Work (90)


Turn your knowledge into profits and activate your magnetic
CASH flow force so you can manifest your best year ever!


Do you feel that everybody else has an innate ability 
to make money via their knowledge or passion but you? 

Do you play small and feel that you don't know enough to command an 
investment in your offerings? 

How many opportunities have you missed due to low self esteem or lack of 
confidence in your abilities? 

Do you spend endless nights comparing yourself to others? 

Want to monetize what you know but don't have a clue where to begin? 

Tired of the hype and ready for the support you need that 
will guide you and empower you to manifest a new 
healthier, fabulous you inside/out? 

I have a solution for you!! 


It's time you started monetizing your knowledge and making available the solutions you have

for your identified target market and even deeper your niche (those whom you serve).


Click here to secure your seat now! 

"Give me just 45 minutes 
and I'll share with you secrets to 
turning your knowledge into 
profits so you can activate 
your magnetic cash flow 

You'll also embark on a journey 
to wholeness as you realize Total 
Transformation, manifest as the unstoppable 
irresistable woman you were meant to be 
with laser focus, an EMPOWERED mindset 
and live an Authentically Brilliant 
Diamond life!!

When: Thursday March 16 at 1:00 PM PST, 4:00 PM EST 
This week's topic: Turn your knowledge into profits and activate your magnetic cash flow force! 
Can't take the call? The audio replay will be available to all registrants 

Cost: None

Click here to secure your seat now!

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Sexy Fine

This blog has a two fold initiative. The first one is about being a woman that illuminates great beauty from the inside out. The woman that stands tall even though only 4 feet high. This first initiative is about keeping the the outside matching the beauty inside. The second initiative calls forth the wife who keeps looking the same as she did when she first got married.Neither of these is the everyday woman. This is not the woman who has birthed four children, works a 9-5 and tries to keep home. This is the woman who has a great support system, values herself as much as she values her relationship with the LORD and really, really is that Proverbs 31 woman.This woman is sexy fine. This woman has beauty and brains, and really knows how to keep it together without losing heart or hope.We all can have this, but we have to put forth an effort. What is the effort?First of all, knowing that we are missing a small point of the mark is the main effort. As women we want people to accept us the way we are, which is fine, but when we worked hard to get our husbands, we should work hard to keep them. When we took the time to educate ourselves to get our degree, we should educate ourselves to keep our businesses.Sexy fine is more than just the beauty on the outside, it's everything that makes us who we are. We value ourselves. We love ourselves. God made us unique. There has to be a point where we say enough is enough, I need to eat right, I need to exercise,and I need to obtain better knowledge that will take me far.That is the second part of the effort. We have to DO.1. Acknowledge2. DoHow can you move forward in this and go the extra mile for yourself? Connect with a business and lifestyle coach that has more of your best interest at heart. A coach that continuously finds doors that GOD has already opened and urges you to go through them. The effort comes in the research not just the investment. You have to know that you want to be sexy fine! Do you want to be sexy fine inside out? Work it out with ME Coach DANA...It's not about what I get but what I can give you . I can put in the effort to push YOU forward in business and in life.I offer business classes, weekly motivational moments, exercise clubs and healthy snacks. Coach Dana never falls short of what you need, when you need it.Let us work on you being SEXY FINE..inside and out!888-718-1066 ext 0 (Coach Dana is a division of C.K.Q. LLC)
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I Fired My Boss...

When I walked out those doors I said I wasn't going back and I meant it. I didn't know how it was going to happen and apart of me feared facing the reality of what would happen if it didn't but THANK YOU GOD for hearing my prayers... and I mean I PRAYED! I still can't believe it's real!

I just couldn't do it anymore. If I said that part of me wasn't thinking "What the heck are you doing girl?" I'd be lying. But that fact of the matter is I just walked away from a Fortune 50 company not a Fortune 50 paycheck and the sad part is I realized that it was never going to happen. I earned my Bachelor's degree while pregnant with the twins and then spent my Master's program pregnant and dealing with the new baby. In between degrees (and in a period of 1 1/2 years) I applied for eight promotions and received eight denials, some without any explanation. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was applying for a position within my own department, having my supervisors tell me I wasn't qualified, hiring a mail and file clerk giving her a minimum $20-$30k increase and then asking me to train her. HA!! If that isn't the biggest slap in the face, but I digress...

Needless to say I began to plan my exit strategy. I wish I had a great elaborate story for you that speaks of how I waltzed into my boss' office on a random day and dropped the bomb on them. How I stuck it to "the MAN" just when he thought he had me down but that's not what happened. The truth of it all is that I devised a plan. My exit strategy was well thought out and I had the great benefit of working and building my business with the security of having a job and being on maternity leave allowed me to be at home full time with nothing to do but learn while receiving a paycheck. Still, without gaining and applying knowledge I know that this would have never happen and that without deciding to take action I could have just as easily been returning to that dead-end job.

I know know you're thinking "Girl in this economy? People are dying for jobs and you're giving yours up?" YES!! I am! See when everything in the world is going right people get complacent. Dreams fade away because jobs are secure and many just coast along earning what they feel is a decent paycheck. But the last few years has shown many of that nothing is guaranteed. A new supervisor that doesn't like you, changes in policy, a failing/failed economy can put you on the wrong side of poverty faster than you can blink. Maybe you know someone this happened to... maybe it happened to you. Regardless, now is the time to take control of your own destiny... to fight the power so to speak. The greatest movements in history that produced real change came when people decided enough was enough and claimed freedom for themselves.

As I've said many times my reason for creating Maven On a Mission was not so much about internet/network marketing and signing people into my opportunities but more about giving moms who want to be home with their children the opportunity to do so. I've learned so much in the past 6 months to a year about being a real entrepreneur... an UNSTOPPABLE ENTREPRENEUR that I can't wait to share with you all. So much value has been poured into me knowingly and unknowingly that there is nothing for me to do but to pour it back out. I genuinely want to see you home with your children (or working from home period) if that's where you desire to be.

To those of you that have been following this blog, thank you for your continued support and to those just joining, welcome, welcome, welcome. Stay tuned... this is going to be a ROCKIN journey!

Wishing you growth and prosperity!


P.S. Over the next week I'm going to be announcing so be on the look out for my posts.

P.P.S. Click here to get access to the industries BEST and most affordable systems that will teach you how to build you business online, provide extensive marketing training from the industries top leaders AND allow you to earn income on 10 affiliate streams. Go on.. click here
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7 Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur

Do you dream of starting your own business? Do you know what skills and traits are needed to be a successful entrepreneur?  More importantly, do you think you have what it takes?  This article will touch on 7 of the most important traits of a successful entrepreneur.

  1. Self confidence – the successful entrepreneur is noticeably confident.  Self confidence is an extremely important characteristic for the successful entrepreneur.  Before you start your business, you should feel confident in your abilities and trust yourself and your unique set of skills.  When and if the time comes, the successful entrepreneur knows how to summon the drive and determination needed to achieve his dream of starting his own business.  He should be confident enough to tackle adversity and resolve any problems that could interfere with his dream.
  2. Risk taker – successful entrepreneurs don’t always play it safe.  They know when to trust their instincts and act on a hunch.  Some of the greatest business ventures in history started from a simple “gut feeling” or “hunch”.  Let’s face it, there’s always the risk of loss or failure, but the successful entrepreneurs is not afraid to take that chance. 
  3. Fiscally fit - the successful entrepreneur is careful with his finances.  He understands the value of money and is usually very particular about his expenditures for his business as well as in his personal life.  He may have learned the value of money at an early age; maybe as a teenager who mowed lawns after school or a little boy who took the neighbors trash out every evening.
  4. Good Intuition – some entrepreneurs claim to “just know” (hunch) if a product or service is going to be a success.  No, they aren’t psychic, most likely they just really pay attention to what’s going on in the world around them.  They pay attention to the latest trends and are usually active in their industry in some way.
  5. Competitive nature – the business world is highly competitive regardless of the industry you’re in.  The successful entrepreneur knows he must be aggressive if he wants to achieve his dream.  He doesn’t feel threatened by his competitors and is always looking for ways to make his business stand out from the crowd.  He’s not afraid to work hard to be successful.
  6. Honorable habits – the successful entrepreneur has a good work ethic.  He welcomes suggestions and criticism from his customers or clients and diligently looks for ways to improve his business products and services based on those suggestions. He believes that good work ethic will lead to better business practices, improved business reputation and good standing among industry peers and business associates.
  7. Vacation time – the successful entrepreneur recognizes the importance of leisure time.  He knows when it’s time to step back and relax and spend quality time with family and friends.   Taking time away from the hectic business world rejuvenates our mind and body and allows us to better deal with the stresses and strains that inevitably come with having our own business.

There you have it – 7 of the most important traits of a successful entrepreneur. 

Keep in mind that just because you possess some or all of these traits there is never a guarantee that you will be successful.  These are but a few of the ingredients in the recipe for success.  If you do happen to possess these traits, congratulations!  You have a solid foundation to start building your success. 


About the Author:Shelley Graves is a Virtual Business Support Specialist and owner of Capitol Business Support. Based out of Washington, DC, Shelley specializes in providing virtual business support services, including social media and internet marketing, to new small business owners. Visit Capitol Business Support today for a FREE business support assessment and FREE Special Report on how I can help you grow your business.

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The best way to have an empowering week is to start off Monday with a solid foundation.


This preparation begins with Friday. Set yourself up for an empowering week by closing out your week. Take inventory of what tasks you completed. Add those that you didn't complete to the list for the following week.


Here's an important thing to remember. Do not make your top 10 to do list. Make a top 3 priority list. Among them will be at least one thing that will be cash producing.


Read my Facebook update

Are you ready for an absolutely,empowering week? What are your top 3 to do items for Monday? Add action steps that will allow you to complete them. Avoid checking email first. Focus. Take targeted action. Balance your social media activity. Don't let it consume your day. Allow for a time to step away during the day to avoid overwhelm. Commit your works to the Lord. And so shall your plans succeed. Proverbs 16:3


Want to accelerate your results? Embrace a mindset for success. Whatever happened the week prior is not what you want to focus on. Remember what you focus on expands!


Focus on the results you expect to achieve. Focus on what it will look like when you achieve your desired results. Focus on what it feels like.


Get rid of the negativity. Negative attitudes, negative environment, negative relationships. Of course I’m not suggesting that you get rid of you marriage relationships, however, you can seek out ways to empower your relationships. We’ve actually set up a community to help you do this on our Marriage Empowerment Coach page on Facebook.


The tips I’ve shared in this post should get you started on the right path to your empowering success.


Of course if you need additional support you might consider securing your Coaching A La Carte session

with me. Click here to find out more and get started.


Here's to your empowering week!


Share your ideas below.


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

Authentic Life and Biz Empowerment

Coach,Mentor,Trainer and Public Speaker to

Savvy women, New,Aspiring and Entreprising Women Entrepreneurs






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WHAT HAPPENS IN HEAVEN WHEN WE PRAY?Hello Community, May your days be most fantastic. We must take time to acknowldege our blessings. I know the world activities can get in such an dizziness, we sometimes forget WE ARE BLESSED!!So take minute and share your acknowledgment with people you care for and people you may have just meet.WE are in the PEOPLE Business, First and Foremost.We can share our blessing with enthusiasm, for we operate from abundance and not scarcity,We Know we will Reap the Seeds we Plant, so we plant good seeds.We know that the Power of God flows through us, awaiting our instructions. The this power has no limit except the limit we place on it.The with faith the size of a mustard seed and placing that faith to WORK, we can accomplish great things.That is not over UNTIL it is Over and It Aint Over til we Say SO!!!!!At your serviceJuniques www.jussuccess.comEverything Starts With Attitude WHAT HAPPENS IN HEAVEN WHEN WE PRAY?I dreamt that I went to Heaven and an angel was showing me around. Wewalked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with angels. Myangel guide stopped in front of the first section and said, ' This isthe Receiving Section. Here, all petitions to God said in prayer arereceived.I looked around in this area, and it was terribly busy with so manyangels sorting out petitions written on voluminous paper sheets andscraps from people all over the world.Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reached the second section.The angel then said to me, "This is the Packaging and DeliverySection. Here, the graces and blessings the people asked for areprocessed and delivered to the living persons who asked for them." Inoticed again how busy it was there. There were many angels workinghard at that station, since so many blessings had been requested andwere being packaged for delivery to Earth.Finally at the farthest end of the long corridor we stopped at thedoor of a very small station. To my great surprise, only one angel wasseated there, idly doing nothing. "This is the Acknowledgment Section,my angel friend quietly admitted to me. He seemed embarrassed." How isit that there is no work going on here? ' I asked."So sad," the angel sighed. "After people receive the blessings thatthey asked for, very few send back acknowledgments""How does one acknowledge God's blessings? " I asked.."Simple," the angel answered. Just say, "Thank you, Lord. ""What blessings should they acknowledge?" I asked."If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roofoverhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of this world.If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in adish, you are among the top 8% of the world ' s wealthy. ""And if you get this on a computer, you are part of the 1% inthe world who has that opportunity.""If you woke up this morning with more health than illness .. You aremore blessed than the many who will not even survive this day. ""If you have never experienced the fear in battle, the loneliness ofimprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation . Youare ahead of 700 million people in the world..""If you can attend a church without the fear of harassment, arrest,torture or death, you are envied and more blessed than, threebillion people in the world.""If your parents are still alive and still married are very rare."Ok, what now? How can I start?If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing inthat someone was thinking of you as very special and you are moreblessed than over two billion people in the world who cannot read atall.Have a good day, count your blessings, and if you care to, pass thisalong to remind everyone else how blessed we all areATTN: Acknowledge Dept."Thank you Lord, for giving me the ability to share this message andfor giving me so many wonderful people with whom to share it.Thank you Lord for everything, especially all my family and friends."
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What is all the fuss about coaching?

I’ve been getting questions from someof the women in my tribe/network and most want to know how they can getstarted in the coaching business. I’m sure each of them have varyingreasons why they
are interested.

If you have a desire to help others that would be one reason to seriously look into this model. If you’re tired of
working harder without realizing the results, this is an ideal model for you.
If you want to monetize and share your expertise with the masses, this is an
ideal model for you.

Watch the video for additional supporting information. Go to to request access to the audio replay of the power-packed Teleseminar mentioned.

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After reading one of my favorite articles 'Plan With Pizzazz' with Cherly Isaac, she brought up a good point about how a good infomercial must grab the attention of the spectator, be specific, time conscious and seek a direct response from the potential buyer. Although it may look like a simple orchestration on television, an infomercial is actually difficult to do well.

Cheryl stated in the article that "If startup entrepreneurs were to pretend that their business presentations or retail sales were infomercials, a lot could be gained."


I totally agree with her on that ephiphany! Just look at it this way: At the startup stage of business, you're an unknown. Your struggle is to turn a potential client into a new client. At this point, the potential client has the attention span of a 5-year-old. After all, why should she listen to you? You are not a proven entity, and she is sharing her precious time with you. At the same time, you may be thinking: "I've invested a lot of time, energy and money into this venture and I need to see some return."

Both you and the infomercial creator are wrestling with similar thoughts. You both need to get the customer interested in the shortest time possible, you need a quick response, and you need to showcase the benefits of your product or service.

An infomercial strives to get a response from the viewer. The infomercial has to be explicit in telling the viewer what she must do. Entrepreneurs also need to garner responses from their potential clients. When drafting your proposal, designing your presentation, running your TV or print ad or designing your website, tell your potential client what you want her to do. Use language that is specific, avoid questions, and outline your next steps. For example, most web advisors will tell you to have a "call to action" button on all your web pages. The call to action tells your visitors what you want them to do. For example: Buy Now, Join Now, Call this Number, Apply Now.

An infomercial generates a sale or a lead. Sometimes you run across an infomercial that directs you to call a number and get a free introductory product. This is a lead. Most of the time, they direct you to purchase a product. This is a sale. Some startup entrepreneurs may have varying sales processes. If you have a higher dollar product or service, or a time-consuming service, your potential client may want to get comfortable with you first. You may then try to generate a lead. Another startup could have a low-priced product that needs to be sold on the first try. Figure out where you fall and design your sale or lead generator.

An infomercial has live demonstrations. What seems effortless on your TV screen is usually practiced tirelessly on the back end. The demonstration reveals all aspects of the product, its benefits are showcased, and you are told why you should buy the product. Startups usually have products that are in beta phase. So most of the time, the potential client has to be educated on its similarity to and difference from similarly situated products. Learning how to demonstrate a product's worth or a service's value is a great advantage for a startup entrepreneur.

Responses from an infomercial are measured. One of the top priorities of an infomercial is to perform. People must buy, and sales must be made. The buzz has to be created. Well, startup entrepreneurs have the same priorities. Yet, like infomercials, they too must realize that in order to get a response, specific steps (like the ones mentioned above) must be followed. As a startup, your goal should include measuring the response of your ad, presentation, proposals, etc. Did it work? Can it be done differently? Does it make sense?

If you like this post visit The Connect4Change Marketer's blog!
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Attention Christian Women in Biz

First let me say this from one Christian Woman in Biz to another.
One WAHM and mompreneur to another and from one Daughter of
God to another.

It's your responsibility to express your gifts in a BIG way!!

You're a unique one of a kind Gift of God.

If you're not involved in the marketing activity of building your list/community consistently you won't
attract your ideal clients/customers and without clients/customers you won't have revenue and
without revenue your business will cease.

Okay I know you've heard that the money is in the list, however, maybe you can't seem to make
it work for you. Or you're having results but not to the extent that you desire.

Is it really true that the money is in the list? Or are there other elements essential
to realizing the fruits from your list.

Maybe you have questions such as......

"How do I get started?"

"What's the quickest way to realize results?"

"How can I persuade prospects to subscribe?"

"What's a squeeze page?"

"I'm not handy with all that tech stuff so how can I get started without a
fancy website?"

I'm glad you asked. All of the above and more will be covered in my upcoming free call.

Get your message out! 5 sure-fire strategies to build your list.
Everyone is welcome, however, this time the call is designed with the Christian Woman/Mom in business in mind.

When: Wednesday, September 29
Time: 11:00 am PST, 2:00 pm EST
Where: From the comfort of your home

Can't make the call? The audio replay will be available to
all registrants.

Secure your seat here

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Having a home based business can be fun but it takes a lot of work to get a company off the ground. People often see the glitz and glamour of work-at-home business owners but do not often see what goes on behind the scenes. What follows are some of the pros and cons of living and working in the same place.

#1: Be Your Own Boss

Owning a home-based business is quite an exciting time in the life of an entrepreneur. For those who are serious about growing their company the effort is very challenging. There is a lot to learn and you wear many hats so there is rarely a dull moment in business. However, this also means that you lose much of the freedom that you may be used to in terms of spending time with family and friends. The flip side is when you run a home-based business you should not have to go it alone. When possible seek help from others to avoid burnout and overwhelm. A good place to start is with your family, friends, or colleagues who may want to earn extra money. Another option is to hire contract employees such as a virtual assistant, bookkeeper, or accountant.

#2: Set Your Own Salary

Having your own business is not like working a traditional job where you receive a regular pay. In fact, when you are just getting started there may be consecutive periods where you barely earn enough to break-even. However, as demand for your products and services increase there will be limitless opportunities to create the income and lifestyle of your dreams. Stay focused on improving sales and maximizing the bottom line so that you can reap the benefits of ample profits.

#3: Comforts of Home

Having an office in your home is convenient. Many people who work-at-home pride themselves on being able to run their business in their pajamas. However, one point that should be made is that although comfort is a benefit it must not overshadow your attitude of professionalism. So even if you are a no suit environment keep in mind that customers may not see the clothes you have on but they do see the results of your mindset.

Working from home is a great way to create your ideal lifestyle. This article highlights just a few of the things that happen behind the scenes. Talk with other entrepreneurs to get a better idea of working from home so that you know if this is the right move for you. To get more tips about running a home based business visit

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10744052870?profile=originalWant to be more inspired in your work day? The answer could be that you need to improve in the area of discipline. Managing your time well is something that you get better at the more you apply practical discipline in this area. One useful way to be more in control of your day is to literally buy yourself more time.

Take a look at three benefits of using time to manage your day: Focus, Organization, Productivity.


Focus keeps you on track when you are compelled to tackle many things at once. You may be fortunate to have your own company and design your ideal career but for many this can be a distraction. Work that is interesting consumes our time and takes away from working on other areas of business. For example, you might enjoy doing research more than the back office administration. By using a timer as a tool it can help you work on one thing through completion rather than multitasking to get things done. Learn how to pinpoint what you can accomplish in a certain amount of time so that you know your limits and how to best fit tasks into your schedule.


Timers also help you organize thoughts by keeping you focused on getting things. As a business owner you handle the income producing activities in your company. Product development and projects management are two of your main priorities. And up until now you might be all over the place in terms of how to best manage your creativity. There is something about having to come up with thoughts in a limited amount of time that really gets your inspiration flowing because it pushes you to be more purposeful. Using a timer can help you master the process more efficiently by developing a quick outline, supporting tasks and sticking to them.


If you want to increase productivity having a timer is a great place to start. It makes you turn things out quicker because you realize subconsciously that you have a quota to reach. When you know that the bell will ring at the designated time you set your mind to get things done. Remember being back in school and knowing that your class will end and the next will begin when the bell rings? It is the same principle in business. When you assign things to be done by a certain time your adrenaline increases and you become more productive. Why? You want to prove to yourself that you can. It is invigorating when you meet your goals. It is even better when you become more proficient and excel in the area by exceeding them.

By using this simple tool you will be able to save lots of time with a small investment in a timer. Use it well and grow your business.

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10744052082?profile=originalRunning a company when you have children at home is more of an art than a science and it calls for a different approach from the norm. So if you feel that you are swimming against the flow in your day, here are a few tips for work-at-home moms to stay productive and profitable during summer breaks (or anytime).

  1. Summer Homework. Depending on the age of your child, the school they attend may have them to complete assignments in preparation for the upcoming school year. This is also a great way to refresh and reinforce concepts that they have already learned. Some children are eager to get assignments as soon as summer vacation begins but a better option is to give them one assignment to do each day.
  2. Supplement Assignments. You can add to homework by giving them fun lessons to do on their own. Have them create art, science, reading, or math projects to augment learning. Provide a reward for going the extra mile.
  3. Chores. Children complain less when they have something to keep them occupied. If your child is old enough to help out around the house then a few light assignments each day will keep their boredom blahs to a minimum. This also buys you some time during the day to get your business projects done.
  4. Office Help. In lieu of chores, older children can also assist you with running your home office. You could also use this time to help them develop their natural talents by assigning them to work that enhance their skill set.
  5. Swap childcare. Talk with a neighbor to see if they would like to exchange a few days with you. This especially comes in handy when you have projects that need to be done on time.
  6. Summer Reading. Many children love to read and most would not pass up an opportunity to hang out with their peers while doing it. Check your calendar and try to coordinate meetings or time sensitive projects when during the hours when children are away at camp.
  7. Alternative Summer Office Locations. When all is said and done you may simply find it is impossible to get anything done when the children are at home. In those cases a backup plan is the answer. Some places where you can pack up your lap top and plug away include the library, coffee shop, a business incubator, friend or relative’s home that works during the day, in a park, or by the lake.

A home office can be the best of both worlds for mompreneurs. By putting these easy to execute short-cuts in place you will create the lifestyle you love and have more time to create the profits you desire!

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Ardyss Life - Body Magic and LeVive

Body Magic: drop 2 - 3 Sizes in 10 minutes or less; guaranteed. Imagine no gastric bypass surgery, no lipo-suction, no tummy tuck, no dieting, and no exercise! Visit my website (click here) and then call me with any questions. Need a recession kicker?....., then visit my site. Body Magic garments for men and women to align the spine and uplift and boost where needed. This garment will make you feel sexy and gorgeous without feeling uncomfortable; reshapes your body and reduces your size.

Also, try LeVive which is the liquid multi-vitamin consisting of various healthy, all natural herbs. The whole family can use this product daily for better health. LeVive is a diet essential super blend: Mangosteen, Noni, Acai Berry, Goji, and Pomegranate. A diet essential super blend for joints, cardio, weight loss, asthma, etc.

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Looking for Afro Eco Beauty Consultants!


Inky Indies... Yay!. Originally began in 2006. Welcome to the Inky Indies Consultant Opportunity 2010. Inky Indies is the exciting party-plan, direct sales channel of I Love Inky, a Eco chic, culture conscious, fun, but values driven manufacturer of nature inspired, yummy and unique hair, beauty and lifestyle products with fabulous benefits for woman of color, but used and loved by everyone!

To get off to a great start, we are looking for Founding Kings and Queens [Team Leaders] one, two or three for every state for this awesome ground floor opportunity. Each Founding Team Leader will receive referrals for their state. Thus, giving them the advantage to build a fantastic team. Hee, hee!

So here's the deal. Enrollment is basically FREE, because I Love Inky will give you back your $35 enrollment cost in "Fast start credit", which means you can then use it towards one of your 3 kit options, priced at $35, $75 or $125, so you can start seriously supplementing your income pretty much right away. Werd Up!

Your enrollment includes training, a free Indie web page. Access to the Eco office portal area where you can download all your business paperwork, like, your product brochures, order forms and training guide. This way you can print out only what you need. 100% Eco-friendly style baby.

Your kits, once chosen by you will ship 14 days after this special enrollment offer closes on August 23rd 2010. However as a courtesy we'll give you immediate [within 1-3 days] access to your Indie web page and to the Indie Eco office portal. This will give you the opportunity to look around and complete new Indie consultant and product training while you wait for your kit to arrive, so you'll have something to do! Weekly online meetings and periodic training events will be held. Scheduled events will be posted to the Indie Facebook group and the Eco office portal. So don't forget to check both areas regularly.

I Love Inky is looking for highly motivated, dedicated individuals only. People that truly want to make some serious lolly, supplement their income and or build a business into a career. I Love Inky officially re-launches on July 23, 2010. Only the first 50 people to enroll by the deadline August 23rd 2010, will receive this special basically FREE enrollment offer!

Example Free Indie consultant web page. The name, telephone number, and state you use to enroll with, will be what is shown on your Indie web page. So pick wisely. You can also add a small 75x75 photo of yourself if you like.

Here is the linky to enrolly

Main website: Email: Tel: 917 720 2073

Peace, Love, Inky XOXO

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Network Marketing Works---When you know how to work it.As an entreprenur...i currently have 2 businesses. One of them happens to be a network marketing business ( about starting a home based business for sometime now... It all sounds good in theory. It would be nice to keep your current job (until you choose to move on), cultivate a new opportunity, create unlimited income potential, achieve a healthier personal and family lifestyle, pay those college tuitions, establish financial security for retirement, and have the means to pursue any dream you may have.But you’re skeptical. You’ve heard about the pyramids, the scams and the loads of products you must buy to remain eligible for compensation. You hear about the companies that collapse or get into trouble with various attorney generals and government agencies for illegal compensation plans and false product claims. So is Network Marketing a viable home based business or work at home opportunity?The answer is yes. There are many legitimate Network Marketing or Multilevel Marketing, MLM companies out there which people are building very successful home based businesses with. They are building large networks and generating significant supplemental residual income and in many cases primary incomes.Matter of fact there are over 20 million people in the USA in the Network Marketing Industry today. A large percentage of whom have made this their chosen profession, a full time profession. The beauty of this industry however is that anyone can be successful on a part time basis with limited resources. The secret to success is repetition and consistency in following the systems laid out by the MLM one chooses.Thus the trick becomes figuring out how to choose the right MLM, the best Network Marketing Company for an individual’s personal situation.There are many resources out there to help with this process. Before i joined ( I did a lot of research b/c i was skeptical about joining yet ANOTHER MLM business...and believe me, ive tried them all. But during my research i didnt find anything derogatory about that. On top of the fact that i actually do like and use their product w/o having to feel pressured or convinced. Nor do i have to go to any of those brainwashing "conventions" that are associated w/other MLMs, but i still have the support i need, whenever i need it.Today people in general are more skeptical and we have to live with that harsh reality. Network marketing prospects are even more skeptical, making it difficult but not impossible to build your business.Each of us has some degree of skepticism, after we've been burned a few times it becomes much tougher to sell us anything.Especially if we've already been down that path and found it did not work as advertised.Network marketing brings with it a whole new set of challenges, from the way we advertise, to how we approach our prospects.So it is no wonder when we hear something that contradicts what the majority of marketers are saying we immediately discount it until later it is proven true.One of the important things to remember is, you are in a REAL BUSINESS. You no longer have a boss holding you accountable. Your network marketing success or failure is dependent upon you and your actions, and is not a get rich quick overnight program.If you are currently researching different Newtork Marketing opportunities, here is what you should be looking for:Integrity.Are Distributor-Driven.Have Products & Services people want.Great Management.Have Some Form of A Compensation Plan.Integrity:Does the company have it? Do they stand behind their products, services, and their distributors? No outrageous claims or exaggerations.Success Rate:We have to face the fact that 97% fail, if you want to cut years from the learning curve, become part of the 3% that does succeed, then you need to discover a program that has helped thousands achieve greater results: been in business for a few years and things are continually progressing. You can even send a FREE card to see for yourself how great and easy this business is. For questions or comments please feel free to email me
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Every idea starts in the mind. With your imagination you can see what you want to create. You may not always start with all the tools you need to complete your project but you have just enough to get started. Even if you begin with your creativity which is the thoughts that you have combined with the skills that you were born with, you have a great starting place to launch your next idea. What happens with many people is they get so caught up in having to reach the biggest goals first that they forget how much fun it is to simply build in layers.

Taking some lessons from my six year old son, I learned that play is not only fun but it is satisfying. In observing other women business owners I have watched how they give up far too soon because they don’t have the right this or the proper that. That is what takes the air out of the balloon (so to speak). In other words, you start to limit what you can build because of what you do not readily have in your possession. As my son put it, "You have to keep building with what you have and then when the time comes you can always go out and get the rest of the pieces."

Being a grown up doesn’t mean that you have to lose your childhood imagination. What are the things that you enjoy working with most? For me, I enjoy working with my mind, reading, writing, and synthesizing things. I have always loved playing games like “I Spy” and “Hide-N-Go-Seek” because they allow me to investigate and put the pieces of a puzzle together with the clues that I already have. Even in my younger years I enjoyed asking questions, solving riddles, and in general, just figuring mysteries out. Putting this together with my love for math and business has lead me to create the company that is the perfect fit for me. My ideal venture is now giving me the chance to enjoy work that is challenging. It also stretches my imagination as I think about different ways to help clients come up with financial solutions. What's even better is that my work is fun to do.

One writer wrote that if you need an alarm clock to wake you up every morning then the goals that you have aren’t exciting enough. Are your goals keeping you motivated? Are you still committed and passionate about the work that you do each day?

If your work isn't as fun as playing with legos then I challenge you to find the fun in business again. In what ways can you use what you have to create something that you enjoy looking at and being a part of?

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Happy Summertime!

You've made strategic plans, did some networking and even
developed a great schedule for marketing and monetizing
your efforts and now comes the turn. The turn when you must
figure out how to keep the momentum going, create a schedule
that will allow you to leverage your time and still realize
gains in your business while fulfilling the other roles in
your life. The Summer Time turn.

It's not easy realizing work at home women's empowerment and
it can be even harder as you make the transition from the
school year to the Summer months.

Now is the time you must streamline and set one BIG goal that
will give you massive results in other areas.

The key word is focus. If you've ever learned the skill of focus,
now is the time to embrace the act of focusing on what matters most.

Need help with how to gain massive results while committing to
your desire to give what you need to your family and children
during these summer months? Or maybe your children are grown or
you don't have children and yet you must figure out how to monetize
while getting through the Summer months that have been known
to be slow months due to one of meany reasons the season
for vacationing. You don't want to miss my upcoming
Work at home women's Empowerment and Mindset Breatkthrough Teleseries.

When: Bi-weekly beginning Thursday, June 24 at 11:00 am PST
Cost: Free

Although this Teleseries is designed with the Work at Home Woman
and those that aspire to be in mind, everyone is welcome to attend.

Secure your spot here:

Space is limited. Secure yours now!
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Are you experiencing challenges and is just basically dealing with thechallenges sending you for a spin? You must remain focused regardlessof what you’re dealing with.

The road to women’s empowerment will involve holding on to two words:

Tenacity:Tough minded persistency non yielding…and tireless effort regardless ofobstacles, opposition and or other’s opinions.

There are so manyobstacles that come before you and hinder you especially during theeconomic times of challenge. You must have tough minded persistency andbecome a woman of tenacity. You must be if you’re going to achieve yourdreams, live an empowered life, be an extraordinary woman leading anextraordinary life. You have to have a non-yielding and tireless effortregardless of obstacles. That’s something I want you to hold on toregardless of obstacles and opposition and we have great oppositionespecially women of faith and/or other’s opinions the opinions ofothers the opinions of the world, the opinions of society where itconcerns our faith. Tenacity, hold on to that.

Another is the word resolve; unwavering committed mindset adhering to a bold decision and strategy.

SoI want you to hold onto those two words as we move on. It takes muchcourage to continue in the midst of crisis. It takes passion, faith andmotivation.

I looked up the word crisis and there are a couple of definitions and they include the following;

Acrucial or decisive point or situation a turning point. A traumatic orstressful change in a person’s life; it’s also a term meaning a testingtime or an emergency event.

What I’d like you to answer is howdo you respond to crisis or what should your response be? If you’regoing to embrace any level of empowerment you’re going to need to havetenacity and there should be a resolve. It’s also important to have theright mindset in order to keep moving forward during the time of crisisduring a testing time. There will be continuous testing times as youmove along your journey towards an empowered life. There’s no questionabout it, you will have testing times as you move up to new levelsthere will be new testing. Build safeguards so you stay focused and youstay along the course that’s been set for you and given the fact I’mtalking about focus in crisis, learn to focus.

One of thehardest things to do in life when an unexpected change orcircumstances, disappointment etc. come your way is to stay focused.You are either experiencing so much pain or you’re so overwhelmed thatthe event tries to take your full attention. So how can you continuealong your path so the goals that you’ve set the action steps you’veset that will lead you to that goal long term, short term? The eventtries to take your full attention. One thing for sure is that therewill be unexpected situations, and that’s just the way it is. There arechanges and disappointments that are sure to come your way. Theessential thing is to learn how to remain focused during these timesand it is a learned state. Losing your focus can immobilize you, bindyou and make you ineffective in your life.

Here’s one thing not to do:

Don’t panic!

Thisis number one here as this may be the natural response by most and thatis to Panic. When I heard the call from my daughter saying “mommy Ican’t see” my first inclination was to panic and then I gave the callto my husband so that I could regroup and reach into my Faith. Panicwill send you spiraling down a staircase of many emotions sending youdeeper and deeper into a mode of gloom and defeat. Below I share otherthings you must do to stay focused that you also must do that will fuelyour ability to resist the panic stage. Unless you make an agreementwith yourself that you will not panic the other keys may not be aseffective in your endeavor to learn skills to help you stay focused in crisis.

Ifyou’d like to know more about how to stay focused in crisis I inviteyou to secure a copy of my special report “How to stay focused incrisis.” I share many more tips and insights in this area. Learn more by clicking here.

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Girl-Preneurs and the Moms They Model


My daughter is eleven years old and was recently intrigued by the idea of entrepreneurship after watching Kimora Lee Simmons' on Life in the Fab Lane. We have been talking about starting an online business over the past few days and why my daughter wanted to start her own company. To my surprise I found that her reason is not just to make money.

The main reason she gave me was to use her love for art to do the work that she enjoys. As I sat stunned at the wisdom that came from such a young spirit, I realized that she had been attentively observing the many women entrepreneurs in her life. These women business owners have left a positive impression that she will carry with her for a lifetime. Like my daughter, I agree that owning a business is rewarding. For me, there are several highlights of being a work-at-home mom. One of the best parts is allowing my daughter to take a role in my business. No matter how large or small her assignment may seem, it is giving her a glimpse into my world. The lessons she learns, as I have now seen, are invaluable.

Another aspect that makes entrepreneurship a perfect fit for me is when I become an extension of companies that are run by women with young children at home. Nothing compares to seeing a woman who can cuddle an infant and feed a toddler while being coached on how to put a financial plan in place to grow her business. As a mother of four, I am proud to have learned how to build a successful home-based busienss and and continually get inspired when I see other business women in action.

Having knowledge is good but contributing what you know in a way that others can benefit and grow is important. When it all boils down to it, the greatest reward that I get from having my own business is sharing financial resources and shortcuts that help women bring additional income into their homes. And encouraging women in business to keep up the good work is the icing on the cake.

I would love to hear why you started or are thinking of starting your own business. What excites you about being a woman in business?

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