GOALS (88)

How to Achieve Short Term Goals

It can feel like a daunting responsibility to embark on how to achieve short term goals. This overwhelming feeling can lead us to energetic stagnation making us confused and sad. Once these feelings take root we could benefit from an external boost to return to empowerment and mental clarity. Below are three steps that you can use to find your way out of the cloud to achieve your short term goals.

Move in the direction: Once you know the short term goal you want to achieve, start moving yourself physically in that direction. If you have a full-time job then, it is imperative that you begin to write a schedule of when you can do one or two objectives per week in the direction of accomplishing your short term goal. If you want to be a real estate agent then, you start by finding out what classes are available, what real estate trade organizations that you can join and read success stories to learn how others are thriving in your career aim. An important step towards achieving your short term goals is to move in the direction of what you want to do.

Gratitude Practice: When starting a journey to accomplish an objective it is easy to see what is missing or wrong with us. However, practicing gratitude keeps your mind open to possible opportunities and ideas that you would not receive if your mind is full replaying the lack and negative thoughts from your mental playlist. If you have a job that you do not like at this time, be grateful of the income that it provides that enables you to join a real estate organization and have access to all of its knowledge. Teaching your mind what to think and discard is a requirement when working toward short term goals.  A success coach can show you how to work on discarding your negative thoughts.

Visualize: When you are sitting around and your mind drifts back to lack or ‘what’s wrong thoughts,' redirect them by seeing yourself living the life you want. If you need some help visualizing, write it down. The physical action of writing can lead your thoughts in the direction you want to go. Going back to the real estate example, if you want to become a real estate agent or broker in your area see yourself showing beautiful homes to prospective buyers. In your down time, watch million dollar listing and see yourself showing and serving your clients excellently to get their dream home. These actions will support you in accomplishing your short term goals.

Although it is easy to agree with and believe the above steps are beneficial to reach short term goals, it is difficult sometimes to do them. Just as New Year’s Eve resolutions, we start out well but then one thing leads to another, and we stop. We will write down our goals and resolutions, but not complete one thing we had listed. Before you realize it, one incomplete task becomes two then three. When this happens, contacting a success coach would be helpful. Success coaches can see your goals and co-create a plan of action when you feel confused on how to get started and support you in the process. Success coaches are your accountability partners; they believe that you can accomplish your goal, and they inspire you with ideas regarding actions you can take to reach your short term goals.

There is a practical method on how to achieve your short term goals. Actions, thoughts and beliefs can turn your life around when they are all compatible and moving toward to the same aim. If you find that you are in need of support, you are among many that also have the same situation. If this happens contact a success coach to help you move forward,  get clear, empowered and reach your short term goals.


JoAnn Youngblood King is a CTA Certified Success Coach, Author and Owner of Live Your Potential is a member of the Coaching Training Alliance, the Association of Coaching & Consulting Professionals on the Web and the International Association of Coaching.  JoAnn, who has a diploma in Small Business Management, is a Business Trainer and Facilitator for Project Enterprise, an organization that provides access to business loans, business development services and networking opportunities for entrepreneurs and small business owners. To find out more about achieving your goals visit http://www.liveyourpotential.blogspot.com/.

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PRESS Release - Sacramento, CA February 10, 2014

Go For More in 2014!

It’s a sad fact that 50% of resolutions are given up on by February. You can change that.Whether you’re at the beginning of the year or mid year you’ve got to have a plan and move away from traditional resolutions to intentions and commitments attached to effecting goal setting and achievement.

Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more. Tony Robbins

It all begins with a decision. God’s gift to you is life and what you do with it is your gift back to Him. Go for more in 2014!

“Before working with Robin in the Make it Happen 30 days of Empowerment Coaching program, I was looking for a coach that could provide some guidance and directions with the goals that I wanted to achieve. After working with Robin I got more clarity on how to break down my goals and focus on the areas that I could strengthen. Then I could identify the areas that I needed to work on more in depth and now I have more confidence in pursuing the goals that I have set for bringing my Vision to reality. Robin has a great positive attitude and knows how to work with her clients to help them achieve maximum results. Thanks for all you do Robin and may God continue to Bless you and the GREAT work you do.” Monique Spence

Whether you want to improve your finances, health, life, relationships, spiritual growth, business or other you owe it to yourself to set aside time to design, create and manifest your ultimate “authentic” lifestyle now!

Are you frustrated with your goal setting endeavors?

Are you dealing with broken focus?

Maybe you’re a Christian woman in business, coach, author or speaker with a great vision but don’t know where to begin with planning and/or how to market your business via online marketing or social media.

Whatever the case may be it’s important that you know that having an overall ‪goal‬ or ‪clarity of vision‬ is vital to ‪success‬.

Is there really any benefit to setting goals?

Setting goals is a very significant part of success and positive accomplishments. People who set goals literally create a map of their target achievements in life, marking where they should begin, where to pause, where to delve a bit, and where and when to stop. Once this map is created, it allows the map drawer to check where he is in the scheme of things and whether or not he is making some achievements that will take him closer to his goals.

All great achievers have goals. You need to know exactly what you are working towards!

Robin Tramble has opened up Free Access to her Dreams Alive Now 30 Day Vision and goals Challenge. Get started here: http://bit.ly/1lZeDBc

About Robin Tramble International
Robin Tramble International is founded by Robin Tramble. Robin empowers busy Christian Women In Business, Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Speakers and Authors Who may be frustrated with the slow growth of their business and/or desire to manifest an Extraordinary mindset and healthy internal structure to get unstuck, focused and go BIG while prospering and making a difference in the world “authentically!”

Robin Tramble
Robin Tramble International
Phone: 916.467.9139

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10744096275?profile=originalSee Where You Are Going

One of the most relied upon of the five senses is sight. Sight on a basic level is the ability to see with your physical eyes. But if you dig deeper the ability to see includes creating a mental picture; a visualization. Familiar with the term “mind’s eye”? This term refers to the human ability for visualization, which is experiencing visual mental imagery. Basically, the ability to “see” with your mind. Helen Keller said, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but, no vision.”

From this place of seeing you can begin to jump start your life. Use your “mind’s eye” to see yourself in the future. Where are you? Are you living the life you dreamed of living? Are you experiencing success in all areas of your life? Do you have balance? Say to yourself, “I see you in the future and you look much better than you look right now!”

Visualize the life you want and deserve to live. Harness what you see to help create the path to get from where you are to where you want to be. Use vision to see where you are going.

Pursue Your Passion

Dare to create a vision for your life? Tap into the creativity embedded within you to reach your destined place of purpose. Have you taken the steps necessary to find your purpose? That very thing you are passionate about could be the spark you need. 

I was inspired to become a life coach because I encountered individuals who have shared with me that they don’t know their life’s mission. They didn’t know why they are on this earth at this appointed time and in space. Some stated they have no desire to invest their time, resources or energy to finding their purpose, maximizing their potential and igniting the passion within. I hope you are not at this place in your life; however, if you are then you are reading this at the right time.

Now is the time for you to invest in you. You may have spent years, an enormous amount of resources or endless hours working toward something that is not germane to your life’s call. But take the time to think about that thing in your life which makes you sing. That thing you begin to talk about to the point where people can see the twinkle in your eye and the glow in your countenance. Discover, unleash and pursue your passion.

Act on Your Goals

Take a close look at the word “goal”.  The first two letters make up the word “go”. Go, to move on a course, proceed or to take a certain course. It is just that simple. Goals are not as complicated as we make them out to be. For example, your goal is the bigger picture. For this example our goal or bigger picture is to go food shopping. There are a number of “tasks” we must complete in order to reach this goal. The basic tasks include preparation, going outside, getting into the car, putting the car in gear and “going”.

An effective way to help reach your goals is to break the bigger goal down into a series of tasks. With this in mind, you may only want to tackle two to three goals at one time. Why? Because when you list out the tasks associated with each goal the list can become pretty long. Begin small, be persistent and consistent.

Rev Up Your Engine

In thinking about revving an engine, car racing came to mind. In preparation for a high speed motor race revving the engine prepares the car for optimum performance. To get your car warmed up for the race ahead.

This is certainly a principle you can apply to your life. Revving your personal engine is a great way to prepare yourself for the race head. Life is often viewed as a race. It takes many components for you to not only get in the race, but to sustain it with speed, persistence, consistency and accuracy. You are the driver and the car you have been given is called life. One of the keys to life is learning to drive and navigate with wise efficiency.

One of the ways to “rev up your engine” is to create positive affirmations which are consistent with the way you see your life in the future. They should be positive and written in present tense. View your future with your “mind’s eye”.

Kick Start Your Life

To “kick start” your life is just another way to say “jump start”. It is time to restart fresh and re-energize your life. Little to no progress can be made if you are stuck in life with no “spark” to help provide the kick start you need.

In the movie Inception, “the kick” was necessary to awaken a dreaming individual to get them from one level to another. Sometimes in order to get to our next level in life with need a kick. It is time to make room for new experiences by removing thoughts, ideas and concepts that are not helping you to get to your new level in life. What may have worked in the past may not work for your future.

Kick start your life by connecting with the right people, changing the way you see your life, pursuing your passion and getting the tools and resources you need to jump start your life.

You can receive more inspiration of awesomeness from my weekly podcast show, Awesome Living with Cheryl Pullins.

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1. Attend to most important activities first Most important activities are one that effect other activities that need to be accomplished.

2. Plan by the week, not the day. Day to Day activities will change, however, weekly objectives should be meet. If not, adjust day to day objectives.

3. W.I.N and D.I.N Identify what's important NOW and Do it NOW This will help accelerate your objective achievement.

4. Meet objectives and goal are accomplished Step by Step you can travel a mile. You can not travel a mile in one step. Goals will usually consist of many objectives. Achieve objectives.

5. You are finite Share your time and energy judiciously. Everyone can not and should not have your time and energy equally. You have 1440 minutes allotted everyday to you to manage effectively and efficiently. You can not store, save, give away, barter, exchange, etc these minute, you must use them or lose them. They are not replaceable. Make each minute count The good news, you acccount is replenished, every 24 hours.

6. You must have objectives that are measurable. The road to nowhere, anyone will take you there. You must be able to measure your progress or regress. This measurement will help better identify what you must do or not do to move forward.

7. Give yourself room to grow. The knowledge you used to get you to where you are, will not be enough to advance you to next level. You must network with other and learn from them. You must apply new found knowledge so you can professionally and personally grow.

8. After you get inspired, make sure you perspire. As it is often quoted "Faith Without Works is Dead". Inspiration is great, however, if you do not put that inspiration to action, you will not advance.

9. Relax Remember you can only control you. That is it. You should make sure you do what you say you will do. Should you assemble that same mind set around you, objectives will be met and successes shared.

10. As Les Brown is famous for sharing " If you should get knocked down, make sure you land on your back. For if you can look up, you can get up!". You will get knocked down!!!

At your service,

Rickey with Juniques Multi Cultural Connections



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I know right? Only 90 days until 2013. And if you haven't thought about it yet, ask yourself... what have you done in 2012? If you own a business, have you met your financial goals for 2012 so far? Have you met your customer service goals for the year? Did you even start the business you wanted to or are you still thinking and talking about it? What about if you have started a movement, does the world know about your cause? Did you get the job or start the career you wanted?

Well, if you haven't met your goals, I'm here to tell you that you still (or ONLY) have 90 days to reach your goals for 2012. You should start a countdown now to push yourself to meet your most important goals. If you are looking to get started in 2013, this is a great time to begin your planning process. You should be planning how you are going to be successful in 2013. You should be writing your business plan, looking for investors, or figuring out how you are going to finance your business.

For some of you, the answer will be positive. For those of you that have met your goals so far, I applaud you for working so hard! For those of you that do not have a positive answer, this is not to make you feel like a failure but it is a friendly reminder to wake up and ask yourself, WHAT HAVE I DONE IN 2012??

Let's get to work and make the last 90 days prosperous!

We would love to hear from those that have had a good 2012, how did you do it? What advice do you have for those still trying to meet goals in the next 90 days?


If you are looking for a business model where you can gain FAME, FINANCIAL FREEDOM, and FUN, I have an option that can make you a famous blogger within the next 90 days! Just think of me as your agent :). Find out more information here => BeFamousOnline2 Info. OR you can join my Be Famous Online 2 Team and start working with me here => BeFamousOnline2 toward your journey to Be Famous Online Too!

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Are You Being Bullied By Your Fears?

10744086676?profile=originalMy eldest child plays soccer.  She's pretty good at it too.  And this year, her team moved up to Division 1 so things are exceptionally competitive.

When she was younger, the "Princess" was always ultra polite - one of those kids who all the teachers fawn over because she said, "please" and "thank you".  I suppose that's not a commonality much anymore.  But that streak of politeness doesn't work very well when you play competitive sports.  You have to be pretty tough and thick-skinned.

Now that she's older, the Princess still has a very quiet strength about her.  She is at the stage now where her feelings are fragile (she's a tweener), but she gets assertive on the field because her goal is clear as a Forward - be in front position to get the ball to and into the net.

This week, while she was targeting the goal, a kid on the other team recognized her skill and honed in on her.  The competitor started hounding her pretty hard verbally and physically...to the point that she was elbowing the Princess constantly.  At one point, she elbowed her so hard in the ribs she went down, tears in her eyes and a defeated look on her generally smiling face.  Things didn't look good.

I waited until half time and went over to check on her.  When I got there, I looked her in the eye and asked her how she was.  Although she responded quietly, "fine", I could tell her eyes were saying, "she's getting to me".  I told her I knew she was stronger than that but for the rest of the game, that girl took the fight out of my Princess.

You know I gave her 'the talk' on the drive home, right?  But in my heart I knew none of that would matter until SHE knew she was strong enough to overcome the pain and that much of it was in her own mind.

As I prayed about it later on, I had a revelation.  It was this -- how often do we allow our dreams to be sidetracked and wiped out because of FEAR?  It can creep up on you, whisper things in your ear that tell you "you're not good enough" or " you can't do this" and when you listen and let it knock you down, you lose sight of the goal -- the main reason why you're even playing the game.  Your business and your personal life suffer when you let Fear get the best of you.

Like I told the Princess, we have to never let our fear see us sweat - it may be there, but you look it in the eye and you show it just how good you are. Never lose sight of the goal. Because just like the game that night? We were destined to win and it happened anyway - in spite of what fear tried to do.  It can kick your butt and you may even need a little Tylenol afterwards, but don't let fear put you out of the game.

Get your theme song going in your head.  Mine is by Mary Mary and it's called Get Up.

Some of the words go like this,

"What are you afraid of? Don't you know what you're made of? One of God's greatest creations. Take this invitation now.
Get up, 'cause you can't stop. Get up, got a lot to do. 24 hours, almost gone.
Get up, don't sit back. Get up, if you wanna get there. Clocks don't stop and time won't wait."

Just remember, you have the power to choose - keep your head in the game, or let fear bully you into giving up. What's it going to be?



You may, as long as you include this complete blurb with it...

About the Author: Tanya Smith is a creative business strategist and coach specializing in showing independent service providers how to simplify, save time & stand out with simple strategies that engage more quality leads and clients. Her company Be Promotable provides fresh actionable strategies and virtual resources to promote business owners as power players in their market. Get free tools to simplify and stand out online at: www.tanyasmithonline.com

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4 Reasons to Set Fabulous Goals

(From my book, How to Change Your Mindset + Live Your Most Fabulous Life)

Goal setting is the first step in successful goal achievement. If you don’t set goals, the other steps in achieving them can’t happen. A few reasons you need goals:

  1. They provide clarity on your vision. By not having goals in life, you’ll just be running around without ever accomplishing anything for yourself. You first have to create what you want in your mind (by setting the goal), and then your desires can become a reality.
  2. Goals give you one focal point to concentrate on. While your vision and purpose gives you a wide focus, your goals provide laser focus on what, exactly, you need to spend your energy and time on.
  3. They move you forward. They represent the inner desires that motivate you and are what push you to keep going when things get rough.
  4. Goals help you become the best version of yourself (your most Fabulous you!). They can help you reach your highest potential, and without them, you subject yourself to the normal, daily actions that make you feel comfortable and safe. And while those actions may feel good, they keep you from growing and don’t allow you to be the best you that you can be.

Have a goal you want to achieve but need assistance getting started? Or, do you need someone to hold you accountable for taking action on your goals? Goal-getter Sessions are for you! Learn more here, or email me: coaching (at) jamieflemingdixon (dot) com.



Dreamer. Lover of life. Goal getter. These are just a few words to describe Jamie Fleming-Dixon, inspirational writer, blogger, editor and F.A.B. Life Strategist. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of For Colored Gurls, a blog that inspires and empowers women to live their most Fabulous lives. Additionally, she is owner of Mocha Writer, a boutique copy editing and proofreading service.

Jamie is also the author of How to Change Your Mindset + Live Your Most Fabulous Life, a motivational book, providing practical tips for creating a more positive mindset and living the life of one's dream. She has been featured in several websites, blogs, magazines and Blog Talk Radio Shows, including TheCEOMamma.com, AfroElle Magazine and Prominence Magazine and was recently named one of the 2012 50 Fabulous Women Entrepreneurs on BBWO (Black Business Women Online). Get inspired on her blog, ForColoredGurls.com.


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10 Keys to Uncommon Living

We all want to live the uncommon life. I know I do. As a coach, I value change and reinvention. I believe change is necessary for energizing your soul. The one thing I know is that changing your perspective is key to an uncommon life. In order to see the fluidity of life, you must see it through a new eye. This may require daily refocusing. It's like refreshing your eye "browser." We need to refresh every now and then with a new direction, new relationships, new knowledge, new assignments and whatever else that will jumpstart us out of the common to the uncommon. If you are responding to life out of the old eye, allow me to share some concepts on how to live the uncommon life.

  • It's important to see yourself as a brand. You are your own message. Ask yourself, "what am I saying to people when they encounter me? Who and what do you represent? Make the appropriate adjustments to deliver the right message.
  • It's important to reinvent yourself 2-3 times in your life because there is so much more untapped potential on the inside of you that it will take your whole lifespan to bring it out.
  • You must be active in the game of life - you must keep going because success comes through working it out. Giving up is not an option unless you know that you are absolutely in the wrong place. And even then, take what you've learned in that place and keep moving forward.
  • Stop looking at the mountain top and purpose in your heart to start at the level you know you fit. Then, advance up the mountain one step at a time. Cover all of your bases.
  • Figure out what your goals are because doing nothing will cost you. Create weekly, monthly, yearly goals.
  • You can get what you want as a long as you can help other people to get what they want. In other words, don't live a selfish life. What you do for others, God will make happen for you.
  • Listen to your dissatisfaction. Sometimes when you are unsatisfied, your heart may be trying to tell you something. Don't override your internal alarm system.
  • You must see things that normal people don't see. Train your eye to see beyond what is there. Examine the different territories that you find yourself in and create from what you see.
  • Learn to give more than you have. God's economy is vastly different than the world's economy. It doesn't make sense to give when you don't have anything, but when you sow into people's lives, you shall reap. It's the law of nature.
  • Move away from people who don't believe in you and who don't agree with the plan for your life. Otherwise they will pull on your motivation and enthusiasm. Stay connected to people who bring light into your life.

Want to know more about how to live an uncommon life using what's already on the inside of you, visit www.unlimitedcoaching4you.com for more information. Do you want to become a coach, a new Become a Certified Coach program in life coaching and health and wellness is about to start in September. Contact me for more information.


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Have you had that feeling of "envy" rearing it's jealous head when you come across a friend, peer or colleague who has accomplished something you have LONGED desired? What is so different about them than you? How come they have been able to make it happen and you haven't? What is their secret?

I attempt to answer this question in this video...the answer may surprise you

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Smart women understand that setting clear goals create a road map to follow and drastically increase chances of success in business. Regardless to where you are in your business cycle, the success of it is dependent on long and short term goals you’ve set and how a roadmap to getting there. What goals have you set for your business? Better yet, what actions have you taken toward accomplishing them? If you are not sure, here are 5 P’s of successful goal setting.

Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.” Tom Landry, football coach


Why is passion an important ingredient in business? Starting and running a business is extremely challenging. It takes endless time and attention. When you absolutely love what you do, then you will be able to face every uphill battle to overcome difficult obstacles as you work your way to the top. That passion will enable you to see your goals to the end.



Women are notorious for putting others first, especially their family and business. Unfortunately, doing so often causes stress, exhaustion or illness… if you are not careful!

Taking care of you should be priority! In setting your goals, it should be first about you, and then your family and business. Ultimately, you are in control of the ‘how, when, where and why’ of achieving your goals. Your goals must align, personally and professionally.



If you take a road trip and fail to plan your route, how likely will you reach your intended destination? Just as planning your route is critical; determining what goals you want to implement and creating a plan to review and measure progress is also.

Your goals need to be specific and attainable. Just saying you want ten new clients in the next six months is not enough? A great way to measure your progress is by implementing SMART Goals. SMART Goals is a simple tool used by businesses to formulate an actionable plan for results. SMART illustrates the 5 characteristics of an efficient objective:

  • S- specific
  • M - measurable
  • A – attainable
  • R – realistic
  • T – timely


Persistence is the key to success in business. It is the ability to remain steadfast when faced with adversity or opposition. Accomplishing your goals require consistent action. It’s easier said than done… but you must remain tenacious and push ahead! If you make a habit of tracking your progress and achievements so you can see how much closer you're getting with every step forward.

For example, instead of setting a goal to increase your internet marketing presence, you might want to list several specific ways you plan to do so, such as:

Pod casting: delivered via an RSS FEED and available via audio content.

RSS Feeds: Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an easy way to send information directly to online subscribers without using e-mail.
Article Marketing: Short articles written pertaining to industry related to a website. Articles are syndicated on the web and contain a back link to the website.
Press Releases: submitted to journalists in order to encourage them to develop articles on the subject.

Ultimately, people are in business to make a profit. This is extremely important for the health of your business. As a new or growing business, you need to be diligent about your finances. Some experts suggest reviewing your profit and loss statements, balance sheets and cash flow reports on a monthly basis. In addition, hiring a CPA or bookkeeper can be a wise investment.

Assess your present expenditures and establish goals that take into consideration your short and long-term financial objectives. Here are 3 helpful tools:

Goal Tracking Tools

  • Goals On Track - This goal tracking software does so much more than just assist in tracking your goals. It will help you prioritize, visualize and stay focused on what matters most.
  • 43 Things - An online tool to help you track your goals as well as motivate you through fellow member recommendations.
  • Joe’s Goals - An easy to use and extremely efficient online tool that is great for tracking your everyday goals.
  • Lifetick - a web based software that brings together goal setting and achievement like you've never seen before through its intuitive and easy to understand process.

In closing, goal setting is vital to remain successful and competitive. Your goals are extremely crucial to your roadmap to business success!

Download your FREE SMART Goal Setting fillable worksheet!

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What Is Online Shopping?

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Juniques welcomes the 1st week of 2012 with you!!!

Juniques welcomes the 1st week of 2012 with you!!!

Happy New Year for the 1st week of January 2012. I am looking forward to sharing great ideas and projects with you.
Remember to enjoy each days as you pursue your goals and objectives.  2012 will be a great year for you.
I had a lot of experiences in 2011 that help me get prepared for success, major success, in 2012.
It is so good you will be able to share in that success with me.
check this program out, it is working well for thousands. Earn 2% daily on your money compounded daily.
You can enroll for free and open an account for $10.  Yes, $10.
You will be very excited to watch your money increase daily. Money you can use for necessities.
Looking forward to networking with you!!!

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Tips for Managing Goal Setting Worksheets


Creating your short and long-term goals will provide you with a roadmap to success. Keep these tips in mind when creating your goals.

1. Visualize your goal and success of the long-term ultimate goals – plant it firmly in your mind as you begin creation of the actions required.

2. Evaluate and consider your resources, skills, and abilities. Determine where there may be a lack of ability or skills and determine how to compensate for this deficit.

3. Make sure the actions are clear and concise. Break them down into smaller steps for greater success.

4. Use positive words in your actions and steps. Positive-thinking has a powerful impact on our ability to succeed. A “self-fulfilling” prophecy, which means we become what we think we can become, is important to remember when creating a goal setting worksheet.

5. Use affirmative words in action plans. Don’t say “I think I will complete the research by April 15”, or “I want to…..”. Instead, use affirmative statements such as “Complete the market research on potential niche products by April 15.”

6. Create relevant actions that will help you achieve your goals.

7. Monitor your actions and deliverables frequently.

8. Create ticklers or calendar alerts to remind you of pending due dates. Don’t wait until the action is due to evaluate progress.

9. Set reminders on your calendar or email to remind you to accomplish certain actions or steps along the way. It’s impossible to keep track of everything in your head and this can sabotage your efforts if you don’t have an organized plan to manage actions towards goals.

10. Plan the necessary steps towards your ultimate goals and monitor them frequently!

Creating a goal setting worksheet is a tremendous asset to you in your professional goal setting strategy and creating your online or offline business.

It gives you the tools, steps, and actions needed to succeed. Once you have a clearly defined goal setting worksheet with achievable, challenging action steps, you’ll be on your way to entrepreneurial success!

Download your FREE guide

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All Fresh Out of Excuses

You've heard it all already: What are your goals for 2012? Be sure to write down your plan and strategies for 2012... That is all fine and dandy. And actually activities you should be doing but the bottom line is if you don't know why you're doing them then you're not going to achieve anything in 2012. Sorry to be blunt but let's be real. If you haven't gotten past your excuses for why you haven't done anything in 2011, you're not going to do anything in 2012. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. You know, those excuses you come up with when you're telling people why your business plans haven't moved past just a mere idea, for example:

1. " Oh yeah girl, I want to start a basket-weaving business but I am looking for business loans" (Don't have money)

This excuse MAY  apply if you're trying to open a mall or restaurant chain. But if you are starting a small business, that will mostly be web-based then this is NOT a good excuse. There are so many FREE sources out there that will get you up and running with a website, social networking sites, and ways to market, in no time. The most you would need (besides getting the basket weaving materials) would be $50-$200 MAX (And if you don't have $50 to spare, to start your business, then you absolutely need to start your business!). You would definitely need to buy a domain name ($15 more or less), and perhaps a website host (but not needed at first) and then design everything on your own. This is all something you can do if you free up an evening after work. So that excuse is...ALL FRESH OUT!

2. "I want to start a wood-carving business but girl, my boo would not support me!" (Family/spouse are not supportive)

This can be difficult to handle but you have to distinguish what type of support you're "not" getting. If you have family members telling you, "you will fail" and that "you are not capable of starting a business on your own", then unfortunately, you may need to excuse some people from your life. Or at least, not share with them what you're doing because that is negative energy.

On the other hand, you might have people who don't say those things but won't buy your products, attend business meetings with you, or want to hear all you go through. THAT'S OK! You're in business for yourself, so do it yourself. Once you're laughing to the bank, they'll want to hear all about what you did and you can decide how much information you want to share then. :) This is not being mean or discounting anyone's opinion, but the biggest part about starting a business is exuding your self-confidence. With confidence comes a responsibility of doing what you are motivated to do, REGARDLESS of what others say. You are going to have people talk about you, you are going to have some failures, but if you focus on your motivation and goals you WILL be prosperous. You cannot care about what others think or what they may say. Even if they think this is just another one of your "crazy" ideas or something you've never tried before. Step out on faith and do what you gotta do! So this excuse is...ALL FRESH OUT!

3. "I want to start a calligraphy writing business but I"m scared, girl!" (Being afraid)

Congratulations! At least you're admitting it now. :) Surprisingly, this is not a rare excuse to have. Starting a new business is a new venture. Anything new, can be scary at times. So it's completely understandable if you are afraid. Some people are afraid of what is needed to start a business, some people are afraid of the outcome of having a business, and some people are afraid of the success they can attain from a business. That is all apart of human nature which is why you must have faith and be motivated to accomplish more than the average person. You won't know what you're capable of until you try. Remember, "Do not be afraid... for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught" Proverbs 3:25-26. Now this excuse is..ALL FRESH OUT!

4. "I want to start an iron sculpting business but I don't know where I'd begin!" (Don't know what to do/lack of education/unaware of competition)

This will require some work on your part. In order to know what to do, you will have to research, read, and talk to some people with experience. That is not hard to do if you focus on the goals you are trying to accomplish in your business. Get books about starting the type of business you're interested in and read it in sections. Don't start at the beginning if you don't need it. Go to the chapters that are relevant to you.

Luckily with starting your own business, you don't necessarily need an MBA to run one (although, more education never hurts), but you definitely need to read more about what you need and talk to people with some experience. If you don't know anyone with experience then Black Business Women Online and TheCEOmamma Network are great resources to reach out to knowledgeable women, that are willing to help.

Most importantly, you must be aware of your competition. Who else has successful iron sculpting, calligraphy, or basket-weaving businesses online? What types of specials are they offering? What type of newsletters or perks do they offer their customers on Facebook or Twitter? You must be aware of these companies so you know what to do and what not to do. You can't be like others, but by observing the competition you can get more ideas and perhaps build a successful competitive company. So this is excuse is...ALL FRESH OUT.

There are a lot of resources that will help you get rid of all these excuses. Stop going around talking about what you want to do and actually DO it! 2012 is the year. You've had these ideas for a while now is the time to do something with them. Be different from others around you that are stuck in the same "talk about it, but NOT about it" mentality. Make 2012 a year of checking goals OFF of your list as ACCOMPLISHED! You can do it, you just have to stay focused and motivated. Write down your goals for 2012 for your business and then institute a plan.

If you need help with manifesting your business ideas and dreams, this may help. The GPS Plan includes a business plan and schedule, domain name, website, getting you started, and more! This deal is ALMOST free. I want you to start 2012 out right! Contact me for more details at tamara@garrisonprosperitysolutions.com.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tamara Garrison-Thomas




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"Feel like you're running on a Hamster's

wheel and getting nowhere?"

Join me for my  Power Executive Call Free....
Empowered to Manifest Your Best Year Ever!

This is my Christmas and New Year's Gift To You...

Tuesday, December 27 at 2:00 PM PST

  • Experience a powerful Visualization Exercise to help you with manifestation of your Ideal Lifestyle!

  • Essential Keys to Manifesting Your Best Year Yet!

  • Empowering Insights for a Success Mindset

  • 4 Mindset shifts essential to your Breakthrough in 2012

And More!

Click here to learn more and secure your VIP access.

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Fotolia_Strategy-Success-Innovative-e1321333244979.jpg?width=600Image Courtesy of Fotolia


A client recently asked me ‘how would she know when she was finally successful.’ I explained that success means different things to each of us. To achieve success, you must define what it signifies. Success is a journey! As we sail through life, we encounter many obstacles along the way. Imagine yourself sailing the high seas; navigating your ship as it sails through calm waters. At times, it will buck in storms. If you are determined to stay the course, you must periodically adjust your navigational instruments and adjust when problems arise.


As you continue your journey, envision the serene, tranquil and calm blue water with sea gulls flying above, a light house in the far distance and several boats sailing calmly with the waves; here are 4 ways to navigate to your port of dreams!  Read more...


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When you look at your life, you may be miles away from your goals and dreams – so far you wonder if you’ll ever get there. This gap can be especially frustrating when you feel like you’re working hard to move forward.

For Immediate Release

October 10, 2011 Unfortunately, just “working hard” doesn’t assure success. There are a lot of other elements and factors that determine how far you go and how close we come to achieving the life you imagine.

Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva is doing something about the many Spiritually minded women, aspiring, new and enterprising women entrepreneurs who are not realizing the results they desire. She is doing this via her FREE Teleseries. The next call is Revealed: Top 5 reasons you’re not where you want to be – YET!

Robin emphasis YET because it’s not a doom and gloom message. “You may
not be where you want to be, however, as long as there’s breath in your body
you can do something about it.” Says Robin

You'll leave this call with a new found passion to get on the path to your Divine
Destiny and to finally be free to pursue your ideal lifestyle.

For you spiritually minded aspiring, new and enterprising Women Entrepreneurs Robin wants you to know that building a successful business is not just talking about marketing, traffic, list building etc.
“There's also much to be said about the mindset "inner game" that is sabotaging your empowering success. As I stated before it's about self discipline during my last Tele-class.” Says Robin Tramble

Some of what will be covered in this power-packed Tele-class includes:

•Sure-fire ways to jump start your life and biz
• Avoidable excuses you're making that are hindering your empowering
• Top 5 reasons you are not where you should be - YET!
• What you can do to finally play a BIGGER game and manifest your ideal
lifestyle "authentically!"
• And more!

During this Tele-series you'll be empowered to Get and Stay Focused, Make BIG Changes and Get Results Faster which will ultimately reveal the healthier,
wealthier, empowered, focused, joyful and Authentic you!
If you’re ready to end 2011 strong and kick-start your year with a BANG you don’t want to miss this FREE Tele-class.

You can register for the call herehttp://bit.ly/90daysofempowermentinfo


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About Robin Tramble
Robin Tramble works with Spiritually minded women and woman entrepreneurs who want to discover their authentic self so they can make big changes or achieve some big results but are struggling to make it happen fast enough. She helps them get unstuck, create achieve the results that they want faster than ever before.

Robin is CEO and Founder of Robin Tramble International, President and
Founder of The Christian Women Entrepreneurs Network. She’s a Professional “Authentic LIfe” and Biz Empowerment Mentor, Trainer, Coach and Public Speaker to the nations. Robin is also known as Empowerment Diva because she has carved out a niche in the area of empowerment. She recently shared her empowerment tips on Good Day Sacramento as “Empowerment Diva” and was named 1 of 25 urban Entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Brand maker News. Robin is also an accomplished keyboardist, singer and songwriter and plans to incorporate her musical gifts with her resources for women’s empowering personal development.

                                                                    — end —

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What do you want? No I mean what do you really, really want? If you knew you could not fail and money was not an issue what would you really want?

What does your ideal lifestyle look like?

These are some very good questions that actually as I’m passionately empowering women many who are in a consultation or coaching with me are stunned by and they have to think just a bit. We should all have the answers to these questions.

I did a Tele-class on Top 5 reasons you are not where you want to be – YET! One of the Top 5 included “You Don’t really want what you think you want.”

Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.

Thomas Jefferson

Everyone wants to run their own business and be their own boss…. right?
Everyone wants a vacation home in the mountains… right?
Everyone wants 2.4 kids and the white picket fence…. right?


When it comes to dreams, one size most definitely does NOT fit all. Our dreams and goals are as individual as we are, and adopting someone else’s goals as our own can feel like wearing someone else’s shoes: It looks okay to everyone else, but to us, it feels awful and gives us blisters.

There are thousands, if not millions, of people out there striving for the wrong goals. Wrong not because there’s anything inherently bad about them, but wrong because the goals they’re aiming for are wrong for THEM. So as I persevere in my endeavor to empower women I must remain authentic and help you discover your authentic self for your realized empowering success.

There’s the law student that is very gifted in music and enjoys her classes in school leading up to the profession of a lawyer who would never give an extra thought to setting that aside for pursuing her career in music because both of her parents are Lawyers.

There’s the successful saleswoman who would really love to chuck it all and teach English, but she’s making too much money and only a crazy person would throw away a six-figure paycheck.

There are many frustrated individuals out there “believe it or not ” Frustration knows no geographic, socioeconomic, or race or religious boundaries.

The only way to know if the goals you’re aiming for are the right goals is to figure out if they are your heart’s desire. Sometimes it takes some detective work to peel back the layers of societal and family expectations to get at what YOU really want.

There are clues all around you: If you fall asleep dreaming about something, wake up thinking about something, and find yourself perking up whenever you meet someone doing what you’d like to do, you’re on the right track. Meanwhile, if you get a sinking sensation when you pull into the garage of house with the white picket fence, or find yourself calling in sick to that six-figure job “everyone” would kill to have, then you may be in the wrong place… for you.

So what do you do if you find you’ve been chasing after the wrong dream? If you find that you’re not on track to your destiny. You readjust. You discover what your vision is, your purpose in life. You reignite your passion. You connect with someone who can be an accountability partner, who is not biased and can offer expertise in the area you are seeking to move forward in. Even if they don’t have the specific expertise in that area but have the life skills you need to help you discover your authentic self, get unstuck, get focused, make BIG changes and get results that will put you miles ahead of where you’ve been for the last 1 to 5, 5 to 10 years or more!

You find ways to move your current life closer to the one you really long for. Maybe that means getting up an hour early to work on your novel. Maybe it means spending your weekends teaching art to inner city kids. Maybe it researching organizations that may need your expertise and would like you to share with their members. Take a small step and see how it feels. Then take another, and another, until you know deep in your heart you’re on the right track. If you are, the momentum will carry you forward.

You’ll be closer to where you want to be. The Authentic you that is.

Are you ready to say yes to the healthier, wealthier, empowered, focused, joyful, and Authentic you?

I invite you to request your free access to 4 more reasons you’re not where you want to be – YET! Request access to my Top 5 reasons you’re not where you want to be YET empowering Training Audio. Go there now!

This is also part of my preview Tele-series “Get it Done. Make it Happen!” A preview of my phenomenal 90 Days of Empowerment and Focus Coaching Program. If you’re tired of the overwhelm, stress, lack of productivity, playing small and more learn more and secure 1 of 10 spaces for gold and 1 of 15 for Silver.http://bit.ly/90daysregister


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Wake Me Up When September Ends

Have you heard this song before? It's the title of a popular song by Green Day. Now, although the context of the song is sad I want to think about it from a personal and business aspect. 

We are now at the beginning of September, about 3 months until the end of 2011, AND the busiest time of the year. School is starting for our kids, classes are starting for some of us, our jobs are doing performance evaluations, the best and most lucrative time in sales is upon us and to top it off, the weather is changing everywhere! With all these changes, it makes me wanna say, "Wake me up when September ends"! BUT of course I can't do that and shouldn't. This is a great time, if any, to get revved up about your business and your goals. We only have a few more months until 2011 is over. Where are you with your New Year Resolutions you set way back in January? Where are you with the goals you set at the beginning of each month? Are you accomplishing ANYTHING??? Are you checking things off of your 'to do' list? Well, consider it and make it ANOTHER goal to start accomplishing the things you set out to accomplish in January!

Congratulations to you if you are on track and are accomplishing almost everything you set out to at the beginning of the year. How did you do it? What business goals did you set at the beginning of the year that you already have? Would love to hear from you!


If you need help staying focused and motivated to be the best you and gain a profitable business to increase your finances let me help you. Subscribe to my blog today and receive a FREE 30 minute consultation and 1 follow up appointment. ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME, SUBSCRIBE TODAY!
Let us feature you on PeopleWhoProsperTV! Click here for more information...

deut8:18 ~ www.garrisonprosperitysolutions.com

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