LIFE (189)

Changing the Current

There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.--Denis WaitleyMany women in transition are finding themselves under economic pressures from a job loss, divorce, or phase-of-life-changes. I can remember feeling the pinch myself as a professional women a few years back when I was released from my position, ending a marriage and dealing with the possibility of losing my sight. I was trying to juggle a mortgage, rising debt, finding a job and managing my health at the same time. In the midst of the raging seas, I was learning how to sail my ship and change the current of my circumstances. I am not the only woman who has felt or is feeling their back against the wall these days. We, as professional women, are being overlooked or under-looked in the workplace, our pay is not equal to our efforts, or no flexible time is available to take care of the needs of our family.As a career transition coach, I encourage women to be innovative, explorative and to view their circumstances with new eyes. Most of the women I encounter are frustrated with their jobs and want to start a business but aren’t sure what type of business venture they want to pursue. On the other hand, some women have talents/gifts and are using them as hobbies, have never considered using them as business opportunities, or afraid to step out and take it to the next level. After my life-changing currents, I knew it was time to embrace the entrepreneur spirit. The Jazzy Coach, LLC and Ardyss businesses helped stimulate my purpose, passion and dedication to empowering women.So if you are reading this and are contemplating a business idea as a result of a lost job, or need to find a way to bring in more money as your household income has dramatically decreased, NOW is the time to create your own current in this big sea of the professional marketplace.Here are a few tips to help you ride the wave:1. Shift your gears from the QUIET ZONE into the STRIKE ZONE. Yes, our economy is in troubled waters, but this is not the time to “wait it out”, be it the economy or just your own fear. The QUIET ZONE is a peaceful and comfortable place, but a non-proactive and stagnant one too. You are a gifted/talented woman with vision and ideas DON’T rest on them. The STRIKE ZONE can be uncomfortable a bit, but that’s where the fruit is and it’s the only way you are going to grow. Staying stagnant will not change the current.2. Be UNIQUE, you don’t have to compete. When you assess you personal and professional skills, you will be surprised how they can lead you into a business venture. In changing my current, I used my own pain and frustrations to create streams of income. I’m allowing my experiences to create my uniqueness. You never now, your pain just maybe leading you to your purpose in life. Make it a mission to be authentic – don’t fall prey to being someone other than who you are. Your gifts and talents will make room for you.3. Build strong NETWORKS and ALLIANCES. There’s one thing for sure, as women, we know how to gather and socialize. We host parties at our homes, family reunions, facilitate meetings – you name it, and we can pull it off. You can use those same skills in building professional relationships. Let people know what you are doing and what you are looking for in your business. Find diverse groups to be a part of and make some connections – someone may hold the key to what you need to jump-start your business venture.In this classic book, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, he states,” there is abundance of opportunity for the man who will go with the tide instead of trying to swim against it”. If you have positioned yourself in a box, come out NOW enter the STRIKE ZONE. No more swimming against the tide (economic depression).Be free and ride the waves of success as you are creating your own current!If you need help with changing your current or jump-starting a business idea, contact The Transition Coach for more information.
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Summer Ends a New Season Begins............

We have the seasons that last for a while and we make the necessary adjustments to acclimate ourselves. Well as the seasons come and go, I reflect on the various challenges and triumphs that I have had to endure - I call them my seasons. One of my favorite scriptures in the bible is found in the book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 verses 1-13.The year 2009 has whizzed on by with each month appearing to end almost as soon as it has begun. I often wonder if it's my age or is it that I am finally taking the time to see how time truly flies.In the beginning of the year, I could not wait for the winter to end. I look forward to the spring which seemed as though winter was lingering on a bit longer. Nevertheless, the seasonal days of spring carried on until it was time to begin summer. Ah, yes summer! I was excited about summer - finally some sunny, warm weather with days to dress without jackets, scarves or gloves. However, summer was interrupted by the spring like weather that poured down rain and a lingering chill that somehow just did not feel quite right. We kept our umbrellas close, rain gear actively ready and a light jacket - not the typical summer. In fact, we had an unusual sleet and hail storm in July where people were shoveling wearing shorts and T shirts. Summer is officially coming to an end and I wonder what the Fall will be like for us. Will summer linger on or will fall take its place and prepare us for the winter?In my daily life, the challenges have lingered much longer than I could stand. It all makes me wonder if the triumphs will come soon and will they last longer. To make it clear, even though I complain about waring the rain gear, I appreciate the rain that comes with the spring, we need it. It is essential for our livelihood. I am not afraid of the challenges, in fact, I welcome the challenges. Challenges allows me to learn more about myself. I work through the challenges and somehow, I make it through. I just do not like the consistency of them as they seem to come more often than necessary. I celebrate the triumphs and at times it seems as though they are short lived as the challenge arises while I am still dancing for joy.I have decided and I am determined to work through the seasons. I will not wait for December 31st to resolve that the New Year will be the best year yet. I will allow each season to come and I will make it the best season ever. When the rain falls, an unexpected blizzard, a snowstorm, or any other unusual occurrence, I will get my protective gear and keep it moving.
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THE NORTH STAR LIFE EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM, Platinum Level Coaching for Success Driven Divas.
Do Setbacks Stop You Altogether?By V. Ivana Foster, M.Ed., Certified SR(tm) Coach, Life Empowerment Coach(aka, The Confidence Architect)Forrest Gump was right...Life IS like a box of chocolates.There are assorted flavors that are sweet, chewy, and sometimes nutty. We may not even like all of the chocolates in the box, but we have to deal with them.There are many words to describe what happens when we don’t get what we want. Some use the term “failure” but even that word is used in the wrong context sometimes. We opt for words like “setback” and “stalled.”Whatever you want to call it, these are the road bumps in life. If life was always smooth sailing, we’d be pretty poorly equipped people. The first rough patch and we’d probably be carried off in a strait jacket.Have you ever seen the hands of a farmer? His skin is wrinkled and dark from long winters and blistering summers. On his palms are thick areas of skin from tousling with ropes and equipment. Those calluses form in response to his work so that the next time, his hands will be prepared for the ropes.Setbacks are meant to function in the same way. One area where we experience setbacks is in weight loss and management. Oh, the stories we could probably tell. When the scale creeps up, we are mobilized to dig in our heels and work harder. Or, are we?With the proper help, we will bounce back.Setbacks can beat us down to where we don’t want to try anymore. It is hard to make it alone, but having someone else positive along for the ride can soften the road bumps and keep us moving in a positive direction.Some setbacks require the incorporation of a life empowerment coach to overcome. Their job and goal is to be a sounding board for you. If needed, they offer sound advice to get you going again. This person is your counterweight to keep your life in balance when it threatens to tip one way or another.Part of bouncing back from a loss or setback is putting the situation in proper perspective. You lost the race, because you didn’t practice enough or the other racers were better. Counter that setback with more practice. Even ask for tips from other racers. Look to the positive side for answers to setbacks. Write out a list of positives and negatives if you have to.Would it feel good to give up? Of course it wouldn’t. You’d harp on your loss.Getting back in the saddle as soon as possible is the key to regaining your confidence and the will to try again.As Always,Love Your Life. Achieve Your Goals. Live Your Dreams...on THIS DAY!My Heart is For Your Success,~Ivana, The Confidence Architect

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Donate for a cause!

Hello there Family and Friends,BGC, Inc. needs you to donate whatever you can to help us become successful. We have two fashion shows coming up, a wardrobe to provide for a play, and charities that need us! With every purchase made, 10% of the sale goes to charities for children, breast cancer research, and domestic abuse organizations. We need you! They need us! Let's work together and make this happen. Please email us here, via Facebook Syreeta Rios, or via email and we can send you a paypal invoice for the amount you would like to donate.Be the change you want to see in the world people!LoveS. Sahara Riosceo Big Gyrl Clothing, IncFashion for the Urban Plus
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Hey there divas, just checking in on you to see how everything is going. I am doing ok, just wondering what is going on. There have been so many celebrities dying lately, and now my Aunt Peaches and a few guys that I grew up with. It seems to be a privilege to make to 30 years old. Well my aunt was very old, but now I feel for my grandmother. She lost aunt peaches, uncle sunny, its only uncle phil and she left. Just want everyone to be safe and keep in touch with your family.On another note, I wanted to share a link with you to show support. I am a columnist for and i am focusing on the Atlanta night life. If you will, show support by reading my articles and forwarding them on to friends, family, etc. Thanks a mil and have a great week everyone! R
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A Solution to many Problems

A totally automated website for free, if its on your site you can earn from it. Money down Home Loans Fundraising Services Financial services~Are you in debt, have tax issues, in danger of losing your home, have credit problems,want to buy with nothing down, have wage garnishments, if you ansered YES we can help
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Are you happy?

Are you happy? I mean really truly happy. Now I'm not talking about perfect, I mean we all have ideas about what could make our lives better. I'm not talking about being content either. I am talking about genuine happiness. Before you answer that question, I want you to think about two things:1. How do you define happiness? What does it really mean to you?2. What makes you happy?Now, based on the answers to those questions, are you happy?If you say yes, GREAT! That means that you are on the right track. Now what are you going to do about it? That's right, how are you going to maintain it? How are you gonna take it to the next level?If the answer is no, then my question for you is the same: what are you going to do about it?Let's face it, happiness is a choice. Just the same, success is also a choice. Not just one choice, but a series of choices. A process. The bright side is that you are never too young or too old to change direction and get busy. You can decide today, right now, to be happy and successful.Take a second and think about it. Let me remind you that it is going to be a challenge. It's gonna take some hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Remember, anything worth having is worth the sacrifice it takes to get it.Whatever you dream of doing, no matter how wild or far fetched it may seem to others, is possible.Microsoft was a dream to Bill Gates at some point, and what do you think his friends and family thought? I mean computers were not even commonplace. And Al Gore's family and friends must have though he was all types of crazy. He had a dream of using computers to allow people to communicate and connect all over the world, instantaneously. Thus the birth of the Internet. Where would we be if he was afraid to dream?As my dad always says "Dreamers built the world."The first step in Discovering your Dreams is to really think about what those dreams are.Your Homework:* Get a 2 spiral notebooks, or a legal pad and a spiral notebook. See you next week.* Come back next weekend for the next step in the process* Comment below and tell me:What do you dream of doing? What do the people in your life have to say about that?You can subscribe to this blog at www.discoveryourdreams.blogspot.comFollow us on twitter at
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Come take part in this great opportunity.Tampogo is designed to be simple to use.No Registration fees and no membership feesTampogo offfer amazing products individuals use everyday at unmatched prices. Each product purchased provides an immediate payment to the Network Partners.It offers Network Partners and Non-Profit organizations the opportunity to develop a significant income stream.And a starving child somewhere in the world will be fed for a week everytime an item is purchased through Tampogocheck it out at http://www.tampogo.comTo enroll use member id :NP10905
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5 Ways to Create the Life You Want!

Who are you and what is it that you want out of life? These are questions that we should all seek the answers to and examine frequently. It is when we are honest about what we are feeling and what we want to experience that we can begin to live a more fulfilled life.As I experience the blessing of getting older, one of the biggest lessons I have learned is that the more authentic you are with yourself the more meaningful and joyful life becomes.My grandmother use to say, "If you live long enough you will have problems and challenges, good times and bad times". Of course, when I was younger the true meaning of that statement didn't give me an "ah-ha moment", but now that I have lived life a little longer I now welcome those wise words.Life becomes more meaningful when you know what your vision is and the choices and decisions you make are all contributing to the fulfillment of that vision. Yes, it will take hard work, persistence and a focused mind-set and you'll deal with obstacles and challenges along the way, but learning to overcome them and creating the life you want is worth it!We must learn to become authentic with ourselves by discovering who we are, what we like and what we don't like. We must be willing unveil all of our dreams and goals and love ourselves enough to embrace and accomplish them.We must stop hiding behind excuses and find the courage to create the life that we really want!Here are five ways to get started:1. Ask yourself,"What is it that I want out of life?" Sounds simple right? Well, it's not a simple question and don't be surprised if you really don't know!2. Ask yourself, "What is it that I don't want out of life?" This might be easier to answer than the first questions and can often help you with discovering what you do want.3. Write your vision. Where do you see yourself in the next 3 to 5 years? What will you be doing and experiencing? What's most important to you to accomplish in life?4. Identify the skills you will need to be successful. Personal development is the cornerstone of success and if you don't work on areas that need improvement in your life - you can't create the life you want. Commit to spending 45 minutes daily on personal development.5. Surround yourself with positive thoughts, people, places and things. "You are what you take in." The negative influences of television, friends, family and others can all have a negative impact on you and it can cause you to loose focus on what's really important in your life. Make a commit to surround yourself with things that contribute to you having a positive and joyful experience.Life really is what you make it and you have the choice to make it a joyful one or one that is full of despair, fear and mediocrity. What will your choice be?About the Writer:Trina Newby is founder of Women About Biz an online small business education and connection network just for business women. For more than 20 years, she has helped thousands of women start and grow their small business.
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Passion Between the Sheets of Life, Book One: “An Open Heart”

Book One: ”An Open Heart” of my trilogy, Passion Between the Sheets of Life, is now available as an eBook for purchase on my website:, the book is now also available in hardcover!
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New Book Club:Our Featured Writers for the Month of June are all Pastors:1. Dr. Bill Winston “Transform Your Thinking, Transform Your Life”.2. Apostle John Barton “It’s Time to Start Living”.3. Pastor Andre Butler “Not In My House”.***Please read the Blog Post for these Authors and buy the books... they are all phenomenal; truly life changing!New Ministry:Destiny Daughters is a branch of Women of Destiny, LLC which enhances our parenting skills and assist our daughters in healthy development and transitioning that they may grow into healthy, whole adults. Stay tuned for future meeting schedules.Website Changes:Women of Destiny, LLC “Purpose-Minded to Promise” has had a facelift. Keeping it simple and straight to the point and yet the message sounds LOUD AND CLEAR! Check us out at http://www.p-mtp.comI AM EXCITED TO INTRODUCE OUR UP AND COMINGBLOGTALK RADIO SHOW!!!RECLAIM YOUR LIFE! begins in July, exact date... to be determined. Stay tuned for updates and listen in for biblical ways to naturally live your life abundantly. Write me with ideas after reading the blog entitled“Reclaim Your LIFE”.LOOK FOR MY FIRST PUBLISHED BOOK OF POETRY IN 2010.~Check out Poetic Expressionism on my Poetry Page. Schedule ME for YOUR next event!~I look forward to hearing from you in all venues and thank you in advance for your continued support for truly THIS MINISTRY IS FOR YOU (US)!!!We walk in wholeness together as 1 BODY IN CHRIST!!God Bless You,Debra P. Declouet
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Negativity, Doubt, and Rebellion – this behavior is more than annoying. It is destructive, counterproductive, and primarily hindrances. The term commonly used to refer to this type of behavior is pessimism. The pessimist has a tendency to only see, anticipate, and emphasize the bad, the unfavorable, the problems. Pessimists tend to question, complain about, or criticize rather than offer contributions towards productivity, can do attitudes, or offer solutions.How can we work towards a shift in this behavior?Read More...
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If you are looking for a way to drop up to 3 dress sizes in 10 minutes without the hassle of diets,pills or surgeries then this is for you.The Body Magic is a reshaping garment by Ardyss International. Ardyss offers you this extraordinary garment specially designed for every woman wishing to look and feel better.For those times when…• You have a date and would like to wear that dress that does not fit you anymore,• You don’t feel well about your body and weight,• You don’t have enough time to work out,• Or you just want to look more beautiful everyday for that special person.Ardyss has created Body Magic to help you to have that perfect body you wish!You won’t believe it yourself!
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One of the biggest frustrations in internet marketing is that you have to sell thousands of $10-$20 ebooks each year in order to make a full-time living online. The logistics can be pretty daunting.There are a few ways to get over this hurdle.1. Reach more people. (Get more customers.)2. Write more ebooks. (Offer more low end products.)3. Offer a higher-end product or service that your existing customers can pay more for. (Charge more for... something.)Many people flinch at the third option. The thought of putting together a huge course or a big DVD package that they can sell for $100 or more sounds like a ton of work.However, in Jimmy D. Brown's usual way, he's found a way to help marketers earn more with their EXISTING business. That's the part that I love about this. It doesn't even entail setting up a new website. You can just add this to your current business and multiply your income immediately.what is it?Coaching. Personal one-on-one e-coaching.Jimmy's been doing this for years. And, every time he offers coaching, it sells out.Unfortunately, he found that offering email coaching can have a few problems. The main one is, of couse, email deliverability. It's obviously a problem if you offer e-coaching and then don't receive emails from your customer.So, Jimmy hired a software engineer and had him design a simple online interface so that he could communicate privately with his coaching clients inside this software. He's been making improvements to that same script, and now he's making it available for purchase.The first thing you'll want to do is check out the software the site, you'll see all of the features and even be able to even read the user manual before buying.If you've been thinking of adding a high-ticket item to your sales process or offering e-coaching, it just got easy.Best wishes,Frantonia PollinsWealth & Success Coach
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Dare to Dream

Dare to Dream!Take a dare,Dare to dream,A chance on life,It’s not always what it seem,Take a step,Make things come true,Believe in GOD to see you through,One step forward everyday you will make,Reach the limit,Do whatever it takeTake a dare
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Subscribe Today!5 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Life Through Your Actions and AttitudeThis article is dedicated to the winner within YOU.Main Principle Mindset: Everyday that we Wake, ...we WIN!Given this wonderful and awesome feeling, it is up to each one of us to maintain this uplifting positive attitude that, in turn, direct us through our daily journey within this beautiful universe. Oftentimes, our words and self-talk serve as the root of our thoughts which in turns impacts our actions, those actions that cause us to maintain the winning attitude or, allow others and/or situations to take it away.Unconsciously we sabotage our own efforts to maintain the Win everyday. (Yes!...WE allow this to happen) This can be corrected immediately by making a conscious choice to keep failure at bay and to maintain that Winning Attitude regarding both our personal and professional interactions and goals.Failure is not fatal but it can be avoided when you take the necessary steps to ensure your success. Here are a few pitfalls to navigate around.1. Have a plan - Winging it doesn’t always work. In fact, if you are serious about your goals, winging it is never a good idea. Map out a strategy for getting your goals met. Now, just because you write it down doesn’t mean it is set in stone. Plans change but without one, you never really know where you are going or will end up.2. Set deadlines that you can meet - The point of setting a goal is to achieve it. The goal itself might not be easy but it can be realized if you break it down into steps. Unrealistic timelines introduce the possibility of failure into the equation. Let’s say that you want to learn to swim. Giving the goal three weeks is not going to cut it. In fact, when the deadline comes and you still can’t swim, you might just give up.3. Choose your goals for yourself - Sometimes we pursue certain goals because of someone else. It is their desire to speak French or climb a mountain but we take it on for whatever reason. If the desire to achieve is not there, neither will be the success. Lack of a motive for your goals will stop the train every time.4. Don’t do it alone - No man or woman is an island. You interact with people each day. If you are having trouble achieving a goal, ask for help in the way of support. It is hard to reach the finish line when no one is cheering for you. Find the support and resources you need for success and use them.5. Face your fears - As weird as it sounds, there is a fear of success that is going around. If you achieve this one goal, everyone will expect bigger and better things. Even if that’s not true it is the mindset of someone who fears failure. Instead of concentrating on the goal at hand, they worry about future goals that are still floating in the ether. When fear strikes, tell yourself that you will only think of the current goal and not a future that is not reality.Have you met with failure and disappointment in the past when it comes to achieving your goals? Look at the above list and see if any one of these points derailed your goals. If so, deal with the problem and get back on track.Your Life, Your Goals, Your Desires, Your Dreams...then it's Your Responsibility! A person or situation (i.e. recession) CAN NOT define you....WITHOUT Your Permission.

V. Ivana Foster, The Confidence Architect-"Realizing Beauty, Confidence and Dreams from the Inside Out."The North Star Life Empowerment Program(TM), Platinum Level Coaching for Success Driven DivasLike to Learn More? Attend the next FREE Teleseminar in The North Star Life Empowerment Program Conference Center.Choose Your Level of Investment and Commitment to Begin to Live Within Your Purpose and Passion.
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When you are going in the right direction, there's no choice to go but up! ~TNGSuccess Principles~Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.~Do NOT conform to what everybody else is doing.~Success is a predetermined job that you want to do deliberately.~People usually succeed because they know where they are going.~You are guided by your mind.~Believe and you will succeed!~You become what you think about that is why it is important to control your thinking.On Saturday, I had the opportunity to meet three inspiring and motivating females. They are all fulfilling their dreams and doing what they love to do. Because I am an Internet junkie, I ran across this event for Authors and writers and said to myself: I must attend this event! I was provided knowledge and guidance by individuals who have already accomplished one of the goals on my To-Do list of life. Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly and do everyday what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal.~Elbert HubbardStephanie L. Joneswww.stephanieljones.comAn entrepreneurial spirit and passion to serve others has guided Stephanie L. Jones through an extensive background in sales, public relations, and community service.In 2005, Jones opted out of the corporate business world in favor of an opportunity to pursue her entrepreneurial goals as a freelance publicist. She successfully designed and coordinated marketing campaigns for organizations, several best selling book authors, and for a nationally distributed women's magazine.Although highly successful in her endeavors, Jones soon took another bold step, this time to fulfill her destiny. She became an advocate for individuals suffering from the effects of child sexual abuse. Jones, author of The Enemy Between My Legs, unashamedly shares her story with audiences around the world on how she was able to overcome the effects of over seven years of child sexual abuse, which began at age five. She is known for her honest approach in dealing with sexual abuse, a subject that few people will openly discuss. She has the ability to understand and connect with abuse victims, especially teenagers and young adults. This has made her a highly sought after speaker for schools, churches, and major organizations.Natasha Munson from New Jersey, Natasha Munson never intended to write a series of books. Instead, her primary goal was to save her teenage cousin from making some of the same choices that had led Natasha to living a life she hated. She wanted to find a way to reach her heart without preaching or yelling at her. So, Natasha began writing down all the lessons she had learned in life. She wrote about everything she had endured, including every piece of wisdom she wished someone had shared with her about life, love, money and relationships.Then she realized that these lessons could help other women as well. “My goal is to empower women by helping them live lives in which they smile in their sleep, love as though they have never been hurt and create lives they love!” says Natasha. "My mission is to empower the community one spirit at a time."Lorraine Sanabria Robertsonwww.Askwifey.com Wifey from HusbandShe’s a writer. She’s written a book, Help! I’m a Newlywed… What Do I Do Now? Wife-Saving Advice Every New Bride Must Know to Survive the First Year of Marriage. She’s also written all kinds of articles — entertainment, marriage, parenting, health-related — for national magazines like Upscale, Teen People and Heart & Soul.She’s a successful public relations executive. As the former director of publicity for LaFace Records she’s contributed to the success of several superstar artists like Usher, OutKast, Toni Braxton and TLC. She also worked in higher education for the premiere women’s college for African-American women — Spelman College.She’s a mom. Her son, Miles, is seven and daughter, Milan, is five going on fifteen.She’s a daughter, a friend, a personal trainer, a chocolate lover, a runner, a movie-watcher, a reader, a NBA fanatic… and, most importantly to me, she’s a wife. My wife of nine long, loving, sometimes challenging, but awesome years (our life-changing wedding was featured on The Learning Chanel’s “A Wedding Story”). I wouldn’t trade her for anything. Anything except 50 yard-line seats to see the San Francisco 49ers win the Super Bowl… or Sade. Not really, but if you know someone who can make it happen…Everyone has talent, what is rare is the courage to follow that talent to dark place where it leads. ~Erica JongI have a "Blog spot" where I place informational, factual, and sometimes opinionated-based theories. I know for a fact you could be uplifted through the positive and motivational messages I convey. Excerpts from my book CORPORATE Chics are there as well..when you get a chance check it out!Check some of my work out on can also see what I am up to on:
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The Heart That Keeps On Beating

THE HEART THAT KEEPS ON BEATINGIt has the most important job. Wounded yet it never skips a beat. There is no gluing or stitching involved, it just continues to work, as if oblivious to attacks.It’s a wonder and many are in awe of it. It’s the pumper of life.Sometimes it’s carelessly handled and is crushed easily.Many are not conscious of its fragileness. It is the holder of emotions and takes a direct hit when trampled upon.Shattered, broken and cracked in many places, however never giving up. It’s as if it has hope that tomorrow will offer it a chance to mend itself.The actions of it are involuntary and are easily taken for granted. There can be times when one is not aware of it, yet it continues to perform its duties.It pumps life and must pump on in spite of circumstances.Second by second, minute by minute, day by day, week by week, year by year, it keeps on beating, refusing to succumb to the blows of life.Copyright © 2009Brenda Farrar-Ejemai(Author of: The Family in the Car, A Revelation)CEO, Favor Blooms, 978-1-58909-485-7
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