Positive (42)

Crash #11

Crash #11

DJs Unique Sounc Charities



Crash #11


Imagine your Highest Highs

The most spectacular events of your life

Imagine your Lowest Lows

The worst events of your life


Is it better if I had not ever experienced such Highs in my life?  Would it have been better if I had not ever had such high beliefs in someone?  Would it have been better if I had not ever had such high hopes for my future? Would it have been better if I had not ever put my total trust in someone?  Would it have been better if I did not believe in my fairytale marriage?  If I did not experience these things I would not know the blessings of each.  If I did not experience these things I would not have crashed so hard.

I was convinced that God had brought us together.  After all, we would not have ever met unless this was true.  Because of my beliefs, I put all my trust in my husband.  I had always held back my emotions; I had never let my heart out to anyone like I did now.  I remember telling my husband that this was my last chance to find love.  I am 15 years older than he and I convinced myself that if this did not work, I would not ever try again.  Having told myself that, I knew I had to give 1000% of myself, I couldn’t hold anything back, I had to trust and believe in him and our marriage.  I know marriage takes work and I was willing to do what I needed to do.  I knew I was finally going to be happy.  I remember acting like teenagers and it felt so good to be giddy and carefree.  I remember saying people were going to be jealous of our relationship. 

I worked so hard to make our home a place I was proud of.  This was a place where everyone was welcome and everyone could feel the love within the walls of our home.  We had so many plans and dreams and they all began in our home.  Now my house was boarded up.  I was afraid to be home alone.  The security of my home was gone.

There are three things that I had expected most out of our marriage.  I look back now and think maybe I expected too much.  Maybe, it wasn’t fair of me to expect what I did.  These things were important to me and I expressed these things to my husband even before we got married.

The first was that I was extremely lonely.  I hated to go to any family event because I always felt alone.  I was the one person just sitting there with no one to talk with.  I didn’t fit in.  I had to pretend like I was happy, when inside I felt very lonely at ever get together.  Now I would not ever be lonely again.  I looked forward to family events just so I could be with my husband and not be lonely. Now I am lonelier than I have ever been in my life.  It hurts more to be lonely when you are with someone than to be lonely when you are by yourself.

The second was to make sure my Dad knew he never had to worry about me again.  I have had such bad experiences in the past and I always felt like I put worry on my Dad.  I had a husband that promised to love and protect me.  I couldn’t wait for my Dad to meet him so he would know he didn’t ever have to worry about me again.  Now I have caused more worry and pain to my family because of the things that happened.  How can I ever make this up to my Dad?

The third was to have someone love me for who I am.  Someone that would love me no matter what and that I could love back with love unconditional. I had the kind of love that was so strong that my husband would dedicate his life to me and I to him. I was on my highest high and in love “Like the White Light”. I have the experience of love even if it were for only one weekend in St Louis.  I was blessed with that weekend. Now all I have is a memory. 

Everything else was taken from my heart.


The things that I lost cannot ever be replaced by anyone except the person that took them

I had everything I ever dreamed of and more

I believed and had hope for my future

All was taken away from me
I Crashed


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Betrayed #12

DJs Unique Sound Charities

Betrayed #12


Is it wrong to believe in a person

Is it wrong to think the best of the person

Is it wrong to love someone unconditionally


My husband came home and I was in 7th heaven.  I was so excited to begin my long awaited fairytale.  I knew in my heart that we would be okay and our dreams would come true.  We had worked so hard at understanding each other and at studying God’s word so we would live the right way.  The things he did after he came home from prison would destroy all the trust that we had built up while he was gone.  The promises he made, were nothing but words.

After about 2 months, he got mad about something and slapped my face.  I don’t remember what he got mad about; I just remember how shocked I was that he put his hands on me again.  As always, he was sorry and swore it wouldn’t happen again.  He never hit me again.

Soon after this incident I realized that he had started using drugs again.  Things got more bizarre than before.  I don’t know if it is because he was using more or if it was because it was a different type.  I am still naïve to this, but I do know that once again my fairytale became a nightmare and this time it was worse in many ways.  Although he did not hit me again, there were so many other things that were worse.

His paranoia was so intense that it scared me.  I couldn’t reason with him because in his mind his paranoia was real.  The things he saw or suspected were real and of course, I needed to be aware or something might happen to me.  I am not sure if he got high during the day.  I suspect he did and I know he did other things that were totally disrespectful to me and our marriage.  He would get high when I got home from work saying he was only going to “do a little”.  That “little” would last all night.  He would pace around the house in a way that made me scared.  He carried a knife with him at all times and if I tried to sleep I would be woken with him standing over me with the knife in his hands.  He would watch out the back window with binoculars because, as he said, a house in the next neighborhood would turn on or off their lights when he watched.  He would tell me to watch the light and I honestly did not see what he saw but it was real to him.  The most bizarre thing he did was due to his paranoia.  I would be sitting on the couch and if he happened to come into the room and I moved at the same time he walked in, he would get so angry at me and start yelling and cursing.  He was convinced that I had someone inside/or under the couch and I was having sex with them and that is why I moved.  I was so scared by the way he would come at me and turn over the couch to see who was under it.  Again, I couldn’t reason with him because if I tried it would only get him angrier.  If I slept with my legs a bit parted and then closed them because I adjusted in my sleep; that meant I was having sex with someone or something.  I was so afraid to do anything.  I was afraid to sit on the couch or sleep or do anything because I didn’t know how he was going to react.  I soon started to sleep with a knife and carry a knife with me at all times.  I didn’t do this to hurt him; I did it because I swore I would not let him hurt me again.  I would hurt myself first.  I could not live like this again.  I wanted to die but I had to do it in a way that he would not get in trouble for it. 

There came a time when I knew I couldn’t be in the house with him if he was high.  I packed my car with clothes and a jug of water.  I told him that if he got high I would not be there.  He didn’t seem to care.  I slept in my car almost every night because that is where I felt safe.  Sometimes I slept in the driveway of our house and other times I slept in parking lots; it all depended on how scared I was.  After a while, I started sleeping at my job.  I think what hurt the most is that he didn’t care if I was in a parking lot somewhere sleeping in my car.  He didn’t care if I was sleeping on a couch at work.  All he cared about is that he was able to get high. I believe he actually liked for me to be gone because he was cheating on me.  It was no longer just the internet sites, now it was in person and with prostitutes.  I found out that he was paying to have sex with prostitutes on a regular basis.  I cannot explain the hurt this caused me on so many different levels.  First because I believed in him and I believed in our marriage and this showed me he did not have the same beliefs as I did.  Second because he continually accused me of cheating on him and therefore was justified in his mind to hurt me and yet he was the one doing it all along. Third because I remembered what he had told me shortly after we got married…”he would not ever cheat on me unless it was with someone better than me.”  So this is what he thought of me?  A wife who dedicated her life to him, who stuck by him no matter what and he would rather be with a prostitute?

I couldn’t tell my children or anyone else what was going on.  I had to keep this all to myself and therefore hurt by myself.  No one would understand why I didn’t want to get him in trouble.  He continued to tell me he wanted help.  I believed him…he was so convincing.  His problem was getting worse.  His actions were getting worse. 

I have been told that you can’t help someone if they don’t want help.  I tried to help him.  He did not want help.  I finally realized there was nothing I could do to help him.

To love someone unconditionally

Is  to let them be who they want to be

To love someone unconditionally

Might mean to let them go

To love someone unconditionally

Sometimes hurts


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Healing #10

DJs Unique Sound Charities

Healing #10


Time to heal

Mentally, physically & emotionally

Time to heal

From the hurt, abuse, & betrayal

Time to heal

So life can go on…


We had met the day we got married so we really didn’t know each other.  We were able to change this during the course of the time he was gone.  We were able to use this time to heal and to grow together.  We talked in length about everything that had happened and why.  We discussed how we felt and what we needed to do to help each other.  We learned to trust each other; we learned to believe in each other.  Most of all we used this time to grow in Christ.  Many people would say that everyone finds God in prison.  I say that is great, because it is the story of the prodigal son.  God makes good of all evil if you allow him to and if you believe and ask.  We asked and we believed.  We took this time to start up our non-profit to help others.  We could use our experiences to help someone else.  For that reason it would all be worth it.  God has a reason for all things; this was our reason.  My husband expressed our feelings best when he put the saying on his back…”embracing the struggle”.  I could hope again…I could believe again…I was excited about our future.

It wasn’t easy and it didn’t happen fast.  I was still depressed and struggled to find a way out of my depression.  I had lost my job which caused another level of stress for me, however it turned out to be a blessing because I was able to watch my new grand-daughter.  Every time I looked at her I was reminded of my thoughts of death and how her birth had brought me hope.  She was my angel…She was a blessing…She helped save my life.  I focused on her and how precious she is, I focused my thoughts on my own children and my other grand-children. I focused on my husband and helping him to heal.

One day, while watching my grand-daughter, I was flipping through T.V. channels and accidently came upon a Joyce Meyer telecast.  I am not sure what caught my attention.  I watched the entire episode and knew that God was talking to me. I still had to deal with the guilt I felt for the restraining order.  I still had to deal with the guilt I felt for causing my family pain.  I knew it was time for me to heal and to put the past in the past.  I heard words that I had heard all my life and it reminded me of who I was.  I didn’t ever think I could get into a state of mind that would pull me away from my core beliefs and yet my depression was causing me to not be able to remember these simple beliefs.  I watched the next day and the next and slowly began to feel my heart open and my mind clear.  I felt light…I felt like I could believe again…I felt happiness

It has been proven that there are certain stages that most people go through in order to heal or in grieving a loss.  1st) Denial and Isolation; 2nd) Anger; 3rd) Bargaining; 4th) Depression; 5th) Acceptance.  There is not a set amount of time that each stage should or might last.  There are not any limitation to the severity of each stage.  We are all unique so there is no right or wrong way to get through your loss or your individual hurt.  Everyone I knew gave me advice to help me heal, however they did not realize that I am different; I am unique.  The struggle I had, was to face the fact that I had a right to hurt in my own way and in my own time.  My sister told me this recently and I didn’t realize that what she said was exactly what was causing me pain in my healing process.  I could not change what others thought about my situation, I could only change the way I thought about my situation.  I began to “embrace the struggle”.  I began to remember that God does things for a reason.

The White Light…..It was shining brightly.  I cannot explain the new feelings I had within my heart.  My husband and I had so many plans.  We took this time to heal in a way I didn’t think was possible.  We took this time to grow together.  We were one.  We both wanted the same things and we were ready to work together to achieve them.  The second chapter of my fairytale was becoming a reality.  I was blessed in so many ways and I knew everything is possible with God.

I believed this was a new beginning……no looking back

Was I wrong?


Anything bad can be turned into good

It is all in how you look at it

Look on the positive side

And life will be much brighter

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Broken #3

DJs Unique Sound Charities

Sometimes it's impossible
To leave the past in the past

Sometimes it's impossible

To reach your deepest inner feelings

Sometimes it's impossible

To separate what is real and what is ingrained in you

Because of your past


We had a saying ..."I Love you Like the White Light."  By saying this we expressed how our love was pure and beyond anything of this world.  it was from Christ...

W both had a near death experience in our past.  Mine was from a former partner when he tried to kill me, by strangling me.  The white light was so beautiful and peaceful.  The feeling is beyond anything that can be explained in words.  I remember asking God to take me, I was ready to go.  I wanted to go and experience the peace that the white light was offering me.  He didn't take me, however he did give me something that I didn't realize at the time.  He gave me strength to know that I was not afraid of dying.  The peaceful feeling I had at that moment would give me strength to face what lie ahead.

The fairytale was fast becoming a nightmare....the white light was fast fading into a black hole that I couldn't escape.

I opened my heart to my "fairytale husband".  Before we got married he had asked me to tell him of every relationship I had been in.  I told him if our marriage depended on me telling him, we should not marry.  I told him I was afraid of him using this against me.   I knew...why didn't  I believe in my own instincts.

After we got married, he made me feel like I could tell him everything.  He made me believe that in order to be one, we had to be totally honest and open with each other.  I told him how all my life I had been told how ugly I am.  I told him about my previous abuse.  I told him about my being raped on more than one occasion.  I told him about all the mean and hateful things that were said to me.  I told him specifics and in great detail.  I told him because he made me believe in him.. I believed I could be me and he would still love me.  I let out my heart to him.  It felt so good to be able to express myself to someone in such detail.  I could let out all those repressed feelings that I have carried all my life... those feelings that eat away at you little by little.   The feelings that you don't dare speak out loud because if you do, they will become real to someone else and you will be found out.  The feelings that you hold in a secret part of your heart; because to speak them out loud would be to acknowledge their truth.  I told him how everything made me feel...I told him everything because I finally felt like I had someone I could trust  that would understand me and that loved me enough to care.  In telling him my inner most feelings were somehow released... I could be happy...I didn't have to be ashamed of who I was.

I had no idea he would use everything I told him against me.  I had no idea he was addicted to crack.  I had no idea of what lay ahead.

He used to say something on a daily basis

"signs and symbols for the conscience mind...if you cannot see, you are truly blind"

I didn't see the signs...He said these words to me on a daily basis, why did I not see the signs before it was too late.

It started with mental and verbal abuse.  The things he said to break me down.  I should have seen the signs.  These types of things were said to me before.  He would tell me I was lying when I  knew I was not...he would tell me of the things he had done in his past to keep me scared and aware of his capabilities.  It was so subtle and he did it in such a loving way that I didn't notice him using my insecurities against me.  He would accuse me of cheating on him and when I tried to explain that I have not cheated on him he would bring up my past.  I couldn't believe this was happening because it was exactly as I predicted before we even got married ... something he promised would not ever happen.

The accusations became more and more frequent, the tone of his voice changed from loving to hateful.  He would hang on to my every word and if I said something incorrectly he yelled with such a harsh voice that I was afraid to speak for fear of saying the wrong thing.  I began to feel like there was something wrong with me as he made sure I knew that he acted the way he did, because of me.  If I questioned this he would say something like..."you don't even see the things you do" or "don't you even hear yourself".  I tried so hard to stay calm because if I dared to cry, he would say something like, " I don't want to hear that fake ass sh**."  I began to feel that I could not do or say anything right.  It didn't help that I had started menopause and my emotions were totally out of control.  When or if I tried to explain to him that I was changing ...my body was changing, he would get mad and tell me that has known plenty of women and they did not act the way I did.  He said my body smelled and insisted it smelled of sex and that I had been cheating on him.  I was so embarrassed and I couldn't fix the problem because what he accused me of was not true.  What was wrong with me?  Why couldn't I be the person he wanted?

It started...I was 'walking on eggshells.'  I always felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest, my nerves were gone and I felt like my insides were always shaking and ready to shut down.  I felt like I couldn't think straight; I couldn't ever say the right things; I couldn't express my feelings or emotions; I couldn't be me...because no matter what I did or said, it always seemed to be the wrong thing.  I must be a bad person...there must be something wrong with me since he is not the first person who has said these things...I have heard such things throughout my life.  How could this be happening when he was the person  that made me feel so special and now I felt worse than I had ever felt in my life.  I couldn't face my family or friends because to express what I was going through would be to admit I was a failure. 

I was alone.......My spirit was broken

I am who I am

Because of my past

I am who I am

Because of my beliefs

I am who I am

Because I can only be me


If God be for me

What man can be against me?

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Every Experience is a Life Lesson

Throughout our lives, we all have moments, seasons, where we experience life at it's best and it's worst.  But what do you do with those moments?  Do you say, "I'll never do that again".  Maybe something like, "Now I know what not to do", or how about, "What did I learn from all this"?  Every moment is a lesson and it all depends on how you perceive it and what you do with it.

We can very easily make our bad experience worse when we reflect on it as such. But what about the flip side, what did you learn from this experience?  How can my life be better because of what I've gone through?  Here's how...


Learn from it and move on!


No need to dwell on the negative, you'll just keep yourself stuck in the same mindset, without even realizing it.   And then everything around you will start to take on the same negative thought process.  Your job, your relationships, your mood, your happiness, everything will start to take a downward turn.  And the reality is that you have allowed it to get to this point because you just could not let it go.  Your thoughts kept the cycle going.

At this moment, make a choice.  A choice to be better, a choice to not allow this to destroy you, a choice to release the negative and move on.  Start to feel better immediately.  Remember all the wonderful people and great things in your life that you love and surround yourself with greatness.  If yours is a story you feel comfortable in sharing, then do that.  There is enormous gratitude in knowing that you have helped someone because of your own testimony.  Feel good again and don't let this experience deprive you of another minute of your very precious, very beautiful life.

Here's the formula:

Learn From It

Make A Choice

Release It

Move On

Feel Good Now


With Love and Gratitude,

The Black Woman's Rule Book



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Your Positive Influence

Every one of us has a powerful influence on other people in some manner. The responsibility is huge especially among friends and family members.  It is up to us to serve as positive role models because there are certain people who are placed in our path specifically for us to influence. Our positive attributes help to reshape the world.

As we pursue our businesses, let's not get discouraged by the nay-sayers or negativity around us. Let's not be influenced by the downfalls of others. Instead, be persistent and persevere. Keep your mindset in a positive state so that whoever is watching you, will be convinced as well.

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The Pathway To Your Joy In Two Words

Have you ever wondered how people live such awesome lives.  They have great wealth, abundant joy, successful marriage, nice house, wonderful spouse, great friends, awesome kids, beautiful cars, and travel the world year round, the list is endless.  Have you ever wondered how they achieved it all. Some might say they worked hard for it, they inherited it or they got lucky.  There is a strong commonality in the lives of those who live life abundantly and it is a belief that dates back hundreds of years.  Books have been written about this topic for ages and it is available to everyone who can apply it's rules to their life. All you have to do is INTEND IT!That's right, intend it.  Whatever you want for your life, you must intend it. Let's take a look at the meaning of the word. To have in mind as something to be done or brought about.  You 100% intend to have a wonderful life, intend to have a loving marriage, intend to be successful, intend to be great, intend to be healthy, intend to be happy!  For all the things you want for your life intend it.  Expect that it will happen and remain focused on only those things.  Don't allow any contradiction, doubt, disbelief or denial to enter your mind.  Dismiss those thoughts immediately and replace them with the positive thinking that what you want is on it's way, everything you need is flowing into your life right now.  And feel good about it, get excited about it!Go to a quiet room in your home, take a pen and paper with you.  Now, sit quietly and think about what you desire most for your life.  Be very clear with yourself, be very specific.  Now that your mind has become clear on what you want, write it down and read these thoughts everyday.  When you do this continue to imagine yourself where you want to be, continue to remain positive and continue to feel good about it and watch it appear in your life.  And finally, be grateful and thankful for what your life already has, so that you can continue to feel this way when your life begins to produce more for you.With Love and Gratitude,The Black Woman's Rule BookHttp://thebwrb.com/
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Helping Youth at Risk and the Young at heart

I have been gone for awhile as I was concentrating on a new challenge.  We started with DJs Unique Sound & Entertainment which was established to help local artist brand themselves and gain exposure through social media.  We have expanded and are extremely excited to announce....DJs Unique Sound Charities.  DJs Unique Charities is a non profit in Phoenix, Arizona.  Our ultimate goal is to obtain a motor home and to convert it into a mobile recording studio. Our mission is to help youth by giving them a way to express themselves in a positive way through music and photography instead of negatively in the streets.  It has been a slow start, however, believe in what we are doing and we know our work will help build up self esteem and self worth.  If we can make a difference in one person's life, all the work is worth what we put into it.  We are always looking for suggestions/help.

Diana Jones

DJs Unique Sound Charities


DJs Unique Sound Charities

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Chari T of "Chari T's Inspirational Creations", ran a contest to win a free pair of handmade Peacock earrings.  I entered yesterday, the last day of the contest, and I won! Since I haven't won a lot of things in the past, I'm thrilled! Check out the blog post she made for me:





Visit Chari's BBWO profile:



Also please check out Chari's face book fan page!




P.S: Chari I hope you don't mind but that random generator you used to pick the winner is cool, and I'm going to use it for my own contest! :-D

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The Power of A Positive Mindset

What is the big deal about being positive? How can we be positive in a recession? People are losing jobs right and left, do you tell them to be positive? What is there to be positive about? Now, I may have missed a few, but these were some of the questions asked of me at a recent empowerment workshop.

Each year I repeat the same thing over and over again. Your success is directly related to your positive mindset. Your circumstances change, when you change your mindset. At this event however, I decided to switch it up a bit. Instead of speaking on the benefits of being positive, I simply asked,”What Now?” You are in a recession, you have lost your job and you have nothing but negativity around you, so again, I ask, “What Now?” It was a moment before one attendee said, “You have to do something to change your situation.”

And so my point remained the same. If you know something needs to be done to change the situation you are in, and you expect to have a different result by doing what needs to be done, could one not assume that you are being positive? You have now created the beginnings of a positive mindset.

Being positive is not a one step action or thought. It is a thought process that should one choose to follow could change their direction, their lives, and it could put them on the road to success in whatever their endeavor may be. Having a positive mindset can improve ones quality of life and when coupled with doses of integrity, value, self esteem, faith and a heaping dose of a giving spirit; one now has the makings of a positive mindset, improved quality of life and success.

You can see things start to happen, doors start to open and obstacles removed from your path when you change your mindset. Not only your mindset, but you changed how you looked at those negative things in your life. One should always remember that your thoughts create your reality, so be positive. Embrace a positive mindset and imagine your possibilities.

Shalonda Jones - Leading to Success With S. Jones Group


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Ok so I just wanted to write a blog to uplift and encourage everyone out there. As women (and men) we all deal with daily struggles and sometimes things may seem a little overwhelmming and overbearing for us to handle. Some of us have children, husbands (wives for the men reading this), jobs, pets, social lives, part time jobs, etc. the list can go on and on...all of these aspects of our lives can bring unneccessary stress or an abundance of JOY. Which one occurs stress or JOY depends on what you allow to happen in your life.

Speaking only to the women now, as women we all have an inner strength that allows us to overcome any obstacle that may cross our path. That inner strength also gives us the remarkable power and ability to by pass foolishness, yet sometimes we get caught up in foolishness and negate our ability to be greater than our circumstances. The type of foolishness I'm referring to is things that we all know don't warrant a second of our time but we still spend our precious energy, time, and efforts focusing on things that will not bring any multiplication, power, strength, or JOY to our lives.

So here's what I say, I say let's take time to think about what really matters to us, what is really important, what will help us live a joyful and fulfilled life. Once we do that let's collectively decide to focus on the things in our lives that we know will help us move forward and not backward. Part of doing this will allow all of us to see what's really important in life and what we need to focus on to move forward in our life journey.


As an exercise I think that everyone men and women alike should write down the things that they know are not positive and do not bring any satisfaction or joy to them. Once that list is written out don't even look at it anymore, crumple it up and set it asside. Then write a list of all the things you want to accomplish, achieve, aspire toward in life read it out loud, make copies of it and put it up all over the house in places you will always be able to look at it, reflect on it, and expound on it. Take the other list that you crumpled up that has all of the negative things and burn it up. That's right I said burn it up, but be sure to do it in a safe place that will not cause a harmful fire to occur in your home (practice safety first). Once the negative list is burned up forget about everything you wrote on that list that doesn't bring any joy to your life and focus on the positive list you created.


I'd like to present a challenge to everyone to focus on your list of positive things for the entire week. Then post a response of what happened as a result of having a positive attitude and outlook on life.

Be Blessed in all you do and become a blessing to others!

Have a great and prosperous day!

~Tamishia Clayborn~


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Maybe you've heard of the book "As a man thinketh."It's a very popular book, however, not as popular as thebible which is where the scripture "As a man thinketh in His heartso is he" is found. Proverbs 23:7What about the power of your words?You can create an atmosphere for healing, peace, Faith and prosperitythrough the words that you speak and you will maximize the impact throughthe word of God, but only if you know how to use it.It is important as women of Faith that we equip ourselves with everytool within our reach.Death and life are in the power of the tongue:and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21What are you speaking? Look around you, take inventory of your life.What fruit do you see? Some of what you see is a result of yourwords of life or death. That may sound harsh,however,the damage yourtongue can do to your life is harsh.There's life in the word of God and when we speak life words filledwith the word "confessions" we build a life of POWER!!Take a look at the scripture below for some of the benefits ofrestraining your words.Proverbs 17:27-28: "Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent."It's not easy when you try to do it in the flesh. You must build upyour spirit which will strengthen you.Another thing to consider on the flip side is that your words are powerfuland we are responsible for every word we speak. So whether you desire totake action and use confessions to frame your world or not there is arepercussion."But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken." Matthew 12:36What can you do about it?What if you had a resource that shared additional insights on the powerof Confessions and listed confessions that you could use to power up?Introducing "Confessions good for the soul, spirit and body!"This is a power-packed resource full of insights and confessions to empoweryour life and assist you in framing your world with the word of God.You'll find confessions on healing, peace, faith and prosperity.There's also a limited customized eBook option.You can pre-order this powerful resource for a limited time at a savings.Get "Confessions good for the soul, spirit and body" by clicking here.You shall have what you say!
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GET YOUR ISH TOGETHER, OH MY!!!!Shynel Cooper Sykes, is unique in her presentation of some most spoke about subjects,love,money,realtionship,challenges.I find her observations and commentary to be refreshing.You have to listen her videoblogs. Some will have you smiling, other may make you say "ouch" (trust,you will be ok and much for the better), some will make you THINK!!!Make sure you check her web sitehttp://stilettosinthekitchen.com/home.htmland grab her book - Stilettos In The Kitchen"I know this lady is making a positive difference

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Hello Community, WoW !Did I have an interesting, informative, and engaging conversation with these two beautiful. articulate, insightful, progressive, and action oriented ladies. Kat and Nita.I mean putting together positive business and social building activities from the west coast to the east coast and all states in between!!!They are even helping those who want to go to school.The SHEMA1000 is our Cash Awards program for our members starting or going back to college. Learn how you can qualify to receive $1000 towards your continued education.go check them out right now.
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RETV is here!

Hip Hop fans of all ages welcome RETV, a weekly, one-hour positive hip-hop program. RETV is currently broadcasted in several major U.S. Markets including Tampa, FL, Atlanta, GA, & Detroit, MI, as well as many smaller towns, college campuses and online. Hosted by Moeski and Nicki Lynch, this show exposes the positive side of Hip Hop by presenting an indepth look at Hip Hop artists who leave sex, drugs, alcohol, violence and profanity out of their music.

Through artist interviews, and organizational profiles RETV examines Hip Hop’s positive influence on our youth and urban communities. Coupled with music videos and comedic skits, RETV provides the entertaining aspect of Hip Hop that captures the attention of youth and adults ages 15-35.

Click here to view the show online!Click here to view official press release
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As My Special Gift To Those Ning Sites and Their Members That Love and Support "SUCCESS DRIVEN DIVAS"

DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY OF One of My Favorite Ebook " 23 Simple Strategies to Immediately Begin Empowering Your Life Design Everyday" for Only $3.00
Change Your Mind and Shift Your Paradigm: Using Positive Self-Talk to Conquer Any GoalBy V. Ivana Foster, The Confidence ArchitectFounder and Owner of The North Star Life Empowerment Program, Platinum Level Coaching for Success Driven Divas.Do you feel like you are always talking yourself out of success? As soon as you start to set goals for yourself, do you suddenly have nagging thoughts about how you aren't up to the task or how you simply aren't qualified to carry it through?If you have ever experienced either situation, you need to change the way you respond to your inner dialogue. Instead of obeying your negative commands, you can use positive self-talk to counter the negativity and overcome nearly all anxious thoughts.Setting Goals and Sticking to Them with Positive Self-TalkAre you initially filled with excitement when you first set goals for yourself? Are these thoughts then followed by self-doubt and self-defeating thoughts that stop you in your tracks before you even get started?It can be difficult to make the most of your life when you are constantly talking yourself out of being a success. It can be frustrating and discouraging to have these thoughts constantly plaguing you. Many of us, in fact, don't even realize we have them! All we know is that we don't have the confidence to stick to our plans and reach our goals.But there's another way!Positive self-talk is an effective way to set goals and ensure that you stick to them, even if you have never been able to do this before. The way this works is that you decide what goal is important to you, and then you plan the logistics of how you are going to attain this goal. When self-doubt starts kicking in, you will respond with affirmations that prove your success without surrendering to the negative pressure. Since you're reading this article, it's clear that you're no quitter and you're certainly not a failure, so start believing in yourself!Re-Programming Your MindAffirmations are essentially positive statements that re-program your mind for the positive. The moment you have a self-defeating thought you'd be able to counter the negative with a motivating statement. An example of a positive affirmation is: "I am worthy of great success," or "I see myself in the winner's circle." What this does is replace negativity with thoughts that will help you move toward your goals instead of further away from them.Positive self-talk is easier to implement than you might think. You may not be aware of the severity of the negative dialogue currently within your mind. However, once you begin with positive self-talk, you will suddenly realize that you are self-sabotaging the goals you set for yourself from the minute that you make them. This process can open your eyes to exactly how much this inner conversation has been interfering with your life. You'll feel hopeful that you can now set goals and surpass them.Through positive self-talk you will be able easily set long and short-term goals for yourself. And when you use affirmations, you'll have accessible tools to help you push yourself further than ever before. Learning to quiet negativity with positive thoughts is a great move toward setting and attaining future goals with ease.As Always,

Love YOUR LIFE. Achieve YOUR GOALS. Love YOUR DREAMS...on THIS DAY!P.S.Remember to Grab Your Special Gift Today

DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY of "23 Simple Strategies to Immediately Begin Empowering Your Life Design Everyday" For Only $3.00 Today.

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You Can Do It!

Naomi's Notes: YOU can do it!by: Naomi HulmeYOU can do it!You CAN DO it!You can do IT!We make our dreams come true or not. It is all up to each of us to make those things happen that we wish for and want. Whatever your "it" is, whether a dream or passion or goal, you really "can do" it if you want it bad enough and work at it hard enough. Ignore the "can'ts" that you hear in your own mind and from others.We have so many choices each day. Think back a year ago of missed opportunities that either you weren't financially or professionally or emotionally ready for. What if you had planned ahead and were ready for any and all opportunities that came your way. Imagine how and what you would be doing. Now think back five years ago and come forward. There were probably some opportunities that you were able to jump on and make use of in that time. What other opportunities do you see that either you or your family missed?No matter where you are today, you can choose today going forward to have a great, optimistic, positive attitude about every area of your life. You CAN accomplish anything you set out to do. Sometimes we have to get creative to get through the stumbling blocks.Start planning now to watch for any positive opportunities that God puts in your path.According to David McNally, in his book Even Eagles Need a Push, he stated, "Those who learn to soar have the courage to take a positive attitude toward life. They understand that life offers many surprises but believe that within those surprises are lessons - and that from the lessons comes wisdom. A positive attitude requires courage because it is a decision not to be defeated no matter what challenges life presents.""Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing."Abraham Lincoln"A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes."Hugh DownsJeffrey Gitomer's Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude says, "A large part of attitude achievement is the visualization. It's easier to visualize YES! than it is to visualize positive. When something great happens, no one screams, "Positive!" Everyone screams, "YES!" That's the difference. That's the YES! factor."Each day, do one thing that helps you get where you want to be. Mix that one thing in your schedule no matter how busy you are. At the end of one year, you will have stretched and grown personally and professionally in so many ways. You will then start to add new directions to your original dream. Just imagine how much more purpose you will have in your life. Go for it!
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We often find ourselves regretting where we are in life. This sends us on a spiraling journey downward as we begin complaining and nourishing fear which is the enemy of faith.One key area in living a prosperous life is having an attitude of gratitude.Let's take a look further into the definition of gratitude. Gratitude-State of being grateful. Grateful-Thankful or appreciative.Having an attitude of gratitude will provide the following benefits, not necessarily in the order written.Provides clear vision.Allows free course for Father God to reward you.Stops the cancer of murmuring and complaining in it's Tracks.Ignites the fire for an atmosphere of praise.An attitude of gratitude will render an altitude of Good success.You can take time to think of a few more. The word tells us in I Thess 5:18 to give thanks in everything.Give thanks for your temple. God's gift to us is life what we do with it is our gift to Him.This is not speaking of being thankful that you had an accident, being thankful that you lost your job, being thankful that your children don't have clothes or food to eat. No! It is speaking of an attitude of thankfulness, gratitude and thereby praise. Let's put it this way, it may seem that you've lost more than you imagined that you would at this time, however, an attitude of gratitude would be thankful that you didn't lose it all.Thanks in the greek means; eucharisteo (Yoo-khar-is-the'-o) to be grateful, (act) to express gratitude (towards).Live long and prosper with an attitude of gratitude.Your attitude determines your altitude.(c) Robin G. Tramblehttp://www.youcangetunstuck.com
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Power point~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~(c) 2002 Robin TrambleStop trying so hard!Are you trying desperately to live right and still find yourselffailing? I was too until I realized that I can't do it aloneI am destined to make mistakes or miss the mark,however, Father, God has provided grace so that ifI should he covers me. What I need to do is repentand start again. He is at work in me helping me todo what I need to do.An important question to consider is who are you comparing yourself to?Sometimes we set ourselves up for failure becausewe don't align ourselves with God's view of us, but rathersociety's view or our relatives' view. Stop trying so hard!Relax and enjoy life. Yield yourself to the potter's touch as Hemolds you and shapes you into the beautiful vessel He hasdesigned you to be.Low self esteem can affect your productivity, a lack of confidence can negativelyimpact your business and personal relationships which as a result impede your success in life.I want to share this power-packed eBook with you to demonstrate the effectiveness ofboosting your self esteem and confidence.You will realize measurable results as you implement some,if not all of the tips and information included.Simply visit the site below to gain access to this powerful resource.http://tinyurl.com/6b4v2pYour empowering Mentor/Trainer/Coach,Robin G. Tramble
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Stress, women and chronic disease

Did you know that stress can be attributed to 90% of all chronic diseases?This thing is serious!Many times as women we are in denial and feel that we havea grip on stress and are managing well, however, without becomingaware of stressors in your life you are basically yielding yourself totremendous damage to your health and well being.I use assessments to help individuals discover their subsceptibilityto stress. A few of the questions that I ask would include the following.Do you experience unidentified pain in your shoulders, neck or back?Have you experienced loss in the last year (i.e. loss of a loved one, job etc.)?Do you find it easy to take time for yourself at least once or twice per week?This is your life and you have a choice to make to either take aproactive approach to your personal development, health and wellnessplan or become a victim and shorten the time you have here on earth tobenefit from the fruits of your labor.I invite you to get my free new report "Stress reduction and thepowers of a positive attitude." You can find it at:http://tinyurl.com/68gvmsLive stressed-less and prosper!RobinEmpowering Mentor/Trainer/Coach
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