Women (458)

4 simple secrets to getting focused, reinventing your life and living Big Bold and Beautiful!!

Pink Stunna Shades Glittering Comments from FLMNetwork.com

I will be giving away empowerment resources during my FREE Teleseminar series.All you have to do is register and be on the call to qualify. You will then receive acode via email to send in to redeem your gift award.I awarded 3 $50 gift awards on my last call.Who else wants breakthrough to new horizons in your personal, spiritual and business life?When: January 21Time: 11:00 AM PST 1:00 PM CST 2:00 PM ESTJanuary 285:30 PM PST 7:30 PM PST 8:30 PM PSTRegister for my Call here: http://budurl.com/m8bvYour life is waiting, however time won't wait.Don't look back a year from now wishing you had begun today!RobinThe Dynamite "Authentic Life, EmpowermentMentor,Coach,Trainer and Public Speaker

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Social Networks - "The Purpose" Part 2

I want to say thank you to all of you that responded to Part one of this post. I appreciated all of the comments whether they were good or bad, sweet or bitter. I welcome all suggestions, comments or critics because it brings awareness to the mindset of my valued readers.This response is to clear the air and to make sure that I make my intentions known to all. The blog was intended to raise awareness not to attack anyone or their site. If I’m a member of your site then that means that you haven’t failed me, when members start leaving that’s when you start becoming concerned. I posed the following questions concerning social networks on the previous post:1. Does the network description, mission or purpose match what is actually happening?2. Do you receive feed back and information from site manager, group leaders etc?3. Are the groups active? Meaning is there a discussion thread started at least once a week?4. Is the network administrator accessible?5. The blogs, are they informative and submitted daily? (Versus Just marketing holes)These were just questions to think about, I still feel that they are valid as a voluntary member of all ning sites. As a member and network administrator I have expectations, it’s a two-way street. Now if your site is a private group that you reign over, then yes you may have a dictatorship and then that site may not be for everyone. However the sites that I administrate are meant to be community based, meaning everyone is important and valued. For if you have a membership site and you have no members…what purpose would that serve?So with that said, my points are intended for my members too, I want to be held to a standard and would hope that my other network administrators should feel the same way. It’s not to say that if you don’t meet all those areas that you have a bad site or you’re not doing your job, it’s just something to think about. Maybe you are too busy in your offline life. Some suggestions may be to elicit group leaders or site administrators. And of course essentially it is your site, to do as you please with it and by all means I respect anyone’s wishes, I’m really easy to get along with...However tonight I was ask to leave someone’s network because of that blog and to be honest I had never had a conversation with her before, no welcome to the site, nothing. You can’t please everyone and you will die trying. I feel I have a voice and I will not be muzzled but I have enough humility to know when to say maybe I should have been clearer with my intentions. Maybe I should have reworded that etc…I only named a few sites because I did not want to make a long list and leave out 3 sites and those administrators would have thought I was talking about them. I’m a member of 40+ sites and I was a member of 50+ I already left the ones that I was talking about. I would never get on a persons site and post a blog attacking them that would be so rude and just plan wrong.In addition let it be known what a blog is:“A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is “blogging” and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger.” SourceSo when reading a blog please understand that they are meant to inform, entertain, encourage or provoke thought. But at the end of the day their just a person’s personal views, ideas and blurbs. Now if the person is a verifiable expert on that subject matter then that is when you can make there blog semi-law and still there is room for flaws. Don’t be so quick to condemn them. For blogging is just my way of expression and it profits me nothing to offend anyone; that would be counterproductive.May we all work together to create the environments that we desire.This Coach Richetta, until the next time be empowered to greatness!Coach RichettaEmpowering Women: “One Lady at a Time”www.womensupportwomen.ning.comwww.newmillennium.ning.com
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Social Networks, "The Purpose"

I have a few points to ponder as it concerns Social Networks! I had a conversation with a member of one of my Ning sites and we both were concerned about the growing number of Ning sites that are no more than a space full of faces and no activity. I’m a member of 40+ Ning sites and this doesn’t include the many other social networks that I’ve joined. I must admit that I use them all as a marketing tool, however I only joined sites that interest me, for instance I wouldn’t join a site for ladies who love snakes just because there’s a lot of ladies on the network. I can’t stand the sight of snakes so that wouldn’t work for me, no matter how many women I can pitch my spill to.With that said I went on every site and asked my self five questions:1. Does the network description, mission or purpose match what is actually happening?2. Do you receive feed back and information from site manager, group leaders etc?3. Are the groups active? Meaning is there a discussion thread started at least once a week?4. Is the network administrator accessible?5. The blogs, are they informative and submitted daily? (Versus Just marketing holes)Clearly most of the sites failed miserably. This taught me a lot about what not to do as a Ning Network Administrator. I have a desire to recruit sustain members that are interested in my mission and want to benefit from being on my networks. I decided that quality is better that quantity; I have at least 10 members that joined and haven’t been back on the network since. Now what purpose does that serve?

On Women Support Women you will receive the following, if not I hope that you would cancel membership:• Groups will have a leader that creates discussion and evokes activity weekly.• A weekly theme that is inspirational and motivational.• Access to network administrator (I return emails, answers questions, welcome suggestions etc)• Access to monthly workshops• An environment that matches the site mission and description.I want you to know that these are my goals and I want to be held accountable. If this network is for you please join and hold me to it. I want to be the best but I have learned a lot of good and bad from the rest. Let me put the good on Blast, the bad well we won’t discuss them.Sites that are vibrant have active groups, the administrator is accessible to some degree, the blogs are excellent and I feel at home. No particular order, some are large, some are growing. This is just 5. I know there’s probably many more out there. Please no one take offense.http://www.womensupportwomen.ning.com (LOL that’s me)http://thedivinewellnesscenter.ning.comhttp://naturalandhappy.ning.comhttp://sistapreneurs.ning.comhttp://lovininc.ning.com/I hope this information is helpful to you! I would love to hear your response. I think that Social Networks are great but when they're targeted to a center niche, the audience is there because they expect certain things from it. It’s not MySpace, facebook or Black Planet. We expect to be lost in the crowd on those networks. However when we join a network for women who love to knit we expect to find information as it relates to knitting. Thanks for your ear!Coach Richetta BlackmonEmpowering Women –“One Lady at a Time”
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Where do I begin? Another great session of Got Motivation??? Then Speak!!! Pat Dougher and Dallas Crilley provide so much information and inspiration that people left believe that a speaking career is the way to go!I am going to list a few of the comments that were made at today's session...These comments are from the evaluations that were completed by the people attending.What are some things that you liked about the information delivered? (some of the comments)"The passion of the speakers.""Clear, concise, revelant and deliverance with passion.""Awesome, Dallas is always an inspiration and Adele you definitely gave me confidence in myself.""The class was both motivational and inspirational. I enjoyed both speakers and Adele's information regarding the speaking industry."What is one thing that you learned that you would share with three people?"Take what you love and make it a reality.""Procastination is playing a big role in society today and since people of today's time want instant gratification Public Speaking and back of the room sales will help satisfy their needs.""Ways to develop a product and market it.""Not one thing - Information and the people who are experts are worth our time to listen to."Was the information you received helpful? Why or Why not?"Yes, Because I can begin developing a plan to put together a product.""Yes, it inspired me to see a peer my age achieving such a high level of success and it lets me know that I am capable of doing the same.""Very helpful because the more you learn the more you earn.""All of the information was helpful. It gave us insight to the success of other speakers and helped us believe that success is in the speaking business is attainable."Ok, enough if you enjoyed reading the above comments, just imagine how much more you can get if you were in the room. I would love to see you at the next "GOT MOTIVATION??? THEN SPEAK!!! It's Not Just Speaking, It's A Career"Andreas, Dallas Crilley and AlexandreUpdated 7 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlikeWrite a comment...
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Got Support? Need Support?

Good Morning,BBWO, this site is full of a diverse and wonderful group of ladies I want to invite you to a site where those that need support can get it. This will serve as a great addition to this site as I know as a Business Women I could not do without BBWO. Now you may feel you got it all together, and that’s great! How about your sister to the left and right of you, is there anything that you can do to encourage them? Whether you need motivation or you’re in need of motivation Women Support Women is a great solution. Please view and share the video below to learn more.Visit or even join us at:
Visit Women Support Women
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JOIN US ON THURSDAY, FROM 7-8PM EST SHARP! View Informercial Below



Hosted by IVANA, THE CONFIDENCE ARCHITECT, Founder/Owner of THE NORTH STAR LIFE EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM, The Empowerment Company for Success Driven Women of Color.

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Maybe you've heard of the book "As a man thinketh."It's a very popular book, however, not as popular as thebible which is where the scripture "As a man thinketh in His heartso is he" is found. Proverbs 23:7What about the power of your words?You can create an atmosphere for healing, peace, Faith and prosperitythrough the words that you speak and you will maximize the impact throughthe word of God, but only if you know how to use it.It is important as women of Faith that we equip ourselves with everytool within our reach.Death and life are in the power of the tongue:and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21What are you speaking? Look around you, take inventory of your life.What fruit do you see? Some of what you see is a result of yourwords of life or death. That may sound harsh,however,the damage yourtongue can do to your life is harsh.There's life in the word of God and when we speak life words filledwith the word "confessions" we build a life of POWER!!Take a look at the scripture below for some of the benefits ofrestraining your words.Proverbs 17:27-28: "Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent."It's not easy when you try to do it in the flesh. You must build upyour spirit which will strengthen you.Another thing to consider on the flip side is that your words are powerfuland we are responsible for every word we speak. So whether you desire totake action and use confessions to frame your world or not there is arepercussion."But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken." Matthew 12:36What can you do about it?What if you had a resource that shared additional insights on the powerof Confessions and listed confessions that you could use to power up?Introducing "Confessions good for the soul, spirit and body!"This is a power-packed resource full of insights and confessions to empoweryour life and assist you in framing your world with the word of God.You'll find confessions on healing, peace, faith and prosperity.There's also a limited customized eBook option.You can pre-order this powerful resource for a limited time at a savings.Get "Confessions good for the soul, spirit and body" by clicking here.You shall have what you say!
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by Jeffrey Brown, MD

Breast cancer in African American women is something we can't afford to stop talking about. In 2009, an estimated 40,170 women will die from breast cancer. Nearly 6,000 will be African-American women. You do the math. African American women make-up roughly about 7% of the U.S. population but account for 15% of the deaths from breast cancer every year.

It's been estimated that African American women ages 35 to 44 have a death rate from breast cancer twice that of white women the same age. The chart below shows how many deaths are caused by breast cancer per 100,000 by race and age.



*Includes Alaska Native; **includes Pacific Islander

Source: Office Of Minority Health Resource Center

Credit: Alyson Hurt

Black women in their twenties to fifties are twice as likely to die of breast cancer as white women who have breast cancer. About 33% of African-American women who get breast cancer are younger than 50 years old.

Part of the reason for this difference may be due to that fact that studies have estimated that 20 to 30 percent of breast cancers in African-American women are triple-negative breast cancers. Triple-negative breast cancers lack estrogen, progesterone, and HER-2 receptors. Typically these receptors are found on breast cancer cells and are used by drugs/ chemo to target and kill the cancer cells. Obviously if cancer cells don't have these receptors they won't respond to many available drug treatments known to block the cancer's growth. Genetics are likely behind this difference, but no one knows for sure.

Additionally, some studies suggest African American women don't get screened for breast cancer as early and as often as white women, and aren't being referred to specialists in a timely fashion. Some studies also suggest that the difference in death rates may be due to black women in America experiencing more stress than whites, but this factor has yet to be fully explored.

Taking all these factors into account and in lieu of the Task Force's recent new recommendation of not starting screening mammograms until age 50, one could easily conclude that a lot of African American women are being missed as it relates to early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. This also suggest that there should be consideration made for creating separate guidelines for African-American women other than the task force's recommendation of starting at age 50.

As a physician, I'm still recommending that black women, and all other women for that matter, continue getting screening mammograms starting at age 40, or even sooner in African American women who may be at higher risk. The key message here is that you must take charge of your own health. Don't expect or wait for someone else to do it for you. It may be too late if you do.

You can click on this link to download an excerpt from my new book Health Power 101: the Complete Guide to Patient Empowerment to learn more about keeping track of your mammograms and other important health screening tests.

Live long and live well,

Dr. Jeff Brown


You Can Read Other Informative Blogs Like this One at www.jeffreybrownmd.com/blog.php

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You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow biggerthan your faith. ~Mary Manin MorrisseyOne thing I see over and over is the evidence of fear inwomen's lives. These are the same women who so want toembrace the idea of women's empowerment. It is possibleto break free, however, as I say empowerment is a choice andso is breaking free from fear.What is fear?Fear is an emotional response to a perceived threat.It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in responseto a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger.Some psychologists such as John B. Watson, Robert Plutchik, andPaul Ekman have suggested that fear is one of a small set of basicor innate emotions. This set also includes such emotions as joy,sadness, and anger. Fear should be distinguished from the relatedemotional state of anxiety, which typically occurs without anyexternal threat. Additionally, fear is related to the specificbehaviors of escape and avoidance, whereas anxiety is the resultof threats which are perceived to be uncontrollable or unavoidable.From wikipediaAlthough there is good fear which for instance is a responsegiven when we sense danger I am talking about the negative aspect of fear.Here are three reasons that you must break free from fear now!Fear is a Dream KillerLike procrastination, fear is a thief of time and I know all to wellabout this one. There are many opportunities that have been lostbecause of fear. I'm sure you can think of some missed opportunitiesof your own. This will continue to happen unless you break free.The life of your dreams is at stake. You must break free now!Fear is a toxinOur subconscious mind receives messages from our thoughts and actionsand it doesn't know whether it's a temporary or insincere thought.No, our subconscious mind gets to work on whatever we send its way.So in essence fear is a toxin to the subconscious mind.Fear is not a part of God's plan and is not from GodIn the bible we read that God has not given us a spirit offear but He's given us power, love and a sound mind. So ifGod didn't give it to us then we shouldn't have it and ithinders the flow of blessing on our lives.Your goal should never be to focus on totally being free from fear,that would be unbalanced, however, you should learn keys and thenecessary mindset shifts needed to empower you to live a life freefrom the bondage of fear.What will you do if you never break free? You don't have to waitany longer. Join me for a free call Secrets to Breaking free fromfear, overwhelm, procrastination and low self esteem.It happens Friday, January 15 at 11:00 AM PST, 1:00 PM CST,2:00 PM EST. Can't make the call? A recorded call replay willbe available to all registrants. Register for Breaking free here.One defintion of insanity is to do the same thing over and overagain expecting different results. Stop the insanity! Do somethingpositively different.Finally break free from fear.
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Finding a New Direction: Mornings

MorningsWaking up at 4am in the morning wondering who I amStruggling to go back to sleep but something tugs insideA longing to know what is missingwhere can it be foundnot knowing where to lookor what it is i'm looking forSoon a shimmer off light begins to enter the roomThe sun is begining to rise and then the baby criesAnd another day beginsBefore the other endsAnd I yet to know who what or why....Poem by Richetta BlackmonAre you searching for Direction? What's missing? Got it going on, but there's still something going wrong? New Direction Life Coaching for Women can help you work through those issues. http://newdirection.camp8.orgNeed more support try http://womensupportwomen.ning.com

Visit Women Support Women
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Finally a resource designed with you in mind.Access the power of a network of like-minded women!The time has come for a platform that will support Christianwomen entrepreneurs in their endeavor for building thrivingbusinesses based on Kingdom principles.Women have expressed a desire to learn from women of like mindand The Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs has beencreated as a solution to this desire.The Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs is foundedby Robin G. Tramble, Life Empowerment Coach,Mentor,Trainer,public speaker, recording artist and CEO of Robin Tramble International.ACWE will serve as a platform to equip, support, train,coachand mentor women in various areas of personal, businessand spiritual growth. There will be opportunities for networkingas the goal of ACWE is to draw a diverse group of women with abroad range of expertise allowing members to benefit fromthe resources available in this community.During prelaunch members will be able to join at a reduced ratefor 4 months as the foundation is laid. Founding members will beable to speak into the development of the Association.(Free during December and 3 months reduced after special promo )There will also be expert contributors that will contributethe articles and other resources such as the monthly expert callsBenefits of joining1. Member access onlyYou will have access to the member site with vast resources.Audios, articles (blog posts), tips, discussions and more!2. Synergy Energy from NetworkRealize the synergy energy from being surrounded by like-mindedwomen who are all routing for your success. Glean from thevast resource bank of expertise and years of experience inpersonal, business and spiritual success from women whoshare the same values and principles as you do.3. *Monthly expert callsYou'll receive monthly calls from the expertise of the womenin this dynamic association. Robin G. Tramble will lead theway, however, experts from the membership and others will joinRobin on occasion to share their wisdom on subjects such as, onlineand offline business success, internet marketing, marketing,attractingclients, leveraging your time and money,blogging,social media, the power of teleseminars, the dynamics of conducting your own telesummits, life balance,essential keys to life,business and spiritual empowerment, health and fitness,public speaking, writing, traffic secrets,Direct selling,developing your own newsletter and more!4. Listing in the ACWE member business directoryYou won't have to go far to discover necessary resourcesfor your growing business or personal growth. As a foundingmember your listing will be free for the first year.5. Prayer coverageEvery Monday Morning there will be intentional prayer coverageover the members of ACWE. That sets us apart from manyorganizations such as this.As the association is developed there will be additional benefitsaligned with your membership. This is only the beginning.Learn more hereThank you and we look foward to welcoming you into this great associationfor such a time as this.
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SEATING IS NOW LIMITED FOR THIS MASTERMIND. CAP: 200 Begin: Thursday, December 3, 2009 and Ends March 11, 2010 From 7:00PM to 8:00PM EST SHARP!


A Successful and Affluent Lifestyle comes to those Success Driven Women who are dedicated to becoming and living inside of their


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In the ABUNDANCE, AFFLUENCE, AND ACTION BUSINESS MASTERMIND, you will receive time-tested Millionaire-Mindset business and life foundational principles of Napoleon Hill's classic book.
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Facilitated by Ivana, The Confidence ArchitectFounder/Owner of The North Star Life Empowerment Program,A Black-Owned, Woman-Owned Empowerment Company for All Women Seeking Their Deserved Affluent Lifestyle.
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For every lady who has an interest growing and knowing.who want to progress, achieve, and share.You should definitely go to these dynamic women groups and join.You will grow on so many levelsThese ladies can without a doubt assist on your life journeyFrom Personal Development to Building a Financial EmpireThey have the know how, sources, and resources to benefit you, NOW!!!Go Right Now and Introduce yourself!!!MICHELLE ROBERTSclick here
Eddie Simpsonclick here
Jacqueline Taylor-Adamsclick here
KATRINA LOLAclick here
Mari Torresclick here
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Ask any woman entrepreneur and they'll tell you one of the challengesin business is getting traffic to our sites.One of the easiest ways to get traffic to your website is by article marketing. It is not the fastest, but it is easy and cheap. When you are first starting in the internet marketing business, you need things that are easy and allow you toleverage your money.It doesn't take any time to blow your budget trying to get your website built, buying all the books under the sun, and even after all of that you probably still haven’t had your first sale. When the reality finally sets in that the internet work week is a pipe dream, you don’t have any money left to drive traffic to your website.It is a given, that pay per click will drive traffic to your site faster than any other method, but if you have already blown your budget, you need to find ways to get traffic to your site for free, and this is where article marketing comes in.Just about anyone with moderate English skills and minimal writing ability can write articles and publish them on the various article directories. And if your articles are remotely interesting, you can have them picked up by various webmasters and bloggers to use as information on their sites, some within hours of being published.You may ask what needs to be done to have these articles point back to your website? Most experts will tell you that you need to have the all important keywords in your article point back to you website. Well, if you are a newbie, just what is a keyword, and how is it used to point traffic to your website.I'll discuss this in an informative teleseminar with the Women's EmpowermentInner Circle Gold Tier, Tuesday, November 4.This call is free to all WE Inner Circle Gold Tier members. Not a member?Join at a discount today and take advantage of this informative Power ExecutiveCall and other incredible benefits.Enroll by clicking here Women's Empowerment Inner Circle
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This is a special offer just in time for the new year.I know that many of you are looking to get started on yourempowering success plans for 2010 and I'd like to help youget started with my special Christmas gift.Get ready to Dominate and win in 2010!!Do you have something youwant to change or achieve inyour life? Maybe you'd like to...=> start a business=> get a new career (or a raise)=> lose weight=> build your confidence==>become stronger in your faith=> or something elseNo matter what you'd like to change or achieve, the secrets tosuccess are the same...#1: Get clear. As specifically as possible, decide what you want.The more clear you are on what you want to have in your life, themore likely you are to achieve it.#2: Get perspective. Most people don't tell anyone what they wantor what they are struggling with and because of that they don'tget an outside perspective.#3: Get support. Very few people (if any) achieve anythinggreat alone. Sports stars have teammates and coaches.Be willing to ask the people in your life to support you.++++++++++++++++++++++++++** Special "Rapid Change"Coaching Session **++++++++++++++++++++++++++Do you have something SPECIAL,something important for you tochange? If you want to speed upyour success rate, then I'd liketo help you do it with a special1-on-1 personal "Rapid Change"coaching session where we'llwork together to...=> Start the process to get a clear visionfor 'ultimate success' so you know exactly what you want,where you're headed, and what you need to do to make ithappen.=> Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging yourability to make changes that last or that are slowing downyour progress=> Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired tofinally achieve the change you seek- once and for allIf you'd like to take advantageof this very special, very limited, complimentary20 minute "Rapid Change" coaching session,continue reading and follow the link below that will take youto the appropriate page.We ask that only individuals serious about rapid change andwho are ready to take the necessary steps inquire.Since we're making this offer for the first time right now and wedon't know how intense the response will be, we can'tguarantee a coaching session for everyone.We'll take as many people as we can and then start awaiting list. You can expect to get contacted by our team toschedule your session within the next 3 business days after receiptof the email with your information.This will be first come , first served.If you don't hear from us then we may have gone overcapacity.Again, to take advantageof this offer,simply click here to go to the Rapid changecoaching session information page. Follow the instructions.Warmest Regards,RobinLife EmpowermentMentor/Trainer/Coach to women across the world.
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Joy & Empowerment

My Sistahs,Holiday Blessings to you and yours as we approach another Season occupying time and space with a Purpose.

The Black Network
Ari'ze Woman Queen Nef is known across many social networks for her inspirations, marketing and promotions of Independent distributors, artists, authors and their products and services."Personal Branding is a must in this business. People want to put a face, a character on one's product or service."-Queen NefFor book Review or to be Featured on Ari'ze Woman, artist, poets, Entrepreneur features, Send to:Ari'ze CommunicationsP.O. Box 834Eau Claire, WI 54702Attn: Online EditorEmail: ari.zewoman@gmail.com
We encourage and empower. I Woman, I Ari'ze
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Social media and Web 2.0 have been here for some time now. Experts predict that this trend will only grow. That means if you don’t start using social media now – today – you’ll be left behind.In my interactions with women in my networks I hear confusion, a little anxiety and apprehension where it concerns using social media.It can be a very good resource when you lay a good foundation and understand some of the guidelines.Listed below are 4 tips for effectively using social media to drive traffic to your sites…1. Complete your profile.When you first open your Twitter, Facebook, Squidoo or other social media site account, fill out your profile (including a picture). Doing so makes it easier for people to get to know you and build relationships with you, which will make it more likely they’ll click through to your site. Did you know that some of your potential followers will not follow simply because you didn’t provide a picture?If you’re serious about your business (and I know you are) take the time to include a picture.2. Interact.It is no coincidence that the name Social sites includes the word social. They’re two way streets (not monologues). That’s why you shouldn’t just post content and move on. Instead, spend a few minutes each day interacting and getting to know people in your network. Simply respond to tweets, updates etc. The key again is to be social. Now you do this within reason and you don’t spend all day on social media networks. That’s another topic.3. Include a link to your site on your profile page.Your profile page is considered real estate and you must use all of your internet real estate to the full potential. This tip is simple but effective: Give people a reason to click through from the social media site to your blog or squeeze page. Your potential customer/client must get to know, like and trust you and this is aGood way to get started.4. Ask your followers/friends to retweetOn twitter your updates are called tweets and other sites my be updates or posts. If you create a “buzzworthy” post (such as a post on a hot or even controversial niche topic), ask your Twitter followers to “retweet” it. You can simply include “Plz RT” at the end of your tweets since there is a 140 character limit.Now is the time to get involved if you’d like to grow your business. Social media is only expected to grow in the future. –You can start today by applying the four traffic-generating, relationship-building tips you just discovered!There are many more tips and information to be shared around social media. I will share this and more during my Dream launch Mentoring and Coaching program.At the time of the writing of this article I am approaching 5000 followers on Twitter and I didn’t use any gimmicks or other things to reach this point. If you want to learn more about social media join me. Go to my Dream Launch enrollment site here.You can also register for my preview call series hereThere's no time like the present to embark on your business empowerment journey through learned strategies and keys for your empowering success.Empowering you!RobinLife EmpowermentMentor/Trainer/Coach and Public Speaker

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Robin Tramble aka Empowerment Diva Launches Dream LaunchMentoring and Coaching Program for Savvy Woman Entrepreneursand those that aspire to be.Where can women find reliable resources to assist in therealization of their dreams? Robin Tramble aka The EmpowermentDiva launches a 5 plus week mentoring and coaching program DreamLaunch Mentoring and Coaching!Women are becoming overwhelmed as a result of the economic downturn and someare finding themselves stuck, unable to grasp hold of the energy and persistence to moveforward. Although it has been stated that we may see relief from therecession this year, women are still needing and wanting programs andsystems that will assist them in their endeavor to live their bestempowered life, allowing them to thrive in the midst of any financialcrisis. They are in need of support, systems, advice and accountabilitymeasures that will super-charge their empowering business and personaldevelopment endeavors. According to Robin Tramble, founder/ownerof Robin Tramble International.“It is apparent that there is an echo, a sound of fear, confusion,discouragement and possible defeat. You can choose to survive or takeaction and thrive in 2009! Empowerment is a choice and women must becomedecisive action taking women if they're going to manifest their God givendreams.” Having experienced some of the same things and now living a lifeof empowerment through learned systems and experience I can passionatelyshare strategies and keys to discover your authentic self, get unstuck,overcome overwhelm, fear and how to stay focused in crisis. I have also hadthe experience of watching empowering success in my own life and the lives of the many women I influence across the world.”The Empowerment Diva mentors, trains and coaches savvy entrepreneurialwomen ( and those aspiring to be) as they strive to realize theirpersonal, spiritual and professional goals. Robin offers weeklyezines, a community/networkwhere members can participate in forums, blogging andnetworking. Robin Tramble The Empowerment Diva is currently launchinga 5 plus week God inspired mentoring and coaching program for exponentialpersonal, spiritual and business growth.The three components are Personal/Business Foundation, Success systems andDream builder.The Dream launch Mentoring and Coaching program is an excellent resourcefor women who desire to be equipped with keys and strategies to empowerthem to move to another level in their lives manifesting maximum empowermentand build a sound foundation for their Dream Launch.“It’s the place to be for breakthrough results and to join with like-mindedwomen from across the world in one place striving for their best empowered extraordinary life” Says Robin Tramble“The Dream Launch Mentoring and Coaching program is scheduled to begin theweek of November 2. Women can register now by going to http://www.robintramble.com/Dreamlaunch.htmlBe sure to read some of my client testamonials on the page.###
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