TIPS (88)

Hello everyone,

Question? How are you?

Looks like a pretty innocent question, right? We hear it everyday throughout our day from family, friends, and strangers. We hear it so often we seem to slip into autopilot when we answer this question.

What is your normal response? I'm:

  • Fine
  • Ok
  • Sad
  • Lousy
  • Angry
  • Scared
  • Sick

And the list goes on. Too often the responses are energy-sapping like the ones I listed above. How often have you heard responses like these. How does it usually make you feel? Bummed out, right?

Think about it. If you were asking the question in good faith, did you really want to hear an awful answer. We all can be compassionate, but sometimes we would like to hear some good news.

It can become so overwhelming at times and there are probably some people you no longer ask how they are doing. Because, you know they will not have anything good to say. So, you avoid them or limit your conversation with them; which is perfectly fine. You have the right to protect your good feelings and peace of mind.

But, what if you are the one who provides the "downer" answers to this little question? We all have days when we don't feel our best; this is normal, but what if you consciously decided to answer differently. Let's do this again:

"How are you?"

Now, instead of using the standard response to this little question; what if you responded by saying I Am:

  • Amazing (I got up this morning and realized I live an amazing life.)
  • Excited
  • Delightful (I am great. My life is delightful and full of joy.)
  • Fabulous
  • Fantastic
  • Magnificent
  • Wonderful

Can you see the direction I am heading with these responses? Say them with me:

  • "I Am Amazing."
  • "I Am Excited."
  • "I Am Fabulous"
  • "I Am Fantastic."
  • "I Am Magnificent."
  • "I Am Wonderful."

How do you feel? Better, right?

Yes, I'll admit it may feel a little awkward at first, but do this on a regular basis and I guarantee you will feel better and your life will begin to shift in a more positive direction. Gradually, you will begin to notice more happy and interesting things taking place around you and you are ready to receive this newfound joy. It can be really exciting and fun.

Will this simple exercise change your life overnight? It might, because, how you talk about your life and life experiences does show up in the outward appearance of your life. But, if not overnight; at least you will be on track to making some pleasant changes in your life and how it shows up around you.

So, instead of talking about lack, misery, sickness, etc. Talk about the things you are happy about or grateful for. Let the universe know you are in a good place by talking about what makes you feel good and guess what? You will be provided with more reasons to enjoy your life and the world around you.

How can I be so sure? Because, I am living and loving proof this works. When I:

  • Was going through a major health crisis (Fibromyalgia) that I left me in constant chronic pain. I chose to speak positive and healing words. I am completely healed and naturally pain-free. (I'll share how on a different day.)
  • Walked away from a 10 years relationship with a man I loved dearly. I chose to speak words of gratitude for the time spent and lessons learned from an interesting and wise "teacher". (New love has entered my life.)
  • Moved away from family and friends to begin a new chapter in my life in a new state where I knew no one. I chose to speak words of excitement and joy for the opportunities I knew where coming my way. (I truly wake up thrilled about each new day.)

I can list many more life events that I have used the power of words to create incredible experiences, but I mainly shared my personal experiences with you because:

I hope you allow yourself to utilize the power of your words to positively reconstruct your life too. 

So, let's start simple. Tell me, "How are you?"

If you are ready to live and love your life in the most joyous and spectacular way click on my website link  and schedule your Complimentary Irresistible Solutions Session. It is a fun and pleasant way to receive a tip or two that may delightfully change your life.

Have an amazing day and let's talk soon,

Cyndi Harris, HP

Relationship Solutions Coach, Man Whisperer (Intimacy Creation Savant), Author, and general Joyologist

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Hello Community, this is good information and I am glad to be able to share it. 

Networking Increases NetWork

Posted by everybodysangel in Izania Blog (


Having been ill with LUPUS 30 years and constantly being rushd to the hospital by ambulance...when i would get to the Hospital...I couldn't remembner all of the pertinent info they needed to help find out what was wrong with me.



2. ON YOUR FIRST PAGE WRITE YOUR: Name, Address/with 2ip code.

3. Write your home phone and cell phone numbers.

4. Your Birthdate and Age.

5. Your Social Security Number


























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Alright. Maybe you're not famous yet. But if you are striving to be, these tips may help you move toward your goal.

Blogging Tip #1: Choose the best time to blog- As I have stated before, it is not necessary to blog everyday. As you may overwhelm your readers (unless you are a gossip blog). However you should come up with a day or two throughout the week that works best for you. Make sure you post EVERY week on those days, so your readers know when to expect something from you.

Blogging Tip #2: Work with someone who knows what they are doing- Just like famous people have managers and agents, you need a coach to help you build your blog, business, or brand the way you envision it. They may be able to expand your vision and take you to another level. Of course managers, agents and coaches do not always come for free, but there are affordable ones. You need to get out there, find someone you like, and see if they would like to coach you.

Blogging Tip #3: Posting pictures on your blog- One suggestion is to either Google "public domain pictures of ______" and insert whatever you are looking for in the blank. Another suggestion is if you find a picture on another site, make sure you reference the site and author in your blog and you should be covered. You can also become a member of picture sites like and These sites offer public domain pictures in any category you can think of. Some pictures need to be paid for but offers a lot of free pictures.

Blogging Tip #4: Which blogging platform would you get the most visibility with? Visibility meaning...FAMOUS! Which platform will get you noticed on a Google search, etc?  There are several options for you to create a free blog, but I know of an option that might as well be free, that offers visibility and puts you on track to become famous online! You can find out more information here => OR you can join me here (for close to free) and start working with me here => on your journey to Be Famous Online Too!

These tips are just a FEW of what you should know about blogging. There is so much information. What other questions do you have about blogging?

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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When a businessman embark on a new business venture, they readily go processing ideas on complicated marketing strategies and other ways of promoting their business but none of their efforts are dedicated to business branding. Indeed, with so much factors coming into play, it is easy to miss out on the most essential and basic aspect. But that is just one half of it, since the other half is dedicated into ensuring that you can build an effective brand that will produce results for your marketing efforts.

But the key to an effective branding strategy is to be able to deliver. You must be able to back up your claims and produce exactly as you say. Majority of your business sales and profits come from repeat customers, after all. An effective business branding system involves the following:

Customer Satisfaction

Brand is just a mere representation of your company. Therefore, it must reflect exactly what your business can deliver for the customers and build its reputation from there. If you cannot produce quality product or services, then regardless of how potent your branding system or strategies are, you'd never be able to turn your marketing campaigns into a sales force.

Therefore, you need to be as sensitive to your customers' needs as possible. But only to a certain extent that you still hold control over the image and reputation that you want your brand to exhibit.

Indeed, brand equity is a vital aspect in every business, especially consumer-based equity. It reflects the level of trust and attitude that a customer has towards a product associated with a given brand. This is impacted by the actual experience that a consumer has had with the product such that brand loyalty is affected by factors such as perceived quality and the delivery of the product.


One of the most effective ways to build trust amongst your customers is to be consistent with the message you are trying to convey. Consistency is most important when exhibiting the values that are key and vital in your company. Then, focus on every aspect of your business to ensure that it remains consistent with the values professed by your company and that they make a good representation of the company's vision.

Expanding Your Brand

Creating a brand for your company is not only limited to the creation of a logo. While it is essential, your work does not stop there. After all, a logo is just a representation of your professional image but there are several factors in between that would help translate them into sales. You do not even have to spend lots of money to fulfill them. In every form of communication that you use in your business transactions, include your company logo in it, whether you'd be using business cards, yellow page ads, newsletters, letterhead, invoices, envelopes, and many more. Your logo is of no use unless you are able to capitalize on it and make it do its work for you.

Managing Your Brand

As market trends continue to change and evolve, so must your approach at branding strategies. While you set your own company's branding standards, you also need to look into exceeding those promises you've set and this is one of the most effective ways to generate more customers. On the other end, one failure could eventually ruin your business' reputation on a long haul.


If you see any opportunity where changes can be done or improvements can be executed, then don't be afraid to execute them. This is one way for your business to stay on top of things and keep up with changing trends in the market for an effective business branding effort.

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Welcome to the dog days of summer. On the east coast of the U.S. it’s been a sizzlingly hot summer with heat wave after heat wave keeping people indoors to escape the 90 degrees plus temperatures. But writers must write everyday despite the distractions of the oppressive heat, kids coming in and out of the house, and vacation travel.

I’m a writer, so I can tell you first hand that it can be challenging to stick to a daily writing schedule when everyone around me is in fun, vaction mode. I realized that if I’m going through these challenges, there must be other writers out there who are finding it hard to keep their butt in their chairs and write during summer break. To help both of us out, I’ve come up with a list of seven creative tips that you can try to see if they help you boost your writing production this summer:

1. Connect some fun rewards to your daily word count goals. It’s like a drinking game, but instead of doing shots you’ll be. . .Read the rest of the article

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dreamstime_17786492-300x200.jpg?width=300If you do lots of work online, one of your biggest challenges is to create a virtual workspace that makes you run as efficient as possible. I mean, seriously - working online can be like being sucked into a galactic black hole if you don't know how to manage your time.

How your workspace is organized has a powerful effect on your mind and it seriously affects your productivity.

There's a common objection many people have to this whole organizing thing. It goes something like this: 'My workspace is cluttered and it might look disorganized to you but I like it that way. It works for me!' People who say this generally have never had a tidy online workspace for a length of time. When you eventually get organized on a consistent basis, you'll quickly see what a difference it makes. Don't be attached to online clutter!


One of the absolute biggest clutter areas of all is email. I used to feel like my inbox was a gigantic swamp with murky, green water where people would send emails and they'd never be seen again. I'll never forget one day when I sat down to look at my inbox and just froze. Yup, that's an image of it below. I had over 11,000 emails sitting there...unanswered, because I said to myself "I'll look at it later".

Know what that does to someone who is already busy? It just paralyzes you.

So...I went about cleaning up that big mess by setting some rules in place for myself and integrating tools to help me keepmy email organized. I took the following steps:

  1. Decided what order of priority I wanted to follow - i.e. which email addresses were tied to people and content I had to reply to immediately, which ones could go into some kind of "read later" folder, which ones were bulk messages that I didn't want to get anymore, and so on.
  2. I then sought out online tools that would help me set up rules in my inbox to automatically move my messages by priority. Two of my favorite right now are ActiveInboxHQ (works great with Gmail) and Sanebox.
  3. Next I scheduled time on my calendar to check the "read later" box and other non-essential folders.
  4. Finally, and most important, I committed to myself that I would not be a slave to my inbox! If it ever got to that point again, I would hire an assistant to review the non-essentials.

Now on #4, some time management gurus will tell you just go ahead & delegate the whole thing. If this works for you, absolutely take a look at this as an option. I personally have a bit of a control complex, so I knew that wouldn't work starting out (hey...the first step is admission, right?). I know this works very well for some so consider outsourcing your email as an option.


Another area where we tend to get tied up and completely frazzled is keeping up with contacts. Though I can't say I'm 100% where I want to be on this one, I can definitely say I'm a thousand percent better off than I was just a year ago. All because of my dream tool --- Contactually. This is so awesome and it works great with Gmail! When you link up the tool to your email, it will track and prioritize email addresses (contacts) based on frequency of contact with them. It even sends you follow up messages to let you know, "hey, it's time to connect with XXX".

The best thing about Contactually is how it lets you create buckets based on categories you choose. So in my recent program, Spice Up Your Brand Online, I shared with my students how to create a Circle of Success and within that circle they developed virtual "buckets" of contacts they can use and transfer over to Contactually to track.

Okay, what if you don't want to do all of that?

Here is the main tip for organizing contacts --- find a system that helps you categorize your relationships, set follow up dates, and take action. That way you don't miss out on opportunities for developing strong relationships with your ideal connections.

It may not be a piece of software. Maybe it's a list on a sheet of paper, a box of index cards, an app on your iPad tablet. Whatever you do, keep all your key contacts in one place and create your follow up plan. Oh...and don't forget to stick with it! When you get behind, it only gets harder to keep up.


The final clutter-attracting online workspace I'll cover is documents. Your workspace is going to likely hold documents - i.e. Word files, text files, videos, slides, etc. - maybe you're creating content or receiving documents that need tracking. Where do you put all of this stuff? The answer is easy - use a document management system.

Remember how we used to have to organize documents into folders just to be able to find them later? Now, you can search just about anything digitally and find a file simply based on a few keywords. This is what makes document management tools so popular. And unlike before, because of "cloud" software, these tools now offer a ridiculous amount of space for storage.

My favorite document management tools right now are DropBox and Evernote.

Here's the big difference in how I use them - DropBox is the tool I use for storing content like articles I write, client information, presentation slides I'll deliver. I use DropBox in this way because it's simple to share links, easy to organize folders, and easily integrates across different platforms.

Evernote is best for saving swipe files, URLs of sites I find, quick notes I record from my phone, and more. (If you want more tips on using Evernote, watch my free webinar).

Again, the key is deciding on a system or combination of tools that work for you.

  1. First, decide if there are common categories you want to set up (if you do want folders, or even if you use "tags" to mark your documents -- these are like virtual labels that help you connect similar items together).
  2. Next, every time you create or open a document you want to keep up with, file it either using a folder, a tag, or a combo of both.
  3. Final tip? Keep similar things in one place.

The more you commit to a consistent set of tools and methods for cleaning up your online workspace, the easier it will be to find what you need when you need it. You will feel better about turning on your computer and getting your work done, and your customers and colleagues will absolutely love you for keeping your promises!

Hopefully you were able to take away at least one tip for organizing your online work space. Share which one was your favorite tip in the comments, or let me know what else you do to stay digitally organized.


Side note: If you'd like to use my affiliate links for any of the tools I mentioned above, you can find them (if I have one) on this page. No pressure, just wanted you to know because it's one way for me to earn while you learn and I only refer tools I have a good experience with.

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Where is your energy?

Many women are proud to be muti-taskers. We rise early in the morning and go back to bed late at night. And being tired and  maybe  a little dragging though out the day seems normal. we have learned to live with it.

Suppose you don't have to live with it? Suppose  you can have the emery to run up the stairs even after 11 pm?

No it does not come in a bottle and no need to pull  out your sneakers. It is the easy thing to do because you are doing it...well  kinda.

Your home is 10 times more polluted then outside and the great news you have complete control to change it.

Here is a  tips that you can start today to get back that youthful energy and get even more done in a day


1. Eliminate Bottled water: The  EWG ( Environmental Working Group ) states

Unlike tap water, where consumers are provided with test results every year, the bottled water industry is not required to disclose the results of any contaminant testing that it conducts.

Unlike public water utilities, bottled water companies are not required to notify their customers of the occurrence of contaminants in the water, or, in most states, to tell their customers where the water comes from, how and if it is purified, and if it is merely bottled tap water

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3 Ways to Have A Successful Week!

As the CEO of your business, I think it's most important to evaluate and know the results you're looking for each week.  That won't happen if you don't have clarity in your business and if you haven't identified the "to-do" items that will support your goals.

So, I'd like to share 3 things that you can do to have a successful business week every week:

1. Gain Clarity on what you want to experience for the week financially.  Now divide that figure by the average cost of your service or product and it will give you how many customers you'll need. Stay focused on that number and write down at least 5 ways to reach your goal.

2. Identify 3-5 new contacts to connect with each week (daily M-F).  Create a script in advance and remember that if they have a business allow them to share what they do as well.  Discuss ways you can help one another and directly ask if he or she could use your product or service at this time.

2. Review your schedule every Sunday evening.  If there are any business to-do items, appointments or activities that don't support you meeting your  overall business vision or goals for the week - eliminate them.

Here's to your business success!

Women About Biz

Successful Woman Radio Show


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Simple Relaxing Tips For Moms



It seems like there is never enough time to take a break for the weary. And, the weary person is usually mom. You find that most often moms are too busy taking care of home and everybody else, but who takes care of mom?If you are a busy mom, it is very important that learn to value yourself as a person and schedule personal time.

Personal time is a right of being a person. Each of us has the capacity to nurture others but that type of care takes its toll.

A car is filled with fuel to make it run. Eventually the fuel runs out and your car won’t move unless the car is replenished with fuel. The same goes for you. Emotional issues can develop when you don’t take the time to take care of your emotional well-being, not to mention the physical results of emotional neglect, so I hope you are starting to see why it is important that you start to take better care and make time for yourself.

Being able to take some Mom time refuels the tank so that you can give to your family as well as yourself in equal measure. When you give to yourself you are actually more vital and energetic and you actually have more to give back to the world. Don’t feel ashamed to sit for fifteen minutes doing nothing. In the springtime, relaxing on your patio or even next to the pool is the perfect getaway from the pressures of the day. Reading a book for 30 minutes can also seem like heaven to many moms.

Here are a few tips to help you fit in much needed “mom” time:

1. Get up 30 minutes early.When you have kids, the day begins at a hurried pace. Once you hit the ground running, there is no stopping you. Waking 30 minutes to an hour ahead of time means quiet solitude to drink your coffee, read a book, meditate or listen to music. Give it a try and I challenge you not to hit the alarm clock. Jump start your day!

2. Turn Ordinary into Extraordinary. When you take a bath, add candles, bubble bath, quiet music. Your regular bath has now become a spa level experience. If you watch a movie, turn out the lights, pop a bag of microwave popcorn and curl up on the couch do it and enjoy every minute of it.



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Certified Life Reposition Coach

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Last week I published a blog post, Blogging Tips: How to Blog Your Way to Writing a Book. I wrote about the process that I used to write the content of my upcoming book from a series of blog posts.  I received a comment from a reader named, Tamara who said,

“Congrats on finishing your manuscript! I love the concept of blogging your way to publishing a book. I am a dessert blogger, so my question is do you think this can work for me too? I already have a few concepts in mind for cookbooks, but I think recipe development is key for me as opposed to writing lengthy blog posts. What are your thoughts?”

Tamara also left a similar comment on my Facebook business page, so I answered it there. As I was thinking of a response I got the idea for a blog post because there may be others of you out there who are thinking about using your blog to help you come up with the content for a book.

Here is our exchange on Facebook:

Now here are five practical tips for blogging your way to writing a book:

1. Announce your intention to write a book on your blog

Announcing your intention of writing a book publicly on your blog serves several purposes at once. It creates a sense of accountability. Now that you’ve announced it publicly, you better believe that your readers are going to ask you about how it’s going, and it makes the project more real to you and that might motivate you to stick with it until it is finished.

2. Blog about the theme of your book

If you are working with a publisher, then you’ve already done the work of creating a book proposal for your project. Now you will tailor your blog posts to fit in with the outline of the book. You will not be writing the entire book—word for word—on your blog. You will still have additional sections to write outside of the blog, but if you are having trouble finding time to fit writing a book into your crazy schedule, Read More. . .

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The winter months can be so unkind to your skin--wrecking havoc by turning hydrated skin into parched skin.  With the dry, cold air outside beating at your skin, with the cranked up heat indoors pulling moisture out of your skin, there seems to be no rescue for your epidermis.  Lost cause?  Absolutely not.  You just have to make a few adjustments to your winter bath & body care routine:

Step 1: Use a gentle grime fighter that won't strip your skin of its natural, protective oils, and that will also add to the conditioning of your skin.  This is the base for healthy, natural, glowing skin.

  Organic Love Body WashA pure, organic vegetable castile body wash! Lather up in thick organic goodness of sunflower oil, coconut oil, palm kernel oil, and glycerin! Organic Love is enriched with African Black Soap and Green Leaf Papaya to eat up those dead skin cells! Organic Love's saponified oils delivers instant hydrated skin, non-drying!

  Green Tea Medley Bubbles100% vegetable bubble bath/cleanser. Specifically developed to deliver light, long lasting bubbles for those long tub soaks. Still formulated to cleanse the skin gently, and effectively, while also protecting the skin's pH mantle and natural oils.


Step 2: No more than 3 times a week, your skin should receive some TLC with a scrub/polish.  Exfoliating eliminates dead skin sitting on the surface, removes impurities from the pores,  and leaves behind smooth, soft skin.  

   Almond Whipped Cream ScrubA whippy body wash with exotic sugar, almonds, and Sweet Almond oil to boot. Pick up your favorite sponge or puff and cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize, and fragrance your body!

   Cream Popsicle Layered Sugar ScrubA delicious yet wholesome scrub right in your shower/bath. Two layers of fine grain sugar (pure cane and dark brown sugar);both infused with orange butter (this will only enhance the succulent aroma), pure humectants, and natural oils rich in antioxidants;topped off with Madagascar vanilla.

   Sweet Raw Sugar Honey PolishSweet Raw Sugar Honey Polish is a skin delicious blend of large, sparkling, golden crystals, six pure plant oils, and honey to boot.


Step 3: Contribute to your healthy glow by adding an oil treatment to your bath & body routine.  Topping the epidermis off with wholesome oils (emollient) is the best way to seal in moisture.  

   MarinadeA dry-oil emollient, that is great for those on-the-go days. Seal in the moisture after showering, by spritzing on this Shea Butter oil blend.

   Rub Down A luxurious, multi-purpose oil. Rub Down's wild crafted, herbal infusion in plant oils makes it a great oil for massage, hair, and daily emollient. 

   Pure Body BalmA luxurious way to seal moisture into your skin and hair. A super emollient that delivers skin therapy to dehydrated skin,and brings relief to itchy skin.


To your skin health!

Itiel - Smell Goods Lady™

Smell Goods '98™ Blog

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Cold Calling is the New Black!

Believe it or not, cold calling is still an effective sales tactic. If done properly, you can get the business attention you've been craving. Unfortunately, most of us would rather sit in the dentist chair listening to the smooth sounds of the drill extracting the cavity in the back of our mouth! Cold calling should not make you feel THIS ill. The following 8 tips will help you realize how effective good cold calling can be for your business and maybe ease some of your fears.


Cold Calling Tip #1: Research your target market. 
Make sure you research the market you are interested in calling. Do market research (or google it! Save yourself some time and see what others have done already.) Find out as much as you can about the types of people or companies you're trying to reach. Will there be secretaries or employees answering the phone? Does the phone call go directly to the owner? What do these companies need that you can offer them?

Cold Calling Tip #2: Always have a script.
I know you want to be yourself when you call, as to not have it seem "scripted" or "planned" that you were calling this company. But believe me. If you don't have written down all the details you want to share in the call, you will fumble over the words and get hung up on! Make sure you have a step-by-step script written in advance so you know how to lead the conversation.

Cold Calling Tip #3: Consider sending prospects something before you make the call.
This tip is mostly a suggestion. ESPECIALLY if you have the budget. You do not HAVE to do this to have successful cold calls, but it definitely helps. If you send a promotional item, like something from your product line, something to remember you by, or an informational email. It is easier to get to the person you need to talk to. AND they tend to remember you when you call. Therefore, it is not really a cold call. you're just following up, to make sure they received your gift! 

 Cold Calling Tip #4: Keep in mind, the gatekeeper is your friend!
The "gatekeeper" is better known as the secretary, employee, receptionist, or relative that keeps the "riff-raff" away. They are there for a reason so you should appreciate them. Get them on your side! A great way to do that is to say, "Maybe you can help me...". Make sure you always get their name and refer to it several times in the conversation.  

Cold Calling Tip #5: Focus on your goals and reward yourself.
Make goals for yourself, like if you are calling huge corporations, you will talk to at least 6 owners within the week. Or, if you're contacting small businesses you will get 2 new clients. Remember that cold calling isn't ALL about getting a sale, but a chance to make a sale. If you're able to make some appointments or share what you do with a few people, then you've had a great week. After you have reached your cold calling goals, reward yourself! Have that massage, go to that fav restaurant, get that long-awaited mani/pedi, whatever. But do something to get yourself motivated to keep going!

Cold Calling Tip #6: Be specific.
If you are setting up appointments or call backs, make sure you specify when you will meet. INSTEAD of asking when's good for the customer, say something like, "it would be great to meet up, how would this Thursday at 4pm work for you? No? Well what about Friday at 4pm?" specific all the time, so people feel even worse if they bail on you :), that's just reality.

Cold Calling Tip #7: Know the facts.
According to, "Eighty percent of new sales are made after the fifth contact, yet the majority of sales people give up after the second call". So don't be that person that thinks, "it's not working". You have to build relationships and work people up to where you want them.

Cold Calling Tip #8: Outsource it!
These calls are not the most fun thing to do with your time. Most of us have other things we need to worry about within our business, that cold calling takes a backseat. So, why not outsource it? Have someone else do it for you! I know what you're saying though, "it's too expensive to hire a professional to make these calls!" But I have news, now it isn't!

Busy925©  is in its beta stages, helping small businesses grow one cold call at a time. Busy925© makes the calls you're 2 busy 2 make! Any cold calling, marketing surveys, customers you need to follow-up with and see if they're interested in more products or services, post expo calls, Busy925© will call them too! If you have constant leads, follow ups, or reorders  that need to be made monthly, Busy925© has affordable monthly plans that take the responsibility of your cold calls right out of your hands! Let them worry about it and tell you how it goes. Right now, Busy925© has a Grand Opening special. Get 30 calls made  for only $20! Don't miss out on this opportunity. Only available until 11/11/11!

Cold calling is the new black. The thing to do to build a successful business, the thing to do to find new customers. Believe it or not there are people out there that need your business! Find them or let Busy925© do it for you! Check them out here...

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Last week, I attended a NetworkPhoenix event. It was such a nice event! This is my second time attending an event by this coordinator, Gelie Akhenblit. It is always a five-star, red-carpet, event that includes numerous vendors, food, and drinks! Not only does she put on great events but she also has a social network feature on her website for members. There, people can connect, share business information, their website, Facebook and twitter information. I applaud Gelie for such a star-studded event. Excited for the next one!

I enjoy attending networking events because not only does it give me an opportunity to get the word out about my business but it allows me to step out of my comfort zone! :) I am forced to polish up on my business "spiel" and work on my firm hand shake and eye contact. I gave out and got a lot of business cards and met a lot of people. However, there are things I've noticed at networking events are not exactly Networking Event Etiquette.

Here are a few networking event tips to keep in mind:

1) Make sure you take plenty of business cards and information!

PROFESSIONALLY DESIGNED at that. I have received pieces of computer paper with information on it and once someone ran out of cards so they wrote info on a napkin. That is not professional and not a good way to give a "first impression". You should also have your "spiel" down pat so you're not struggling to find words when explaining yourself. At networking events you will be getting a lot of business cards so it is a good idea to write notes to yourself on the back of the cards.

2) Dress professionally

ATTENTION LADIES! DO NOT COME TO A NETWORKING EVENT LIKE YOU'RE GOING TO THE CLUB! :) Unfortunately, I have been to events where cleavages and thighs were the highlight of the evening! There are plenty of stylish, professional, affordable outfits you can choose from. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand that there is a possibility of meeting someone of the opposite sex at such an event that you may want to impress. But if they aren't attracted to you in your Diva-fit then why would you want him anyway? You want the men to take you seriously at these events. Keep it simple and look nice! GENTLEMEN you aren't off the hook either. I understand that jeans are becoming more common to wear because you can dress them up with nice dress shirts and jackets, but NOT ALL THE TIME! If you're trying to impress someone, no matter what year we're in, JEANS is not the route to go.

3) Go light on the drinks

Always a feature at networking events, are the drinks! I understand a glass of wine here and there may make the environment more bearable but if you're trying to build a business you might want to lay off a bit. I have had people who have talked my ear off about their personal lives or been in my communication box because they went over the unsaid 2 drink minimum rule. Keep it together and don't go overboard OR just wait until you're done networking . Remember you want to make a good first impression.

4) Be confident, positive, and friendly.

This is the time to show what you learned about having a good interview: give a firm handshake and direct eye contact. When meeting people and telling them about your business, you are conducting mini informal interviews! You should impress people with your clear communication, and knowledge in your business.

By keeping these few tips in mind, you should have a successful networking event experience. It is important to attend networking events because business doesn't come through the door if you don't get out of it. You want your business to be recognized at these events so you might have to attend up to 3 to 5 times. Happy networking!

Tamara Garrison-Thomas


We make the calls you're 2 busy 2 make!


Brag about yourself!

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Author Johnny B Truant, recently published an article on 'How to NOT Get Paid to Write Online (And Make Money Doing It).' This article was insightful and thought provoking. Often times as writers, the primary focus is on "Getting paid?" and if so, "How much?" Rarely, is the focus directed towards working for free on purpose.

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The blog has lots of great info, videos, and resources.

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"Like us" on Facebook - Lovin My Locs, Lovin My Dreadlocks

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Who's Who in the Media

If you're trying to get some media exposure for yourself or your business, one of the most important things you need to know is "Who's Who" in a newsroom.  Not understanding who calls the shots for precious airtime will have your hopes quickly fading to black.

Here are some of the key people to know in radio and television:

News Director/Assignment Editor - Determines what news goes on the air. Handles all news releases.

Editorial Director - Person to contact to offer editorial comment or to respond to a station editorial.

Community Bulletin Board Director - Person to contact for announcing meetings and other community-related (normally FREE)events.

Public Service/Community Relations Director - Contact for public service announcements (PSAs), pubic affairs talk shows or community calendar listings.

For national talk shows, the key contact is the Producer. For example, Gina Sprehe was one of the many Producers for the Oprah Show. Having her direct email and phone number was a BIG PLUS for contact purposes.

It would also be in your best interest to find out the NAMES of all media contacts and establish a relationship with them so they become familiar with you when you call or write.

If it's your time to shine, the BAMedia Contacts Directory can help you turn on the spotlight.  Get your copy here for the low price of $29

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Are Your Press Releases Getting No Respect?

Are you one of those people who wonders why you never get any traction from the press releases you send out? Maybe you’re the Rodney Dangerfield of press releases–you get no respect because your releases aren’t worthy of the kind of attention you think they deserve.

How many of these press releases do you think editors get to read every day?

  • How many long, badly-worded releases will they read before, eventually, they become instantly
    put off just by the length of a press release?
  • And how much more likely do you think it is that an editor will read your SHORT, quick-to-read, press

Many press releases are often ignored either because they are poorly written or fail to offer anything of value to the journalist who is looking for a news or feature story. You must have a story to tell, a hook, or an interesting angle.

Another thing, it doesn’t matter how well you have written your press release, if it’s too long then it won’t get read. So keep your press release short. Remove words that do not need to be there.

If you follow these simple rules you will restore the respect your press release truly deserves.

To get your free copy of BAMedia’s: How to Make Headlines with Your Press Release, click here: ebook

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Your Time to Shine This Summer

During the summer months, you can always count on the media to do some type of weather-related stories. This could also be your opportunity to promote yourself and/or your business.

Developing ideas that can help you promote your business in summer doesn't have to take a great deal of time or a large financial investment in order to see positive results. The key to getting the media's attention is to come up with a creative (and fun) campaign that will help them generate a news or weather-related story.

Here are some examples:

Offer cool down treats: Arrange a day with a local ice cream store to have a free ice cream giveaway for anyone who walks in with your business card. You would certainly need a budget for that--especially if you've circulated A LOT of business cards. But you could also limit it to the first 25 or 50 customers and let the media know you're doing this as a Summer Appreciation Event.

Another similar idea is to simply pack some ice cold drinks and take to employees who have to work outside for a living. It's a nice gesture and may not only give you some media exposure but also some additional business.

Host a Pool Party for kids: Contact the local weatherman and invite him to come over and offer some tips on how to stay cool this summer. Certainly, his or her own station will cover the event.

Product giveaways: When I was promoting my book, Whatever! A Baby Boomer's Journey Into Middle Age, I offered a fan as a part of the promotion. If you purchased a copy of the book, you also got a free "hot flash" fan. Find something creative you can give away that would be directly tied into summer.

Sponsor an activity or event in your community: Check with your local Chamber of Commerce, City Hall or your local church for community events and find out how you can get your name or business connected. It would be worth sitting out in the hot sun for a couple of hours if a TV or newspaper crew stopped by to interview you, wouldn't it?

Check the websites of your local stations: Find out what they're up to and see how you can get involved--if only as a volunteer. You can network your way from there.

If all else fails, create your OWN media event and post it on YouTube, Vimeo, UStream, etc. You may find yourself getting even GREATER expsoure.


All of the events should be planned well in advance to give you time to promote and alert the media, which requires press releases and other announcements to be sent at least two weeks in advance.

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Your Time to Shine This Summer

During the summer months, you can always count on the media to do some type of weather-related stories. With temperatures sweltering in the high 90s in many parts of the country, this could also be your opportunity to promote yourself and/or your business.

Developing ideas that can help you promote your business in summer doesn't have to take a great deal of time or a large financial investment in order to see positive results. The key to getting the media's attention is to come up with a creative (and fun) campaign that will help them generate a news or weather-related story.

Here are some examples:

Offer cool down treats: Arrange a day with a local ice cream store to have a free ice cream giveaway for anyone who walks in with your business card. You would certainly need a budget for that--especially if you've circulated A LOT of business cards. But you could also limit it to the first 25 or 50 customers and let the media know you're doing this as a Summer Appreciation Event.

Another similar idea is to simply pack some ice cold drinks and take to employees who have to work outside for a living. It's a nice gesture and may not only give you some media exposure but also some additional business.

Host a Pool Party for kids: Contact the local weatherman and invite him to come over and offer some tips on how to stay cool this summer. Certainly, his or her own station will cover the event.

Product giveaways: When I was promoting my book, Whatever! A Baby Boomer's Journey Into Middle Age, I offered a fan as a part of the promotion. If you purchased a copy of the book, you also got a free "hot flash" fan. Find something creative you can give away that would be directly tied into summer.

Sponsor an activity or event in your community: Check with your local Chamber of Commerce, City Hall or your local church for community events and find out how you can get your name or business connected. It would be worth sitting out in the hot sun for a couple of hours if a TV or newspaper crew stopped by to interview you, wouldn't it?

Check the websites of your local stations: Find out what they're up to and see how you can get involved--if only as a volunteer. You can network your way from there.

If all else fails, create your OWN media event and post it on YouTube, Vimeo, UStream, etc. You may find yourself getting even GREATER expsoure.
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The So What Factor

10744066887?profile=originalIf you haven’t received the kind of media attention you’re looking for, it may be because you don’t pass the “so what” test.  What is that?  The “so what” test gives potential clients and customers a valid reason as to why they should care about you, your business and your message.

When you’re competing for the media spotlight, you must keep in mind that there are probably hundreds of people who do what you do.  Before you rise to the top, you should ask yourself the following questions:

So what sets you apart from others doing the same thing?

So what makes you special? 

So what benefit does the audience get by hearing your message?

So what impact will you have on the community at-large?

So what call to action do you offer that’s creative or unique?

So what’s your public service all about?

Media interviews can be as much or as little as you make them.  To get started on your media adventure, pick up a copy of my BAMedia Directory, a comprehensive Directory of media contacts nationwide: BAMedia Directory

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