Entrepreneurs (99)


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A Dog is An Entrepreneur's Best Friend!

Pets are wonderful stress relievers for the weary entrepreneur. As a life coach, I can't think of a simpler health and wellness strategy than simply holding a dog in your lap and petting it. Or coming home to a dog who is so happy to see you they almost turn inside out.At any rate, I really just wanted to show off my new puppy, Twinkle, who received her first really professional grooming today. The one at one of the pet store chains was so awful - I wound up not paying :)This new dog is a handful -- I definitely need to show her who is Alpha dog. And actually, "Are you a Twinkle or a Starr?" will be the title of an article I will be writing. Starr was my late dog's name.The good news is that under all the excessive chewing, nipping at my heels and general mischievousness, is a dog with the cutest little face. Twinkle is a Shih Tzu, by the way!Shhh, baby's sleeping now. She is tired from her grooming and walk afterwards!
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I am writing this post over sheer concern about an alarming trend I am seeing in business start-ups today.It all starts with "The Secret," that little book that brought the Law of Attraction to the forefront (although there were many of us who were familiar with this concept going back to the 60s and even before that). Very simply, The Law of Attraction states that what you think about, you bring about or we attract into our lives that to which we give our energy, focus and attention.The result has been an explosive industry with books, tapes, courses, seminars, et al all based upon "if you wish it hard enough it can be so" and "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." And certainly there is nothing wrong with maintaining those positive attitudes as negative thinking gets us nowhere.But there is a flip side to this. I have a friend who owns a business that is in trouble for a variety of reasons. Having been involved in several business startups that I have seen tank like a sinking ship (and having to make adjustments in my own business methodology) I am all too familiar with scenarios where a business pin prick turns into a cut and then a cut into a full-fledge hemorrhage.For sure we need to encourage each other. But when something is blatantly hemorrhaging, you almost have to hold a mirror up and say you see, your business needs triage. In fact, maybe you just need to admit it into the ICU until it can get well again. To keep encouraging someone to stay in a particular business when maybe they just need to admit that it is time to move on isn't really fair or honest with your friend or acquaintance.It doesn't matter how great your business idea is, but it requires time, money and marketing to make it work. Yeah, you can get into some network marketing companies on a shoestring, but I have seen it time and time again where a brick and mortar business owner is complaining about lack of customers and they are putting zero dollars into marketing, zero time time into networking and they expect their business to flourish. Of course, some entrepreneurs for whatever reason may hit the sweet spot right off the bat and their business takes off like gangbusters, but that isn't the norm. Most people are trying to figure out how to bring in more customers (and quickly,too) and therefore the proliferation of social network sites. Make friends and get customers.The other side of"The Secret" and all the positive thinking is what I call "The Check-in." For example, have you identified and written down all the reasons why you want to have a successful business so that you can build upon and rely upon your commitment to that decision -- especially during challenging times? Do you have a well-formulated strategic plan with objectives, goals and related actions? Do you have adequate financial reserves in place, available to invest in the growth of your company? Are you REALLY following your heart or are you too proud to admit that the business just isn't working and you would rather do something else? These are just some of the questions that any business owner should always be asking himself or herself.Know that when some of the components of your business building system are missing or not working at peak capacity you will not achieve the optimal results from your business building activities. This can manifest itself in several ways depending upon what needs fine-tuning:*Lack of focus, motivation, or confidence*A low converstion rate*Fewer new opportunities and clientsNo amount of positive thinking or over-encouraging from well-meaning friends and family will fill in your business building gaps. Even from a spiritual standpoint, God requires that we take action., e.g. "My people perish for lack of knowledge," "write the vision, make it plain."It is imperative that you do "The Check-In" or a regular basis, especially during these challenging financial times.If you would like to know more about "The Check-In" and how it can help your business I am only a phone call/e-mail away at quickcoach4u@aol.com or call 1-888-364-9529.Are your tired of coming up against brick walls? Are you tired of trying to figure it out by yourself? When will YOU do "The Check-In"?
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Great-Promo.Com Introduces a new Womens' Network

For Female/Women Entrepreneurs Only – The Lady Like way to do BusinessSupporting entrepreneurial women is my passion. With that in mind I wrote this article for female/women entrepreneurs only, so I could focus and celebrate the "Lady like" way of doing business. I’m eager to share with you BYOB SQUARED that supports doing business in a feminine way.This is an important subject since women are starting businesses at nearly 3 times the rate of men. Currently there are 11million women owned businesses in the US. What’s motivating women to start their own businesses? According to a survey by Ladies Who Launch, women launch a new business for the following reasons:To have more FREEDOM and CONTROL over their schedules and LIVES.To pursue their PASSION and DREAMS.To create REVENUE and MAKE MONEY doing what they love.The specific motives are unique to every woman yet they reflect a pattern. Women want their business to fit in with the rest of their priorities and values in life.The Lady Like way to do BusinessWomen generally rely on a more intuitive approach to starting their businesses. In order to get started, women need to feel the creative juices flowing and then have the freedom to act on their ideas. BYOB SQUARED is an online and in-person platform to recognize and cater their program (for female/women entrepreneurs only) to the uniquely feminine approach to launching.The "Lady like way to doing business" approach is celebrated through the BYOB SQUARED Incubator program, where you can get through the first stage of launching and find the resources you need to continue growing. As an Incubator leader in my local area, I’ve watched that the participants’ businesses truly expand and grow more quickly when they are connected to other women in their area.The Lady Like way to do BusinessWomen tend to be collaborators and prefer not to go it alone. This can be a tremendous advantage because they’re always on the lookout for help to get their business off the ground more quickly. Most women don’t have a problem admitting that they’re not sure how to proceed and will ask for direction. Their businesses benefit as a result.At whatever stage their business is at, entrepreneurial women are always looking for:Inspiration – Women are inspired when they see and learn from other women who have great ideas, a broader, more creative perspective and who are already achieving the kind of lifestyle they visualize for themselves. Learning from other successful entrepreneurs gives women a sense of who's doing what in business and if she can do it, I can do it!Resources – Women want training and coaching from business experts on the latest business strategies. They also want advice on how to create balance and a high-quality personal life.Community – Women crave a like-minded community of women for a daily dose of wisdom, support and guidance.Women need a venue to get the inspiration, resources and sense of community they crave. A few years ago I began hosting a monthly “Meetup” in and around Atlanta. These few joyful hours of unstructured sharing are tremendously valuable for everyone in attendance. It gives us a chance to connect, gather together and learn from one another in a completely supportive environment. Consider starting your own group as a way to reach out to women in your community.I launched Be Your Own Boss - Build Your Own Business and created BYOB SQUARED for female/women entrepreneurs only. This online community helps entrepreneurial women in businesses—find all the business support and business supporters they need to be successful. I wholeheartedly believe there’s plenty of room for every woman to shine in all that she does—and this quality of abundance is a very important way to celebrate the "Lady like ways" way of doing business.To contact us, please email: BYOBBOSS@gmail.com
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Production company helps businesses market, promote and advertise your products and services via video marketing. Have you ever thought about video taping your next event? Creating a DVD for your event to advertise, market or place on your website? Griot's Roll Film Production & Services Inc. is a certified business. At Griot's Roll we provide Production (film/video), Post-Production (editing) and Multi-Media (video pod casting, video emails, video blogs, electronic business cards) services. We video tape interviews, entertainers, book signing, tape recruitment videos, festivals, cultural events, seminars, conference, lecture, networking events, social events, training videos, etc, and then create a quality video DVD or electronic business card (salesman in your pocket) that is ready to be shown on-line. Take a look at our information below including our video links.Griot’s Roll Film Production & Services is certified with:New York City Department of Small Business Services Division of Economic and Financial Opportunity M/WBE Certified Business EnterpriseNew York State Empire State Development Division of Minority and Women’s Business Development MBE Certified BusinessNew York State Dormitory Authority (DASNY) Office of Opportunity Program M/WBE Certified BusinessValid October 1, 2008 – December 31, 2008Griot’s Roll is running a special for any business owner or entrepreneur who wishes to video tape their networking, conferences, lectures, seminars, business or cultural events. Griot’s Roll will give you a 10% discount on your next purchase of any of our media service package, and if you bring in a paying referral then we will raise the discount to 12% on your total project price. Ask about our quarterly video special we will be happy to give you a quote.Griot’s Roll limits one coupon per company, nontransferable. Minimum hours required for both editing and production services. This discount does not include duplication services. This coupon may not be combined with any other coupon or specials. Coupon must be surrendered on day of purchase. No copies/facsimiles. No cash/credit back.GRFPS SPECIAL100108123108Eula M. Young, COOGriot's Roll Film Production & Services Inc.E-mail: eula@griotsrollproduction.comWebsite: www.griotsrollproduction.comBlog: http://blog.myspace.com/griotsrollGriot's Roll Recent Business Seminar Project:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5IdnOzTKfshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GN3BnWL3_8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E8bwkZ3Rq0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Els-oyfq5ps
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November 4th is a day that seems to not be able to come fast enough. After months of screaming YES WE CAN…the day of reckoning is just around the corner. Now many of you think I’m speaking of the election….but instead I think it’s time for all of us as newly engaged citizens, on fire for a candidate, to use this day to confront our own needs for personal and spiritual housekeeping.We, more than most, get and connect with the fantastic voyage that is Barack Obama’s story. The question becomes, “will we allow Barack’s story to be just that, a story that happened in the midst of our daily complaints, fears, errands and etc.?” Will we get stuck in the land of amazement at our baby boy or girl’s love of Obama or will we figure out how to transition his faith walk and determination into lessons our babies can understand? Will we worry about the attacks coming from his opponents or will we make sure that we learn valuable lessons about moving forward through our own fear and threats of evil opposition? Will we make sure some young person understands that their opposition is not based on perceptions of their weaknesses but the fears of their undeniable strengths?As an early voter, I can say that I felt a surge when I was able to mark an x beside Barack Obama’s name. I was surprised at how choked up I felt when walking back to my car. I kept thinking, Lord Have Mercy…I just voted for Barack Obama, FOR PRESIDENT. I was proud for all of the reasons that we all are. But I admit that there were other things that I thought about that day and most days since.Maybe it’s just me, but when I look at Michelle Obama I see the many sisters coming out of the hair salon after a sweet blow out…when you can’t tell us a thing. When she infuses a certain look when making a point, I see my mom and my girlfriend Lavita. When I see her standing eye to eye with her husband, looking feminine and strong, it reminds me of my girls Nicole, Toni and Tina. When I see Sasha and Malia I see my very bright cousin Madison and the snaggle toothed smile of MaKenzi. When I see Barack’s cool “what’s up” swagger, I see men from my circle like Henry, CJ and Wade. When he’s blamed for being too much of an intellectual, I merely hear the same style of speech used by my friends Omar, Artis and Mike.So in the end, I guess that my greatest pride won’t be JUST that Barack may win but that people and images that are NEVER shown on TV, heck are rarely ever acknowledged, will be selected by MILLIONS for the role of the ultimate leader. And as many are patting themselves on the back for being so FORWARD thinking by selecting Barack, I will know that the things they admire are right in my circle; in my community; in my family.My only desire now is that our pride and recognition of similarities with the Obamas will transition beyond next week. Most of us won’t ever meet Barack Obama. He won’t come to our church and he may never kiss our babies, no matter how cute. Nevertheless, we’re not out of luck. On November 5th, every community has the ability to connect with its own Obama by meeting the NEW YOU. You won't be new because you’re gonna change but new because you’ll decide to share more of your gifts with the people around you. You will choose to vote NO to fear and self doubt. You will recognize that you're only limited by the questions you're scared to ask and the opportunities you're afraid of pursuing.On November 5th communities far and wide can learn that actually we have lots of great black fathers. We can choose to show that there are plenty of happy couples out there who actually like and support each other. Most importantly each of us can introduce our zip codes, our families, our jobs and our friends to a person who truly has FAITH not only in a candidate but in themselves. I’ll leave you with the words spoken by Mandela, but written by Marianne Williamson….“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”May we all be blessed and inspired during this GLORIOUS upcoming week. Enjoy your liberation. :-)Margarette PurvisFounder and CEOThe Purvis Consulting Groupwww.askpcg.com
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6 Benefits of Teleseminars and Webinars

If you’re on Twitter or any other social media site for any length of time, you’ll certainly run upon advertisements for teleseminars and webinars on many different topics. Ever wonder why many business owners and entrepreneurs work as speakers for these outlets? Well, it’s because they know that these methods can be used to advance their business in more ways than one. As a business owner or entrepreneur, you should truly consider using teleseminars and webinars to your advantage.1. Present your business, product or brandOne obvious benefit of participating as a speaker in teleseminars and webinars is that these outlets can be used to introduce a previously unknown company, product or brand. New business owners, especially online business owners may find it difficult to introduce themselves to their target audience because of their lack of history or background in their field.Teleseminars and webinars allow the new business owner to represent his or her business and give it a personality. As many business owners understand, customers are buying your product or service because they trust you. By participating in teleseminars/webinars you can give your business the personal boost it needs to reach your target market2. Brand yourself as an expert in your fieldAs a featured speaker on a teleseminar or webinar, you are building your reputation as an authority in your field. This is important for new business owners who are new to their industry and are attempting to create a buzz about themselves or their product.A successful teleseminar/webinar will assist you in building a solid following in your target market. In addition, further successes will help you to expand and reach a wider segment of potential clients and customers.3. Promote products and/ or servicesThese seminars may also be used a vehicle to promote a product or service. While not as “pushy” as an infomercial, they can serve the same purpose, as many speakers will have books, e-books, podcasts, videos and other products that they market to their target market via these outlets.The key is to reference the product in the discussion with the audience. The audience is then motivated to purchase the product to be used as a guide or instructional material to achieve the end results.4. Increase salesA well-delivered teleseminar or webinar can assist in encouraging sales of the product or services. Because you are working with potential customers in real time, it increases their knowledge of the product or services and thus may be more motivated to purchase.5. Allows you to personally communicate with clientsBecause you are selling yourself as a person as well as your product or service a good teleseminar or webinar is a way to communicate with your potential clients on a more personal level. They can hear your voice, get a sense of your personality and by doing so decide whether they like you or admire you enough to purchase your product or service. If there is an open discussion period included in the teleseminar, then customers are able to get their questions answered on the spot, without waiting for a phone call or email.6. Low overheadIn order to truly succeed in business, money has to be spent. For many business owners, however, money is tight and often sunk back into the business for necessary expenses. A teleseminar or webinar can be a low cost way to provide a lecture over the phone or via the Internet. Furthermore, if done well, they do help to raise a customer’s awareness of you, your brand and your products or services.
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As we know, Credit is at the root of ALL finances!!! Loans, insurances, credit cards, lines of credit, employment,the ability to rent a car, etc.! Well, as a result of that and the lack of education for consumers, everyone can benefit from our great service and join our team....all for only $698! We are apart of a team that has an awesome mentorship program that teaches you how to expand all across the United States. By recruiting, you will get the sales!!!If you are interested in finding out how to join a great team, a great company with an awesome compensation plan, no chargebacks, members of the BBB...get on the opportunity call tonight (Wednesday, Oct.8) at 8pm CST or 9pm EST. If you cannot make the call tonight, you have another chance on Friday night (Oct.10th).You can download the online presentation at www.tdtwmarketing.comand follow along or listen in only by calling 616-883-8400 pin 421173074#Send me a message if you have questions and/or want to join...I will check them after the call!This is how you can have a million dollar business for only $698....Seriously!
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Don't confuse potential clients

As all of you well know, here on BBWO, you can receive a lot of mail from other members here. Think about what kind of mail you're sending. Is it the kind of correspondence that brands you in your field, or do you allow personal feelings and political leanings to guide the type of correspondence you send out?I wrote a brief article about my uses of Twitter (you can read it here) and one of these tips was not to get embroiled in political or social debate. I am not on this board, or any other, to inform you, my womenpreneur colleagues, about my feelings about Sen. Obama, Sen. McCain, Gov. Palin or Sen. Biden. Honestly, why would you care? All you care about, if you're interested, is whether my megamix whip really works on problem dry skin!I've also seen "debates" on Twitter degenerate into nothing but a name-calling contest and "jokes" about the people running for office. What is the point about us debating about social and poltiica issues? If you have a strong belief and I have a strong belief, it is doubtful that a few words back and forth or a blog post is going to change our minds. What's more, my strong belief in whatever, may offend you and cause me to lose you as a client or potential client.So, before you send that email blast about the evils of the Bush administration, the underhanded-ness of Sen. McCain or proof positive that Sen. Obama is a closet Black Panther and a Muslim to boot, please, think about the perception that you (as a representative of your business) may be putting forth. Is it the image/impression you want to leave? If so, please, do continue with your process. If not, think about the impression that you want to put forth, and go about creating that "brand" and promoting your business.
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It's what we need...Small Biz Sanity!

Hi, everyone:Wow, what a great site Sistapreneurs is! So glad I came across it. A very positive & active community--just my style!If you read my page, I run a virtual assistance practice, Right Hand Concepts--where I provide remote administrative support to small businesses via email, phone & fax. If you've got administrative tasks that you don't have the time or desire to do & would rather focus on the MEAT of running your business, let's talk! (Okay, that was my shameless plug, lol.)I'm going to link this blog post to my main blog, Small Biz Sanity. It's where you can find all types of cool, fun anecdotes, resources & tips for entrepreneurs--plus "how I did it"-type Q&As from other small business owners just like yourself ('cause if they can do it, so can you!).Feel free to visit, check it out--and don't forget to sign up for regular updates on my latest blog entries!Peace 'n blessings,Vonetta Booker-Brownwww.smallbizsanity.comwww.righthandconcepts.comwww.vbookerbrown.com
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Updates and Social Networking Works

Hi all!As you may or may not know, I've opened a new website for sista-, mom- and women-preneurs. The url is womenpreneurs.info,. It is primarily an informational site and I encourage you all to sign up for email updates. In addition, I have placed all of the BBC featured businesses on this site also. If you were a featured business of the BBC and your site has not been added, please drop me a line using the "Contact Box" on the front page of the site.I am also still chugging along on my 60 day Squidoo Challenge. Let me tell you, it is a challenge. Writing on something new everyday is certainly stretching my creative and writing skills. However, as I get to the topic of my post - it's well worth the challenge - because Social Networking works.I joined sistapreneurs.com in November of 2007, but I have not been truly active until Feb-March of this year. I also purchased LaShanda's "banner ad" package and my ads are running on her network of sites. I was checking my statcounter the other day and I started looking at my traffic and where it came from. 72% of my traffic to my sales sites originated from either sistapreneurs.com, one of msoyonline.com sites or a person with whom I connected on this site. That is a tremendous amount of traffic! In February, my total page visits were 944 (for the month) . By July, it has risen to 1600 for the month.Social networking works - I have three blogs (not including what I do on here), I write content for Squidoo, I have two sales websites (which I have optimized for the search engine), I write guest posts on other blogs, I have a myspace, I twitter, I'm on linkedin and facebook. Plus, my new website, womenpreneurs. Whew! It's a lot of work, but since I'm seeing results, it's well worth it.I truly expect my page hits to increase --I'm actually preparing for Christmas as we speak.So, please, if you're blogging, tweeting, etc. and not thinking you're seeing results, look at what you're doing -- target your audience and write to them.I remember one thing that Richelle Shaw said in her teleseminar - you are selling yourself - the product is just a by-product of your successful selling of you. If you can get people to connect with you, you will be able to sell them your product or service. Stop selling your product and sell yourself. Good luck!CeeCee Woolard
Dry Skin? Eczema? Try our Megamix Whip!
new signups receive $3.00. Use code HAPPY2006

Are you a sistapreneur, entrepreneur, mompreneur?
Of course you are! Check out my new site:womenpreneurs.info

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Staying Motivated

Do you work at home? Do you have a job in addition to your business that you are trying to get off the ground? Is your business having a mid-life crisis?Read the rest HERE.CeeCee Woolard
Dry Skin? Eczema? Try our Megamix Whip!
new signups receive $3.00. Use code HAPPY2006

Are you a sistapreneur, entrepreneur, mompreneur?
Of course you are! Check out my new site:womenpreneurs.info

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How to Research and Evaluate Potential Residual Income Programshttp://www.RichAndRichHomeOpportunities.comFinding programs that offer the potential for residual income is easy to do. A simple search with most any search engine will bring you literally millions of websites that will clamor for your attention. Yet when it comes to finding just the right program for you, individually, suddenly the ease of finding what you are looking for is somewhat curtailed. Yet do not despair, how to research and evaluate potential residual income programs is a questions that can be answered in detail!First and foremost, take an inventory of your interests and then seek for programs that seem to be the closest matches. Remember that the more interest you have in a program the more likely you are to dedicate time and effort to make it work and thus the more likely you will be to make money with residual income.Next, find a product that will provide you with the revenue stream you can live with. Some will have a steady income potential, while others are seasonal and thus will have spikes when income will be markedly high only to taper off for months at a time. Riding out the lows and profiting off the highs is vital to making money with these programs, if you are able to ride out the lows. Those unable to find a steady income stream that matches their expectations may wish to consider signing up for more than one opportunity, thus generating a number of income streams.A vital step surprisingly overlooked by the majority of those in search for the most promising residual income programs is the market research. You do not need to commission fancy studies, but instead conduct your own market research for any given product you are thinking of making the main staple of your online endeavor to see if the market is already heavily saturated with others selling the same or a similar product of this kind. If this is the case, you will be wise to move on to something else instead.As you research residual income potential, you will find that services – rather than products – have one of the highest potential for generating residuals. Whether you are selling insurance products or financial services, the fact that consumers who purchase such services usually develop a severe case of company loyalty works decidedly in your favor and you can count on much repeat business in the future.Shifting gears, you may consider the product side of the equation by taking a close look at wholesaling. This is a highly competitive field, which in some cases might be a risk, but also one where you have the chance of making a lot of money if you are closely tied in to the consumer trends of the current market conditions and ensure that you have the wares to sell to retailers ahead of the trends.It is evident that residual income opportunities abound online, and for those inclined to do so, these types of business opportunities will at times also translate well into an offline kind of business!-----------------------------------------------------------------To find the best home based business ideas andopportunities so you can work at home visit:http://www.RichAndRichHomeOpportunities.com
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Cathy Hughes Advice to Black Women in Business


This is a reprint of an EZine article. I thought it might inspire you a bit today!

Cathy Hughes' Advice to Black Women in Business
By Bedford E.

Meet one of the greatest entrepreneurs of all time!

Cathy Hughes is the founder and chairperson of Radio One, Inc., the largest African American owned and operated broadcast-company in the nation. Radio One is the first African American company in radio history to dominate several major markets simultaneously and possesses the first woman-owned radio station to rank #1 in any major market.

Cathy Hughes knows what it takes to overcome major hurdles in the male dominated arena of business and entrepreneurship.

I recently interviewed Ms. Hughes for her perspective on black entrepreneurship and specifically asked her to give her advice to black women considering business.

Bro. Bedford: What advice would you give Black Women about going into business?

Cathy Hughes: The most important aspect of a woman going into business I think is really identifying and forming a support group. So often people who love us feel a need to protect us and they sometimes over protect us and make us squeamish and afraid to be adventurous.

You have to be BOLD and ADVENTUROUS if you are a woman going into business. Even though more and more women are going into business, it is still a male dominated game.

In my case it was my mother, I can’t tell you…my mother would cry, she would beg me, “Please get a government job, you’re in Washington D.C. You’re smart and people like you, Give Up! You’re sleeping on a floor in a sleeping bag. Cathy, people think you’ve lost your mind; they think you’ve had a nervous breakdown, what’s wrong with you. Go get a good Government job and stop trying…”

My mother was not trying to stop me from being a successful Entrepreneur, she was worried about me, and she was scared for me. I had lost everything to try to hold on to this business and she was ready for me to throw in the towel out of love and protection. But guess what? It was also so discouraging.

So I started lying to my mother. When she would call and ask have you turned it around? I would say, “Oh yeah momma things are just great!”

Guess what? In lying to my mother about my business turning around and doing great, I started to believe it myself. And once I started to believe it myself, guess what? It started to happen! (Laugh)

I tell women so often, your husbands, your brothers, your sisters, your mothers, your fathers, your neighbors, sometimes even your financial advisors and your lawyers are the first to want to protect you.

There is still this thing…its so interesting because Black Women don’t get a lot of help, but we get a lot of protection “allegedly”. A lot of advice on what we should be doing, which discourages us, because Black women are full of PASSION and EMOTION. So if someone tells us we’re making a mistake most of us, unless we’re just knuckleheads, we stop and analyze it.

Am I really acting crazy…I am sleeping in a sleeping bag and cooking on a hot plate like my momma said. Maybe I am not really realizing…

So you have to put on blinders you have to be myopic, you have to keep your eye on the prize you cannot sometimes share with people; you’ve got to lie.

When people say how’s it going? They may be getting ready to foreclose on your underwear, but you’ve got to say, “I can’t tell you, today was just Fabulous!” (Laugh)

Bro. Bedford: Best day I’ve had

Cathy Hughes: Best day I’ve had since I’ve been in business (Both Laugh)

You say it enough the first person that you’re going to convince is yourself, because who is hearing it more than anybody else, YOU!

Your attitude really does determine your altitude.

With women we normally can’t get a lot of financial or other help. Sometimes you don’t need the finance you just need someone to give you a helping hand. But Lord have mercy do people give us advise under the guise of I’m just trying to protect you; I’m just trying to look out for you.

Well if you’re trying to look out for me loan me that $10,000 I need to make payroll. (Laugh) I don’t need you discouraging me.

It’s funny because people want to be politically correct, they don’t say to you point blank you shouldn’t be doing this. They’ll say, “Do you think it’s really worth it? Do you think that maybe you’re sacrificing too much? What about you? What about your personal life?” I’m trying to build a business right now. My business is my personal life.

So I tell women don’t get discouraged and try to find somebody in a comparable situation if not maybe the same situation, but a comparable situation.

People are amazed, Entrepreneurs call me frequently and they’re like, “you took my call”. Yeah, because I can’t tell you how lonely it was for me when no one would take my call. It may have taken me a few weeks and sometimes if I get backlogged maybe a couple of months.

I’ve called people back and they’re like, “I forgot I called you Ms. Hughes”, I will return your call you’ve just got to be patient because sometimes its just a word of encouragement that we need to get over the hump.

(Note: the website merely is a sales page for his book.)

For the full interview with Cathy Hughes and other Black Millionaire Entrepreneurs Log onto http://www.conversationswithblackmillionaires.com

Bro. Bedford is founder of http://www.howtobeablackentrepreneur.com a FREE e-zine dedicated to Black Entrepreneurship. He is also the author of My Conversations with Black Millionaire Entrepreneurs http://www.conversationswithblackmillionaires.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bedford_E.

More information on Cathy Hughes:FindArticles - CATHY HUGHES: Ms. RadioEbony, May, 2000, by Lynn Norment
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If you're a creative woman entrepreneur then chances are good you've labeled yourself as someone who just can't seem to get, or stay, organized. Popping up with new ideas for your business or about how to help people? Easy! Figuring out a filing system or how to get those piles of paper up off your floor? Ugh...well, that's a different story now, isn't it?!What organized people don't understand about creative souls is that the thought of being organized seems to be in conflict with our creative spirit.Accurate or not, creative types feel that if everything is neat and tidy then their creativity will be contained as well.Well, I'm about to bust that myth because I am a both highly creative AND organized woman business owner. In fact, it's when my papers, email and office are the most organized that I am the most creative.So how do I keep both ideals—creativity and order—in harmony? The answers are easier than you might think.Clickk Here To Get Organization Tips
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The answers to this question can be found when you join us on Wednesday, June 11th at 11 a.m. (EST) on www.blogtalkradio.com/wbo-radio. You join us by phone, "dial - in" number is (347) 205-9229 or in the chatroom on the host page.Believe me...people are still buying and selling homes! It may be at a slower rate but it is being done! Or, it's summertime and want to spend more time with family but, you have got a business to run....hire a virtual assistant! Find out more on what a virtual assistant can do for you!Here is a little information on our radio guests --Melissa L. Newton is one of our newest WBO members and owner of the website, www.melissanewton.remarkableagents.com. She currently is employed with Exit American Eagle Realty. Ms. Newton has been with 2 other companies and has found each to have very different approaches in helping their agents succeed. She attributes her success in this business to Exit American Eagle Realty because she feels treated as an asset to the company. This company has also implemented a new program that supports nonprofits in the community. Each agent will donate 10% of their commission, in the name of the customer, to a charity of their (buyer's) choosing. What an awesome idea! Would you like to hear more about this offer? Tune in to the show on Wednesday.Mary "Kate" LaFrance is a WBO member and owns www.helpvirtual.com. Ms. LaFrance is a veteran of the newspaper business within the trenches experience in graphic design, copywriting, ad sales, management and editorial marketing instincts. All of these skills/talents led to the launch of her own successful virtual assistant business in 2006. Her company has underwent a name change to HELP Virtual Mktg+Admin to reflect her internet marketing focus. On this broadcast, she is announcing the launch of her new website, www.marketingmindset.biz, where she shares her marketing ideas and advice with other entrepreneurs. Come find out more about her new upcoming teleseminar, "Enough to be Dangerous" and how to get a special discount!They are offering special discounts if you utilize their services. Don't miss out on this opportunity!
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Join Women Business Owners (WBO) online at our JULY EXPO as we learn, shop, laugh, and network. Women from all walks of life will be joining to grow their business, meet other women, and share what they have learned through networking.This year’s event runs for three days: Thursday, July 17 - Saturday July 19, 2008Thursday & Friday 7:30am-6pm PST/10:30am-9pm ESTSaturday 7:30am-2:30pm PST/10:30am-5:30pm ESTThe JULY EXPO is open to anyone who would like to attend. For more information on the vendors and sponsors of the event, or to join in the festivities on July 17-19, please visit the JULY EXPO site at http://www.womenbizowners.org/july.Women throughout the world sponsor the event. This year’s sponsors are: Admin Services, Anita’s Pen, Your Consultant Direct, Alex’s Lemonade Stand, Boy’s & Girl’s Country, CareNet of Northwest Houston, MarketAmerica, WBO Magazine and Women Business Owners.To become a speaker, vendor or sponsor for the July Expo, contact the WBO Events Director, email at anna@womenbizowners.org or by phone at 877-889-5011.Women Business Owners (WBO) is an international 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, founded in February 2004. Our organization provides education and support for more than 3,000 women business owners throughout the world with online and offline resources. Please visit www.womenbizowners.org today to find out more information about Women Business Owners! We offer our members online networking chats, online classes, online seminars, online events, and offline (local) networking groups, annual offline convention, and more! WBO's mission is to help more women succeed in business.For more information on the July Expo please visit the WBO website at http://www.womenbizowners.org/july.WBO is currently seeking sponsors for their upcoming convention to be held October 10th to 12th, 2008 in Houston Texas. You may find more information through their website http://www.womenbizowners.org. You may also contact the Events Director, email info@womenbizowners.org or anna@womenbizowners.org.
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June Is Marketing Success Month

Join us this June for an awesome month full of information to help you achieve marketing success!Brand University: The Marketing Success Conference for Women Entrepreneurs has something for everyone! Starting at just $29.95 you can learn about the following topics:REGISTER AT WWW.MARKETINGSUCCESS2008.EVENTBRITE.COMYou - The Superstar!Using New Media and Social Networking Strategies To Build Your Most Important Brand - YOU!Cynthia de Lorenzi, Founder Success In The City andCEO of the Patriot GroupThe Solopreneurs Guide To Strategic Marketing:(MBA Not Required)!Tammy Freeman, The Lifestyle EntrepreneurFounder and CEO, Synergi Group, LLCDo It Yourself MarketingKirsten FullerFounder and Editor-in-Chief, Reservations MagazineSelf-Publishing Secrets:Stop Making Excuses and Publish Your Book Now!Sanyika Calloway Boyce, The Financial Fitness CoachClient Building 101: Know Your Niche!Francina Harrison, The Career EngineerHow To Tell Your StoryAfter The Elevator PitchRebekah Pierce, Average Girl Magazine, LLCOne Hour Marketing Plan BootcampNikki Woods, Full Circle MarketingDirect Mail BasicsGail Diggs, GCD Writing and MarketingCreating Newsworthy Press ReleasesJill Watkins, Write On Target Communications, LLCBuild A PR MachineCinnamon Bowser, Nail TaxiHarnessing the Power of Television PublicitySanyika Calloway Boyce, The Financial Fitness CoachPre-Conference Teleseminar Topics:(Even if you can't make the conference, you can get access to these great teleseminars!)How To Increase Sales ThroughPower PartnershipsDenise Trifiletti - Women's CommunityIt's Not Who YOU Know ButWho KNOWS YOU!Francina Harrison, The Career EngineerPassion Marketing:Wear Your Heart On Your SleeveTo Generate Bigger and More Sales!Tammy Freeman, The Information BrokerFounder and CEO, Synergi Group, LLC8 Key Ingredients To BuildCustomer LoyaltyNikki Woods, Full Circle MarketingYou've Built Your Website, Now What?Gail Diggs, GCD Writing and MarketingCreating Powerful and Compelling TaglinesJill Watkins, Write On Target Communications, LLCAttend Brand University Marketing Success Conference For Women Entrepreneurs...Your Business Will Never Be The Same!REGISTER AT WWW.MARKETINGSUCCESS2008.EVENTBRITE.COM
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SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEURS ARE:1. Visionaries. They are beyond obstacles. They focus on possiblities rather than limitations.2. Strategists: They plan well, and execute effectively3. Problem Solvers: They see a problem as an opportunity for growth and strategically seek resolutions.4. Risk Takers: They are not afraid to challenge the status quo nor, are they affraid to take the road less traveled.5. Servant- Leaders: They realize that serving precedes leading6. Survivors: They don't quit. They fail forward to successTammy FSynergi Group, LLC
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