Messenger Group Announces:For Immediate Release: October 5, 2008 - Decatur, GA (United States) – October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Within the U.S. Nearly, three out of four (74%) of Americans personally know someone who is or has been a victim of domestic violence. 30% of Americans say they know a woman who has been physically abused by her husband or boyfriend in the past year (Allstate Foundation National Poll on Domestic Violence, 2006).Atlanta author, Kimberly Ware, wrote a thought provoking book for survivors on domestic Violence. “I am a survivor of domestic violence and I wanted to write a book on how to heal spiritually. I wanted to show women how they too can grow their wings and heal from life dilemmas,” stated Kimberly Ware.When women go through social struggles in their life such as divorce, single parenting, emotional abuse, domestic violence, or illness, it can be quite dramatic. At first these experiences can cause a wound, not just a physical wound, but a spiritual wound that also needs healing. Often times these wounds can not be seen with the naked eye but they are still there.Intuitive, spiritual healer, and teacher, Kimberly S. Ware guides women on how to heal from life dilemmas. This guide is complimentary to Ware’s Heal My Wings: A Healing Workbook & Journal for Women. Offering modern-day stories and examples from her own personal experiences, she gives tips and exercises on spiritual healing. She shows how it’s possible to heal your wings and prosper after overcoming life changing events.Kimberly Ware is the author of Heal My Wings: A Healing Guide for Women, Heal My Wings: A Healing Journal and Workbook for Women. Kimberly Ware is a spiritual healer and teacher. She conducts the Heal My Wing, Spiritual Pathway, and A Recipe for the Soul Workshops through out the country.Publicist: Messenger GroupContact: Denise SwansonPhone #: 404-781-1970e-mail: info@kimberlyware.comwebsite: www.kimberlyware.comClick Here for Kimberly Ware's Press Room (Previous Media Releases):
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What Does Daddy Do?

I am ranting about Dads today....Mom's generally have most of the responsibility with children. Even if mom works full or part-time, they are expected to do everything. Even when father's are in the home, mother's do most of the work.Mothers manage every aspect of their child or children's lives. There are some Dad's who do these things too. So why is to special and amazing when a man does these thing but just responsibility when a woman does it?Not every woman may do everything on this list. This list reflects the things that children need. They can exist without all of these things, But they deserve this and more. If you are not doing all these things, this in no way is a reflection of you or how you live and/or take care of your children.These things are done by most women, and not meant to reflect every possible situation. Whether a women is married or has a partner, these items are the what every women should be doing for her children if she has them.Work in or out of the home to make a living to maintain basic needs of her familyBuy and cook for their children on a regular basisShop for whatever it is that children need, based on what they can affordClean up behind them and teach them to maintain a clean environmentPrepare children for private/public child care or school by potty-training, manners, communicate, share, etcBathe them or make sure the bathe everydayComb or cut their hair, wash it and teach them to take care of itEnsure that children brush their teeth at least twice a dayGet them to school either by walking/driving or pubic transportationMonitor how much television they watchMonitor how much time they spend playing video games or using the computerRead to them, and teach them to readHomework is essential to be done with at least one parent dailyBeing their biggest fan and letting them know they are celebratedWipe their butts and teach them to wipe their own buttsWashing, storing, taking care of clothes that they grow out ofPurchase what they need - from A to ZSort through what they have outgrownMake sure they dress appropriately for the weatherSupport them in social activities and sportsInspire a desire for learningOkay so this is not what I would call is an extensive list, so what do Dad's do?????If you are a dad and you do these things, great, but what happens if you want to go out with the boys, or watch the football game? Why is it easier for men to go about doing whatever they want to do and the women is always expected to take care of the children? The children belong to both parents even if they do not live together.Omitunde, Publisher of African American Family ConnectionAn online magazine about African American Family values and community.Visit AAFC for the latest issue each month and a copy of ."The Ripple Effect"
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If It Don't Fit...

When I was a child, I remember one of my favorite songs was, If It Don’t Fit, Don’t Force It, by Kellee Patterson. That song came out in 1978 and I could not have known what they were talking about at such an early age because if I had, years later, I would not have stayed in my marriage as long as I had. Actually, I don’t even know if I would have gotten married at all to the man that fathered my three boys. I mean really, in the three years before we even tied the knot, I had gone through an obstacle course full of red flags. As if it were yesterday, I remember pulling up to the church where we were to have our shoe string wedding with my soon to be mother-in-law and our two kids in tow. I can’t remember what we were arguing about, but I do distinctly remember my ex-mother-in-law saying, “y’all sure y’all wanna do this?” If I had known what I know now, is the phrase that comes to mind right now.But how could I have known? I was only twenty-four and thought I was doing the right thing by getting married to the man that fathered one of the two children that I had then. All I could think of was, if I marry him, God would fix everything. He’d make everything right. Wrong! “God bless this mess,” was the prayer that I prayed often. But in my experience, God doesn’t bless mess; at least He didn’t bless mine’s. I was a good wife; really. I went to work everyday, made sure the kids were properly fed and clothed, and even though I wasn’t an A-plus housekeeper (that’s what maids are for), I did however take care of my business in the bedroom, if you know what I mean. My husband didn’t have to worry about me running around on him. Our entire marriage, I pretty much stayed at home with the kids, so he basically ran the streets with a piece of mind as to my whereabouts, while he was out doing his dirt.Marrying someone with an addiction is like signing yourself up for a life full of distress, disappointments and dis-ease. “But I love him, and love conquers all,” bullcrap! That’s the lie we’ve been led to believe. Oh, it sounds really great, but take it from me, love does not conquer all. Being a lover through and through, the love I had for my husband and every guy since him, should have been enough to keep everything together. Not! I’ve learned that when loving, you need to make sure that the person you are giving your love to, is even capable of reciprocating the act itself. It’s one thing to say I love you, but if there’s no action that backs that up, then those are essentially empty words. And the act of love-making, if that is indeed what occurs in your bedroom, does not prove one’s love for you. Being compatible in that area is one of the reasons we stay involved even when the rest of the relationship is falling apart.In closing I’d like to say that when you’re truly in the market for attracting someone you’re considering building a solid relationship with, make sure that person is as close to a fit as possible. Trying to fit a square into a rectangle has never been possible unless you have a hammer as a tool and even after it’s finally inside the irregular space, the original shape is destroyed.
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What Is Relationship Empowerment Coaching?

Many of you have asked… Shelby…What’s Relationship Coaching? To those folks, on a One-on-One basis, I’ve explained to them what it is that I do exactly as a Relationship Empowerment Coach. Fortunately, I have had many Complimentary Coaching sessions with several members of this group and several other groups. These Complimentary coaching sessions have provided us the luxury of connecting and enabled them to learning more about Relationship Coaching and how they can benefit from it. Often the value of Relationship Coaching is realized and, those Complimentary sessions have converted into clients.What is Relationship Empowerment Coaching? It is a valuable professional client-focused service where an individual or couple who are healthy, willing, and capable of achieving relationship goals with strong support, beneficial information, and direction. Relationship Coaching is the new and most impactful way of attracting healthy relationships, both personal and professional, i.e., from marriage to working with the boss, from dating to developing your inner self. It’s the best way to making your life and relationships better. Keep in mind one of the biggest hurdles in relationships is sustaining commitment and establishing trust without losing your own identity or sacrificing Your personal goals and aspirations. Those hurdles don’t exist today! They are all possible to overcome with Relationship Empowerment Coaching!To learn more about the benefits of Coaching and to determine if Coaching is for you, schedule a Confidential Complimentary Coaching Session with Shelby Hill at shelbyhill@shelbymhill.comToday! You’ll be happy you did.Sincerely,Shelby HillRelationship Empowerment Coach
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Why do people stay in toxic or violent relationships?While a healthier person might find it very difficult to understand why someone would remain the target of another’s abuse, here are a few things that I have heard from people (both women & men) in regard to being in toxic relationships:1. “His anger shows he cares.”2. “No one has loved me like this.”3. “If I leave he’ll take the children.”4. “I am so unlovable (bad, ugly, hurt, used) I deserve abuse.”5. “My past is catching up with me. I deserve to be mistreated.”6. “He is not abusive. I’m a slow learner.”7. “God is teaching me: tough times are like lessons from God.”8. “I cannot make it alone.”9. “Relationships are never perfect. They all hurt in some way.”10. “You make your bed. You lie in it.”11. “Things will improve when we have children (get married, get a house, a job).”12. “He’s really a good person. When I make him angry he can’t help it.”13. “As long as he is sorry I can put up with anything.”14. “Things are improving, he doesn’t hit me like he used to.”15. “God will change him if I am obedient. The Bible says so.”The intensity, anger, aggression, in a toxic dance, places the victim on center-stage, and this focus is apparently experienced as some form of love.I believe that to use any of the excuses on this list indicates that the victim has lost the ability to love themselves first. My heart goes out to people in a toxic/abusive relationship that would use any of these excuses to remain in the relationship.Being a former victim myself, I recognize and can relate to all of these excuses. Back in the day when I was a victim, I used some of these excuses myself.Through the help of my family and my strong belief in God, I regained my positive self-esteem back ---- I’m a survivor. I gained back the strength, the courage to reach up out of the quicksand, and there were people there who reached back.There is help out there if you have the desire to seek it out. You can do this and you are worth it. There are many non-profit organizations whose hope and mission is to help empower individuals to achieve self-sufficiency, rebuild their lives, and ultimately help end violence within society. They can help you bridge the gap between being victims and becoming survivors.
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"When Does the Abuse End?"

In May 1995, I was a thirty-three year old woman who was in the process of getting a divorce. I had been in an abusive situation for nearly eight years. It wasn't only physical; it was mental and verbal as well. During part of this abusive period, I was pregnant. Then, it was really hard to say what I wanted to say about it. It seemed as though I had issues with communicating unless I was angry about something. I was angry about the fact that was going through a divorce when I never thought I would be. I figured that once I got married I would be so for life. What a laugh!I was married in March 1985 at twenty-three years old and the physical abuse started in June or July of that same year. It was slapping, punching, pushing, scratching, and all kinds of things that I never thought I would be going through. I always thought about leaving. I heard everything that people were telling me about my situation but, I would just filter out all information I didn't want to hear. Especially the information when they were telling me to leave. It seemed as though the more people told me to leave, the more I hung on to him. Looking for the good things that I knew was in him. Deep down, I felt that he was a good person but, he has issues that extended from his family. It took me some time to figure it out, but I finally realized that his problems are his problems to deal with. If he wants to better himself he has to want to do so it his own.Also, when you set out to change people, the only person that changes is you. Most time it's not for the best. The thing that woke me up to the kind of situation I was in was the last incident when I was hit in the head with an iron. I could have not seen it coming and not put my hands over my head to deflect the blow. That blow could have killed me. However, I'm alive and kicking today, but it still took time for me to leave. I stayed after the incident and was miserable because the relationship continued to go up and down. At times when we argued, I was scared to go into my own house. Several times when I did try to communicate to him, I told him that I felt like I was walking on eggshells in my own house and that is not how it should be. That always went in one ear and out the other.I lived on my own with my son for almost ten years until I finally married again in April 2004. I don't have to walk around like I'm walking on eggshells any more, but Every once in a while a "not feeling safe" feeling comes over, but it doesn't last because I won't let it. I will never again allow this man to have that kind of power over me again. If it had not been for my family and a few good friends, I'm not sure if I would have made it through this turmoil. My son had been a witness to a number of these events and to some of the outbursts that he had when he stated that he wanted nothing to do with us when we left. I thank God that he came out of this in tact because he grew up to be a very well-rounded, responsible, and compassionate young man. My getting us away from that situation gave us both a chance to heal and have a new life.
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This book depicts a woman's search for true love. I try to bring these emotions to life in the story of a young, ambitious woman who must choose between her first love turned abusive and an old friendship that develops into a passionate romance.Lynnette Thomas is a beautiful and passionate young woman from Atlanta who has firm plans for her life. She dreams about marrying her childhood sweetheart, Billy Matthews, launching a career in business administration and raising a family. Lynnette’s plans start out well as she and Billy get married and move to Charleston, S.C., to begin their life together. They are the perfect couple for a while, until Billy becomes extremely possessive and demanding of Lynnette. He starts using drugs, alienates her from her friends and ambitions and emotionally and physically abuses her.Billy ends up abandoning Lynnette while she is pregnant, leaving her feeling ashamed, hurt and alone. At her lowest point a long-lost childhood friend, Steve Montgomery, re-enters her life. Steve was a nerd in high school who loved Lynnette from afar, but is now a dashing, successful lawyer and sweeps Lynnette off her feet in a dazzling romance. Though both Steve and Lynnette are a little frightened by the new, unfamiliar feelings between them, they join together in a happy marriage. Their new life together flourishes until Billy resurfaces after a 10 year absence looking for a fresh start with Lynnette. Lynnette must decide whether to continue her life with Steve or give her first love a second chance.

Please copy and paste the links below into your brower window to view.PURCHASE LINK:!AUTHOR LINK:
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You're Here! - Now What?

I have had the distinct pleasure of seeing this grow by over a thousand members in the space of only a few months. In looking throughmy blog posts I noticed that I posted an article about ‘creating relationshipsonline’ and how important it is do so, especially if yours is a strictly onlinebusiness.

Because the group has grown so much in such a short time, I wanted to reiterate some of the points that I wrote about in the blog post.Perhaps this is the first online group that you have joined or you’re an oldonline veteran (like me, lol). Either way, we can all still gain something fromeach other, but only if you’re willing to get in and participate.

Many people join online groups, create a page in this group and expect the dollars to roll in, because of course, your product or service isso irresistible that all you have to do is “be” and folks will come to you. I’mreally sorry to burst your bubble, but, sor-ry – it just ain’t so. You have towork much harder at creating relationships online because you do not have theforce of your physical presence (in person/on phone) to back up your salespitch.

I would like to provide you with a few pointers to find and foster relationships (read network) online.

  • Form a relationship based on what you can give, rather than what you can get.
    A lot of people have the attitude "I'm not going to do anything for anyone ifthere's nothing in it for me." We all remember our high schoolliterature, right? "No man is an island". Although you may not beworking side by side with other entrepreneurs/business women, we are allconnected in one way or another. Now I'm not saying talk up someoneelse's product over your own, but there's no harm in giving out the name of asistapreneur who you know can help someone. For example, someone postedon this board about needing a lawyer. I replied that one of the sisterson the board was a representative for Pre-Paid Legal Services - hopefullythese two sisters were able to connect and both benefit from my"introduction".

  • Don't wait for people to come to you
    Cruise around BBWO and get the lay of the land. Run a search for yourkeywords or check out a few profiles at random. Leave a comment (yourcalling card) on profiles that interest you. For example, as a naturalbath and body maker, I looked for other bath and body makers. Then Ilooked for holistic/natural practitioners, then I looked for natural haircare. As I ran this search, I found a few sisters who shared my samevision or with whom I could connect with on another level. Reach out,leave a comment!

  • Personalize your approach
    Please, please, do not leave a generic comment on 20 profiles. "I've gota great automated business that will generate multiple streams of incomethrough affiliate marketing." You've heard it, I've heard it, we've allheard it. Take the time to come up with something original, likeactually reading the person's profile and asking a question about what theydo.

  • Read the boards.
    LaShanda has said this all ready but I'll say it again. Read! Iwas fortunate enough to be interviewed by a lovely lady from Canada AND Ilearned about a trend called New Urbanism. How? If I can't doanything else, I read the front page of BBWO from top to bottom at least threetimes a week. Even if I don't post, I check the newsfeed. Sistersare asking for advice, for information, for guest bloggers, samples for goodybags, article content - there's plenty going on.

  • Be professional
    Maybe I'm a prude, but nothing turns me off more than foul language on abusiness board. If I'm on a personal board, hey, I know that anythingpretty much goes. But when I'm reading your blog post request for guestbloggers which used profanity, I'm not sure I want to be associated with yoursite. Save the profanity for your friends, please! You never knowhow people will react to your choice of language.

For more pointers on finding your way around BBWO, see LaShanda's post andmy original post on this topic.

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Ah, I've discovered a new pastime - twittering. I twitter to my tweeps, keeping them updated on the details of my life/business life. Let me tell you, it's some experience.What is Twitter?From Wikipedia:Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to send updates (otherwise known as tweets) which are text-based posts, ranging up to 140 characters long.Who actually uses Twitter? (also from Wikipedia)Enterprise use* Businesses such as Cisco Systems, Whole Foods Market, Dell,, and Comcast use Twitter to provide updates to customers.* The Los Angeles Fire Department put the technology to use during the October 2007 California wildfires.* NASA used Twitter to break the news of discovery of what appeared to be water ice on Mars by the Phoenix Mars Lander.* News outlets such as CNN and the BBC have also started using Twitter to disseminate breaking news or provide information feeds for sporting events.* Several 2008 U.S. presidential campaigns use Twitter as a publicity mechanism, including that of Democratic Party nominee Barack Obama.[9]. The Nader/Gonzalez campaign uses Twitter and Google Maps to show real-time updates of their ballot access teams across the country.* The University of Texas at San Antonio College of Engineering is using Twitter to relay information to students.The point seems to be that Twitter is good for your business. But before you jump on and start Twittering your life away, here are some tips for using Twitter for your biz. (By no means is this a complete list.)5 Tips for Using Twitter for Business1. Use Twitter to announce a new blog post, a new article or a press release2. Brand yourself - Post tips or tidbits of information that will brand you as an expert in your field3. Network - select and follow people that you think might be interested in your product or service or find like minded people with which to collaborate4. Post links to interesting websites, articles or podcasts5. Post time sensitive promotions such as one day sales, or contestsNote: It helps if you respond to other's tweets once in a while. Twitter, is a two-way street - if you are constantly just posting information and not responding to other's postings, that makes it difficult to form "soft" relationships via Twitter.These are just a few ways that I, as a newbie, have used Twitter. I'm sure you can think of a few more!Follow me at
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Hello Beautiful Ladies of BBWO! My name is Zanira and I would like to share the following story with all of you. !Zanira's Quote of the Day -II AM WORTH IT!I’M WORTH A LOT!During a brief conversation, a man asked a woman he was pursuing the question “What kind of man are you looking for?” She sat quietly for a moment before looking him in the eye and asking, “Do you really want to know?” Reluctantly, he said, “Yes.”She began to expound…..”As a woman in this day and age, I am in a position to ask a man what he can do for me that I can’t do for myself. I pay my own bills, I take care of my household without the help of any man. I am in the position to ask, “What can you bring to the table?” The man looked at her. Clearly he thought that she was referring to money. She quickly corrected his thought and stated, “I am not referring to money, I need something more. I need a man who is striving for perfection in every aspect of life.”He sat back in his chair, folded his arms, and asked her to explain. She said, “I am looking for someone who is striving for perfection mentally because I need conversation and mental stimulation. I don’t need a simple minded man. I am looking for someone who is striving for perfection spiritually because I don’t need to be unequally yoked…..believers mixed with unbelievers is a recipe for disaster. I need a man who is striving for perfection financially because I don’t need a financial burden. I am looking for someone who is sensitive enough to understand what I go through as a woman, but strong enough to keep me grounded. I am looking for someone who I can respect. In order to be submissive, I must respect him. I cannot be submissive to a man who is not taking care of his business. I have no problem being submissive….he just has to be worthy. God made woman to be a helpmate for man. I can’t help a man if he can’t/won’t help himself.When she finished her spiel, she looked at him. He sat there with a puzzled look on his face. He said, “You are asking a lot. She replied,“I’m worth a lot.”
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Messages to the Black Woman by Kamal Imani Sisters,Yes, I have all of this video and poetic song dedications to you so why should I keep them dormant? By blessing you with them I in turn get blessed as well so let’s go!One Love!Brother KamalMs. Melanin, A Dedication to the Sisters by Kamal Imani as seen on Xposed TV NYCSee the New Spoken Word & Hip Hop Soul Music Video“ALL SHE REALLY WANTS IS LOVE”Yo, I Copped A New Whip! (lol)Lovin Her Nappy NappyA dreadication to sisters who sport natural hair styles in particular and all Black women in general. Yall so damn beautiful (lol).
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I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself, tell you a little bit about why I'm here, and why after many years of writing, I decided to venture into writing about relationships.Relationship topics are always popular because relationship problems will always exist. Most of us have experienced the hurt, and anguish of a broken heart, but it happens every day. And at many stages in my life, I too have experienced it, but after five marriages and 18 marriage proposals, I have gained the knowledge of certain key elements to maintaining a healthy, happy and fulfilling relationship.I decided to write “I Need Therapy” because at some point in a woman’s life we’ve all silently made this statement, whether we admit it or not.When some of you experience problems within your relationships, you run out and buy our books, or sit at home watching Dr. Phil hoping that you will learn the key to fixing all of your problems. Believe me, I’m not pointing fingers, I used to be that person.I, like most of you, have had my heart broken more times than I can count. I can vividly remember a time back in my early twenties, when a man I was dating told me that he didn't want me anymore. To me, this was unimaginable and it hurt like hell . . . how in the hell could he not want me!From that point, it seemed like the more he showed me that he didn’t want me, the more determined I was to make him love me.I had to learn a hard lesson. I had to learn to love MYSELF and recognize my worth! And once I did, I developed a different attitude toward this man. I realized that he didn’t deserve me.When I learned this powerful lesson, I stopped calling him, hounding him, driving past his apartment or place of business. I stopped my obsessive behavior, because ladies, you know we can develop obsessive behavior. But when I stopped . . . the roles reversed. He started ringing my phone off the hook, driving past my house and coming into my place of business with the pretense of conducting business.He couldn’t understand how he had lost his hold over me. Ladies, sometimes we too freely give up control to a man.There are certain things in life that we can’t change. We can’t change a man, change his mind or his way of thinking.The only thing that you have control over is YOU! You can change your behavior and your way of thinking.I am so happy to know that this book has helped so many women. I receive emails every day from women who say how “I Need Therapy” has literally changed their lives. I also receive emails from men who say that they found the book to be “on point” and helpful in understanding what women want from their relationships.It gives me such pleasure to know that this book that I poured so much of myself into, is actually serving the purpose in which it was written.Fix your relationship problems by starting with YOU!!! I Need Therapy . . . available everywhere books are sold! Or click the link below to go to my order page.
click here to order your copy
Click on the link below to read more interesting blogs posted by Glenda Wallace
click here for additional blogs!
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My reason for being single in the past: ive always seen the comfort of a man in my life as a pillar of strength, it completed me, a reason to look good every day, a reason to go out the list is endless. As you all know this is so not true these are all LIES LIES LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if you are reading this and you can relate and you havent stop this thinking method please my dear STOPWe as single woman should use this time to get to know who we are, most importantly get closer to GOD because his the only one that can make you complete not YOU and certainly not a MAN. And another lie is men are only into pretty, sexy, slim, well groomed, well off woman the list here too is endless the person who you going to meet if he/she uses the above criteria he/she is a big NO! NO! NO! if you find that you are day after day living to please this person and you find you no longer the person you use to be YOU NEED TO GET YOUR LIFE BACK. Many married and then divorced woman will tell you that two incomplete souls equals a DISATROUS MARRIAGE hence the very high divorce rate in the world. How do we change this well, i want us to discuss this and also let this be a platform for all single non single, married woman/men to share thier stories and views on relationships in todays world. My prayer is that we will help, with the help of GOD mend those broken hearts and prevent any a broken hearts.GOD bless Colleen
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Getting Older Growing Up!

Sunday, March 30, 2008Getting older - Growing UpToday my daughter is 18. An age we all have looked forward to - the beginning of adulthood. It symbolizes the time where we are able to make independent decisions.However, my daughter is somehow not quite ready. She has quite a bit of maturing still on her list of things to do. As I have observed my children, I can appreciate the unique aspects of their characters. They are all very different yet the same. They are all talented writers, singers, dancers,etc. They love to read, travel, go to the theater,museums, dining, etc. However, when it comes to making decisions they are really different.My birthday girl has always been the daughter who I consider to be my biggest challenge as a parent. Of all my children, she is the one who pushes it every time. An example would be her habit of breaking curfew. My other children will be back on time and even before the time. My birthday girl will say that the train was late when in fact she did not check the schedule to see what time she needed to get on the train in order to be home on time. She does not hesitate to point out the privileges that are extended to her other siblings. I have explained to her that they have shown that they are responsible. I can go on and on about her attitude of entitlement, etc.As a parent I allow my children to grow and make their decisions. Somehow, my 18 year old is just not quite ready and I am not ready to let her go. However, I know that I must. I have to trust that as I have done my best - she will be able to follow the examples that were shown to her.Although right now she is not exhibiting the level of maturity that she needs to - she will eventually realize that she must navigate her own life. She will have to determine what is best for her and deep down I know she will. She is a winner - I know she is.
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Women Business Owners, invites all women to join us on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 at 11 a.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on The dial-in phone number is (347) 205-9229. It will prove to be a very entertaining show. Our radio guest will be discussing how she found her "niche" and successes in turning it into a thriving business. Here is some additional information on our guest speaker --Deborrah Cooper (a.k.a "Ms. Heartbeat") is founder and resident advice columnist on, which is her award winning relationship website. She focuses on black male/female relationships. On her website, she has informative articles on dating and relationships for both adults and teens.As an advice columnist and relationship expert she has also written a book "Sucka Free Love - How to Avoid Dating the The Dumb, The Deceitful, The Dysfunction & The Deranged! It provides common sense, street-smart insight into the toughest issues facing singles today.She has been profiled in Black Enterprise and Honey magazines as well as interviewed by Essence magazine.Ms. Cooper has also appeared on Yahoo Internet Life, The Oakland Tribune, The Dallas Morning News, and many other print and online media worldwide. This interview should prove to be quite interesting! Do you need some advice on a relationship??Come listen to Deborrah explain how she turned her passion into a thriving business!
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