Taxes (36)

As business owners, we sacrifice a lot to keep our businesses alive and growing.  For many of us this is our only means of supporting our families. 
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As business owners, we tend to become uncomfortable when talking about business taxes. A lot of us will try to avoid it all together. However, this is a key component to helping you acquire funding if your trying to grow your business, In my book, "The Insider Bank Secrets" I teach people how to reduce their business taxes doing this one simple strategy. Many small business owners don't realize they are over paying their taxes.


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Women Entrepreneurs, they wanna get into real estate investing, however they see it as a challenge.

I'm not excluding you gentlemen, but this here is mainly gonna be directed towards an overall, but mainly towards the women entrepreneurs to help them, just as well as the gentlemen, how to get into real estate investment, okay? And the first thing you have to do understanding that even though [01:32] ____... Number one, you have to have... You have to clean your credit, okay? And the reason that I say clean your credit, it's because even with hard money lenders, they're not trusting. Some of them, if you've been out there long enough, they'll deal with you. But if you're a newbie coming into the game, hard money lenders, they're gonna see what's on your credit. They're gonna look and see if you ever owned any type of real estate before. Because again, as I told you all before, your credit is your personality. Your credit tells a lot about you, whether it may be true or not, it does say a lot about you.

That's the reason that I try to encourage you all. First, fix your credit. And it doesn't take a long time to fix your credit. I know there's a lot of credit repair companies out here that have disappointed many of you with the credit process. That's the reason that, with our program, I implemented the escrow accounts. So, that way, it protects you as the consumer, as well as making sure that the job gets done. That means that you put that money in escrow, and the repair company cannot access that funding until they are able to show that they have cleaned the credit, at least between 75% to 80% of that credit. So, there's no way that you're gonna be taken advantage of, not if you're coming through my company, okay? And we have four different divisions that deal with credit, plus an in-house attorney, which is very good. 1-888-883-3013

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5 Bad Credit Financing Sources 5 Tips on How to get Bad Credit Financing.

1. Merchant cash advances- these are loans that are done off of future credit card receipts. It you have an merchant account with flagship merchant, square-up, paypal, or intuit, just to name a few. You can attempt to get a loan without them looking at your personal credit. Although, I still feel you should focus on fixing your personal credit.

2. Forming a partnership with some that has access to cash or credit is another good resource. As long as, they have an clear understanding of what portion of the business they would own. This is why Business Credit America encourages entrepreneurs and business owners to setup C-corporations so you can just issue stocks instead of making people partnerships.

3. Micro-loans- are made by non-profit organizations, such as Accion (, which will grant small loans (up to $50,000) designed to help startups owned by women and minorities, as well as companies that are established in economic empowerment zones. Loans are also available through the Small Business Administration's (SBA) Microloan Program, which lends funds through non-profit community-based intermediary lenders. Microloans are a great option for businesses with bad credit or no credit histories because their credit requirements are typically more lenient.

4. Crowd funding- is a resource of private investors that are looking for business to invest in for a higher return on their money. When the banks experienced that financial melt down, they stop lending money to business owners. Many of their investors were not getting good returns on bank cd's, money market accounts, or annuities, so these investors started to lend money to small businesses in return for a better interest rate of return. They don't focus on the personal credit. These investors are looking at the profitability of the business is how they determine who they will invest their money with.

5. IRA'S- A lot of people that are still employed or may have access to their retirement plans, may want to consider borrowing from it. The term is called ROB- roll over business. We will discuss how to use the IRA's without being penalized early in the forums.

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 In this video, I show a new CPN file. This client has a 2 Au's and 1 Primary which had give him high 700's across the board.  Once he had access to his file he went and opened up a checking accont with WellsFargo and Navy Federal. He had success in that, however he applied for a loan and was turned down.  The reason he was turned down is because he did not hhave enough primaries on the credit file,

We instruct all clients not to apply for any loans especially government loans because the file is not strong enough.   We you jump the gun like this guy you could cause problems for yourself.





You can have a lot of success with a cpn if you have the right people around you.  We encourages you to clean up your personal credit first before you get a CPN.

2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 Win a round trip to Las Vegas and $1000.00 to Hangout with the GCU GROUP. We running a contest to see how many people we can help and we want to reward you with the opportunity to come have fun with us.  

Here's are the rules.
1. You must purchase the services your self. The reason is, how can you tell someone about a product if you never tried it.
2. You need to market the product.  That means you make video, Tweet about it Facebook it. What ever it take to let people know about Good Credit Union.  

Remember even if you don't be the Top Affiliate thru out the year.  You still make a lot of money with us and you still can come hang out with us, at your own expense of course.


Check out our other Great Services.
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 Authorize Users(AU) used for credit score booster still works.  Piggy backing someones whole credit file is what's challenging these days.  
Most of us don't realize how hard the financial industry was hit with all these regulations.  Because of that credit bureaus have made it challenging for people to repair their credit.  Yes, you still can use AU's to boost the credit score.  The piggy backing a whole credit file is the challenging part.

Let's talk about credit profile numbers(cpn) and secondary credit numbers(scn), as I stated in another video these 2 numbers are legal numbers.  However, you must make sure whom ever you retrieve these numbers from that they are not giving you an already existing number. such as a baby's ssn, an inmate or an deceased person 1-800-652-7157

Read more… Business credit America will soon be offering shelf corporations with store front addresses and commercial phone numbers. This program is designed to help clients that want a shelf corp but do not have an commercial address to go along with the shelf. Also, it gives the client a way to generate an income to pay back the loans they take out under the business and their personal credit.

Once the client shelf corp is completed and then they will have the opportunity to partner with the GCU GROUP, INC. and they be able to generate a income from $300.00 up to $900.00 a month GUARANTEED. The client will also make money by referring customers to us as well. Our referral fee pay out is on the business credit and the personal credit, so that give the client 3 different ways to make money with GCU GROUP INC.

Check out our other great services
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review

We only ask that only motivated and serious clients inquire about this program. We do everything by contract. 1-800-652-7157

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 Stop buying net30's and business credit services if you have bad credit.  hen you try to build up your business credit by purchasing net30's, trade lines, having corporate financials and taxes prepared as well as add ucc's to the company, you still are not guaranteed to get the funing you need to help your business.

Most banks and other lending instituions are insisting you do a personal guarantee or have enough assets to cover the loan.  Many of us, unfortunately don't have assets to cover the loan, however we can fix our personal credit to sign off for the loan.  

Good credit Union helps people all the time to fix their personal credit and help them obtain loans upto $50k in cash funding under their personal credit.  Business Credit America builds the client a 3 to 5 year old shelf corp and pair it up with their personal credit to get them up to $100k in cash funding.

I understand many of us have been taught it's not necessary to use your personal credit to get funding under the business, however due to new rules and regulations with the financial institutions things have changed.  I try to encourage people to fix their personal credit first because they will be able to have access to many other opportunities.  They can buy a car with no money down, pay lower interest rates on loans for mortgages, and personal loans.

This Tax season fix your personal credit first and you'll have access to money all year long.

Check out our other great services
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 In this video, I explain, why many businesses fail.

Many people imagine having a business already exstablished just like a full grown plant.  However, they don't full understand that they must do the following steps in order to see it grow to its full maturity.  Lets look at how you grow a plant. You pour the dirt, plant the seed, your water it often so it won't die. So basically you have to take time to nourish the business just like a plant.

There are specific reasons a businesses fail.  It starts with money.  Most people will borrow from their retirement plan or 401k, they borrow from their friends, family and relatives, the borrow from their saving and credit card.  

Now they've dumped all this money into a business that sells tangible products.  When they need money to restock they have no one to fund their business.  Another reason many businesses fail is because of the market they are trying to cater to may not be responding to their product.  For instance you can not stick a Louis Vuitton store in the hood, because people making between 25k to 35k don't have the means to buy 1k purses.  

Another reason many businesses fail is because of their product.  Most people sell a product because of the trend and it's making money now. However if you learn to do what you love and make that a product then you'll have less competition.  Especially if you further your education on that product.  Stop doing thing because it's trendy and making money now educatte your self on what it is you love to do and you'll always make money in your market.  

I get calls from a lot of people that want to get into real estate however they know very little about real estate investing.  They have very little knowledge  about buying a property and what is it going to take to get that property back on the mark to get a good rate of return.  Now with wall street buying residentual real estate from the banks for pennies on the dollar it better to focus on buying commercial real estate..  You get about 5 or 6 partners together and buy a strip mall and rent it out to people that are starting new business.  

I hope this video was informative to someone, thank you.

Check out our other great services.
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 This is a clients file that allowed us to use it as a testimonial video.  This is not a cpn file.  This individual only had a childsupport case showing on his credit.  We added 5 Authorize User to his account to get him in the 700's due to the fact we had applied for several credit cards and a loan.  This individual was approved for a Amex card, a $5k discover card and a $4100.00 citi card.

Check our our other great services.
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

Read more… Good Credit Union has a new financing program to help you pay to get your personal credit repaired. You pay 1/3 down up front and we financed the rest.

Once your personal credit is repaired you pay the remaining balance. It usually takes 45 to 60 days to repair a tipical file. We remove bankruptcies, private student loans, car repossessions, judgements, liens (other than tax liens), short sales, late pays, inquiries, charege offs, and check systems.

There no reason you should be walking around with bad credit. With good credit you pay less money and lower interest rates on a car loan, mortgage, private loans.

If we're willing to invest in you, why not take advantage of a great opportunity to have perfect again.

As you are aware that Business Credit America no longer charges upfront fees to help you build your business. We only charge you when we get you the funding for your business.

Check out our other great services
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

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Every adult in America understands, how important a good credit score could be to your financial life.  We know that good credit means you're getting the best rates on loans when it comes to mortgages, cars, credit cards and personal loans.

Now, your dating life could be impacted by your credit.  Could you even imagine going on a date and someone ask you, how's your credit?  Most of us think this may be a little to personal for a first date, but for some of us, this is a fair question.

Let's think about how the lenders take a look at you financially.  When lenders see you have strong credit, they see you as a responsible person, someone that won't run out on your obligations.  That's the way your date would like to see you as well.  You're date feels that if you have strong credit, your a responsible person that takes care of their obligation and is willing to do what's necessary to make sure things stay on the right track.

Besides, there are way to  many resources to help you repair damaged credit so you can have good credit.  Also, we know how hard things are when you don't have great credit.

So the next time you're out on a date that's going well and your date ask, how's your credit?  You can say excellent,  just like this date.

Check out our site if your looking for Excellent Credit. 1-800-652-7157

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 Good Credit Union shares a tax tip and secret of the rich on why you should not buy a car with your taxes.  Use your tax return to get your personal credit fixed within 45 days then go and buy that brand new car with no money out of your pocket plus you get the lowest interest rate.  Once you have your personal credit fix then you go apply for a mortgage so you can move out of that apartment that you're probably paying 1000.00 to 1200.00 and month.  With good credit you can get a low mortgage rate and you'll pay less for it then when you were renting maybe like 900.00 a month which could save you up to 300.00 a month.  Don't buy anymore used cars get the car you want with your strong personal credit.

Check out our other services we offer.
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

Read more… Good Credit Union offers Credit Repair Services to help you Get the best deal on a new mortgage, car loan, personal loan, or refinancing. GCU Group, Inc. also offers alternatives to Personal Credit.  You can have a CPN- if your worried about identity theft.  Many doctors, attorneys, dentist, celebrities, pro athletes use cpn's for identity theft and when they maximize their personal credit.
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal

Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 Business Credit America announces no upfront fees for Business Credit Services. We charge you 15% once the business if funded. In order for a client to get access to these privilages they have to have a 700 fico score with all three credit bureaus (Experian,Equifax,Transunion). If you do not have a strong personal credit score then you setup a consultation with Good credit union first and they build your personal credit, whether it be removal of foreclosures, bankruptcy's, chargeoff's, private student loans, car repossessions, judgements, or inquiries. They offer 100% money back guarantee.

Check out some of the other services they currently offer.
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

Read more… How to Protect Your Retirement, Social Security, and Disabled Veterans Benefits from Being Taxed.
In this video I speak on how to keep all your Retirement, Social Security and Disabled Veterans Benefits and still have a successful Business on the side.

• How to get a Visa Business Credit Card
• How to get a Master Card Business Credit Card
• How to get an American Express Business Credit Card
• How to get a CapitalOne Business Credit Card
• How to get a Secured Business Credit Card
• How to get a Visa Business Credit Card
• How to Read your Business Credit Report reviewed
• How to Find Out Who did a Business Credit Check on You
• How to file a Ucc Finance Statement
• What is a Ucc-1 Agreement
• How to setup a Dun and Bradstreet File
• How to get a Dun and Bradstreet Number for Free
• How to get a Completed Dun and Bradstreet File
• How to Add Trade references on Dun and Bradstreet
• How to dispute a Dun and Bradstreet File
• How to establish your Personal Credit
• How to Rebuild your Business Credit
• How to rebuild your Personal Credit
• How to get a Citi Bank Business credit Card
• How to get a Bank of America Business credit card
• How to get a Discover Credit Card
• How to get a Staples Business Credit Card
• How to get a Office Depot Business Credit Card
• How to Find New Net 30 Accounts
• How to get a Sears Business Credit Card
• How to build Business Credit in 7 Easy steps Call !-888-821-6408x2

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10744061866?profile=originalOver the years, I have had the privilege of consulting many first time business owners. One of the most common concerns that comes up is the fear of owing taxes on the money they earn. So many cash based business owners avoid taxes altogether. If you're considering ignoring taxes this year, here are five reasons to file a return for your business.


1. Retirement Savings

In order to save for retirement you must know how much money you're making in business. This not only requires good money management but tax strategies, as well. A component of funding your retirement includes credits to your social security account. When you're self-employed, the payments that you make for Self-Employment tax are reported when you file your tax return. No return, no credit.

2. Business Opportunities

There are instances where tax returns are a requirement to business growth. If you are considering applying for certain business certifications, loans, or grants, for example, you will need proof of running a legitimate company. Certifications can open doors of opportunity to larger contracts and more income. However, one requirement of most applications is a filed income tax return.

3. Refundable Credits

A common tax myth that business owners have involves reporting zero income or net losses. However, you may be surprised at the tax benefits even when there is little or no profit to report. The Earned Income Credit, for example, is a refundable credit that can put between $457 to $5,666 in your pocket. If you qualify, the refund is extra money that you can use to grow your business or take a much-needed vacation. The choice is up to you.

4. Easy to Do

There are many options that make it convenient to file a tax return. Some choices include Do-It-Yourself tax software, electronic filing, and paid tax preparers who will prepare the return for you. Each of these are designed to take you through the process with ease.

5. Your Responsibility

Aside from the benefits above, another important reason to file is tax compliance. As a person earning taxable income you are responsible for filing a timely income tax return each year. Failure to do so can lead to late filing fines, penalties, and possible time in prison.

Now that you know why you should file, visit and download my free audio to learn how to slash taxes and keep more of the money you make in business.

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Financial Tips for December 2010

Make Charitable Contributions
Consider making charitable contributions before year-end both to obtain the maximum tax deduction and to fulfill any charitable programs or commitments you may have established.

Buy a New Car
If you need a new car, now is a great time to purchase or lease. Frequently, dealers are anxious to clear out last year's inventory prior to year-end. In making your choice, consider the federal tax (and occasional state tax) advantages for buying fuel-efficient vehicles.

Examine Investments
Examine your current investments to determine those with unrealized losses. Consider selling those investments to take the loss this year. You can deduct up to $3,000 in capital losses in excess of capital gains. However, do not let the tax savings outweigh the investment potential. You might consider "swapping" for a similar company in the same industry if you like the potential of the industry.

Pay Tax-Deductible Expenses
Consider paying tax-deductible expenses prior to year-end. Some common examples are real estate taxes, quarterly state or local income taxes, investment-related expenses, and dues. These must be paid by December 31 to obtain a deduction this year. Professional guidance will be helpful here, so please call us.

Evaluate Your Progress
Evaluate your progress for the year. How close were you to your budget? Recalculate your net worth. Compare it to the value at the beginning of the year. How did you do?

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