that will propel you towards that goal–a phone call, an email, attending a networking event, even revising a press release, web page or product.

I firmly believe that if you consistently stay with this mindset, you will eventually see results–often sooner than later.  Know why?  Because you simply get back what you give out into the Universe–including positive, productive energy.

So, keep your head up and get going.  It’s gonna be a great day!



About the Blogger:

Vonetta Booker-Brown is the creator of SuccessTales.com, a resource/membership site for savvy female small business owners--and the author of the e-book Success Tales: Female Entrepreneurs' Stories of Challenges, Inspiration & Success--featuring BBWO's own LaShanda Henry!

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Early this morning I was watching TV One’s “Living With Soul,” which featured the home of author and OperationHope.org founder John Bryant and his wife Sheila.  Their Los Angeles home is a beautiful, contemporary showcase of art by Zimbabwe’s Shona tribe–but I was even more impressed by what he does outside the home.


Homeless for six months when he was 18, Bryant refused to mentally accept his predicament, noting the difference between broke (an economic condition), and poor (a state of mind that can keep one locked into that position).  He gradually climbed out of his situation, to become the founder, chairman and CEO of Operation HOPE, America’s first non-profit social investment banking organization–now operating in 68 U.S. communities and South Africa, having raised more than $500 million from the private sector to empower the poor.


effak.png?width=144One of their best resources is the free Emergency Financial Aid Kit, created to help families and individuals in maintaining financial stability in the event of an emergency.  It helps you identify and organize key financial records, providing a quick reference file for your important financial documents.  Why do I think this is just TheBomb.com?  Simply because money is a BIG issue, especially for small business owners who may or may not have a steady income and are figuring out how to budget everything.  And if you have a family, the pressure is compounded.  With many one-income families, the stay-at-home spouse may not know all the details about the household financials–which can be disastrous in a crisis situation.


Check it out, it’s a great resource.



About the Blogger:

Vonetta Booker-Brown is the creator of SuccessTales.com, a resource/membership site for savvy female small business owners--and the author of the e-book Success Tales: Female Entrepreneurs' Stories of Challenges, Inspiration & Success--featuring BBWO's own LaShanda Henry!

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Can I be real with you for a sec?  Sometimes, I feel like a machine, with all of the stuff on my to-do list.  Trust me--I'm not trying to complain, but I just have to put it out there for a minute.  Make new business cards.  Write a couple of new blog entries.  Transcribe podcast recordings.  Tweak my Wordpress pages.  Create a new banner.  Research new markets...and that's just to name a few, lol.  We're not even talking about the things that need to be done re. my existing clients!  (And I know what you're thinking--"why not delegate?"  Oh, that would be so wonderful--in due time!  Right now, when the budget is still small, I've gotta utilize my one-woman know-how as much as possible!)


Sometimes, when I look at my hefty to-do list, yes--I sometimes feel overwhelmed in a "How the heck am I ever going to get this done?" kind of way!  But then I realize that I have to look at things in a different light.  Promoting the spirit of entrepreneurship is still what I love to do; it's my passion.  So, why not make it fun?  I'm going to strive to see my tasks not as doldrum work--but as learning experiences along the small business journey.  I know a lot, but I'm still learning a lot--hell, aren't we all?  And this is a great way to learn as I go.


And one last thing that I need to remind myself of & am getting better at: Learn to turn it off already! That can be a challenge when you work from home & everything's in one place--but seriously.  Turn the laptop off, go play with your kids (who are probably clamoring for your attention anyway), read a book--whatever you do to relax.  There's something about being on a laptop all day that fries your brain, isn't it?  Don't forget to replenish those cells!



About the Blogger:

Vonetta Booker-Brown is the creator of SuccessTales.com, a resource/membership site for savvy female small business owners--and the author of the e-book Success Tales: Female Entrepreneurs' Stories of Challenges, Inspiration & Success--featuring BBWO's own LaShanda Henry!

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There was a time that you could put up your offer for a free Newsletter and you could be guaranteed nice opt in rate. Now a days it takes a little more than a post that reads “Sign up for my free newsletter.”


It makes you wonder if E-mail marketing is dead?


A related aspect of online marketing that can be as annoying as it can be effective is targeted e-mail campaigns. Improper use of this avenue has lead to the use of so-called “junk” e-mail filters and huge campaigns against vendors and sites that knowingly send out millions of e-mails to any e-mail address they can harvest.

Junk e-mail is typically sent without regard to whether or not the person in question is a potential customer or not. Returns of less then 1% on these campaigns are common, and still considered a “success” because the costs are so low that any return seems worthwhile.

So is it worth my while to consider this strategy? While e-mail is one of the most abused forms of advertising on the Internet, it can be a great way to start a marketing campaign. Use it carefully and correctly, especially with customer acceptance and true manned “removal” systems.


So what is the key to successful e-mail campaigns?

The key to successful e-mail campaigns is to target people who would actually want to hear from you about your product, and then to personalize your e-mails in such a way that it isn’t apparent you are mass-marketing. One thing you will need to get started is an autoresponder. This will help you automate the process of capturing the prospects name, email and building rapport by sending follow up emails with value added content and hopefully converting them to a client/customer. This is of course after you build trust and demonstrate your expertise. You’re working on the know, like and trust factor throughout this process. Just be sure you act responsibly, or you may find your e-mails going into junk e-mail bins and all your marketing dollars wasted!


If you’re looking for a great autoresponder I recommend Aweber. It’s great to use while getting started. You can click here to learn more and get a 21 day free trial.


Consider adding e-mail marketing to your marketing plan. If you feel a little shakey and want additional support in this area and Online Marketing as a whole, I invite you to join other dynamic entrepreneurs and I for The Online Marketing Breakthrough Boot Camp.

Click here to learn more and secure your enrollment.


Empowering you!


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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How To Create the Perfect Spicy Sales Cycle

dreamstimefree_2204450-150x150.jpg?width=150I am such an impatient person. I can admit it right out of the gate, but one thing I've learned after a number of business "beat-downs" is that planning is priceless.

One of the steps often forgotten in the excitement of creating a new business that you're going to market is the planning phase. But this is particularly important when you're creating your sales and marketing strategy.

You have got to spend some time mapping out how your content, products and services, and marketing are all going to work together to build a profitable online business.

To help you out, I'm going to share a few key steps - all of which I'll be talking about in my brand new coaching program that launches in a few weeks - Spicy Hot Systems That Sell (SPICY = simple, profitable, impactful, convenient, and getting your buyers to YES!):

Step One: Develop high quality offerings. Starting off on the right foot with your customer service approach is very important for the livelihood of your online business. Quality products, from the very first freebie to your largest ticket item, will help you gradually build a positive reputation for yourself. Any future dealings you have where you can do repeat business with your customer should leave them feeling as if they were treated as well if not better than the first time around.

Step Two: Create your product line. A sales funnel is a series of incrementally more valuable, and perhaps more expensive, products or services to offer your customers. However, people are going to enter your funnel at various stages. Some may begin by taking advantage of your free offer while some may jump right in and buy a product or service. Create a plan for each type of customer. Set the stage for the next level of products you have available. Figure out which ones might be of interest to your clients, or which ones could be useful. Help them to see just how they can be helpful and how to implement them effectively into their present business or organization.

Step Three: Maintain the Communication. In addition to creating a line of high quality products and services, you’ll also want to establish consistent communication with your prospects and customers. Accomplish this by continuing the flow of valuable information in the form of blog posts, email messages and perhaps a newsletter.

Maintaining the flow of valuable information makes it easier for your customers to confidently pass your information on to others. You could soon find yourself starting the process all over again with new referrals, or other people you have found on your own who have become customers.

Planning is the key to online business success. Create your sales funnel plan, marketing plan and content plan and work to integrate the three into a seamless and efficient system. Consistency is the key, and by using the same plan over and over again with each new person, your online business will grow. And everyone will be receiving the same great quality products and services you have to offer.

Now that's SPICY!
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Original Purpose of Lace Wigs

Lace wigs have been around for many years. The original purpose for lace wigs were to serve as hair prosthesis for individuals suffering from hair loss due to medical reasons such as Thyroid, Cancer, Alopecia and Trichotillomania. Please note if you are currently suffering from any of these conditions Ego Extensions is here to help. You can feel beautiful again. Our realistic looking lace wigs will give you back the hair you once had or have always wanted. Our Private Boutique and caring staff will explain in full detail all of your options.

Lace Wigs for the Everyday Woman

Celebrities have now brought lace wigs into the limelight. Music and Television Icons such as Beyonce Knowles, Tyra Banks and Janet Jackson have long been praised for their gorgeous locks. For many years people thought that they had the "Perfect head of hair extensions". Only recently has it been revealed that they are actually wearing Full Lace Wigs! Every woman no matter her ethnicity longs for beautiful hair that is easy to manage. Ego Extensions is here to provide you with just that. We provide lace wigs in a variety of styles and price ranges to ensure that all women can experience celebrity status hair.

Types of Lace Wigs

Lace wigs come in a variety of hair textures, cap styles and colors this information is very important to know when it comes to ordering your Ego Extensions Luxury Unit.

Lace Front Wigs

The Lace front wig cap construction consists of lace in the front and a wefted lace cap with adjustable straps in the back. Human Hair is attached to the Lace base. The hair can be washed, flat Ironed and styled as desired. Lace front wigs cannot be worn in high ponytail because of the wefted cap construction in the back. The lace in front goes to the middle portion of head and a realistic part can be made up to that area. Lace front wigs are less expensive because of their cap construction and are perfect for the client who is looking to have a wig which can be taken on and off on a daily bases with the optional choice of glue or tape.

Full Lace Wigs

Full Lace wig hair systems are the ultimate choice for your lace wig needs. A full lace cap has human hair hand tied into the base with stretch in the middle and baby hair around the perimeter. This wig can be parted throughout from front to back, the fine lace creates a look of "hair growing out of your scalp". The hair can be worn in high and low ponytails and can be flat ironed, washed and styled as desired. No one will ever know that the realistic looking full lace wig is not your own hair. This lace wig must be attached with Glue, Tape, Wig Combs Or Clips.

Glueless Lace Wigs

Glueless Full lace wig hair systems are constructed with a full lace cap with stretch in the middle and adjustable straps in the back. This unit also has baby hair around the perimeter and can be worn in a high ponytail. The wig can be parted from front to back and has the appearance of "hair growing out of the scalp". The hair can be worn in a high ponytail and can be flat ironed, washed and styled as desired. This unit does not require glue to be attached and can be applied and removed as desired.

Hair Types and Textures

Indian Remy: This is Indian Remy Human Hair and it comes from the Indian Race. • It is naturally thick and lustrous • The straight hair texture waves up when wet • Great for all hair textures.

European Remy: This is European Remy Human Hair and it comes from the Caucasian Race. • It is Caucasian hair which mostly comes from Europe • It is lighter and thinner then Asian and Indian Remy • It has a butter soft silky feel • This hair has a lot of movement and lays down great for straight styles • Much more expensive to acquire this type of hair • Great for Straight textures.

Chinese Remy: This is Asian Remy Human Hair and it comes from the Asian Race. • It is heavier, thicker and slightly more dense then Indian Remy • It is not as shiny as the Indian Remy • Texture feels nice and smooth • The straight texture waves up slightly when wet • Great for all hair textures • Makes a nice and soft Yaki textures • Makes a very natural Kinky Curly Texture with less shine • Great for Straight and Wavy textures as well because it has a lot of body.

Malaysian Remy: This is Malaysian Remy Human Hair and it comes from the Malaysian Race. • It is heavier, thicker and more dense then the Asian and Indian Remy • It is not as shiny as the Indian Remy • Texture feels very soft and smooth • It has a lot of body • The straight texture waves up slightly when wet • Much more expensive to acquire this type of hair • Great for all textures • Makes a gorgeous smooth and soft Yaki texture • Makes a heavier straight texture then the Asian and Indian Remy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you carry 100% Human Hair?

Yes, our hair is 100% Human Hair. There are NO Synthetic Fibers. All hair comes from the place of origin stated.

How much hair do I need?

Most individuals need two packs (8ounces) of hair if they are planning to leave none of their hair out. For those clients who like to blend extensions with their own hair only one pack is needed.

Can I straighten the Curly or Wavy Hair?

Yes you can! All of our Remy hair products can be treated as your normal hair. Feel free to wash, straighten and curl the hair to the style you desire.

How long does the hair last?

All of our Hair is good to be reused for six months to one year! Think of the money saved by not having to constantly buy new hair!

Why buy Hair from Ego Extensions?

Our company specializes in supplying the Best Premium hair to all our customers. The hair is unprocessed, no silicone coating or any other harsh chemicals causing stripping of its cuticles.

What is Machine "Wefted" Hair?

It is loose hair that has a weft sewn by a machine. This type of hair is widely used for weaving. It is sewn or bonded (with hair glue) into a track ready for the weaving process.

Can I color the hair?

Yes, although it is recommended that this only is done with the darker colors. If coloring is performed, but it is recommended that the hair is bleached to make the desired color versus adding dye.

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This is part 2 of a 4 part series where I'm sharing the essential systems entrepreneurs must have in place to support a solid brand.

System #1: Customer engagement

iStock_000007773142Medium-150x150.jpg?width=150Brand support system number one is about the way in which you engage your customers. This is the process by which you create a path of attraction to your business. It's the way that you make it easy for prospects to meet you, to love what you do, to test drive your services. This might look like your current opt-in strategy. Or it may even be the type of events you host that attract people to your business.

Creating an easy path for prospects to engage is critical to building your pool of interested buyers. As a system, this path should be outlined in such a way that you can powerfully reflect your brand with ease. The goal is to create a connection between you as a solution provider and the potential client, or prospect.

What is evident when you view an entrepreneur’s website is whether or not there is an easy way to determine your next step. Successful entrepreneurs are clear in the single action they would like for a viewer to take when visiting their website the first time. But unfortunately too many business owners fail to streamline the instruction for their prospect. There is no opt-in form. There is nothing “sticky" about the page that keeps a person there, so viewers leave after only visiting a few seconds.

One example of a way to engage customers that capitalizes on the way they first interacted with you is to create a social media landing page. This blog post by visibility guru Nancy Marmalejo tells you how to do this: http://vivavisibilityblog.com/social-networking-landing-page/.

There are other ways to engage your customer or prospect. One of the most widely used ways is to develop a strong opt in form. A blog post by marketing diva Ali Brown shares great insight into how to make this work for you: http://www.alibrown.com/blog/?p=722.

The key to customer engagement is to entice prospective buyers within the first few seconds so they can receive your valuable information.


You may, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

About the Author: Tanya Smith is a creative business strategist specializing in showing coaches, consultants and freelancers how to spend more time making money with simple, yet profitable marketing systems. Her company Be Promotable provides clients with fresh actionable strategies and virtual resources to promote their small businesses as power players in their market. Claim your instant access to a free 10 part ecourse, 10 Ways To Grow Your List at: www.bepromotable.com.
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Business owners know all too well that finding the best qualified leads takes time… lots of time!  So, what if there was a way to skip the time it takes to develop ‘cold leads?’ Now, close your eyes and imagine building a referral network.  Even more, it won’t cost you a dime!  Does that sound too good to be true?  


It can be done by adapting referral networking.  A referral network is a group of people who already know and trust you, understand your business concept and willing to refer people interested in buying your product or service. This is an extremely effective way to create a steady stream of very warm leads. Here are 4 tips to create a powerful referral marketing strategy.  Read more...

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I've been studying copy quite a bit lately because I want to improve my own business brand and make sure my stuff gets more eyes on it! What about you? Doesn't that matter to your business? Writing good copy is actually ESSENTIAL to your success, so even if you choose to outsource your writing, you should be familiar with at least the basics.Study and save this simple list of words you can use to attract more views.
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You’ve joined a network marketing company….Now What? Wait for the sales and recruits to start piling up, right? WRONG!! It is not going to happen. Your upline is seeing great success, some of your team members are seeing great success, why aren’t you? The non-sugar coated answer would be that it is ALL YOUR FAULT!! Plain and simple. I know that you may be telling yourself that you are doing all that you can to succeed in your business, but are you really? Are you really taking all of the necessary steps to get where you want to be or are you only half-stepping and expecting to reap the full benefits? First of all let me tell you this….. Never base your expectations on anyone else within your organization. You will be disappointed every time. You cannot compare yourself to others especially those that you see doing extremely well in your industry. You should look to them for inspiration and encouragement and not as competition or comparison.As a new network marketer it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to gain as much knowledge about your company, its products and services as you possibly can. How can you sell something that you know nothing about? How can you develop a passion for something that you yourself don’t understand? You can’t!! You should be a regular consumer of your products. Then and only then will you understand them, relate to them and be able to help others understand and relate to them. This is when your personal organization (your downline) will begin to take lasting shape.Sure, for some it can be easy to initially explode in the business without any real knowledge, but soon the flame will fizzle. I see it often in this industry, you have those that do absolutely amazing. Above and beyond what any others are doing in the company and then before you know it, they are back to square one. Don’t be one of those people. Build your foundation on solid ground from the beginning.If you have joined a company that you really believe in, why wouldn’t you give your all? Didn’t you join the company for specific reasons to begin with? More time, financial freedom, funding your retirement, etc. Whatever the case may be, remember that none of that is going to happen without your full undivided attention to your goals and expectations.Everyone is different. Find YOUR niche. Don’t depend on others to work your business and hold your hand the entire way. Sure your upline should always be available to help you, but that is not always a reality. More often than not, we are left to figure it out on our own. Use the resources and tools available to you. The internet is an excellent source for information about absolutely anything. Take full advantage of it. Your company website should also have tools, resources, tutorials, etc. to help you.Ask yourself a few questions like….. Have you established a clear goal? Have you set goals that are within your reach? What is it that you’re comfortable with? How can you more effectively work your business for maximum results? What knowledge do you need? Whose help do you need? What system should be in place? These are just a few questions that should be addressed. Don’t leave your success to chance. Be active and watch your dreams begin to take flight.


Randa Johnson "Helping You Brand the Best You"


For More tips, visit http://www.randajohnson.com


Join me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Randa-Johnson-Helping-You-Brand-the-Best-You/192559574471 



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