The first hour is Open Mic so poets, spoken word artists, and authors call in and share. The second hour is our discussion forum Knowing When to Let Go (walking away from bad relationships business and personal) and your New Years Resolutions personal and business? Call in Number...: (646) 200-4307 Also hear about the exciting changes we have in store for the show next year and how YOU and be a part of it!See More
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GET YOUR ISH TOGETHER, OH MY!!!!Shynel Cooper Sykes, is unique in her presentation of some most spoke about subjects,love,money,realtionship,challenges.I find her observations and commentary to be refreshing.You have to listen her videoblogs. Some will have you smiling, other may make you say "ouch" (trust,you will be ok and much for the better), some will make you THINK!!!Make sure you check her web site grab her book - Stilettos In The Kitchen"I know this lady is making a positive difference

VideoForward pays you to share videos and refer friends. Make money- join now
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“It’s Crunch Time!“, by Marie Brewer ( for the link to book) This is my book ofmuscle for boys (ages 9-12) to point them in the direction of HOPE!...This is an interactive book where they can write about their feelings. It discusses acceptable behavior, good self-image, respect for females and animals, appreciation for teachers/school, choosing good friends. The book also talks about resisting gangs, guns, drugs, violence, alcohol and bad influences. Let's attack the behavior, not the boy. "It's Crunch Time!" , by Marie Brewer, Be a part of the village to help our boys envision their true God-given purpose!We can turn this thing around!SEE! THINK ! ACT!
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Passion Between the Sheets of Life, Book One: “An Open Heart”

Book One: ”An Open Heart” of my trilogy, Passion Between the Sheets of Life, is now available as an eBook for purchase on my website:, the book is now also available in hardcover!
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Looking for a Quick Fix?

These days, everything in this society has to be "instant".Get rich quick, fix your relationships quick-time.If you can't just add boiling water and stir, or better yet, microwave it, it's too long.Well, guess what? There is no quick fix.Real success takes time, effort and commitment. If you are willing to make the effort, you will get there.For more information, see What They Don't Want Us to Know. See also, The Key to Financial Prosperity.Here's to your success!
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pocketbook monologues


You've all heard of the Vagina Monologues...Well this is the POCKETBOOK MONOLOGUES

This is a show that tells the story WOMEN everywhere

The POCKETBOOK MONOLOGUES are stories for education, entertainment and elevation!!!



Sharon K. McGhee

"WVON News Director & Creator of Pocketbook Monologues"


Essence Atkins"Half&Half and Smart Guy"


Ella Joyce “Roc & Set if Off”


Taj Johnson George “R&B Singing Group SWV”


Lisa Wu Hartwell "Real Housewives of Atlanta"


Myra J. "Radio Personality"


Kandi Burruss "R&B Singing Group Xscape & Real Housewives of Atlanta"


Shirley Strawberry "Steve Harvey Morning Show"


Nicci Gilbert "Brownstone R&B Singing Group"


Shay "Buckeey" Johnson "Flavor of Love 2 & Charm School"


Queen Aishah "Mistress of Ceremonies"


Princess Ivori "Radio Personality"



Check Out The Video Below


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Birthed out of hurt through life’s little unpredictable situations, Serenity Woman Magazine has vowed to be an outlet for women dealing with unexpected events life has thrown their way. Serenity Woman Magazine is the ultimate guide catering to the needs of today’s total woman. We have dedicated ourselves to providing women in every walk of life with inspiration to uplift, empower and motivate them through whatever they may be seeking out of life.It is our desire that women who are blessed and inspired by Serenity Woman Magazine will also share the blessing with others like themselves seeking the one article that may relate to them and let them know that they are not alone. Serenity Women are Business Women, Mothers, Students, Wives and Information Gatherers. We are Women of Today!Looking for Serenity Woman Magazine in your area? Send us a quick email and let us know where we can provide some for you. If you are a vendor and would like to make Serenity Woman Magazine available at your location, please send us an email.Serenity Woman MagazineEncouraging...Inspiring...Empoweringinfo @ serenitywoman .
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Ladies, I am going to jump right into it this go round. Why are family members so dependent on others to the point where the other family member wants to bounce and leave them all! Okay, here is the situation and please feel free to give me your opinion in the comments. You have had a rough childhood with two parents being alcoholics. Arguing, fighting, physical fights, and a lot of verbal abuse. Now that you are a grown woman with your own home and family, you have one parent left, your mother. She has not let the alcohol go and has had drama with a new guy ever since your father died. The fighting is extremely worse than with your original parents. Cops are now involved on a regular basis. Years pass and you and your siblings are just leaving the situation alone because you all are just freaking tired of it, fed up, and are dealing with your own issues. Now, your mother gets locked up! In this economy, trying to makes ends meet, you now have to come up with 1k to bail her out. So you and your siblings get the money together with the help of only 4 other family members, that's it. No one else wants to help because they know that she will not pay them back and she is going to go back to him. She gets out the same night. You make a deal with the bail bondsman for payments on the remaining amount of the bail that your mother is responsible for. She doesn't work, she only collects unemployment and the boyfriend doesn't help either, on top of all that, she still has a drinking problem. She makes two payments and here comes all of lies because the bail bondsman is calling you now for the money. Four months pass and now you get a call that you are getting sued for the full bail amount of 23k. Scrambling around again, your siblings do not help. Your brother doesn't want to help because he did a day in jail already fighting the boyfriend and your sister doesn't want to help because she is putting her bills first and doesn't have the extra money. Now its up to you again, even though you go to school, work, run three businesses on the side, manage your home, and plot and plan to become successful to get out of your debt and live your dreams. Nobody cares about what you have to do. But that is your mother, if you don't pay the rest of the bail, she is going to jail for 30 days, a 52 year old alcoholic mother going to jail. So what do you do? You get the worst thing you can ever do, payday loans. Now you have 3 outstanding to pay her bail. She said she is going to pay you back when she gets her tax return in two weeks, but you need that money now, because you are traveling next week for business. You need that money now because you put some bills on hold in order to save her ass. Here is when you really get pissed off. After you paid this $600, she calls you tipsy saying thank you and she is going to pay you back and all this and that, but how is she drinking with no money? Then she calls you back from the bar! What the hell are you doing at the bar when you still owe the bail bondsman $200 that no one else will pay. Now you feel as though you should have let her sit in jail. But its all good though because you are going to your business trip anyway and are going to make it happen when you get out there. You are determined to get those business deals and contracts! Inside, you feel betrayed, and they always say your family is your worst enemy. They pull you down just like a crab in a bucket. I hate the crab in a bucket syndrome with a passion, it has held back so many of our black people to this day because of this lazy, jealous, dependent mentality. They don't care that you have three conference calls, homework, and a tshirt to finish before you go to sleep, they got to come over and use your internet. They don't care what business meetings you have set up for the day, they just want to know when you are going to be free so you can pick them up from work. Do any of you guys feel pulled like this from your family? Here you are trying to do you and get this paper and here comes the drama and bullshit. You are not on that type time this year, this year is your year, you are going to do it this year. You got plans dammit, how come they don't understand that. Its to the point where you have to cut everybody off. Don't depend on me for a thing anymore, this is not the same Reeta. They say that people change when they get money, well your damn right if you have ignorance and selfish people trying to keep you down and are not there for you at all when you need them. UUUGGGHHH. Okay, just had to vent that out because my anger has affected my work and I cannot let that happen when I am soo close. Thanks for reading and I look forward to your comments.-S
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Steve Harvey, the host of the nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show, is never short on opinions when advising his female listeners on how to deal with men. Why? According to Steve it's because they're asking other women for advice when no one but another man can tell them how to find and keep a man. This inspired him to write his first book.Sometimes funny, sometimes direct, but always truthful, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is a book you must read if you want to understand how men think when it comes to relationships.Wow, how I wish I had a book like this to read years ago. Judging by this book's first week sales numbers, it's not too late for many of us. List Price: $23. Available at and other book retailers.
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See The Pretty Butterfly Video

Watch this beautiful R&B video by Niva “Pretty Butterfly”In this beautiful and true to life R&B Soul music video featuring Niva the Diva and actor/model Will Steen, Niva sings about her triumph through abuse and opposition to go through trials and metamorphosis to become a pretty butterfly indeed.Directed by newblackmusic.netMusic by HitmastazKamal Imani InnertainmentAvailable at
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It's time for another one of Da Vinci's Blog Log's Giveaways, This Month's Contest "Da Vinci's Li Lash Giveaway!" is running from Jan. 12th - Jan 31st. It's open to residents of the united states and canada 18 and over.

This month's contests is a GREAT one there but there can only be ONE winner the prizes has an approxiamate value of $140 so enter today for your chance to win.


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What do you think of my interview?

So I had my first-ever live radio interview yesterday on MLK Jr.'s birthday (1/15) with Wendy Y. Bailey on her Exceptional Experts show.You can listen here: Exceptional Experts Featuring Phoebe KingWhat do you think? Was I too militant? Too dry? It was fun and I'm glad I did it, but I think next time I would try to be a little better prepared.
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There was a time when I used to be amazed at the number of seemingly grown men who were unwilling to be responsible for their own lives and for those of the families they made. Like everyone else, I’ve seen the increasing dismal statistics of fatherlessness in the American community. I would even go so far as to say there is pandemic manlessness as well. Men in our extended families are also becoming increasingly rare. What seems to be commonplace now are families with lots of women, young children, and old men. Young men are few and far between – and getting fewer all the time.Many women have rushed to blame the men for this. After all, ultimately it is their choice to leave; their choice to follow the examples, or the lack thereof, that preceded them. These are grown men and entirely accountable for their action and/or inaction – granted.However, I submit to you that many women – particularly many single mothers – are in the deepest denial about their contribution to this pandemic. In their zeal to raise good sons they have often neglected to raise responsible men who would actually be suitably productive husbands and fathers. So many single mothers, mothering from the own pains and issues, often deliberately or incidentally surrogate their children into “pseudo-spouses”. In the process, these children often receive severely mixed messages. On the one hand, they are constantly reminded of how much they resemble all the worst traits in their fathers. On the other, their mothers are quick to lay guilt trips on them if they dare to establish an independent identity or a different significant female relationship. These boys get angry and resentful, so the mother’s remedy is often to indulge them. They are rewarded with material things in return for their faithfulness to fulfilling their mother’s wishes.And so the cycle continues until the sex drive takes over. Now, these same young men start “mating and procreating” with no significant grasp of the level of responsibility that creates. However, thinking that they do, they often “try” to be there. That usually lasts until he gets overwhelmed and/or it’s not fun anymore. She wakes up one day without him; and grandma is raising babies once again. Why? Because we have spawned yet another generation of people who believe the universe exists solely to serve them. If it doesn’t, then there is clearly something wrong with the universe – it couldn’t possibly be something wrong with them. We’ve created yet another generation of perfect pimps and then we get mad at them when they behave accordingly. We often create the monsters that come back to kill us.How do we stop it? Here are three things we can do: 1) Put them out of their parents’ house by age 21 – sooner if they don’t go to college at 18; 2) stop letting them have sex in a home they don’t have a lease/mortgage on; and 3) stop letting them move their girlfriends into that same house.Brain surgery – it is not!Speaking the truth in love,Deidre
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Pros And Cons Of Sex Before Marriage

What To Do, What To Do?This question won't be going anywhere any time soon. As long as there are people with rushing hormones, this is going to be an issue. Many will blame the animal in us (particularly men - sorry fellas- smile); others will blame our histories; still others will create their own philosophies.However, there are some things I have noticed that I don't see anyone else discussing. For example, anatomically speaking, all the reasons that sex is good for marriage make it bad before marriage. Research has shown that during the sexual process, hormones are released into our brains that are designed specifically to facilitate emotional bonding. Yes, emotional bonding does have a significant chemical component. If, in fact, this is true - it would go a long way toward explaining why it is ofen so much more difficult to break up with someone we've been sexual with. Even if we believe we didn't particularly enjoy the experience, the associated hormones tend to leave a lasting psychological imprint, if you will, that tends toward bonding with the object of the sexual connection. Unfortunately, this can happen in positive as well as negative ways.Another significant consideration is the fact that the human brain functions much differently under the influence of infatuation/sexual arousal than it does otherwise. Science has shown that areas of the brain mostly responsible for logic and rational judgment are largely short-changed of blood flow under the influence of infatuation/sexual arousal. I heard a saying once - when you're on your back, you lose your mind. There is scientific basis for the truth of this saying. Essentially, that means that you are literally incapable of comprehensive rational thought during sexual arousal. The creative and emotional brain centers, however, are sent into overdrive. On average, it takes about 90 days for this phenomenon to subside to the point of returning brain function and blood flow to normal levels.While sex before marriage may give you insight into your partner's sexual performance habits and/or preferences, it will also tend to set you up to emotionally make connections that are virtually guaranteed to fail. The more sex you have; the more connected you become to your partner and/or the act of sex itself; the less rational and more emotional you become - anatomically. Most people have little knowledge or understanding of their own biochemistry with regard to this issue. Unfortunately, ignorance does nothing to change the dynamics and you will live with the consequences whether you're aware of them or not.That's a major reason why so many new relationships typically don't make it past 90 days; why people look decidedly different to you after the orgasms are over than they did before; why so many people believe they "can't help" who they "love", etc. My advice to adults is to use your dating experiences as information gathering missions. Don't get too emotionally attached before 90 days have passed and make sure that you can comfortably walk away at any time. I have more suggestions, but that's another blog. :-)One of the easiest and best ways to avoid painful and unfulfilling emotional attachments is to avoid sex until after marriage. By then, you should have a good and objective view of the kind of mate your partner would make and you can make a much more rational decision about whether or not to continue to marriage. If you don't, chances increase exponentially that you will stay in a bad relationship far longer than you need to and you'll tolerate conditions that sap your soul for no other reason than the sexual connection.Speaking the truth in love,Deidre
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Why Do So Many Men Like Porn?

Lessons For WomenWomen have wondered forever what it is about porn that mesmerizes so many men. Some of us have tried to participate with our partners only to find ourselves feeling like Hell afterwards. Others of us have found ways to make it part of our sexual lexicon with mixed results.Let's face it. Outside of the industry, it is difficult at best for a couple to comfortably fit porn into their relationship. Men, on the other hand, generally have no problem keeping as part of their lives for their entire lives - whether they hide it or not. It is a very popular source of entertainment, sexual gratification, and oftentimes - a coping mechanism.The reasons men like it are as varied as the men who like it. However, there is one thing I discovered in my own research that is a recurring theme. Men thoroughly enjoy the attitudes of the women involved. The women are generally average looking. Most times, they are not extraordinarily beautiful the way many of us imagine. However, they do appear to thoroughly enjoy sex for the sake of sex. They act like they enjoy everything about the sexual experience.This is a valuable insight that women would do well to find a way to incorporate into their real life encounters. Men don't need you to be a sexual pretzel. They don't need tricks out of the ordinary to be satisfied. What they do need is to feel desired - sexually and totally. Men crave approval and acceptance at least as much as women do. They have different ways of showing it, but it's true.Bottom line - men want us to want them as much as they want us. They want us to surrender ourselves to the ecstasy they create for us. They don't want us to be controlled and conservative. They want us uninhibited and free (without a salary or a script)!!!!Here's what I suggest - enthusiasm! Show it. Don't hide it. Don't pretend. Be creative and inventive without violating your sensibilities. You'll probably surprise yourself with the things you come up with. Experiment, play, enjoy. But here's one thing you should never do - never do anything that you both can't agree on. Force and coercion should have no place in intimate exchanges. Other than that, be open (no pun intended - smile) and leave no doubt in your man's mind that you are excited about sharing yourself with him. You won't regret it.Speaking the truth in love,Deidre
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Do I Have To Forget To Forgive?

Amnesia is Impossible. Now What?Hurt feelings happen. Pain is a fact of life. Get used to it. It's not going anywhere. Create a strategy for dealing with it right now and spare yourself years and years of needless pain.The good news is hurt feelings are not fatal. You don't have to die from your pain. Pain doesn't have to be a lifestyle. Contentment and happiness can be made in spite of it. The real question is, are you willing to do what it takes to have contentment and happiness anyway?Maintaining a lasting relationship is impossible if you expect that your partner would not disappoint you if they truly loved you. Proximity alone makes this absolutely impossible. The mistake here is the "my feelings are hurt = my partner doesn't love me" assumption. News flash: the world doesn't revolve around your feelings. That's good news. It puts the control back where it should have been all along - in your hands.You can be right or you can be in relationship. When you're really fortunate, you can be both. But there are times when you will have to choose. Here's something to keep in mind: forcing "right" makes you an enemy to your partner. How excited would you really be to be sleeping with your enemy? Don't set yourself up for the failure.Listen, I understand that some things can, and should, not be negotiated. I'm not talking about those things. I'm talking about times when your pride becomes more important than fostering the kind of trust that creates the safety that makes true intimacy possible in any relationship. There will be more than enough situations in your partnership that will tend to divide you. If there's room to forgive, take it at every available opportunity. I promise you that you will soon be the one who needs the favor in return.You will not get amnesia. If that's what it takes for you, then you've got much bigger relationship issues. Forgiveness isn't about forgetting. It's about making a conscious decision not to continue to hold an offense against someone. It is to know what the wrong was and to give up your "right" to revenge and retribution. To forgive, is to be willing to value your relationship above your feelings.It's a tall order. Accept that your partner is not purposely trying to hurt you. Take responsibility for your own feelings and stop unfairly burdening the one you love. You will find that your relationship will improve right away.Speaking the truth in love,Deidre
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Love Is A Choice - NOT An Emotion

Like most people, I have often heard the all-too-common refrains, "you can't help who you love", "it just happened", or "one thing led to another". Most often, I hear this from women who are attempting to justify their ill-advised involvement in some situation that has come back to bite them in the behind.Ladies, I'm about to set you free!! None of these assessments is accurate. The truth is - you absolutely, unequivocally "help" who you love; it did not just happen; and one thing did not lead to another. You either made it happen or you allowed it to happen. Now, you're free because either way, the situation is in your control. For purposes of this entry, however, I will focus on the 'who you love' issue as it concerns unhealthy romantic love.Contrary to popular opinion, love is not accidental, incidental, or happenstance. It isn't random, arbitrary, or evolutionary. It happens by the sheer force of two independent wills focused in the same direction. It happens because the two people involved wanted it to happen, and have usually expended considerable effort to make sure that it did happen. Love is not a hole in the sidewalk waiting for you to blindly fall into it. Love is the by product of mental and physical time and effort deliberately put forth to create and continue feelings of infatuation and romance.We've all seen the situations where people have gotten involved in emotional and/or physical intimacies with someone they were "just friends" with. The usual protests go something like "I don't know how it happened", "I never intended for it to happen", or "I couldn't help myself". The facts are that these relationships never just happen. They occur after days, weeks, and months of finding big and small ways to perpetuate the ectasy of illicit attraction.That fact alone begs the question, is it really love you've created? You might think it is. Your partner may even agree. The truth is you've created a fantasy that can only survive in the bubble of the manipulated realities you've invented. That's why the magic dies under the stresses and strains of real life. No longer able to shield your "love" from the side effects and consequences of real life, you usually soon find that your "love" fades.In short, true love is a series of choices that you get emotional about. It is not merely an emotion or a feeling that you just helplessly fall into like a hole in the sidewalk. True love is deliberate. It lasts, not because of how you feel about eachother - but because of your dedication to your commitment to eachother.Speaking the truth in love,Deidre
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