Entrepreneurs (99)

Image Courtesy of Fotolia

If you are like most women in business, you are looking for new strategies to stimulate growth. Whether solutions to better communicate or how to best manage employees, here are 5 Proven Strategies to Accelerate Business Growth:


Expand thru Alliance Partnership

An extremely effective strategy for expanding your business is by forming an alliance with non-competitive companies. This gives you an instant marketing presence in front of potential clients. Do you know other companies to whom you share mutual customers with? You should be running, not walking to find who they are and how you can team up and benefit from each other.

For instance, say you are a broker… idea partnerships would include Realtors, mortgage lenders, title companies, appraisers, insurance agents and home builders. The key to this is to learn as much as you can about each partner’s business so that you can promote it as you would your own. This new strategic alliance will enable each of you to grow more rapidly as you have a sales team working on your behalf. It makes so much sense to work smarter and not harder!

To find businesses that complement yours, jot down every linked product or service that you don’t offer but that is related to what you do.

Here are 3 D’s for a Sound Collaboration:

  • Draft an agreement outlining expectations of the partnership
  • Develop a bond with your new alliance partners
  • Decide how marketing activities will be initiated between partners such as handing out marketing material at various networking functions, exchanging banners and links on websites or share a big marketing project.


Build a High Performing Internal Team

Your employees are the lifeline of your business. Treat them well! Promote a healthy and professional culture so that they share your company’s mission, vision, goals and metrics. In addition, challenge and hold each employee accountable to achieve outstanding results. This requires serious dedication and commitment on your part, but well worth it.

Here are 5 ways to invest in your employees:

  • Provide a competitive wage
  • Develop a benefit package
  • Allow flexible schedules
  • Offer professional development thru education and training
  • Create advancement opportunities

By providing security for your employees, you’ll have a dedicated and loyal team. This can lead to long-term success of your company.


Join Women Networks

Many of us know the value of networking. As women, it is important to support each other. A great way to do so is by joining and participating in women networks. There is nothing like socializing with like-minded professionals! Networking is one of the most powerful and cost effective marketing tools and lead generation for small businesses.

There are many advantages to joining networks that are targeted and designed by and for women.

For instance, you can:

  • Make connections and grow your business
  • Learn from industry leaders
  • Get answers to your most pressing issues
  • Form lasting personal and professional relationships
  • Network, brainstorm and empower others in their business pursuits

Go Green Business

Many women are choosing to adapt sustainable and Eco-friendly business practices. Managing a green business is environmentally smart and good for your business's bottom line as it allows you to conserve resources and cut down on waste… thus, saving you money!

Here are 5 Go Green Tips:

  • Read email from your computer. Avoid printing to save on paper.
  • Use electronic invoices and statements. This saves on postage.
  • Scan and email instead of faxing. Again, saves on costs of paper
  • Turn off equipment when not in use. This can reduce energy costs by up to 50%.
  • Use natural light during the day. Substantial savings on your power bill

These are small and simple ways to go green - but can yield big results!


Pay It Forward

The purpose of Pay It Forward is merely taking the focus off of oneself and finding a way to render an act of kindness that will positively impact another life. With success comes a responsibility to help or support other women. For example, since 2004, I've spent countless hours as a volunteer SCOREcounselor and personally mentor aspiring entrepreneurs.

Here are 3 ways to pay it forward:

  • mentor someone
  • make a donation to a non-profit agency
  • offer to do pro bono work on a project where your skills are needed

In conclusion, due to challenging times, it is important to learn to think outside of the box for innovative ways to grow your business. Once you find strategies that work, the outcome can result in an abundance of customers and increased revenue. 


WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Sylvia Browder is a small business consultant, trainer and author. She is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. She has served as a Project Director of a non-profit women’s organization for the last six years and an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs, www.sylviabrowder.com.

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Fire Up Your Client Attraction now via Social Media - Surefire Keys to Get Clients, Visibility and Profit Using Social Media

Are you tired of worrying about attracting clients?
You're About To Discover Surefire Keys to Get Clients, Double Your Business, Gain World Wide Visibility and Profits via Social Media Faster and Easier than Ever Before.
In this exclusive, premium, powerful training series, Empowerment and Certified Social Media Marketing Campaign Specialist Robin Tramble aka "The Empowerment Diva" shares. . ...
  • Proven strategies to attract ideal clients without feeling salesy
  • Three things you must do daily to set yourself up for realized client attraction
  • The Power of a sales funnel+list building+Social Media for increased Revenue opportunities
  • One thing you must do to realize increased conversions
  • How to get found and become the go to person in your industry
  • The Power of being very clear on your target market
  • Effective strategies for increased visibility to the right audience
  • How you can leverage your time, realize empowering social media success, increase sales and profits without the overwhelm so you can have time for what matters most
And More!
PLUS… Robin will share one thing that totally turned her life and business around
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What keeps you focused? What do you say when you feel ready to give up? There are moments when as women we simply get drained, and maybe even ready to throw in the towel. However there is a powerful restorative beauty in daily reminders of what is ultimately important to you.

YOU.WILL.RISE. ->The myth of the phoenix describes the fire-bird who is burned to ashes with its nest. Out of the ashes a new egg is created and a new bird is born, who lives longer and more powerful than the original bird. Your ability to “reborn” after a personal set-back or failed business venture is important to remember. You may fail at some point, but it’s what you learn from the experience that will raise you to another level of excellence that ultimately creates the powerful businesswoman you are.” ~Excerpt from Embrace Your Journey: 180 Day journey of Spiritual Transformation for the Woman Entrepreneur-Day 1 (c) Copyright 2011, 2012 Sum of Her Publishing/Katrina M. Harrell

Below of 107 powerful mantras, reminders and affirmations for you on your wealth journey. Read them print them, share them, commit some of them to memory.


    1. 1. Though it hurts…I will fight
    2. 2. Through my cry…is my triumph
    3. 3. Though I stand out…I’m the missing link
    4. 4. Through my sweat…is my breakthrough
    5. 5. Above all the things I need,  is courage
    6. 6. Though I waiver, I shall not fall
    7. 7. Though I pause, I shall not stop
    8. 8. Though they laugh , I shall smile
    9. 9. Though I’m heavy, my burdens are light
    10. 10. Though it challenges me…I am victorious
    11. 11. There is beauty all around me
    12. 12. There is power in the dark
    13. 13. BE. Is a complete sentence
    14. 14. The seed is the blessing
    15. 15. Sowing the good seed is the purpose of all..
    16. 16. Do not rush the harvest
    17. 17. There is power in incubation
    18. 18. Though it is hidden, it is transforming
    19. 19. Your breath is your life
    20. 20. You only have TIME…to be present
    21. 21. Through your haste, you spoil
    22. 22.Through your quiet you are loud
    23. 23. Through your faith you shall persevere
    24.  24. Though they may appear better, you have yet to shine
    25. 25. Your inadequacy is your power in the wrong space
    26. 26. Protect your peace, create your abundance
    27. 27. They’re not haters, simply the confused
    28. 28. Those that “hate” are confused about their own power
    29. 29. Clean your home…clear your mind
    30. 30. Your abundance is in your home
    31. 31. Your home is the manifestation of your universe
    32. 32. A messy mind creates a messy environment
    33. 33. Treadmills lead to nowhere, but the journey on the open road reveals abundance
    34. 34. Do not desire others to change, desire others to know who they are
    35. 35. The journey is in discovering that we all have the mind of God.
    36. 36. When in doubt…stop and clean
    37. 37. You do not need an answer…you simply need to be BE the answer
    38. 38. Lack of money is lack of order
    39. 39. When you receive the calling…do not shout it aloud…there is power in silence
    40. 40. Your calling requires cultivation
    41. 41. Do not compare that which is incomparable
    42. 42. You have everything you’ve ever asked for…stop looking, start seeking.
    43. 43. An upset stomach is an unbalanced life…
    44. 44. There is power in stillness
    45. 45. There is no lack, only the clog in the flow of abundance
    46. 46. The secret to success is in creating your system
    47. 47. Focus on the process…not the end result
    48. 48. You do not know what you do not experience
    49. 49. You do not understand what you do not learn
    50. 50. Wisdom requires courage
    51. 51. It is great to be seen…but better to be effective
    52. 52. Do not shout before it’s ready
    53. 53. Tears are the windshield cleaner of a cloudy soul
    54. 54. Perception is like a computer…it only outputs what you input, true or not.
    55. 55. All the world is an analogy…should you need the answer, look within.
    56. 56. At the end…I am you, you are me.
    57. 57. No one cares about what you do…only in the energy you bring
    58. 58. In all the chaos…clear the plate
    59. 59. In all the noise…remain still
    60. 60. In all the confusion…most is non important
    61. 61. Do not wait for a wakeup call…
    62. 62. Set the standard to which you shall live by
    63. 63. Even though it hurts…do not stop
    64. 64. Even though they pass you…continue at your pace
    65. 65. Even though they do not respond…continue to love
    66. 66. Even though they do not desire you…continue to grow
    67. 67. Though you may stop…you shall not quit
    68. 68. Though you may fail…you shall pivot
    69. 69. There is peace in a smile
    70. 70. There is power in empathy
    71. 71. Being who you really are…requires courage
    72. 72. Being who we agree to be, requires motivation
    73. 73. Worrying clogs the flow
    74. 74. Though there is not enough, there is plenty
    75. 75. Though they do not see, I shall reveal
    76. 76. Through they do not respond I shall…praise
    77. 77. Though they do not feel, I shall embrace
    78. 78. Though I am complete…it is not done
    79. 79. Though it is not perfect, it is ready
    80. 80. Though I still lack, I am abundant
    81. 81. A lion does not consult the bird
    82. 82. The bird does not request the permission of the worm
    83. 83. The worm does not fret its fate
    84. 84. A confused life is a confused business
    85. 85. A confused business is a wasted purpose
    86. 86. The secret to success is in what you eat
    87. 87. Lose the weight…gain your abundance
    88. 88. Wealth is your birthright
    89. 89. Liberation is in letting go
    90. 90. People do not hear what you say…they feel what you are
    91. 91. They do not need to know your every movement…only your every result
    92. 92. Over planning kills the flow
    93. 93. Control is fear of success in letting go
    94. 94. There is only one thing you must do…be present
    95. 95. Your creative energy is like the ocean…therefore do not haste
    96. 96. Control creates fear
    97. 97. Though you may not fit in…you are the secret ingredient
    98. 98. Children are the good seed…
    99. 99. Without faith…there is no life
    100. 100. If the seed does not harvest…evaluate the soil
    101. 101. Anxiety is the body telling you to slowdown. Stop, refocus on what’s important now
    102. 102. They do not “buy” you because you are not BEing “you”
    103. 103. The blessing is in the fight…the pull, the push, the tenacity…don’t give up
    104. 104. The greatness you see in others…is indeed the greatness you have yet to see in you.
    105. 105. Though they resist, you continue to push
    106. 106. You already know…you simply need the courage to agree and act.
    107. 107. The answer will not come by staring at the computer…but it will come in the stillness of a deeply rooted tree, the lean of the blade of grass towards the sun, the stretch of your limbs in stride, the peace in your mind a midst chaos, the chirp of the bird at the top of the morning, the wind we do not see, the moon that is ever present, the sun that sustains and nurtures, the perfection of the fruit, the restorative beauty of rest, the fall of the leaf, the spoil of the fallen fruit that resurrects new fruit, the laughter of our children. The peace you chose to embrace…no matter what.
    (c) Copyright 2011, 2012 Sum of Her Publishing/Katrina M. Harrell

There is infinite wisdom inside of you, waiting to unleash itself. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery together. Visit www.amazon.katrinamharrell.com for a groundbreaking best seller written for the spiritual journey of Women entrepreneurs.

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I WAS THAT GIRL...THE ONE WHO THOUGHT SHE HAD TO FIX EVERYTHING, CONTROL EVERY OUTCOME AND JUST BE IN CONTROL ALL THE TIME. Until I had a revelation...FEAR is a manmade myth and that when I learn to LET GO I gain control...enjoy the blog post below where I share my insight into my revelation and how you can uncover the same journey for yourself. ~Katrina


10744081273?profile=originalI started my day as normal, clear focused intentions, meditation time and time to give thanks. I’m ready to hit my day swinging focusing on my W.I.N. and making things happen because that’s what creatives do. Then it hit me….my video camera battery was completely out and the video I needed to record early this morning to send to my list for registration to my 21 Day challenge was already 3 hours late. My kids were in full fledge “mommy! mommy!” mode and I felt the twinge of “ugh” reach my belly – an all to familiar feeling of…”FEAR”

I know the signs…frustration, annoyance “why didn’t I charge the camera up last night!!!” and even the feeling of putting off my objective for today for another day (procrastination). ALL the ugly signs of FEAR that in the past would mean I would find myself “fighting” to get through the day, needing to make sacrifices instead of choices. I wasn’t having it…afterall I wrote the book on learning to “let go” and Embrace the real journey of your life. No way I was going to start tripping today.

Instead I did what I have learned to do…I told FEAR to buzz off…in my Martin Lawrence voice I told it to “Get to Steppin’” because I know now that FEAR isn’t real. It’s a manufactured emotion we’ve created when the perception of the world doesn’t happen the way we “think” it should. In other words…I ignored the fear and instead found courage to make a different choice.

Why is Fear a Myth?

It would take me an entire book to explain how I have come and am still evolving to learn that FEAR is a big ole nasty myth that we’ve all purchased, but to put it in few words. Fear is a myth because all that there is is LOVE and ABUNDANCE. We’ve been conditioned to accept fear because we have also been conditioned that we cannot control but should fight to control everything.  You know…the client that doesn’t respond to the email fast enough or even the partner that doesn’t seem to “get” your point of view in business or maybe the product launch that isn’t selling. We feel as though we have to fight every battle in life…with only a few worth fighting. All those creepy thoughts that love to remind you that ‘fear” is a constant thing we must FIGHT-{a daily battle of external manifestations that don’t add up to our PERCEPTION of the world}. The constant reminder of Fear that we’re not good enough, smart enough, have enough money, our kids don’t do enough or fear that we’re not working hard enough to push past generational curses that we are determined not to repeat. So we MUST fight.

Continue to read the full Blog post here...

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Hello? Is it you we're looking for?

If you have a stellar product or service you would like featured in a specialized guide, please join Suite369 on Tuesday, June 20th at 12pm EST for a quick information session. If you can't attend the call live, please register so that you may receive the replay. There will be a drawing amongst live participants... Register here: http://suite369.biz/LPShPW

Event planners, personal chefs, caterers, bakers, confectioners, tutors, children's book authors, clothing lines & boutiques, vintage retailers, costumers, stylists (hair/wardrobe), make up artists, life/business coaches, photographers, videographers, venue owners, bartenders, novelty item retailers... << this includes you and more.

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Got Clients? Quick and easy tips to help you attract clients.

Do you have a plan in place to attract your ideal clients? I know attraction is not the end all in your client getting strategy, however, you do need to attract them to sign them or ask them and better yet wow them so that they ask you where they pay or sign on the line?

As a woman entrepreneur it’s easy to get side tracked and major on
the minors. One of the things you may not spend enough time on is
marketing, but without marketing you won’t have clients/customers and
without clients/customers you’re not in business for long.

So how do you attract clients? Great question.

I’m going to share a few tips with you below. Some you may be aware of but
just aren’t doing them or you may be new and don’t know where to begin.

One simple way is your signature. You can add a small blurb at the end
of your outgoing emails. Most providers have it set up where it automatically attaches to the end of your email. You want the most prominent information at the top. If you most want them to visit your website to get your free report, audio etc. then you want to put that at the top and maybe your title beneath.

Another place is in forums and network blogs. A caution on network blogs make
sure that this is allowed. Depending on the mission of the network you may not be allowed to add your signature at the end of your posts. Don’t start off promoting immediately in the forums. Get to know the people there. Watch for conversations that you can lend your expertise to and post. Attach your signature to the end of your posts.

Provide an IFO on your blog or website
What? No opt in box on your blog or website? You bet. There are many sites I visit that don’t have any way to capture their leads or the information from prospects that show up to their site. Most individuals will never invest in you products upon their first visit, so you must have a value added IFO (irresistible free offer) ready for them to raise their hand to provide their information in exchange for your value added IFO. Notice I said value added.

There are many ways to attract clients, however, if you start here you will find that it makes a world of difference. I wasn’t adding my signature at one point not because I didn’t know but because I just didn’t take the time to do it. Once I did I started adding more people to my list.

There is a lot more that goes into attracting clients and one thing is to make sure you are attracting your ideal client. Your ideal client wants your solutions, is ready and willing to pay you for your results driven solutions.

The key is being visible to the right market, niche, sending the right message, showing yourself as an authority in your area, adding value and building relationships.

Want to learn more about attracting your ideal clients? Join me for my ULTIMATE “Marketing YOU” party! 21 JUICY ways to Confidently Get Your Message Out There, Get Leads, Clients and Profits “Authentically!”

This will be one of the most electrifying and empowering training events that I’ve done and I’ve facilitated a few.

Register, put this on your calendar, and commit to showing up. Success is 80% showing up. Get Your favorite glass, champagne glass and fill with your favorite nutritious drink and get ready for my BIZ Rockin’ Event because that’s what superstars do right? Talk to you soon “superstar! Click here to request your VIP access to my “Marketing YOU” TRAINING event!

As always I welcome your comments.

Robin aka The Empowerment Diva
EMPOWERMENT and Certified Social Media Marketing
Campaign Specialist

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Calling all Savvy Women, Women Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Ministry Leaders


Say YES to the Extraordinary Woman in You! Essential Divalicious (Diva - Delicious) Steps/Secrets to Creating and Enjoying Your Divine Empowering Life and Business Success!"




Do you ever feel stuck, stressed, confused, frustrated, wondering

where to start, what to do once you got started to stay motivated and

confident or what would happen if you never get it right and continue down

this same road? Does it ever seem "HOPELESS?"


I've been there too! It changed for me and it can change for you!


You’ll never realize your empowering life and business success until you….


Get clear on what you want


Make a decision to never ever settle for mediocrity


Make a commitment


Develop a plan


Set effective Goals




Connect with an accountability Partner


Commit to your Spiritual Authority


Embrace Divine influence


And more!


Those are just a few of the elements necessary for realized empowering  life and business success.


Always remember empowerment is a choice. Yours!


Make the choice today for your Best Life, Rich Life, Glorious Life!


I want to help you.


Join me for my brand new Teleseries “Divalicious Secrets to Extraordainry Life and Business Success!”


Be sure to bring your Juicy Red Divalicious Strawberry or other Passion Fruit You Enjoy.


Go to http://bit.ly/divineempoweringsuccess





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President Obama's State of the Union Address

The New York Times has published President Obama's 2012 State of the Union Address and indexed it according to topic.

The President has emphasised the importance of building an economy that will be robust in the long-term.

Personally, I think this is one of his drawbacks. People today are looking for a quick fix. Nobody wants to plan for the long-term.

Anyway, that's an aside.

He spoke about:

- Supporting small business and entrepreneurs.

- Creating new jobs.

- Developing sustainable energy resources.

Is "equal work for equal pay" really something for people to get so excited about in 2012? 

Click here to read more and watch the State of the Union Address

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FREE Teleseminar to Empower Christian Women in Business to avoid mistakes costing Them clients, customers and profits


What do you do when you’ve done everything you’re told and it still doesn’t work? You are working endlessly behind the computer only to find that you've left little time to do what matter's most. What do you do? Give up? No. You can do it!



December 21, 2011  Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva has developed a Business Empowerment Teleseries just for you.

“I want to give women an opportunity to get clear on their vision,
goals and action plan, to make BIG changes and get results. To discover what your message is and who you are called to serve." Says Robin Tramble 


We are at the close of 2011 and Robin is committed to helping Christian Women Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Authors and aspiring to end 2011 strong and make 2012 the year you’ve always dreamed of.

Women will join Robin for her Client Attraction, Income Acceleration Marketing and Mindset Tele-series. She will kick off the Teleseries with

"Discover 3 Biggest Mistakes costing you Prospects, Clients, Customers and what you can do about it so you can realize a Client/Customer, income acceleration  (authentically) while living on purpose!"

When: Thursday, December 22, 2011 

Time: 5:00 PM PST

Robin wants to support you in accomplishing your desires and goals.


Registration is being taken here http://bit.ly/clientincomeacceleratepr

# # #

About Robin Tramble

Robin Tramble International was founded by Professional Life Empowerment Coach,
Robin Tramble to help women live a big, bold, beautiful and Authentically Brilliant Diamond Life of Empowerment. Robin is a Authentic Life and Biz Empowerment Coach, Mentor, speaker, Recording artist and Author of the upcoming book “The Dynamic Power of Focus for unstoppable women.” Certified Social Marketing Campaign Specialist.
She is also creator of Empowerment-Success-Songs.com . She shares women's empowerment expertise with women across the world and locally as she did on her most recent interview on Good Day Sacramento.

Find out more about Robin Tramble International at http://www.Authenticlifeempowerment.com

--- end ---

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Norma Ross- The Boss

(this is what I entered on Black Bloggers Connect (BBC) as a BHM blog entry.  If you like it here, please like it on the blog site.

Normally during this month, we concentrate on the same deserving African Americans in history. When I saw this contest, I knew I had to honor a little known very important African American woman to history.

Norma Ross (1934-2010) from Dayton Ohio was the only African American female owner of a Mercedes-Benz franchise in the world and the only African American woman owner of a Buick and GMC franchise in Ohio.

Mrs. Ross (nee Henderson) met Robert P (Bob) Ross when they both were in high school in Richmond, Ind. They married and Norma received a degree in elementary education from Earlham College, Robert operated a Buick dealership. They came to Dayton in 1979 where Robert sold Buick and Mercedes Benz models and Norma worked as a classroom teacher and a curriculum consultant in the Dayton Public School system. She helped established the first all day kindergarten program in Dayton, Ohio.

The Bob Ross Organization consists of three franchises: Buick, GMC and Mercedes-Benz. Bob Ross died in 1997 and Norma assumed command of the Bob Ross Dealerships. Their two children, Robert Jr. and Jenell, became vice presidents. Jenell Ross continues as president of Ross Motor Cars.

In 2000 the Bob Ross Organization was featured in the Black Enterprise Magazine as “Auto Dealership of the Year”.

In 2007 Norma received the “25 Year Award” as a GMC Dealer. In 2009 a “30 Year Award” as a Mercedes-Benz Dealer and Bob Ross Buick also celebrated 35 years as a Buick Dealer. The dealership has been one of the “Top 100 Companies” in Dayton, Ohio from 1999 to present. In the State of Ohio, Bob Ross Buick franchise was ranked #1 for eight consecutive years and currently ranks #2 in Buick sales. Currently, Bob Ross Buick is among the Top 50 largest Buick Dealers in the country.

After her death in 2010, the family established “The Norma J. Ross Youth Foundation” to benefit deserving youth in the community in her honor.

Her other awards and accolades were too numerous to mention but more information can be found at:






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Attention: Spiritually Minded Women Coaches, Consultants, Authors, Solopreneurs, Ministry Leaders, Women Entrepreneurs, WAHM, WAHW and aspiring.
“Jump Start Your Online/Offline Sales and Profits in 30 Days without spending BIG Money!”

Do you long for more prospects clients and customers but are overwhelmed and/or don’t know where to begin?


Have a book or aspire to publish your book but are stuck as to the marketing tactics to use to expose it to the masses for increased sales?

Maybe you start off with a bang only to end with a fizz due to disempowering behaviors and habits?

We are coming into the last month of 2011…. BUT Wait! Before you dare speak about wrapping up the year NOW is not the time to snooze.



From: Coach/Mentor Entrepreneur Robin Tramble, Elk Grove, CA
To: Spiritually Minded Women Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, WAHW, WAHM, Authors and Online Marketers


There are so many things that make up the system for your attracting and getting clients, customers and prospects and I see many who don’t even have the basic foundation which is a list building strategy.


If you really want to know how to attract, get and retain prospects, clients and customers, whether you’re an author, coach, consultant, woman entrepreneur, speaker or aspiring you need to learn how to do this effectively.


This is not just something left to the Guru’s this is something that you can learn and apply.

I did it and you can too! I’ve invested thousands in the knowledge that I have and of course I’ve sought out God’s wisdom because “Wisdom tells Knowledge what to do!”

Are you going to continue hopin’ and a wishin’ or step up and out in Faith to manifest your desired results? Will you continue watching as others succeed, twiddling your thumbs and having a pity party or will you finally get up and take targeted, strategic and focused action.

I’m taking away the excuse that you can’t afford it. Here’s a little word of advice “remove the words I can’t afford it from your talk.” Replace it with something more affirming and positive. Your subconscious mind moves on your thoughts, actions and what you speak.

This special is such an incredible of.fer you’d have to really try very hard to ignore it.
Besides, God’s gift to you is life and what you do with it is your Gift to Him. Now is not the time to wrap up the year or embrace a scarcity mindset. I believe that we should maximize life everyday!

This is where you can separate the successful from the wanna bes or those living in the woulda, coulda, shoulda zone.

I’m writing you to let you in on a very special opportunity for you to upgrade your business.

Stop the overwhelm, frustration, lack of confidence, fear and more!

Say yes to more Sales and Profits!




Click here to learn more here


I have a very special offer for Fast Action Taking Decisive Women.



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When you look at your life, you may be miles away from your goals and dreams – so far you wonder if you’ll ever get there. This gap can be especially frustrating when you feel like you’re working hard to move forward.

For Immediate Release

October 10, 2011 Unfortunately, just “working hard” doesn’t assure success. There are a lot of other elements and factors that determine how far you go and how close we come to achieving the life you imagine.

Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva is doing something about the many Spiritually minded women, aspiring, new and enterprising women entrepreneurs who are not realizing the results they desire. She is doing this via her FREE Teleseries. The next call is Revealed: Top 5 reasons you’re not where you want to be – YET!

Robin emphasis YET because it’s not a doom and gloom message. “You may
not be where you want to be, however, as long as there’s breath in your body
you can do something about it.” Says Robin

You'll leave this call with a new found passion to get on the path to your Divine
Destiny and to finally be free to pursue your ideal lifestyle.

For you spiritually minded aspiring, new and enterprising Women Entrepreneurs Robin wants you to know that building a successful business is not just talking about marketing, traffic, list building etc.
“There's also much to be said about the mindset "inner game" that is sabotaging your empowering success. As I stated before it's about self discipline during my last Tele-class.” Says Robin Tramble

Some of what will be covered in this power-packed Tele-class includes:

•Sure-fire ways to jump start your life and biz
• Avoidable excuses you're making that are hindering your empowering
• Top 5 reasons you are not where you should be - YET!
• What you can do to finally play a BIGGER game and manifest your ideal
lifestyle "authentically!"
• And more!

During this Tele-series you'll be empowered to Get and Stay Focused, Make BIG Changes and Get Results Faster which will ultimately reveal the healthier,
wealthier, empowered, focused, joyful and Authentic you!
If you’re ready to end 2011 strong and kick-start your year with a BANG you don’t want to miss this FREE Tele-class.

You can register for the call herehttp://bit.ly/90daysofempowermentinfo


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About Robin Tramble
Robin Tramble works with Spiritually minded women and woman entrepreneurs who want to discover their authentic self so they can make big changes or achieve some big results but are struggling to make it happen fast enough. She helps them get unstuck, create achieve the results that they want faster than ever before.

Robin is CEO and Founder of Robin Tramble International, President and
Founder of The Christian Women Entrepreneurs Network. She’s a Professional “Authentic LIfe” and Biz Empowerment Mentor, Trainer, Coach and Public Speaker to the nations. Robin is also known as Empowerment Diva because she has carved out a niche in the area of empowerment. She recently shared her empowerment tips on Good Day Sacramento as “Empowerment Diva” and was named 1 of 25 urban Entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Brand maker News. Robin is also an accomplished keyboardist, singer and songwriter and plans to incorporate her musical gifts with her resources for women’s empowering personal development.

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Women Entrepreneurs returning back to work?
by ShaChena Gibbs

Many women entrepreneurs work full time from home building their enterprise. We become solely dependent on the income we have been generating from our entrepreneurial endeavors to pay our bills, to maintain personal and professional expenses. Most of the time your business success can actually achieve this task. But what happens when you hit a slow season? How are you going to maintain? or maybe business is going well, you just need more money a lil sooner?

Have you thought about returning back to the work force? back to Corporate America? Many women entrepreneurs have taken that step. A few of my friends have and they set goals to resign after accomplishing their financial reward within 90 to 120 days or even 12 months.

What's stopping you from going back to the work force? Are you telling yourself, it would be embarrassing to tell your friends and family? You may believe they will laugh and say to you that your business must have failed? Because they tried to talk you out of it in the first place. Don't let this be the reason you struggle to get your business and personal finances off the ground or to the next level.

There are many reasons we can talk ourselves out of going back to work. However, if this is a step you need to make then go right ahead and handle your business. You know what is right for you and your family. Sometime we are the bread winners in the household and must make difficult decisions such as going back to work. Or we need to add to the current income coming in. Either way do not let your perception of what others may say discourage your decision.

Going back to work does not mean your business is failing all the time. You must be a leader and make a choice that you feel is the right one. If you decide to go back to work, set a time goal. It could be 90 days, 120, or 12 months as said above. Just set a goal and stick to it. Getting a financial adviser is strongly recommended. They can be beneficial with assisting you in accomplishing your financial goals.

As entrepreneurs we have to get out our own way. We must make do things we don't want to do and at times we don't want to do them in order to achieve SUCCESS!


Entrepreneur, mentor, and Small Business Educator, ShaChena Gibbs is helping women across the US with starting a successful business from home. ShaChena Gibbs is the Founder of Real Sisters Rising, LLC an award winning National Organization for Women Entrepreneurs. http://www.realsistersrising.com

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Top 40 Women Motivators on Social Media

By ShaChena Gibbs


Social Media has become the daily place to get motivated. Whether it’s professional motivation, spiritual motivation, or personal motivation, you can log into your favorite social community and you will get just what you ask for. My favorite places are Twitter and Facebook.

There are so many phenomenal women who share tips and quotes that help me get my day started. Sometime those words I read help me when I have those moments of “PAUSE” and get me right back on “PLAY” mode. I want to say Thank you to these awesome women. Although many of these dynamic women I do not know personally the all encourage and inspire their communities and myself.

  1. Robin Ransom ~ Robin Ransom Enterprise, Speaker & Coach

Facebook: Discover Your Dreams w/ Robin Ransom

  1. Bonique Harris ~ Mindmapper, Speaker & CEO

Facebook: The Entrepreneur’s Roundtable Group

  1. Andrea Cleveland ~ Tru Transformation Coaching, LLC

Facebook: Powerfully Positive: Power Players Club

  1. Geneva Farrow ~ Founder, Executive Director & Speaker

Facebook: A Young Mother’s D.R.E.A.M

  1. Lissette Torres ~ Go Small Biz Solutions, Ind. Associate

Facebook: Lissette Torres

  1. Amina Carter ~ Life Coach & Workshop Facilitator

Facebook: WomenSphere by Amina

  1. Tanai Coleman ~ Editor in Chief & Workshop Facilitator

Facebook: Money Mastery Magazine

  1. Oneka Bady ~ Administrative Manager

Facebook: Right Hand Mrs.

  1. Eula Guest ~ Co Founder, Consultant, & Marketer

Facebook: Griots Roll Film Production & Services, Inc.

  1. Danielle Moore ~ Executive Director

Facebook: SheRo Project

  1. Lucinda Cross ~ Speaker, Author, CEO

Facebook: Corporate Mom Dropout

  1. Kiwan Fitch ~ The Kiwan N. Fitch, LLC, Founder & Author

Facebook: Confessions of a Welfare Mom

  1. Reverand Carmen ~ Executive Director

Facebook: NYC LGBT Chamber of Commerce

  1. Nika Stewart ~ Laptop Mom

Twitter: Laptop Mom Club

  1. Deb Bixler ~ Motivational Speaker

Facebook: Cash Flow Show

  1. Tamyka Washington ~ Small Business Coach & Mentor

Twitter: The CEOMamma Network

  1. Walethia Aquil ~ Image & Etiquette Coach

Facebook: Grace & Charm

  1. Lashanda Henry ~ Small Business Coach

Facebook: Black Business Women Online

  1. Ali Brown ~ Ali International, Inc, Mentor to Women

Facebook: Ali Brown

  1. Ingrid Elver ~ A List Celebrity Consultant

Twitter: Born Celebrity

  1. Pam Perry ~ PR Coach & Social Media Strategist

Facebook: Social Media PR Solutions

  1. Cheryl Wood ~ Founder & CEO

Facebook: Cheryl Wood

  1. Melanie Bonita ~ Author

Facebook: Daily Dose of Motivation

  1. Fabienne Fredrickson ~ Mentor

Facebook: Client Attraction

  1. Kimberly Jesse Bowles ~ Celebrity Branding & Marketing Coach

Facebook: Kimpire World

  1. Shonna Hassett ~ Executive Director & Coach

Facebook: The Center for Counseling & Holistic Services


  1. Therese Kelly ~ Business Growth Coach and Mindset Mentor

Facebook: Happy in Business Marketing & Mindset

  1. Terri Clay ~ Speaker, Author, Coach, & Radio Host

Facebook: Learn how to Market

  1. Bernadette M. Johnson Hairl ~ President

Facebook: By The Book Accounting, Inc.

  1. Rachel Berry ~ Author

Facebook: The Vow Network

  1. Shalonda Williams ~ Life Coach & Speaker

Facebook: Shalonda Williams, Coach Treasures

  1. Katrina Harrell ~ Coach, CEO, & Author

Facebook: Your Simple Bookkeeper

  1. Stacie NC Grant ~ Speaker, Author, Radio Host & Coach

Facebook: Stacie NC Grant, Empowerment Strategist

  1. Rhonda Cort ~ Mentor

Twitter: Magnetic Mojo

  1. Kim Sudderth ~ Angel Power Holdings, LLC, Mentor

Facebook: Kim Sudderth

  1. Kim E. Underwood ~ Minister

Facebook: Morning Glory Show

  1. Sanya Hudson ~ Author

Facebook: Sanya Hudson

  1. Malika Anderson ~ Founder

Facebook: Real Woman’s Guide

  1. Carol Sanker ~ Author, Coach, & CEO

Twitter: Carol Sanker Enterprises

  1. Kari Day & Stephanie Page ~ Mentors

Facebook: Allied Women in Business

Visit our motivators and join, like, follower them on your social community.
Real Sisters Rising, LLC
Like: http://www.facebook.com/realsistersrising
Follow: http://www.twitter.com/shagibbs
Join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/rsrandfriends/
Sign Up!: http://www.realsistersrising.com

Entrepreneur, mentor, and Small Business Educator, ShaChena Gibbs is helping women across the US with starting a successful business from home. ShaChena Gibbs is the Founder of Real Sisters Rising, LLC an award winning National Organization for Women Entrepreneurs. http://www.realsistersrising.com
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Getting on a List Generates Publicity

Are you aware that countless opportunities to send out press releases and receive valuable, free publicity get missed everyday?  There are literally dozens of newsworthy opportunities for getting positive media exposure.  Being recognized on a List of some kind or receiving an award is a great way to generate publicity for yourself.

It also becomes a win-win situation for you and the person (or business) honoring you because they get publicity too!


Here's the one I created after being named one of the Top 50 Fabulous Women Entrepreneurs:


(Durham, NC-July 22, 2011) Beverly Mahone of Durham has been named one of the top Fabulous Women Entrepreneurs by SistaSense Magazine and Black Business Women Online.  Mahone is one of 10 women selected in the category of print and digital media.  After leaving the television news business in 2006, Mahone created BAMedia which caters to fellow baby boomers who want to learn how to self-promote themselves and their businesses. 

In making the recent announcement, SistaSense Editor-in-Chief LaShandra Henry says “I see thousands of black women whose deeds go unnoticed. I wanted to recognize the BBWO50 for their hard work and diligence and show Sistasense readers these are our women to support, promote, and aspire to be like.  Henry says she chose women who have built established businesses with visible growth over time both online and offline. She also focused on up and coming women entrepreneurs whose innovative online business ventures are publicly recognized. “In short, these women are widely respected for the businesses they have established and their social influence both online and offline is undeniable,” she added.

Mahone says, “I am honored to have been included on this list.  LaShandra Henry is right.  Many times Black Female Entrepreneurs are overlooked in spite of how hard they work and the expertise they bring to the table--especially those of us who are baby boomers.” 

You can find complete list here:  http://www.sistasense.com/2011/07/sistasense-magazine-july-issue-bbwo-50-fabulous-women-entrepreneurs


**If you want to learn more about how to self-promote, contact me**

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images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ9HaKHhLxMbxv5dn2zHN_I4BSj9NR6w8Sdz1zYL-ErgiKexmGPAA&__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1312150873637Sure many successful entrepreneurs (myself included) will tell you how they've either maxed credit cards, over extended themselves, moved in with parents, sold cars, lived IN their cars, spent their entire life savings or 401k on their dream all in pursuit of their dream and destiny. Many of them took a gamble and won having built lasting profitable businesses and wealth. One of my clients successful built her company to 7 figures after being at the brink of bankruptcy, repossession, and financial ruin.

Entrepreneur.com list it's 25 Common Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs and these are all dead on many of them echo the traits needed such as "creating  plan" to learning to work with integrity and so one, however there is one that is missing...

I'm adding #26 and making it #1, you MUST have a plan for how you will get your Personal Affairs in order. This means from your  personal finances to improving your credit if it's challenged, to your relationships. It's no secret to successful entrepreneurs that your personal life (particularly for women) has a direct effect on your business. Taking risk in your business is a given and while I'm neither for or against risking it all (I'm more so on the "for" side) Ignoring your personal affairs can certainly lead to undue stress.

#1 Get Your Personal Affiars in order

From your relationships, drama, and finances. If you are Planning to risk it all you NEED to have a strategy! Failing to plan how you are going to navigate and survive or deal with a mate that is unsupportive or how you plan to manage your health care can mean the difference for some of success and failure.

While it is important to have a plan BEFORE you start your business. The reality is MOST of us won't, we'll fly out into entrepreneur land blind. Hey I'm not mad at you, I get it I'm with you 100% but at some point you must get some order to your personal life in order to reach the optimal success you want to achieve in your business life. I'll share more about my own personal story tomorrow, but for now here are some steps you must take now.

1. Pull your personal credit report and get an understanding of where you credit stands. If you have challenges you may not be able to fix them overnight, but get clear on where you are so you can make a plan.

2. Make sure your tax returns are filed or at least you have a strategy and plan in place and know where you stand with the IRS. The worse feeling is being on top of the world in your business and then BAM! You are hit with an audit on the personal side. See it with clients...you don't want this.

3. Get an Life Insurance policy for yourself and your family. Leaving a comfortable 9 to 5 where they (should) provide life insurance for you, many entrepreneurs simply don't think about this when whey start out on their own. Sure you want your business to be your insurance policy but be realistic. If you are a young person be sure to have a plan of how your family will survive if you become disabled.

4. Create a Will. I hope you didn't create your business but have no plan of how it will pass on after you? Create a will for how you plan to leave your business, or other assets. A living will may be good as well to cover how things should be governed should you become disabled and unable to care for your family or your business.

5. Create a salary for yourself in your pricing. If your fee for coaching is $100 an hour, make sure you know that about $75 is going to go just to cover expenses, pay insurance, travel etc. That leaves you with $25 an hour to live off. If this isn't going to be good for you, then maybe you need to increase your hourly rate to $150 or $200 an hour. 


Check here for the rest! 


Thanks for liking my blog post! If you wish to share it or repost it, you must include the information below!

Katrina M. Harrell is author of "Embrace.Your.Journey.: 180 Day Journey to Unlocking Your Wisdom, Redefining Your Success and Discovering Your Abundant Wealth" (The Sum of Her Publishing, 2011). President of the KM Harrell Group, LLC a Strategic Business Development & Management firm supporting minority and women-owned businesses. Her firm’s consulting services have helped many minority and women owned businesses establish foundational structures and exit strategies within their businesses that have aided them in selling for profit or obtaining investor funding. Passionate about entrepreneurship education, Katrina’s insight and expertise is highly sought after both online and off. She is also founding CEO for Your Simple Bookkeeper, outsourced national bookkeeping company for micro and small business. 

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images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3UO2982gs1VUUhWe-oDT5Pl9LmZxZbmgaZxcCVeubR2RU369B&__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1311970493448Let's be real, no matter the mindset shift, strategies you create and implement or how successful you may be, being a business owner is a tough job! It has it's ups and downs. I don't have to tell you the number of snafu I've averted or how much my prayers and faith have evolved and strengthen through perseverance. At each new level I achieve as an entrepreneur comes the same challenges just dressed up a little fancier. Sure I've learned to master many things so that I can continue to build exponentially, but there are things in which I cannot control that throw a nasty little wrench in the operations! 

There have been times when I wanted to not just throw in the towel but cut that sucker up in tiny little pieces then burn it to ashes, then take the ashes and place it in the grill under  lip-smacking ribs, burgers in my backyard of "Normal" life with a 9 to 5 job and predictability. Of course those thoughts are fleeting as I'm passionate about what I do, but there are times when you wonder about a life of predictability.

Real talk...no matter where you are, at each new level, comes new set of mindset shifts that you will need to master to move on to the next level. Therefore we all need a little dose of Affirmation, Confirmations, and inspiration to remind us why this journey is all worth the fight.

SO! This list of my 77, compiled while I was cleaning my bathroom, making the kids lunch, trying to figure out where the heck these fruit flies came from, AND responding to client emails, checking on book orders, confirming speaking engagements (WHEW!), is for all the women entrepreneurs, regardless of your level. This is for those who have embraced a lifestyle that you wouldn't trade for the world! but recognize that we all need a little pick me up every now and then.  ENJOY ;-)

77 Affirmations, Confirmations & Reminders why You're AWESOME!

1. You Rock! Yes you do! Why? Just because you rock ;-)

2. You were made for this! Everything in you tells you are, you got a strategy (if not get one) so WORK it!!

3. Your Time is NOW! Not tomorrow, not yesterday, just NOW (see#2)

4. Let it all go! Whatever is hurting you, bothering you, holding you back, just... let it go! You can't bring carry-on on this Success journey you're on!

5. Remember what counts! You deserve a break today! Go for a walk, have a bowl of (low fat) ice cream, don't forget about you!

6. Keep on dreaming! Even when others think you're crazy or simply don't notice you...keep on doing what you do! Blaze your trail and let other's catch up to you!

7. You are beautiful! You were made uniquely and out of love. Your eyes, your smile, you skin, your curves, whatever, celebrate your awesome beauty!

8.You are a natural leader! Women by design are natural leaders! You have the ability to lead nations with your power and influence.

9. Remember to smile! You know the song! Even when you feel like you can't, find a reason to smile.

10. Let the dishes go! And go indulge in a hot bath! Take time for you!

11. You know what? Stuff happens! It's bound to happen and it will. So, go with the flow, roll with it and keep on pressing!

12. You are gifted and talented! And you can use those gifts to make as much money as you can and create the lifestyle you desire.

13. You're skillful and genius. Use those skills and gifts to build your generational wealth! 

14. You DO know what you're doing! You may not have all the tools yet but that's part of the process, keep pushing you will find your chord.

15. You are not your past! Your past is just that, keep it there. Learn what you MUST learn from it accept it and use it as fuel to ignite your future!

16. You are worthy of love! Simply because you exist. There is nothing else you need to do to earn it.

17. You are an incredible multitasker! Even though at times you shouldn't, the fact that you CAN and HAVE makes you genius at building an awesome business.

18. Your business is wealthy! You have the ability to create a foundation in your business that will leave a legacy to your family, children, and other women (and men) throughout the world.

19. Your Business IS successful! Whether you wanted to earn $100,000 but you've only earned $10,000 or you earned $1,000,000 but you are still at $500,000 girl you EARNED those dollars using your OWN genius, skills, influence and talent. You better celebrate that! And keep moving forward

20.  You are a QUEEN! And you deserve to be treated as such! Don't except anything less!

21. You got this! Trust your instinct and gut!

22. You are a master communicator! 

23. Your Emotional IQ is high

24. You Survived! Whatever happened, if you're reading this that means you survived it and you have the ability to conquer anything.

25. You are open minded and willing to try new things.

26. You embrace your haters. They aren't really haters, but all the naysayers or those who doubted you, love them anyway!

Click here for the rest! I promise they won't disappoint!!


Copyright 2011 Katrina M. Harrell www.katrinamharrell.com (Please include FULL author credit if you repost or share!)

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Unplug.jpg?width=323I don't know about you, but I like to think of summertime as the prime season for RELAXING--kicking back, enjoying the warm sun, balmy breezes and fun events with family and friends. Swimming, concerts, good music, food--just good times all around. And I don't want stress anywhere in there!

So why is it that we're still so stressed out and don't know how to unplug?

If you have that issue, I'm excited to tell you that you're in luck! Because next Thursday, 7/21 at 7pm EST, I'm delighted to have professional organizer Ellen Delap back for a great, encore presentation on our "Call & Learn" teleclass, "Summertime Unplugging & De-Stressing!"

She's going to be breaking down all types of great ways to slow down and actually ENJOY the warm weather while it's still here! So, I hope to see you on the call--to register (and get a free copy of "Accountability Partners for Internet Marketers," just go to http://successtales.com/7-21-registration/ and sign right up! See ya there!



About the Blogger:

Vonetta Booker-Brown is the creator of SuccessTales.com, a resource/membership site for savvy female small business owners--and the author of the e-book Success Tales: Female Entrepreneurs' Stories of Challenges, Inspiration & Success--featuring BBWO's own LaShanda Henry!


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Recently, I was faced with a situation in which I hired and trusted a seemingly smart, professional and successful business woman only to be let down drastically by her actions. What you see is really not always what you get. Though I’ve always been a good judge of character, I must admit, I let my guard down which left me doing damage control.

“Reputation is the shadow. Character is the tree.” Abraham Lincoln

Character is who we are even when no one is watching; it’s doing the right thing! So, what attributes should one look for when hiring an Independent Contractor, partnering with other entrepreneurs or collaborating on a business project? These are 3 I’s which every entrepreneur should possess.

Do you believe integrity is important both personally and professionally? Integrity is the foundation that we all should strive to live by. It exhibits the quality of one’s character! While morality is often associated with integrity, morality is what we believe while integrity is what we do with what we believe.

As an entrepreneur, integrity should be deeply rooted at inception of your business as it becomes the heart and soul of your company’s culture. Ask yourself:
  1. Is my business compatible with my values?
  2. Am I sure that my success is not coming at the expense of my family, personal and professional relationships or health?
  3. Do the vision of who I strive to be and the life I want to create fit with the business decision I have just made?
Answering these questions honestly can help you make adjustments where needed.


“If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader.” Dolly Parton

The ability to inspire people to reach great heights of success is a key ingredient of a successful entrepreneur. Inspiration enthuses and ignites greatness. When you feel inspired it triggers emotions and feelings that enable you to live a purposeful life. I created Empower Yourself Daily Quotes to help others jumpstart their day with positive thoughts! In addition, here are 2 ways to inspire others:
  • Encourage: People face many difficult obstacles in life. Being supportive during tough times will enable others to rise up and overcome life’s hardships.
  • Challenge: Sometimes people are not sure of that next step to take in their life. By holding them accountable, will push them to achieve more.
Have you ever considered the impact you would make on the lives of others by sharing your time and talent? Volunteering or mentoring is such a non-selfish way to give back! There are many ways you can reach out; find non-profit organizations in your area that you feel compelled to work with and volunteer; help your local library or hospital; or mentor youths or adults.

In conclusion, though there are many traits necessary for success in business and life, these are my top three.
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If you are selling anything on your site, chances are you accept credit cards.  With credit card fraud and identity theft abound, how do you protect your e-commerce business and still offer your customers the convenience of purchasing with credit?

Credit-Cards.jpgYour responsibilities as a merchant are governed by the laws and regulations in your state, federal laws and regulations, and the specific requirements of the particular card entity (i.e. American Express, Discover, etc.).   Many of the major cards have also come together to create the PCI Standards Council.  They’ve created a series of requirements that merchants must adhere to when agreeing to accept credit cards.

So, why does all of this matter, you ask?  You’re only running a small online store.  Well, when you agree to accept credit cards, you enter into an agreement with the major cards.  As such, you agree to comply with all of these requirements.

Plus, dealing with fraud, chargebacks (amounts charged back to the credit card) and other breach hassles can be both costly (think thousands of dollars) and time consuming.

As you’re setting up your online venture, here are a few steps you can take to better protect your site and ultimately your business.

Use a Third-Party Gateway

Payment gateways are a bridge between your site and the actual payment processing that takes place.  That means that you don’t have to personally handle anyone’s credit card information.  If I purchase from your site and you use a payment gateway, I enter my information and you never see it.  The card is authorized via the payment gateway.  From a data breach perspective, that’s really important.  You don’t have to store anyone’s sensitive cardholder information which could help protect you from some liability.

Select a Reputable  Merchant Account Provider

A merchant account provider is a company that processes your card transactions and deposits the funds from the cards into your business bank account.  Beware.  Not all merchant account providers are created equal.  Some have seemingly excessive fees.  Others try to bind you to a contract term of 36 or more months.  Read the fine print of the agreements carefully, and once you’ve narrowed down your choices, sit down with your attorney to make sure you fully understand the terms of your particular contract.  The terms are legally binding, so you don’t want to enter into the agreement until it is clear to you.

Set the Strictest Possible Verification Measures

Some payment gateways give the merchant a little leeway to determine what information will be required to process the transaction.  For instance, will the cardholder be required to give the three-digit code on the back of the card?  What if the address for the cardholder does not match the billing address the online customer provides?  Will you refuse to process the purchase?  These are all decisions that you will have to make as a merchant.  The more steps you require, the greater protection you provide yourself and the cardholder.  Stricter controls may seem cumbersome, but it pays off with fewer chargebacks  and identity theft claims.

Make Sure Your Site Has a Security Certificate

Most merchant account providers and payment gateway providers require the site holder to have certain security certificates in place that encrypt data that flows over the internet.  This certificate can usually be purchased from the same company that hosts your site.  For example hosting companies like GoDaddy and Blue Host offer security certificates.  Even if your provider does not require it, it is a good idea to take the extra step to add a security certificate to your site, particularly the store portion of your site.

Verify that Your Business Insurance Covers Online Transactions

Some insurers deem online behavior to risky and specifically exclude it from coverage.  When you’re deciding on a policy to cover your business activities, read the exclusions carefully to verify that your online transactions will be covered under your existing insurance policy.  Having to address fraud claims and other possible security breaches without insurance can endanger your business and definitely lessen its profitability.

Limit Access to Sensitive Information

If for some reason you do maintain certain cardholder information, limit access to only those individuals that absolutely need to know this highly private information.  Set measures that can track when and how those individuals access this private information.

Carefully Review the Data Security Standards and All Individual Card Requirements

The PCI Standards Council issues the Data Security Standards to which every merchant must adhere.  Review them carefully.  Ask questions.  Consult with an IT person to ensure that your systems meet the requirements.

Finally, as with all agreements you enter into as a business owner, invest in a consultation with a licensed attorney in your area.  The peace of mind that comes from knowing that you’ve covered your bases will be invaluable and better equip you in the unfortunate event that you do have to defend against claims of security breach.

For additional information, visit the PCI Standards Council site.

Here’s to your business success!

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